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Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

I see double posts o.o

A. Hammer no workee... Maybe minibadass but we dun have nough.
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

A Whit little kill him with little bad ass
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Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Amy decides to hide in the bushes. She peeks out and begins to hatch up a devious plan for this guy. She then takes out one of her Minibadasses and control her. Mini Amy then grins, reading from the controller's expression tracker. She then casually walks up to the powerhouse of a creature. She whistels for it. With a grunt, the Beast rushes toward her, then picks her up. Confused, the beast studies her a bit. Amy grins deviously to him. "Goodnight...." Her eyes glow a bright white, then Mini Amy then splits apart at the plastic seams at first, then unleashes a violent explosion at point blank, causing the clone nearby to get caught in it too, the two enemies evaporating. It sends Amy herself onto her tush, but she can never get hurt by Minibadass explosions. She gets up and looks around where the Beast was. "Hnnhnn.... These little things are useful...." She moves forward, deeper into the forest and finds a lake spring next to a waterfall. It seems to be a great place to relax. Next to it, is a cave tunnel which seems to be the only way past this overgrown greenhouse.

A.) I feel a little tense in the thighs.... maybe I should relax in the springs to get my stamina filled and my orgasm meter back to 0...

B.) Onward to the cave!
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

yes A

i hope than nothing try to rape her : )
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Amy decides to slip into the springs. Relaxing against the sounds of the waterfall. With her eyes closed, she smiles. "Hnnn..... so relaxing... I needed this." Nothing imposing seems to be in the lake. After her rest she gets out of the spring, completely rejuvenated.

Stamina maxed!

Orgasm returned to 0!

Amy then decides to enter the cave tunnel. Unbeknownst to her, a gel creature seems to slip out of the lake and quietly follow her from behind.

In this new area, sounds could be heard. Most likely all the enemies waiting for an ass kicking. She walks forward and approaches a boulder that is blocking a path. The only way around it seems to be a different direction in the tunnel. The sounds are coming from the boulder path mostly.

A.) Smash the boulder!

B.) I should take the path around the boulder. Who knows what kinds of creatures could be in this cave....
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

A. Smash smash smash till the cave collaspes! And then smash some more to get into the cave :D
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Amy looks to her trusty hammer, then winds up. She thrusts the hammer at the boulder, which to her would 'feel' easy to break due to her gloves handling on the hammer. In fact 9000 pounds of raw hammer was just slammed into the rock formation, causing it to explode and make a path. She rushe in and finds several slime drops, which seem like tentacles, hanging from the cieling. Amy doesn't know that these are tentacles though. She moves forward, then one of the tentacles captures her arm and moves it out of the way of her other arm, successfully stopping her from using her hammer. She widens her eyes as she looks to it.

A.) Struggle out by pulling my arm away!

B.) Lift my foot in a fancy flip and kick at this strange thing...
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Amy struggles a bit, then decides to kick right through the gel tentacle. She widens her eyes as the tenacle doesn't seem harmed in any way. Her leg is then snaked around by another tentacle, and she stretches out as the tentacle pulls her arm and leg tightly. She struggles. "Ghnnnnnngh.....!!!!!" She glares as she struggles around. Another tentacle takes her other arm, then her other leg. She seemed to be just suspended there. Then the Gel creature comes into view. It seems that she is part of a mass conglomeration, controlling these creatures remotely. She keeps her distance from the suspended Amy. "What are you....?" The creature laughs cutely, then summons an ultrabreeder. It seems to be a little dull, indicating it may be as strong as the real thing, but it'd fade out eventually. If Amy escapes, she would be able to avoid this creature until it disappears, and take the fight to the Nucleus Gel Creature.

The Ultrabreeder moves up near Amy's body. This would be incredibly powerful if she can't defend herself.

A.) Grrr..... Maybe if I thust back and forth, I could weaken these tentacles....

B.) Grrrr..... I need to just pull on these tentacles. All at the same time.
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass


Thrusting is key.
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Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

I vote A, weakening them is always good.
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Amy looks to the tentacles, then decided to rock back and forth, hoping to overpower them. Then, all of a sudden, her dress, and her panties shred off. Amy underestimated the Ultrabreeder's strength. She widens her eyes at the monstrous creature, then pinty hands stumulate her breasts completely. "GHGH..... GHHhhhaaa.... aaaaaaaaah......"

Status: Overpowered. (Only Beasts and Ultrabreeders can do this, sans maybe a few powerful bosses. Amy is incapable of making multiple choice solutions in this condition. It could last well after ravaging depending on the situations.)

Amy pants heavily as the Ultrabreeder's hands seem to have a power over her perky breasts. Her sides tense as she cannot even escape. "GHNNN..... HNNN..... HNNNNNN!!!!" She tries to jerk back, but is now unable to fight the tentacles. The ultrabreeder puts Amy close to milking, getting her breasts powerful a bit, then thrusts deeply into Amy. The creature's member seems to have a power to it too, her hips quaking. "GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAGHN!!!!!!!" She tilts her head back, her eyes widened as the creature thrusts hard into her small body, the creature's large hands to her sides and thumbs to her nipples.

Thrust after thrust, more and more of the creature's power is thrusted into her body, cancelling out her own strength. This may be the single most powerful enemy she has faced, and can't even fight back. Her breasts bounce as she is thrusted up harder and harder. Her legs unable to take the various orgasms, the powerful magic gel creature has inside of her.

Amy's eyes go blank as she loses the strength to yell out. Just when she thinks she is going to spend her life being thrusted by the powerful creature, the Ultrabreeder seeds her womb. Her athletic tummy stretching out slightly in the cum intake, absorbing the powerful cum.

The ultrabreeder disappears as her honeyhole drips, Amy looking near unconcious as she tilts her head back, her eyes quivering in the overflow of strength.

Egg Chance:




Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass


C is for chance.
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Amy whimpers as she grits her teeth. Out fades into existance, another chao egg. Her thighs tremble as her energy is spent harshly on the egg. She pants heavily as the chao egg fades out to the chao garden. She closes her eyes as the Nucleus Creature laughs cutely. She waits for Amy to make another move, just to pick on her. She isn't able to think on what to do next for a while. The Nucleus Creature fades away. "I gotta do this to you next time~!"

Amy pants heavily as she regains her energy. She then tugs at the tentacles, falling down into the cave floor. She then glows, her clothes returning to her body repaired. She rubs her arm. "Ghnnnn.... that thing is really having a death wish." She then moves forward. The end of the cave is in sight, but it seems that milkbats are in the way. They don't breed Amy, but can definitely make her orgasm. Thankfully she cannot be beyond repair in strength.

A.) Hammer these bats away. I gotta get out of this cave!!!

B.) Blast em!
B1.)Piercing Rounds
B3.)Freeze Rounds
B4.)Acid Rounds
B5.)Explosive rounds

C.) There's a small hole in this cave where my Minibaddas can go through... But I REALLY need out of this cave...
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

A! Hammer time always wins!