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An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera made her way to the game warden who was supervising the loading. Asking her question the man shook his head. "No these are just the first batch. We've had a poor year most of the monsters and creatures dieing besides you are here for the dangerous ones and these are less than dangerous." Indeed these cages seemed full of exotic birds and strange looking monkeys and what not.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Oh, ok, sorry for that. I won't make that kind of fuss to you guys again..." After this, Thera will wait till the caravan part and go with them. "Now i will KILL any funny bee, hah!"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

After her conversation with the Game Warden Thera heard Ann call out behind her. "Thera our first hunt is today after lunch I got your armor ready in our tent. Come on we don't have a lot of time to prepare!" Heading to the camp Thera noticed the little tent city was separated by gender men on one side while woman and married couples where on their side. Ann held up Thera's armor for her to see. It had been freshly cleaned and polished the damage from the stinger of the hornet repaired. "I had it fixed while you where sleeping this morning. Here quick eat this I made it just for us!"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Without asking 'what is happening?!', Thera eats and readies herself with her equipment. She follows the over excited Ann to wherever she wanted to go. She was still adjusting herself after waking up, but a mercenary's life isn't forgiving.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"I can't wait! I wonder what they'll send us after. Maybe it will be a giant spider or one of the crazy plant woman I hear about. What do you think?" Ann quickly finished her food and set the empty plate aside. She was checking her weapons and filling her belt with potions while THera finished up her meal which was a type of vegetable soup.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Even if i don't like insects anymore, i would pick that spider. Plants are a little... tentacular and futastical, if you know what i mean." Thera starts pondering about ice creams. "Ok, i've finished here, we go to...?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Getting her gear together Thera was soon out of the tent and into the camp proper. Ann was leading her to a small stage where the Game Warden was speaking. "Okay listen up I know many of you are a little upset that our staging camp is over run with refugees but I want to hear the end of it you got it! Many of these people have lost their homes and are searching for what little safety they can find. With that said Lets get to assigning hunts today. First up giant spiders any takers? The gathered crowed muttered and a few seemed in deep though about it. "What do you think Thera should we go after the spiders?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Here, we go." Thera raises her voice and her arm to the warden, that was what they choose before. She gets near and asks about directions and useful information.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

The warden looked over at Thera and grinned. "Heh look at that boys the woman are not afraid of the spiders." A few gruff men looked over at Thera and Ann before they too raised their hands. Smiling the Warden handed Thera a piece of paper. One it was the last know where abouts of the spiders nest and small map. Clearing out the went to the woods and studied their map heading off into the woods.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

After reading her gear and setting their new route, Thera started thinking how many was following her. If they were all men, then Ann would be on defensive, but probably that was the least of their problems. "Ann, what do you think, could us get one of those guys to accompany us?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Ann looked over her shoulder at the trio of men who where busy with their own map. "I guess we could but we would probably have to split our reward or catch enough for all of us." With that Ann shrugged and checked the map leaving the final decision up to Thera.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"We could get some help for prevening a new rape and a boyfriend to you." She smiles, mocking Ann. "Come on, i don't want more eggs... Only if spiders deploy eggs, i don't know if they really do that... Well, let's go, then. Be smart and put your eyes to work, little girl." Thera continues without calling for male help, at least for now.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"PHHHTTP! BOYS!" Ann looked to her map and looked to the trail getting a glimmer in her eye. Grabbing Thera's arm she quickly pulled her onto a side trail. "Here we go this should be fun. If I'm reading this right the hunting ground is not to far if we take this game trail those baboons are going to take the long way around." Indeed the men seemed to ignore the trail Ann had found completely looking rather clueless as they moved by. Though Thera did hear some interesting conversation about what they would do to her and Ann after wooing them with their masculine might.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Resisting to her impulse to go back and kick those three asses, Thera let's being pushed/pulled by Ann, going with the little girl in her's crazy route.

"Are you sure it is safe? I'll just pull my weapon, to be on guard... Those three, hmm~ Break some bones and... Hehehehe..."
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Humm Thera what are you muttering about?" Ann was nose deep in the map leaving Thera to her own thoughts. "Yeah if we follow this for trail for a little bit we should make it to the EEK!" It happened almost faster than Thera saw a mound of dirt popped up from the ground and two legs swept Ann into the hole and closed it once more.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"What to do, what to do..." Lost in her thoughts, probably measuring the strength of each man to know if she can handle each of them in a close combat if things get dire, Thera is caght by surprise when Ann stops talking. Her lustful smirk disappears from her face. She looks around and see the strange hole, starting to feel uneasy. "AAAANNN!! Answer me!! How big is this thing, can i cut it?"

"Well, i have to try, don't you think?"

She measures the hole to know if her armor won't be stuck if she tries to enter, then starts poking the dirt with her halberds's pole, to know how fluflly is the soil. "I don't have much time..."

If those men are still nearby, she will call for them. If not, she will try to find a way to go after Ann by dugging with her bare hands.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Poking at the strange hole Thera found the dirt held together by sticky webs so that it was more like a door than earth. Her rough guess was that she could probably make it down the hole with no trouble though once she was down it she wasn't sure. Calling out for the men didn't produce any noticeable replies so Thera could wait or jump down after.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Useless men, i'll let them die as well if i get the chance..." Inspecting the hole once again, Thera readies her weapon and cut the web if it was blocking her way or waiting as a trap to get her stuck on the wall. She take a look before going down, trying to figure how dark it was; she wasn't carrying a torch, so she couldn't jump as a mindless teen girl on "new adventures" without checking where her feet would land first.

"Actually, that isn't my first time 'jumping' on those kind of trap. Ok, let' do this."

Without any more delay, Thera jumps down the hole, already prepared to the following fight. She wasn't ready for more eggs, but Ann was starting to show her trust to Thera, something that was new to her. A girl, that looked like a kid, using her probable professional skills to help and, even more, to save Thera's ass without second thougths or ill intentions... She was right to take her as a meat shield when they first met? 1 month ago Thera's would say 'yes' without thinking. This Thera would say 'i have to think at this matter'. What she could do? A mercenary's life is, sometimes, a gamble: you can go back to save your friends, but you can get everyone killed or just whatch then being killed, that is your decision.

Landing in her feet and knee, Thera holds her Halberd with moderate strength, and rises her head to whoever monster Luck has prepared for her to kill.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera quick into action went down the hole which thankfully wasn't a straight drop. Landing at the bottom Thera found the hole lightly illuminated with glowing moss which caste a sickly yellow light. Her quarry was no where in sight but the tunnel only lead in one direction. Heading off the only way she could go Thera found the tunnel began to widen so she didn't have to stoop as much. Eventually the tunnel widened into a stone cave. Here is where she found the spider. At the moment it was fixing a struggling bundle to the wall and unaware of Thera.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Landing and don't activating any trap was a relief. Standing and cleaning the dust from her legs, Thera open her eyes wide, then almost closes them, probably a technique to adapt herself better to the dark place. After identifying those fungi and getting a new grasp of the place, Thera starts walking towards the only direction she can.

"I don't know why, but i'm feeling a little happy to get 'revenge' at this spider... Even if spiders aren't insects, but whatever."

Walking in silence, trying to not make too much sounds, Thera sees the corridor widening and, then, that ugly spider. She didn't have anything more holding her, so she readies her Halberd for an attack. Running at full speed, she launches herself to the creature direction, aiming at that big body with caution; Ann could be right behind it.

"Now it's the time!"

Attacking with a leaping Charge + Crushing Blow; if not possible, only a leaping Charge should suffice. Hope Thera don't hit Ann.