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An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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RJ: Sena and her village were faced with the coming of a new leader. She, among others of her kin, were potentials for such leadership. She left her tribe to act as a warrior, to best prepare herself for the coming leadership she was to claim. From the snowy lands of her tribe, she left to roam the frozen lands that would surely test her durability... Except she found much more than just snow and wild beasts in the lands beyond. Traveling through the lands, she came across a caravan driven by orcs. Several wagons were rolling by, and looking in the rear of the traveling wagons, she could see clearly that they were slavers making a rather considerable shipment of Crolian girls. She went to test her mettle against the slavers, and bested the first few who came at her, defeating them easily... >>

RJ: And then 'she' emerged. A busty woman dressed rather well and ill fit for the cold. She held a whip-like weapon with various blades along the string. She was Sena's next challenger, and fought her without the aid of the orcs. Between two warriors, this woman revealed herself to be stronger. Defeated... Sena was hauled into the slave wagon. "Hold a moment," the woman would announce. "This one is no mere scum of the frozen wastes. My Lord will wish to see her untouched." she told the orcs, and just as several were about to pile onto Sena and have their way with her, she was left alone... For now. >>

RJ: Now, she was traveling, tied with rope, with this skilled woman at the head of the wagon. "What is your name?" the woman asked, seeming rather indifferent as to whether Sena answered with truth or not.

RJ: (The woman in question: (Link: )

Aust: Father was finally getting up there in years. He was still the ever competent warrior he was when he assumed leadership, but the tribe feared that his age would eventually weaken him and make him a poor symbol for the tribe. Sena was his eldest child and the only surviving child of her fathers first wife (He had 2, given the tribes loose rules of marriage) Her brothers died on the field and that left the remaining siblings of the second wife, of which there was 3. In order to better prepare for the trial by combat, Sena would seek to venture out and grow stronger. Bastard sword and shield in hand, she would seek worthy opponents for her steel.

And find them she would in the form of orc slavers, a target which she was pleased to find. Orcs had always pestered her tribe and the bastards took her brothers and worst of all one of her eyes, which had long since been covered by a patch. A worthy scar for a warrior of her calibur. She eagerly engaged the orcs, opting to use her bastard sword 2 handed. She was quick to slay a few opponents before a woman approached her, weilding a rather odd weapon. "I look forward to striking you down!" She taunted before battle was joined.>>

But Sena would soon find herself outmatched by the woman, who was able to dance circles around her with her exotic weapon. Sena grew weaker as the fight progressed before one final strike caused her weapon to fly from her hands. She fell to her knees in defeat, he confidence replaced by unease as to her fate. Orcs were not kind to defeated opponents. She was dragged into the wagon, nothing more then a prize for her foes. But then the woman spoke up, sparing Sena an almost certain gangrape by the horde. For whatever reason, she would be spared for now, expected to meet whoever this lord is. She wasn't sure if she should be more afraid or greatful. Either way, the prospect was poor.>>

Aust: Now bound with rough rope at the head of the wagon, the woman would seek to ask her name. Well...she did defeat her fairly. She could at least be honest with her. "Sena Hillguard. Eldest daughter of the chieftan of the Hillguard tribe." She said no more, knowing she wasn't worthy to speak.

RJ: "Greetings Sena. You may call me Ivy. That is not my true name, but one I adapted after my true name revealed itself to belong to a family of disgrace. Now, I will be frank and to the point. You attacked us, without even knowing who you were dealing with. By all rights you should be with the rest of the unworthy slaves, but I saw something in you that the others lacked. So, I'll offer this one chance to either join the slaves, or repay us for those whom you have slain." Ivy said strictly.

Aust: "My people have been no friend to the greenskins. They claimed three of my Kin and my eye. And I am personally no friend of slavers. Especially when they kidnap people of my home." She said, her position rather firm and resolute. However, she didn't stop there. "But I am also a smart woman. Before I tell you my answer, tell me this: Why have you sided with them? Humans only side with the orcs in times of duress, out of necessity or because they have something to gain. What is your reason?"

RJ: "Because we are no mere slavers. Our ambition lies with the death of the current Orc King, and we simply need numbers. We value the strong, and believe that the weak should not be treated with such kindness that the current king regards them with. But we do not seek to go on a rampage... No, it is the duty of the strong to make the weak strong as well. Those who cannot rise up deserve nothing more than to be the dirt we walk upon."

Aust: In her head, she knew nothing about this would work out in her favor. Siding with them might put her at odds with the many factions in the region. Tribes, orcs, and goodness knows what else. But siding against them would mean little more then endless rape, shame and humiliation. But given the womans words, she was not selling her on the new leader. She had to play her cards carefully. "If it means freedom, then I will help." She spoke carefully, knowing one mistake might be costly.

RJ: "Good, then perhaps you will see this new world for yourself." Ivy suggested, before Sena was taken through the snowy lands while hearing the moans of slaves being violated in the other caravans. "Is that why you attacked us?" Ivy wondered. "You believe that anyone on the losing side deserves to be saved? Even when you know nothing about them... You'd have looked like quite the fool then if you discovered that those whom you had freed were from a tribe of witches that practiced in cannibalism and human sacrifices for some illusionary idea of a god. What will result from them will not be savage practices, but children to fight for the sake of a warrior."

Aust: The noises behind her hurt the woman greatly. TO have just one chance to strike at these bastards and put an end to their plot. But she had to try. "Partially yes. You do however misinterpret my intentions. At first glance they seemed like regular women. Women of my land enslaved for sinister means. But I guess looks can be deciving." She would say but then would add under her breath "As are words." She would wiggle in the ropes for a bit. "So are you going to keep me in these things all day? They're getting quite uncomfortable."

RJ: WIth a snap of her whip, Sena was freed of her ropes. "In Crolia, there is no room for idealistic fools." Ivy said coldly. Then the wagon would roll into a rather massive orc encampment. All of the orcs here must easily go into the thousands just from what Sena saw, and could easily be more. "You will come with me to see him, our leader. You will address him appropriate of his station, Warchief Korgath." she instructed Sena, before they walked out from the caravan. Despite appearances, the orc grounds didn't seem entirely dominated by their kind. Humans, elves, and there was even an angel who seemed to be in a position of authority.

Aust: Finally free, the tribeswoman couldn't help but comment on the womans words. "Well, it's gotten me this far. I think I can go a little longer with my foolishness." Soon enough, they'd reach a massive encampment, the number of greenskins reaching a number she couldn't even imagine. But she would be given a rundown of the situation by Ivy, telling her who they would be even seeing. Korgath huh? Easy enough to remember. She would follow close behind, getting a good view of the camp and it denizines. Seems orcs weren't the only folk around here, her eyes catching sight of elves, humans and what appeared to be an angel. Well, things just got more interesting. "Seems many share your goals, lady Ivy. I must admit, I'm surprised."

RJ: "Each have their own reasons." Ivy replied. "That Lady Angel finds Korgath to be a savior of a sort. His goals seem anything but divine as she seems to believe, but he allows her to do as she pleases. No cruelty or acts of evil occur under her eye." Ivy explained. Then they'd reach a large tent of leather. It was large enough to fit a two story house inside. Walking inside... Sena may perhaps identify with him.

RJ: (Link:

RJ: Eyes glowing red, a pair of elves in chains, and an eyepatch over his face. "Ivy, I assume you have good reason for bringing this unknown woman before me unchecked." he said with a loud voice of authority.

RJ: "She was one who attacked our caravan taking in the witches, Korgath." Ivy replied simply. "After capturing her, I noticed she had potential for strength. She agreed to serve you."

RJ: "She merely spoke, Ivy." Korgath grunted. "Whether you like it or not, girl," he addressed Sena, "You must pay for attacking those under my watch. After your debt it repaid... You can crawl back to wherever you came from."

RJ: He'd lean forward, "Or, you can become something greater."

Aust: So the Angel was under the impression the warlord was some sort of savior. Ivy followed with a rather scathing addition, with which Sena could only scoff at. Maybe she'd try and work with the winged one. It was her best chance for some normalcy around here. However, more pressing matters were at hand as they arrived at the warlords massive tent. And right away she could see a glaring similarity.

The woman and orc would begin to have a rather lively discussion, with her being the topic. Today had taken a rather interesting direction and she could only guess where it would go from here. But now she was being addressed by the warlord, which she took the appropriate measure to address properly. "I understand I have hurt or killed some of your kin. But it was under misinformation that I decided to strike and personal pride. When you lose three brothers and an eye to a race, one tends to hold a grude. But yes, Warlord Korgath. I do intend to pay my debts at the very least. But you speak of something more. What would that be, Warlord?"

RJ: "Ivy would have me believe you have potential. I've come to have a habit of gathering the weak to make them strong. Something of a hobby." Korgath said simply. "I could make you realize that potential... I could, but often enough the answer I receive is no, unless the one I'm speaking to is in your position. Out of cowardice, they'll do anything to avoid being treated like my enemy. Somehow, you strike me as one of those people."

Aust: "And she would be right in her belief." The one eyed warrior spoke plainly. "But I am surprised you would think that of me when I have shown no such evidence. You speak as if I am some common thief or turncoat. But if that is your assumption, I will let you keep it. I do enjoy proving people wrong in the end." She smirked, showing confidence to her superior. At this point, she was unsure if her words would be rewarded or punished severly.

RJ: Korgath grumbled and rubbed his chin with one hand. "So it would seem you're an ambitious little one." he said, seeming rather annoyed than anything else. "Very well then, let's see what you have to offer." He gestured at Ivy with that. "Spar. I want to see this talent you detected." He commanded, before Sena was given her sword and shield.

Aust: The smile remained on her lips as she was given her weapons, a tribal bastard sword and a shield. Simple enough weapons, but her command over them was quite strong. She'd step back a few steps tapping the floor with the tip of her boot. "You won't be dissapoint, Lord." Banging her sword against her shield a couple times, she'd focus her single eye on her target before breaking into a sprint.. Her shield was held so that she'd hopefully block any attacks from the womans strange weapons. She'd use her momentum to strike her opponents side with a heavy blow.

RJ: "Hmm..." Korgath hummed just from watching her. The fight would end much like the one before. Ivy's defense being that of her offense, leaving Sena unable to attack properly when her whip is a constant swinging threat. "Very well. I see what you mean, Ivy. However... Sena, was it? I can see you becoming quite strong." he agreed. "However, there still remains the issue of your debt to me... I'll figure out what to do with you at another time." he shifted aside the issue. "You've done well to capture the witches and bring a prospective ally, Ivy. Treat yourself to whatever you'd like. As for you, Sena... Stay, and tell me your story. Tell me what you desire. After your debt it repaid, I will grant it in exchange for your loyalty to me."

RJ: Ivy would nod, and turn to leave, before glancing back at Sena as she'd pass. "You've caught his eye. Be careful, as he is a beast in bed." she whispered to Sena before leaving.

Aust: Once again, that damn thing...was stopping her from mounting an effective offense. She was kept at bay for far longer then she would of liked and eventually subdued. But it was still enough to get the attention of the warlord who was rather pleased with her results. He even went so far as to commpliment her strength. But the matter of her accounts still had to be settled, something she was afraid of. "Thank you Warlord, for your words. I am honored." She spoke as sincerly as she could before letting the two speak again, at least for a few moments.

Before she spoke, she heard Ivy's words, a shiver running down her spine. Great. Just what she needed to be: A target for an orcs companion/mate. THat would make this easier."My story is hardly interesting. I'm the eldest child of a tribal leader in this region. I was out training in an effort to challenge my father for leadership of my people. But I also have siblings to compete against. I had 6 in total, but three of them were claimed by orcs in various skirmishes. And another fight claimed my eye, a lucky blow from one of your kinsman. I was quick to take off his head for the eye. As you can tell, my ultimate goal is strength enough to challenge and defeat my father's rule. Nothing more. Claim my seat as the leader of my people. Not a grand ambition, but I was never one for wild dreams."

RJ: "That is all? Easily done. I can teach you how to defeat a single foe, and more." he promised. "If you're ready, we can begin immediately."

Aust: "Hmm. I always thought I was strong enough. Guess I have quite a bit to learn." She said with a little uncertainty. Well, no better chance to learn. Plus, a good way to gauge the warlords strength. "Ready when you are." She said, dropping the shield and prepping the weapon for two handed use.

RJ: The warlord in question stood up from his throne, the assorted slaves around him clinging to him longingly before letting him slip away. He'd go on his way to teaching her. He'd grab her blade directly and adjust it, changing her stance a little. "Battle is not about looking like a work of art. You must be effective, and the art will be made following your success." he told her, before using his hands to roughly adjust her body until she stood a specific way. "Now attack me." he'd command her. He still had no weapon of his own in the meanwhile, while waiting for her attack. When she would, no matter how she went to slice, his large and heavy body moved deceptively fast, before slapping her blade away with the small metal claws on his bracers. Her blade would swing back with such force that she was spun round with her back to him. "A good swing, you've strong arms, but you could swing with more skill. Try this," he'd begin... >>

RJ: ... And after several hours, when Sena would feel rather exhausted, she'd still find herself able to perform what he instructed. By placing her feet firmly into the ground, sacrificing defense, she could swing hard enough to duplicate the same force she'd have had to summon by making a much wider swing of her blade. She could split a normal man in half a second with such a technique.

Aust: At last. Her chance to actually fight something head on and not be kept at a distance by some weird weapon. She'd listen to the warlords words, sensing wisdom in what he was saying. Who could have guessed the green skins perfected something in the realm of combat. Following some minor adjustments, Sena would take a swing before watching her attack not even come close to touching the target. And before she knew it, her weapon was swatted back at her, causing her to spin unexpectedly. Good gods that was powerful. No easy foe here.>>

Aust: Time would pass and she would find herself exhausted but now able to perform the techniques she had been instructed. While never much of a defensive fighter when weilding her weapon 2 handed, this would greatly improve her striking potential and she'd be able to clean up targets much faster. Perfect. "I...I have to say..." She spoke through her heavy breathing from the training. "...I never thought I'd learn...to do something like that...."

RJ: "These are not my own techniques, but of those who've actually managed to wound me. I've memorized them by heart so that they never harm me again. If they were good enough to inflict harm upon me, then it will surely defeat the one you seek to beat." he promised. Now that the fighting was over, Sena would begin to realize that not only was she covered in sweat, but she was also damp down south. Once her adrenaline managed to cool down a bit, she'd remember ending up in a few more grapples than she perhaps would have intended with the larger man. She'd come to find that just being around him was impossibly arousing. "I didn't think you'd learn them either, given how you were looking below my belt instead of practicing."

Aust: "Then I can only guess what sort of techniques you've learned over the years. You must have quite a repotiore But I know this will be enough to subdue my father." She would try and wipe some sweat from her brow before she noticed her body was acting a little strange. She was feeling...aroused? How could hat even be possible? She never thought like this during battle. And despite getting grappled a few times, she knew that couldn't have been it. But there was only one other reason and it was standing right in front of her. "It...It wasn't like I meant to! It was an accident." She planted her weapon into the ground for a few moments before grabbing it and her shield. "Unless you have anything else for me, I'll see myself our, Warlord."

She would begin to turn around, knowing she had to put a good deal of distance between him and outside.

RJ: "You go out like that and my men will take advantage of your desire." Korgath said simply. "Sleep here and I can promise you won't be violated."

Aust: "S...Surely there is somewhere I can go! W...What about with Lady Ivy? I've seen more then a few women here who aren't slaves that I could stay with!" She was trying her hardest to surpress the feelings running through her. She couldn't show weakness.

RJ: "They all bed with me." Korgath replied flatly, seeming rather bored of Sena, and rather eager to see her make a decision.

Aust: "Fine! I guess I have no other choice! But I think some changes will need to be made around her, if you'll permit me. Some suggestions ." She again would keep a strong face, unsure if this would only aggrivate or impress tthe warlord.

RJ: Korgath merely nodded and turned away from her, walking to the back of the tent, as some slaves were stepping away from a large wooden bowl that functioned as a bath. With magic, it was heated to the point of steaming. "Your bath is ready, master..." the elven slave stated. Korgath ignored her and simply took a dip inside after removing all his armor, the sight of which would drive the arousal inside of her to stare in awe at his attractive body, green as it may be. She wouldn't notice either at the entrants to the tent. Ivy, the angel, an elf, a black alraune, and even a large oni woman walked inside among many others. They all began to strip while talking among each other, some looking back at Sena. "What's she doing here...?" the elf questioned. "Is she going to join us?" the alraune inquired. "She looks like she's leaving." the angel shrugged, before stripping down nude and vaulting into the tub.

RJ: "Shall I wash your back, Korgath~" the angel cooed, while the orc in question sighed at having to turn his head away from her resulting splash.

Aust: With at least that situation alleviated, she'd find herself debating as to what to exactly do next. The tent was large enough to hold a feast and yet she was at a loss. But that was before she heard something about a bath and seeing she warlord strip down. For a green skin, he was something to look at, her gaze not dropping for a moment. So much so she didn't notice the new arrivals. And quite a motley crew it was. Ivy was there along with the angel and a few new guests including another elf, an alarune and a large oni. And that wasn't the least of it.

Then she heard the voices of the various women, questioning her intentions. Seems they were as suspicious as the warlord was. "I...I am not leaving. I will be staying here as well. J...Just one moment." She too would follow in stripping out of her clothing. She would even untie her hair, allowing it to blow naturally. When nude, she'd cover her moderate B cup, a little lost again as to what she should do.

RJ: A succubus, one among the crew, would watch her strip with a smile. Upon seeing her stand there, she came close and put one arm around her shoulder. "Are you going to stand there and freeze? Come," she directed, before tugging Sena closer to the bath. Something about the succubus as well... Her seductive and curvy form, her full breasts and butt, so appealing despite her red skin and horns. Sena would find her vaginal juices overflowing from between her legs while around such individuals and their powerful sexuality. Brought to the bath, she'd submerge into the warm water across from Korgath, before the succubus sat right next to her. "So, new girl... You're a cute looking thing~" the succubus cooed.
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Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Aust: Before she knew it, she was acosted by a succubus. Seemed she was almost eying the warrior like a piece of meat. She would nearly jump out of her skin upon being touched, not used to seeing one such as her. "N...No. Of course not. Just....I got nothing..." She couldn't give her a reason and was thusly dragged off. Comparing herself to the red skinned woman, it was almost no contest. The succubus' body was seductive and curvy, while hers had a tomboyish look to it, her breasts and butt falling well below the demon woman.

(Sena for reference: (Link: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php...g/bbs/picture.php?albumid=551&pictureid=11641 )

The sheer appeal of the woman dragging her alone caused her juices to overflow. And this was ontop of the various other..."powerful"...figures in the room. The warrior woman just couldn't compare. She'd soon find herself submerged in the water and questioned, once again having to answer for herself. She'd brush a lock of her black hair outo f her eyes before responding "Y...You're too kind. I'm not that cute. Just a warrior with a few scars"

RJ: "No wonder her warrior potential is untapped." said the oni, "So humble. A better conversationalist than a fighter." the oni grunted, while rubbing herself up closer to Korgath as the angel on his other side did the same thing. Both were getting affectionate and sexual, before Sena was treated to the sight of Korgath's erect member in the tub. Of all the names lovers give their genitals, 'girl-slayer' seemed most appropriate. Looking just below two feet long, his green rod was thick and his sack looked like it contained a pair of balls that would require two hands to hold. It was surely lost in the liquid of the tub, but Sena felt her arousal overflowing. She was burning up with desire from all the pheromones around her. Perhaps it was true no one would attack her, but it seemed she would be the one wanting to be attacked regardless.

RJ: "Sena," Korgath suddenly spoke. "Have you never been around pheromones?" he inquired. The succubus followed up, cooing with interest. "Ooh~ She seems to have absolutely no resistance against our lewd scents~" she giggled, eying Sena like a predator, and Sena's body was more than happy enough to stir about like prey. "I promised she wouldn't be violated, so stay your lust." Korgath snapped at the succubus, who sulked.

RJ: "Bosh! If she wants to have sex, I won't mind doing it with her!" The alraune cheered. The angel meanwhile pouted at Korgath. "Why would you say that when you knew she'd suffer!?" she exclaimed. "Because she'd simply end up with the troops if I let her leave. At least she's among you instead of among my men." Korgath sighed.

Aust: "W...Well excuse me! I happen to be very important where I come from, so being able to address my people and rally my warriors is a skill I would like to have." But her anger subsided seeing the overtly secual displays being put on before her, the oni and angel rubbing and grinding up against Korgath. She was even able to catch a sight of the orcs massive member. How in the name of the gods was that even possible? Her thoughts however were greatly disturbed by her growing arousal, which had reached it's peak, her body craving some sort of attention. SHe was resisting the urge to leap on one of the women or Korgath, or just shove her hand underwater and take care of it herself.

All she could do was shake her head in response to the warlordds question, her body not use to the pheromones in the slightest. The others were having quite a time teasing her about the predicament, the alarune, and succubus having the bulk of the discussion. The demon especially was eyeing Sena like a hawk eyes it's next meal. The prospect of mating with an alarune would have seemed even strange at first, but the current situation did not require her to be picky. All she knew, was that she was being teased. But the warlord was kind enough to at least leave her hear instead of the camps.

RJ: (Resistance success) Despite it all, Sena managed to resist throwing herself at any of the others, but there was no helping it overall. The lust building would cause her mind to break, and so she'd end up playing with herself in the middle of the tub. Rubbing, squeezing, touching, it all felt good on her needy sexuality, but somehow, it wasn't driving away that firey passion. "Need some help, darling?" The succubus inquired with a wink. "We can help you with your problem~" announced a su-ku-ta woman with cat-ears, who stood up from washing herself to reveal a natural, and firm, futanari cock. The succubus did the same, as did a dark elf. Each looking eager to plow Sena... But all they needed for her to do was make void Korgath's promise that none would touch her by calling out to them herself.

RJ: su-ku-ta: (Link:

RJ: dark elf: (Link:

RJ: and succubus: (Link:

Aust: Through sheer force of will and her personal discipline, Sena was able to hold back downright attacking someone here for her own personal enjoyment. However, the lust buidling up inside of her would reach it's highest point, causing her to break, dropping all pretence of modesty. She now found herself exploring her folds and groping herself in an effort to cool the passion down, but it was having little effect. Her efforts however caught the attention of three: The succubus, a su-ku-ta and the dark elf, all of whom had prominent members she could climb on. The women were rather tempting, each of them more then enough to her.

Standing from the water, she'd first make an apology. "My lord...I'm sorry. But it's just too much and I need relief." She would then approach the trio and with her hands still exploring would tell them "Please...help me. Promises be damned!"

RJ: "Uh-huh," Korgath said boredly, before the other girls were more than happy to answer Sena's call. "Don't hurt her," the angel said, mostly to the succubus as she frowned at her. "I'll be gentle~" the succubus cooed in reply, before positioning herself behind Sena, and wrapping her hands around the needy warrior's hips. "Hmm~" she hummed, before Sena would feel the demon's member press against her anal ring. "What a tight little pucker you have~" she giggled, before bringing Sena backwards to sit in the demon's lap inside of the tub, resubmerging her into the water before the sukuta eagerly positioned herself in front of Sena, cupping her chin with one hand and kissing her on the lips. "We're gonna make cute kittens~" she giggled. Then, the dark elf, still standing, came up to Sena's side and gripped her head, making her face to the side and look at the dark elf's thick length. "You know what to do." the elf said with a dominant grin. Then, all at once, the three women pushed their lengths into Sena. The succubi's throbbing length gracefully stretched her ass, the sukuta's rod sheathed itself inside her pussy, and half of the elf's length went into her mouth before hitting the back.

RJ: "Uh-huh," Korgath said boredly, before the other girls were more than happy to answer Sena's call. "Don't hurt her," the angel said, mostly to the succubus as she frowned at her. "I'll be gentle~" the succubus cooed in reply, before positioning herself behind Sena, and wrapping her hands around the needy warrior's hips. "Hmm~" she hummed, before Sena would feel the demon's member press against her anal ring. "What a tight little pucker you have~" she giggled, before bringing Sena backwards to sit in the demon's lap inside of the tub, resubmerging her into the water before the sukuta eagerly positioned herself in front of Sena, cupping her chin with one hand and kissing her on the lips. "We're gonna make cute kittens~" she giggled.

RJ: Then, the dark elf, still standing, came up to Sena's side and gripped her head, making her face to the side and look at the dark elf's thick length. "You know what to do." the elf said with a dominant grin. Then, all at once, the three women pushed their lengths into Sena. The succubi's throbbing length gracefully stretched her ass, the sukuta's rod sheathed itself inside her pussy, and half of the elf's length went into her mouth before hitting the back.

Aust: Despite the attention she was getting from him a moment ago, this lack of concern was upsetting to the needy woman, who's only solace lay in the winged ones words. All she had to 'look forward to' was a rather painful prospect of being assaulted by 3 women. The succubus took position at her rear, the rather lewd comments both exciting and shaming the normally brash warrior. She'd gasp as she was properly positioned.

Soon enough, the su-ku-ta would position herself infront of her. She had only heard stories of the races promiscuity and now she was about to experience it first hand. She could only nervously smile as the woman cupped her chin before kissing her and making another comment. Sena? With young? Children? The folks back home would be surprised indeed.

To top it all off, the dark elf would look on the now helpless Sena with a dominant grin crossing her face. Sena could do nothing as her head was turned and she was given instruction. No way this could end well. And all at once, the trio entered Sena, the woman letting out a muffled cry as the elf's length filled her mouth. The other two would no doubt enjoy the tribal warriors lower holes, as Sena would enjoy the attention. Her body needed this.

RJ: "Mnnnn! She's sucking me in~" The sukuta moaned, thrusting wildly into Sena's needy pussy, the feeling of her long cock sliding around inside of her similar to taking care of an itch she just couldn't reach. Sena could feel herself milking the cat girl's cock for it's seed with each thrust into her body. Meanwhile, the succubus helped tighten Sena up even more with her skillful thrusts into her ass from below. The demon held Sena by her ass and lustfully thrusted into her ass with her thick red demonic cock. The unique appearance of the demons cock only added to the pleasure, as each bulb teased her ass, stimulating her further. "She really loves it in the ass~" the demon announced, while the dark elf watched all of Sena's expressions from above, moving her head back and forth quickly with one hand. >>

RJ: "She's making such a nice face." the dark elf claimed. "You put on such a dignified air, but you like to get fucked just like everyone else. Your face explains it all~"

RJ: Perhaps unfortunately for Sena, the elf was right. She was experiencing such pleasure that she was already being driven to the edge of climax within but mere minutes of getting started. Given how the three didn't look anywhere near such a climax, she would be cumming several times before they were through.

Aust: Whatever she was doing, she was doing right, according to the sukuta, something she wasn't sure how to exactly feel about. But she needed it regardless and she didn't care where she was getting it from. She could only imagine the payload the sukuta would deliver. The demon meanwhile was enjoying the warriors relatively untouched (At least until tonight) ass. The fact she could feel pleasure from this angle was just....unheard of. But here she was, the demons lustful and painful thrusts bringing tears to the womans eyes. While the members unique shaped pleasured her greatly, the snug fit made it an uncomfortable experience.

Either out of fear or desperation, Sena was looking desperate and pleading. Almost begging these three to finish. The elf used this opportunity to comment on her expression, mocking her all the while. She would occasionally let out muffled whimpers, the whole while. Her body was screaming with pleasure and she could hardly hold on much longer. But from the feel of their thrusts, this trio was far from finished, meaning this would be a long night.

RJ: The trio would fuck all three of her holes until Sena reached her inevitable orgasm. Despite most natural effects of aphrodisiac, the strange pheromones of sexuality that all three women and Korgath included emitted simply replaced her lust, making her hungry for more all over again. The sukuta moaned as Sena came, her pussy twitching over the cat's dick, but didn't halt her motions, gracefully spearing the warrior just as the other two were. As the sex went on, Sena would cum half a dozen times before noticing any progress from the three fucking her. Their thrusts became deeper and faster, while the dark elf began pushing her length down Sena's throat, causing her throat to bulge. In the midst of suffocating her, she held her length deep while the other two hilted Sena. She was filled in all three holes, full of thick and potent sperm. She felt her ass, stomache, and womb filled until there was no more room, resulting in their seed spilling out from her lips, pussy, and ass. >>

RJ: Everyone else took that as a sign to get out of the water, while the three futanari women slowly pulled out of Sena with satisfaction. "Thanks for the treat~" the succubus cooed, having sucked out much of her soul. They helped Sena out of the tub, and towards the bed, where she ended up sleeping right next to Korgath with the succubus right behind her as the big spoon. Korgath would casually get comfortable, his hands reaching down to get handfuls of both the angel and Sena's ass under the covers.

Aust: Despite her initial orgasm, Sena knew that would hardly be the last of it, given the status of her companions. All the pheromones in the air had clouded Sena and all she needed wanted was to be satisfied. Through all this, she would cum an additional 6 times before the trio finally began showing signs of their own. The elf had meanwhile proceeded to push her member so far down Sena's throat, she could hardly breath. And the two behind her hilted, meaning only one thing.

The thick seed filled each of her holes, so much so that her lower holes were spilling seed and her mouth could hardly contain the torrent. The others no doubt saw this and used this as a sign it ws time to end this. The women pulled out of her, Sena coughing to get some air. The succubus was the only one to say something, no doubt having enjoyed the meal she just partook in. She was hoised out of the tub and helped to bed, where she was placed right next to the Warlord, the demon cuddling up against her nude form. Not like she could say no at this point. The orc would then proceed to grope her ass, the woman barely able to put up any sort of resistance.

RJ: The next morning she'd wake up to find that most of the others that were in the bed had gotten up to leave. Sena was left behind, only with Korgath and the succubus, who was casually stroking her hand up and down along Sena's hip. The reason she awoke would be clear, as Korgath's large form was rousing from the bed. "We've more training to do, Sena." Korgath announced flatly. The pheromones were still affecting her, but it seemed all that sex prior helped her get used to it. So she'd still be aroused being around Korgath, especially with him nude right next to her, but she could act normally, albeit with a blush on her face.

RJ: (Sena gains 300 corruption from sex, and thusly two mutations)
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Aust: The next morning was met with the surprisng absense of the rest of the girls, the woman almost upset they were gone. However, the demon was still there and pampering the sleeping Sena. It was enough to sit her up in the bed, seeing Korgath roused as well. The effects of the pheromones still hung in the air but it seemed she had more than gotten used to the stuff. Her face was still flush, but she was not gushing like she was last night. At least she could keep it under control. "Is this going ot be it for me? Training and sex? I figured I'd be doing something more..."

Aust: (Also, I'll take Nighteyes and keen ears as mutation. Toss that up now before I forget.)

RJ: "You think you're ready to go out and do more?" Korgath inquired harshly. "You're not ready in the slightest for what lies out there. The fact that you were captured is proof that you must train before doing more, just as a child shouldn't leave their home before becoming strong. But if you want to insist on going, then you will have to bear the consequences of marching off on your own. I won't take responsibility for a fool."

Aust: "I was captured because I fought Ivy after fighting a few of your kin! Had she fought me at my peak, I might have stood a chance!" She still refused to accept her defeat "But...If you feel it's for the best, then I won't argue with your judgement. I'd rather not fall into the hands of the enemy or some greater sinsister force." She closed, hopping out of the bed, heading over to her equipment to change.

RJ: As she went to change, Korgath did nothing to dress himself. Even when she was ready to train, he remained nude. "Since you can't seem to focus on training without being overcome with your lust, we will train until you can fight even when aroused." he announced, yet still gestured at her to begin as normal. "Attack me." he said, towering over her with no armor nor weapons.

Aust: "You...You can't be serious? Not every opponent is going to let off a musk as powerful as yours!" She didn't want to admit, but she fought enemies while dressed down. A couple of bandits caught her when she was washing herself one afternoon a few years ago. Made quick work of them. But this was entirely different. "If you insist though" Gripping her weapon, she launched herself at the nude warlord, intent on at least doing something. She had to keep herself focused.

RJ: Korgath made one move forward. She'd swing, and Korgath would catch her own hilt of her blade in his hand. The close proximity left her face only a little above his genitals. The scent from it was neither pleasant nor disgusting, but went straight into her system. (Resistance check). Just standing in front of Korgath... Sena found herself sinking against him, resting her body weight against his. Fluids began to run down her legs, her body wanting to somehow fit that massive member inside of her body. Rather than fuck here then and there, Korgath merely pushed her back, causing Sena to stumble and land on her back. "We will train until you cannot be so easily persuaded." he stated.

Aust: Hoping she'd finally hit, the tribeswoman would be severly dissapointed when Korgath caught the hil of her blade. At first she was frustrated. Angry that she couldn't touch a single target when she'd proven she could before. Was everyone in this camp a super warrior? But instead, she was only met with the scent of his genitals and like before, she grew weak. Her knees nearly gave out and she fell against Korgath. Her body was ready once again. The signs were all there.

But nothing came of that. Before she knew it, she was tossed back, landing with a heavy thud. "Come hell or high water...I will beat it, damnit!" She stood herself up, and took a few deep breaths in an effort to collect herself. When she was ready, she'd make another effort to hit the large green target in front of her, distractions be damned!

RJ: Another day of training would pass... She'd slowly feel like she was getting used to what Korgath could do to her, but it still felt like such a long way. Through training with him, she'd discover he was quite multitalented, and the strongest warrior to be found. Ivy, as well as the other girls, were like his second in command, as he'd reveal during breaks when Sena was either too tired or too horny to continue. Korgath could cast spiritual magics of all kinds, knew how to use all manner of weapons (he even has a gigantic bow designed distinctly for him), and he's apparently acquired a kind of soul that demons ordinarily have. He must survive off the energy of overs, just like the succubus, and explains that such is the main reason he has a harem surrounding him. "The other reason is for pleasure." he'd chuckle.

RJ: They were resting together on the ground. Korgath sat crosslegged while it'd be perfectly excusable for Sena to lay down on her back. "Why are you so weak, sexually?" Korgath inquired. "You act as though you've never enjoyed sex."

Aust: The day passed and many lessons were had, but the best part of all this was the information she was getting. Of course, it came during the breaks where she was exhAusted or almost too horny to listen. She learned the women were something akin to his second in commands and that he himself was a rather talanted warrior and spell caster. But to top it all off, he had something of a demons soul. He thrived off the energy of others like a succubus and it was the reason he kept al those women around

She too would sit cross legged, using the time to catch her breath. But it seemed he was going to get her to talk no matter what. "C...Chaulk it up to inexperience. I only had a couple partners back home and well...despite being the chieftans daughter, the men of my tribe were rather rough with me. It's why I took to war so much better then intercourse. I saw no reason to learn anything."

RJ: "Sex can be just as much a battle as it can be for casual pleasure in this world." Korgath replied. "Some do not know the difference, and attack savagely..." Korgath grumbled, before looking down at Sena. "Do you truly want my training, Sena?" he asked suddenly. "You probably know I'm not doing this selflessly. I want you to join me."

Aust: "To each their own. I don't see it that way." At her core, she was a warrior. SHe spent much of her life training and bettering herself. Sex was only a bonus that came after the fighting. "And yes. I do seek your training, but it was only to help repay what I owe. But joining you? You saw me yesterday with the others. I could not hope to come close to their level. A human can't compete."

RJ: (She isn't saying that the training is her method of repaying what she owes.... Right)

Aust: (No)

Aust: (It's only to help her.)

RJ: "What do you think this training is for? You daft woman." Korgath sighed. "After I train you, and aid you to achieve your goal to surpass your father, I'll tell you what I've decided for your repayment." He announced, before standing up. "When you do that, and find that you can competently face Ivy, will you swear to grant my request?"

Aust: "I did not mean to offend lord. It's just been a very strange couple days. Here I thought I'd be in the slave pens, or left for dead out in the cold. but you've given me a second chance. And I'll look forward to the day I beat Ivy. One thing a warrior does enjoy is beating a persistant opponent. After all that...then yes. I will grant your request."

RJ: "Very good," Korgath replied, before getting Sena to rouse and continue fighting. The results were mostly the same, and they'd continue until dusk, when Korgath would carry Sena to rest in the prepared tub with the others. This time, she was left at peace after the initial excitement of the new girl vanished. The dark elf would inquire how Sena has been holding up against the 'sexy lord Korgath', and the oni toyed with the idea of Sena and Korgath having sex that evening, adding Sena to Korgath's harem. No matter her response, they'd get cleaned, and head to bed, as Korgath would announce his desire to spend a night with one of his women to replenish his energy after training Sena all day. He'd go to rest in bed, past the dark curtains that hid whatever happened within. >>

RJ: The oni would pat Sena's back after Korgath left to await whoever was to join him. "Only natural, eh?" she suggested. "Why not show him a little thanks~?"

Aust: More training and similar results but progress was progress no matter how she got it. The lord was even nice enough to carry her to the tub . Thankfully she was even given a reprive from the attention she got last night. She would get some questions from the dark elf. "I'm doing well enough. Could be doing better, but I can't complain." She'd shrug off the Oni's initial words, trying not to think too much about it. She just wanted to focus on the bath,which went relatively quickly. The girls were dismissed, the lord claiming that he needed to replenish his energy. Nothing wrong with that argument.

But as they left, the Oni would make a suggestion, one she wasn't too fond of. "I't not my place yet. I feel it would be paying my debts prematurely and not in full. I'd rather get it all done at once."

RJ: The oni would look rather displeased at her. "Huh, thought you'd appreciate his goodwill a little more than that." the oni replied, before moving ahead of Sena to join Korgath in the bed. The others were to wait outside until they were done making love together. While outside, but not outside the tent, an orc would enter the tent and request aid with a slave getting out of hand. "Since you can't handle Korgath, I'm sure you can handle that, new girl." Ivy directed at Sena. "Go take care of that slave, likely one of the witches I captured who doesn't understand her place."

Aust: Sena would give the oni a displeased look, only adding this much before she left. "It's about picking the right time! Not jumping on the first opportunity!" She let out an audible huff as she left to wait with the others. But before long, a situation would present itself. A slave was getting out of hand and it seemed Ivy wanted her to take care of it. "I guess I have no choice. As you command." She'd accept the job happily. "Just point me in the right direction."

RJ: The orc would nod and take Sena out of the tent. She was advised to gather her equipment beforehand though. Making her way out, she'd come to a scene of a circle of orcs looking at a single slave with her wrists bound together and a collar around her neck. She had blood going down her mouth, though it'd become clear that it wasn't her own as she'd have passed an orc that was receiving treatment. The slave had long white hair and elven ears with darkened skin. She looked slightly pregnant, and was holding a swod in one of her hands, swinging it at the crowd wildly. "Stay away from me you creatures!" the woman shouted. "I'll fucking eat the rest of you!"

Aust: Weapon in hand, she'd follow the orc and find the situation degraded rather far. A slave somehow was able to take up arms against the orc, somehow getting a sword. Most likely the wounded orc being the weapons owner. An elf from the looks of it and pregnant on top of that. Tricky bit of a mess here. She'd approach the circle, asking the orcs to seperate a little. She wasn't going to be harsh, nor was she going to go in swinging. "You know this is useless right? You're outnumbered and you have much more experienced warriors to deal with. What chance do you think you have? And what of your child? Would you throw it's life away too? Please. Stop fighting now and you may yet live."

RJ: "Why would I birth the spawn of these bastards!?" the woman shouted back. "I'll taste your flesh too!" the elf announced, psychotic and clearly working towards self-destruction as she charged at Sena.

Aust: "If you won't listen to reason, then I will have to use force." Taking her stance, she would grip her weapon with two hands. The woman was clearly untrained and looking to die. If that's what she wanted...she would have no choice but to grant it to her.She would aim to block the womans wild strike and counter if necessary

RJ: The woman look ill fitted to be using a weapon, and Sena's block actually resulted in disarming the woman easily. Given that she was called a witch, magic must have been her forte. Once she was no longer a danger, the orcs crowded around her and subdued her as she screamed, trying to scratch and bite at them. "We appreciate your aid." said an orc, before he helped drag the flailing elf away. A specific orc was called to the scene, who was immediately removing the materials that covered his loins. "You let the effects wear off, you fool." another orc scolded him. "I thought she was tame... I'll put her under control so she doesn't put the child at risk." The exposed orc said, before the elf began screaming anew, demanding the orc remove himself from her. If Sena stayed longer, she would be witness to the elf's rape.

Aust: The fight was quick, Sena having the clear edge in this situation. The fight was over before it even began and she was disarmed and subdued before she knew what hit her. Sena however would not stay plan to stay long. "I do what I can." Was all she added as she turned to leave. Something about this didn't sit right with her. She would ask anyone she found where the quietest place in the camp was. She needed a place to think. Once told, she'd head there, knowing her future may lay on her decision.

RJ: She would be directed to the angel's area, where her orcs resided. It was full of what seemed to be an entirely different crowd. The orcs were more respectful, and the women amongst them looked hardly as crazed. There was even a child running about, happily being near a fire. Upon closer examination, that child had angelic wings. "Hi!" the little angel girl greeted Sena. "Mommy told me about you. Mommy said that you were bullied when you came here!"

Aust: The change of scenery from the rest of the camp was rather stark and Sena was honestly surprised the angel had her orcs under such control. Well...she couldn't really complain and if it gave her time to think, she'd take it. What caught her eye however was the child with wings running around. The child however would make the first move and forced her to act.

"She did? Well that was nice of her. And yes, I was somewhat bullied, but I got over it. What's your name, little one?"

RJ: "Natalie! My friends call me Natz!" the child giggled. "And you're Sena. Mommy says Daddy likes you. Do you want to meet my sister? Her mommy's Ivy, and her name is Isa!" she announced, before calling out, and another little girl that might as well be the child version of Ivy came out, looking rather nervous at Sena. "This is Sena, Isa!" Natz said cheerfully. "H-hello..." Isa greeted shyly. If Sena wondered why she was scared to talk to her, she'd find that Isa was staring at her eyepatch. It seemed to make her look scary.

Aust: "Well Natalie, it's a pleasure to meet you. Yes, my name is Sena." Seemed the child learned quite a few things from her mother, including the warlords interest in her. But then she mentioned a second child that she called her sister. Shorly after, a second child arrived, almost looking like a miniature version of Ivy. She didn't have her mothers personality, something Sena actually appreciated. The child hower was a little scared of the wounded tribal warrior.

"Hello Isa. No need to be scared." She'd notice her staring at the patch, no doubt the source of the fear. "I know the patch looks scary, but I'm not mean. Especially with kids. I've always been good with them. I'm actually an older sister myself. Got lots of them back home. You think your moms will mind if I stay here for a little while to clear my head?"

RJ: "You can stay with us!" Natz replied happily, before she and Isa would sit on either side of Sena, both watching her curiosly, as if waiting for something to happen.

Aust: "Thank you. I'll wait till they come back. I want to ask them a couple things." Find a comfortable space to sit, she would stick her sword in the ground and sit down near it, sidding cross legged. The girls however would be focused soley on her, seeminng to wait for her to do something. She would take a few deep breaths to gather her thoughts but it seemed they would not leave her be. Not wanting to leave them waiting, she'd speak up. "You girls have any questions for me? You seem rather curious about something."

RJ: "... Are you going to give us another sister?" Isa suddenly asked. "Yeah. Girls who daddy likes usually give us a sister. Are you going to give us one too?" Natalie inquired.

Aust: Sena would only smile, not surprised they would ask something like this. Seems they wanted another playmate. "I'm not sure, little one. I'd like to have a child one day, to be honest. But with your father? I haven't decided."

RJ: Even though it wasn't a direct answer, the two girls seemed a little happier. Even Isa was warming up to Sena. After a time, she'd hear a voice behind her. "Oh, Sena! Goodness, there you are!" the angel appeared, looking nervous. "We thought some of the troops managed to talk you into 'playing' with them." she sighed. "Why didn't you come back? Korgath is waiting for you to come back to bed." she announced. "She can stay with us if she likes!" a pair of orc men announced. "Shut up, you two. Stop trying to seduce anything that moves!" the angel scolded them.

RJ: "... Good, she's safe." Ivy said, walking up behind the angel. "I was worried I'd have to punish the orc troops again for not knowing their place."

Aust: Sena would stand up upon hearing the angel, who seemed a little nervous at first. "Sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I just needed somewhere to relax for a little while. And it would take more then a few honeyed words to get me to lay in the bed of any of the other orcs here." Just as she said that, a pair attempted to seduce her, only to be scolded off by the angel.

Ivy followed shortly after, commenting on having to punish the orcs for one reason or another. "You don't have to worry about me. I was just passing the time with your wonderful little girls. They are a delight. But if we have other duties, I guess I can't ignore them." She stood up, pulling her blade out of the dirt. "Well girls, it's good bye for now. But I promise to come back and play with you again."

RJ: "Okay!" the girls replied happily, before running off back to the tent Isa came out from, where a female orc was apparently watching over them while their mothers kept their leader company. "We don't have any other duties... But it's late, and Korgath is already in bed while idly wondering what trouble you may have gotten into."

Aust: Sena waved, watching the girls run back to the tent. She'd have to check up on them again later. But now back to the matters of attending to their...leader. "I know, but I had to tell them something. But yes, we should go. And I hope he didn't worry too much"

RJ: "Well, if you were foolish enough to fall into the hands of one of the tribesmen, he likely wouldn't care, so he wasn't really worrying that much... Rather, I'd say he has faith you won't do that." the angel stated.

RJ: Then, they'd return to Korgath's tent, where the other girls were sleeping. Ivy and the angel went to take up the rest of the space along the sides, leaving Sena to either sleep at the foot of the bed, or crawl up and over Korgath to slip into the spot she was in before.

Aust: "I wouldn't be that foolish. No tribesman could hope to accomplish that." She boasted as they made their way back. Soon enough, they'd return, finding most of the ladies having taken up most of the space. Ivy and the angel would crawl onto the sides, leaving her to decide what to do next. Feeling she could squeeze her way in, Sena would try and sneak her way back to her spot from last night. Maybe score a few extra points with Korgath

RJ: Score a few points she did indeed. Korgath, finding Sena return to her former place at his side, would let out a slight hum of approval, before wrapping his arm around her. The warmth of his body soothing her from the cold of the outside air, while his alluring sexual scent hit her once more, the kind that just seemed to drive women crazy around him. It was stronger now, likely because he just finished fucking the oni, who looked rather out of it. As she'd fall asleep, Sena would feel Korgath's hand slowly rubbing her side, going from shoulder to hip. He looked asleep, so he seemed to be doing it naturally, on top of that... It was soothing enough to put her to sleep faster... >>

RJ: Sena would awake the next morning from a rather erotic dream. Contrary to the night before, she was on the bed in which she slept in, and that of the same bed she knew the oni was plowed upon. Laying on her back, she had Korgath on top of her, and their lips were locked together. His huge and bulky form taking such tender care not to crush the smaller woman. Her loins were as wet as always when around him, but he didn't answer either of their calls for satisfaction, even as she felt his massive rod press against her body. They kissed and embraced one another, with Korgath rubbing against her, teasing her, before their lips parted. He looked about to say something... Before she suddenly awoke, and would immediately find she had made a mess of the sheets due to her wet dream.

RJ: Korgath was rising, which woke her this morning as it did the last. He looked just as stiff and sexually exciting as before, as if they had just left that dream together. He looked back to Sena on the bed wordlessly. Another day of training.
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

RJ: The day proceeded as normal. More training, and more suffering of Korgoth's lewd nature. As a change of pace, Korgoth would suddenly reveal that he had to leave camp to go somewhere. "Another potential ally," he'd claim. "Stay here in the tent and wait until the effects of arousal leave you. You'll learn why if you walk out like that amongst the troops." he cautioned Sena, before leaving the tent without a single missed step. Should Sena choose to stay, she'd have a visitor to the tent. It wasn't someone who came from outside, but someone who was inside all along.

RJ: (Link:

RJ: Rather lewdly dressed, and quite possibly the most attractive woman Sena had seen yet. "Greetings, welcome to the pig pen." the woman said rather insultingly regarding Korgath's tent.

Aust: Another day working on more combat trials, working to try and build her resistance. Of course, the results were similar and the day would end in a rather mundane fashion. Korgoth would eventually leave to pursue another potential ally, leaving the tribeswoman to her own devices in order to cool her heels. Much like the day before, she would find a place in the tent to sit and gather her thoughts.

But before she could get too deep into her reflection, a rather lewdly dressed woman would enter, making some harsh comments. Ones she could agree with to some extent.. "I'll be honest, that's the second nicest welcome I've gotten the past couple days. What's your story?"

RJ: "I'm just a fallen warrior, meant to bow before the victor." She replied, and despite having said such a thing, she didn't seem to be at a loss for pride. "You look the same. Defeated, and now meant to serve your new master?"

Aust: "You couldn't be more right. Attacked one of their caravans and got myself beaten by that Ivy woman." She'd sit up and dust herself off. "Sena Hillguard. Eldest of the Hillguard clan. I too have been more or less pressed into service to save myself from the pens. Glad to have someone I can call kin. Orcs, dark elves, angels, spiders, demons...I never had to deal with this until now."

RJ: "Nor have I. Thuogh tell me, did you meet a girl by the name of Kavika out in the snowy wastes?" she inquired. "My name is Svana, and Kavika is my daughter you see."

Aust: "Kavika? No, I can't say that I have. I've been here the past couple days and prior to this, I was primarily chasing leads on bandits and other dangerous targets. But I didn't run into anyone by that name. Has she gone missing?"

RJ: "No," Svena chuckled. "I imagine she's doing quite fine. She's to inherit my legacy you see. I used to be quite possibly one of the greatest mortal warriors in the world, at least as far as I knew. But then I was trapped by tradition of my people. A lecherous man from my village poisoned me before our fight, and if a man bests a woman in combat, he may keep her as a wife. He weakened me, and took me down before planting a child in me. I became a mother, and discreetly did away with the man who had cheated, since the elders were bribed by him to deny any evidence of his foul deeds. Freed, I was able to raise Kavika as I intended, rather than let the father make some whore out of her most likely. Being a mother took it's toll, as I normally would have been able to beat that mutant, Korgoth." she growled.

RJ: "He came to my village and offered that we either ally with him or sell him some of our men and women in exchange for not facing his wrath. Naturally, I choose to refuse him on all accounts. I killed hundreds of his men through brilliance and strategy, before he came to the battlefield himself and fought me. He barely won too," she sighed with disappointment. "Now he's trying to make me assist him. The only reason I have to refuse is that I dislike him. I'm also bound by my honor, a fool woman who swore she'd give herself to a man who proved himself stronger. I got him rather furious one time by tossing a few ill remarks his way, so he used this odd medicine he happens to be able to mass produce. As some kind of cruel joke... It seems to be able to weaken even one such as I to be weaker than even the common orc. Now I'm obligated to service every orc in his army."

RJ: "So, I hide here," she said simply.

RJ: "Though don't get me wrong, it's just an annoyance. I'm not some feeble girl that breaks down at the thought of an orc stuffing himself into me... To be honest, Korgoth is actually pretty good."

Aust: Sena listened to the womans story. She was almost honored to be sharing time with a rather powerful warrior. Sena's village and people tried to keep out of the affairs of the other groups in the area, in fear of getting roped into larger conflicts. She was shocked to hear of such a sinister betrayle and exploitation of tradition and the weak willed individuals that ran the tribe. It's why Sena's had a single leader who was proven by combat rather then age. True experience came from command on the field. But out of her story, she at least got a child she was able to raise her own way, even if the means were less then adaquete.

However, her entrence to this camp was quite different from Sena. She fought that bastard and should have won by all rights. And now this once proud woman was forced to serve him, much like she was, because of their sense of honor. In the end, the womans words nearly damned her. Poisoned once again, she now has to service the army in the worst way possible, which drives her into hiding.

"It's why I'm here as well. He has me training so that I can challenge my father in single combat. My people choose their leaders by combat trial. Anyone who can beat my father in single combat becomes the new chief. I'm his eldest and thus most likely to succeed. But this little...setback...puts a damper in those plans."

She needed to add that before allowing her to continue. Seemed she too was charmed in some way by their glorious leader. "I can't say I agree with you, but he's taken an unusual interest in me after I agreed to aid him. He says I have...debts to pay. Hopefully he won't come to collect soon. Hopefully he'll give me time."

RJ: "Well, it's too late for you." Svana said simply. "You're right in the palm of his hand. He's training you so that you will be useful to him, and there really isn't too much you can do, other than perhaps flee from Crolia and never return."

Aust: "Leave?! Never. There has to be some other way...But damnit...I can't think of it. I'm bound by my word and I can't go back on it... Fuck!" She cursed, clearly frustrated in this scenario. She had too much here waiting for her and she couldn't just leave. This was a damn mess.

RJ: "Well then, best make yourself comfortable," Svana said with a smile, wrapping one arm around Sena's shoulders. The lust from before was still present, causing Sena's heart to beat faster due to the proximity of such a beautiful woman. "Though, I imagine my daughter will bring ruin to him soon enuogh. She's a much greater leader, I assure you." Svana winked.

Aust: "Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!" She kept up her string of curses before the woman tried to calm her down. Thanks in no small part to the lust she was feeling, Sena couldn't help but enjoy the attenton. "A...and when your daughter does show up...will she show us mercy? I'd rather not let my pride and oath be the death of me serving someone I had no choice to serve."

RJ: "Probably," was the only comfort Svana offered.

Aust: "It's not like I betrayed my people willingly...If I had the chance I'd still be fighting. But that damn woman..." She kicked up a cloud dirt before facing the woman. "At least it's nice to have such a lovely woman to talk to. It beats all the beast and supernatural creatures."

RJ: "The angel is also quite nice." Svana announced. "Though at least you're accomplishing what you want. Korgoth will give you what you desire, so long as that doesn't include leaving his service." Svana declared. "If I decide to obey him, I'll get to walk around without being violated, and I'll get to see my daughter again... Though, I'll be attacking her in such a case." Svana hummed. "Well, I suppose I'll comply after all. Shame on my daughter if she cannot even defeat me while setting out on this endeavor. And if she captures me, I'll get to spend some quality time with her~" Svana chuckled.

Aust: "Yes she is. And her daughter is quite nice as well. As is the child of that Ivy woman." She couldn't help but agree with that assumption. She was getting to reach her goal, but it wasn't quite in the manner she expected. "It's not like I have a choice to leave his service..." She added with a grim tone in her voice.

The woman continued, saying something that elicited a chuckle from both women. "Well, maybe you could get tht chance. Either way, you get to see her. I doubt I'd be granted that chance. But...who knows? It might not be all bad. Right?" She spoke, trying to find some bright side in this potentially grim situation.

RJ: Svana slapped Sena's back. "If you're going to talk like you're about to face the noose, then face it. I'm trying to keep myself amused while I'm here, even if it means banging Korgoth, understand? Try to focus on something good, or find something good out of this 'bad situation' we're both in. If you don't, you'll seriously go insane."

Aust: "Geh! OW!" Sena screamed as she was slapped. "Look I'm sorry damnit. The only positive things I've gotten out of this was spending time with the children. And meeting another of my kin. I can honestly say I appreciate the attention, ma'am despite my words. Anything I can do to entertain you? The lord is going to be gone for some time if memory serves. He's gone searching for another ally from the sounds of it."

RJ: "Then go see the children," Svana shrugged. "Oh, right," she gestured at Sena, noticing she was in danger of horny orcs like that. "Ah well.... Wanna fuck?" She shrugged again.

Aust: "I...I would if I could but my lust is a little over the top." She added before Svana noticed it as well. "W...Well...If you're offering, I guess I can't say no. P...plus, it'll calm me down. That damn man drives me up a wall with lust. "

Aust: Edited previous message: "I...I would if I could but my lust is a little over the top." She added before Svana noticed it as well. "W...Well...If you're offering, I guess I can't say no. P...plus, it'll calm me down. That damn orc drives me up a wall with lust. "

RJ: Svana chuckled, before leaning towards Sena and kissing her. Her tongue dipped past Sena's lips, touching against the eye-patch warrior's own while one of her hands went to Sena's breast, gently rubbing to tease her nipple.

Aust: Sena would not put up much resistance, even going so far as to play with the womans tongue. Her eyes were clenched tighly as the woman groped her, but she was able to move her hands behind the womans back, stroking it up and down. Sure she knew how to have sex with a man, but a woman was an entirely different story.

RJ: Svana would grip Sena's hand as it touched her back, and brought it forcefully to her own breast, encouraging Sena to return the favor. "You're a hardcore bottom, aren't you." Svana chuckled, before giving Sena a few more kisses, and taking her top off to let her bountiful breasts bounce free.

Aust: Sena would yelp athe woman took control of her hand and bringing it to her breast. Knowing enough, she'd begin to knead and massage it, almost missing the womans question as she tried to focus. "B...Bottom? N...No... Of course not!" She said, trying to stay strong. She'd also begin to remove her armor, taking off the upper portion as well and showing her modest bust to the woman. Again, she was almost dissapointed with her body when sized up against the other women she's seen so far.

RJ: Svana laughed at her response. "Then what are you going to do when Korgoth announces that he wants to claim you? Are you going to mount him, or let him do the honors?" Svana inquired, teasing at Sena a little more before pushing the girl onto her back, locking lips with her again, not even hearing her answer.

Aust: "Y...Yes! I will! I won't be controlled by anyone!" She continued to speak proudly despite being topless before she was pushed to the ground and kissed by the older woman. She was really out of her league with this woman, but she would try to keep pace, pushing back against the woman and keeping one of her hands moving on the older womans breasts.

Aust: Edited previous message: "Y...Yes! I will! I won't be controlled by anyone!" She continued to speak proudly despite being topless before she was pushed to the ground and kissed by the older woman. She was really out of her league with this woman, but she would try to keep pace, pushing back against the woman and keeping one of her hands moving on the older womans breasts. She would prove she wasn't weak.

RJ: Svana simply let that be that, and continued to kiss the girl below her. Svana would begin to work her hands at Sena's belt to undo her pants. Once free enough, not even fully undone, she'd dip her hand inside, and begin petting her fingers along Sena's folds, gently rubbing her clit.

Aust: Sena knew she was at least doing somethig right, but the woman would push forward, undoing the lower part of her armor. Sena would continue working Svana's chest pinching her nipples in the process. She would squirm underneath the woman however as she began petting her folds and playing with her clit. Sena would cry out, breaking the kiss momentarily and giving her a chance to catch her breath. Before returning to the kiss, she would only whisper "More."

RJ: "That's what a bottom would say," Svana cooed, before jerking Sena's pants all the way down and throwing them away and then removing her own remaining clothes and climbing on top of Sena. She lifted one of Sena's legs and got herself between them, until their slits were touching one another. Even though Sena had the pheromones from Korgoth to help her, it seemed Svana was equally moist. She made a few rough thrusts first, causing Sena to feel a rush of pleasure. She'd let Sena remain like that for a moment, let her become hungry for more, before she'd begin moving again, thrusting her hips and rubbing their sex together as the powerful woman let out soft moans.

Aust: Sena couldn't muster a comeback for the older warrior as she stripped the pair down completly. She couldn't quite figure out why she couldn't muster any sort of strength or resistance when it comes to sex. Maybe under her strong face, she just wanted somone over her. A crippling weakness in the right hands.

Soon enough, the woman would position herself between the younger warriors legs. The other woman would begin thrusting, not unlike what a man would do, their slick slits rubbing each other and sending a rush of pleasure through sena and a shiver down her spine. The woman would even stop for a moment, Sena looking at Svana in a pleading manner. She'd thankfully continue and Sena would cry out, much like the older woman taking the lead. She'd attempt to stifle herself by biting down on one of her knuckles.

RJ: Svana kept up the pace for a moment, thrusting even faster as Sena showed that it was too much for her without letting out her voice. Svana leaned forward and began suckling on Sena's breast, her moans causing further vibrations of pleasure against her pink point before she let it go with a wet pop.

Aust: If anything could be said, it could be that the older woman knew her stuff and was exploiting the inexperience of the younger warrior. Sena would continue to try and hold her voice in as the woman suckled her breast. Damn this woman! Sena could only put up a token resistance in trying to thrust back against the woman but knew it was for naught. After the woman let go, Sena would howl out as her body shivered out in orgasm.

RJ: Svana moaned louder as she thrusted faster, grinding their hips together as well as their moist nethers and slipping easily against one another while doing so. When Sena finally showed that she had cum, Svana let out a simple chuckle before climbing up and over the other warrior's face. "Pledge to the victor~" she cooed, putting Sena's lips against her hot folds and pressing her face against her dirtied crotch.

Aust: Her resistance al for not, she just had to grin and bear the faster thrusting of the woman. And her orgasm had shown her weakness to Svana, who now climbed up and thrust her snatch into the now defeated Sena's face. Knowing that resisting might only result in more shame, Sena would begin lapping at Svana's folds. This may not have been the farthest she would fall, but it as close.

RJ: Svana would moan rather pleasantly, petting Sena's head and treating her like a pet. "There's a good girl..." she'd coo. When Sena would dip her tongue along Svana's hole, she'd taste something bitter. "Clean me..." Svana moaned. "I've still got some of those orc's cum inside me..." she announced, revealing that Sena was tasting the remains of an orc's spunk that was released inside of the fallen warrior.

Aust: Sena, in her shame, was almost on the verge of sheding tears. The degredation just continued to pile on. Now she was being treated like some damn animal! Before long, she noticed the bitter taste followed by the older womans announcment that she still had orc cum still inside her, meaning she'd have to be the one to do it. Wasting no time, she'd begin removing the seed, a weak whimper escaping her lips.

RJ: "Sorry, but you'd best get used to the taste." Svana said to the whimpering girl. The cum would slowly flow into Sena's mouth, and stick to her tongue. Only able to get some out, she'd be forced to swallow some of it just to get the gooey cum somewhere other than filling up her mouth. Suddenly, Svana would shudder, and a rush of fluids would flow into Sena's mouth, as well as a little more orc cum, seemingly the last of it. When Svana lifted herself off, Sena could feel the mixture of vaginal fluids and orc cum on her face. "Thanks, love. Feels rather nasty having all of that inside." Svana thanked her, patting her belly.

RJ: "Just be glad I didn't make you clean out what they spurted into my asshole."

Aust: Her complaint heard and mostly ignored, she was only given cautionary advice before she would finally taste the disgusting substance still in the woman. SHe would swallow almost right away in an effort to at least keep it fromfilling her mouth. But before she could rest, Svana would cum herself, sending her own fluids and the remaining of her guest into the unsuspecting Sena.

The woman thanked Sena, the younger woman not taking her defeat well. "Of course. I'm greatful you didn't. Given everything else that's happened, I'm actually surprised."

RJ: "You sure are a princess when it comes to sex..." Svana sighed. "Toughen up a little."
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Aust: "Well excuse me. My third partner was that cat woman and prior to that, my only partners were men. I didn't quite get a chance to learn all the subtleties of this affair. So...I get scared."

RJ: Svana shrugged at Sena. "So if I beat you up over and over again, you'll stop wanting to fight?" she inquired. While fetching a bottle hidden under some covers, it seemed she was serious about seeing if that would work.

Aust: "N...No! Could we just drop the subject please? I'd rather not think about it anymore. What's done is done." She stood herself up, finding a stable surface to sit on and something to wipe her face.

RJ: "Just trying to toughen you up. If you cry in a place like this then there's no hope for you. You'll end up like those girls that don't move anymore."

Aust: "What are you looking to do then?! How would you "toughen me up?" I'm as strong as I need to be where it counts and I don't need anything else!"

RJ: "Alright, so I guess you can handle Korgoth's giant dick. I'll leave you to that." Svana said, drinking from her hidden bottle, before burping. "Ah, that's the stuff."

Aust: "I'm willing to hear suggestions. Especially if you really think it'll help! I mean, we have as much time as we need until Korgoth comes back. Plus, it's not like anyone else can come here anyway. We have the whole tent to ourselves." Sena was truely baffled by this woman. She was starting too get frustrated.

RJ: "Do you want help or not?" Svana asked, bonking Sena over the head with her jug. "And we don't have the tent all to ourselves. Korgoth's son can come and go as he pleases, which he sometimes does."

Aust: "OW! Would you stop hitting me!? Yes, I want help, especially if you're offering. And I didn't know he had a son...That could be very problamatic...especially in our given state of dress. But yes. If you want to help, I'll take it."

RJ: "Kay, good. When I say something from now on, don't complain." Svana said harshly, before passing Sena the jug she was drinking from. It smelled like impossibly powerful alcohol. "Drink some."

Aust: "Are you sure this..." She stopped herself in her tracks knowing objection would get her hit again. Without any questions or hesitations, she'd grab the jug and take a quick swig, knowing full well the powerful smell meant the drink was very strong.

RJ: One swig, immediate unconsciousness. Sena would next awake laying on her back, while receiving a lap pillow from the angel. The red haired angel was petting Sena while scolding Svana. "You'll kill her with alcohol poisoning, you impossible drunk!" she cursed. "Not my fault... Such a light drinker."

Aust: Before she knew it, the drink caused her to pass out within seconds. She'd wake up on her back, lying on the lap of the angel. She smiled up at the red haird angel, who was in the middle of scolding out her kinsman. She'd let the two argue for a moment before interrupting. "A little warning would have helped. You said to not complain, so I didn't and drank. Back home, I could handle my drink quite well. This stuff was meant for something other than humans."

RJ: "It wasn't meant for lightweight humans. If all you drank was close to water, then I can see your lack of tolerance." Svana stated. "SHE COULD HAVE DIED." the angel scolded loudly. "She didn't." Svana argued. "I HEALED HER." the angel shouted. "It all worked out then." Svana shrugged, before suddenly punching Sena in the stomach. It was a powerful punch, but somehow it didn't hurt as much as it should have. "What... WHY ARE YOU HITTING HER! I will put you down myself you rabid dog!" the angel growled. "Didn't hurt, did it?" Svana inquired.

Aust: "Hey, my people brewed some strong mead. Drank it to celebrate every victory." Was all she could add before the angel interrupted in a very loud tone of voice. She wanted to interject, but she couldn't and she had to let the two hash it out as best they could. But before she knew it, Svana gave Sena a swift but powerful punch in the stomach, garnering a rather threatening response from the angel.
She only let out a slight grunt but other then that, it was fine. "No. Or at least not as much as it should." She took a few deep breaths before talking to the angel. "Lady Angel, I'm fine. I appreciate the concern and the aid, but you don't need to harm Svana. That hit barely hurt."

RJ: "It didn't hurt for the worst reason! I... Ugh!" The angel got up and walked away, letting Sena's head slip to the floor, albeit gently. "Gotta trust me." Svana said simply.

Aust: Being let down gently, she was a tiny bit upset the angel was so bothered by this. It all worked out in the end. "H...Hey! Wait! Just calm down!" She tried to call out to get her attention, but she was gone before she knew it. "Damnit." She sat up, facing Svana. "I did. And this is what happened. So now what?"

RJ: "Not sure yet. I'll have to think of something else that's life threatening to toughen you up." Svana said simply.

Aust: "Maybe you should think it over. And make it less life threatening just this once. I doubt the angel will want to come back after that. She may very well follow up on her threat."

RJ: "Meh," Svana replied. "You at least need to be somewhat resistant to death. My daughter will likely just step right over your corpse if you're pathetic enough." Then, she looked like she got an idea. "I recall hearing about goblins in the area. Go kill them, get some skulls under your belt."

Aust: "I can hold my own, thank you! I've crossed my fair share of blades with orcs and humans alike and I'll give her a run for her money, that's for sure." Sena boasted. Her eye was proof of her experience and she wasn't about to let people forget it. "Goblins you say? Easy enough. Just let me get all my equipment." She would make her way over to her armor and would begin putting it back on. "How many could there possibly be?"

RJ: Give a run for her money. Those words suddenly made Svana give an uproar of laughter. "Such bold words! Ha-ha-ha! Though perhaps extremely foolish! I now expect you to pass a trial my daughter was able to pass, do you think you can handle it? My daughter easily handled mere goblins, but there's one tribe of goblins I know of that has a strong leader. Korgoth hasn't rid of them because there would be no gain from it, so I think it'd be a good trial for you!" Svana boasted. She slammed her foot down, and vividly described the directions to the likely location of the goblin's location. "I'll set out to rescue you in a week. That should give you plenty of time to taste failure!"

Aust: "I'll pass the trial! And I'll surpass it! I'll put your child to shame and I'll rub it in your smug face!" Sena finished putting on her armor and grabbed her sword. She would go two handed and she'd cleave every single bastards head off. At the very least, Korgoth ignoring the tribe meant she'd have them all to herself. And the more heads she brought back, the more she could rub it in. Taking in the direction, she'd silently repeat them in an effort to remember them. Then Svana added one final detail, as if to rub in the potential humiliation. "Don't count on having to send it! I'll be back with plenty of time to spare! I'll show you that I'm more then a match for that brat of yours!"

Aust: (Just aassume she left after that.)

RJ: With a storm, Sena left the tent, and out into the cold. The orcs of the camp would watch her leave, though they acted as if they heard what went on inside the tent, so did not bother her with their sexuality like they had been doing. "Good luck, don't get fucked." said one orc. It didn't spur a round of laughter, rather it just seemed like he was wishing her off with good luck. Through the camp she'd walk, and for a good while too. The camp was huge, and countless orcs were within, as well as many others. Some of the men and women about were obvious slaves, but it seemed others were not, as Sena would see a group horsing around, a human male headlocking an orc woman... And based on what they were saying, that was him somehow courting her. Eventually though... Sena would end up in the snowy wastes, with the goal of the goblins a good day's travel to the west. After reaching her destination... She saw a large rock formation. That was the sign that she had found their hideout. >>

RJ: In the middle of the snow, there was a large series of rocks that seemed so jagged and complex that it was no doubt a maze that would confuse invaders before they'd even find the cave in which the goblins likely resided for warmth.

Aust: The clearly agitated Sena would storm out, and thankfully she was left alone, her earlier escapades most likely heard by some members of the camp. She even stopped to turn at the words of one of the other orcs, simply nodding at his acknowledgment and wishes. She would pass through the camp, seeing its many denizines. The slaves were there (Which she would have been a part of had she not accepted the deal) and she even saw a few playing around. She noticed a human male "courting" a female orc in the strangest of fashions. Well, far be it from her to judge mating rituals.

She pushed through to the snowy wastes, a rather length bit of traveling awaiting her. A day would past as she travled west before she finally saw the rock formation. With no doubt in her mind, she guessed that this was the goblin camp. The rocks seemed set up in a manner that would puzzle invaders, and it seemed to work for the most part. No point in guessing how long it might be though. With grit and determination, she'd enter the formation, keeping her sole eye aware of her surroundings. Any number of traps could await her here. And even with only one eye, she was confident she'd find her way.
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Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

(Aust had the worst rolls imaginable, likely due to me being the one who did the rolls as my nat-1 rolling skills took place. He never rolled a nat 1, just a 5 for perception, a 6 (unmentioned escape check), and a 3 for the last check.)

RJ: Sena would march into the rock formation, and unfortunately, they wouldn't allow one to walk a straight path. Turning this way and that, Sena would quickly find herself lost. The sun wasn't visible in the sky due to the rocks, so trying to tell direction was impossible. She would have no choice but to keep wondering, quite lost on her way. All was quiet, Sena never saw any signs of goblins residing here. Then, a sharp pain against the back of her head, and everything went black. (Perception=failed). Then, when Sena would next awake, she'd find herself nude, without her weapons, and bound via rope with her hands behind her back, and her legs tied together. When she'd look around, she'd find herself in a warm fire-lit cave, with at least a dozen small green goblins surrounding her, all grinning down at her. There were a few other women tied to the wall as well, and as if like a reflection of future events, they looked worn out, and filthy with goblin cum.

Aust: Maybe it was her hot-headed reaction to her original challenge. Maybe it was her eagerness to prove her strength to the camp. Maybe it was her desire to have an easy opponent she could handle. All those questions ran through her head as she explored to rather frustrating rock formation. It was far too quiet and there was no sign of the green bastards. Where in gods name could they b...Before she could react, she elt a pain against the back of her head and she was out cold.

She'd awaken feeling a slight chill on her skin but not so cold due to a rather warm fire. She'd find herself in the worst possible of situations: Naked, weaponless, ands bound with her hands behind her back and legs tied together. She'd see a dozen of the green bastards surrounding her and their previous victims, a scary look into what could be her future. Struggling against her bonds, she would try to shake herself out. "Let me out, you little freaks! I'll take your heads! Each and every one of you!"

RJ: "This one have a lot of spirit!" announced one of the male goblins. "She must be real tight!" another one chuckled, before a third suddenly mounted himself over Sena and sat on her stomach after rolling her onto her back, pressing her hands to the ground. From his belt, he pulled out a vial. "Drink this!" the goblin commanded. "It'll make you feel good! Unless you want us to fuck you dry and raw!" he chuckled, before holding the vial to Sena's lips as she struggled, unable to get her hands nor legs free.

Aust: Sena's face twisted in disgust as each of the annoyng little creatures spoke. Everything about them made her skin crawl. Before she could raise her voice, she was flipped on her back and nearly force fed a strange potion and suggested she drink it. Like hell she would! "Go fuck yourself! I'm not drinking any of your crap!" In her feeble resistance, she would continue to struggle, trying to kick or shake the bastard off her. She couldn't show weakness. She had to remain strong.

RJ: The goblins were happy to let her go without the medicine. The goblin on top of her simply laughed, and removed his loin cloth, revealing a length that somehow managed to trump any human partners she had while looking disproportionate to it's body. Pushing her two small breasts together as much he could, the goblin began running his length along her chest as a second goblin stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the underside of her legs, getting her tied legs into the air while hugging them against his body and lowering his hips, lining his equally long cock up with her pussy. He thrusted in with disregard for her pain as she was fucked dry by the goblin. Clearly enjoying the sight of her violation, the crowd of goblins casually began nursing their lengths in their hands, stroking themselves with clear intent to dirty Sena with their seed.

Aust: That laugh could not mean good things. She kept her strong face, but was a little shocked by his member as he revealed it to her. He'd push her breasts together, and began running his length along her chest. She would spit back. "G...Get your thing away from me, you little freak!" But before she could continue, a second goblin wrapped his arms around the underside of her legs, lifting her tied legs in the air. No. No. No. No. He wasn't. He wasn't...

And before she knew it, he'd shove his length into her rather dry snatch, causing her to scream in pain as he did. All she could was grit her teeth at the pain. The remaining bastards would nurse their own members, ready to violate her in kind. The only words she could force out as she was violated were "Damn...you...all"

RJ: The goblin she spat at casually took her saliva and used it as lubrication, stroking his cock with it to make it wet and then smearing it over her breasts. The goblins thrusts for their own pleasure, making Sena suffer along the way. The goblin in her pussy fucked her with all his power, and after the initial pain, her body began to react, mind trying to defend itself, before her pussy began to become wet as the pain began to transfer into pleasure. The goblin's wild thrusting quickly brought them to climax, as the goblin over her released his seed, spurting the foul smelling white spunk into her face, as she felt the one in her pussy cumming as well, holding himself deep inside of her and filling her with a sensation of being invaded with filth as he spread his warm spunk into her womb. "So sweet~!" the goblin on her chest taunted her. "Shame she has no tits," he mocked her. A few other goblins as well were stroking themselves with such speed that they were quickly cumming. The other two goblins were pulling themselves from Sena, before she was treated to strings of white cum decorating her. One goblin began to spray his load onto her ass, another came onto her face, and the last decorated her breasts with his seed, covering her with their foul smell.

RJ: The goblin she spat at casually took her saliva and used it as lubrication, stroking his cock with it to make it wet and then smearing it over her breasts. The goblins thrusts for their own pleasure, making Sena suffer along the way. The goblin in her pussy fucked her with all his power, and after the initial pain, her body began to react, mind trying to defend itself, before her pussy began to become wet as the pain began to transfer into pleasure. The goblin's wild thrusting quickly brought them to climax, as the goblin over her released his seed, spurting the foul smelling white spunk into her face, as she felt the one in her pussy cumming as well, holding himself deep inside of her and filling her with a sensation of being invaded with filth as he spread his warm spunk into her womb.

RJ: "So sweet~!" the goblin on her chest taunted her. "Shame she has no tits," he mocked her. A few other goblins as well were stroking themselves with such speed that they were quickly cumming. The other two goblins were pulling themselves from Sena, before she was treated to strings of white cum decorating her. One goblin began to spray his load onto her ass, another came onto her face, and the last decorated her breasts with his seed, covering her with their foul smell.

Aust: Seems all her words and reactions had gotten her was more humiliation as the goblin on her breast smeared it's now wet cock on her breasts. The goblin in her pussy was only fucking her harder and harder, causing her to grit her teeth and clench her eyes, trying not to think of the pain she was feeling. Soon enough though, her body betrayed her and she was beginning to feel pleasure, her face growing flush and her body heating up. Soon enough the bastards would climax, releasing their filthy seed on her face and the other in her, holding himself in to make sure he hit the sweet spot.

The goblin on her chest only continued to insult her, forcing her to comment. "Fuck you, you little freaks! I was made for killing, not fucking!" She couldn't say much else before she found the other goblins spraying their seed on various parts of her body including her ass, another load on her face and some on her breasts. She couldn't stand this smell. It was making her sick. "Damn freaks. You got your kicks, now let me go!"

RJ: "Maybe your chest wasn't made for fucking... But your ass and pussy sure look like it!" the goblin that fucked her and came inside her announced. "After a bit of fucking... Your pussy even began sucking me in~ And look," he gestured, digging his fingers into her pussy and rubbing her sweet spot, causing her to react with pleasure beyond her control. "Your pussy wants more~" he announced, as multiple goblins came forth to answer Sena's claimed 'desire' for more cock. She was roughly forced on her front with her ass in the air, before a goblin got behind her and roughly spanked her with both hands and squeezed her with his fingers. Holding on tight, he thrust forward, but instead of spearing her pussy, she felt his cock forcing open her anal rim, and stretching out her ass.

RJ: "She'll be all tired out by the time we get to stuff the bitch!" a goblin in the crowd complained. "Finish quickly so we can make her squeal!"

Aust: "I said...screw you! You green fucks!" Was all she could get out before the goblin that fucked her pussy was able to shove his fingers back into her snatch and hitting her sweet spot, causing her back to arch and her twisting and writing on the floor. "S...Stop! Please!" Her body was quckly turning against her as more and more of them approached her, looking to fufil her so called, 'desire'

Before she knew it, she was on her front, her ass up in the air. A new goblin would roughly spank her with both hands and would squeeze her with his fingers. Seemed he meant business and soon enough, he shoved his way in, jamming himself deep into her ass. Only having done in the ass once (Thanks to her new demon friend), her body was not ready for this and she screamed out again. Damn freaks. Were they only out to make her suffer?

RJ: "What happened to that spirit, eh?" the goblin fucking itself into her ass inquired. "Begging already?" he chuckled, seeming interested in Sena continuing to put up her futile fight for his own sadistic enjoyment, before his hand struck her ass again as he made a deep and rough thrust. "C'mon, bitch! What you got to say about me fucking your ass!? Let's hear your threats while you got cum oozing out your pussy and your face smeared in our seed!"

Aust: These things just wouldn't let up. One moment of weakness and she was getting called out for it. Damnit. She shouldn't have said stop. "I ain't begging, you toothless son of a bitch!" She retorted as his hand struck her again and he thrust in deeper. Through gasps and cries she would unleash her threat. "The moment I get out of here, I will tear that prick of yours off and shove it down your throat! I swear...Ah!...to all that is holy, I will!"

RJ: "So scary!" the goblin in her ass replied, thrusting hard and deep while rewarding her continued outbursts with several more abusive slaps. Making one hard thrust, the goblin came in her ass, before he roughly drew his length out, and another goblin who was nursing himself stepped forward, and quickly thrust in, soon cumming into her ass as well. Meanwhile, the goblin who taunted her stepped up, and put his foot against her face, holding Sena's face against the ground, made to kiss the cave floor. "Keep talking, bitch. We love it when we get a lively one."

Aust: The mocking continued despite her words, the beasts clearly having hear similar words before her. How many other warriors like her had succumbed to these green freaks. Her words were only met with harder thrusts and more painful and abusive slaps. One final thrust and the first goblin came in her ass. Soon enough, another goblin was inside of her and was cumming fairly quickly.

During that though, the first goblin stepped forward, pushing her face into the ground. "I'm as lively as you'll get! I'll see you all dead! And your heads mounted on my wall!"She tried to push her head up in an effort to lift the goblin off her, knowing full well it would be for naught.

RJ: The goblin merely laughed before yet another goblin came forth, and slid himself into her pussy. After all the abuse and her resistance, Sena began to realize that she was getting tired. Her ability to resist was taxing her energy, and when the goblin pushed his length inside of her, the buildup of pleasure she'd been holding in was about to unleash itself in the form of a climax. The sadistic goblin removed his foot, and while another goblin was stuffing himself into her cum filled pussy, he kneeled, and grabbed Sena by her hair, forcing him to look at his ugly face directly. "What's wrong? You lookin' like you about to cum!" he chuckled. "She's about to get off on your dick!" he announced to the one vigorously pounding her pussy. Moaning in delight, and slapping her soiled ass as his sadistic kin had, he began kneading her ass cheeks with glee. "Oh~! She likes me that much! I'll make you cum, bitch!" he announced, before making it a serious effort, and finding her sweet spot, before pounding it relentlessly. Sena could fight them a little longer, but she would lose out eventually, and cum around the goblin's dick.

RJ: The goblin merely laughed before yet another goblin came forth, and slid himself into her pussy. After all the abuse and her resistance, Sena began to realize that she was getting tired. Her ability to resist was taxing her energy, and when the goblin pushed his length inside of her, the buildup of pleasure she'd been holding in was about to unleash itself in the form of a climax. The sadistic goblin removed his foot, and while another goblin was stuffing himself into her cum filled pussy, he kneeled, and grabbed Sena by her hair, forcing him to look at his ugly face directly.

RJ: "What's wrong? You lookin' like you about to cum!" he chuckled. "She's about to get off on your dick!" he announced to the one vigorously pounding her pussy. Moaning in delight, and slapping her soiled ass as his sadistic kin had, he began kneading her ass cheeks with glee. "Oh~! She likes me that much! I'll make you cum, bitch!" he announced, before making it a serious effort, and finding her sweet spot, before pounding it relentlessly. Sena could fight them a little longer, but she would lose out eventually, and cum around the goblin's dick.

Aust: The next one would step up and find it's way into her pussy, not even caring about the mess that was already there. Her body was beginning to show weakness. Her breathing was heavy, her voice horce with yelling and her body coated in sweat on top of the plentiful cum that was coating her. All this was leading to a rush of pleasure she'd been trying to resist. And it was failing.

The same goblin would grab her hair and lift her up, causing her to yelp in pain in addition to the occasional moan. She was hating this bastard more and more and his words only made it worse. With all she could muster, she would spit in the goblins face, her last bout of resistance as the goblin hit her sweet spot. She yelled out, her body thrashing as much as she could, like a dying animal in a trap. Her ast ounce of energy finally exhaused, she'd cum, her body losing it's last ounce of strength.

RJ: As she'd cum, the goblin would release his seed as well, filling up her already filled pussy. Now without her strength, nice and spent, the goblin looked eager to repay the favor of her spitting at his face. Still holding her head, she'd suddenly find him shoving his length into her mouth now that she no longer had the strength to fight back. Roughly he began to fuck her lips, while one goblin yet after another came to violate her, alternating between her ass and pussy. Sena was put through this torture, made to swallow the sadistic goblin's seed, before she'd have had a round with every goblin in the cave. "Shame she tired out so soon. Her ass was loose when I'd had a turn." one goblin complained, having been one of many to fuck her anus. She was taken by her rope, and like the other girls, had her arms bound by rope to shabby hooks on the wall.

RJ: She hung there, while the goblins began to lazily lay about, some going to sleep, while Sena was simply hanging there on the walls like the other girls, simply on display. The look in the other girl's eyes was fairly dead and blank, the one to her side looking like she used to be as proud as she, before the goblins broke her. Both women looked in various stages of pregnancy, and from the feeling in her own belly... Sena knew she had been impregnated as well.

Aust: More seed. That's all her resistance got her was more of their damn filth tainting her body. Every inch of her felt disgusting. But with her strength sapped, the creatures would take full advantage of her weakness and would humiliate her further. The yappy goblin from before took great pleasure in filling her mouth while the other goblins took their turns, rotating from each of her rear holes. The torture would continue, even having to swallow the disgusting creatures seed. Soon enough, she had had a round with each goblin in the cave, before she was finaly strung up on the wall, like a piece of meat. While her body was weak, her spirit was not broken.

She simply hung there, her deflied form on full display, as she got a good look at the other girls. Empty husks the goblins had fucked into submission. One of them even looked to be no different then her, a strong woman, broken by these sadistic, twisted creatures. And worst of all, each of them were in varying stages of pregnancy...and she was to join them. At her very core, she could tell she had been impregnated as well. She hung her head slighly in shame for a moment, but would hoist it up again, holding it as best she could in the face of her tormentors. It would take a while for them to break her. And if the words from earlier were correct, she'd be out of here in a week. But would no doubt be harassed by the older warrior upon her return.

RJ: The next day, she was subject to their sexual torture once more. And just like before, she was offered the drink. It'd put all her suffering away, while letting the goblins do what they planned to anyway. But the main difference between the two, was submitting, and continuing to resist, and feeling her spirit breaking further with each goblin partner to fuck and taunt her. Drinking the pink fluid would be a display of submission, but also would grant her a great mercy.

Aust: A new day and a fresh hell awaited her. Same as before, she would be offered the drink. Taking it would show weakness. But turning it down again would only mean more pain, more humiliation and ultimatly, the breaking of her will as they fucked the ever loving daylights out of her. In order to survive this, she had to adapt. Accept this once and suffer in as much silence as she could muster. Before they administered whatever it was, she would glare at the creature offering her the drink and say. "My revenge will be swift and terrible. Enjoy this while you can."

RJ: The goblins only grinned and laughed as she drank it. It ran through her, and not only heightened her sexual desire, but altered her state of mind to such a degree that she found her body reaching out in desire for the goblins. Her ropes were cut loose, and Sena was freed, only to find herself sitting up in the crowd of goblins, her body on fire with desire, and her eyes fixing to the various large goblin cocks around her, filled with the desire to taste them, ride them, and touch them. "She's ours now." a goblin announced, before they crowded around her... Quickly enough, Sena was eagerly climbing on top of a goblin who laid on his back, and stuffing his cock into her ass.

RJ: She'd find her body moving on it's own, embracing a second goblin as he got in front of her, and stuffed his dick into her pussy. Her mouth met with his, and Sena felt her tongue dancing around his own as she romantically kissed her rapist. The baby goblin in her now quite fat belly filled her with a sense of joy. Stuffed from both sides, Sena quickly would cum on the length filling her pussy, before she felt a giddy rush as his now percieved 'delightful' corruptive cum filled her pregnant pussy. Saliva ran down her lips and chin from the kiss, before the goblin licked her ear, causing Sena delight.

RJ: Contrary to what the goblin's promised, this was causing her spirit to falter even faster. The goblins would ask her an assortment of questions, and under the drug's effects, she'd have to answer honestly. "Do you love our dicks?" She did. "Will you give birth to lots of goblin warriors?" She would. "... Do you have rescue coming?"

RJ: She did.

RJ: And the following night, when Sena looked nine months pregnant, the goblins announced that they were relocating. Walking through the snow and finding another place to hide, Sena would realize her chances of escape were gone. They found another cave, another place to stay somewhere in a winter forest. Laid onto a warm fur bed, her goblin masters came forth. The sadistic goblin, the greatest fuck she ever had among the tribe, revealed himself to be the leader. Crawling up on top of her, without hope of escape, he pressed his length to her lips. "You're ours now... A goblin wife," he announced, looking to the quickly growing goblin children Sena had birthed from her body.

RJ: "Suck on it, and drink it all." he commanded.
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Aust: What started as a plan to survive but one more night turned into something much much worse. Something she wasn't expecting. The liquid filled her with a new found desire, one she had never felt before. She even felt...drawn to these goblins. Despite being freed, escape was far from her mind. All she was worried about was pleasing her green masters. She'd soon find herself climbing onto one of the goblins, letting him fill her.

A second would join in, stuffing her pussy with it's member as she embraced him as a lover. Their lips met and she kissed the goblin deeply. Even the once disgusting child was now a burden of joy. A first step on a long road. She'd soon cum herself, no doubt pleasing her new masters greatly. She'd figure that was the truth as they continued to fill her with their seed. Her skin tingled at their touch. She was loving every minute of it.

The warrior within her was screaming at her, telling her the bastards lied and she was only becoming their toy. But the voice was so quiet. Especially as she was pressed for information under the drug. She eagerly wished to please them, enjoying their coks and wanting to give them strong sons. She even admited to the aid that was coming soon. That would be her biggest mistake.

Before she knew it, she was dragged through the snow, belly ready to burst with the child within her. She'd find herself in a new cave, lying on a fur bed, awaiting her new master. The twisted goblin from earlier turned out to be the tribes leader and he would crawl all over her, pressing his member to her lips. She was almost delighted at his words, but the voice from before was louder then before. Not much stronger, but it was there. The drug had worn off and she had mostly returned. A snear would cross her lips as she turned her face away, saying nothing to the creature that was ruining her life.

RJ: "Do you want us to continue breaking you? I could easily add you to the wall like that other pathetic woman over there," he pointed to the tied up fallen warrior. "Empty eyes... Broken spirit... Is that how you want to end up? Your new life can begin... Among the goblins~" he chuckled, giving her one last chance to submit, and nurse on his length with her mouth.

Aust: "You can try! If you don't remember, I serve one of the strongest warlords in the land, and he wouldn't let one of his own go so easily. He'll scour the ends of the earth and destroy every last one of you! I would sooner die then submit to you!" Her stance was spoken. She would keep fighting, even if her odds were one in a million. The image of the broken warrior hung in her head, a palpable fear mixed in with her defiance.

RJ: And so, she continued to fight. Days passed, violated every day. She was made to cum, even made to beg to be given orgasm when they would work her up and hold her on the brink. Torture, abuse, rape, and suffering continued day after day. The days turned into weeks, and counting the days for lack of a pastime, Sena would count up to a week. The day had passed when she was promised rescue. She had birthed five goblins during her stay as a slave, and her body felt weak. The goblins had thought her so miserable that they cut her loose, laughing as they said they'd set her free. She was so weak and devoid of energy, that all she could do was crawl. Eventually energy faded, and the goblins laughed as they dragged her back into their den. "You clearly don't want to escape that badly!" the leader announced.

RJ: She was fed the drug, and effectively 'made love to' by the goblins. Kissing, sucking, and worshipping their cocks on demand. Announcing that they were going to give her their sixth baby, all she could feel was warped, sickening happiness. She'd already been as corrupted as she could be with these goblins, mutated to show how much she'd been fucked. While kissing and riding the leader's dick, suddenly he exploded in a violent display of blood. The angel stood there, the one who served Korgoth. She had come to her rescue!

RJ: The angel released holy fire, burning many goblins around her, but what the angel did not know was that soon, there would be more goblins coming back from hunting. The leader was dead, but another could easily replace him. "Sena... You poor thing," the angel cooed, putting her hand to Sena's shoulder. "Come, let's get you out of here..." she said, opting to help Sena up, before the goblins just came in, albeit silently... They were going to ambush the angel...

RJ: (Resistance=failed) Then, Sena suddenly embraced the angel, her body moving on it's own. She trapped the angel, causing the angel to give alarm when she noticed the goblins. "Sena! Let go, what are you doing!?" she exclaimed. Sena held the angel, and let her be struck... The goblins took the angel, disrobed her, and tied her up, adding a sealing collar on top of it. When she awoke, Sena was now one of the women hanging on the wall, while the angel looked up at her. "Why Sena!? Why!?" she exclaimed, before the goblins eagerly converged on her, Sena having clear sight of their familiar dicks entering the angel... Sena knew just how good it felt, once you got used to it.

Aust: (Damn my luck sucks tonight...)

RJ: (rolled a 3 on that resistance save)

RJ: "Thank you for getting us this nice angel pussy, slave!" the goblins thanked Sena, now sober to take in what she had done. "You don't have to fuck all of us anymore, isn't that nice? We'll fuck her instead!" they announced, a goblin pounding roughly into the angel's pussy as she cried out in suffering.

Aust: It all blurred together. The days upon weeks of torment, torture, abuse and rape. Time was almost useless to her as all she could do was count the days. In the weeks since her captivity, she was the proud parent of 5 children. The abuse wracked so much on her body that even when let free, she could barely move, crawling to get around. They even gave her the chance to run, but it amounted to nothing as she was dragged away.

Eventually, they would feed her the drug again, making her love this torture and pain. She was even expecting a sixth child, a most joyous news. Even as the time passed, the corruption only deepeed, the beast having twisted this woman. But what started as another marathon love session turned horrible as the creature burst. Her "rescue" had arrived.

Sena would have been overjoyed to see the angel if not for the drug and while it was nice to feel the angel's soft touch as she helped her up, the goblins around them were preparing an ambush. One she was all too willing to participate in. Despite the angels plea, she too was struck and would be unequiped and sealed. Sena would now be bound to the wall, her spirit all but gone as the angel pleaded with her. As the goblins chatted about the new capture, a tear would run down Sena's face, the last bit of her shame feeling terrible for what she had done. What had she done? "I...I'm sorry..." was all she could say.

RJ: She was raped ruthlessly, the goblins cumming within seconds of being inside her likely divine pussy. Parter after partner, even Sena's own children taking their turn fucking the angel, before she was left to dry next to Sena, covered in filth. "... It was my fault... I didn't think of what they might have done to you." the angel announced, squirming in place and moaning, breathing heavy as the child inside of her was developing quickly. "Damn it...! I wish I could take some medicine right now... I don't want to give birth to one of these things!" she whimpered quietly so as not to attract the goblins.

RJ: But it was no use. Night passed, and she was fat with a goblin baby. Sena gave birth to her sixth, while Sena was treated to a front row view of the angel pushing out a goblin baby from her loins. "At least my first baby was with Korgoth..." she would tell Sena later...

RJ: Then, more time would pass, hope was dim, before a towering figure stood in the middle of the cave entrance. Nothing seemed to happen, but the goblins all seemed to simply die on the spot, falling to the ground. Something snapped, and all of the slaves ropes were cut. Then, he stepped into the cave, and Sena's shoulders were gripped, made to face Korgoth's scary face.

Aust: All she could do was watch as her once savior was defiled mch lie she was. She was even more ashamed to see her own spawn raping the angel. Soon enough though, she too was hung up with the human, just as filthy as she was. "It's not your fault...I let them taint me with that damn potion...I wasn't myself when they captured you." She could only feel more pain as she watch the angel suffer because of her mistakes. She couldn't say anything to her pleas.

Time passed and she'd have her sixth child, a shameful record to say the least. She also got a seat for the show as the angel birthed it's goblin child. In private, she'd whisper about her first child, no doubt the one Sena met earlier. "You're lucky...She's the most beautiful child I've seen..."

More time would pass, the prospects of freedom growing dimmer and dimmer as she passed it with her new companion. But then, before her eyes, the creatures fell over dead. Her bonds were cut and before she knew it, she was facing Korgoth's frightening visage. Tears of shame welled up, no doubt aware of the great punishment she would face. "My lord...I...I'm sorry...I was stupid...and got one of your best captured as a result of my mistake..."
RJ: Korgoth didn't answer her. They'd travel back home, and Sena was brought back to his tent. Korgoth instructed all within his power to let Sena and the angel be until they've recovered from their ordeal. Laying together in the bed, the angel quickly fell asleep, while Sena was kept awake by the sudden sound of someone eating an apple. *She* was there. Svana. Watching her, well aware of how her attempt to outmatch her daughter went.

Aust: His silence was even more terrifying and she was silent as they returned "home". Thankfully, the pair were spared the attention of anyone in the camp as they recovered. The pair laid together and the angel fell asleep in a heart beat. Sena however was just about to when she hear the sound of someone eating an apple.

Svana. No doubt here to gloat and brag about her failure. Well, she'd at least beat her to the punch. "Look...could you just leave me? I've been through hell."

RJ: "Whatever you've been through, there's always something worse. This was a lesson as much as anything else. Losing to Ivy didn't seem enough to teach you, so I'd think losing to goblins was best for helping you understand the result of foolishness." Svana replied. "If you're going to break down now, then I've no more use for you. But, you can get up from this. If you do, then you can better yourself until you won't ever have to face that situation again."

Aust: "I don't know what sort of 'Lessons', you aim to teach, but this was a really fucked up way of doing it! I only did this because you said I should! Because I had to prove myself to you." She climbed out of the bed, her body still a bit weak and shakey. "I will recover from this. Just you wait and see. And I promise I'll keep fighting till my damn arms fall off." She could baely stand at this point and she tumbled back into bed.

RJ: "It was the best lesson I could teach to a student such as you. Sometimes to best learn the dangers of defeat, you need to lose." she announced. "A lesson my daughter learned, not quite against the goblins, but one she learned well." she said with a grin. "You don't have to prove anything to anyone, especially not to a washed up warrior like myself. Just focus on your original goal of getting stronger."

Aust: "I guess...I can't argue there. I'll be sure to think about it. Goodness knows I have all the time in the world right now. Or at least until I'm deemed useful again." She tried to make a joke, but her heart wasn't in it. "I will focus. I will. Just...Just let me rest." With that, she fell back, her head hitting the pillow with a loud thump.

RJ: Svana let her rest... Before climbing into the bed with her, and becoming the big spoon, cuddling Sena closely. "Mmm... My daughter was always so independent, never even cuddled together." she cooed, petting Sena's head.

Aust: The sleeping Sena would somehow notice the form pressing against her, smiling at the added warmth. She'd push back against Svana, trying to make the pair as comfy as possible.
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

RJ: Sena would awake with Svana's limbs idly hanging over her while sounds of familiar girls speaking to one another could be heard, on top of Svana's light snoring. "Letting yourself get captured like that was stupid. You should know better." Announced the familiar voice of the dark elf. "I'm sorry... I was sure I could handle mere goblins..." the angel apologized. "Well, you're on house arrest now, you and Sena, until Korgoth feels you two aren't dangers to yourselves."

Aust: Sena would rouse herself, finding the older woman draped idly over her while she slept. Admist the light snoring, she would hear talking between the Elf and the angel. Seems the angel was being kept under house arrest as well as her due to their capture. Gently removing Svana's arms, Sena would sit up to address the issue. "I feel I'm more at fault for what happened. The goblins drugs made me...act in their defense. It was my fault she was even captured to begin with"

RJ: Sena was immediately the center of attention. "Then I suppose you should take full responsibility for your actions." The demoness announced with a grin. "Unfortunately, she cannot serve her punishment as per Korgoth's orders." The oni shrugged. "An outrageous shame. I'd have had her regretting her actions down to counting every last step she made after making the decision." the dark elf boasted.

RJ: "We don't need more fools like Luxanna," the cat woman replied.

Aust: The one eyed warrior kept her gaze away from the assorted comments and jabs, knowing full well she both hated and deserved the treatment she was getting. She let out a sigh, knowing she really couldn't come up with any kind of comback. But she did want to slug that damn elf, that much was certain. Smug bitch. "So how long are we gonna be here?"

RJ: "We?" the demoness asked, before standing up and shoving Sena to fall flat back down on the bed. "In a hurry? You must be feeling better! Shall we let Korgoth know of your mysteriously quick recovery so we can all take a turn as punishing you?" she asked, before the demon leaned in close, her much larger breasts flattening against Sena's inferior ones. "I lead a band of incubi orcs you see. They're powerful, but they need lots of pussy~" she chuckled. "Are you still eager, you arrogant little bitch?"

Aust: "N...No, I didn't mean it like that! Gah!" Was all she could get out before being shoved onto the bed. She felt a good deal of fear in this moment. She was vulnerable and defenseless. Much like how she was with the goblins. She hated this. "P...Please, I didn't mean it like that! I was just curious! I didn't mean to offend!" Ontop of the weakness, she felt a sense of inferiority take over as the woman nearly crushed her underneath her...assets. And the threat of further rape was enough to draw this out of her. "N...No. I understand..."

RJ: The demon suddenly took on a gentle expression, before whispering to Sena. "Good~" she'd coo, before grabbing the back of Sena's head and kissing her deeply, briefly dipping her tongue into Sena's lips, spreading her saliva throughout Sena's mouth, leaving her taint behind before letting the woman go as she turned back to the others. Meanwhile, the angel kept her silence, but it seemed she was up to something... And that something became clear, as Korgoth suddenly appeared in the tent, out of nowhere. "You... Snitch!" the demoness cursed, before Korgoth angrily grabbed the demoness, and vanished just as suddenly as he appeared, taking the demon with him, only to appear once more, his eyes setting on Sena. "... Depend upon me, Sena, and you won't have to endure what you just did." was all he said, before vanishing again.

Aust: Something about her expression hardly helped the situation and her sense of unease. She couldn't even object to the kiss. Right now, any resistance could only equal more pain. Her companion however, kept her silence, a rather strange thing, given how quick the angel had been to defend her prior to her trip. But she'd learn why. Korgoth arrived, much to the chagrin of the demon. He'd vanish with her only to return a short while later, his gaze focused soley on her. "Thank you. Truely." Was all she could say in kind before he vanished again. She would pick herself up from the bet and would get into a sitting position.

"I suppose I have you to thank for that intervention, my winged friend?"

RJ: "... I agree that you're foolish... And stupid... But she went too far." was all the angel said in response.

Aust: "Yeah...I did sorta get in over my head. I have a habit of being a little headstrong. Been so since I was a runt." She would try to make light of it, but still felt a little awkward. "Look...sorry about what I did back there. I couldn't control myself cause of their damn drugs..."

RJ: "Please... Just forget about it, while I try to do the same." the angel sighed, before the oni chuckled. "Search team found a drug that makes it's consumer enthralled. Not tauntin' ya or anythin, but... Ya mind telling us about it? The other slaves we got are broken and useless." she stated. The angel had to ask. "... What did you do with them?" To which, the oni answered. "We put em with the medics, in case they might recover," the oni stated.

Aust: Seemed her companion was willing to forget so long as she did as well. No use pressing the matter. But the Oni began asking questions and she was in the best position to answer. "Well, I can tell you a little about it. Honestly, after I took it, all I could feel was bliss. Complete and utter submission to those little freaks. Anything they did, I had to accept willingly. Any question they asked, I had to answer. I put up no objection when they dragged me half naked throught the snow, I put up no resistance to their abuse and I willingly carried their young without hesitation. I gave birth to 6 of their kind while in captivity. But it didn't last forever. After a while, their initial batch wore off and I was able to resist them. But another dose sent me right back to a state of submission."

RJ: The oni nodded slowly. "I see... Well, that explains it." the oni said with content, though something else seemed on her mind. A moment longer, and everyone seemed ready to leave. Korgoth reappeared, and dropped an abused looking demoness to the floor. She had red whip lines on her ass, and her body was covered in semen. She did little more than twitch on the ground as the others walked over her, practically ignoring her.

Aust: Thats all she really could say. She still couldn't believe how potent that stuff had been. How broken it had almost made her. But that was in the past. Soon enough, the others would take their leave and Korgoth would reappear, a battered demoness in his company. Well, on the floor more accuretly. It seemed he did quite a number on her. At the very least, she had to ask. "Does she act up often?"

RJ: "Very." Korgoth replied. "Only when I go to extreme measures does she actually desist her rebellious actions... For a time." he said, before sitting down on the bed next to Sena with a sigh, the resulting exchange of force causing Sena to be boosted into the air by the bed, only to land back down as she was before. Korgoth looked a little tired, and his body was covered in the grime of battle.

Aust: "I see. Well, hopefully I can expect an easier time with her myself. Least for a little while." She shrugged. As the large orc sat himself down, the exchange of force would cause the tribes woman to be lifted off the bed slightly. She'd land in the same place, give or take an inch or two. She'd notice Korgoth looked particularly tired, the grime of battle covering him. "Feeling alright? You look like you've been through hell. What happened?"

RJ: "An ill exchange with demons." Korgoth replied. "I can barely tame one of the creatures, I should have expected that including more on my side would be foolhardy."

Aust: "Hmm..." Was all she could say for the moment. "Is there anything I can do to help you right now? You seem a little tired."

RJ: Korgoth chuckled. "Well, when taking a bath, even I find it difficult to reach my back." he said suggestively.

Aust: She nodded, knowing it was the least she could do. "I guess I could do that much. Shouldn't be too hard after all, even for somone as big as you."

RJ: He chuckled once more. "I suppose you've changed if you didn't immediately refuse. I do not mind you going against my expectations on this account." he'd say, before lifting up from the bed, and heading towards the bath, which was quickly being heated by the slaves in the tent as they were just as quickly pouring water in. Korgoth meanwhile was undressing, while various slaves went about dexterously unstrapping his armor. Rendered nude once more, Korgoth would look to Sena to join him, while the orc's masculine frame would send her heart aflutter with primal desire.

Aust: "Well, I guess I owe you a lot more now then I did before. Saving me from the goblins and from the demons. A little back wash is nothing by comparison." She said with a grin. She'd watch from her seat for a few moments as he lifted himself up and the slaves went to work heating and pouring the water. She'd then watch as Korgoth was undressed, with a few more slaves aiding him in removing his armor. She'd look upon his nude form and she'd feel a strange flutter. Something primal. . But it seemed she was needed now. She'd hop up, removing her clothing (If she indeed had any on after her return) as she did. She'd meet up with the orc, before slinking into the water and preparing a washrag.

RJ: Nude in the bath with Korgoth, it was something normal now when Sena would feel herself becoming aroused. Perhaps she was becoming more used to it, as she wasn't so mentally crushed by the lust. Though at the same time, she wasn't any less lustful than before. Her nipples were hard, and she felt herself heating up inside as well as outside from the lust. Korgoth let out a happy sigh in the tub, and carefully watched Sena enter afterwards, his eyes exploring every part of her nude form. As if she had a similar aura as his, Sena would notice Korgoth's arousal as well, long enough for the head of his cock to be seen out of the water. "This is the first bath you've had since you were captured. Savor it." Korgoth advised.

Aust: Since her arrival, the arousal she was feeling felt almost normal. Maybe she was just more comfortable around it, having built up a resistance in her time here. Least that's what she hoped. But it didn't change the fact she was still getting aroused. She felt that familiar heat and noticed her nipples were standing at attention. As she got in, she could not help but notice the orc exploring her body with his eyes. She also couldn't help but notice his arousal as well, the head of his member poking out of the water. "It's nice. I guess I really should enjoy it. The little stream I washed in back home can't compare to this."

RJ: "You used a stream? In this weather? Though others would claim you lacking in intelligence, I'm leaning more towards madness." Korgoth chuckled.

Aust: "Well, it was never full nudity. Just washing the face and clothing on occasion. Well...if you can keep a secret...I did get a little brave and try it in the buff. Lets just say I regreated it for a couple days with the nastiest of colds ever."

RJ: "I'd imagine." Korgoth grunted, before taking a large buckeet, enough to contain a person in, and scooping a large quantity of water up before washing it over his head, using the last bit to drench Sena as well. Being blinded by water for a moment, she'd find Korgoth wrap his arm around her from behind, embracing her close. "You are a damned idiot." he said quietly. "You've no idea how furious I still am over the concern you caused me..." he said. Given their position, Sena was now sitting on his leg, with his length brushing along the outer side of her thigh. "I take care of my own, even that stubborn Svana... And your disgrace was equally my own for allowing it to happen..." he said... While his hormones soaked into Sena due to the proximity. Sena would feel lightheaded with thoughts of attraction for the large orc protecting her.

RJ: Before Sena would realize it, she was turning her head, and her lips were locking with his. Together, they engaged in a lust driven, sensual kiss. Her body was beyond her control as her saliva mixed with his. As her legs were moving over to prepare herself for sex, Korgoth suddenly pulled Sena back, causing her senses to suddenly snap back. "You surprised me a bit there." he chuckled, seeming even more excited, but no less in control.

Aust: She'd laugh, almost surprised she'd share that story with anyone, let alone an orc warlord. Soon enough though, she'd find herself drenched in water before the warlord wrapped himself around her from the back. He seemed genuinly concerned about when she had gone missing, despite the anger she caused him as a result of her leaving.

She had to admit, it was strange feeling so protected by someone like this. She was still frustrated by her situation, but was touched by the concern. Seems even stubborn oafs like her and Svana still held a special place in the warlords heart. Her failure was his own and she was surprised he'd admitted that. Not many do.

Despite all this, she still couldn't ignore the obvious protrusion brushing her thigh. The hormones were continuing to soak in and she'd even feel a little lightheaded. Before she could recover, she was pulled into a lust filled, sensual kiss. She had to admit, it was nice. She could hardly control her own actions as her body was preparing for sex. but at the last moment, Korgoth snapped her out of it. SHe saw the state she was in but was at least herself again. "I...I had no idea." She said in haste as she tried to regain herself. "L...Lets just get back to washing."

RJ: Suddenly, a third party joined the tub, Svana getting in the way between Korgoth and Sena. "Yeah, let's." the woman announced. Korgoth looked at Svana like she was an intruder, before she revealed her intentions. "I'm not fighting anymore." she announced. Korgoth looked surprised, before leaning back, seeming to assess what she said. After a moment, he stretched out his hand. "You'll be my woman?" he inquired. "I gloated, and you beat me fair and square. I still hate your guts, but I'll accept. I'll be your woman." she replied, before taking his hand. Korgoth immediately began to ravage Svana's body, sucking on her breast and rubbing his length between her legs, before letting her go after getting a taste. "... Good." he said, content, before looking to Sena as Svana joined his side. Not saying anything, he turned, and let her access his back, letting her decide what she wanted to do.

Aust: Out of nowhere, Svana would almost leap inbetween the two. The older woman announcing her intention to fully commit herself to him. But just before she left she was still so firmly on the other side of the issue. Why now was she switching over so willingly? Sena could only sit and watch, more then a little turned on by the display before her. Svana still had the hate, but she didn't have the fight. She was claimed, just like any other prize for the orcs.

Despite the gazes, Sena could not bring herself to say anything. She knew what she was here to do. She would prepare a rag to wash Korgoths back and the moment she was finished, would step out of the water, dry off and head back to the bed if permitted.

RJ: Getting to wash Korgoth's back, Korgoth would extend his thanks. Sena would be the first to step out, before she went to bed... Later to be joined by a sexed up Korgoth and Svana. On the other side of the bed, Svana was positioned with her ass in the air, while Korgoth got behind her. Violently they pounded against one another. Svana's moans loudly ringing in Sena's ears, same as Korgoth's groans. His entire thick length vanishing into Svana's body with each thrust, and stretching her out to fit it while her body looked to cling around his cock tightly. The bed shook with their passionate sex while Sena was left with nowhere to go to escape it.

RJ: Soon, Svana was being filled with his cum, before he removed his dick to spill his seed all over Svana. The end result, was a satisfied Korgoth, and a worn out Svana. As if a sexual interpretation of their battle, Korgoth was the victor. Meanwhile the thick smell of sex was reaching Sena. Driven to the point of being uncontrollably horny by the mixture of hormones, Sena would be hard pressed not to masturbate to the scene. Svana would have suddenly grabbed Sena during the act, and brought her to sit over her face to tongue her while Korgoth fucked her violently. The skilled warrior would relieve Sena, before collapsing herself. At that point, both women were covered in Korgoth's thick spunk.

RJ: "You'll give birth to a powerful warrior, Svana... One that will grow quickly... And this child will surpass your daughter." Korgoth announced. "Carry this child in your womb... Give birth to a champion."

Aust: Her task done, she would find her relief only temporary. She'd make her way to the bed, only to be joined some time later by the new "couple". Svana would position herself like an animal, eager to be mated and the orc would accept the gesture. Sena would be hard pressed to ignore the noises of flesh on flesh and the sounds of moans and groans from the new couple. She really had no place to go . All she could do was watch.

But, like anything else, they had to finish sooner or later and the pair would finally be worn out, the victorious Korgoth standing over Svana, his conquest of her complete. However, during the event, Sena was unable to ignore her own urges at not only watching the act, but smelling the hormones in the air. She would begin to tend to her needs, playing with her folds before Svana would grab her and pull her over her face. The older tribeswoman would relieve Sena of her lust and soon enough the three of them would collapse, the women covered in seed. Sena was almost too exhausted to hear the words of Korgoth. But she was a tiny bit nervous of the implications. Someone stronger then Svana's daughter? That would be something else. One could only guess if that would actually happen.

RJ: And then the horny creatures all slept covered in each other's sexual fluids. Sleeping together, Sena would note Svana's sleep disturbed by her quickly growing child in her belly, but other than that, was allowed a night's rest.
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Sena vs. Boar

RJ: Sena would awake the next morning to find Korgoth and Svana in bed with her. Svana was across from Korgoth, leaving Sena cuddled up to Korgoth's hulkish form for warmth. Korgoth was awake, but his focus was on Svana, watching her as she slept, eyes mostly focused on the lump in Svana's belly. Last night's smut had successfully left Svana impregnated with Korgoth's child. Before it was even born, high expectations were put onto the child, leaving Sena little more than a spectator.

Aust: Following the events of last night, Sena would find herself cuddling up against Korgoth. Svana was across from her orc companion and the orcs attention was focused soley on her. He was focused on the womans pregnancy, no doubt expecting something great from his work the night before.

Sena couldn't help but feel nervous over this. If this child was as strong as expected, what chance did Svana's first daughter have? All in all, Sena was conflicted. But she had no stake here right now. She'd sit up in her spot, streatching her arms and rubbing her eyes. "She hasn't given birth yet? I thought the pregnancy would be fast..."

RJ: "The child will be ready for birth by next week." Korgoth replied. "How are you feeling? Svana seemed intent on dragging you into our session. And I apologize as well. Svana is quite a prize, and hearing those words excited me to no end."

Aust: "I see." She said somberly. "Me though? I'm feeling fine. It was actually a nice surprise last night. My first time with Svana involved me being on the bottom, so being on top of her for a change was a nice change of pace. But from what I can tell, you seemed quite proud to take her. Me getting involved would have distracted you from the real prize that night."

RJ: Korgoth chuckled, before he turned, and embraced Sena with one arm, pulling her body onto his as he place a quick, but deep and passionate kiss on her lips. "I am a cruel man. If you meant nothing to me, then you would have none of my attention. It's by your own worth that I choose to protect you."

Aust: Sena would blush slightly as she was pulled in and kissed, like a farm girl kissing her crush. She'd return the kiss before letting him speak. "Then I guess I was luckly I didn't take option 2 when I lost to Ivy. Spending the rest of my days in the pens. I guess I can count my lucky stars for the protection. And the training."

RJ: "In my world, might makes right. Those who have the strength to make something be, shall make it be. If you've the strength, you'll never see the pens here, just as I aim to train you. But, anyone who defeats you, orc or not, is entitled to the victor's reward, be it merely sex, or simply influence and power. When I met Natalie, the angel, she came directly to my camp, a mere young angel, and demanded I change my ways. I told her the same thing, and under my protection, she seeks to become stronger. I aid her as I aid any other, I respect power, even within that of my enemy. Kavika holds the same promise... I yearn to see her power."

Aust: Sitting back, she took a moment to think on all his words. Might makes right? An expected measure of things in many cultures, including her own. Hell, leadership was decided by beating the old leader. Strength to lead over all else. All she could do was get stronger in hopes that none of her opponents would hold any sort of power or influence over her. She saw what it was like to be at her weakest. To be little more then a toy for a cruel master. She never wanted that to happen again.

She even nodded at hearing Natalie's story, finally learning the angels name and why she's hear to begin with. She too seeks strength. And to top it all off, Korgoth was willing to lend the same strength to Kavika when she arrived...and if she lost. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see. If Svana is correct, her child is something to behold. I too look for the chance to test myself, hence why I took on the goblins. A major blunder in hind sight."

RJ: "Goblins leave tracks behind. If you had seen them, you would not have been ambushed." Korgoth said. "Come," he said, raising up. "We will go hunting. I will teach you to track." he promised, slipping his warm war gear onto his nude body. It clung to his form and made him no less appealing, rendering Sena with a pleasant feeling from being near him.

Aust: "Tracking? Hmm." She thought about that for a moment. Father taught her a little, only the most basic to find animals, but never anything bigger then that. Well, a refresher course would be nice. "Very well. Never hurts to learn." She hopped up out of bed and got dressed in her armor, the warrior feeling a little bit uncomfortable in her outfit. Strange...she never felt like this before. She'd sheath her blade, knowing she would not need it right away. She mad eht elast minute preparation for the cold, and awaited Korgoth.

RJ: Korgoth would take her outside, into the blizzard. He began to go on about tracks, reading the wind, and determining how to identify even the slightest faint telling of a footprint in the snow or ground. She began to learn in bits and pieces, before they followed the tracks they found to a small den after a few days travel. Inside, a boar was resting. "I won't rob you the honor. Destroy the beast, and your might will make your right. Cook it, or use it as your mount. Those with power are awarded choice."

Aust: The lessons would go on, despite the terrible weather. Nothing a person of northern blood couldn't handle. Even Sena could shrug off the cold. Sena would pick up the lesson quite fast, even learning more then what her father taught her. They made their way to a small den, a boar resting inside. Korgoth laid out his offer, giving her the honor to take it for herself. She would not be denied. She'd subdue the beast and make it serve her! No more feeling helpless. No more weakness! Drawing her weapon, she'd head into the den, looking to take the beast by surprise while it rested

RJ: The boar rose, apparently not sleeping, but just hiding from the blizzard outside. Upon seeing Sena, the woman would begin to understand. The beast looked at her the same way she looked at it. The winner of their fight would gain rights over the loser. Given the beast's length, it seemed interested to make a bitch out of her, just like the goblins.

Aust: Sena only kept her gaze on the beast, taking her shield off her back as well, taking her sword in one hand. This beast would need to be beaten into submission. There was another way to tame the beast, but she wasn't looking to explore that option. Force was how she'd win the day here. She'd lock her feet, keeping her sword back and shield forward. The beast would come to her, she would not come to it.

"You will kneel before me, beast. I will make it so."

(Activate Defensive Stance)

RJ: The boar made it's initial leap. Sena was able to bash it aside and land a blow with her sword on it's tough hide. Her attack made a clean cut, but did little more than spill a little blood. The boar winced, but despite the weak wound, didn't seem eager to be sliced again while she hid behind her shield. The boar drew it's hooves along the cave floor, before squealing at her, seeming to be on the defensive itself.

Aust: A good first strike. It wasn't enough to subdue the beast but it was a good start. But from the looks of it, the creature was far from weak. The beast was digging himself in, almost challenging her to attack. And she'd be happy to oblige. Breaking into a charge, she would aim to slam her shield into the beast. The faster she takes it down, the better.

(Charge into a Shield Slam)

RJ: Sena would charge, and slam the beast harshly with her shield. Her slam delivered a firm blow, but the beast stood steady on it's hooves. In response, the reared itself and slammed it's front hooves against her body. Sena was slammed back, falling onto her rump from the blow. (HP = 55/83). The boar drew closer, seeming eager to test Sena in the other fashion, though if she got back up, this fight would end with heavy blows, with the field currently in the boar's favor.

Aust: Landing as she expected, Sena was hoping that her blow would have knocked the beast down. But sadly, she would not deal the hit she was expecting. The beast reared back and slammed his hooves into her, sending her back, landing on her ass. Damn. These things didn't play around. She still had the strenth to fight, but she wouldn't last many hits like that. She'd pull herself up and aimed to beat it through smarts. She'd lock her stance again, ready to counter when she could.

(Stand up and use Defensive Stance)

RJ: The beast would rush for her once more, aiming this time for another goal. It would charge, and slam into her so hard that her bash was negated. It'd crush her under it's weight, before she'd feel it's firm length press against her folds. A mixture of human and beast, it was a solid cock with swirls around it, and thick enough to stretch her a good deal, unless she got it off. (Sena is now grappled.)

Aust: Sena was not expecting that powerful of a charge to have broken through her defenses. Gods above, she never remembered the boars being this powerful. But soon enough, she'd find herself pinned under the creature, helpless before it. No. No. No! This wasn't how it was suppose to go! She'd find herself pinned and on top of that, the boar was looking to...lay with her. The creatures member alone was enough to cause a great deal of pain. "You will not claim me!" She would yell as she struggled to break free of his pin.

(Attempt to break grapple)

RJ: Shifting her about, Sena showed continued resistance. The boar shifted as well, and used it's legs effectively. Sena's lower half was exposed and the pig grunted with satisfaction. It began to press it's length against her folds, the massive length ready to pierce her. "You haven't lost, Sena." Korgoth would announce. "If you cannot break free, then turn the tables and claim him instead."

Aust: In no time flat, Sena would find herself exposed, no stronger for her resistance. The beast was smart. Continuing to fight would only wear her out. And Korgoths words rang in her ear. She would have to turn this around on her own. Somehow overpower the boar. She'd let her weapons leave her hands, having no more need for them and would instead prepare herself for something she never thought she'd do.

Using one of her hands and begin stroking the beasts length for a few moments before pushing herself onto the beast. If she was to establish herself, she had to take the lead early on.

RJ: Stroking the boar's length, she caused a reaction. It was enuogh of a hesitation to allow her to make her move. Pushing the beast, it didn't simply fall backwards, but she did get it to roll over onto it's back, while it's length slid along her folds underneath. (Sena has established a submission hold)

Aust: Her actions seemed to have some sort of effect, forcing the beast onto his back. A small step in the right direction. Taking the initiative of the submission hold, she would sit herself up and slider herself along the beasts sizeable member, back and forth. Tease the creature. Make it squirm. All the while, she kept her hands pressed against the beast, further trying to establish her dominance over it.

RJ: The beast struggled and squealed, forcing Sena to press herself down as hard as she possibly could to keep him in line. Sliding along his length, the thick cock began to leak precum almost immediately, while Sena would feel herself becoming moist from his big swirly member against her pussy. (Maintained submission hold. Sena causes 22 pleasure, recieves 25. PP=15/40) It felt quite good against her folds, each swirl pleasuring her greatly as she pressed herself down upon it and grinded her hips.

Aust: Good. Good. It was working just as she had planned. While she was enjoying the ride herself, the boar seemed to like it just as much. She kept up her pace, but would move one of her hands to massage the beasts balls. Play with them in an effort to push him along to the edge. All the while,she had to hold on as long as she could. If the beast struggled, she'd push herself down as hard as she could, not wanting the boar to escape her hold. She would not be underneath again.

RJ: Rubbing herself along it's length, Sena felt the pleasure building and building, before she felt the boar's length pump, and spill it's seed over the front of her body as she laid on it. The throbbing would set her off as well, as her fluids spilled all over the boar's length. After they both recovered from their climaxes, the boar didn't seem quite done yet. It struggled, and seemed more resistant to her casual teasing than before.

Aust: Sena would smirk as she claimed the first round. She'd still smile even after spilling her juices herself. Good. She just had to keep going, but instead of her hands, she would her mouth. She'd begin licking the strange looking member, getting a head start on round two

RJ: Covered in seed, Sena would be licking up globs of the Boar's cum. But even her lips were not enough. The boar squealed, and overturned Sena, getting her on all fours, and pressing itself down. It seemed far more eager to ram itself into her pussy. (Sena lost her submission hold.)

Aust: Seems despite her best efforts, she was not pleasing the beast as much as she could. In fact, the boar decided to turn the tables, overturning her and placing her on all fours. And he seemed ready to punish her. Thinking fast, she lifted one of her feet and pressed the bottom of it against the creatures member, hoping the sudden preasure would get him off guard.

RJ: Lifting her leg up, Sena struggled to get a good vantage on the beast, and only allowed it even more free access to her pussy now that her leg was in the air. It's cock slammed home, stretching and filling her pussy. He stretched her to fit his member, her warped body stretching almost effortlessly to accommodate the huge beast's cock as it began to roughly rut her in the cave. She was treated to seeing Korgoth, looking out of the cave with the boar on top of her. Korgoth looked disappointed that she was failing, and getting stuffed by the boar. He actually stood, and looked like he was going to leave her there, before her struggles earned her something other than domination. She was able to flip the boar back over, now gripping it's back legs in her hands and facing away from the boar with it's thick cock buried in her pussy, and bulging her stomach outwards. Korgoth stayed, and while Sena held herself there, another movement, and suddenly the boar was spurting it's load into her pussy.

RJ: It let out a loud squeal as Sena began to quickly become inflated with it's cum. Her belly fattening up with it's seed, as she began to feel for sure that it impregnated her. Pump after pump, spurt after spurt of it's seed, Sena was left looking well into pregnancy before the boar relaxed, acting rather limp. It might take her a moment to realize it, but she won, in a sense. The beast seemed tame.

RJ: "I don't know whether you feel degraded over what just happened, or if you feel victorious." Korgoth said flatly. "But you were not conquered by this beast. It's up to you whether you want to regret this or use this to your advantage. The beast is yours now, as will be it's child inside you."

Aust: Seemed her plan to reach the boar with her feet was a rather poor decision as it gave him free access to her nethers. She yelled out as the boar struck home, filling her up without effort. On top of that, her pussy streatched to accomadate it, almost like it was expecting the treatment. Before she knew it, the boar was roughly rutting with her. She spied Korgoth who had an almost dissapointed look on his face. She'd failed and he was going to abandon her. NO! He couldn't leave! She wouldn't be helpless again. She'd keep up her struggle and fortune would finally smile on her.

She flipped the creature onto his back and she was still planted in the boar. She gripped his back legs tight and she noticed her stomach was bulging outwards as a result. She kept herself locked down on the beast as she felt the first spurts of seed into her womb.

The boar squealed loudly and all Sena could do was hold on for dear life. She saw her belly fattening with the boars seed. No doubt now she was carrying it's young. After what felt like an eternity of cumming, Sena looked almost 9 months pregnant. The creature seemed well and truely beaten. Sena smirked, looking back at the boar. "You put up a tough fight. You will make a worthy mount."

Korgoth joined the scene a moment later, providing his perspective of the event. "I guess you could call this a victory. Not quite how I expected it to end, but...why worry about that now?" She said, her hands resting on her stomach. She did wish her martial prowess would win the day, but she had to settle with this. But she had still won. "We're taking both home. I'll make the boar my mount." With a good deal of effort, she'd remove herself from the boar, no doubt spilling the massive amount of seed it had released into her.

RJ: It'd take a good deal to remove the massive cock sheathed inside of her body. All the while it's length was drawing out, it's cum was spilling out as well. When it finally popped free, Sena was left with it's seed gushing out of her pussy in a lewd display. Though not in quite a sloppy mess as one might've expected. Sena felt her body quickly recovering from the beastial sex, until not even her most abused pussy showed physical signs that such a massive member had penetrated her. Once her pussy was left dripping with seed, the rest of it deposited on the ground, Sena would be able to rouse the boar. After some struggling, she'd be able to get on top of it's back, using it as her mount. She'd be able to redress herself, and get her weapons back, before Korgoth would seem satisfied. "We'll continue your training another day." he said, letting Sena follow him with her new mount.
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Sena's Baby Boars

Birth Count: 4
(2 Goblins, 2 Boars)​

RJ: The progress would be much faster on the beast as they'd reach camp in no time. Another good half hour was spent navigating through the thick camp, which was apparently only one of many Korgoth had under his control. Sena would arrive back at Korgoth's tent, and she'd be instructed that she could use an empty tent along the side to keep the boar and it's young. It was much smaller in comparison, but large enough for half a dozen people to sleep in.

Aust: Seems removing herself was a chore in itself, all the while, her body spilling out the stores of cum within her slowly. Damn animal. Once removed, she'd feel more then a little ashamed at the display she was putting on as the rest of the seed spilled out. Her body was quick to recover from the abuse, something even she had to admit was curious. Her time here had done some strange things to her body. The last of the seed finally removed, she'd wake the boar. As it struggled to stand itself up, she would use the time to redress herself and gather her equipment. She'd then climb on the beast, proud of herself and her new mount. Korgoth would lead them home, Sena sitting tall on the boar.

The trip back to the camp was thankfully short and they'd arrive back at Korgoths tent. She was told of an empty tent that she could use to house her boar and it's eventual offspring. She'd head over there, climbing off and leading the creature in. "You stay here for now. I'll come back with a name for you and hopefully a son by the end of the night." She'd stroke the boars head, leaving him be. She'd ask for some assistance in taking care of the beast, making sure he was fed when appropriate. She'd return to Korgoths tent, ready to relax after such a trying experience.

RJ: When it came to having others help her out, it seemed Sena was without anyone to take care of such tasks for her. Korgoth would idly remind her then. "Remember, might makes right. There are none who know of or respect your power. Just like the other women here, you will have to make your presence known." Korgoth advised. The process of which could leave Sena under the domination of one of the orcs, or many for that matter, but could mean she'd begin to have power and influence.

Aust: "Damn it." She mumbled at the repeated denials for her request for help. "Son of a bitch!" Wasn't dragging back a boar as a mount enough for these people? Well, regardless, she couldn't care for somethng this massive by herself. Even one person would be enough. She'd pull aside a single orc. "You will help me with this now or so help me, I'll bash someones skull in." She wasn't sure how effective her threat would be, but it was the least she could think of at such short notice. If power was all they respected, she'd have to take her aggression out on someone in order to get it.

RJ: "You thinking you can boss me around?" The orc replied aggressively. The male orc looked ready to fight Sena, but thankfully it seemed she pulled aside a weaker orc. The orc's defeat came so easily that it was hardly worth noting. Grumbling, the orc went off to tend to the beast Sena acquired. She only seemed to impress that orc, though if she wanted more influence in the future, taking out tougher orcs with their own lackeys seemed to be a wise plan.

Aust: Not the best of starts, but at the very least she was able to knock some sense into at least one orc, even if it was a weakling. "Just don't get him angry. I did and I got into a fair heap of trouble." She left, knowing she still had to get the beast proper riding equipment. With at least a tiny foundation, she would leave to head back to the main tent, knowing she had to prepare for her own new arrival. She could only hope the rest of the day would go by relatively quickly, given how hectic her work today had been already.

RJ: Back into the tent, Sena would join Svana in the bed in accordance with Korgoth's orders. He applied his familiar teachings to her if she objected, and he was clearly the stronger. The slaves, who weren't even dressed in rages, leaving their lewd bodies exposed, were to serve Sena and Svana while they waited in bed for their babies to develop. Each slave looked corrupted in their own right, clearly meaning Korgoth sought some satisfaction from them. One even looked like a knight of the fae, now a servant of Korgoth. "Korgoth decided he wanted two kids?" Svana inquired as she laid in bed, her belly much larger than when Sena saw her last. Though Sena was looking to be as fat as Svana was in the morning.

Aust: Sena would not object to the orders, almost glad she was being given the opportunity to relax. Feeling little need for her armor, Sena would remove it, intent on being as relaxed as posible. Sena would notice the state of the various slaves left to serve her, able to see that Korgoth really seemed to enjoy their company as much as the other women. She lied down with Svana, who seemed more then a little curious about the now growing boar within her. "No. During my training, I faced a rather large wild boar. In my effort to beat him and claim him as my own, he decided to...mate with me. Long story short, I was able to win, but he left me a little preasent for later. But I also gained a mount in the process."

RJ: Svana sighed at the news. "It must be just me these days. Men are fucking harpies and women are rutting with boars. I'm the only one who seems to hate the idea... Though I'll never endorse the knowledge that Kavika did it. I'll never hear the end of it from Wolfe, if I ever see her again." Svana said, depressed.

Aust: "Look, I didn't enjoy it. I was trying to fight it whole sale before the bastards pinned me down and started raping me. Since I couldn't do much else, I just had to try and beat him at his own game. Mind it, it wasn't pleasent in the slightest and I'm a little upset I got a parting gift from him. But he serves me now and I'll make sure nothing of the sort happens again." She made a stern promise to herself, while listening to Svana tell her more about Kavika. "Either way, the faster this things out of me, the better."

RJ: Svana gave a light pat to Sena's belly. "Of course, of course." she coddled Sena like someone who was having trouble with denial.

Aust: "I mean it! Not like Im gonna be producing these things by the boat load! I'd like to have normal kids one day. Not animals and goblins..."

RJ: "I didn't say you didn't, but you have the look of a satisfied woman. Hard to believe you when I see you walking into camp with a grin on your face and a boar in your womb."

Aust: "W...Well...I was just proud of my victory. I'd tamed a mighty beast and was using him as a mount. And while it wasn't in the manner I would have prefered...it was still a worthwhile victory. After that mess with the goblins, I needed this victory."

RJ: "I see! You're going to fuck your way to victory!" Svana nodded.

Aust: "W...What?! No! I just adapted to the situation thats all! It was either let the thing rape me or do somethiing! I was not going to feel weak again!"

RJ: "Fucking your way to victory if need be!" Svana cheered Sena on, ruffling the one-eyed girl's hair. "I did that once! Not with a boar though. Even after I lost to Korgoth, I fucked a thousand orcs and only lost because I got bored!"

RJ: "Well, maybe not a thousand, but it felt like a thousand. I looked like a snow golem." Svena laughed about it as if it were nothing. Despite being raped by less than a thousand orcs, she was perfectly fine.

Aust: "Stop teasing me!" Sena would try and plead with the older warrior. Despite the womans words, Sena could not help but admire the fact she was stil in as good spirits as she was despite the constant fucking. "That must have been something to see...makes me feel like I got off easy..."

RJ: "You did, you fucking greenhorn." Svana stated harshly. "By the way, your little display and getting an orc to work for you didn't go unnoticed. Be careful of who approaches you from now on. If it's one of Korgoth's elite, it's best if you just lower yourself to your knees and pleasure him as a sign of respect to a supirior. You'll be left alone that way."

Aust: Well wasn't she a bastion of sympathy? Sena would brush off the harsh insult, knowing that was normal for the defeated Svana. But the mood changed as Svana brought up the orc she bullied into helping her before. "Yeah, he wasn't as tough as I expected. Easier than I though." She said, with a measure of confidence. But hearing her warning, Sena would sigh. "So better to cut out the fighting and just save him the trouble? Well, you would know best. I'll air on the side of caution. At least until I work my way up the chain."

RJ: "No, you're not cutting out anything. By just offering your lips to him, your ass too if he really goes for it, you're basically saying that you're not strong enough for his time. Orcs under Korgoth want strong slaves, and don't give a damn about the weak. If you stand up to one of them, you're basically telling them that you're a warrior, and you think you can take him on. One or the other get the downside in such an exchange. That stupid orc out there thought he could beat you, now he has to take care of boar shit. See what I mean? You don't want to be on the receiving end of that."

Aust: Ok. So then she would have to avoid them all together. The last thing she wanted to do was admit she was weak in any capacity. She wanted to stay strong. "Fine, Fine. I get it. I'll make sure not to get in over my head when challenging the orcs around here. Last thing I want is to end up doing a similar job to that shlub outside or worse. And knowing how things work around here, that could be anything." She'd readjust herself on the bed, sitting herself up a bit.

RJ: Time would pass if Sena admitted it, and had nothing more to say to Svana. The two would be taken care of for all of their needs, and be provided plenty food to compensate for the quickly growing babies in their bellies. Korgoth would move about camp, coming back only to check every hour or so on Svana and her condition, prizing his child greatly, which made Svana oddly pleased.

Aust: Sena would say little else to Svana, only the occasional bits of idle chit chat. She wasn't use to being waited on in any capcaity. Back home, even though she was the eldest of the tribe chief, she still worked just as hard for everything. But, it was nice, even if all the food she was getting was more for the boar she was carrying. Following one of Korgoths visit, Sena would notice how pleased Svana looked. She had to say something. "Aren't you worried about what this child might do to your first?"

RJ: "Worried? If I needed to be worried about Kavika, then I'd not even bother having any expectations of her. She had better overcome something as simple as a little sister. Korgoth is her biggest challenge here, and if she can't overcome one of the obstacles along the way, then she might as well lose."

Aust: "Well, I have my own siblings to worry about, but that's for different reasons. Not nearly as earth shattering. But you know your child better then I ever could, so I'm sure you have faith in her to overcome one more obstacle." Svana seemed certain that this birth wouldn't slow her first born down, so Sena wouldn't worry about it much either.

RJ: So, Sena rested next to her senior. Sena's birth came first as the time went well into the night. Sena's belly had already grown quite large as well. One of the slaves had taken an oddly warm cream and gently smeared it over Sena's bloated belly, causing a feeling of warmth around her womb. "Such a big beast..." the slave idly murmured, before letting out a quiet yet disturbing chuckle. Like many Sena had seen, those in the lowest position, treated as true slaves and made to mate with beasts, they never seemed right in the head.

Aust: And night fell for the two expectent mothers, both of them growing quite large as a result. Sena meanwhile was getting a rubdown from one of the slaves, who was rubbing a warm cream and began smearing it over Sena''s sizeable belly. She had to admit, it felt nice. All Sena could do was look oddly at the broken slave, who commented and made a frigtening laugh. Seems most, if not all the slaves she had seen at the camp were a little off in the head. A scary thought, given how close she was to joining them.

RJ: Sena's pregnancy progressed... And by night, she was looking convincingly nine months pregnant. Sena would have to sleep as well... And by morning when she woke, her stomach was impossibly huge by human standards. Sena's belly was twice as large as it should ever have been. She was in a daze as well, her body moving on it's own as she'd feel the time of birth approaching. She left the tent, nude, and out into the cold, before finding her way into the tent with the boar she'd use as her mount. Resting down next to the beast, the boar laid on it's side, looking indifferent about her presence, while Sena laid next to it's belly. One leg went over the boar's body, and the other spread out as she used his body for warmth. Her body went numb as a feeling of twisted delight came over her. Her baby boars would be slowly pushed out of her body as she'd feel the life of the corrupted creatures leaving her.

RJ: The two creatures climbed up her body after she gave birth, displaying surprising agility for newborns, before they both began to nurse on her breasts. Two large boars that might as well have been as big as Svana's child independently came out from Sena's womb, and they used her milk to grow.

Aust: Night fell and Sena would find herself far larger then she ever would have expected. She had reached the size Svana did with her pregnancy, but was still not ready. What could be taking the bastard so long?!

Morning came and Sena would find her stomach was massive, a size impossible by human standards. It was nearly double what it should have been, leaving her a little nervous. Or at least she would have been had she not been in such a daze. It was close. The time was near. Leaving the tent without a stich of clothing, she'd make her way to the tent she was using as a stable, somehow able to hold herself and her massive stomach up as she did.

She'd rest next to her mount, the creature clearly indifferent to her presence. She would take the time to prepare her self, position herself with one leg over the boar and the other spread out just wide enough. The beast would provide her with all the warmth she needed. Her body went numb as she finally passed the children, a strange pleasure washing over her.

Enough time would pass and she'd push the last of the newborn beasts out of her. A pair. Faster then she could react, the newborns climbed their way up to her breasts and began nursing. The boars were quite large, easily giving Svana's new born something to worry about. But for now, she'd worry about nursing her children. They came first.
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Svana Gives Birth to an Aspiring Champion

(One week following Svana's impregnancy)

RJ: Svana looked distracted while giving birth, but she never let out more than a peep as she went into labor. "I've already done this once before and it didn't hurt then. Get on with it." Svana said with irritation at the slaves concern for her lack of response. One thought she was dying. Turns out she was just bored. Her legs spread wide, the same hole Korgoth wrecked with his giant length would birth a large human looking baby. Much larger than any baby Sena would ever have seen or heard of coming from a human's womb.

Aust: Turning her attention away, Sena couldn't help but chuckle herself at Svana's words as she went into labor. Gods, this woman felt no pain. Not even making a sound as she passed a child. She was certainly scaring the slaves, who might have thought her dead. But the woman seemed resiliant to say the least. Before she knew it, she had given birth to a humanoid looking baby, far larger then Sena had ever seen before. Just how was a human even capable of carrying something that large?
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Sena the Aspiring and Complaining Beast Master

RJ: The beasts would feed from her breasts as Sena would make herself to be a beast mother for a time. The beasts would quickly grow, becoming noticeably bigger after a few hours. The beasts nursed milk from her while the servants were allowed to go far enough from Korgoth's tent to continue to tend to Sena. Another day would pass as she was made to mother the boars. As any would tell her, slave, Korgoth or otherwise, it was to tame the beasts. Not treated like wild animals, they'd adapt to the presence of humans and orcs. Eventually, the boars she was raising were old enough to not require milk. Though somehow, after being mated with and giving birth to the boars, she felt as if her skin had become tougher. Twas as if the spirit of the boar melded with her own somewhat, giving her strength as she stood inside the boar tent, nude, and feeling rather tough.

RJ: (Sena gains one instance of Pain Resistant)

Aust: Reluctantly accepting the situation, Sena would allow the young boars to feed from her for as long as needed. She was their mother after all. They'd grow up surprisingly quick over the next few and all the while, Sena was being tended to by Korgoth's slaves. A whole other day would pass before the boars were big enought to no longer need her attention. And thankfully, all their time around humans and orcs got them acclimated to their new life. Well, least they were easier to control then their father.

Finally free from their weight, she'd pick herself up, dusting off her naked form. Despite the chill she was feeling, she felt right. Something about her armor just seemed so...stuffy. Either way, she would notice something strange. Her time mating with and birth a pair of boars seems to have infused some strange new strength within her. Amazing. She pounded on her own chest, not feeling the pain. But she now realized she found herself standing buck naked in the middle of the boar tent. If there was a servant present, she'd ask them for something to wear as she returned to the tent. If not, she'd wait until the right time before fleeing back, praying she wouldn't be seen.

RJ: There was no servant, and there were eyes everywhere. There'd be little point in it all, so Sena was left to make her way back to the tent, nude as the day she were born. The chill made her nipples harden, and all eyes were on her as she walked at a hurried pace. She'd be stopped before she even went around Korgoth's tent all the way. A scarred orc putting a hand to her shoulder. "Oi," he called out to her. "I'm talkin' to you." he announced.

Aust: Her luck seemly empty today, this left the one eyed warrior to make a mad dash for the main tent. A part of her was ashamed she had to do this. All those eyes watching her sprint across the camp, naked as the day she was born, her body reacting to the chill. The day couldn't get any worse, she thought. Just as she was making her way around the tent, a scarred orc would place his hand on her shoulder and call out to her. She took a deep breath, knowing she was hardly in any state to fight. She had to at least seem tough. "W...What is it? Can't you see I'm busy?"

RJ: "Yer clothes." The orc said, before shoving a folded set into Sena's hands, and turning without saying another word, leaving her to return to the warmth of Korgoth's tent. Inside, Korgoth was sitting on his throne, while Svana, the cat woman, and the oni were all partaking in licking his length together, their tongues coating his length with their saliva, and all of their eyes blank with lust. "You're back, Sena." Korgoth announced. "My slaves tell me your body became stronger as a result of carrying the boar's seed. You seem to be one of those types who may benefit from the genes of whatever you birth. An interesting but often unappreciated feature."

Aust: "My what?" She said in confusion before her cloths were shoved into her hands. The orc left without much of a fuss, leaving the nude Sena rather puzzled. She would quickly redress before entering the tent. This whole day was strange. As she entered, she would stumble upon a rather lewd display. Svana, the cat woman and the oni were all partaking in licking the warlords massive length. She would notice the 3 women were filled with lust, their empty eyes telling her all she needed.

Korgoth would wlecome her back, before reporting what he had learned from his slaves, leaving her rather confused. Benefit from carrying the boars seed? How was that even possible? And how did she not know about it? "Yeah...I guess I am one of those types. I didn't even realize it till after I gave birth to the little buggers. I just suddenly felt toughter. But what do you mean by unappreciated? If someone knew they had this, you'd think they'd take full advantage of it."

RJ: Korgoth leaned his head forward slightly, as if looking at Sena like she did not grasp the weight of what she said. "... Then you understand my intent to add sex to our training, as well as hunting for more beasts?"

Aust: "Geh!" Sena gasped at the prospect. Damnit, whhy'd she have to open her big mouth. "W...Wait a minute. Can't we be reasonable about this. I'm not going to just rush into this."

RJ: "Just making sure we're clear on the why regarding those who do not take advantage of it. You seemed to have missed it." Korgoth chuckled, as did the three licking his length, as if Sena was the one to be mocked while they all obediently serviced him. "You're either taking advantage of this power or not. It all comes down to how far you want your desire for power to extend. If you're willing to mix your genes with powerful creatures, then you can benefit. If not, then that's one less strength you have. Certainly, your enemy is most likely to obtain every strength they can to defeat you. Remember that." Korgoth said, before the girls all began to rub their bodies against his cock, and soon he was moaning while his load erupted from his tip, showing the three in his seed.

Aust: "M...Maybe I did for a little bit." Was all she could sputter back in response. Bad enough Korgoth was laughing at her, but she also had the cocksuckers mocking her too. As if this day could get any more humiliating. "Even without it, that lack of strength can be overcome easily. And plus, despite all I've been through, I'm not going to throw myself onto random creatures." She still had some dignity left, all be it a very small amount. At best, she would use this unique trait of hers as a last resort. After hearing out Korgoths sermonizing, the trio of girls picked up the pace with their work and the warlord finishing as a result, the trio now sticky with seed. Sena sighed at the sight, hardly phased by such displays anymore.

RJ: "A life of dignity is led by those who do not fight." Korgoth told Sena firmly. "Are you willing to sever the head of your opponent and risk yours being removed as well, but not dare risk sexual contact? Murder happens just as violation does, Sena. If you aren't willing to do whatever you can to become as powerful as you can be, then the one who is will take your head or your ass at their pleasure." he said coldly. "The reason Svana lost to me, is due to that same issue. Pride over your goals. Perhaps if she wasn't so hostile to the one named Wolfe, then together, they'd have posed a greater chance at success. But because this Wolfe made husbands out of beasts, Svana ostracized the woman from her home. That decision made my victory that much easier."

Aust: Utter bullshit. He ws spouting complete and utter bullshit. That may be the way his world works, but not hers. She still was human. With morals and guidlines to her life. She did not live like a bloody savage. "What other warriors choose to do with their actions is theirs and theirs alone. I will strike down my opponent wherever needed, because that is the life I chose and I accept all the risks that it entails. If somone beats me in battle, I'll accept whatever fate he has in store for me." She crossed her arms and stood firm in her argument

"This is my decision and mine alone. This decision in particular affects only me, not that of an entire group. I would ask that you respect it." It was the best she could muster, given the circumstances, but she had to stand by it.

RJ: "Then nothing will change, Sena." Korgoth said. "I do not care what your decision is. Once an orc here makes a wife out of you, you'll no longer be a concern of mine." he concluded, standing, and redressing himself before speaking to Svana something regarding the baby, before heading out of his tent. Left alone, the trio who had pleasured him sat, looking rather amused at Sena. "If I was told I had that ability, I'd use it like crazy~" the cat woman said with a grin. "It's no wonder you're weak, Sena~" she chuckled. "You sharpen your words more than you do anything else." the oni added. "And against Korgoth no less. Where do you think you're going with such choices?"

RJ: "She's not going anywhere." Svana said with a yawn. "The title of a warrior is fine enough for her. She doesn't care if she wins or loses. When 'he' comes back, it'll be made pretty clear." Svana mentioned the return of some unknown man.

Aust: She couldn't let him get to her. Not now, not ever. "They'll have a hard time of it, I promise you that." He seemed quite eager to be rid of her. All for not deciding to spread her legs like a wanton whore. She'd chose when she'd use that ability. No one could force her to make that decsion.

Waiting till he left, she'd become the center of attention for the other women. "I intend to use it, just not in the manner Korgoth described." The Oni chimed in, once again comment on Sena's ability to speak. "I aim to lead my people one day. I aim to be more then just a great warrior to my people. I want to be a strong leader and a strong leader requires a sharp tongue." She was struggling to keep up her defense against the relentless jabs from the other women, before Svana chimed in and saved her to an extent.

"Well, that's a little blunt, Miss Svana." She sighed again, almost frustrated over the affair. "But what do you mean by...he?"

RJ: "That's not what Korgoth was saying." The oni revealed. "A whore isn't what he was trying to make you into, unless he told you to bend over for the boar, which I doubt he did." she said. "You're too concerned with what we think, and only speak to try and make us think otherwise. You went off about various nonsense and seem to think that you don't need to utilize your ability. That's arrogance." the oni said bluntly, pointing her finger at Sena. "Korgoth is trying to provide you with every tool to accomplish your goal to become stronger. You don't seem to acknowledge that."

RJ: "The weak bend over for the strong~" the cat woman followed up. "You're weak. You're shortsighted, and you think we're going to acknowledge the strength that you haven't even showed us. No one's going to care what you did, or why, when you don't matter to anyone."

RJ: "He," Svana answered finally. "-is one of Korgoth's finest warriors. One who boasts having shot his seed into my own daughter. I twisted his wrist to level that arrogance of his, but he has a tradition where he comes to 'test' those whom Korgoth deems as worthy enough to be near his presence. He's coming to test you, and he's going to humiliate you greatly when he gets a good look at your attitude."

Aust: Gods. What did she do to be delivered to such company? The one thing she didn't want to do seemed to be the only way to prove anything to these people. Every word was only making her more and more frustrated. The oni's words stung. Maybe she was letting her personal pride get in the way of what could be a good opportunity. Why waste it?

The cat followed up, spouting more insults then advice. But Svana's words really did put a pang of fear into her. One of Korgoth's own wanting to claim any that Korgoth deemed worthy. If she was to continue boasting, she needed to be prepared for the worst and back up her words. After all, that's all she had...words. She threw up her hands and let out a dissatisfied groan. "Fine. I guess I can't stem the tide much longer. What's it going to take? I've dealt with worse at this point, so what's a little more humiliation? "

RJ: "You're going to give up and let him do whatever he wants?" Svana sighed. "Your ideas are either to try the impossible or give up entirely. Why don't you try to think of something rational? Use your brain, if you have one." she said with disappointment, before Sena would hear that this fine warrior was to arrive in a months time. Word has it that he comes from the south, with a worthy vampire in tow. A beauty of a woman with great powers. "You could just service him and be done with it, but recall the rules here. You have a boar and a single orc to show for how much your power can control. He has his own section of fighters and those whom he has dominated just like everyone else under Korgoth. You can get away with seeming worthy to him without fighting a battle you can't win."

RJ: "Go to the feast held by the weaker orcs, the clanless~" the cat suggested. "Those who haven't been claimed, but follow Korgoth for the glory and the chaos. A lot of basic warriors there. I went to a feast when I first came here, and all the orcs there wanted to gang bang me~ I beat them all up, before ordering them to do me as I liked~"

RJ: The oni whistled. "Those clanless? The moment they'd see Sena's meat walk in, they'd have her on the tables immediately. I'd gladly watch that."

Aust: "I never said I was going to give up. I was wondering what it would take to overcome this massive road block." She'd pause for a moment, listening to Svana's suggestions. "I do have one, thank you very much." She quipped before hearing the story of the warrior that sought to claim her. Seemed she had less then a month to come up with something before he returned and he was coming back with quite a prize. She could save herself the trouble and just submit, but she could not give up that easily.

Ontop of the vampire, the orc had a sizeable contingent of warriors at his command and other dominated victims. All she had was a trio of boars and a single orc to her name. Hardly enough to intimidate him. The cat however would offer a potential remedy. The clanless. If she could tame them, she'd have a sizeable force at her beck and call. And with a good deal of basic warriors, she might just stand a chance. Even with the Oni's words, she could not be deterred.

"THat could be an option. But I'd rather not risk failure with them. Is there anything I can do to better my chances. Any advice? Or training? I have a month

Aust: (Need to make a quick edit)

Aust: Edited previous message: "I never said I was going to give up. I was wondering what it would take to overcome this massive road block." She'd pause for a moment, listening to Svana's suggestions. "I do have one, thank you very much." She quipped before hearing the story of the warrior that sought to claim her. Seemed she had less then a month to come up with something before he returned and he was coming back with quite a prize. She could save herself the trouble and just submit, but she could not give up that easily.

Ontop of the vampire, the orc had a sizeable contingent of warriors at his command and other dominated victims. All she had was a trio of boars and a single orc to her name. Hardly enough to intimidate him. The cat however would offer a potential remedy. The clanless. If she could tame them, she'd have a sizeable force at her beck and call. And with a good deal of basic warriors, she might just stand a chance. Even with the Oni's words, she could not be deterred.

"THat could be an option. But I'd rather not risk failure with them. Is there anything I can do to better my chances. Any advice? Or training? I have a month's time. There has to be something."

RJ: "Korgoth is gone to deal with the demons, and I have nothing to teach you until I see that you're ready to receive more of my brutal teachings." Svana said idly. "I made Kavika bleed to become as hard as she is now, and she didn't squeal nearly as much as you do. So for right now... All you have is that ability of yours. Like you said, maybe you can beat them without it. Personally, in your shoes, I'd just fight. I did it with Korgoth and lost. Maybe I'd have won if I didn't detest Wolfe, but that's where pride lands you, right where I am. You're welcome to join me."

Aust: Sena clenched her fist. More comparisons to that damn brat of hers. Putting her on a god damn ivory tower and praising her like the gods themselves. "I suppose the gods themselves aren't worthy to kiss that childs boots." She added before letting her continue, seeing her odds going down more and more. Everything was just turning up garbage today.

"I'd like to go out fighting personally. My chances at least fighting the clanless are better then fighting him. But I cna't do anything to get you to reconsider? Ever since my encounter with the boar, I just feel stronger. Might as well put it to the test."

RJ: "I trained that child since the day she could walk to be a fearless, intelligent, wise, and powerful warrior." Svana announced. "The gods should take note of her, at the very least. She is my pride. You however, have yet to prove anything. You'll get your praise when you deserve it." she said. "I personally don't know what to do with you. Talents of combat are wasted on those who execute them poorly. If you go through more of my training, you will face consequences if you fail." she said. "I could take you hunting, if you want to use that ability~" the cat woman offered with a sly grin.

Aust: "And my family did the same with me. My father only wishes for the strong to lead our tribe and as his eldest, I will be the one to dethrone him. I lead war parties against other clans and orcs alike. I suffered the loss of three of my kin and an eye. If you want proof, then look right at me!" She was sick of this womans words of her child. A parent was always quick to prop up their own. She was strong. She was smart (Not as smart as she wished she was). Where did this old bag get off telling her off like this?!

But then the Cat offered an alternative. "If I come back from her training, will you consider it?" She made one last plea to Svana, knowing the woman was about as stubborn as a stone wall.

RJ: Svana leaned over to the cat, and the two began whispering to one another. Then, Svana looked back to Sena with a grin. "Certainly!" she acknowledged, while the cat giggled. "If you can manage to return having successfully conquering the beast Mushi tells me of, then I will train you." she said, directing the name to the cat. Content, the cat, Mushi, walked up to Sena, and put an arm around her shoulder. "C'mon! Let's go capture the first hellhound Korgoth's army will see!" she announced. Such was what Sena had to capture and tame. A Hellhound, a beast known for it's power and intelligence. Svana's grin said it all. She knew it would be beyond simply difficult.

Aust: The one eyed warrior could hardly trust the words those two might be sharing. Nothing good ever game of hushed words. But she had her challenge. "Very well. I' look forward to it." She returned Svana's grin. The cat, going by the moniker Mushi, casually wrapped her arm around her shoulder. Seems their job was to snag a hellhound, no easy task by any streatch. The beast was cunning and powerful. Nothing she'd be able to handle on her own.

"Well, lets not waste too much time. We'll need to plan how to fight this thing carefully. One person is hardly going to be enough to take it on. I expect you to pull your weight in the fight against it, especially if you claim to be so strong yourself." Her piece said, she'd equip her armor (If it wasn't already) and grab her sword and shield. "Lets be off. We can talk strategy on the way."

RJ: "Oh? You expect me to help?" Mushi chuckled. "I can capture one myself~ You can stay here and let me do all of the work~"

Aust: "You also think I'm an idiot. Don't think I didn't notice the words you shared with Svana. You're just setting me up for another fall. "

RJ: "I do think you're stupid~" she cooed into Sena's ear. "But you must think of it. How much should I help? If mister tough guy hears that you received help from Mushi, then will he think you so great?"

Aust: "Only because you've seen the worst of me while I'm here." She tightened her grip on her sword. "Only when the fight gets it's absolute worst. Like if I'm literally on my last leg or he has me pinned down. That way, I can at least attempt to fight back. So long as I bring him in, I should be fine. How would he find out anyway?"

RJ: "You want me to lie for your sake?" Mushi hummed. "Why should I do you favors? Miss big talk~" she cooed again. "I'll save you only when it looks like it might kill you or something. I won't be your safety net, you worthless woman~"

Aust: "No! Since when was asking for help a sign of weakness?! Damnit, what did I do to deserve this nightmare?" She'd sigh, knowing she wouldn't be winning this argument. "Fine. Only as a last resort. And one more thing..." She said, leaning in close. "I am not worthless. Lets just get moving."
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Sena Vs. Demon Caravan

RJ: Mushi gave a low giggle at Sena's reply, grinning wickedly at the other woman. "Hee-hee~ We'll see." she said intently, happily following Sena along and giving her directions. They'd travel for a few days, towards where Mushi was tracking what she claimed to be demon tracks. Eventually, while getting closer, her ears would perk up. "Oh-hoo-hoo! I smell demons! Really close!" she announced loudly, which seemed to cause the demons she spoke of to just charge out of their cover, assuming they were spotted. Mushi drew a pair of knives, before casting a spell upon herself, one that seemed to make her move so much faster that after images were left behind even while she was barely moving. "I'll take the dozen in the back~ Can the worthless woman handle two?" Mushi mocked her, as two stalkers emerged, reptilian things with shifting skin, hissing at Sena and wielding sharp claws.

RJ: (Belatedly: pic of Mushi (Link: )

Aust: Something still didn't seem right about how...eager Mushi seemed to be. To send her on this potential suicide mission. The trip would take a few days and Sena began getting bored. Just how far away could this thing be? But they eventually found tracks and soon enough, Mushi picked up their sent, loudly calling out about it. Before she knew it, a large amount of the bastards revealed themselves from their cover.

At the very least, Mushi was armed and she was potent in some magics, the cat girl seeming much faster than before. "Of course I can. I've seen my fair share of battle!" The stalkers before her seemed menecing enough. But numbers meant nothing. She would come out on top. Sword and shield at the ready, she locked her stance and readied herself for the reptilian scourges to striked.

(Take Defensive Stance)

RJ: The first one came, and threw itself against her shield, allowing her to run her sword straight through it's face, while the second attacked from the side, running it's claws along her side. (Sena takes 1 damage). She could easily kill the second, only to find body parts flying in her direction as she did so. The cat was rapidly slicing all the dozen attacking monsters eleven stalkers were cut to pieces by a flurry of wild slashes, while the last would sneak up behind Mushi, and grab her from behind, holding it's claws to her throat, and looking to Sena as if it were holding a hostage. "Oh no~" she cooed. "It's got me, Sena~" she giggled, before moving her hips, the stalker's length emerging between her thighs. Using her fingers, she began stroking it slowly, causing the beast to move in confusion, before it gave a wild expression, suddenly cumming into Mushi's palm.

RJ: "... Such a bore, cumming so quickly." she sighed, before reaching back and snapping the stalker's neck.

Aust: "Simple enough, you scaley bastard." She smirked confidently as she drover her blade into the first reptiles face. The second one however would catch her slighly off guard and get a slight scrach graze her side. "Wrong move, big boy." She said as she turned towards him ready to strike, quickly taking him down. Just as she was ready to check on Mushi, she would notice the flurry of limbs and bodyparts flying past her. Seems her feline friend was quickly dispatching the other creatures without hassle.

But it would look as if her luck ran out as the last of the beasts grabbed Mushi, holding her hostage. Or at least that's how it seemed. The cats tone of voice and laughing sortof destroyed that image. Even more so when she began wiggling her hips and the stalkers member slipping between her legs. She'd proceed to give the stalker a hand job, catching the creature off guard. Enough to eventually kill the beast after it came. Sena said nothing at first, only wiping off her blade before sheathing it.

"Nifty little trick there."

RJ: Mushi walked forward casually. "Oh, no! Sena! I was violated! The shame! My morality!" Mushi playfully mocked Sena. "The beast defiled me, Sena..." she said, before holding Sena from behind, and putting her cum soaked hand over the other girl's mouth. "You have to remove the taint... Lick me clean, please~"

Aust: Sena couldn't help but scowl at Mushi's imitations of Sena. A rather poor one at that. "I do not sound like that" She mumbled under her breath. Just as she did, Mushi held Sena from behind, placing her stained hand over her mouth. Clean it? Lazy feline. "Clean it yourself. I thought you cats were suppose to like that stuff anyway."

RJ: "What's thaaat? I can't hear what you're saying~" she said, as Sena was speaking with the feline's hand over her lips, inviting the stalker cum onto her tongue.

Aust: Now Mushi was just being a jerk. She would accidently taste the cum, forgetting the hand was so close. She'd grab the cat's hand and pull it away from her mouth, allowing her to speak without interruption or risk. "I said clean it yourself."

RJ: "Okaaay~" Mushi said, wiping her hand on Sena's ass before making her way along with a merry skip, going further ahead, seemingly interested in a direct attack.

Aust: "H..HEY! Not on me!" Sena called out after feeling Mushi wipe her hand on her ass. Damn cat. Not a care in the freaking world. Sena would try to catch up, seeing as she could do little to change the felines mind. "Wait up, you fool!"

RJ: "Oh no~ You got cum on your butt! Your poor pride! Are you disgraced? It's fine if you cry~" the cat continued to mock her as they went over the hill, and saw the demon caravan ahead, carrying what was obviously the hellhound inside it's wagon.

Aust: "No goddamnit! Stop mocking me! And I will not cry. I'm not as weak as you think!" She'd more or less chase after Mushi as they went over the hill. Sena would stop, seeing the caravan carrying the hellhound. No doubt it was inside a wagon for safe keeping. "Well, no plan of attack? What are we looking at for opposition? Anything?"

RJ: "Who cares? Let's go~" Mushi replied, before turning Sena over, and bending her over before spanking her butt. "Helooo~! Demons~ Free booty over here~ Come get iiiiit~!" she cheered, before the caravan came to a halt. Then, a reply came. "She doesn't have any boobs!" shouted a youthful male voice.

RJ: "They make a good point~" Mushi poked Sena's chest.
Aust: "But...we could be overwhelmed! H...Hey!" She yelled out as she was turned over, bent and spanked. The cat girl would call out to the caravan, basically offering Sena up on a silver platter. "I am not a cheap piece of meat, damnit!" She'd try to yell in protest, before hearing the comments on her breast. Why were people so obssessed with how big they were?

"S...So what?! Big boobs get in the way of the fighting!"

RJ: "Hey, if you fuck off, I can make your tits bigger!" the man continued. "Oh?" Mushi perked up, as if she were interested too.

Aust: "Damnit! I'm not interested! Mine are fine just the way they are! And don't you get distracted Mushi. You don't need the help."

RJ: "R-really? You don't mind being flat and unattractive? I'm telling you, I can fix that! Just don't attack! We've got a dog! We'll use it! He's got a big penis!" he announced. Mushi looked as if there was no hope anymore. "He's got a big penis, Sena... I think this may be too much for you..."

Aust: "I'll be just fine, Mushi. I handled being held prisoner by goblins for a good amount of time. And a boar." But now back to the matter at hand. "We don't want any trouble. Just give us the hound and we'll leave you alone. No violence, no trouble, no nothing. And my answer is still no on the offer. My breasts are big enough. "

RJ: "Damn it! Um... You like jewelry? Girls like jewelry, right?" he asked. "I like jewelry!" Mushi raised her hand.

Aust: "While I am no stranger to bits and bobs, that does not mean I like them. Why look pretty when going into a fight. It dosen't intimidate anyone. Stuff like this..." She taps her eye patch with her finger. "...Gets people's attention"

RJ: "Well... Yeah, but not in a good way." the man mumbled.

Aust: "That's not my aim. A weaker willed enemy sees this and knows I mean business. May not get me a husband, but I'm not worried about that right now."

RJ: "That's kind of depressing." he replied. "I don't know why you want this dog so badly, but... I guess... You're into animals?" he directed at Sena. "She wants his knot!" Mushi replied. The man gestured in surprise. "Woah, really? She looks so stuck up and prudish though..."

Aust: "Not in the slightest. But we have our own reasons for needing the dog. Don't you worry about that..." She paused, hearing what they thought she needed it for. Mushi didn't hep much either, nearly causing the one eyed warrior to jump out of her skin. "N...No! Not that! Just shut your damn mouth, Mushi! And you too!" She called back to the man, who called her stuck up and prudish. "We just want the dog! Hand it over!"

RJ: "WHY do you want the dog?" the man asked. "For all I know you endorse animal abuse! That's not cool, you evil cyclops!"

Aust: "I do not endourse animal abuse! We plan on taking care of it at our camp" She looked back at Mushi, not sure if she would help in the slightest. She couldn't admit they were taking it back to a war camp. That would be a rejection on the spot. But knowing her, she wouldn't help. Still worth a shot.

RJ: "It's a fucking hellhound! If you don't want it to hurt itself, and don't want to fuck it, why else would you want it!?" the man exclaimed. Mushi nudged Sena. "You're pretty bad at this~"

Aust: "Damnit, fine! We need it for our war effort. We bring it back to our camp and it'll help us fight. There! Is that enough for you?!"

RJ: There was silence, and then an answer. "... Yeah, that's enough! There's no way I'm giving it to you now!" he said. Mushi laughed aloud. "Nevermind that, you SUCK at this!"

Aust: "What was I suppose to say!? I needed help, you hair brained idiot! HELP! And why the hell not, bud? Those things are vicious killers. For all I know, you're taking it to be some demons pet. A clear waste of it's talents. Why not let it be what it's meant to be?"


RJ: "His name is fluffy!"

Aust: "Why would your mistress want to waste the beasts talents like this? It's disgraceful. Fluffy is being mishandled if you ask me. And you said I was guilty of animal abuse."

RJ: "How is keeping Fluffy in a safe and comfy environment worse than making it murder or be murdered? You're fucked in the head, cyclops!"

Aust: "You expect something that vicious to remain under control forever? It's going to get antsy. It's born to fight. Don't you see? He'll be safe, trust me."

RJ: "Listen, I'd fuck you if I was going to use you to fight! You won't even give him the same privilege! Who are you trying to convince?"

RJ: "I'd fuck you even though you're a flat chested, one eyed wierdo!"

Aust: "Would you stop calling me that! And I'm hardly flat chested. But...I see I have no other option. I was hoping for a good fight but it seems you won't give me that options. So...with that on the table...We have one other option...Will you take a bribe? One night in exchange for custody of the creature." It was a long shot, but she had to try it, no matter how humiliating.

RJ: "Hey! I was implying that I'd make a sacrifice! Your chest is so damn small! What am I gonna grab onto?"

Aust: "There's enough to grab, but if you need something...you still can grab my ass." She admited, not sure if that argument would work. But she had to try.

RJ: "I ain't convinced! Show me your ass! Like, lemme actually see it!" he said. "The hell am I even doing..." they'd idly hear him whisper, while Mushi was just listening now for fun.

Aust: "Geh! Fine! I thought you demons jumped at the chance to have sex. Now here you are, inspecting me. Yeash." Sena would turn around and show her ass to the demon and it was what one would expect from a warrior. Tight and perky were the best terms she could use to describe her behind, but she would never actually say it. "Is that enough for you?"

RJ: "Demon?" the man inquired, before peeking his head out to inspect Sena's ass. He was a feline like Mushi, which caused the feline to perk up with interest. "Oh! A sexy guy!" she noted. "That is one scary muscle butt!" the feline man commented.

Aust: "D...Damnit! Just hear me out! Years of training have a habit of taking out the fat from ones body. I'm just in really good shape that's all! I'm still attractive!" SHe also couldn't help but notice Mushi's sudden attraction with the man, who Sena finally noticed was a cat man. "Just give me a chance!"

RJ: "Do both of us, sexy guy~!" Mushi moaned out in longing. The male sukuta grumbled at the situation he was in, especially so when Mushi just began marching down in her lust. "H-hey! Stop! I've got a whole bunch of guys ready to take you out!" he announced. "You mean the fourteen stalkers we beat up?" Mushi inqiures. "Shit!" the man replied.

Aust: "Well, it would be mean to hog him, especially if you fancy the bugger. Why not share the love? " Sena would join her companion, even laughing at the exchange between the two sukuta about the stalkers. "Yeah, those lizard bastards were a joke. That means you're all ours kitty cat."

RJ: "Shit... In times like these...!" He threw a sudden round object in their direction. "GRENADE!" he shouted.

Aust: "G...Grenade?! Shit!" Maybe out of a kneejerk reaction, Sena would walk a few steps before making a leap to get out of the range of the explosion. Hopefully it would be enough.

RJ: Mushi stood in place, before catching the object in her hand. "It's a snowball." she noted, before they'd both see the cat taking the wagon and trying to dart off with it. Mushi would jump into the air and land on him in a single motion. Pinning him into the snow.

Aust: "Well...I...I was jsut being careful..." She said, more then a little embaressed by her actions. SHe'd pick herself up and dust any snow off, before watching her companion leap up at the male sukuta. Amazingly, she was able to land on him and pin him against the snow. Marching over, she'd approach the pair. "Room for one more?"

RJ: The male began to squirm and thump his limbs against the snow in protest, before Mushi pointed to the wagon he was pulling for warmth. Disregarding anything Sena would have to say, she'd leave holding the wagon driver to her while heading into the back. "He's tame!" Mushi noted. As Sena would soon see for herself, the hellhound inside was fairly relaxed, even with freedom in sight. Mushi climbed inside, and invited Sena to follow. "This is going to become very fun~" she giggled. "Stop! Why is even the prude doing this!?" he demanded to know.

Aust: Watching the male squirm was midly amusing to Sena as she watched. No 10 minutes ago, he was practically asking for it, now he's struggling to free himself. They'd learn that the beast seemed tame enough and from what she could see, it was rather relaxed. It didn't suspect a thing. Mushi climbed in, prompting Sena to follow. "Don't see why not." She mumbled, before the driver interjected. "Who said I couldn't have a little fun? Don't you worry your pretty little head about it." She'd follow behind Mushi and climb in, not knowing what to expect.
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Sena and Fluffy - Doggystyle

RJ: Once inside, they were free from the cold and warm from the contained body heat inside. With that, Mushi wasted no time immediately stripping down until her pink nipples were bouncing free. "Think of all the genes you could absorb here, Sena~ The speed of the sukuta, and the dark powers of the hellhound~ All you need is a little happy baby in there~" she poked at Sena's belly button. "No! She's so flat! Keep her away from me!" the male struggled. "She'll be so tight it'll hurt! She's so small!"

Aust: Finally free from the cold, it seemed Mushi wasted no time freeing herself from the confines of her clothing. Sena really saw no reason to not do the same, wiggling out of her armor until she was as exposed as Mushi. The two began chatting about the potential that laid with the two male members present. "I could imagine quite a bit. Faster, stronger, maybe even access to magic. Annd all it takes is...carrying a little one inside me..." She'd place her hand on her stomach as she thought about it.Before the mans rude words chimed in.

"You're just asking for a thrashing aren't you, boy? I'd like to punish him...But we need to decide who goes first."

RJ: "You snooze you lose!" Mushi replied, climbing on top of him and smushing his face between her breasts, moaning as she suffocated him for a moment before pulling his pants down to reveal a quickly hardening length. "Oooh~ Red and stiff~ You need some love badly~" she said, before wasting no time, swallowing his cock up into her folds, and thrusting down onto him vigorously, leaving Sena to her own devices. And to be stared at by the dog.

Aust: "Damn you move fast. Can't give a girl a chance now can you? Fine. He's yours. Enjoy the little punk." She'd comment, watching the scene unfold before her. Watching the pair was somewhat amusing, and the slightest bit arousing. With the cats rutting away at each other, she was left to her thoughts. But she did catch the dog staring at her.

"What is it boy? You look lonely." She'd crawl over to the lonely hell hound, looking to keep it company. "You want a little fun, don't ya?" While not outright jumping on the beast, she'd cuddle up against it for warmth. No doubt this attention was getting him aroused. It'd only be a matter of time.

RJ: The hellhound began wagging it's tail while saliva dripped from it's open mouth. It was panting slowly while thumping it's tail, a dangerous thing that looked like it could kill a man, before licking Sena's face when she drew near, and then sniffing her when she snuggled up, putting it's nose to her crotch, and licking her bare womanhood. Meanwhile, she'd smell his male pheromones coming from his nethers. Rather receptive of it now, Sena would feel her body heat up as a result, even if she wasn't completely dominated by it. What slowly grew from between it's legs, was a large, fat length with various bulbs around it's cock and a single, currently small knot at the base.

Aust: More then noticing the now happy hound, Sena couldn't help but smile and laugh as he began wagging his tail and he began panting. She even laughed when he licked her face. "Aw. You're just a big softie, aren't you?" She'd comment as he began sniffing her. Nothing could stop what was about to happen though. Quickly enough, the hound began digging it's nose into her crotch and lapping at her pussy, drawing out a moan from the warrior.

She'd soon catch the beasts...scent, her body all but use to the pheromones at this point. Yes they still affected her, but they didn't overtake her completly like they use to. She still felt an intense heat building up, but she was still in control. She finally caught sight of his member, the bulbs and knot drawing her attention the most. "Well, who would I be if I kept you waiting?" Lifting his snout from between her legs, she'd crawl infront of the beast on all fours, wiggling her ass as she did. "All your's pup. Enjoy."

RJ: While the two felines rut on the side, the hellhound stood in excitement as Sena offered herself. She'd then feel his heavy weight press down upon her from above, while he once again began licking her face with his tongue, only to stick his tongue inside of her mouth the moment he had the chance to, just as she'd feel him grind his hips, his length running along her ass, before he adjusted himself, and made a single thrust, sheathing his cock completely into her pussy. A small bulge would show just under her belly button to reveal just how far and deep he was penetrating her. Due to her warped body, it didn't matter though. However, she once again felt corruption running through her, as she may perhaps realize this beast was a true demon, a supernatural existance. Getting fucked by this would warp her further, not that she had a choice anymore. >>

RJ: The beast began thrusting at a lustful pace, hitting hard against her sensitive point, and driving more corruption into her body, while she'd begin to feel yet another sensation... It was one of submission. Slowly, the beast was making her into his bitch...

Aust: "Right down to business I see?" Sena commented as she felt the heavy weight of the hound press down on her and he continued licking her face. He even went a bit further, sticking his tongue inside her mouth at the first opportunity. Quite the lover, wasn't he? A part of her thought this was the true use that woman had for the beast. No mere companion. This became even more apparent as he rubbed his length against her and then finally sheathing himself within Sena. Taking a quick glance down, she'd notice the bulge just beneath her belly button, showing just how far he went. She could however, feel the beasts corruption running through her, no doubt due to the beasts demonic nature. She chose this path, no turning back now.

The creature began thrusting, Sena doing her best to keep pace with him. On top of the corruption, a new feeling would begin to take over. A feeling of submission. The demon was looking for complete domination. No! She had to fight it. She would be the one to control the pace here, not him. She'd try her best to resist and if she had the strength, she'd flip the pair over, so that he was on his back.

RJ: What was slow takeover soon became aggressive domination as Sena showed resistance. Trying to push back against him, she found his heavy weight now crushing down upon her, drawing the breath from her lungs while he thrusted his hips to drive his cock in deep, his knot dipping in and out of her pussy, causing her sharp pangs of pleasure. He'd continue to his his tongue on her, his thrusting even faster as he became inspired, feeling Sena struggle to break free, and failing initially, while the sensation of domination spread through her. The more the feeling spread, the more she felt her legs spreading more, and the more she felt her pussy welcome his aggressive thrusts. Any longer, and she'd truly become his.

Aust: It seemed her initial resistance only turned the creature more aggressive. Her struggle against him only caused him to press down on her harder, causing her to gasp for breath when she could. He just kept thrusting and thrusting, the knot causing pangs of unexpected pleasure. Meanwhile, the beasts tongue continued see use, muffling any noise she made. The domination continued to spread all the while, Sena's will growing weaker and weaker, her body becoming more accepting to the beasts advances. Not while she still had some fight in her. Mustering what will she had left, she'd push one last time, looking to turn the tables.

RJ: Her last push earned her pussy to be locked around the canine's swelling knot. Once inside her, he thrusted deep and held her there, unable to fend him off, before the knot grew so much that it was impossible to even move much at all. Held there, with the beast pressing down on her, Sena would feel his seed spilling into her stretched pussy. His swollen balls rested against her presented crotch, as large as apples each on their own. She'd feel them give powerful throbs, which in turn, ejaculated wealthy loads of his corrupt, demonic, canine seed into her womb. From the way the dog acted, the relationship was established. Sena was the bottom, and he was the top.

RJ: His tail would wag, rather happy, as he began to idly lick Sena's face, appreciating his new bitch. She'd feel pressure build in her belly from how much he was cumming, all of his seed unable to go anywhere as it remained trapped behind his knot. Minutes would pass, Mushi would finish with the other cat before coming over to inspect Sena with a playful smile. "So~ You lost~" she giggled, before watching the beast lick Sena's face. "Or maybe you won, in a way~?" she suggested with a smile.

Aust: Her efforts throughly wasted, she'd find herself locked by the hounds swelling knot. The following thrust went deep, effectively locking her down. This action also proceeded to push Sena over the edge , the womans body shaking and shivvering in orgasm. The hound would cement his status, spilling his seed into Sena's waiting pussy. She'd feel his swollen balls up against her, throbbing and and spilling it's wealthy bounty of seed inside her womb.

No question about it. The beast was in charge here, and he'd let her know it. His tail would be wagging and he'd idly lick her face, happy to have a new bitch. Well isn't that grand? But she could hardly complain as the beast was still cumming, evident from the pressure built up in her belly. Time would pass and Mushi would finish with the other male before inspecting the one eyed tribeswoman. "Well...yes. In a way, I lost the fight for dominance. But no doubt I benefited in some way. This seed will no doubt give me a child. And with it, a new strength. I take it you enjoyed your prey?"

RJ: "Didn't you want to play with him yourself?" she inquired, before looking to the canine. "In any case, I'd like 'that' when he's done with you~" she giggled, curiously touching Sena's pussy, and the knot that was sealed inside of her.

Aust: "Well, I guess I can't see that harm. Have to get back at him for all his insults. But I do warn you about this pup." She reached back and patted the hound. "He's quite eager and I'm sure he loved to add another to his stable."

RJ: Mushi licked her lips at that, before putting her lips to Sena's pussy, moaning as she got a taste of both his cock and her juices. "I bet he would~ He looks like such a stud with that big dick inside you, filling you with all his doggie cum~" she giggled. "I bet it feels so good..." she said dreamily, softly rubbing Sena's butt, while the hellhound began to make gentle pulls, trying to dislodge his cock from her hole.

Aust: Sena would say nothing, only taking a deep breath as Mushi got a taste of the hounds cock and her juices. Seems Mushi was more then ready to take her turn with him. And she did have to admit...it did feel good, even if she was on the bottom this time. "I guess I can't complain. It did feel strangly nice, even if I was being dominated." Sena wouldn't even object to the catgirls touch. But she would notice the hound attempting to dislodge himself from her. "Here, let me help you." As he pulled, she would try to assist by trying to crawl forward. "Not that hard. Come on now." She'd said, gently encouraging the hellhound in his efforts.

RJ: Mushi gave a gesture of surprise. "Nya? Is this Sena I'm speaking to? You actually enjoyed sex? Nya-ha-ha! I'm so proud of you~" Mushi said, giving Sena a kiss on the clit to congratulate her. Then, attempting to dislodge, they'd pull again, and again, and again, before one last pull yielded victory. His thick knot, even thicker than an apple, popped out of her pussy with a lewd, and loud wet pop, before his semen began spilling out of her pussy.

Aust: "Yes, it's still me! I told you I wasn't stupid! But I will admit I enjoyed it...a little bit." Sena would even chuckle a little bit as the cat "rewarded" her for this revelation. But the battle to dislodge herself from the beast continued for a few more minutes before they were finally able to. The effort would be rewarded by a loud pop and the spilling of the semen stored inside her. "Hopefully he'll have some left for you. I just hope your friend has something left for me. But I'll wait for a bit and let this load drain out first before starting."

RJ: Mushi would lay on her back and gesture widely while saying, "Take me-take me!" as Sena would let all of the canine's cum drip from her pussy. It seemed like it'd never end, constantly but slowly flowing out, forming a formidable puddle of cum on the floor. Looking rather weary and drained after Mushi finished with him, the male feline looked at Sena in her current experience. "Y-you ruined Fluffy... He was only supposed to bond with the mistress..." he said.

Aust: "Enjoy him, Mushi. He's a little fiesty." She'd comment before waiting out the cum. It'd spill out slowly and eventually form a sizeable puddle on the floor. She'd crawl over to the male feline, who looked almost devestated at the development. "Quit complaining. He's still gonna have a happy home with us. And who knows, I might take you too."

With a smirk on her face, she'd climb on top of the cat, sitting just below his spent member. "Time to pay for all your insults." She'd grip his member with her hand and began stroking, looking to get him ready. "Squirm, you little furball."

RJ: "D-damn it! Your hand is so rough and course!" he announced. "It's like I'm being touched by a man!" he said, though given how he was getting hard, he was just trying to get her goat.

Aust: "Well, someone has to be the man here, with how much you're bitching. Now shut up and suck it up." She would proceed to lean forward, getting to within inches of his face. She'd give him a peck on the cheek before straightening herself up. She'd line the entrence of her snatch up with his now hardened member and slid herself slowly down on it. "Don't fight it. Just go with it."

RJ: At being kissed, the feline would wince and turn his head away. "Yuck! Your breath smells like the dog!" he whined, before she lined her snatch up with his cock. "N-no! I don't want sloppy seconds!" he complained further, before her folds felt oddly tight around his length, arguably odd given how large the canine's was. Yet again, she seemed rather adaptable, as before her time with the goblins, she'd still look quite ruined from the savage sex the canine monster gave her. "It's all damn... Slippery... Slick, and nasty from all his cum!" he whined.

Aust: "Good gods you complain too much! All you do is bitch and moan! Be a man and fuck me!" She knew she was hardly in the best shape after the beast, but her body had an odd way of bouncing back from things. But, she was still more then little damaged from the hound and she'd just have to work around that. But all she'd get was more complaining. "Be happy I even decided to fuck you. Now shut it!" Slamming her hand down on his chest, she'd begin thrusting her hips up and down, her eyes locked on the whiny little cat.

RJ: He may have stopped complaining with his voice, but he was still whining with his face as he winced from her slamming him down with her hand, and thrusting hard against his waist. He was right in some degree. The left over lubrication of the hellhound's spunk made her extra slippery, allowing her to take his length into her body without effort. Still, he had to say something. "... They... Hardly even bounce..." he said, while staring at her chest, before digging into his coat pocket, and fishing out a vial of red liquid. "This will... Make them bigger..."

Aust: She'd continue her assault on the whiney little brat, more then a little upset over the facial expressions he was making. The remainders of her earlier encounter did seem to make the affair easier, the warrior slipping on his length rather easily. But then he brought up something that made her angry: Her breasts. Damnit! That was it! "For the last bloody time, I'm not interested! I'm fine with what I got and if you bring it up again, I'll slap you silly! You're the one under me right now. Know your place!"

RJ: "D-damn..." he cursed, before her tension caused him to give a reaction of pleasure. Sena'd only notice if she thought about it. Getting angry made her body tighten up, which squeezed his length tighter. Almost immediately after, Sena would feel his hips twitch upwards, driving his length deeper, before his seed began to let out inside of her. It was a smaller amount, given Mushi just drained him, but it was enough to do the job if the canine had failed.

RJ: Unlike with the canine, she did not cum before her partner was finished.

Aust: Seems her anger finally found a proper place in this situation. Seems her anger caused her body to tighten up, squeezing the little bastard tighter. Shortly after that, she feel his hips twitch upwards, driving him deeper. "Oh, finally being a man for once? Good. I can't do all the work." She added before she felt his seed inside her. While it wasn't nearly as much as the canine, it was still enough for her. She might not have cum, but she wasn't really worried about that now.

"There, now that wasn't so bad, was it? You got your rocks off twice today. Be happy I didn't decide to take them off after your comments."

RJ: "Like it matters! She told me you're going to sacrifice me to your blood god after violating me!" he said in the direction of Mushi, who was going at it rather roughly with the canine, both thrusting hard against one another for dominance. It seemed even at first, but only because Mushi was on bottom. At the pace they were going, it would become clear that she was leading the canine on, with plans of conquering it herself. She was allowing herself to reach the brink of submission just to make her own victory that much sweeter.

Aust: "B...Blood god?! The hell was she telling you? We won't sacrifice you to anyone on my watch. We might hold on to ya...Depends on what Mushi wants to do after she's done with Fluffy." She'd focus her attention on the cat girl, who seemed to be in a bit of a struggle with the dog. Going back and forth in an exchange of dominance. From the looks of it, she was only playing with the dog. Make herself seem weak before sweeping up victory and claiming the mutt for herself. Well shit. That could only mean bad things for her.

Seeing as it could be a while till those two finished, Sena felt she could at least chat it up with the male cat. "So...what are your thoughts on being a dad? Good chance you may have knocked one of us up. Especially if the hound dosen't"

RJ: He didn't seem to much enjoy the thought of being held onto by Sena. "I want a baby girl who'll grow up with big boobs." he said firmly. Meanwhile, the climax between the other two was drawing near. The hellhound and Mushi were on their last sprint, thrusting as fast as their bodies would allow.

Aust: "Maybe we can arrange it. I mean, we just don't raise her like I was raised and she should be fine. And if it's Mushi's kid, then it'll be only natural she get them. So don't worry your pretty little head." She saw the other two were reaching the end of their race, the pair picking up the pace.

"Also, mind telling me why you're so obsessed with big boobs? I know most men like them, but you seem to have an unnatural obsession for them."

RJ: "If women don't have a beautiful body, then they're just men without penises." he replied flatly, before Mushi was heard moaning with glee. "I win~" the catgirl would reply, before Fluffy flopped over on his side while Mushi didn't seem to mind at all that so much cum was pouring down between her thighs as she stretched herself. "You at least beat the little man! Good job!" Mushi congratulated Sena.

Aust: "Thanks then. Made my life decisions worthwhile. Don't think I heard anything stupider in my life. Not all women were blessed with beauty and charisma. SOme of us just have to make do with the hand we're given." She crossed her arms and let out an audible huff, almost missing Mushi finishing with the dog. Seems she beat the dog. "Well, good for you too. Seems Fluffy was no match for you, just as this little bugger was no match for me." Sena was still a little upset about the male cats words.

RJ: "He got hard and even came. I'd say that's a little contradictory to what he's saying~" she giggled. "Regardless, we got what we needed. Let's take this hellhound back home~ Korgoth will be pleased with me~" she announced, seeking to take all the credit.

Aust: "Hey, we both had a part in taking this caravan. Even if I didn't do as well as you in handling the hell hound, I think we should both at least get the credit for completing this mission. After all, we did this to help me take advantage of my power and to prepare me for that orc. Now you're going to hog all the credit? Fat chance!" Sena was not going to let this stand. She had to put up with getting fucked by fucked by that thing. Least she could get was a little credit.

RJ: "Do you want Korgoth to take notice of you suddenly? It only matters to him~" she giggled. "He takes special notice... In those who perform well. You want him to look at you in that way?"

Aust: "Well, not entirely. I just don't want him to disrespect me anymore, that's all." She let out another sigh. "So am I going to get anything out of this besides something from my power? I need to build up my reputation somehow to prepare for the orc. I'd rather not have to deal with him or risk becoming another prize for him."

RJ: "You dumbass. Korgoth is training you so you can join us as one of his generals. Also known as, a member of his harem." Mushi sighed. "Are you that slow? If you don't try to impress him then he won't consider you. But once Korgoth gets the idea that you're going to be his, he's damn near impossible to shake off. He caught me in heat and made me beg for his cock when we first met instead of just giving it to me. I ended up saying crazy things like, "I'll do whatever you want!" and such."

Aust: "I know, I know. And his training has been easily better then anything I accomplished with my tribes warriors. I guess I've just been getting mixed signals from him" But she was still hesitant about "joining" his harem. She originally promised to 'pay her debts' to Korgoth then be given a chance to leave if she so wished. But that window seemed to be closing faster and faster. She couldn't help but imagine how that situation played out, the poor cat basically begging for release. But she did have to bring this up "You heard what he said though right? That'd I might be some other orcs problem? It almost seemed like he lost interest in me."

RJ: "He's mad because he thinks you don't actually want his help." Mushi replied. "Korgoth doesn't just decide to help some random slut he finds along the way. He did it because he thought he could make something great out of you. But then you leave his protection and get captured by goblins for over a week. He's like a parent, the way he frets over you."

Aust: "But I do want his help. He's helped me more in this short time then an entire lifetime of training with my tribe. I just got confused over how to handle all this new stuff I'm experiencing. And I can safetly say Svana has hardly been a positive influence. She was the one that sent me on that goblin chase...Then again...I sorta overreacted to her challenge and got in over my head. I couldn't thank him enough for rescuing me...only cause I never had anyone worry about me that much that wasn't family. It was strange." She paused for a moment, unsure how to continue."Well..I think I've bored you enough...Id take a nap if I wasn't at risk of getting drugged by our friend over there." She said, refering to the cat man and his vials.

RJ: "Get some rest~ You could use bigger boobs~" was all Mushi said, before kicking the cat out and demanding he pull the wagon towards their intended destination. Mushi would then carelessly curl up and rest, leaving Sena to ensure they were kept on track.
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Sena's Desperate Ambition

Aust: "Not you too. I told you I don't want them!" Sena protested before she'd see the other cat get kicked out and forced to drive the cart back home. Then she'd fall asleep. "Fine. Be lazy. I'll be doing he real work." She mumbled as she got redressed and sat up with the driver. She do her best to keep them on track, knowing the camp wouldn't be too hard to find. She had a good enough memory to find the camp.

RJ: They rode their way back to the camp, drawing attention as they went. They eventually had to leave the carriage, which drew all eyes and those from further away even as they came walking towards Korgoth's tent with a hellhound in tow. During the trip, Mushi began to show that she had become pregnant, while Sena remained flat, in both breast and stomach. The hellhound was temporarily placed in his own tent, with plans of making more grand and stable homes for the growing collection of animals related to Sena. "It's good to be home! I'm gonna take a niiiice bath!" Mushi giggled, walking ahead of Sena and into the tent, where Korgoth would be seen resting in his bed, with white bandages over his torso and marks of blood over them, hinting at covered wounds from battle. Massive ones at that. "Sena, Mushi... Where have you been?"

Aust: Seems their little prize was drawing more than it''s fair share of attention from the rest of the camp. Enough to make Sena feel a little more confident in herself. She didn't however, fail to notice that only Mushi began to benefit from her...time...with either of their new companions. The hellhound was given it's own home for the evening, until such time as a larger stable could be made. Mushi however cared little for such details and went ahead of her, walking into the tent, looking forward to a nice bath. Sena followed close behind, finding Korgoth in bed, covered in bandages. And since Mushi didn't seem like she was going to explain the situation, Sena did. "We went and did a little hunting of our own. Acquired ourselves a Hellhound for our troubles."

RJ: "You went with Mushi, who I assume captured it." Korgoth said, though looked to Sena to point out error. Mushi gave a sly grin to Sena. Given what she said along the trip, if Sena tried to take the halfway road, Mushi would take full credit.

Aust: "Y...Yes. She did. With a little help from me. But she did the lions share of the work." She cast her eyes down at the ground, knowing full well she was robbing herself of any sort of glory for this day. But it would be a lie.

RJ: Korgoth sighed with disappointment. "Then I'll hear your report, Mushi." he said, before the cat was already sinking her nude body into hot water as she went on to explain. She captured the male and the hellhound, defeated most of the ill experienced guard, before letting Sena have her hand at taming the beast. "The beast marked her as his bitch~" she said, making Korgoth sigh as a result. "Then she shall breed with it. It should stay tame as long as we appease it. We'll use Sena to see about training it to obey us. Though I imagine it will be difficult." he said, looking to Sena. "Another hut will be prepared. You will stay in that hut, remain close to the beast, and ensure that it does not grow restless or attempt to escape. That is your goal now." he announced.

Aust: So...like an idiot...she let Mushi take all the credit for the work. Every last ounce of it, before throwing her under the wagon. The whole marking comment stung her greatly and her heart would only sink further as Korgoth basically condemned her to be a sacrifice for the beast while they trained it. Listening to Korgoth was almost like listening to her own death sentence. She would turn her back to the warlor as she finished, her gaze still locked on her boots. "U...Understood...warlord...understood." Her voice was soft now, uncertain. She didn't know what to think now.

RJ: "You merely have to appease the beast until you can make it submit to you." Korgoth said. "Until then, you belong to it, not the other way around." he noted. "Though, if you cannot go on, then I will say nothing and allow you to accept your fate."

Aust: Taking a deep breath, Sena tried her best to raise her spirts, given the situation. Well, at least there was some hope in this mess she got herself into. "When you put it that way...I'll just consider this a long term project." She would have to suffer in silence, bending to that beast before she would bend it. She didn't think she'd be here, but she'd just have to grin and bear it.

RJ: With that, Korgoth was done. He'd lay down to rest, leaving Sena to take a bath if she wanted, or anything else she desired to do for the day, while her new 'home' was being built. She could venture out into the orc camp and recruit more of the clanless to her service, visit the children again, or stay with Mushi to be with her when she gave birth. She was free to do anything else that came to mind as well

Aust: With her sentence issued, Sena was left to her own devices. Given how messy she was, a bath seemed like a good idea. Maybe afterwards she'd try dealing with the clanless. But the bath would come first, given that it would do wonders for her aching body. Heading over to the bath, she'd strip down and sink into the water, knowing full well Mushi was there. But all she would do is simply wash herself and wait for her body to recover a little bit.

RJ: The bath was as refreshing as always. Sena got a lot of time to relax and cleanse her body. Mushi didn't do much to bother her either, equally content to just rest. But after a time she'd get up, having finished, thus leaving Sena to her own devices. Clean now, all that was left was the clanless. They were a collection of orcs together in some odd area. She needn't fight all of them to prove her worth, as Sena would observe, merely the strongest among them. Good thing that, as the orcs in that location numbered in about the 50's. Which would be a bit of a problem even for Mushi. The clanless were currently gathered together in a large and crudely made hut. They were gambling and drinking together inside, man and woman orc alike. But both sexes seemed equally rough.

Aust: Thankful that she was left alone for the bath, Sena was allowed to enjoy herself in peace. But enough time would pass and she would have to get up, having finished her cleaning. Now she had a real mission to accomplish. The clanless. The collection of orcs following the clan for personal glory. If she could claim them, it would be a massive boost to her standing in the camp. Sure, she was still a bitch to a hellhound for the time being, but she'd still have a few noteworthy accomplishments under her belt.

She redressed herself, making sure every inch of her was protected as best it could be. Not only from the cold, but from wandering eyes of the orcs. Surely some of them would have a mind to try and claim her now. She would make sure her sword and shield were in good shape before making her way to their camp, which turned out to be a large cruedly made hut. She'd find the 50 odd people gambling and drinking together, both genders intermingling. She'd march into the tent, intent on finding the strongest among them. She beats him or her, and she'll have all of them at her command.

RJ: When Sena entered the tent, all the laughing, arguing, fighting, and mingling ceased. She was an unfamiliar face, and an immediate unwelcome one at that. "You lost?" one orc woman questioned her from a table where she was playing cards.

Aust: At this point, Sena was hardly phased by the negative attention thrown at her. Her whole time here had been like that, whats a little more? Seeing the orc woman address her, she would speak plainly. "Not at all. I seek the strongest individual among you. I would like to issue a challenge. My blade against theirs."

RJ: "A match with a blade ends with blood." The orc woman replied. "You seeking to kill or be killed?"

Aust: "If I could, I'd avoid either. I seek to prove my strength and claim leadership. Unless you have another suggestion, then blade is my only real option."

RJ: "If you can't fight with your body alone, then you aren't fit to use an extension of it, be it a blade or not." The woman said, before disregarding Sena. The general feel was that the orcs were willing to let Sena walk away, but staying would make them hostile towards her.

Aust: "And what makes you think I'm unfit to fight with my body alone? So quick to make those claims without seeing any proof. Fine." She sheathed her weapon, leaving her with only her shield in hand. "Well? are words going to be all you give me tonight?"

RJ: With that, the orc woman set her cards down, and stood up from the table, before beginning to remove her leather armor. Stripping in the middle of the room as the tension rose. Soon, the green skinned orc woman, with powerful muscles and heavy breasts, stood before Sena with naught but her gloves and boots.

RJ: Most notably, down south, the orc woman was sporting a semi-erect length of good size, comparable to that of the hellhound.

RJ: "I'll give you a brawl." she answered.
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Aust: Sena remained strong underneath this pressure that she was facing. She'd say nothing as the female dressed down. Seemed the woman was no slouch in the muscles or breasts. But after what she put up with with the male cat, she did not flinch or show any sign of fear. And then she saw the...addition that the orc woman had, making this situation all the more difficult.

"Then I accept. Am I expected to dress down as well?" Sena asked, her hand on her belt buckle.

RJ: "With such a scrawny body, do you believe fighting me on equal terms will bode well for you?" she inquired. The other orcs laughed, just looking at Sena's more slim form made them wonder why she ever chose to fist fight with the orc.

Aust: She let out an audible huff at the words. Clearly they didn't know. While she wasn't overtly muscly, her body was still strong. Compact, one could say. "I get it. You're just scared. Scared that a human will give you a run for your money, or gods forbid, beat you."

RJ: "You're a mouthy one. Stop delaying." the orc demanded.

Aust: "Fine fine. I know you're scared. I won't waste your time." Sena would dress down herself, leaving her in her boots her own gloved hands. While she wasn't as built as her opponent, she still had muscle where it counted. She took a stance, her fists raised. "Ready when you are."

RJ: The orc stepped closer, holding her fists up while appearing rather calm. The orcs around them were standing up, and shouting, each seeming in support of Sena's demise.

Aust: Sena took a deep breath, calming herself despite all the noises around her. They wanted her blood. She just had to treat this like any other fight. Stepping forward, she would unleash a hook on the orc

(Just a basic attack here.)

RJ: Sena was the first to draw blood. Lunching her fist forth, she caught the orc's jaw. She hit good, but the orc didn't look too bothered as she brought her own fist back and slammed it into Sena's gut. The result was Sena losing all the air in her lungs before the orc woman grabbed her by her shoulders and threw her against a table. "You've a fair punch, but how fare you in a sexual matter?"

RJ: As she said that, Sena would feel the orc's length grow, and rest against her crotch.

Aust: A satisfied smirk crossed Sena's lip as she layed out a punch on the orcs jaw. A solid hit on top of it. But the orc was not really bothered by the blow, before returning the payback 10 fold with a punch to the gut. She gasped as the air was forced out from the blow. In her daze, she was grabbed and thrown against a table. She could only crack a grin as the orc seemed to switch mindsets.

"Better than you think, if that's what you're asking. Just skipping the real fight then?" Sena showed little fear or hesitation, knowing she needed to conserve her strength. "Sure you don't want another round of punching?"

RJ: The orc didn't answer, simply taking Sena from behind her legs and thrusting deep into her pussy. She hilted instantly, stretching Sena out past her limit, and showing no hesitation as she began to vigorously pound her hips against her pussy. The pleasure from her large cock making Sena's mind blank out from pleasure at first, meaning the orc was getting an upper hand, and with her able to control the sex entirely no less with Sena laying on her back.

RJ: "She's caving in!" an orc observer would state. "Make her cum until she passes out!"

Aust: Seemed like her opponent wasn't in much of a talking mood as she thrust deeply into Sena, hilting almost instantly. And much like the hell hound, streatched her beyond her limit. This seemed to be an annoying trend with her partners recently. But to top it all off, the pleasure she was feeling caused her mind to blank momentarily. Not good. Not good at all

With the orc mostly in control, Sena was in a bad sort of situation. Ignoring the comments of the others in the room, Sena would grip the table and try to fuck the orc back. "Not...gonna get me so...easily."

RJ: The orc woman moaned as Sena began moving her hips. "Not entirely all talk..." the orc commented, before she kept up her thrusting, Sena seemed to be able to equal out the playing fields after her initial loss. Now the two were moving their hips against each other, fucking on the table with Sena giving dexterous grinds, and receiving powerful thrusts against her pussy, wet sounds of their love making coming from the orc's cock sheathing in and out of her womanhood. The orc soon trembled with pleasure, her grip on Sena's legs lowering a bit, and allowing Sena to sit up to possibly seek a more advantageous position.

Aust: Finally, her efforts to fight back actually seemed to have paid off. "Only the best..." Sena added, smirking at the orc and glaring at her with her sole eye. As time passed, Sena balanced out the playing field , giving her more than a fighting chance. Her smaller frame (compared to the orc) afforded more dexterous grinds compared to the orcs powerful thrusts, each one causing her to wince slghtly but never relenting.The lewd noises were almost a common sound for Sena, who had grown accustomed to the sounds thanks to her captivity.

But the orcs grip on her began weakening, giving Sena the chance to scoot up and get into a more comfortable sitting position. She'd to position herself so that she could get more power in her thrusts. At the same time, she used one of her hands to grip onto one of the orc womans large breasts, rubbing and teasing it as best she could. She'd occasionally tweak the nipple in an effort to further weaken her opponent.

RJ: The orc moaned as Sena repositioned herself and began tweaking her nipple. The orc observers began to call out in uproar that Sena wasn't being completely dominated. The female orc seemed to share their opinion as she made one last ditch effort, taking Sena's forward momentum and pulling her up off the table, holding her by her ass and pounding her fat cock upwards into her tight hole. They'd both grind against one another ferociously, Sena and the orc rapidly reaching their climax. Only in the last moments did she have victory. The orc released her seed in potent and powerful streams into Sena's womb. With that... The battle still wasn't over. The orc warrior was now on her back with Sena straddling her while the orc crowd shouted. Just like with fisticuffs, it seemed one had to fuck the other into unconsciousness, as a sign of orc brutality.

Aust: The moan coming from her opponent was proof enough that she was making the right moves. Seems the other orcs in the room were not satisfied about Sena taking the lead in any capacity, which caused her partner to kick it into overdrive herself. She'd lift Sena off the table and would hold her by her ass while she continued to pound into her. Sena just continued pushing back, not wanting to give the bastard the satisfaction of seeing her squirm.

At the last moment however, her opponent finally relented, squirting her potent seed into Sena. With her opponent on her back, Sena could tell she would have to keep going. The orcs wouldn't be satisfied with just one orgasm. Sena would now focus more attention on the orc womans breasts, suckling one while playing with the other with one of her free hands. All the while, she would slowly grind her hips, looking to get another round out of the womans member. Anything to get this over faster.

RJ: Slowing down was her next mistake. The orc suddenly reached her hands down, and gripped her ass again, before planing her feet firmly on the ground and thrusting hard and fast into Sena's pussy. The orc slammed hard against Sena's sweet spot, savagely pounding Sena's pussy into her first orgasm. The shock from climax left Sena feeling faint, before the orc slipped out from under her, and rolled the both of them over, so that Sena was on her back. The orc grabbed her wrists and put them over her head, before taking to Sena's breasts, sucking on her small mounds and vigorously pounding into her pussy. Sena was suffering from the orc having found the best position to assault her womanhood, ruthlessly striking her sensitive spot repeatedly and making her suffer incredible pleasure. This time, the orc would get the upper hand, pounding Sena into another powerful climax while leaving her breathless on the ground.

RJ: "She's yours! Take her!" the orcs would begin to share this unified idea, before the woman orc confidently turned Sena over on her front and lifted her ass into the air, and using the new position to thrust even faster into her opponent. "You're mine...!" the orc woman declared, and wasn't too far from the truth. In this situation, Sena was just being punished vigorously. And the orc was so strong that it was difficult to try and break free, leaving Sena either to try and overcome the overpowering strength, or try and hold out through her rapid and deep thrusts into her pussy. Pounding her still, Sena would feel herself being pushed to another climax, leaving her body feeling weak, and her mind faint.

Aust: Well, that was a terrible idea in hindsight. Sena was certainly going to be regreating this. This lapse of judgment gave the orc the opportunity to grab a hold of something and planting her feet in the ground and slam into the unsuspecting tribes woman, hitting her sweetspot in the process. Sena would shiver and cry out as her body was rocked to it's first orgasm. Sena felt faint, giving the orc enough time to reposition the both of them. Much like Sena, the orc began taking Sena's breast, sucking on them while savagly pounding away at her snatch. Seemed her opponent found just the right spot and yet again push her body over the limit. She was getting tired...Really tired.

The assembled orcs meanwhile had begun to cheer louder, watching Sena's humiliation unfold. The female orc would turn Sena over again, this time putting her on her front and raising her ass in the air, using this to gain even more thrusting momentum. She even had the gaul to make a snide comment, bring a little dose of reality to the situation. She really was close to losing all this. Fighting wasn't an option at this point, so she had two options: grin and bear it, or try and push back. Given how well that worked earlier, she would try again. Mustering her remaining strength, Sena would try to adjust just enough to give herself a little leverage. She'd then slam her hips back against the orc, no longer a passive victim. If she was to go out, it would at least be fighting.

Aust: Edited POst: The assembled orcs meanwhile had begun to cheer louder, watching Sena's humiliation unfold. The female orc would turn Sena over again, this time putting her on her front and raising her ass in the air, using this to gain even more thrusting momentum. She even had the gaul to make a snide comment, bring a little dose of reality to the situation. She really was close to losing all this. Fighting wasn't an option at this point, so she had two options: grin and bear it, or try and push back. Given how well that worked earlier, trying to push back might work, but she'd be defenseless. So, in a risky gamble, she decided to to concentrate, conserve her strength and try to resist the incoming pleasure. It would be tough, but it could pay off in spades.

RJ: The orcs became quite loud as Sena seemed to give up her struggles. "She's caving in!" they'd shout. "Finish her! Finish her!" they chanted, before the orc woman took Sena's body into her arms, touching her nipples with her fingers, and licking the human's ear while thrusting deeply nonstop. Teased, touched, licked, and fucked, Sena was on the defensive. They'd continuously fuck, until the orc crowd quieted down due to how long the pair were going at it. The sky changed colors. Sena was having sex with this orc for hours. She and the orc climaxed together as Sena would feel another load in her pussy. Her womanhood was overflowing with orc seed. Both were sore and sensitive from the endless sex. Both were tired. Ready to give up. The orc suddenly pushed all weight on Sena, and crushed her under her heavy body...

RJ: A bit of movement... The orc rolled off, and Sena would find herself sitting on her heels with her knees on the floor. The orc was laying on the ground, and seed was constantly flowing out of Sena's abused sex. The orcs were quiet. They stared at Sena. "The human won." one orc said in disbelief.

RJ: Sena felt the orc's seed mixing around inside of her body. Her nature was kicking in, becoming more solid. If she allowed it to continue, then Sena would become permantently, a woman who would use her womb to absorb the strengths of others. Power was within her grasp, and all she had to do was fuck.

Aust: The noises from the crowd was almost deafening as the orcs around her were looking to completly shatter her spirit. But she was not going to have it. She'd let the female orc take her body into her arms and allow herself to be teased, touched and licked while being fucked relentlessly. She was fighting to the last ounce of strength she had. Time would crawl on and the crowd would quiet down as hours passed. The two continued to fuck, neither one wanting to give up. They'd climax at the same time, the orc filling Sena with another load of seed. Sena meanwhile would spasm and spill her juices on her assaliants cock. Before Sen could recover, she felt the weight of the female orc push down on her, crushing her under her heavy body. "This is it..." Sena thought. "...It's all over for me..."

At least that's what she initially thought before the orc rolled off her. Sena would notice she was sitting on her heels, her knees on the floor. The orc was lying on the ground next to her and the fruits of their effort were spilling out of Sena's abused pussy. Damn orcs knew how to leave an impression. But what stunned her nearly exhausted body was that the orcs were staring at her in disbelief before one of them said that...she won. She had beaten the orc!

Through all this, she felt the seed mixing around in her body. Seemed her nature was kicking in. She had to take advantage of this. She wouldn't be weak anymore. She would take any advantage she had.

If she could, she'd crawl over to her defeated opponent and attempt to fuck her one more time. As far as Sena was concered, that female orc belonged to her. No one would stop her here.

RJ: When Sena rolled over to give her defeated one last rump, the other orcs came forth. Man and woman. Though they stayed back. Sena let it be known she wanted more sex, but not from who. All the orcs seemed to answer to that one orc woman, so they all fell in line.

Aust: Her luck seemed to have turned up for a change. Her defeat of the female orc seemed to have secured her status as superior among these clanless. And now they were lining up to please her. Her romp with that orc gave her a taste of women like her. Sena pointed to the defeated orc and requested. "If there is another like her here, present yourself. If not...then give me a few of your best of both sexes." She was too wound up to stop now. And with this place all to herself, she might as well take advantage of it. Especially for the sake of her power.

RJ: The orcs shifted among each other, before a male with a rod nearly as large as the orc woman she defeated stepped forth. Then, a female with a similar length stepped forth next to him. Both were erect and twitching as they removed their clothes before standing in front of Sena expectantly. They weren't shouting at her anymore. They were obeying her.

Aust: Sena grinned as she saw two healthy prospects present themselves. A male and a female orc. Sena licked her lips in anticipation, almost eager to finally have people bending to her will. Standing up as best she could, she'd stumble over to the nearest table. She' bend over and place her hands on in, before turning her head to the two waiting orcs. "The male fucks me first. The female after he's finished." She motioned in the direction of the fallen orc. "Get her some rest, then bring her to me. I want to talk to her."

RJ: Other orcs came to drag their former leader off, before the male orc did as he was asked. He came up diligently, and did little more than insert his length. No attempt to dominate Sena was to be seen from the man. His cock slid in until it met the end of her cavern. He didn't stretch her, or do more beyond just commit the act, unless she told him specifically to do more, as he'd began moving his hips back and forth, casually sliding his length in and out with restrained motions.

Aust: Really? After what they saw her go throught, they were going to be gentle now? Slamming one of her hands on the table, she turned back to her companion. "What is this? A pity fuck? Harder! Really make me feel it. And don't be afraid to explore a little!" Was she going to have to tell them how to do everything?

RJ: "As you wish." the orc replied simply, before his previous efforts were but a thing of the past. The orc began slamming himself into Sena's pussy. The table began to scrape along the floor from how hard he was pushing against her with each thrust. The other orcs began to look eager as well. One even came forth, a male orc staring at Sena intently. "I want to pleasure you as well." he said. His action was a catalyst for the others, who came forth, desiring to service Sena. Soon Sena had every orc in the building wanting to pleasure her in even the simplest methods, like touching her. Meanwhile, the orc behind her continued to do as he was asked, pounding away at her ass. Already near her peak from before, the orc's quickened and powerful thrusts quickly brought her to climax, causing her folds to tighten around his length to milk him for his seed, which he quickly granted, merely adding his seed to the prolific amounts already within Sena's folds.

Aust: Not even flinching, her new companion was quick to respond to her request, slamming himself into her pussy. It was so strong that it scraped the table along the floor. And that strength persisted. "That's...better..." She would try to say through her own cries of pleasure. The rest of the crowd seemed to enjoy the show as well, with a new orc approaching her and making a request. This would be followed up b a myriad of others who would more or less make the same request. "F...Fine. But only touching. Only the two I requested get my pussy tonight." She said, refering to her two partners.

All the while, the first male orc would continue his duty, bringing her over the edge once again, her howls of pleasure echoing through the tent. Her climax caused her folds to tighten, causing the orc to cum himself, adding to the already copious supply. "If...If your done...bring on the next one."

RJ: The female came over, and inserted her length as well, fucking as the other had, and pounding her vigorously. The other orcs came forth, two fondling her breasts, and a female orc leaning over the table to request a kiss from Sena's lips. The futanari orc behind Sena gripped her hands firmly on Sena's ass, groping her bottom while watching her length vanish into Sena's folds. The excited orcs were gathered around Sena and watched the female orc fuck her roughly until the female orc began making deep and rapid thrusts, moaning as she quickly neared climax. Making Sena cum once more, the one-eyed victor would feel the last of orc seed deposited into her womb, before fatigue claimed her.

RJ: When Sena would next come to, she'd awake to find herself on her back laying on the same table as before. All of the orcs that were in the hut were laying about, naked, and looking quite satisfied. Sena meanwhile was covered in cum. Her mouth felt as if several orcs left their loads inside her lips, and her ass and pussy felt loose from penetration, with seed leaking out with every movement she made. Just then, a single orc would open the door and stand in the entryway. He wore countless scars, and was equipped with two maces on his belt. He looked like a seasoned veteran...

RJ: And he gave but one look around Sena and her surroundings, before shutting the door he came from. If asked, one of the weary orcs on the ground would note, that was the Elite Sena heard about. He came home early, found Sena, and simply left. Though a nearby mirror would shed more light. Sena sat in the room like a woman who just dominated a large group of orcs, and was sitting in the afterglow. Though perhaps against her permission, it would seem all the other orcs took advantage of her fatigue and fucked her while she passed out.

Aust: Finally. If one thing could be said about today, it was that she finally earned the authority her name entailed. She was to lead her entire people one day. This was just practice. The second orc she asked for began fucking witout hesitation and the other orcs began teasing various parts of her body. Two gripped her breast while a female gave her a kiss while the futa orc grabbed her ass and fucked her like no tomorrow. Despite the audience, the female orc pressed on, nearing her climax. Like clockwork, Sena would reach it first followed by her companion. But that last fuck was one too many for her poor body and she simply passed out.

Sena would come to gods know how much later to a rather strange sight. She was still on the table and every orc in the hut was laying about, stark naked, looking quite pleased with themselves. She'd see soon enough why. She was coated head to toe in cum. Her mouth tasted foul, having pleased several orcs while she was out. Her pussy and ass were also not spared, the holes quite loose from overuse. Before she could properly orient herself, a single orc would stride into the tent. He was covered in the scars of many battles and had weapons that looked as if they had felled a thousand foes.

He'd gaze upon Sena's nude form and see the scene surrounding her before leaving. A quick inquiry told her that this was the orc that was suppose to be coming to 'test' her. He had come home earlier then normal. But he saw her and did nothing. Putting the pieces together, she could see why. Or at least guess. However, the really issue after all this was: why the fuck did all these bastards take advantage of her?! She only wanted the two and she was already weak from their original leader. She'd have to lay down some ground rules before the day was out. But she couldn't stay like this all day, she needed to get clean. She'd call out for any of her new able bodied company to help her up and help her get cleaned. They caused her to get this messy, now they would clean her up.
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

RJ: The orcs bounced to when ordered, coming with many rags and buckets, washing her off diligently and quickly until she was clean, at least on the outside. It was a crude bath, but she no longer looked filthy, even if she would very much still feel like it. The previous orc leader was slouching about, apparently having had a few visitors to her holes as well. "You had someone visit before that one," she'd alert Sena. "One of Korgoth's slaves who said the construction was complete, and that the dog is getting restless."

Aust: "Well that was fast." Was the only thing to cross her mind as her new cohorts went to work making her look clean. Well, at least they were diligent. She still felt a little filthy, but it would have to do for now. She'd find the former leader, who looked like she entertained a few guests herself, who would inform her that her new home was completed and that the hound needed to be calmed. Well that's just grand. "All right. If you can stand...." She said refering to the old leader. "...Then come with me. I have a few things I wish to discuss with you. But first I have to entertain the hound before he tears the camp to shreads. And the rest of you, just rest up here and dont cause any trouble. I'll be back later." If no other objections were raised, she'd redress (But made sure it was ready to come off when she arrived at her new home) and head to wherever her house was.

RJ: Her new establishment was a good ways off from Korgoth's tent. In fact, it was close enough to her newly gained territory. From the outside, it was a square home with a triangular shaped roof to stop the snow from crushing it. It was made of bricks and wood. It looked fairly roomy, even more so as Sena stepped inside to find it to be more like an apartment building with various small rooms that were sealed off with bars on both sides from the middle entrance. A single firepit was in the middle of the room with a dimly lit fire to keep the house warm. It had a great deal of room for even more beasts beyond what she already had.

RJ: Over all the traveling she had done, the boars grew into full adults, leaving her with three boars resting in their new homes. The Hellhound was there as well, and came up to his bars with a strong urge to get out. Meanwhile, the orc followed her with her jaw open. "You... Tame beasts?" she inquired, before looking to the fifth cell. The male sukuta was in it, moping and looking rather bored.

Aust: Seems her new home was much nice then she expected, if a little out of the way from where she was she was use to going. Looking at it, she noticed the square shape and triangular roof for the snow. Interesting design choice. Inside was another story. It was a fairly roomy space with various small rooms sealed off with bars. She saw the single fire pit lit up for warmth. Well that was nice of them. Stoking the fire a little bit to get more heat, she'd find the Hellhounds room and get herself ready.

RJ: The hellhound was happy to see her based on how it was wagging it's tail. "What did you want from me, exactly?" the orc inquired. When Sena would look to the hellhound after stoking the fire, she'd notice immediately that it had gotten out of his cage. No signs of the bars being disturbed were to be seen as he began licking her face and sniffing all over her body. It was clear he could detect the thick scent of sex all over her.

Aust: "I had a proposal for you. I was going to do my work here then discuss something with you. A use for you and the others." But she had little time to elaborate as she had to deal with the hound, who had gotten out of it's cage. No sign of tampering. But she couldn't worry about that. For now, she'd pet the hound as he licked her face and sniffed her all over. "I wasn't expecting him to be ready so soon."

RJ: "Ready for what?" she asked, before the canine was suddenly launching itself, slamming into the orc as she gave out a mix of a cry and growl. Pushed onto all fours, the hellhound ripped off her clothes, before slamming his cock into her folds, fucking her passionately, and treating Sena to the view of watching it's yet-to-be-swollen knot vanishing in and out of the orc's tight pussy.

Aust: "Need I say more?" Sena said, sarcastic grin on her face. She certainly wasn't expecting the hound to take to her guest. Sena was given the privlage of watching the hound rip off the orcs clothing and begin slamming it's cock into her. Sena was getting a front row seat to show, taking a seat to watch the event. "Seems he likes you. Just don't fight it." She'd encourage the orc, unsure just how she was taking this.

RJ: The orc wasn't of a mind to just accept it. She struggled, but Sena would recognize all too well that the canine was pushing her down and slamming his cock into her ruthlessly. After a while, the canine slammed his cock in deep, sticking his knot firmly into the orc and causing her to squeal as a result before Sena would see his balls twitch and throb, pumping his load into her pussy. The orc was a bit weary after being rut, and the canine looked rather happy. He just secured another bitch.

RJ: The canine would pull, and pull, before his knot would make a wet pop out of the orc's pussy. He'd then approach Sena and stand close to her, before getting Sena down on her knees, roughly if she didn't obey. He didn't seem to wish to mount her. Rather, he put his cock in her face, which was dripping with the orc's fluid and his own cum. He wanted her to clean it with her mouth.

Aust: Much like her first time with the hound, the orc simply tried to struggle. She didn't know she was fighting a losing battle with the demonic creature. Soon enough, the hound slammed himself in deep, knoting the orc and eliciting a loud squeal from her. Sena would watch as the hound pumped his load into the helpless orc. Looks like the hound had two bitches for his kennel, for now.

The canine would remove himself from the orc with a sickening loud pop, one that caused Sena to wince slightly at the sound. She could never quite get use to it. Sena now was brought to her knees by the beast, not putting up much resistance in the process.But instead of mounting her for another round, she'd be presented with his cock, still dripping with the orcs juices and his own cum. Seems he wanted a cleaning. With a healthy bit of reluctance, Sena would begin licking and cleaning the sizeable demonic member.

RJ: His cock would twitch on her tongue as she cleaned it, filling her mouth with the filth from both partners. Once cleaned, the hellhound would walk into a nearby shadow, before reappearing inside his 'cage' to sleep on the doggy bed provided within. He also made a gesture of disapproval of the bars. He seemed to desire his room be open for more convenient access out of his chamber. He also left room on the bed for Sena. Whenever she was tired, it seemed she'd be sleeping with the one who dominated her.

RJ: "F-fucking dog..." the orc cursed. "Why'd you let him assault me? Is he not your property!?"

Aust: Sena winced slightly at the taste, but making little to no fuss as that would only anger the beast. Once finished, the hound would return to the shadows before reappearing inside his cage. That little fact almost slipped her mind, that hellhounds were capable of such teleportation. Seemd he was also displeased with his current lodgings, wishing for the bars to be removed to allow for more freedom of movement. He would also leave room on on his bed, no doubt intending to have her sleep there.

The orc would now chime in and make a comment, meaning she'd have to reveal a rather nasty fact. "Not exactly. That's a hellhound. I went with Mushi, one of Korgoths harem, to attempt to tame him. I tried to do so first and he dominated me. So now I've been tasked with keeping the beast under control and attempt to become the dominate partner. A rather long term job, if I say so myself. For now though, I belong to him and so do you now."

RJ: "What?" the orc grunted, before growling with displeasure. Still, she could say nothing to the one who beat her. "Is this all you wanted? To share the burden of draining his cock?"

Aust: "No. Not exactly. I was more then ready to accept the burden all on my own. I guess he was just excited to see a new woman to play with and he jumped on you. I had hoped he would be a little more patient. But hellhounds are tricky. I wanted to ask you something else. See, there was an animal I could tame: A large wild boar. I plan on making him my mount for combat. But in the process of taming him, I got pregnant with his young and I gave birth to two more boars."

Sena paused and took a deep breath before continuing. "My request to you is this: Since I am now your superior, I'd like you to join me. Raise the boar and make it your mount as well. Basically, become my second in command. You were a worthy opponent and I'd like to honor you in some way."

RJ: "I have no love for beasts, but I also cannot refuse. Very well, I'll raise one of your boars... And likely get mounted by the creatures." she grumbled.

Aust: "Well, he is more domesticated then his father, so he should behave. But I also had another idea. Are there any in your company that do favor beasts? Any women that is. Let them rut with the beast in the event he gets riled up. That way, you won't be sullied by them if you don't want to."

RJ: "None that I know of. I can still simply order them to satisfy the beasts regardless. As well, what of that cat man?" she pointed to the sukuta sulking in his cage. "He seems out of place."

Aust: "THen make it so. You are still their superior, so you can give them orders as you see fit." She was surprised however to see that sukuta in a cage in her home. "I honestly cannot say. Allow me to find out." She'd march over to the sukuta's cage. "Hey, mind telling me why you're in my residence? Mushi got board with you?"

RJ: "I'VE BEEN HERE THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME!" the male replied angrily.

Aust: "Why are you here though! Could you tell me that? Did they decide to give you to me instead? What?!"


Aust: "Well, he won't be all that helpful in giving me a straight answer. Seems I'll have to put up with him and his breast related comments for a while now." She tapped on the door, looking to warn him. "You piss me off then I'll let the hound have a round with you. Now shut up before I really get mad."

RJ: "I want out. This place sucks! Let me out! What's the point of keeping me here!? You're so stuuupid! STOOOPID!" he shouted, pointing at her and sticking his hand out of the bars

Aust: "I don't know why you're here, allright! Just let me talk to the people in charge and I'll find out what exactly they're keeping you here for. If it's nothing serious, then I'll see to letting you out. Or at least letting you out of the cage and free to explore the camp. Ok? Can you be a good boy till then?"

RJ: The cat boy let out a 'hmph' in reply. Quickly, Sena would discover that the boy was given completely to Sena. He belonged to her now.

Aust: "No worries. I'll make sure you're treated well. Just stay comfy till I figure something out." With that in mind, Sena would at least not have to worry about him for a little while. She turned her attention back to her orc companion. "Mind telling me your name? I'd like to know the name of my second in command. "

RJ: "Nurgle." the orc stated simply.

Aust: "And my name is Sena." She crossed her arms across her chest. "Lets head back to your encampment. Try and organize things." Sena would redress and offer Nurgle a blanket or something to wear in leau of losing her clothing to the hound.

RJ: Accepting the blanket, the two went back to the orc hut. The orcs were back to their usual laziness. playing around and wrestling one another. They weren't accomplishing much.

Aust: Returning to the hut, she'd see the motley assortment back to their usual lazy antics. Well, time to get things under control. She would make a loud enough noise to attract their attention before asking. "What are you all here for? What do you hope to gain?"

RJ: "We're all here cuz we're the runts of Korgoth's army." a male replied. The same one who fucked Sena while she was conscious. "We're called clanless cuz we gotta resort to dirty tricks to get what we want. Some of our brothers went off to fight that Kavika girl, and brought a whole bunch of dirty tricks to catch her. That's what we are. Honorless scum."

Aust: "Well, how would you like the opportunity to become stronger? We'll train. Day in and day out. Become stronger so you won't need to rely on dirty tricks. To be given the chance to gain honor and glory like the rest of your brothers. You won't have to hide in the shadows any longer nor take the scraps the rest of the camp turns down. Wouldn't you want that?"

RJ: "Once clanless, always clanless. It will take far too much effort to even be reconsidered as clansmen among Korgoth's troops." a woman replied. "We don't want status anymore. We want to thrive. To fight, conquer slaves, and live out our lives in violence and sex!" the man said, causing the others to erupt in cheer. "We'll train if you wish," the woman said next. "But we aren't interested in status."

Aust: Sena was very surprised. One would think they'd jump on the chance to reclaim their status. But they seemed to have their hearts set and they were not looking to change soon. Sena nodded, crossing her arms. "Very well. If that is what you wish, then I will at least help you become stronger." She would give the rest of the clan a reason to fear them. "We'll begin tomorrow. For now, enjoy yourselves."

RJ: The orcs did so, resuming their card games and wrestling. Meanwhile, the former leader was just standing there, not much to say.

Aust: "You seem upset." Sena would say, turning her attention to the orc woman. "You can tell me anything. Be honest with me."

RJ: "You've said nothing of yourself. We've a leader who we don't understand. You've a goal to be sure, but such is unknown." she said.

Aust: "I see...Well, I see no reason to hide it. I was tired of being seen as weak. As being pathetic in the eyes of the other women under Korgoth. I'm strong. But I want to be stronger. To know what it means to hold authority and not be looked down upon." She placed her hand on her stomach.

"And...I'll tell you a secret. I possess a unique power. Everytime I have child, I grow stronger. It seems I am granted a new strength based on who's child I carry. It's just another tool for me to grow. And I intend to use it. I would rather you keep that last bit to yourself, if you could."

RJ: "So that's why you keep beasts? That is actually quite a terrifying idea, to be granted the power of terrible monsters. Imagine if you somehow mated with a dragon!" Nurgle said humorously, no doubt picturing a massive draconian length trying to find it's way inside Sena's small frame.

Aust: "That is somewhat true, yes. The boar was how I found out about this power. After I gave birth, my skin felt stronger. Like I could deflect an arrow with my flesh." She could only imagine if that much was true. Not that she'd want to test it. She even got a bit of a laugh out of Nurgle's flight of fancy. The theories were running wild.

"But yes, I'm granted a new power from each thing I bed. That includes non-animals as well. Why did ou think I was so open to our fight? I felt I could benefit from bedding you. We can keep trying if you want." Sena said in a half joking manner.

Aust: Edited previous message: "That is somewhat true, yes. The boar was how I found out about this power. After I gave birth, my skin felt stronger. Like I could deflect an arrow with my flesh." She could only imagine if that much was true. Not that she'd want to test it. She even got a bit of a laugh out of Nurgle's flight of fancy. The theories were running wild.

"But yes, I'm granted a new power from each thing I bed. That includes non-animals as well. Why did ou think I was so open to our fight? I felt I could benefit from bedding you. We can keep trying if you want." Sena said in a half joking manner.

RJ: "That is an interesting power." Nurgle nodded. "Though you may already be expecting~" Nurgle said, looking to Sena's stomach. It was subtle, but it was there. A discreet lump. Seems 'someone' had done the job. With Sena expecting, there would be some time before she'd give birth, especially since it was almost certainly an orc who did the job. With the worry of being assaulted by an elite gone, Sena would have about a week's time before she'd be expecting.

Aust: "It is. I hope to take full advantage of it. And really?" Sena would look down and feel the discreet lump. Looks like she was expecting. After all that mess the day before, it seemed one of her partners seed took. And with it being an orc, it would take some time to come to term. She was also safe for the time being, given that the elite orc was out of the picture. This would leave her time to prepare. "I guess I am." She would sigh, almost relieved.

"So...How'd you like to stay with me in my home? Would give us plenty of time to get to know each other."

RJ: "... Very well." Nurgle said, before not saying much else.

Aust: "You don't have to if you don't want to. It's not an order. I'm asking you."

RJ: "If you were me, what answer would you give?" she asked.

Aust: "You make a good point. I just thought I'd give you a little more freedom. If you have no other objections, how bout we head back? Make some grub. See where the days takes us."

Aust: Edited previous message: "You make a good point. I just thought I'd give you a little more freedom. If you have no other objections, how bout we head back? Make some grub. See where the days takes us."

RJ: "You wouldn't say yes to your own request? You should think more clearly." Nurgle stated simply, ready to follow Sena back, though she may have misunderstood what Sena meant by saying she had a good point.

Aust: "I mean I wouldn't say no if I was in your position. I've seen what happens when I resist too much. It hurts." She hoped that answered her question. With that, she'd lead them back to her home, praying she'd at least be given enough peace to eat and rest for a little while.

RJ: "What a depressing statement." Nurgle said simply. She wasn't really someone who talked much, as Sena would find on her way to her new home.

Aust: Her new companion was oddly silent during their trip. Strange. She always got the extremes. Either people who talked too much, or not at all. Wonderful. Once they'd arrive, she'd stoke the fire a little more beforelooking for something appropriate to cook, if anything. If not, she'd leave for a moment to find something in the camp.

RJ: Sena would quickly learn that she was in orc culture. If she wanted to eat, she would have to hunt. This may allow her to collect more beasts to use her power on, but otherwise, she simply needs to get her own food.

Aust: Seeing this realization, she'd turn to her companion for some advice. "Know any good places to hunt for food? We're going to need to get something."

RJ: Nurgle would nod, and dress herself up in leather armor before heading out to hunt with Sena. She didn't say a word in the process. Together, they'd come across wolf tracks. Sena could follow them, or keep walking.

Aust: Sena would gear up as well, following Nurgle to the wilderness. Soon enough, they'd find some wolf tracks. Where there were wolves, there were other...weaker animals. "Lets go. These tracks." She pointed to the wolf tracks, leading her companion onwards.

RJ: They'd follow the tracks as Nurgle gave a single affirmative nod. They'd march through the snow for some time, before eventually realizing it. Sena especially so. They were stepping close to a trap by clever wolves. Thankfully Sena wasn't without the knowledge, and could detect this. They neared a hill, a good location to hide in ambush, and instead of following the tracks uphill, Nurgle directed Sena around it. There, they found five of the beasts in waiting, turning to growl at the two who avoided their trap. Their eyes were glowing, and they were clearly warped. Meaning they'd be willing to grant their seed.

Aust: The two would silently push their way through the snow, both parties focusing on the task at hand. However, Sena realized something wasn't right. This was a trap of somekind. Seemed the wolves were smarter then she thought. But Sena caught it and would call this out to Nurgle. They'd find the tracks heading up hill, but the orc would lead them around the tracks. There they'd find 5 wolves waiting for them, who would turn to see their pray had found them.

The wolves eyes were glowing and they didn't seem normal. Much as she wanted to, Sena needed food. She'd draw her weapon and shield and take her normal defensive stance. She tilted her head to her companion, as if telling her to gear up herself.

(Take Defensive Stance)

RJ: With the wolves having no advantage, Sena and Nurgle would make quick work of the wolves. Sena was free to spare any if she wished.

Aust: Not in the mood to spare any of the wolves, Sena would aim to crush these wolves. Wolf meat was better then no meat.

RJ: And so Sena and Nurgle smited the wolves. Fashioning out a net, Nurgle got all their corpses together to drag them back. "Help with this." she'd request, looking for both of them to drag the meat back. Once they've returned, Nurgle and Sena would take to cutting up the meat, and removing the dark hearts, one from each wolf, meaning five dark hearts went into Sena's pack for future reference. A bit of cooking over the fire, and they had plentiful amounts of meat for herself and her 'pets' to enjoy. One of them being a hungry sukuta who was staring longingly at the meat.

Aust: Taking a part of the net, Sena would help Nurgle drag the 5 wolf corpses back. Upon their return, the pair would take to curring up the meat and removing the dark hearts within. Sena would set these aside for another time. They'd cook the meat, and Sena would find she had plenty for her various pets. She'd bring portions over to the hound and the boars, before giving some to the sukuta some as well.

Once all that was said and done, Sena would eat her own portion, enjoying it. This brought her back to her hunts back home, where she and her brothers would bring back great catches and the entire tribe would eat well. But now, she was scraping by on wolf meat. She'd have to find bigger game soon. But for now, she'd enjoy the company and the meal

RJ: "Are you unsatisfied? Wolf meat is good meat." Nurgle said, picking up on what Sena was feeling.

Aust: "No. It's good stuff. But I was just remembering. Reminded me of my other hunts I went on and what I could be eating. Next time we need to hunt something bigger. "

RJ: "Bigger means danger. We must wonder if we are simply looking for food or for a glorious hunt."

Aust: "Well..." Sena said, her train of thought leading to an interesting place. "...Why not both? We can have a great hunt and enjoy the spoils for months if the catch is big enough."

RJ: "Enjoying the catch is granted." Nurgle said simply.

Aust: "I know. Hopefully we can get the other clanless rallied behind the idea soon. Imagine if we pull it off."

RJ: "Imagine if we fail." Nurgle chuckled
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Aust: "I can imagine quite a bit. And I'm sure you can too. You were the one who brought up me mating with a dragon earlier."

RJ: "I'm quite certain a dragon would not mount you if it defeated you. You might make a better snack."

Aust: "I bet I would. I might be a little chewy though." Sena let out a good laugh as she continued talking. "It's a silly thought, but you put the idea in my head."

RJ: "Mmm," Nurgle grunted, taking a bite out of her wolf meat. Quite tough, but delicious.

Aust: "Hehe." Sena would chuckle as she continued eating. Well, the past couple days were turning out pretty damn good. A little more sex then she would have liked, but still good.

RJ: And then they were done eating. And then night time.

Aust: Night would come and Sena would look to relax. She'd take off her armor, dressing down to her undergarmets. She'd make sure the fire was still roaring before wanting to ask a couple questions. "So...were you born with your...addition or did you get it some other way?"

RJ: "I had sex with a warped man for a while. He had sex with female goblins." Nurgle answered.

Aust: "I see. Well, I guess something had to rub off. I know first hand how bad those goblins can be. Spent a good time in their...care. I'd rather not go back. How long have you been with the clanless?"

RJ: "Ever since I used a drug to rape the man who had sex with female goblins." She answered.

Aust: "Straight to the point I see. I like that." She'd begin pacing the tent, looking for one more thing to ask. "One last thing..." She said, putting her hand on her stomach. "...What if this ones yours? If you were the father. I don't know how having kids works around here. I've only had beasts."

RJ: "Same as the beasts. They are raised by everyone. Children raised by specific parents allows for selfish desires, though I'm not one to talk... That man was rather sexy, and he turned me down in a way I did not appriciate."

Aust: "Raised by everyone? Guess that would make sense. Everyones responsibility. Makes things a little easier. But how did you get turned down? You seem like you could take quite a lot. I figure a rejection wouldn't even phase you. "

RJ: "He made fun of my small boobs. So I raped him, and I grew bigger ones. And a penis. I raped him with the penis too."

Aust: "See...I've had people make fun of mine too. Like that guy over there..." She said, pointing to the male cat. "He won't shut up about them. Seems all he cares about are big breasts. Can't say i see what the fuss is about. They just get in the way in combat."

RJ: "I am proud of my big breasts. They make be beautiful." Nurgle said, before the male cat gave her a thumbs up.

RJ: me*

Aust: "But they seem like they'd be so unweildy. You'd have to bind them daily to make sure they don't smack you in the face. But I'm ranting now. You seem quite proud of your actions overall. You even seem to enjoy having a dick. I could tell from how you used it last night."

RJ: "Bind them enough, but loosen enough so that they bounce. Distracts the enemy."

Aust: "I'll take that into account. If I ever manage to make mine any bigger. Which could either be never or sooner then I think." She'd do her best to cup her own, realizing how small they really were.

RJ: "Mmm, you could do bigger." she nodded.

Aust: "Maybe a little bigger wouldn't hurt. Especially if I'm going to be nursing so much. Maybe you can help move things along? Give a little encouragement?"

RJ: "How so?" she wondered

Aust: "I don't know. Maybe we could find some magic to do the job or some potion of something. I mean if those don't work, what will? Playing with them?"

RJ: "Mutation through corruption will do it." Nurgle nodded. "That hound is a demon, full of corruption."

Aust: "True. But aren't you somewhat corrupt? I mean, you said yourself you slept with a man who was highly corrupted too. Maybe you could share the love? The hound is...a little too aggressive."

RJ: "From what I understand, there is different levels of corrupt. Demons are far more corrupt than most other things. I suspect that if we have sex, it will be solely for entertainment."

Aust: "Again...very true. I mean, I'll be sleeping with the hound quite a bit in my effort to get him under control." Sena sighed, a little bothered by that fact. "But hey, nothing wrong with a little entertainment. Especially with a partner like you."

RJ: Nurgle nodded. "I enjoyed you too. You were a strong partner." she said, before looking at the dog. "Though, he acts less like a wild beast and more like a doting master. He licks your face constantly, as if spoiling you."

Aust: All Sena could do was laugh. "So this is what it's like to be respected around here? It feels nice." Well, that was a good way to pick up ones mood. "Well, when we took the hound, he was on his way to some other demon somewhere. So he might have already been domesticated to a degree. But yeah, he does seem to spoil his bitches it seems. Hardly the imposing beast he was made out to be. So long as you listen to him, he won't hurt you."

RJ: With that, the hound made even more room in his doggy bed. Room for two. Nurgle noticed this, and grumbled slightly. "We will both be getting fairly corrupted, it seems."

RJ: Nurgle seemed to be getting tired, and Sena as well. With that, Sena had a chance to plan ahead. She could wait our her pregnancy, and service the hound in the meanwhile. Or she could do something else in the meanwhile. Korgoth won't be willing to train with her while she's pregnant, for obvious reasons.

RJ: (Basically, timeskip option)

Aust: Sena would look to see the hound making room for two, most likely his way of getting both of his bitches in at once. Crafty pup. Not content to just torment one of them, now is he? "Guess so. No use keeping this stuff on then..." Sena commented as she removed the last of her clothing, dropping them unceremoniously on the floor.

With sleep coming on fast, Sena had to make up her mind about a few things. With her pregnancy on the way, fighting or training was out of the option. So she would ask Nurgle to get the clanless started on some sort of regiment, or at least delegate someone who could. The strongest or most skilled members would serve as good examples. Beyond that though, she would wait out the lengthy pregnancy in her new home, tending to the hound and occasionally spending time with her new warriors (But only to observe and see if her request to train was being followed). She would also seek Nurgle's company and advice, knowing she knew more about the clanless then she did.

RJ: Nurgle removed her clothes as well, before joining Sena in the doggie bed. A bit disgraceful perhaps, but the dog snuggled up to it's main bitch Sena, warming her while also letting her know of their positions. Her body was held against his own in such a way that was perfect to show the position they'd be in during sex, with her ass just along his crotch, waiting for his cock to unsheath itself and enter her. Like that, they'd sleep, and the days would follow with Sena mostly taking it easy.

RJ: The orcs under her command began a clumsy training schedule. They mostly worked out and dueled with one another, and didn't focus too much on actual training of skill, as they didn't seem to know how beyond with their favored weapons, including but not limited to: blades, bows, and guns. Nurgle would give basic information during this time, basically laying the orcs out as little more than mold for Sena to shape into her liking. They were fairly receptive, albeit stupid, though as days passed, some orcs looked at Sena with eyes of aspiration. Not in her favor mind, they seemed to hold desire to ursurp her.

RJ: All that would come in days ahead, fairly repetitive and casual in nature. But the first morning came, and Sena would awake to the sounds of intense moaning. Opening her eyes, she'd see that Nurgle was directly over her, Sena's face just below her crotch, and the hellhound's body over Nurgle. The canine's doing most likely, Sena was treated to a front seat view of his cock moving in and out of Nurgle like a jackhammer. "S-shit... You're breaking me, you damn dog...!" Nurgle moaned, before giving out a voice of climax while Fluffy howled in rejoice. His knot sealed inside of Nurgle's abused pussy, his balls throbbing as he deposited his load inside of her.

RJ: After a while, the hound would pop his length out of Nurgle, letting the orc fall to the side, before he sat on Sena's chest, putting his cock and balls in her face. A sign of domination it was, and Sena could either accept and lick his genitals clean, or disobey in an early attempt to resist.

Aust: Cramming 3 people onto a bed meant for a hellhound was hardly accomidating, but it would do for now. And at the very least, despite putting her in a position to be dominated in, the hound was nice enough to snuggle up against her, warming her all the while. She took a minute to size up just how she was being held, noticing it looked all too similar to their position during sex, the hounds cock ready to unsheath and enter her.

As the days past, she'd observe her warriors and would be more then a little ashamed of their performance at first. Their efforts were soley on strength building and overpowering their opponent in the most brute force manner. No actual skill. Once she was finished passing this child, she'd have to step in and show them the regime she was taught. At least she'd be able to show them how to use a sword with some measure of skill. The bows and guns would require a little more help, something she'd deal with later. Nurgle was also a big help as well, preparing the troops so that she could mold them into something better. She couldn't have wished for a better second.

But the first morning was potentiall the most eventful as Sena was awoken by the all too common sounds of sex. She would awake to see Nurgle directly over her, the hound standing over Nurgle and pounding away. She most likely was position this way by the hound, no doubt trying to remind his bitches of their place. She would keep herself silent all the while, praying the hound would be satisfied with this. The pair would finish, Nurgle crying out in climax and Fluffy howling in joy. Another job well done, in his eyes.

The hound would soon remove himself from Sena's companion, who would fall to the side after being freed from the knot. Before Sena could react and move away, the hound would sit himself on her chest, requesting the same cleaning as before. She would begin as always, not wanting to upset the beast. While not directly wanting to disobey, she would begin to make sure to clean a little less each time. A slow burning plan but it would help buildup her resistance to the creature.

RJ: Rather than letting her have less, the canine seemed to demand more. After her tongue can along his cock, he suddenly put his large balls in her face. Each as she'd recall, were the size of apples. Her tongue would directly taste the source of his male scent. He'd hold himself there, looking down at her with a proud stance. He'd stay there, until she cleaned his balls with her tongue and taste the sack of the one dominating her.

Aust: Seems he must have wanted a little more out of his main bitch, given his insistance. After cleaning the sizeable member, Sena would find herself presented with his large balls. It would seem he wanted her to go further and lick those, standing over her in his proud stance. She would cringe at the thought. Soon, he wouldn't be this confident. But all Sena could do was wait.

Knowing he wouldn't leave until she did something, she simply followed the implied request for now, cleaning his balls. The faster she did this, the faster she could get on with her day.

RJ: Just trying to get it over with didn't seem to satisfy the canine. He let her lick his sack until she had touched it in it's entirety, before growling and pushing her onto her hands and knees and mounting her aggressively, his still hard cock pressing aggressively against her anal rim. It seemed that this was punishment for not paying proper respects to her alpha.

Aust: Thinking it was over after licking and touching his sack, Sena would gasp in surprise as she was pushed onto her hands and knees. "W...What is this? Cut it out!" Was all she could say before she get out before she felt his cock up against her rear entrence. He was mad. And he was going to let her know it. "P...Please! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" She tried to plead with the hound, knowing full well his member would hurt something fierce.

RJ: Her pleads... Were answered, somewhat. The hound would lean forward slowly, until he was facing her, as if testing how genuine she was in her pleading. Letting out a low growl. He'd adjust himself, and give her a second chance. He sat in place, his cock stiff, and heavy sack on the ground. Waiting for her to do her assigned task as if she loved it.

Aust: Thanking whatever gods would listen, she was releived to see that he was not going through with the act. She really did mean her words, knowing full well the pain she'd feel if they weren't. She'd wait until he had positioned himself before following her alpha's orders to the letter. She'd lick every inch of his member, showing no signs of hesitation and would do the same with his sack. She'd hide nothing, only focusing on her task at hand until her alpha was satisfied.

RJ: She'd be at it for a while. The lack of detail into her work was barely carried by her loyalty to the task. His genitals would be soaked, and her mouth tasting of it vividly before he'd stand, satisfied, and would slide his length into her mouth. His knot would form inside her lips, and his load would follow, his sack throbbing as he let out a low growl. In another act of submission, Sena could swallow his seed, or try to refuse it.

Aust: Out of all of this, Sena was most certainly going to remember the taste. Having to lick a hellhounds cock and balls twice was hardly a pleasent tasting experience. She'd thankfully finish and was ready to relax when he slide his length into the Sena's mouth. She let out a gasp of surprise that was muffled due to her mouth now being filled. She'd feel the knot and another load would follow. Not really in a position to turn down, Sena would stomach what she could, unsure if she let anything dribble out of her mouth by accident.

RJ: Load after load, Sena would stomach several mouthfuls before the dog pulled his knot out of her mouth, wagging his tail, pleased at her service. Sena felt quite thick with corruption with her belly full of demonic canine cum. Another transformation was on the way before too long if such continued. And it did. After the day passed, Sena watched the orcs, spoke with Nurgle, and went back to bed, and woke up to the canine hovering over her as she lay on her back, licking her face to rouse her.

Aust: Sena's eyes would widen in shock at the sheer amount of seed she was forced to swallow, the woman almost suffocating during the process. But she was thankfully freed to see the hound rather please with her performance. Sena almost felt sick from the amount of seed that was in her stomach, the corruption quite strong as well.

But after that, another day would pass as normal. She watched her warriors train, she spoke with Nurgle and would return home and fall asleep, only to be woken up by the hound licking her fcace to rouse her from her slumber. "More? When aren't you horny?" Sena would say, a tiny bit annoyed. But she wouldn't show it. "What is it today alpha?"

RJ: The canine snuggled against her on the ground, rubbing himself against her. He seemed to be working himself around her arms and legs. Seems he wanted some affection from his mate.

Aust: "Aww. Well, sorry I jumped to conclusions there, big guy. Guess I got a little jumpy." Sena would reposition herself to his liking, making any adjustments the hound felt were necessary. "Underneath all that, you're just one big softie, huh?" She kept trying to compliment the hound, running her hands through his fur."You want anything in particular big guy?"

RJ: Being pet seemed to make him happy, as well as horny. The Hellhound would wrap his dangerous tail (spikes on the tip) around her, and lift her off of the ground. This encouraged Sena to cling her arms and legs around his large body or feel very awkward with his tail being the only thing holding her up. Fluffy seemed to enjoy the 'hug' as it were, panting happily and licking her cheeks while lightly brushing his cock against her folds.

Aust: Seems what she was doing was working, but not in the way she expected. Before she knew it, the hellhound lifted her off the ground with his dangerous tail. "W...Woah! Careful there Fluffy." She would make an effort to wrap her arms and legs around his body. "Ease up now." All the while, she couldn't help but notice how much he enjoyed the attention, constantly licking her cheek while brusshing his member against her. "Eager little bugger, ain't ya?" She said, continuing to stroke him.

RJ: Fluffy braced himself, as if letting Sena know he was going to commence the act. He seemed to appriciate her stroking as well, being more gentle with her as a result. Even so, he planned on inserting his large canine length into her body.

Aust: Noticing him bracing himself, all Sena could do was take a few deep breaths, as if preparing herself for the act. Giving him one last pat, she would whisper "Go ahead. You seem to want it so badly. Not like I can do much to stop ya. Just go easy."

RJ: As if respecting her wishes, his thrust into her folds was both prompt and gentle, letting her corrupted body adjust and stretch to fit the cock piercing her. After a moment, he'd begin rocking his hips back and forth at a fair pace, shifting his length in and out of her body as Nurgle would awake to the sounds of moaning and sex. "Huh... Since when did you love the dog so much?" she inquired boredly.

Aust: Amazingly, the hound was actually heeding her request. He entered Sena gently, allowing her body to adjust to the creature inside her once again. Following that, he'd being his rocking, drawing out the occasional gasp or moan from the one eyed warrior. No doubt these sounds were what woke Nurgle up and drawing a comment from her. "Not really love. Just...ah...trying...to wear him down."

RJ: He gave a hard thrust at that, shocking Sena with sudden and intense pleasure. He didn't seem to like her reply to Nurgle's question.

Aust: "GAH!" Sena screamed as he thrusted inside. "S...Sorry! No need to get so rough!" She'd have to keep herself quiet around this thing. God only knows what it might do if she said the wrong thing

RJ: "You hurt it's feelings~" Nurgle chuckled, while watching the hellhound speed up his thrusts, seeming rather frustrated that Sena wasn't acting like she liked him that much, and reacted by simply fucking her harder, slamming into her sensitive area and quickly driving her to cum around his cock.

Aust: "I...I didn't mean to! I was just joking!" She'd try to reason with it, realizing the folly of her error. Despite how hard she was getting fucked, she would try to remind him that she did still care. She patted and stroked the hound with one of her hands, using the other to hold on for dear life. She'd try to hold back her orgasm, but failing as she cried out and her body shook.

RJ: After making her cum, the hellhound let her down and suddenly unsheathed himself from her to walk over to the corner, looking dejected. "This is becoming more sentimental than I believe it should be, considering the relationship." Nurgle stated.

Aust: "I didn't mean to upset him like this. Damnit. I gotta learn to keep my big mouth shut." She'd crawl over to the hound and would wrap her arms around him, attempting to embrace him. "Please don't feel bad, big guy. I'll make it up to you later. Just please don't be so upset." She knew this may seem weird, but she needed to get him back under control. She loses him here, she may never get him back.

RJ: After some hugging and embracing, the hellhound would begin shaking his tail. Fluffy looked over at Sena before giving her a single lick.

Aust: "There's my boy! Try and stay like that now. If you want..." She headed back over to the bed and got on all fours. "...We can pick up where you left off. How bout it?" She'd point her ass at the beast, as if tempting him.

RJ: Almost instantly, the happy dog mounted her again, licking her face while he adjusted himself, and began wildly thrusting into her pussy. In his excitement, he pounded her like a jackhammer, making Sena's entire world quake from the intense thrusts and overwhelming pleasure of his large member stretching her. His cock had already entered her enough that Sena felt as if her body was adapting to it. It wasn't crushing her as much as it used to, allowing her to feel the full extent of the pleasure the canine had to offer. "He's really giving it to you." Nurgle chuckled, just as Sena would be pounded into a mind numbing climax.

RJ: Next she'd know, his knot locked inside her, and his seed began to flow into her already impregnated pussy. Because of her adjustments, it didn't take long for his knot just to slide out, and all of his seed to spill out of her honeypot.

Aust: Well, at least now all seemed to be forgiven as the newly invigorated Fluffy mounted her again. Sena breathed a sigh of relief before she felt the hard, powerful thrusts of the massive hound. Sena's body would quake from the sheer force of the thrusting and she couldn't help but moan at the overwhelming pleasure she was feeling. Through all this, Sena felt a strange feeling. Her body had adapted to the hounds sizeable member and she could really enjoy the pleasure the beast was giving her. The orgasm that followed this agressive fucking was something out of this world, Sena screaming louder than she ever had before.

Much like before, the hellhound would knot the tribes woman and his seed would spill into her already pregnant womb. Fluffy would even slip out of her much easier, allowing the seed to spill out of her folds effortlessly. If this was what he had in store for her, she'd have to better prepare herself.

RJ: Much as he had the morning before, Fluffy went over to Nurgle. She seemed to get the idea better than Sena initially did, as she got on her knees and began cleaning his canine cock with her mouth. She at first sucked on it, taking it into her mough, before pulling out, and running her tongue along the finer areas, cleaning it with detail that Sena didn't put into it. She than took his heavy apple sized balls into her hands, kissing and sucking on her alpha's sack. Cleaned and tended to, Fluffy seemed happy. So happy that he couldn't contain himself in his cage, and began following Sena around the camp as she went about observing her warriors.

RJ: The mornings would begin on a familiar note each time, alternating between Nurgle and Sena as for who had to take in his cock, and who had to clean it afterwards. Nurgle's belly began to swell rapidly one day, before she gave birth to a bunch of hellhound pups. Sena could choose to give this pups away to whoever would take them among Korgoth's camp, or keep them herself. Either way, the week passed, Sena's pregnant belly growing large, and the corruption in her body spreading from constantly pleasuring her alpha. Her humanity was vanishing.

RJ: (Sena gains 1 corruption)

RJ: (Mutation*)
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

RJ: On the morning of the day she'd give birth, Fluffy was already atop her again. Her body had fallen into the routine and was meeting his thrusts even as she was only half awake. She'd become familiar and receptive to his male scent, and was just as horny as he come morning. His tongue licked her face, going into her mouth in a mock 'kiss', while he drove his length into her sensitive pussy, hitting all her right spots with all the familiarity he gained from fucking her. "Hurry up and finish Sena..." Nurgle said longingly. "I wish to taste your fluids mixed with his on his length." she said, leaning back impatiently to put her mouth to his sack, and lick her pussy as his canine cock slipped in and out of it.

Aust: Finally free of the beast, Sena would be free to enjoy the show Nurgle put on with her alpha. And she was more then a little ashamed at what she saw. She got to see how much more through the orc was then she had been during her efforts, sucking his member, licking and sucking the balls on top of that. Put her efforts to shame. The dog seemed happy enough however and it took to following her around the camp and observing her warriors.

The days would continue mostly the same, the hound switching partners each day. Sena all the while would try to improve her techniques, as if trying to one up the orc. Soon enough, Sena would see the orc get heavy with child, giving birth to a few pups. Sena would give all but one off the pups away, keeping the last one for herself. At the very least, she could exert some authority out of this species. All the while, her own belly would continue to grow as well. On top of that, the ever growing corruption was starting to slowly sap away her humanity. She'd pray she could only tame the hound before the corruption consumed her completly.

On the last day of her pregnancy, the routine would continue as normal. Barely awake, her body would just meet the thrusts of her alpha. She'd grown all to use to the hound and his scent, becoming as horny as he was every morning. He continued to lick her face, even going so far as to give her what could be called a kiss as he continued to drive into her. It was all routine now. Rather mundane all things considered. Nurgle however, was getting impatient with todays routine. "I...working...as fast as I can. Alphas just finishing up. You'll get your prize soon enough."

She'd work to help her alpha finish as fast as possible. She had more pressing matters to attend to today. Her child was ready and she needed her body free.

RJ: The alpha did finish up. Sena's pregnant pussy would get a familiar load of his cum, her insides lately having a permanent feeling of being dirty as a result of always having the canine's cum in her body. Though that wouldn't be the last of it. The canine let Sena go, but it seemed to have some idea regarding the boar that's been alone across from his cell, or rather simply his room, since he could get out of it so easily. The boar's cage opened, and upon seeing Sena's messy pussy once Fluffy popped his knot out of her, it charged, and mounted her next. The boar's equally large and imposing mutant cock slammed into her, filling her womanhood. Having not spent his load in the longest time, the boar thrusted wildly, quickly cumming and adding to the mess of spunk inside her body. Her lower half felt as if it was throbbing from each pulse of the boar's length, ejaculating it's seed into her sex, before pulling out, and letting the rest cover her body.

RJ: Nurgle then began to tend to both males, sucking, licking, and stroking their lengths. Meanwhile, Sena had a chance to escape and possibly clean herself up now that her alpha decided to share her with it's fellow cell mate. Once Sena either cleaned herself up or decided to indulge in her alpha more, she'd feel her water break, pushing out the copious amounts of seed still inside her. Birth soon followed, a rather easy one at that. A green orc baby gradually slipped out of her womb, a baby girl at that.

Aust: Seems her Alpha was far from finished with her. Sena would feel the all too familiar cum in her insides, her body having grown all too use to the feeling.But to top it all off, Fluffy decided to mix it up a bit. Finally free from Fluffy, she did not see what was coming next. Her boar mount had long been neglected due to her pregnancy and "duty" to Fluffy. The door to his room would be opened and upon seeing her messy snatch, he would charge and slam himself into her. She would cry out suddenly at the shock, her body more than awake at this point. The boar would then pound away furiously, drawing grunts and moans from the woman. He too would spill his seed inside the already stuffed warrior, her lower half throbbing from each pulse of the beasts massive cock. So much seed was eventually spilled inside and on her after the beast pulled out. "You know...you aren't off the hook, boar."

While Nurgle tended to the cleaning needs of the beasts, Sena would pick herself up and clean herself off as best she could. Hopefully out of earshot, she would mumble to herself. "Damn boar. Should have gone after Nurgle." But she would not be given a chance to rest as within moments of finishing, her water broke, pushing out the copious seed still left inside of her. "D...Damnit. Not now." With no choice, she took an appropriate birthing position and would rather easily, push out her child. A green orc baby and a girl at that. Through her labored breath, she would say "Finally...a proper child..." She'd pick up the child in an effort to nurse her, knowing the newborn needed the strength.

RJ: "Aw~ Congratulations on your latest baby!" Announced a familiar voice, before Mushi the sukuta stepped into Sena's hut. "I haven't seen you in a while! And no wonder, you've been prisoner to that dog and boar it seems~!" she giggled, looking to Fluffy's cage, and noting Nurgle sucking on Fluffy's canine cock, while the boar was mounting her and pistoning his cock in and out of her pussy.

Aust: Looking up, she'd see the familiar face of Mushi inside her hut, congratulating her on her newest child. "Well...thank you. I know this little one will do me proud. And yes, I have been quite...busy recently. It's more the hound then the boar. He's just so strong. He's claimed my second in command as his bitch and he basically requires daily service. I've fallen into a damn routine with him and he has limitless energy. How did you do it?" She looked to Mushi for guidance, unsure ofhow to approach this. She needed her Second back.

"At the very least, I've gained a few more allies in my time. I have a group of clanless under my command and I've given a few orcs some hellhound pups, so they'll no doubt appreciate that."

RJ: "How do *I* do it?" Mushi asked with interest. "Well, it's all just a mindset. You're such a prude, you're always going to be overwhelmed with the idea of sex before sex is even upon you! And you always have this look of regret after sex that leads me to believe you aren't as pleased as you let on. If you think sex is bad, then that's what it's always going to be; bad."

Aust: "Well...recently at least, I've more or less warmed up to the idea. The hound makes it so routine that I can't really voice any displeasure. Over time, I just learned to enjoy it for what I could. And that look...well I never really noticed to be honest. As I've said, I've grown more accepting recently. Hell, I conquored Nurgle and her group of clanless simply by out fucking her. And then I went to fuck the rest of them. Had them in the palm of my hand. So if nothing else, I know I can use it as a weapon, and an effective one at that. But I want to take the hound specifically. At this rate Nurgle and myself will be little more then toys for him."

RJ: Mushi's jaw dropped at a certain announcement. "You fucked an entire clan and dominated them!? Where the hell did that sexual prowess come from!?" she exclaimed. "Honestly, if you asked me whether you'd get dominated in any sexual encounter, I'd say you'd lose hands down. But an entire group of people? I wish I had seen that!"

Aust: "M...More or less. I outfucked Nurgle over there and then her 2 strongest warriors after that. After that, the entire group got into it and by the end, I'd fucked the entire tribe. When I woke up the following day, that High ranking orc showed up. All he did was look at the scene and he left. I'd like to think I've toughened up sexual, especially given that I've been fucked by this hound for over a week" Sena showed no shame in her description. "I've since been shaping up my clan and training them. Course now, a few of them are looking to knock me down a peg. But I'd rather worry about bringing this hound down. Make him mine."

RJ: "Well, it's his thing to toy with naive newcomers, but you surely didn't look like one with a large group of unconscious and satisfied orcs around you." Mushi explained. "Well, good to hear you're doing better! I made a bet that you'd break down before you'd go anywhere, and it seems that I lost~" she giggled. "Now that you're no longer pregnant though, you might be able to give it another try... Though, I could help you with that~" Mushi offered. "In return... Let's say you owe me a favor~"

Aust: "Guess he showed up at just the right time then. Got him off my back for a little while. Means I can worry about the important things." She said, smiling down at the newborn she was cradling. "Well, if you don't mind helping me, I guess I could give it another go. Fluffy's getting far too comfy with me and Nurgle being underneath him. Time to change that. I mean, what's one more favor? I'll also have to talk to Svana again, let her know whats going on."

RJ: "Heh, speaking of Svana. You think you've been having it rough! Svana's become Korgoth's favorite. The two barely do anything more than fuck when they're together." Mushi giggled. "I'll teach you a few moves~ But first let's have a look see at this doggie." she announced, before going into Fluffy's area, and getting on her knees facing him, petting along his head and cooing to him. Mushi would begin telling Sena this and that about sex. She'd stick her tongue out, and show Sena how to move her tongue when providing service with her mouth, as well as how actively 'sucking' on the rod in question will provoke more pleasure. She'd then get on all fours, after providing a live demonstration of sucking off the hound, who seemed obedient while knowing a superior female was granting him her attention. The hound would mount her, and Mushi would instruct Sena to watch closely. She'd be taught about clenching her body to tighten her pussy, and moving her hips as Mushi did.

RJ: Taught to move her moves so that she'd grind the canine's cock around pleasurably inside of her body. Every movement Mushi made was lewd and beyond the scope that Sena had thought of to do. Every movement Mushi made had it seem as if she was truly enjoying what she was doing. Certainly a difference from what Sena usually does, tolerating it.

Aust: "Well...he was rather proud of himself when she finally submitted to him fully, so I guess he sees her as the top prize or something along those lines. Wouldn't want to be in her shoes regardless." Sena sighed. But now it was time to learn. "Lead the way, teacher." Sena said with a tiny bit of sarcasm as she followed Mushi into the room. Sena would begin to hang on Mushi's word for all her advice. She'd make mental notes on how to move her tongue while using her mouth and how much to properly suck on the member to garner the most pleasure. Same went for the live demo, which Sena would do her best to commit to memory. If nothing else, this could help her in the long run. And Fluffy seemed to enjoy it himself, enjoying the privelage of being pleased by it's proper master.

More lessons would follow as the hound mounted her, Sena again observing and making notes on how to clench her body properly and moving her hips.Everything Mushi was showing were things Sena had never really thought of before. Guess if you're from those bestial races, sex just comes natural.But to top it all off, her attitude seemed important. Mushi loved what she was doing, while Sena merely tolerated it. Given recent events, she could say her attitude had changed a little bit. But would it be enough? Sena would sit back and allow Mushi to finish, making sure not to skip out on any final hints.

RJ: "If, by the end, you feel like a victor..." Mushi would begin to conclude, moaning but still managing to continue the lesson despite Fluffy ferociously pounding her before the hound thrusted deep, climaxing and filling her pussy with his seed. She smiled and cooed while he came, reaching a hand up to stroke along his frame. "Then that's what you are~" Mushi finalized her lesson. Despite having fucked a beast, she didn't seem anything less than proud. It would go without saying that any attempt to criticize her for mating with a beasts would only be met with laughter. She pulled the knot out, before Fluffy looked rather spent, having released several loads as he flopped over. "Follow the mindset, and you'll be having sex. Don't love the sex, and you'll be having sex. No matter what you do, even if you lay dominance over this dog, you won't stop if you enjoy it." She said with a lustful moan, rubbing her hands against her body appealingly before moving over to Nurgle, and taking the orc's cock into her mouth.

RJ: "You'll always be looking for the next best cock~ Mmmph~" She moaned, sucking Nurgle's length into her lips, causing the orc to moan and put her hands against Mushi's head in pleasure. "Oooh! So good!" Nurgle cried out, sounding off as if Mushi was not so much the one servicing Nurgle, but Nurgle happening to be good enough for Mushi.

Aust: Despite her still being in the midst of being mounted, Mushi continued lecturing, truely devoted to the art. Much like any educator.The hound would finish up inside of her, filling her up much like he would with her or Nurgle. Mushi meanwhile seemed to enjoy this, smiling all the while. Strange. Who kenw having a winning attitude would work in sex as well. And having slept with both the boar and the hound, Sena could hardly argue over the details of mating with one. It was practically her job at this point. And for once, Fluffy actually looked rather exausted, surprising Sena a great deal. "Guess I've been looking at it the wrong way." Like it or not, she'd have to learn to enjoy herself while she was here. What did surprise her was that she was still going, not even skipping a beat.

Sena watched as Mushi made her way over to Nurgle, and would eagerly take her member into her mouth, sucking it like there was no tomorrow. Nurgle herself was enjoying the performance, gripping the cat with her hands. Almost like she was not worthy to recive Mushi's attention. "Careful now. That's my second your playing with. Just treat her right."

RJ: Mushi giggled at that. "I'm the teacher here, superior officer's influence~" she answered, before sucking a load out of Nurgle rather quickly. "Aw, quick shot." she complained. Then she moved onto the boar, who seemed to have an idea of the female he was dealing with. The result was the boar on it's back while Mushi rode it's large swirly and thick cock. Having fucked all three of Sena's partners, Mushi gathered some cum onto her fingers and licked it clean. "You need some higher quality cocks." was her comment on Sena's partners.

Aust: "I know, I know. I just wanted to warn you, is all." Sena would say nothing else and sat back, watching her make quick work of the orc that nearly caused Sena to pass out. Well...talk about embaressing. And the boar folowed shortly behind, submitting all too quickly to the stronger woman. Once she finished, she'd address Sena, licking the fruits of her labor off her fingers. "What can I say? I gotta start somewhere. Right?"

RJ: "I guess?" She shrugged. "Still, if you think Svana's got it bad with Korgoth, you need to reevaluate your opinion on a good cock~" she assured her. "Though I guess you never thought of reversing expectations and claiming that orc general that came to visit you~" she giggled. "He's cruel, but I fucked him~ He's huuuge~" Mushi said, widening her hands out to show what might as well be something to compare with a horse.

Aust: "Hey now. All in good time, Mushi. All in good time." She smirked, knowing she would have to move up to more...potent members of the clan if she was to get anywhere. "And no, not really. I don't think I would have been nearly ready. He'd have fucked be into next week. But at least you sounded like you enjoyed yourself. " Sena added before getting a real scope of what she could have been dealing with. "I'll get to him or sooner or later...But for now, I take baby steps."

RJ: She twisted her lips. "Baby-steps-baby-baby-baby." She said in an almost mocking tone. "Why do you always sound so scared to take risks."

Aust: "It's an old habit of mine. I played it extra cautious when I was learning how to fight. I guess I just automatically assumed it'd work hear too. Or not...as I've learned several times."

RJ: "We all thought you had great potential when you were captured." Mushi admitted. "It's because you seemed brave. Bravery is good, and it can lead to something bad, but it's better than being afraid and letting the bad come to you." she explained. "So be brave. Take on challenges, and don't wait until you think you can win for sure. I never fucked a hellhound before, but I went ahead~ Because I'm not afraid~" she said, flicking Sena's nose with her finger.

Aust: "You...Seriously?" Sena said, looking almost awed by that fact. She knew Korgoth mentioned smething along those lines, but she only saw that as his personal opinion. Now it seemed it was the whole groups. "I guess captivity has a way of weakning ones will to fight. I just never thought jumping right out into things around here would end well. Korgoth and the others filled my head with stories of what could happen to me and I guess...I just got scared. So I thought playing it safe would pay off. Which it clearly hasn't." Sena took a moment to evaluate things. "You're right. No more hiding. No more being passive. Only reason I took control of those clanless was because I went in, called out their best and took a big risk in trying to outfuck her. And it paid off."

She stood up, a newly found fire burning. "No point hiding here anymore. Once I finish with my new little arrival..." She said in reference to the baby. "...we can go out and find a challenge."

RJ: "It's not wrong to have common sense, mind! Going up against mister horse package would be a bad idea, but... Well, let's see if you can't beat that puppy first~" Mushi said, before looking to leave the hut. "I'm off to attend to my own... Personal activities..." She said, and seemed ready to leave before she glanced back. "... You're free to come with." she offered, before leaving the hut, and the offer.

Aust: "Right...Right. Sorry. Got a little excited there for a second. I just never felt so excited to do something before. And of course, the dog comes first. He'll be the first big challenge to take down" She'd stand there and allow Mushi to walk out, making note to take her up on her offer. She'd take a couple more minutes to finish with the newborn before passing her off to Nurgle."Keep an eye on her for me? Please?" Sena would ask politely before getting herself dressed and following after Mushi or finding out where she went if she couldn't find her immidietly

RJ: Nurgle would agree, and would tend to the orc baby, allowing Sena to follow after Mushi. As she did, she'd find herself marching into the cat's territory. Inside, there were many tents and huts close together, the huts seeming like a congregation of party-seekers and lustful partners to a warm area to have 'fun'. It seemed like it's own society even, as Sena found herself walking next to another human girl who looked confused at the area. She looked rather plain too. (Link:

RJ: But then an orc came suddenly from behind both of them, however with no sense of malice whatsoever. In all the mess of laughter and merry-going, he seemed to blend in and catch the two girls up in it as he swung his arms around both of their shoulders and held them against his body, laughing with merry joy. He didn't even say a word to either of them, leading them into one of the warm locations unless Sena objected. He did it as if it was normal there. The other girl seemed at a complete loss, struggling at first, even letting out the beginnings of a question or demand, before his large hand smoothed over her breasts as they did Sena's, groping both of their small busts.

Aust: Following as best she could, Sena would find herself in a very different place from the rest of the camp. Seemed the orcs in Mushi's territory were quite different. There was a large assemblage of tents and huts in close proximity, the members of which being rather jovial despite their intentions. It seemed like an entirely new place, far away from the cold of her home. Sena would also find herself in the company of another human girl, who looked very confused.

But before Sena could say anything, the pair was accosted by a sole orc who showed no signs of ill intent but still surprised Sena slightly (She'd blame the one eye in this situation). He'd swung his arms around the two of them, a smile creeping over the warriors face as he did. Before either girl could raise any sort of fuss, they'd be led off into one of the warm areas of the camp, Sena feeling little need to run. Why ruin someones fun? The other girl however was raising a little concern however as she began to struggle a bit, even making an effort to try and speak before the orcs hands smothered both their busts with his hands. Sena let out a relaxed sigh as he did, her way of just trying to enjoy the moment. If she'd respond, Sena would ask a very simple question of the girl. "You. You new around here?"

RJ: The girl, a bit shocked, looked even moreso when Sena didn't seem quite as bothered as she. "

RJ: ***The girl, a bit shocked, looked even moreso when Sena didn't seem quite as bothered as she. "... Y-yes I am! I was taken into Korgoth's army to seek glory in battle, but I don't know what's going on! Why is this man touching me!?" she exclaimed. The orc simply replied. "We under Mushi's rule just live to have fun. Her life is that of a party, and if she takes over, all races will get along, cuz all races enjoy celebration!" the orc man said. "What does celebrating have to do with fondling me!?" she questioned. "Sex!" the orc answered, making the woman fall silent in shock.

Aust: "Ah. Then you and I have similar goals. I was brought in as a prisoner and I seek strength and glory myself. And try not to worry about our friend. These things, you'll get used to around here." The orc however would explain the situation of at least this side of the camp better then she could. She allowed him to finish, only adding. "Couldn't have said it better friend." However, the woman began asking more questions, leading to the inevitable surprise at the end goal of the party. Sena would lean over and whisper to the orc. "Let me talk to her. See if I can't fix this."

If she was allowed to, she'd scoot over to the new arrival. "Tell me honestly, are you scared?"
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

RJ: "U-used to... Used to this!?" she asked, dumbfounded. "That's crazy! Touching me without permission!" the woman claimed, though it became clear that she was quickly starting more and more of a ruckus. The party-goers were picking up on this, and weren't looking too pleased. Whispering to the orc, the orc simply nodded casually and went off to join the party. He didn't seem obsessed with the two as he was taken by a drunken oni spreading her legs wide on the table, coming forth to lean over her and mingle lewdly.

RJ: Alone with the girl now, she asked her question. "S-scared?" the woman asked, as if she planned on immediately denying it, before looking at Sena with a straight glare. "Maybe a little... I'm pure, and yet I was snatched up suddenly and told I'd be soiled by a nameless orc! No thought is taken into personal space in this place. That cat gave me a home here and told me to have fun, but I didn't know I'd be having this kind of fun!" she growled. The girl seemed possessed by her views against such lewd activity. And she made her intentions clear. "I'll just go somewhere else and hopefully find someplace better." she said. But Sena would know that was a bad idea. Going out carelessly would wind her up in places far more dangerous than just a bunch of party junkies. This woman would get raped for real.

Aust: "Shh...Shh. Calm down. Calm down. Trust me., it's not nearly as bad as you make it seem" Sena said trying to calm the girl. Her noise was drawing an large amount of attention from the other party goes and she knew she had to settle it now before she got out of hand. Thankfully, their original suitor was distracted by a much more promising target.

"Trust me when I tell you I was too, when I first came here. I was brought in as a prisoner and nearly send to the slave pens for my trouble. Now ask yourself, how long do you think you can stay pure before you draw the attention of the others? Sooner or later another orc will take an interest in you. And he will try to take you, whether you want him to or not. And also consider this, you're in an orc camp. Sex is just another part of life around here. I know that, the orcs know that, and Mushi, the cat that brought you in, knows that too. " Feeling brave, Sena would wrap an arm around the girl and pull her in close. "And on top of that, I would not recommend leaving, There really aren't many better places in this camp. The other women here all have claims in the camp and let me tell you this, there are only two people nice then Mushi. There's a good chance you'll only end up in a worse off spot. These partiers are the best bet you've got around here. You're safe as can be right now. At least here, you have a choice in the matter."

RJ: "... When you say it like that, it makes it seem like I truly don't have a choice at all." the woman grumbled. Pulled in close, the girl blushed furiously and seemed rather confused about what she should do. "So... You're actually saying I should just let my first time be with a random orc? You apparently think I'm going to be raped elsewhere... And I honestly have trouble trying to not believe that..." She blushed red, while the orc began to return, his lower half naked, and his well sized cock wet and glistening from the juices of the oni.

Aust: "I wouldn't go that far, dear. You do have a choice. You can be as passive or as assertive as you want. Around here, might makes right. The strong claim what they want from those weaker then them. If you wander the camp, you'll seem vulnerable and a perfect target. But if you get stronger, you'll have to defend yourself, lest you be claimed by someone. Given what I've experienced, having been in your shoes, you just have to make the best of the situation. Try to carve out your place here." She did her best to at least raise the girls spirts, trying to encourage her .

She then couldn't help but notice the flush coming over her face as she watched the appoaching orc. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. If you're not ready for him, maybe you can try something a little softer?" She said in a teasing manner, while rubbing the girls shoulder.

RJ: The girl may have taken Sena's advice the wrong way, but regardless, she looked to the approaching orc defensively, and when he sought skinship with the girl, she pointed her wooden sword at him. "Do not touch me again!" she demanded. "Are you challenging me?" the orc asked casually. "Yes!" she answered confidently. They immediately fought. The orc got behind her and but her in a headlock. The difference between them was significant while the girl flailed helplessly. Eventually he'd get her to give up, before standing on his knees over her with a grin. He peeled her cloths off, revealing her modest bust. "S-stop..." the girl whimpered. "You lost, show some honor and accept the consequences." the orc replied. Seemingly one bound by honor, the orc would easily get her to spread her legs, and not resist as he took her body into his arms, and began sucking on her breast. After teasing her for a moment, all the sex in the room making the sight insignificant, drawing none but a few eyes, the orc stood.

RJ: "Come, let us enjoy ourselves." the orc said, taking the girl over his shoulder, and putting his arm around Sena again, seeking to lead them to one of the secluded areas, a comfy looking bed in the corner, shrouded by sheets hanging over it to give a little bit of privacy in the otherwise public area. With or without Sena, the orc would place the girl on the bed, and grin down at her lustfully while nursing his length.

Aust: All Sena could do as the scene unfolded was shake her head and sigh The one time she gives someone reasonable advice and they overdo it. The girl challenged the orc and more or less got her behind handed to her as she was put into a headlock. It wasn't even a fair fight as she watched the poor thing struggle before she finally submitted and was unceremoniously stripped. At the very least, she had to admit the new girl was cute, sharing a bust similar to her. The victims last bout of resistance sent a slight pang of guilt through Sena, knowing this was partially her fault. The girl, similar to her,was bound to some code of honor and could do little as the orc began to tease her admist the surrounding noise.

The orc would then suggest they move the show forward, hoisting the girl over her shoulder and wraping his arm around Sena. They'd move to a rather comfortable area of the tend, a shroud hanging to offer it's occupants privacy. "Mushi thought of everything, didn't she?" Sena commented as the girl was placed on the bed. Sena herself would strip down and walk over to the orc nursing his member. She'd wrap her arms around him and she'd whisper in his ear again. "Please go easy on her. She just got in over her head."

RJ: "I'm aware. But she made her challenge." he stated. "She will be a slave until she repays for her loss." he stated, while the girl herself looked at a complete loss. "No... I'm a warrior!" she protested pathetically, before the orc nodded at her. "And you're being treated like one. You get the honor of receiving the seed of one superior to yourself." he informed her. "No..." she whimpered. "I don't want to get pregnant..." She said, before the orc simply ignored her. He'd let Sena join the act however she wished, she wasn't a slave of his, but firmly, yet still gently to a degree, he brought the girl's face to his length, and instructed her to lick his rod. All the girl did was look desperately to Sena for aid, before squinting her eyes shut, and putting her tongue to his length.

Aust: Sena couldn't really argue with the orcs logic. She made the challenge, she lost and now must suffer the consequences. The poor girl would try to plead further, yet more feelings of guilt coming over the one eyed tribeswoman. She hated to see this happen, but this was how things worked around here and two human women could do little to change it. All Sena could do was try to mitigate the damage, the pleas of the defeated warrior finally getting to her. "Here. Let me help. The least I can do is help you."

Sena would fall to her knees and assist the girl in the licking. She'd use all the techniques Mushi showed her, in an effort to make this as quick as possible for the girl. She'd even play with the orcs balls with one of her hands, teasing and caressing them with all her skill.

RJ: "Hmm, Seeking to lighten her load, eh? A good samaritan." the orc commented on Sena's actions, before he put his hands to the back of both their heads, and encouraged their licking. Using some of the lessons Mushi taught her brought surprise from both the other girl and the orc. Seeing Sena actually getting into it made the girl blush even more heavily. She looked bashful at first... Before she began trying to mimic Sena. It was awkward, and she clearly didn't know what she was doing, but she seemed to try and follow her example, though she was constantly wincing over the taste of the orc's cock. "I'm getting close." the orc said under the attention of both girls, before taking the other girl's head, and bringing his cock into her lips. "Swallow it all." he said, while the girl whimpered and squirmed, moaning pathetically with his cock in her mouth. If Sena was still feeling his balls, she'd feel them throb, and the girl then squealing loudly in complaint. Then a whimper, then sounds of swallowing.

RJ: After a few moments, the orc slowly drew the girl's lips from his length, before she began choking and coughing. "You swallowed it all. That's good." the orc congratulated her. "Keep like that and you'll repay for your loss much sooner." he promised, before something in the girl seemed to snap, as she laid on her back, spread her legs into the air, and put her hands down to spread her pussy open. "T-then... Please enjoy me as much as possible..." she announced, an action Sena may see as familiar, someone who was trying to get it over with. She'd know that the girl would only suffer more that way. The orc didn't reply, simply bringing Sena to lay on top of the girl in such a way that Sena's pussy was now touching the other girl's. Both of their asses presented, he'd begin to slide their length between them, sandwiched between both of their clams.

RJ: Tears were forming in her eyes, while she looked up at Sena, as if through her, she'd find a way to escape the suffering and shame.

Aust: Sena said nothing in reply to the orcs comment, only wanting to focus on the act as much as possible. It seemed Mushi's lessons had paid off and it was getting the attention of both the orc and the girl she was trying to help. Hell, Sena even raised an eybrow in surprise as she saw the girl follow in her footsteps, attempting to imitate the warriors actions. Sena also could do little as she saw the orc take the girls head and pushed his member into her mouth, the whimpers and moans still making Sena feel guilty. All she could do was look on with a slight bit of shame.

The orc was thankfully satisfied with the girls work of having taken his seed and seemed all too ready to continue her punishment. But Sena looked on in shock and surprise as she watched the girl lie back and raise her legs, offering herself to the orc. Her tone of voice seemed almost reluctant, a tone Sena was all too familiar with from when she first arrived. She would only get hurt more acting like this and they'd never leave her alone. Sena would look to correct this as she was placed on top of the girl, the pair inadvertantly rubbing up against each other. The two were basically being served up to the orc on a silver platter, and he would no doubt look to claim his prize as he began rubbing his length between the two. Thinking fast, Sena would first whisper to the girl.

"Shh. Just calm down. Let me talk to him." With that, she'd turn her head, a seductive glint in her eye. "Why not spoil yourself, sir orc? Why not enjoy a more mature woman over an inexperienced girl? Come on. You've earned it."

RJ: "I understand what you're doing, human," the orc replied. "But you cannot undo what she agreed to suffer upon her loss. With that being said," he began, before taking Sena's ass and penetrating her in full with his fat rod, stretching Sena out much like the hellhound always had. "You have the look of a saint undergoing sacrifice. At the same time, I felt very well how your body responded to me." He said while grinding his length around inside. Almost subconsciously, Sena's body was moving with it, seeking stimulation. "You seem much like how she will end up, unable to decide whether you hate it or love it. You were doing a thing I recall Mushi did when I first had the honor of her touch. Do not use her techniques for anything but the enjoyment of sex. If you want to help this girl, teach her how to enjoy sex!" he announced, before putting his arms around Sena, massaging her small breast with one hand, fingering her clit with the other, and licking her neck up to her ear with his tongue while pounding her vigorously.

RJ: Meanwhile... The girl was silent, watching Sena with wide eyes, and a heavy blush.

Aust: "You...You what?!" Sena replied, a hint of shock in her voice. Seems her plan had fallen through and it seemed like she wasn't going to get out of the consequences now. She let out a grunt as the penetrated her ass, her face twisted slightly as she got use to the feeling again. Bastard was not showing any mercy or sympathy, his words stinging her. Her body however seemed to actively work with him, seeking pleasure from this situation. Seemed the orc was all too familiar with the ruse she was performing, Mushi having done this before. Well, not like she could stop it now. Might as well enjoy the ride. "I'm sorry." She said, her eyes locked with the girl. She knew she wasn't going to be able to protect her, despite her efforts.

In reaction to the orcs efforts, she'd let out a pleasured moan as she moved her hips at a much faster pace, looking to outpace the orc. And despite her initial goal, she was enjoying the ride, her body tingling with pleasure as she was licked and fondled. "C...Come on. Show me how strong you really are!"

RJ: "Very well," the orc replied. "I'll show you the disgrace of using Mushi's teachings to avoid the pleasures of sex." he announced, before it became a battle of sorts. The orc began thrusting wildly into Sena, his skill showing itself as he tried seriously. Lessons from Mushi began to come to mind. Every complaint she had about a male partner, the orc was working against that. He knew where to hit, he knew where to simply hold himself inside her to press against her sensitive areas. "I'm also taking this as a challenge. Once I win, I'll teach you how wrong you are!" he announced. Sena would have to use her knowledge and experience here. Her old ways would lead to failure under his skill. Simply putting it in her head that 'trying her best' would do nothing. Concentration on the act, and focusing on how to enjoy it like Mushi does would prove who has the better mastery of her teachings.

Aust: "Disgrace nothing! It's thugs like you that need the lessons." With an an almost mirthful smile, Sena would look to combat the wild thrusts of her companion, slamming herself against the orc.She would only occasionally cry out or moan at his assault, but would not waiver in her efforts. While she could tell he was no slouch, she had to follow everything she was taught. "F...Fat chance you'll take me. If I can keep up with a hell hound, I can keep up with you!" She said with confidence as she continued to grin away. She knew she could not put on her usual performance. It would only lead to trouble. Putting her heart and body into the act, Sena would clench her muscles and continue to pound away furiously. She would enjoy the pleasure she was recieving, no longer afraid of the consequences.

RJ: The orc's thrusting met her confidence, but though she was now putting up a fight, returning thrusts was hardly a response to his skillful working and grinding. Sena would find herself unable to even pound herself sometimes as he inserted himself at an odd angle, hitting a special spot. Sena's moans would really escape then, while the orc just chuckled. "Lots of spirit, but that is most certainly not Mushi's way of fucking." the orc said. "I'm making you cum. I can tell, because I'm trying to make you feel good. Your moans, your tightness, I can easily tell how good this feels...!" he announced, before commencing rapid thrusts. In that decisive moment, Sena found herself at his mercy, pounded until she came. The orc pulled her close, as Sena's fluids dripped down his cock, before he whispered in her ear. "How often do you try to make your partner feel good? Are you so conceited that you think you're above bringing pleasure to others? I'll teach you how... So how about you give up, and become my slave? If not..."

RJ: He then grabbed her arms, and pulled them back, before locking her into that position where he could render her helpless as he hit her most tender area. "Then I'll drive you mad with lust!" he announced, as Sena's entire body was quivering with lust. Absolute primal bliss. All Sena would see on the girl's face the entire time, was disgust at the orc, watching his length vanish over and over again into Sena's folds. Under the idea of having sex with this orc, she looked like nothing but a victim. She looked up at Sena, and spoke. "That's unreasonable... How could anyone want to pleasure such an orc!?" she questioned. The orc chuckled. "A good question... After all, Mushi would only satisfy with an even higher quality cock than mine!" he'd announce, as Sena may remember her saying, 'You need higher quality cocks!' in a rather lewd manner. But then she'd also hear, 'He looks like he's making you cum so good~ Why don't you look behind you?'

RJ: Mushi's voice seemed to be in her head, and inspection would show Mushi watching from afar, in the same hut. Everyone was rather excited she was there, so much so that Mushi had two healthy orcs with her, one in front and one behind, slamming thick lengths into her mouth and ass. If Sena looked behind as ordered, she'd see that the orc was fixated on his length entering and leaving her pussy. 'He seems to like your pussy~ Show it to him better. He's also a domineering fellow... Can you not see how to make him cum? Or are you as conceited as he claims you to be~?' Mushi whispered into Sena's mind, while the orc delivered a second shattering climax to Sena. "Selfish bitch, cumming all by yourself," the orc grunted. "You're as good as defeated. Give up, and the rest of the tribe will show you how to appreciate a good fuck."

Aust: It seemed her effort to meet the orc head on prooved to be a rather fruitless one. His skillful thrusts and grin were too much and she was unable to even bring herself down as he began inserting himself at odd angles, hitting a sweetspot in the process. Her voice would carry much farther then she had hoped, drawing the attention of the orc. She couldn't even muster up a response as he continued to taunt her. She was losing. And there was a very good chance she'd fail all together. She couldn't let this happen! But before she could muster a response, he pounded away even faster then before. Her body shook as she came, the warrior almost completly at his mercy. However, sheer force of will allowed her to finally raise her voice and speak. "F...Fuck you. I won't give up to someone like you! "

But her brash words only got her more punishment as he pulled her arms back, rendering her helpless and fully under his control. He'd only push harder and harder, causing her body to quivver with lust. She even felt a great deal of shame as the girl she was trying to protect looked on. The girl seemed to be on her side, but knew little of what was at stake. The orc would only continue to mock her, his words reminding her of what Mushi said earlier. Then she'd hear a familiar voice in her head, prompting her to look behind her just to find out what's going on.

True enough, Mushi was watching from not too far behind, her presence something of a blessing to the orcs present in the tent. She'd even have the company of two orcs as they began servicing her . In her head, she could almost hear Mushi simultaniously scolding her and leading her on, trying to get her to find this orcs weakness. . Her thoughts howevver, were interrupted as her body was given another powerful climax. She had to think and fast. She came twice while he hadn't once. She couldn't give up here. Not ever. She'd try her best to grind and twist her hip in order to counter his thrusts, doing what she could to at least give her a chance to find an opening. He had to come at least once. One time would at least give her some kind of victory.

RJ: 'ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!? HELLOOOO!? IS THIS WORKING!?' Mushi's voice screamed in her head. 'Oh to hell with it. She's as dense as a brick.' Mushi's voice sighed in her head while Sena continued to make her twists and grinds, which amounted to squirming in light of what the orc was doing. She put up resistance, but he was doing everything right. Hitting her good spots, switching his technique so she can't get used to it, touching her sensitive areas with his hands. To contest with this, Sena twisted her hips about, effectively squirming on his pole. 'She wants him to cum purely for the sake of victory. Doesn't care at all how good it feels for her partner... This is painful to watch.' Mushi's voice rang in her mind.

RJ: Just then, Sena would feel the orc's load empty in her pussy without warning. Stunned for a moment as he relished the climax, the orc was far from tired.

Aust: In honesty, that claim was partially true. The warrior was notoriously stubborn and it was more then showing here, her efforts doing very little to really effect her partner. All she was accomplishing was getting him to hit her good spots. All she was doing was prolonging this mess. Mushi's voice continued to scold her, prompting a hateful glare from the warrior. Not like her advice was all that clear so how was anyone suppose to follow? But in her furstration, she came too a bit of an epipheny.

One that would be delayed only momentarily as she felt a load of his seed enter her suddenly inside her. In the momentary lapse, her mind cleared somewhat, giving her a chance to think. She'd been treating this like just another fight to be won (not that he made it seem like anything else) How could she get and give enjoyment when her partner was making it about competition? Well, no more of that. She had her chance to try something else.

If possible, she'd attempt to remove herself from her partner before she turned to face him. She'd begin slowly and sensually licking and stroking his member, doing her best to forget about the air of competition. THis was not between two warriors. This was two people trying to make the other feel great. If she couldn't, she'd slow herself down, showing no aggression or hostility in her thrusts. Only the desire to please her partner.

RJ: The other girl winced as Sena put her ass in her face, the orc's semen leaking out from her sex and onto the girl as Sena moved to suck the orc off. In response to this, the orc looked rather intrigued at her new course of action. Rather than say anything, he simply sat back, sitting on the bed, and letting her stroke and lick him for a moment, before putting a hand on her head and pulling her face back, while reaching around to get at one of her legs, bringing her in closer, wanting her to sit over him, and ride him. Once she'd come closer, the orc took to nursing on her breast a moment, before leaning back, putting his hands on her ass, helping guide her to his cock, and bracing himself to thrust upwards into her.

Aust: Barely noticing what she was dripping onto the other girl, Sena would only focus on licking and sucking the orc off. At the very least, she got his attention by her sudden change of pace. Enough that she'd be allowed to continue her action for a few moments. But she wasn't allowed to for all that long as he pulled her head back and he reached around to get at her leg, pulling the one eyed warrior closer and allowing her to sit over him. Well...this was a unique opportunity.