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An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Sure Thera what do you want to ask? Don't worry about mistakes just be glad we could walk away from that one alright." Ann sat and waited for Thera to ask her question.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Want to give names to those eggs?" Thera couldn't hide or hold her joking face, trying to not burst in laughs. The pain was there, sure it was, but a little laugh would minimize it.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Ann blinked a few times but smiled as Thera laughed. "If it would make you feel better sure we can name them." Ann held Thera's hand for the rest of the night. When morning came Thera was placed next to the wounded man who looked over at her but said nothing. Ann spent most of her time walking along side of the cart occasionally hopping up to chat with Thera. As the day progressed Thera felt the eggs shift inside her which was an uncomfortable feeling to say the lest. Soon enough however Thera saw the wagon pass under a wooden gate and the sounds of men working became louder. Whoa men pull over there. MEDIC GET THE MEDIC! Thera nearly jumped at the loud shout but looking up proved the area to be safe as a couple men with strechers came running out of a semi large building.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Hmm, she is caring about me? Of all people..." She don't knew what to think, Ann was a real person. Lost in her toughts Thera almost jumped out of the car when those men started yelling. "Take a extra care, please, i have eggs in my belly!"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Unfortunately Ann wasn't allowed to follow her into the infirmary the Game Warden stopping her to talk. Thera didn't get a great look at the camp they where in only noting that it was walled and many of the structures seemed to be under some form of repair or another.

The Infirmary was clean and well lit with a dozen or so bed placed threw out the room. Of these only three where currently occupied. One was the big oaf from her group while the other two seemed to be another woman in the same situation as her self and another a ragged looking elf man asleep.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Ah, a partner?" She looks around on the infirmary. "Hey, how long it will take?" Another contraction and a light pain face after, Thera focuses on those people, or however was, around. "I will still have my utherus after the removing?" At least Ann wasn't near to see those other women and hear her cryes.

"Other woman got caught, too. They look like peasants, so it's probable to assume that they get caught off guard and, even if they wasn't, they couldn't fight back properly. So, if i'm right, monsters around here are getting hungry for children."
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera pondered her concerns about being able to have children after the eggs where removed only to interrupted by a haggard looking man in a white robe. "You must be the fresh one... lets see." The unannounced man quickly placed cold hand on Thera's stomach and felt around and all over her swollen stomach. "Well the good news is your not to far along so we can remove them if you want but I want to let you know it will be painful. Or you can wait to give birth to the nasty things naturally. If you have any questions make them quick please the woman over there will start birthing any minute now."
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Take them now, of course!" Thera knew she was joking before, being mother of ugly creatures couldn't be something she'd allowed to herself, or to anyone. "I don't mind the pain, just take them!" The other woman was all Thera had in her mind now...
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Good well get started as soon as we can would you like a bitter root to dull the pain?" As he spoke the man motioned for a woman also in a white robe to come to him. "Okay nurse we need the tongs and some bitter root we will be removing the eggs from this one have nurse Amy take care of the birthing woman while I attend to this please." The doctor or what approximated one turned back to Thera. "I felt about four or five eggs in their am I correct?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Yes, of course. And yes, i think they are five..." Another contraction, but she was safe, now. "And let's go, where is that root?" Thera was sick of that situation, and now the pain will come. "What i have to do, push them?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

WARNING this scene may be gross or disturbing you have been warned.

"Sadly no they are not ready yet. The pain you feel right now is them getting bigger actually." Reaching over to a tray the doctor pulled out stringy black root from a box. "Here chew this for about a minute or so. It won't stop the pain completely but it should dull it enough to let us work." After doing as the doctor instructed Thera felt a numbness come over her body. She still felt the pains of the eggs inside her but it was no longer crippling. "Okay here I go nurse please dilate the opening... there we go .. Im in." Thera felt pressure and that was about it though her face blushed as she realized that this doctor and nurse could see all of her intimate spots. After a few moments she heard the doctor speak saying he has a hold of one. After awhile she felt herself stretching open again the bitter root dulling the pain enough that Thera didn't cry out but she still felt the pain shoot threw her body. A moment later a semitransparent plopped out followed by a nasty smelling goo. "There we go thats one on four more to go.." The procedure went on for a couple of hours each egg getting harder and harder to remove till finally the doctor said "All done nurse please dispose of the nasty critters."
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Exhausted after hours of pain and egg removal, Thera permits herself to think again. That thing surelly would killed her if it wasn't by Luck, again, and her... No, it was her fault. All that was only her fault, no one said 'hey, it is a good idea to fight a monster alone'; she was the only one to take blame and shame by her stupid actions at that time. "Hey, and that other woman...?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

The other woman was screaming as the doctor and nursed attended her. Nearby a basket with fully formed eggs rested. The woman must have been stuffed full of the damn things as Thera counted 5 already in the basket with sounds of more coming out. Still her ordeal was over at last and Thera could already feel her strength returning.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"How much time do i need to rest?" She asks to the doctor or nurse. "I just hope those 'insect fest' has ended."
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera caught the attention of a passing nurse. "You should stay overnight to be sure the beds in here are the best in the camp so I wouldn't pass them up if I where you. If you really wanted to you could leave but I wouldn't recommend it." So Thera was free to go or rest here and recover completely if she chose.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera nods and lay on the bed more relaxed. That pain was waning, and her fighting power was being restored little by little. She wouldn't go running after other insects like that only to enact revengeance, she is more mature than that. "When i found another, i will cut its phalus as my first move!" ...or not. "I think Ann will appear soon... Let's wait for her."
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera decided to rest awhile longer and soon enough the other woman stopped screaming and fell into a fitful sleep likely recalling her capture. After a few moments Ann did make an appearance and sat next to Thera who seemed asleep. "Don't worry Thera we'll show all those men whos boss when we bag our first creature." Ann seemed to be talking to herself but Thera could interrupt if she wanted.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Yep, i believe in you." She smiles, looking at the little girl. "I'm a little tired after all this shit, but it's good to see you here, Ann." Thera talks about her life until Ann goes to the caravan, then sleeps. The day after, she asks to some doctor or nurse if she is clear to go.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Ann of course was startled but smiled. "Hey there Thera feeling better?" Ann placed a hand on Thera's shoulder. "Any time Thera just get some rest okay?" They both talked a little before Ann called it a night the nimble woman heading out as the nurses started closing up the ward. The next day Thera felt completely refreshed her body still slightly sore but if that was the worst of it she would be right as rain in no time. Cleared to go Thera left the infirmary and got a look at the camp proper. A small city of tents stretched out one once side of the walled compound and these where separated into two sections. Looking over at where the horses and other animals where kept Thera noted several cages full of live creatures being loaded already.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Walking out of the infirmary, Thera is caught by surprise. "Wait, what?! They already caught all the monsters?!" She tries to find the game warden and asks if everything was done. "Damn, i spent how much time sleeping?!" If other participant of the caravan would be of help, Thera will ask the same way.