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An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Thera stood in the waiting room of a somewhat shabby entrance hall making her doubt if the man in question was really able to pay her what the job offered. Still she needed the money and well really its was better than prostituting herself. The man in question was Lord Ventris or so he claimed and he was late. Killing some time Thera looked at the flyer she had taken of a notice board.

Brave Adventure
To hunt and capture
Rare and exotic animals
400 denari for live adult specimens 100 for eggs or babies.

The rest of the flyer just listed the locations for the meeting and time to expect an audience. Looking about Thera seemed to be the only one here so she was either the first or no one else was willing to do the task.
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Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Ok, just what i did ate this morning?" as she walks in one curious hall full of posters and some boring look people. She goes to the nearest counter, or the nearest person she can find. "If they want eggs, i'll receive kiddie cash for them... Well, i don't have anything better to do today... Maybe i can find some new black market."

Her last job wasn't so profitable; sell information about some mercenaries to a hunter in another city. She was at her last economies, trying to not go to some shady place looking for a new job. "This opportunity is very good", she thought.
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Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thankfully Thera didn't have to wait much longer as Lord Ventris entered from a far door. He was flanked on either side by two scrawny looking boys carrying papers and boxes. Looking at the empty room he sighed. "What dose it take to get people to accept honest job offers these days." Sighing the man looked about until his eyes fell on Thera. "You there have you come to answer my summons?" Not waiting for an answer the man moved closer to Thera taking large striding steps. As he got closer Thera could see that he was balding and a little on the pudgy side. "Well miss have you come to take on the job or are you applying for a staffing position?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thinking about what she ate that morning, a strange man appears. Lady Hair wasn't going easy on him, but he would be someone important just because that. "Hello. I'm here for-" Then, he touched a nerve. "Wait, whaaaaaat? Staff!? Do i look like someone who works with normal people using this clothes an swinging this halberd?!" She shows the flyer with both hands right in front of her face, like a mask. "Hunt, i'm here to hunt!"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

The man's two servants nearly fainted on the spot but Lord Ventris smiled. "Good! I have enough staff already. Now my dear can I have your name? We will need it for the contract!." The man's attitude changed to a more friendly tone as he gestured for Thera to follow him to his office.

Inside the office was much cleaner and well taken care off. Numerous birds of exotic nature. Sat in cages and one bird stands. "Alright lets get down to business! I run a menagerie and Im looking to restock my collection. Much of it was lost after the invaders came and some of it was eaten during the following winter but things are improving and I would like to get back into business. I have a list of creatures I would like you to capture and bring back alive. Any questions?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Intrigued with the man' smile, Thera can't do anything but to be sincere. "Thera... Are you-" She follows him and see all those birds and cages. After making a disgusted face when he said some of the birds have been eaten, she thought that, maybe, being alone would be a dangerous thing. "Restock is simple, are you sure you don't want one more person to help with this task? I'll need some time to collect all those creatures." Scratching the back of her head, Thera looks the empty cages, probably weigthening the cash power of this man.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"I will have others looking for similar creatures but if you want help you would have to share the profits with whoever you contract with. That is if your still interested Thera. I will have a caravan ready to depart in two days time with other hunters so if your still interested show up then. Do you have any other questions?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Share? I want all the money for myself, i'm just asking 'cause i don't want to lose my time with competition. Do where i have to go to join this caravan, will be right in front of this building?" Acting more professionally, Thera knew that if other people was in this job, then she would have to work the triple to get more money. "Another question: will you kindly give me some capture tools?". "Fighting over the same marks aren't my thing, men are so..."
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Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Lord Ventris smiled at Thera. "Of course all the necessary equipment will be provided and the caravan will be meeting in front of this building. I suggest you get some summer cloths though. You'll be heading into the amazon." If Thera had any other questions now would be the time to ask them. If not she had two days before the caravan was ready.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"At this moment, i have no other question regarding this matter." Trying to use hard words, Thera waves her hair with her right hand and makes a Jojo pose. "Ok, if it is what you want, i shall do it." She walks to the door and looks a last time to this man, changing her tone. "A last question: where is a good inn, or hotel?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Oh I recommend the sunny side inn and eatery. They have always treated my business associates right." With a nod a brief directions Thera was out of the building and into the street. It was a fairly large lane due to all the merchant halls on the road though at the moment it was empty. Only a few people passed by one with a cart of apples and another a woman trying to sell flowers.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Ok, thanks!" Going to this Sunny Side would be boring if this city doesn't was alive, with common people here and there doing things and living their lives. "Aerith?" Looking at the cart of apples, Thera decides to buy one and go straight to this place with beds, and baths, and no one to wastes her time for two semi-full days.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

The Sunny Side Inn was a bustling place causing Thera some worry that she wouldn't be able to get a room. Heading in she found most of the customers where apparently here for the food not for the rooms. Breathing a small sigh of relief Thera approached one of the staff and inquired about a room. A fairly young blonde haired woman in a uniform and carrying a tray stopped to answer her question. "Oh well we have room available. It would be 1 denari for a common room or 3 for a tradesmen room."
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"A little denari, only for you." Hands over 1 denari for the girl and asks for the key. "How much time do the buffet stays open, my girl?"
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Oh thank you miss." The girl bowed slightly. "The eatery stays open till 8. Would you like a menu?" The girl smiled and waited for Thera's answer. It was about 4 in the afternoon given Thera plenty of time for a meal if she so chose or she chould simply call it a night and retire for the evening. There was also several taverns around the area that she had passed.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"No, thank you. I'll get a bread, then to bed i go.". Then, Thera goes to the table(s) and starts looking for some sweet bread with fruits or anything sweet enough before going to her room. She believes that eating sweet things before sleep is a good luck charm.

At the same time, she looks for someone with a good appearance.
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Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Grabbing her sweat treat Thera looked at the assembled patronage for the Sunny Side Eatery. Many of the people eater where not alone either having one or two other people with them. There was however a single man in bright cloths flirting with the waitresses that passed by. He was fairly attractive and given his attire likely a travailing bard or minstrel.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"No, not another bard!". Frightened after a bad story with an ex-boyfriend, who was a very corteous and unfaithful minstrel, Thera gets her sweet and go straight to her room, trying to not "get caught by his eyes". "I'm gonna kick his nuts if he goes after me!".
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the bard was involved with a buxom brunette so he missed Thera's departure. Heading up a small flight of stairs Thera turned to go to her room when she realized she had never gotten a key. Turning around she found the waitress from before handing over the small brass object. "Here you go Miss you almost took off before I could get you your key. Its room 22." Bowing the waitress departed leaving Thera to go to her room.

Room 22 was rather cramped with a single bed and a small trunk to store travelers gear. A small stool proved to be the only seating in the room but the sheets looked clean and the room itself was rather tidy. Munching on her treat Thera pondered her options. She could go out for the night or just spend it here and just relax before her upcoming adventure.
Re: An Eggceptional Adventure Thera(Atmo) GMed by ranger

"Why, thank you, i knew i was forgetting something." She picks up the key and goes straight to her room, feeling relieved that nothing bardic has happened. She looks to the bed, the other and few things on the room and ponders if a little night adventure could be a good thing to do.

"Nah, i'm just going to sleep." She decides.

On the caravan's day, Thera is finally ready and at the chosen place to depart and escort those people. "Good morning, here i am."