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Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Amy looks to the left as she switches her rounds expertly. She shoots out a bullet that explodes in dangerous acid. The acid makes the robot approach faster. Its tubing then strikes, wrapping Amy with it as it tries to find her honeyhole under her panties. "GYAGH!!!!" She tries hard to struggle out. The acid then seems to be too much, the enemy toppling over and partially melting.

She looks to the other one, which was right behind her the entire time. It pins her down, then pulls down her panties. The tubing then strikes her honeyhole. "GYAAAAAAAHAAAAAAGH!!!!!!" She grits her teeth as she squints an eye. The tube then bulges a bit in pumps, trying to stimulate her womb into being fertile. Amy tries hard to squirm but she keeps absorbing the synthetic cum over and over, her body tingling all over.

Orgasm: 200/500

A.) Gyah... hhhhah..... hhhhah.... sh-shoot it.....

B.) squirm out.... ghaaAAAGHN!!!!
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass


take it out, then squirm away.
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Amy yells out as the cum is faster, her body absorbing pump after pump. "GYAGH!!!! HYAAAGH!!!!" She squints hard as she shoots the robot, but that only makes it increase in speed. Her body thrusts up hard with each pump of cum fed to her womb. She grips the floor, then orgasms! Gushing out as her womb is then threatened to be stimulated, the robot on the verge of breaking down due to the acid.

Egg Chance: What does Amy Rose say in a secret function in Knuckles Chaotix?

A.) Sweet, cool, and catchy!

B.) See you next stage!

C.) No way! No way! No way? No way!
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Hmmm... *flips a coin* C!

What is it eggs do to Amy, again?
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

(At the end, Amy is graded on how badass her escape is. Which is why losing is not permanent here. The amount of eggs can affect the grade at the end.)

The robot breaks down just like the other one. But Amy squints hard, her honeyhole feeling rather hot. She covers it as she yells out, tilting her head up. "GHAAAAAAAAHAAAAGH!!!!!!!" Amy then uses her energy to make an egg fade into existance nearby. She takes deep breaths as she keeps her eyes closed. Quickly as it came, it faded away to the secret Chao Garden.

Amy takes a while to get up, holding her breast in sexual tension. She then slowly gets up, pulling her panties up. "Hmph...." She moves toward the exit to the stairs. She goes down the flight and comes across another hallway. One seems to be a small room marked SECRET. The other seems to not even be marked.

A.) Secret door!

B.) Eh, I don't care about secrets as long as I get outta here!
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

A! Need the 100% Secret-Finding Bonus to boost our badassery!
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Amy heads to the secret door. She finds inside a giant power switch that says "Wall Mounted Cannon. Do Not Throw." Amy tilts her head a bit. The switch seems to be on. But no lights or anything indicating it is on shows up. There is a small hole on the side of the switch. Enough that a minibadass could go in there and help her check things out. Behind her is a giant golden ring though. She had seen these things in apparently old game systems that existed before she was transported to this dimension. She never thought them to actually be real...

A.) Hmm.... this hole seems to be suspicious. Maybe I should look into it with one of these toy things.

B.) That golden ring. I wonder if it will take me somewhere weird. Worth a try. Maybe I can return afterward or something.
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Amy looks to the golden ring. She is curious about it. She takes a step back and runs right into it. She appears in a garden of sorts. But it is floating. And the only way out is back through the ring. There are various points of interest here. The spring, where Amy can relax and restore her strength. A cave where sometimes, weapon ammo can be picked up. And a Smash Gallery, with pictures of all the types of enemies Amy had squashed and information about them. Might be good for strategy purposes.

Amy looks around. "Oh HECK YES!" She smiles, rushing to jump off the side of the garden island in hopes to land. She bounces off a mystical barrier and falls on her tush. "Gyuh.... Dammit, they can't make it that easy can they?" She looks to her side and her egg is there. Out pops a chao. The thing is annoying, but not too bothersome. She smiles a bit and pets on it. Afterward, she thinks about what to do.

A.) The Smash Gallery has a nice ring to it. Maybe I can take a look at it.

B.) Ghhhhugh.... I'm beat. I need a rest in the spring.

C.) That cave looks pretty nice. I wonder what's in it?

D.) This place is too cute.... Must..... leave....
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

B then C
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

(plmnko! You broke the rules and I liked it! How dare you? xD)

Amy stretches up, then begins stripping down, her breasts seem to be tingling from all of her previous stimulations. She closes her eyes and takes a dip. She sighs a bit as her energy seems to be restored as she thinks. "This is one weird lab.... but I like this place...." She tips her head up, her pink body glistening in the sun. She rests for a bit before getting out of the spring.

Strength maxed!

She then smiles walking to the cave. Her chao seems to be hanging on her leg. She kicks it off and tosses it a fruit from the tree to both get it off of her and to make it stop crying afterward. She looks into the cage and sees some freeze and acid rounds. They seem to be in small packets as the cave is used to max out her ammo.

She leaves the garden happily, then exits the area. Back in the lab where the switch is. Next to it is a small hole a Mini-Badass can go through.

A.) Leave the room. I got no more use for this place.

B.) Hmm... I wonder how I can turn that switch on.... *looks to her minibadasses case.*
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

Amy looks to the fancy case and pops it open, tilting her head at the miniature likeness of herself. She then takes it to the hole and stuffs it inside. She then looks at the controller, finding an activation switch. She flips it on the controller, and an autostereoscopic screen comes up in the middle. The feedback camera tracks her expressions exactly, making it so that the minibadass takes on her mind. Mini Amy looks around. "W-wow, this is cool...." She moves forward, until even in her small form she had to crawl. She finds seperated wires. Blue, red, and yellow. She begins to take the wires, then curiously connects them together. After the switch's lights activate, Mini Amy jumps slightly, looking back as the mechanics whir into activation. "Hmm.... seems like that switch can be thrown now...."

A.) Return to sender first, then throw that switch!

B.) Forget that thing. I got another one! Turn it off and throw the switch on the wall!
Re: Amy The Hedgehog Badass

hm... A?