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An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Ann was fast asleep and Thera easily moved the delicate hand away from her breast. Falling back asleep the rest of her night passed undisturbed. Waking she found a smiling Ann handing over a steaming bowl of a gruel looking substance. "Good Morning Thera! Brought you some food.. well what they called food anyway." Ann offered the bowl to Thera before taking a seat on her bedroll. "One of the oxen got free last night so the handlers are out looking for it giving us a little time to relax before getting in that bumpy cart again. Ill tell ya Thera my poor little tush has never been so sore before. I think Im gonna walk for a good while today instead of ride." Ann looked at Thera the entire time waiting for Thera to finish eating.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Oh, thanks." She accepts the bowl and starts eating, already used to travel food. "Good, a little stroke wouldn't be so bad. So, do you know if there is any monster near this area? We could be assaulted or attack some of them, what you think?" In no time Thera finishes her meal and resumes to test Ann. She want to know if this girl is reliable or not.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Humm Im not sure.. though this road is well traveled so I doubt we'll run into anything serious. At the most it would probably be orc raiders or bandits." When Thera finished eating they both got to work packing up their gear and tent. They had just finished when Thera thought she heard someting just inside the woods....
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Helping Ann and thinking about how to cook those three morons, Thera responds "Orcs? That's kids play, something more fun would be..." Then she hear someting. "Ok, what was that? The timing is too perfect." She looks for the source of the sound at a safe distance, droping anything she was holding and reading her halberd.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera braced herself as the tension mounted. Soon a loud trampling of underbrush seemed to be heading their way. Readying her weapon Thera nearly cleaved a poor cart driver in half has the man came bursting from the woods in a panic. "There coming run!"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Damn, what is coming!?" Without hesitation, Thera stood herself on the way of the incoming thing, IF Ann do the same. On the other case, she will run with the girl to a safe spot, like near the three morons, and use them as a shield and obstacle to the attackers.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Ann seemingly stood her ground her hands on her blades watching the woods a moment before her eyes widened. "Run!" Grabbing Thera by the shoulder Ann tried to hall the larger woman away from the forest edge and back to the other members of the group. It was up to Thera if she followed suite but it was clear that Ann did not like what she saw in the woods.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"You could at least tell me what is going on!" Thera goes after Ann and hide herself behind the men, expecting a good answer to the little girl action. "This timing is unreal..." She was ready to attack, waiting for the thing to come and expose its body. If it was so terrible, then a good scan on its power (using the three morons) would be a better gamble than jumping at its neck right at the start of the battle.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thera didn't have to wait long as a large pack of vile tainted and mutated wolves burst into the clearing. There had to be at lest 10 of the creatures with one very large one at the back. Each one had tattered bloody fur with patches of hair missing. Their eyes glowed and ominous red as they snarled showing sharp serrated teeth coated in blood. One of the trio of men quaked in fear as the distinct smell of urine permeated the air. Hesitating a moment the man ran off dropping his weapons. "LEO DON"T!" the large man called out to his friend who was quickly set upon by the wolves and dragged off into the forest screaming. The sounds of his screaming got louder till it went suddenly silent after a particular loud crunch.

Still none of the other members of the caravan seemed to panic instead several of the ox handlers simply grabbed rifles as the remaining 8 dark wolves approached.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Then, what?" Thera just sticks near Ann and awaits for a chance to strike one of the wolves when it gets on weapon range. "Hey, do they have any weakpoint? Or we'll just slash through their flesh?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

4 dark wolves are attacking!
Thera attacks first!
76 vs 41 hit 49 Damage (59-10a) Thera kills one outright
Ann attacks twice
60, 70 vs 41 both hit! 46 damage after armor and rend Ann has killed one
??? attacks 47 vs 41 hit 12 damage
Big thug attacks 61 vs 41 hit 20 damage.
Caravan drivers attack 5 shots 5 misses

Surviving wolves attack the men!
66 vs 25 hit! 40 damage after armor ??? is dying
55 vs 35 hit! 39 damage after armor Big thug is on deaths door!

More wolves are joining the fray!

(HP): 59 (PP): 67 (EP): 42

The caravan drivers began to fire a few shots their aim being terrible but it kept a few of the more cautious wolves back. Still that left four of the beasts who began to rapidly close the gap. Thera hefted her mighty blade and easily slashed one of the on coming wolves in two. Ann gifted with great aglity made to lighting fast cuts in the same area on her attacking wolf causing the beast to spillits dark tainted blood before collapsing in a heap. The men where not so lucky they both managed to get a hit on their foes but it proved almost pointless as the beasts quickly tore the throat out of one and the big man was knocked to the ground about to reach a similar fate of his friend. Meanwhile the big wolf in the back simply howled causing the wolves that had dragged their pray off into the woods to rejoin the fight fresh blood covering their faces.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Trying to find some space to run, Thera was thinking in using her Charge to kill other intact wolf to reduce the enemies advantage. "Ok, i have an idea!" She seen Ann fighting and began to remember when the little crazy girl talked about 'running in circles fast as lightning', or something like that.

If Thera isn't capable of Charge, then she'll just attack another wolf and kill it right away.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Supporting gun fire! 5 shots 1 hit! Caravan guards kill the wolf attacking the big thug

Thera charges!
Attack no contest Thera is a badass 48 damage after armor. Killing one wolf
Ann attacks
a single wolf is no match 2 attacks both hit for 68 combined damage.

Wolf attacks Thera! 64 vs 27 (-10 charge) hit 28 damage after armor. Thera's breastplate takes 12 damage.
Resistance check vs Trip! 29 vs 26 Thera wins

The rest of the wolves join the fray!

Thera (HP): 31/59 (PP): 67 (EP): 42

Thera charged forward ignoring the danger present. The blade of her halberd easily catching the new wolf and ending its life. However this left her vulnerable as the second wolf chomped right on her leg attempting to pull her to the ground. Thankfully Thera managed to stay upright from the onslaught. Soon 3 more howls pierced the air as the remaining wolves joined the battle finding their courage.

Ann meanwhile vaulted over one of the beast holding down the large man and quickly engaged the other wolf ending its life as a hail of bullets ended another. Still Thera was exposed with more fores bearing down.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"GAAAH!" Thera screams with that bite, but anger was the only thing she could feel that time. Reading her halberd again, she locks her new target and jumps for it, going for blood and glory. Well, mutated wolves couldn't improve anyone glory, but they have blood. "Now it's the time to die, puppy!"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Caravan suppressing fire! 5 shots 4 hits!
Thera goes for the chop! 70 hits! 45 damage after armor. Another wolf dead

Wolves retreat!

Thera brought her halberd down on the offending wolf that had bit her cleaning the vile beast in two before turing around to another wolf drop dead and the other turn tail and run as the big wolf in the back howeled. With out further notice the wolf jumped into the woods leaving the caravan and its survivors to lick their wounds. Speaking of which Ann had run up to Sara and preyd the jaws of the dead wolf off her leg. "Thera are you hurt?!" The lithe girl was inspecting the wound and making a fuss over her while the large man bandaged his own and looking at his dead friend. The battle was theirs but by the look in the wolfs eyes Thera had a feeling that they would see it again.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"No, i'm fine, don't mind me..." Trying to not lower her guardm Thera walks near the forest entrance to slay another "smart" wolf. Finding none, she comes back to the caravan and, finally, she feels the wound on her leg. She uses her Healing Potion and go back to Ann (if the girl isn't around). "That timing was too perfect, do you think they are working with some type of creature here on this forest? You know, something who can communicate with them and give details about us... No, forget what i said, probably it is that damned bite i received..." Thera limps all the time.
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Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

As Thera made her way back Ann came rushing forward and stopped her from drinking the potion. "Best to save those during combat silly!" Guiding Thera to a nearby stump Ann removed Thera's leg guard and cleaned it with some water causing it to sting a little. Quickly however Ann had it wrapped up in a medicated bandage. "There that should do the trick come one lets get your armor patched up we can work on it during the trip.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Okay, i get it." Holding her impetus to heal her wound, Thera stays besides Ann and awaits for the time to resume travel. Still limping. "Oh, and good job there. You was striking true even being so fast..."
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Thanks but I sure couldn't stand toe to toe with those nasty critters. How did you get so tough Thera?" Ann looked up at Thera her eyes full of wonder at the warrior. Not wasting a moment Ann lead Thera back to the wagons which were busy getting packed. Meanwhile Thera's leg was already starting to feel better the medically treated bandages making her leg feel stronger already. "We better ride for now till your leg heals up completely." Ann offered to help Thera into the wagon as the Game-warden indicated they would continue on.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Accepting Ann's help, Thera walks to the wagon and awaits for they departure. She checks her leg to see if it's still usable, and she looks at the survivors, she wants to know how their morale is at this moment.

"Tough? Well, i fight a lot with monsters, and one thing Life has taught me was that big weapons and high strength work better than sheer luck and magical tricks. When a warrior is fighting against a monster, as i've done various times, you need to be ready to strike it on his ugly face faster. Enchantments reduce your reaction time, in my opinion, and i didn't know any spellcaster that never was hurt in battle."