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Amarant: Unknown Path

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

… run – with Beatrice in such a state, you have little choice but to try and dodge past your foe and up the stairs to the exit.

You dash to the right into the moderately sized stairwell, forcing your body to move faster under your partner’s weight. Beatrice barely seems aware of the foe, her head still hung and breathing uneven.

You brandish your sword the best you can, your right hand stretching to put the blade overhead. The tendrils come down; two of them miss, their lengths almost catching your heels as you move out of the way, but the last one lands upon your blade, promptly coiling around the sharp steel. You waste little time in ripping the blade away, the motion managing to cut through the tentacle. You push on, just barely catching a glimpse of the entire horror:

It is a giant, black mass, orange and dark red scorch marks covering most of its form – the scent of charred meat entering your nostrils. About a dozen, two to three inch thick, tentacles protrude from the upper portion, with what look to be dozens of smaller tendrils extending out from the base. Only six – five after the one you just cut – of the larger tentacles seem to move, the other ones either too badly burned or damaged in some way to really move. You think of the one you fought before, the tentacles gripping and writhing through the skull in its possession. There is no skull to be found with this one however… With that, and the marks that cover its body, there is no doubt in your mind: this is the same one you fought earlier.

You remember how it tried to grab your leg beforehand, quite unlike what you had just experienced, the tentacles now seeming more violent as they tried to strike you. It was slower then, but now it seems as though the tentacles are built up into a frenzy, the black strands shaking violently all over it. Still, as you reach the stairs, you could've sworn you felt a one of the tentacles narrowly missing your leg as you started up the stairs. Whatever the case, you need to get out of here.

“Come on, Beatrice! We’re almost to the exit! Climb!” You cry, desperately, but she doesn’t respond. You’re worried just how far she’s gone, but take comfort in the fact that you can still feel her trying to push off with her legs, fighting the weakness that afflicts her.

You start up the stairs the best you can, pushing upwards and toward the exit. You glance up, towards the top of the staircase, and notice the faintest shimmer of light. Sunlight! It feels as like it has been so long, as though you’ve have been down here for nearly half a year now. This sight fills you with a new sense of determination and you pump your legs even faster.

With Beatrice the way she is however, you find you are tied to her pace, barely able to ascend more than a step or two each second. Your mind screams and you desperately try to take on more of her weight so that you are almost carrying her up. Thighs tense and calves stress as you take one stone stair after another. Your mind is a storm of thought and fears, urging Beatrice to move faster, for the small light at the top to come closer, and for the tendrils below to not attack again – if only it were so easy.

You barely noticed the sound that preceded it, the sound of one of the tentacles sailing through the air before it slashes down upon your back. The thin cord felt as though it split your clothes, the impact almost like that of a whip. Your eyes shut tight and then snap open as pain racks your frame, a painful, desperate cry escaping from your lips. Your legs buckle underneath of you, but you still manage to stay upright, if only barely. Beatrice cries out as well, retracting her arm. She seems only dimly aware of the situation, the potion still not having taken effect. The tentacle retracts for now and you take the chance to continue your ascent. Another step, your foot stepping out and through the pain that threatens to break you. Another step… you making sound progress in spite of everything. You push on, desperate to reach the exit of this hell the two you of you have yourselves in. With that beast… things can go very wrong if you were to mess up here.

Almost ten stairs now you have climbed, but as you reach for the next, you feel your left leg pulled out from under you. You start to fall, and…

A) …twist to the side, cushioning the blow with your left side.
B) …twist to the side, cushioning the blow with your right side.

X) Other

You hiss in pain as the edges of the stairs dig into your arm - still, you want your sword arm up and at the ready to deal with anything. The impact caused your rifle slign to fall off your shoulder, the firearm slipping from your arm and tumbling down the stairs to eventually rest near Beatrice's feet. You glance down to see if it is within reach, but also see what caught your foot and are not surprised to see one of the tentacles be the culprit, the black appendage coiled around your ankle. You know better than to try and simply pull free and flip around onto back to face the beast. It sits at the bottom of the stairs, its size managing to stretch the entire width of the stairwell – whether or not in can climb up after you has yet to be seen. For now, it remains there, pulling you down towards it, your rump stinging as it slides and impacts with a lower stair. You glance over to Beatrice and see that she has managed to stay somewhat upright, down on all fours, trying to push herself back up. Fortunately, she doesn’t seem to be bound by the creature at all, but that only proves to create a sinking feeling in your gut as you wonder why it is only going after you.

You bend forward, ready to cut yourself free. Fortunately, you managed to keep a hold of your sword and avoid impaling yourself on the fall. You bend forward, but find it difficult to get close enough as you take another short fall down to the next step. Your torso strains as you stretch forward and are just about ready to bring the sword down upon the tether, when you notice another tentacle sailing towards you: it looks as though it is coiled up, the sight of it from the above producing a spiral-like effect – The coil off-set to the right from your perspective. You are almost caught off guard as you see it coming towards you and…

How do you respond?

A) Try and predict the angle at which it will strike and hold up your sword to intercept the blow, then severing the tentacle around your feet once successful. (Which direction? Ex. 10 o’ clock, top-right, etc.)
B) Predict where it will strike and maneuver in such a way as to avoid the impact (How?) and then cut the tentacle around your feet.
C) Attempt to sever the one holding your feet first, so that you may then move more freely. (A or B afterwards.)

X) Other

… you decide to try and cut yourself free first – whatever the other tentacle plans on doing, you’ll be better prepared to deal with it without one tied to your leg.

You bring your sword down, severing the foul leash before bringing it up again to deal with the next threat. You have little time before it reaches you, but think it will try to try disarm you, making sure to watch out for such an attempt. Sword at the ready you see the tendril sail towards you and unwind wildly with no sign of slowing down. You try to adjust your sword arm, anticipating a precise point of attack, but realize too late that it simply seeks to strike you. You try to readjust but find you don’t have enough time, the uncoiled whip-like limb crashing into your side. You spin wildly, rolling over and crashing into Beatrice, knocking her into the wall. She barely makes a sound, seemingly not even conscious as she simply falls over, unmoving.

You can’t do anything for her at the moment and try to recover as quickly as you can, luckily managing to hold onto your sword. You look up just in time to see two more tentacles wind up from below and hover above you menacingly. They rise up into the air, brushing against the ceiling of the stairwell. However, they do not attack, instead, simply hanging there, swaying side to side, almost as though they are studying you. They are out of reach at the moment, but you could probably sever one if you were to stand upright. A couple feet apart, they don’t make a move and seem passive for the moment – you aren’t exactly sure how to respond, but know that they have more than enough length to catch you should you turn and attempt to flee. You glance over to Beatrice and notice that she doesn’t seem to be doing any better after that mishap earlier. A sudden chill runs down your entire form as you look back to the two tentacles above, realizing this could go very badly. You think about what you know about this creature, what habits it has, and try to figure out how to proceed with the next part of the fight…

How do you respond – Open choice:

Explain your action/strategy. i.e. “Wait for an attack and then counter”, “attack first”, "Watch out for X", or… something completely different.

STATS: Jacqueline*

Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown. Covered in Blood
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Dark Green Potion. Highly negative effect.
-Teal Potion. "Isn't Harmful".
-Black Potion. Unknown effect
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Three burning rods. Can be lit on fire to produce light. One has been extinguished. One in belt
-Wax fused cloth. Solid lump of rock-hard wax. Has medallion/necklace inside it.

-Revolver. Single Action. Holds six Rounds. Holstered.
-Rounds: x0 (0 in Cylinder) Rotation: (Sp){E}> E,Sp,Sp,Sp
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. In belt
-Short-sword. Has scabbard fastened to left hip. In right hand.
-Rifle. Bolt Action. Holds one round. Further down the stairs.
-Rounds: x0
-Dagger. 9 in. Blade. Scabbard fastened in front of Holster. Sheathed

-Belt & Holster. Holster secured on right hip. Knife between buckle folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops= Recoverable.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion, Goblin Potion, Dark Green Potion, Teal Potion, Black Potion.
-Skirt. Ends just above the knees. Black.
-Shirt. Buttoned. Large tear above left breast, slightly revealing bra beneath. Soaked with a bit of ghoul’s blood.
-Vest. Dark Leather. Torn open. Loose.
-Leather Vambraces. Covers the forearms.
-Sturdy Leather Gloves.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather. Right covered in Ghoul’s blood.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Heavily torn. Right leg soaked with ghoul blood.

- Recovering Amnesiac: You have lost your memory but are becoming more knowledgeable about the world.
- Revolver Master : Few can best your aim with a revolver.
- Preemptive Tactics: When ambushing an enemy, advantageous details about the environment and the target(s) in question become apparent and you are granted a bonus on the first strike.
- Lone fighter: You are experienced in fighting greater numbers by yourself and can think clearly while doing so.
- Ghoul Anatomy I: "The head is key: destroying it is the only effective way to stop them." -Beatrice

Physical Appearance:
-Face smudged with ghoul saliva and a bit of ghoul’s blood.
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy, dirtied. Bedraggled look. Coated with ghoul’s blood.
-~5’ 7” 140lbs/63Kg. 34C
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.
-Right leg soaked with dried ghoul blood.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.
To display the status of the cylinder in the revolver, I have added a simple set of letters to let you guys know exactly what the state of it is between posts. It currently goes:

Cylinder: (Chamber aligned with barrel){Next shot once hammer is cocked}>Remaining chambers>
Sp = Spent casing. L = Loaded/Live round. E = Empty.
So, “ Rotation: (Sp){L} >L,L,E,E ” Means that you have a casing now lined up with the barrel, the next shot will be live once you pull the hammer, and then you have two more rounds before you’re empty.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

STATS: Beatrice*

Current Inventory:

Gold: (?)
-Dried meat (x2)
-Canteen: Holds water.
-Piece of Chalk
-Parchment. 4 sheets.
-Corked Inkwell
-Flint & Tinder.
-Empty Healing Potion.
-Crowbar. Three ft. long. Steel. Curved hook on one end and a slightly angled tip on the other. Slightly Bent.

-Long-barreled Revolver. Single Action. Swing-out Cylinder. Holds five Rounds. In bag
-Rounds: x0 (0 in Cylinder)
-Shotgun. Break action. Two barrels. Holds 2 shells. Slung across left shoulder
-Shells: x0 (0 loaded)
-Pick. Steel. Small. Shaft is 1 foot long. In right hand

-Thigh Holster: Holds Long-barreled revolver.
-Blue button up shirt. Buttoned. Long sleeved. Cloth. Torn open around breasts.
-Belt 1. Supports pouch 1. Crowbar hanging from hip.
-Belt 2. Supports pouch 2. Holds: Small pick on left hip.
-Pouch 1. Contains: Canteen.
-Left thigh Belt. Holds: Three burning rods.
-Left leather spaulder.
-Leather vambraces.
-Cloth pants. down to ankle. Hole ripped open revealing groin.
-Leather chaps. Perfect for riding and adds protection around your legs. Drenched with semen.
-Sturdy Boots.

- Recently Gangraped: Your entire body is covered with filth and secretions from your assailants and you are very weak of body and of mind.
- Incapacitated: Ghoul poison flows through your veins and you are barely able to stand, let alone fight.
- Guilty pleasure: …….
- Artificer: A member of the Artificer's Guild, a guild known for studying magic and lost technology.
- Reclaimer: Reclaimer rank: You are a hunter of the eldritch and scour lost ruins and abandoned pieces of civilization for history and technology of old.
- Revolver Training I: "Better... but there's always perfection." -Smith Mordel
- Shotgun Training II: "You're almost as good as me now, 'Trice!" -Flint
- Half-Orc: An orc half breed. Born from the coupling of an orc and a human. You, luckily, got more from your mother's side.
- Meticulous: You are one for planning and preparation, and aren't good at improvising when things don't go as planned.
- Firearm Favored: Confident with a gun in your hand, but you find yourself quite distressed when fighting without one.
- Bayton Raised: Born and raised in the pirate city you learn certain skills and rules... or guidelines, rather.
- Curious of Alchemy: You can't truly make potions, but you can most likely discern potion from poison.
- Bookworm: You not only read, you take pleasure in acquiring any new information.
- Gunsmith/Tinkerer II: Knowledge on how to fix and repair many different types of firearms and mechanical devices.

Physical Appearance:
-Snow-white hair: Slicked back. Cut just above the neck. Stiff from ghoul’s semen.
-Sharp face, with narrow, green eyes. Remnants of semen of spit cover most of it.
- ~6' 2" 193lbs/87Kg 44DD
-Bullet wound scar on right forearm
-Large blade scar on right abdomen.
-Large blade scar on left thigh.
-Small tusks protruding from lower lips, an inch from the gum-line.
-Entire body covered in ghoul’s semen and spit.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A, keep the sword hand up and ready.

I would say C, but I think ye tentacle is going to wait for the in order to grab the sword arm, which would be bad. So, that in mind, A. It's coiled slightly to the right, so try to slip a little bit in that direction but be prepared for it to come down and go for the wrist.

Assuming that doesn't end disastrously, wait for an attack and counter while slowly try to pull away. Keeping chopping off tentacles until it fucks off, since we don't have the gear to kill whatever this is at this point.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

C, A afterwards.
Followin' Tass' for the last choice.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A and C following Tassadar.

Open Choice: I say bait the thing using Jacqueline's feet and left arm. It seems to try and keep her from moving around too much, so I suggest getting low on the stairs (basically sitting on the stairs) and crawling backwards up the stairs so that if it does grab for an arm or a leg it doesn't cause her to fall or hurt herself on the stone steps. Oh, and make sure her right arm/hand (the one with the sword!) is further back than her left so it doesn't get snagged with a tentacle. Then, as Tassadar puts it, keep chopping until it fucks off.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A and C following Tassadar.

Open Choice: I say bait the thing using Jacqueline's feet and left arm. It seems to try and keep her from moving around too much, so I suggest getting low on the stairs (basically sitting on the stairs) and crawling backwards up the stairs so that if it does grab for an arm or a leg it doesn't cause her to fall or hurt herself on the stone steps. Oh, and make sure her right arm/hand (the one with the sword!) is further back than her left so it doesn't get snagged with a tentacle. Then, as Tassadar puts it, keep chopping until it fucks off.

I concur.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Alright, "Left Side" is unanimous but... just to clarify and to make sure I have the votes right for choice #2 before I start writing in ~24 hours:

Tass: A - Be prepared for the tentacle to try and grab sword arm.
Minerve: C & A to follow.

Gear & Tomaito: Here, I am slightly confused, as you say "C, following Tassadar", yet Tass voted for A. If I could have a clarification before tomorrow night, that would be just lovely.

As for the final part... since Tass and Gear each have a supporting vote to tie them, the strategies you two list are relatively similar, and elements from both will be checked against the scenario's keywords/rolls.
In a nutshell: Stay sitting, not standing to avoid falling and hurting ourselves, backing up slowly, and only countering instead of attacking first, keeping the sword arm back so as to make it an easy target to grab.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I probably should have specified that one, yeah...

I meant to follow Tassadar on the first choice of A followed by the second choice being C.

Edit: Clarification purposes on my part. I keep being more confusing... sorry :p

So A, following Tassadar to keep the sword hand up.

Then C: Attempt to sever the one at the feet (this one is my choice, not following Tass). Then following Tassadar yet again, I opt to go for his A "It's coiled slightly to the right, so try to slip a little bit in that direction but be prepared for it to come down and go for the wrist".

So Scenario 1 I choose to follow Tassadar. Scenario 2 I choose C to be the first action taken and then to follow Tassadar's A as option C allows for an "(A or B afterwards)", which afterwards I want to follow Tassadar's A.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Tass' second choice is actually A... He just wrote that would vote C.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I probably should have specified that one, yeah...

I meant to follow Tassadar on the first choice of A followed by the second choice being C.

Edit: Clarification purposes on my part. I keep being more confusing... sorry :p

So A, following Tassadar to keep the sword hand up.

Then C: Attempt to sever the one at the feet (this one is my choice, not following Tass). Then following Tassadar yet again, I opt to go for his A "It's coiled slightly to the right, so try to slip a little bit in that direction but be prepared for it to come down and go for the wrist".

So Scenario 1 I choose to follow Tassadar. Scenario 2 I choose C to be the first action taken and then to follow Tassadar's A as option C allows for an "(A or B afterwards)", which afterwards I want to follow Tassadar's A.

We are in agreement.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


The previous post has been edited to reflect winning choices.

- Try to bait the tentacles using left arm and feet.
- Stay sitting and crawl backwards.
- Keep sword arm further back, preparing to strike once it makes an attempt.
- Keep backing away and slicing at the beast until it fucks off.

You know the tentacles will attempt to disarm you and you decide to make an effort to keep your sword-arm back behind you, your other arm hopefully able to act as a decoy. You also don’t bother standing, knowing that these two tentacles would love nothing more than to pull your feet out from under you, possibly having you tumble down the stairs right to the beast; this in mind, you stick close to the ground, slowly pushing yourself up stair by stair.

You keep your sword behind you, but up and at the ready if the situation calls for it. You watch the two tendrils as they weave back and forth above you, watching for any attempt at one of your limbs. They don’t attack outright however, but simply probe your defenses, lunging close but pulling back before committing to any action. Their shadows dance and intertwine across the ceiling, your eyes straining to keep the foes and the light’s trickery separate in the white light. A quick jab and then a lazy flick of the tentacle’s “head”, they continue to keep you on your toes. Still, you continue to slowly maneuver backwards, always at the ready.

Unfortunately, your escape would be made easy if not for the state of your partner; the poison still racking her body. You know you can’t leave her behind and make an effort to at least attempt to pull her up along with you.

You hesitantly reach down and try to grab the back of her shirt – or what little remains of the soggy material – and drag her up with you. You don’t even look at her, keeping your attention focused on the snake-like entities. You reach down, feeling about a bit before you find a nice handhold. You grasp it firmly and notice the tentacles become a bit more agitated, their lengths wriggling back and forth. For a second you thought they’d latch onto your arm; the near-silent words form on your lips as you practically taunt the creature, begging it to fall into your trap so that you could sever another of its limbs. You continue to pull, your muscles straining to heave the body of your compatriot up the stone staircase. Your heels push and you do your best to have your other arm help, eventually managing to lug Beatrice’s form up to a new step. She may be a bit battered and bruised when she awakes, but you don’t care at the moment, even somewhat annoyed at her as the majority of recent events could be contributed to her unwillingness to travel together. You give another solid pull, her face coming to rest on the stone step rather abruptly.

This pace continues on for a bit longer as you ascend a few more steps, the creature now seeming a bit more distant, the tentacles however, still continue their dance above you, their movements almost predictable now as they start to repeat the same motions. You try not to become too complacent, always renewing your attention at their movement, making sure they never catch you off guard. You find it weird that it hasn’t made another attack yet – with how it has handled you so far, and with the distance you have managed to cover; you wondered if there was the chance that you may get away completely.

You pull Beatrice and dig your heels into the stone steps yet again. This time however, your heels slip, your leg shooting out, knee locked. You quickly attempt to correct yourself, still ready to attack if either of the two entities above decide to converge on you. You’re surprised when they simply continue their usual dance. Perplexed, you try and recover your stance but find your leg unable to bend. You can feel it now as it begins to tighten its grip, but look down to see another tendril wrapped around your leg. You curse, knowing you shouldn’t have been so focused on the two in front of you, this one probably waiting for the perfect time to strike. You almost strike reflexively, but remind yourself of the original threats, one of which has now taken the opportunity to latch onto your forward arm. You follow through with the strategy you had put in place and move to strike it, but are forcefully yanked down the stairs by the one at your feet, momentarily stunned as your shoulder, hip, and ribcage all grind against the stone steps.

Pain sweeps over the entire right side of your body, along with almost a dozen abrasions and bruises. The tendril around your arm pulls your arm towards the ceiling extending it. You can also feel the tendril around your leg proceeding further up the limb, the familiar texture of the black muscle returning to your calf as it slides over the ripped stocking. A twinge runs down your body and a small ache settles in your lower abdomen as it continues to encroach on your torso – the sensation crudely interrupted by the last of the tendrils wrapping itself around your neck.

Your eyes are thrust open by the attack, and you grit your teeth as the strand of black slowly coils itself about your neck. The smell of the limb is surprising; its musk hitting you hard as you try and process what is going on. Your mind is on fire, everything assaulting you at once: The tendril around your leg continues to wind its way up, the tip now starting to coil around your thigh, producing even more unwanted sensations; your arm is being pulled towards the ceiling, your body tilting and forcing you to support what weight isn’t pulled up with your sword arm; and finally, the tentacle around your neck threatens to completely cut off your airflow, what little breaths you do take tainted by the stench of the offending flesh – you find it hard to formulate any sort of plan in your head.

You feel light-headed and you know you need air soon; you gasp desperately to try and get some air – unfortunately, something else tries to enter as well:

The tentacle around your neck loosens, and even though you do manage to take a fulfilling breath, the end of the tendril drives itself into your mouth. The air you just took in is then quickly expelled as you send out a muffled cry of panic and fear. “What- what is this beast doing!?” Your mind is in a panic: the fact that you can still breathe through your nose provides no solace, your mind overwhelmed with fear and confusion. Your cries echo through the stairwell, all of them muffled by the member threatening to press down your throat. You close your eyes as you whip your head back and forth, but even then it holds inside your moist embrace. As if to taunt your defiance, the beast’s limb begins to slowly move in and out of your orifice. You gag and sputter as it pushes passed your molars, the tip threatening to go down your throat. The taste of the flesh itself is magnitudes stronger than its scent, the flavor pouring over your tongue as it massages your tongue. As it pistons between your lips, a heat builds in your face and tears start to form, a few of the salty beads sliding down from your eyes and mixing with the spittle now gathering around your lips. Your teeth bite down in some act of defiance, but you can’t help but feel even more helpless as that fails to do anything, the act only proving to anger the tentacle, its length tightening around your neck again before slowly releasing. Even the sound of it moving within its moist confines is demoralizing: the liquid rhythm continuing as the other tentacles pull you further down the stairs.

You’ve kept a hold of your sword however, and you are still ready to fight! A part of you seems to try and convince you to simply stop however, and avoid the any pain it may inflict upon you: a sick compulsion, fueled by the slick , almost moist, texture of the tentacle that has wrapped itself into, and under, your ripped stocking, all the way up to the band of your underwear; the aroma and flavor of the tendril that pushes in and out of your mouth, coating it with its essence; and by your slow descent from the two tentacles that keep pulling you down further and further…

What is left of your mind tries to think about how to fight back, and set yourself free, but, even if you do conjure up the willpower to fight back, will you be able to escape? Even as you try to formulate a plan, you fear that no matter what you do here… you won’t escape here unfazed…

Well, here it is: our first “Scene”…

The next scene will be a sexual encounter in at least some fashion; based on the suggestions you put out there, and a few choice rolls, the narrative has crossed a certain line where the vote is now to determine how it will all play out. Now, depending on the votes, this scene can actually contain a lot, or very little, sexual content. Also, depending on how the votes play out, is how Jacqueline will respond to the ordeal and how she’ll progress as a character. It’s nothing too permanent, nor severely impacting, but, depending on how this encounter goes, some future scenarios will play out differently as well. This appears to be our first “Scene”, so I’ll let you know that Jacqueline won’t become a complete slut from this… during the encounter is an entirely different matter, however. ;)

Oh, and also: If you’d like to vote to keep anything “Intact” or “saved” for a later encounter, please let me know in your post.

I thought I’d “reward” you guys in a way by allowing you to choose how these events played out, but if you’d rather have a real… well, “Rape scenario” play out as realistically as possible (i.e. you guys vote to escape but the encounter still plays out), let me know.

Hope you enjoy…

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote: How will the scenario play out?

How do you fight back? Do you fight back…? – Give a small description to your choice, if you so desire.

A) Jacqueline fights back desperately, not even the slightest hint of giving up in her actions, fighting viciously and without restraint.
B) Jacqueline fights back, but a part of her, from the recesses of her lost memory, tries to interfere.
C) Jacqueline tries to fight back, but she can’t help but think this battle has already been lost.
D) Jacqueline doesn’t fight back, reasoning that she can strike at the core of the beast if she doesn’t resist.
E) Jacqueline doesn’t fight back… the beast has her and what will fighting back bring but even more pain – best to simply let go…
F) Jacqueline fights back, but the feelings conjured up by the beast’s actions threaten to be too much for her.

X) Other: Suggest your own method for how the scenario will play out – nothing too specific mind you.

Z) Minor Action. Available


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...

STATS: Jacqueline*

Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown. Covered in Blood
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Dark Green Potion. Highly negative effect.
-Teal Potion. "Isn't Harmful".
-Black Potion. Unknown effect
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Three burning rods. Can be lit on fire to produce light. One has been extinguished. One in belt
-Wax fused cloth. Solid lump of rock-hard wax. Has medallion/necklace inside it.

-Revolver. Single Action. Holds six Rounds. Holstered.
-Rounds: x0 (0 in Cylinder) Rotation: (Sp){E}> E,Sp,Sp,Sp
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. In belt
-Short-sword. Has scabbard fastened to left hip. In right hand.
-Rifle. Bolt Action. Holds one round. Lying on the Stairs.
-Rounds: x0
-Dagger. 9 in. Blade. Scabbard fastened in front of Holster. Sheathed

-Belt & Holster. Holster secured on right hip. Knife between buckle folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops= Recoverable.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion, Goblin Potion, Dark Green Potion, Teal Potion, Black Potion.
-Skirt. Ends just above the knees. Black.
-Shirt. Buttoned. Large tear above left breast, slightly revealing bra beneath. Soaked with a bit of ghoul’s blood.
-Vest. Dark Leather. Torn open. Loose.
-Leather Vambraces. Covers the forearms.
-Sturdy Leather Gloves.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather. Right covered in Ghoul’s blood.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Heavily torn. Right leg soaked with ghoul blood.

- Recovering Amnesiac: You have lost your memory but are becoming more knowledgeable about the world.
- Revolver Master : Few can best your aim with a revolver.
- Preemptive Tactics: When ambushing an enemy, advantageous details about the environment and the target(s) in question become apparent and you are granted a bonus on the first strike.
- Lone fighter: You are experienced in fighting greater numbers by yourself and can think clearly while doing so.
- Ghoul Anatomy I: "The head is key: destroying it is the only effective way to stop them." -Beatrice

Physical Appearance:
-Face smudged with ghoul saliva and a bit of ghoul’s blood.
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy, dirtied. Bedraggled look. Coated with ghoul’s blood.
-~5’ 7” 140lbs/63Kg. 34C
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.
-Right leg soaked with dried ghoul blood.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.
To display the status of the cylinder in the revolver, I have added a simple set of letters to let you guys know exactly what the state of it is between posts. It currently goes:

Cylinder: (Chamber aligned with barrel){Next shot once hammer is cocked}>Remaining chambers>
Sp = Spent casing. L = Loaded/Live round. E = Empty.
So, “ Rotation: (Sp){L} >L,L,E,E ” Means that you have a casing now lined up with the barrel, the next shot will be live once you pull the hammer, and then you have two more rounds before you’re empty.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

STATS: Beatrice*

Current Inventory:

Gold: (?)
-Dried meat (x2)
-Canteen: Holds water.
-Piece of Chalk
-Parchment. 4 sheets.
-Corked Inkwell
-Flint & Tinder.
-Empty Healing Potion.
-Crowbar. Three ft. long. Steel. Curved hook on one end and a slightly angled tip on the other. Slightly Bent.

-Long-barreled Revolver. Single Action. Swing-out Cylinder. Holds five Rounds. In bag
-Rounds: x0 (0 in Cylinder)
-Shotgun. Break action. Two barrels. Holds 2 shells. Slung across left shoulder
-Shells: x0 (0 loaded)
-Pick. Steel. Small. Shaft is 1 foot long. In right hand

-Thigh Holster: Holds Long-barreled revolver.
-Blue button up shirt. Buttoned. Long sleeved. Cloth. Torn open around breasts.
-Belt 1. Supports pouch 1. Crowbar hanging from hip.
-Belt 2. Supports pouch 2. Holds: Small pick on left hip.
-Pouch 1. Contains: Canteen.
-Left thigh Belt. Holds: Three burning rods.
-Left leather spaulder.
-Leather vambraces.
-Cloth pants. down to ankle. Hole ripped open revealing groin.
-Leather chaps. Perfect for riding and adds protection around your legs. Drenched with semen.
-Sturdy Boots.

- Recently Gangraped: Your entire body is covered with filth and secretions from your assailants and you are very weak of body and of mind.
- Incapacitated: Ghoul poison flows through your veins and you are barely able to stand, let alone fight.
- Guilty pleasure: …….
- Artificer: A member of the Artificer's Guild, a guild known for studying magic and lost technology.
- Reclaimer: Reclaimer rank: You are a hunter of the eldritch and scour lost ruins and abandoned pieces of civilization for history and technology of old.
- Revolver Training I: "Better... but there's always perfection." -Smith Mordel
- Shotgun Training II: "You're almost as good as me now, 'Trice!" -Flint
- Half-Orc: An orc half breed. Born from the coupling of an orc and a human. You, luckily, got more from your mother's side.
- Meticulous: You are one for planning and preparation, and aren't good at improvising when things don't go as planned.
- Firearm Favored: Confident with a gun in your hand, but you find yourself quite distressed when fighting without one.
- Bayton Raised: Born and raised in the pirate city you learn certain skills and rules... or guidelines, rather.
- Curious of Alchemy: You can't truly make potions, but you can most likely discern potion from poison.
- Bookworm: You not only read, you take pleasure in acquiring any new information.
- Gunsmith/Tinkerer II: Knowledge on how to fix and repair many different types of firearms and mechanical devices.

Physical Appearance:
-Snow-white hair: Slicked back. Cut just above the neck. Stiff from ghoul’s semen.
-Sharp face, with narrow, green eyes. Remnants of semen of spit cover most of it.
- ~6' 2" 193lbs/87Kg 44DD
-Bullet wound scar on right forearm
-Large blade scar on right abdomen.
-Large blade scar on left thigh.
-Small tusks protruding from lower lips, an inch from the gum-line.
-Entire body covered in ghoul’s semen and spit.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A. Tooth and nail, relentlessly, trying to chop off bits of tentacles whenever possible.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Hrm... I have to disagree with Tassadar. We are not a berserker, and we are not lost in panic. So my vote is like this:

There's a part of Jacqueline's mind that says, "we were overpowered when we tried to defend against this thing's seemingly infinite supply of tentacles; with the tentacle around our neck, we're basically at its mercy; so let's husband our strength until there's a point where it can actually be useful". That would be a D vote.

But there's another part of Jacqueline's mind that says, "this thing's attentions, when it can spare them, are getting rather attractive; maybe if it didn't have to restrain and/or punish us, we could enjoy this much more than we currently are". That would be an E vote.

While these two viewpoints are opposed on the ultimate result of their actions, they both agree on the immediate choice: cease fighting. Wriggle when it prods at sensitive areas, squirm as the tendrils eel their way up our body, but nothing more active - and hopefully it'll take away the tendril holding us by the neck to do something else, and not strangle us unconscious. I'm hesitant on whether to let the sword drop; on the one hand, it'd be an obvious signal to send, and we still have the dagger; on the other, it's our main weapon and dropping it would almost certainly mean we wouldn't have it for the "stab the core" moment, should it arise.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I would also like to add that this choice will not determine the entire course of the encounter... I'm not one to simply let the whole thing play out in one post: Whether you vote for A, B, C, what have you, there will be another choice that diverges from there.
The original choice will play out and then, as the passage comes to a close, the encounter still going on at this time, will continue to play out differently depending on the next choice.

To simplify: As this fight has been going on for a few posts, so too shall this "Phase" continue over a couple as well, as you, the voters, decide how Jacqueline deals with it.

However, I'd like to add that certain choices open and close some of the votes further on in the encounter - some of you have probably gathered this, but I felt as though I should make it more apparent.

Not to mention... Jacqueline as her character is now, is rather neutral, unshaped, and, quite frankly, a bit dull (of course, I already know exactly what she was like beforehand but this is your character now). These votes will help to further give a sense of personality and logic to how she deals with things and how her experiences grow and take shape: Whether she's the type to fight tooth and nail (Not necessarily "Berserker" per se...) or one who is willing to sacrifice a bit of her dignity to attempt a risky plan... depends on the vote.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

For once, I'd almost follow the berserker's path... Unfortunately, don't think it would do any good to the char.

So i'll follow Gear's choice.

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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


There is one thing I know; it's hard to think with a slimy tentacle jammed down our throat leaking all manner of fluids. With that in mind, I vote other: attempt to remove the tentacle in our throat and around our neck, prioritizing not losing our only free arm. Then, see if we can quickly glean something else useful about our foe. Regroup and strategize.

For simplicity's sake, I suppose this could be considered a vote for D.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Hrm... I have to disagree with Tassadar. We are not a berserker, and we are not lost in panic. So my vote is like this:

There's a part of Jacqueline's mind that says, "we were overpowered when we tried to defend against this thing's seemingly infinite supply of tentacles; with the tentacle around our neck, we're basically at its mercy; so let's husband our strength until there's a point where it can actually be useful". That would be a D vote.

But there's another part of Jacqueline's mind that says, "this thing's attentions, when it can spare them, are getting rather attractive; maybe if it didn't have to restrain and/or punish us, we could enjoy this much more than we currently are". That would be an E vote.

While these two viewpoints are opposed on the ultimate result of their actions, they both agree on the immediate choice: cease fighting. Wriggle when it prods at sensitive areas, squirm as the tendrils eel their way up our body, but nothing more active - and hopefully it'll take away the tendril holding us by the neck to do something else, and not strangle us unconscious. I'm hesitant on whether to let the sword drop; on the one hand, it'd be an obvious signal to send, and we still have the dagger; on the other, it's our main weapon and dropping it would almost certainly mean we wouldn't have it for the "stab the core" moment, should it arise.

I disagree. Up until this point, the character has not taken a single thing lying down, has not backed down when pressed, and has not given up when confronted with difficult odds. That does not necessarily make them a berserker, that makes them a person with dignity and courage. And, despite the propensity of the mooks that frequent the CYOAS section to push every story into all the smut all the time, we have avoided it up until this point and allowed for an interesting story. A D vote I could put up with passing, but E being taken would be completely against the established character.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I disagree. Up until this point, the character has not taken a single thing lying down, has not backed down when pressed, and has not given up when confronted with difficult odds. That does not necessarily make them a berserker, that makes them a person with dignity and courage. And, despite the propensity of the mooks that frequent the CYOAS section to push every story into all the smut all the time, we have avoided it up until this point and allowed for an interesting story. A D vote I could put up with passing, but E being taken would be completely against the established character.

I fully agree. Part of the reason I'm hesitant to simply vote D.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Boy this is a tough one... alright, here it goes!

I choose...X!

Don't fight back like a madwoman, instead remain calm and, though the situation is more than hopeless, don't give up. There's still more ghouls to worry about, so deal with the most immediate problem - the tentacle around Jacqueline's neck. That one is the most offending, so attempt to sever it so that she can get some air. It won't stop the other tentacles, least of all the one in her mouth, but it's a start. Neck, try to sever the one at her left arm so that she has both hands free, then try to pull the dagger with the freed hand and drive it into the invading appendage. It all has to happen quickly, but even if it fails it's important to not give up. Our best bet is getting as free as possible and hoping that Beatrice can intervene in some way.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Just checking in to let you guys out there that still want to vote that the (about) 24-hour mark for getting settled and decided upon your vote is nigh.

The votes, as the stand now, are such:

Tass: A
DeMatt: D or E
Minerve: Gear's Choice = X (Toned down A)
Tomaito: D
Gear: X (Toned down A)
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Mine is correct, the others seem correct based on what's stated, though I think DeMatt's was some weird mix of the two votes rather than an or.