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An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

The moral it seems was in the dumps they had lost two of their hunters already as well as one oxen. Still the group continued on. Of the three surviving hunters only Ann and herself was combat ready the other the big thug was laying down a massive bandage on his arm and keeping silent.

Checking her leg Thera found it almost completely healed but found her hand smacked sharply as Ann frowned at her. "Don't pick at it let the bandage do its work!" Listening to Thera Ann eyes the woman with open admiration and Thera could tell. Whether or not she took advantage of that knowledge would yet to be seen but it was clear that in Ann's eyes Thera could do no wrong.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera looks at the thug and doesn't says anything; it is not necessary. She feels Ann slap and refreates herself of touching the injury, feeling better. "Well, let's wait for our next stop. I hope we can fight back with all our might..." She thinks about if she could save those two before, trying to be more condescendent with her companions, but this wasn't what Life wanted.

Thera talks with Ann about some little things, awaiting for their next stop.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

The rest of the day passed uneventfully and the game warden decided not to stop of a midday meal choosing to try and get as much ground between them and the wolves. Thera's leg was all better and in no time flat her armor was repaired and ready to go. As the caravan stopped for the night the game warden asked Thera and Ann to scout before they set up camp.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Following the ward orders, Thera goes with Ann. She didn't go too much far from the camp because wolves, and she didn't talked much; Thera don't want to spoil their location to their followers.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Getting off the creaking transports was a relief in itself the constant rocking and bumping had made both girls bum a little sore. Still the order to scout the area seemed to perk up Ann's mood as she moved forward silent and cat like compared to Thera's heavier armor jingling behind her. The first few circuts of the purposed camp sigh seemed safe enough and soon Thera and Ann where walking back. "So Thera how many monsters have you killed?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"I don't even remember how much breads i did ate in my life..." She was a little distant, spacing out with weird thoughts about how a duck could be fused with a banana. "At the same time, i know i don't like to hunt people, they're confusing and boring before my halberd slash them in half. Criminals, of course, i'm not a random assassin who accpets every work for money."

Thera continues walking and talking, using low voice to not spoil them.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"So.. a lot then." Ann nodded to Thera as they made their way back soon reaching the camp. Giving a thumbs up to the warden for an all clear Ann quickly moved to grab their tent and began to set it up. After a few moments the tent was ready and food was cooking. "So Thera I think Im gonna take a watch tonight to make sure we don't get ambushed what do you think?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Are you sure? You can rest first, if you want." Thera finishes her meal and awaits for an answer, then she stand up for herself. "OK, i'll make the first shift, don't worry." "Why did i...?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera volunteered for first watch surprised both herself and Ann it seemed. Still it was said and Thera intended to keep her word. Heading out Thera had a choice of locations to pick from. The fire of the campsite was warm coals still and she could keep it going for her watch if she wanted. The wagons seemed a good location as well giving the warrior an excellent line of sight around the camp. Either way it was up to Thera.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Hmm... wagons, let's go there." Near the fire would be good to stay awake and warm in that night, but losing another ox was out of cogitation. Thera keeps her eyes open to any intruder who wants to be killed, or to the crew's talk.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Most of the crew seemed to be in a somber mood many calling it a night as soon as their tasks where done leaving Thera alone with one of the ox handlers on the other side of the camp. He looked nervous and Thera could see his rifle shake in his grasp. None of them where warriors besides the hunters so his fear was understandable but the fact he had a gun made him dangerous. From her vatage point she could see the camp in detail each tent fairly close to each other for safety making a little circle around the campfire.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Well, nothing better to do..." Thera aproaches the man with caution, making herself known to him before he snaps or something else. "Hey, are you ok?" She uses a soft tone to calm down the man. She was thinking in lust, again, and that was a good time to do something about that. "If you want, i could drink your stress, if you know what i mean..." She looks at the mans pants with lustful eyes, giving all the signals to...
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

The nervous man fumbled a little. "A what! but then he caught what Thera meant. "O-oh bu..but.. we are sup-p-posed to watch out for trouble." Despite his objections Thera could see his erection in his pants.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Don't be a party pooper, i just want to keep ourselves alive. Life taught me that men are better focused after a good fuck, so i'll give you some minutes of pleasure and various hours of happiness." She then knee on the ground and pull his pants down, grabbing his penis as soon she have a good look of it. "And don't tell anyone what we did, ok? Some people would get envy of us..." Thera sniffs his penis and pulls a piece of cloth from a side pocket to clean it, masturbating him at the same time. "You never know~"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera would have to guess the man was about average not to big but not to small. Smelling the organ Thera decided it was wise that she cleaned it off first. Using her cloth to do this Thera noted the man's reactions. Gone where his protests instead it was replaced by open mouthed shock. Thankfully he had set the gun down while Thera gave her first few strokes. She couldn't help but smile this man was like putty in her hands.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Keep an eye on those guys, ok? I don't want to stop suddenly..." She stroke his penis harder and faster than before, waiting for his first cum load to stain her cloth. When this happens, Thera looks at the liquid and ascertain how many time he didn't had sex.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

The man could barley stop from crying out from the wank Thera was giving him. Finnally he succumbed shooting a healthy load of the milky liquid into Thera's cloth. Panting the man slumped a little his cock going soft in her hands.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Hmm, now you are happier than before." She stands up and clean her clothes/hands, if they were caught by the 'happiness sneeze'. "Well, i will want more of you in another time, try to not get killed." Thera picks her weapon, throw the cloth in another small sack to clean it later and goes to another part of the camp, looking for Ann, or someone else. Or just goes to sleep, if the game warden allows her to it.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

The man sat breathless after Thera finished with him departing as suddenly as she appeared. It was still early in the shift so she had a couple of hours left to keep watch. Resuming her previous position Thera looked out into the darkness an unnerving feeling of being watched suddenly overcoming her.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Ok, who is there?" Thera readies her weapon and assumes a offensive stance, waiting for whoever was there. She would scream to alarm the camp if more wolves appear before her. "Come to me with your weapons down and i won't hurt you."

"It'll be hard to fight alone, i need more manpower here... And those men aren't ready to another skirmish..."