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Amarant: Unknown Path

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


Attempt at Secondary: E

If successful, return to main passage and try to find Beatrice, checking to see if the main passage’s door is open.


Also, this is apparently (as far as what I have it saved as) the 50th entry into this story! (And the 25th page, imagine that). I don’t know what emotion to feel about going so long without any sexual scenarios for at least FIFTY entries – especially when compared to the vast majority of stories on here – but hey, I still have you guys contributing to it and keeping up with it, so I’m going to choose “happiness with a side of pride”.

Rose, Tass, Gear… thank you, as I know you three have been regular voters for quite a while now. And to those out there reading, I implore you: Go ahead and make an account and vote… you may want to have a say in the events to come… although I will say: Rose, Gear, and Tass have, let us say, more sway with their votes.

You rest against the tomb, sitting in the same spot that you have been for a while now as you observe the ghouls movements. While one has retreated back into the dark the other is just on the other side of these two massive, stone slabs. You bring your sword arm up a bit as you think of taking him out but find the shuffling sound from earlier coming back to your attention. You can hear it a bit clearer now, an almost squirming like quality to it, the quality of which is completely unknown to you. It could be a great many more of these things but it could also be something worse. It’s at this point you decide that perhaps going back to the door you and Beatrice split up at is a good course of action, but not before taking out this lone ghoul – it will be one less you’ll have to deal with later if at all and you’re in a prime spot to do it. Fingers tensing around the hilt of your sword, you slowly turn and rise.

You place the rod on top of the first stone coffin and then your open hand, steadying yourself as you slowly bring one foot and then another up onto it. Light pours forth over the edge and you can see the eerie silhouette of the ghoul painted against the wooden door, his sickly skin even more pale as it’s bathed in the white light. You make sure to make as little noise as possible as you gently lower yourself into the small gap between the two sarcophagi, your boots inaudible as they make contact with the stone floor.

For a second as you lower your feet, you could swear that you hear the same shuffling again, this time as though it’s right next to you. However, before you are able to identify where it is coming from, it fades. You try and steel yourself and focus on your primary concern of taking out the ghoul.

Rump resting on the stone lid you peer over the other, cracked coffin, this one in a much worse state of repair than the previous one, and see the ghoul’s skin in all its horrid detail, the flesh eerily smooth, time and age taking its toll and leaving it a hairless, grey husk. It hunches over, its posture making it look feeble and decrepit. You know better however, having seen what kind of frenzy these things can transition into. Actually, as you are this close, you are able to see subtle differences between this man and the one in town. The one in town had hair whereas this one does not. This one’s arms and fingers are distended in a way whereas those from the one in town were not. The vertebrate along this ghoul’s back protrude out a little bit, making the skin come to a series of grotesque points down his spine. This ghoul is definitely different… but you’re not about to study its behavior any further as you grasp the edge of the coffin and rise up ready to cleave it’s head from its neck like those that you encountered earlier.

You bring up your sword to strike but a series of loud cracks echoing throughout the chamber catch you off guard, your head turning slightly back towards the sound. They’re far off down the passage you came from earlier, five of them in total they happen in quick succession. You already know what they are, sure that it is Beatrice discharging her weapon. Their pace was hurried however, as though she were trying to fire as fast as possible. You can’t help but worry, concerned for her wellbeing.

Beatrice is the least of your concerns at the moment though, as you realize the ghoul has heard this noise as well, it’s form slowly turning around. You waste no time now and let your sword arm fly, your right hand bringing it over your left shoulder to sail just above his. The steel catches, the resistance tangible but only for a moment, and then nothing. A sickening thud sounds on the other side of the coffin, followed by the crumpling of the body. It was truly dead now. You wonder the other one hasn’t decided to go investigate the noise from earlier, hoping it will simply turn if anything at all.

You sigh out a silent breath of relief and try to lower yourself down into the gap and give yourself a second to recompose yourself. You find your shoulders and hips barely have enough room to squeeze into the restricting space. Your rifle makes it even more awkward; it’s barrel poking up above the top of the coffins. To make matter worse, you find the stones here aren’t even with the rest of the floor and you’ll have to shift and sit with your bottom on the ground if you want to completely hide in the gap.

The ghoul now taken care of, you can start to make your way back to the entrance. You bring your hand up to retrieve the rod from the top of the previous coffin, but freeze as you hear that sound again. Its sound is completely clear now, the shuffling and squirming pristine in the blackness. A sense of dread washes over you and your hand trembles over the light source as you see a form drifting out of the open passage to your left. You lower yourself down so tat your sitting in the crevice, your head eyes barely poking above the edge of the coffin as you take cover, then remaining absolutely still as the light gives you a terrifyingly clear sight of the thing:

It is a cloaked figure, rags and tattered cloth covering up its entire form. Small strips of the cloak drift behind it, caught in an imaginary wind, as it almost seems to glide across the room. It has the shape of some sort of humanoid, but nothing is visible under the torn and twisted material. The only semblance of humanity you can attribute to it is the simple white skull sitting on top of the draped mass. The lower jaw absent and eyes completely empty, it sits atop the black mass acting as a haunting guise to this otherworldly being. You can’t see it’s feet, but from what you can tell, it is the sole source of this repetitive, shuffling sound.

You don’t even have any idea what this thing is or could be it’s appearance unlike anything you’ve encountered before. By the time you had even reached your hand up to try and take the rod it had managed to drift to within the immediate vicinity of the passage back to the black door. This isn’t something you know how to deal with and you might want to think twice before engaging it. At the moment your legs are out in front of you, pointed away from the wall and your bottom against the floor as you hold yourself up.

The floating monstrosity twists and for a second you think it’ll see you. Not wanting to be seen, you leave your light on top of the coffin, and lie back so your back rests against the ground. You reach over with your right hand as quietly as possible and grab the firearm, making sure it doesn’t clatter against the stone, laying it down to it lies parallel to your form. However, as you set it down your eyes wander back over the face of the crumbling coffin. Large cracks cover the surface, interweaving with each other. You wanted to ignore it, to not think about what may lie inside, but find yourself overcome with the most horrid of sensations as you hear the same shuffling again. This time you know why it sounded so close as you hear it right in front of you, inside the coffin. Your breath becomes a bit hard to control, finding it hard to keep steady as your form trembles a bit. You can’t help but seem to keep your eyes locked against the cracks, your pupils following their length. You remind yourself that whatever is inside it trapped, the massive stone lid sealing it away. It has to be hundred of pounds, no force could lift that. You remind yourself of this fact as you try desperately to think about you should do…

Given the situation, your choices are limited and fall into either two categories: Letting whatever this thing is know about you or remaining hidden and desperately hope it decides to go away. You can hear it slowly slithering on the other side of the coffin, but don’t think it’s coming directly for you. You need to decide if you should try to dash by it and make it to Beatrice, engage it on your own and hope to defeat it, or remain where you are and hide, waiting for it to either leave, move away and provide an even greater margin of success for getting past it, or for it to move into a position where you can ambush it from. If you do hide, it’ll take all your willpower to stay put, the shuffling, slithering sound so close, threatening to break your mental state before it does the stone that confines it.

You think about your decision…

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote:

A) Attempt to rush past this new foe, back towards the passage to the main entrance and make it to Beatrice, running as fast as you can.
B) Hide and wait…
-1 and prepare to ambush this new enemy.
-2 and listen/taking a peek until you have a better shot at running past it.
-3 until “Other
C) Attempt a different course of action such as…
-1 running for the wooden door and entering it.
-2 sneaking to the wooden door in an attempt to enter it silently.
-3 running for the passage it just came down.
D Attack it immediately… (How? With? From where? General Strategy/Tactics?)

X) Other

Z) Minor Action. Available


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...

STATS: Jacqueline

Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown. Covered in blood.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Sealing Wax. Can be used to fuse or seal objects together.
-Dark Green Potion. Highly negative effect.
-Teal Potion. "Isn't Harmful".
-Black Potion. Unknown effect
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine.
-Vial of Holy Water. Fragile. Can be uncorked or throw at enemy.
-Three burning rods. Can be lit on fire to produce light. One is lit.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds six Rounds.
-Rounds: x15 (6 in Cylinder)
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. In belt.
-Short-sword. Has Scabbard. Fastened to left hip.
-Rifle. Bolt Action. Holds one round. Slung across left shoulder.
-Rounds: x1
-Dagger. 9 in. Blade.

-Belt & Holster. Secured on right hip. Knife between buckle folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops. Recoverable. Sealing Wax.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion, Goblin Potion, Vial of Holy Water, Dark Green Potion, Teal Potion, Black Potion.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve. Back covered in Dirt. Blood-stained along the arms and shoulders.
-Skirt. Ends just above the knees. Black.
-Shirt. Buttoned. Small tear above left breast.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Leather Vambraces. Covers the forearms.
-Sturdy Leather Gloves.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn.

- Recovering Amnesiac: You have lost your memory but are becoming more knowledgeable about the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- "Quite the Bust": Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "....."
- Ghoul Anatomy I: "The head is key: destroying it is the only effective way to stop them." -Beatrice

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy, dirtied. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.
-Arms are lightly bruised, making the tops of your forearms somewhat sensitive. Swelling has died down significantly.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

STATS: Beatrice Status Unknown

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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

B-2, gotta get back to Beatrice. If the wraith notices us, I say douse the sonnuvabitch in holy water and see what that does.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

B-3 Until it either turns around, moves closer to Jacqueline, or moves to open the other coffin. At which point I'm going with Tassadar's suggestion and tossing some Holy Water at it then bolting back to the main passage. Find Beatrice and partner up, and if she's dead then I guess it's time to get on outta here!
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Going to second Tassadar here.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


B-2 it is.

Writer’s block? What’s that!? I’m on a roll!

Also, something tells me I need to get my Santa-hat…

Those gun shots… I must get back to Beatrice.

Many thoughts, including this one, run through your head as you lie on the cold stone between the stone coffins. You wonder if you should have left sooner, the slithering sound to your right a constant reminder of your predicament. Up until now, every enemy you have fought has been a man, more or less – although you still wonder about those pirates on the train. The foe that threatens you now, however, seems unlike anything you’ve faced before; it has no arms or legs from what you can tell and the only fragment of humanity it has is the skull that lies atop the cloaked, black mass, nothing more than fragments of bone – hardly the sign of humanity you were looking for. If you are to face this new foe, you better be ready for anything.

However, as you lie there, the thought of fighting this thing seems to grow and grow in its enormity. No, fighting this thing is out of the question. You have thought about running past it but you still have no idea of how big your margin of escape is, the slithering sound only a rough indicator as to its whereabouts. Still no, you think… the best course of action is to remain here and wait. Surely, that is the best plan. Any inkling you might have had that may have even suggested otherwise seems to disappear as the other source of noise begins again. You almost gasp, still not used to the proximity of which you find yourself to it: rock and stone be damned, the thought that another of these wraiths could be in that coffin is terrifying. Still, a part of your mind remains clear and you think back to what Beatrice had given you.

Tentatively, you slip a hand down towards your belt and rest it upon the one of the attached pouches. You give it a squeeze and remember the holy water she gave you: it’s a small vial, but if the contents are able to fend off these ghouls then it should be able to affect whatever else is done here. You hope your logic is sound, knowing that the consequences if it isn’t could be quite severe. You open the pouch slowly, thankful you didn’t put it in your bag; having to maneuver to open it now may prove a bit too noisy. Luckily, the thin leather strips inside the pouch keep each of the potions from clinking together as well, but you should still be careful not to move too much with the pouch open, lest the potions fall out. If this wraith does come close and notice you, you’ll at least be a little bit more prepared. Satisfied with your plan, you let your hand rest there as you listen to the slow, gliding sound of the wraith move around.

What caused such a thing to come about you wonder… what happened to this town?

You wonder if the artifact Beatrice’ s guild searches for will be able to tell them the answer to that question, although from the way she talked, they seem to be only concerned about its acquisition. You actually wonder what this guild is like… Do they collect artifacts from all over, or perhaps they are simply interested in this town? You don’t have much to go on and will have to ask Beatrice about it later… if the two of you manage to escape from this place. You are actually surprised that you were able to let your mind wander, if only for a moment. Perhaps concern is more powerful than fear… or you’re just too tired at this point. Either way, you flip the cover back over the pouch and let your arm drop down to rest on your hip, on top of the strap to your bag, or a crumpled section of your duster, you don’t know, the texture not apparent through the material of your glove.

You lie there, in the darkness, trying to keep a clear head. The gliding figure still remaining in the room, you try to phase out the noise with little success. Your finger starts to fidget with the cloth in your palm, twirling the piece around your finger as you would a string or a lock of hair, not paying it much mind. A braver individual would let out a sigh, bored as they lie there. You, on the other hand, still keep your breathing steady and firm, your mouth barely agape as the breaths silently enter and leave your body. You try and keep your torso as still as possible, as though making it rise with your breaths too much will call attention to your hiding spot; a fallacy you know, but one you can’t help but keep perpetuating. Your eyes start to trace the lines of the stones above you, trying to form some maze out them, but ultimately fail as the pattern repeats every couple of stones. As you see the white light against the ceiling you think back to your source of illumination.

It seems that whatever that thing is has little interest in the burning rod, the glowing cylinder still remaining on top of the coffin and, as far as you can tell, untouched by the wraith. Perhaps everything down here doesn’t see the same way normal beings do… The thought lingers in your head, another of the only few successful attempts at keeping your mind occupied… and sane, as you lie there.

You continue to stare at the ceiling, the carved rectangles, diamonds, and misshapen triangles forming its repetitive pattern. You feel more relaxed than you once were but are still ready to deal with the it if he sees you. You keep twirling your fingers around, the sound of the slithering to your left acting up again to join with that on the right… just as the material you had wrapped around your fingers tenses up.

You inhale sharply as you try to pull away, your constant caution able to prevent it from being too loud, as you strain your neck to look at your upturned hand. There, coiled around your index and middle finger was what looked to be some sort of black snake. It wasn’t tight, but it definitely had a snugness to it and kept your hand there when you tried to pull away. You felt the same fear you had almost gotten rid of rushing back as you are now presented with this new threat. It grew as you followed the end of the black object back to its source to your left.

As you looked at the cracks in the coffin’s side, naught but a few inches from your face, you saw three… no, five more of these tendrils making their way through the many fissures that lined the face of the stone. They were eerily smooth and they caught the light ever so slightly. Three of them traced out and up towards the top edge of the coffin while the other two kept extending outwards towards you. You instinctively try to back away from them, all the while trying to wrench back your hand, but find the confines of your current hiding place afford you not even an inch of space. The tip of the tendril around your fingers, a slightly rounded, albeit blunt, point, continues to extend itself away from your hand and towards your thigh. The other two, slow and delicate in their movements, also reach out towards you, one slowly eking out over your abdomen and the other, barely visible out of the corner of your eye, making its way over your left shoulder. You have trouble steadying your breathing at this point, your heart and mind racing as to what these things are doing and what will happen if you continue to remain here, waiting for the real threat to depart.

You try to raise your sword arm and wonder if you could cut these things. Surely it would make them retreat… but for how long and could it be done without steel striking stone? Even if you succeeded, do these things make any noise? Would they feel threatened and, if so, how would they respond?

Questions race through your mind as the tendrils continue to inch more and more out over your body. You may be able to run now but even then… would you be quick enough? You’re sure you could wrench your hand free if you put all your force behind it, but would they stop?

Although, these things haven’t done anything yet: You could continue to wait and hide here. With how these things are acting now you may be able to stay a little bit longer… The wraith may even depart before they do anything, if at all. Perhaps you just antagonized it as you messed with it, they may not even respond if you don’t move. Now that you think about it, they are the most passive thing you’ve encountered so far. At this point you don’t know if your logic is sound or if it is born out of fear of facing that wraith. Whatever the case, you’ll need to decide, and quickly…

You think about your decision…

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote:

A) Book it! Get free somehow and then run for the passage and hope the wraith isn’t in a position to block your path…
- 1 By first cutting the tendrils using your blade.
- 2 By first wrenching free your hand through sheer force.
- 3 (Other)
B) Continue to wait and hide… you need to know that wraith is out of the way before you move.
- 1 Remain completely passive towards the tendrils, hoping your lack of movement will cause them to be the same way.
- 2 Set a middle ground for how to deal with them.(Description)
- 3 If they do anything untoward, use your blade the best you can. Hopefully they’ll retreat into the coffin.

X) Other

Z) Minor Action. Available


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...

STATS: Jacqueline

Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown. Covered in blood.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Sealing Wax. Can be used to fuse or seal objects together.
-Dark Green Potion. Highly negative effect.
-Teal Potion. "Isn't Harmful".
-Black Potion. Unknown effect
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine.
-Vial of Holy Water. Fragile. Can be uncorked or throw at enemy.
-Three burning rods. Can be lit on fire to produce light. One is lit.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds six Rounds.
-Rounds: x15 (6 in Cylinder)
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. In belt.
-Short-sword. Has Scabbard. Fastened to left hip.
-Rifle. Bolt Action. Holds one round. Slung across left shoulder.
-Rounds: x1
-Dagger. 9 in. Blade.

-Belt & Holster. Secured on right hip. Knife between buckle folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops. Recoverable. Sealing Wax.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion, Goblin Potion, Vial of Holy Water, Dark Green Potion, Teal Potion, Black Potion.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve. Back covered in Dirt. Blood-stained along the arms and shoulders.
-Skirt. Ends just above the knees. Black.
-Shirt. Buttoned. Small tear above left breast.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Leather Vambraces. Covers the forearms.
-Sturdy Leather Gloves.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn.

- Recovering Amnesiac: You have lost your memory but are becoming more knowledgeable about the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- "Quite the Bust": Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "....."
- Ghoul Anatomy I: "The head is key: destroying it is the only effective way to stop them." -Beatrice

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy, dirtied. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.
-Arms are lightly bruised, making the tops of your forearms somewhat sensitive. Swelling has died down significantly.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

STATS: Beatrice Status Unknown

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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A-1. Then see how the wraith likes holy water before making a run for it.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

"Be careful and flee when possible". Gets caught anyways.

I really couldn't help laughing when I read the update, the amount of fail that just happened<3

Enfin, end of sidetrack. A-1. Then proceed to run back to Beatrice. If anything blocks the route, toss holy water on it, unless it's a common ghoul, just decapitate those.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

The next update should be up by no later than Tuesday. Sorry for the delay in what has been this burst of updates!
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A-1. Then proceed to run back to Beatrice. If anything blocks the route, toss holy water on it, unless it's a common ghoul, just decapitate those.

Sounds damn good to me! I would only add that, after tossing the holy water, pull out the revolver and get ready to shoot if anything else decides it wants to get in on the action if it can't be taken out by the sword.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Actually this scenario made me very pleased because it shows that "safe choices" aren't always safe and that it could have consequences that are not immediate. Also there was a warning of something like when Jacqueline noticed that something might be in the coffin.

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


A-1, and use the holy water if the “Wraith” presents a threat.

Whoo… that... was a long night… @_@

The tendrils continue to reach out over your body, the weight barely noticeable as they glide over the fabric of your clothes. You think about whether or not you should continue to hide or just run for it, weighing the risks of each decision. The choice seems obvious though: Run – the greatest risk is to wager nothing at all, the phrase taking on a mature, male tone as you hear it spoken in your head. You decide to cut your way out and run back towards where you and Beatrice split up, using the holy water on the wraith, in necessary.

You bring up your sword, positioning it the best you can to prepare for the cut, and then flex your left arm, stretching the tendril coiled around your hand as far as it will go. You awkwardly bring the blade down, managing to connect with the black strand, releasing your arm. A hissing sound emanates from within the coffin, the sound mixing with that of steel clanging against stone. You waste not another moment and bolt upright, one of the other tendrils still managing to catch your shirt as they reflexively contract. You hear a ripping sound and realize that it has made the hole from earlier worse, but luckily, did not manage to hold on. You’ll worry about it later, though, your focus on escaping this room.

You slip off the upraised stone, making sure the sling to your rifle stays on your shoulder, and grab the burning rod that still lies atop the coffin, slipping it into your belt. As you turn to your right you see that the wraith does not block your path, but is still dangerously close, the black mass of rags only a few feet from the edge of the door’s threshold. You have no choice but to push forwards, your free hand reaching into your pouch to grab the vial of holy water as you break into a mad sprint.

The sound of your boots connecting with the floor echoes through the room as you push your legs faster and faster. It is only a short distance, but the time it takes to move that far seems overwhelmingly long. As you rush towards the threshold you hear a massive crack ring from the passage, followed by two more, these much shorter and closer together. It must be Beatrice! This time the shots don’t catch you off guard and you simply continue to sprint towards the passage. Step by step, foot by foot, you come closer to passing the haunting entity and then… pass it. The relief is refreshing, but lasts only a second as it is replaced by a sense of falling.

The ground seems to almost rush up at you and you turn at the last second, catching most of the blow with your shoulder. You blink furiously, trying to see but finding everything dark again and inhale sharply, your lips parting in a grimace of pain. Having managed to avoid stabbing yourself you try your best to shake the dizziness from your head and move to pick yourself up. You manage to get only a foot off the ground until you find your left leg barely able to bend, a ring of pressure encircling your ankle. You twist over onto your back, the burning rod in your belt now able to illuminate the area, and strain your eyes as you look at your ankle, a few spots still dancing in your vision. After a few seconds you finally manage to see what restricts your movement: A black tendril, like the one from the coffin, is wrapped around your boot. Your eyes follow its length back to the source, but you are already deathly aware of where it comes from as it slips into the folds on the wraith’s cloak.

Its form seems massive as you look up at it, the towering shape rising at least eight feet high. From this spot you now notice many other tendrils, just like the first, seemingly interwoven with the assortment of rags, becoming more numerous towards the base, ultimately culminating in a writhing, black mass. You see the figure pivot, the skull now coming back into view as it turns towards you. This close you can now see the stygian visage in all its abominable appearance, where its lower jaw should be, instead pouring forth with a tide of these ink-like strands, their ends twisting, writhing, as though acting in lieu of its absent tongue to lick its imaginary lips.

A subtle pull tugs at your leg, breaking you out of your consternation, and your mind immediately remembers the vial of holy water. It was in your hand just before-- You strain your neck, looking around in a frenzy for the glass vial. To the right, the left, and then finally twist to see the corked flask lying behind you. You extend your arm out, your fingers just barely nudging the container, but unable to grasp it. The object spins around on the floor as your fingers extend out to grab it, failing to gain purchase. Another tug on your leg and you realize that not only are you being reeled in but the wraith itself is slowly advancing on you.

Your gaze swaps between the wraith and the vial, the latter of which now lying firmly out of reach. You won’t be able to do anything at this rate and turn back towards the wraith. Fingers tightening around the hilt of your sword, you let out with a wild cry of exertion, and force yourself up, severing the black strand wrapped around your ankle. The tendril retreats back into the now frantic, writhing mass, a hissing now emanating from it. Now free, you fling yourself towards the vessel and grab it. You barely have time to turn around before you feel a swath of tendrils converge on your lower body, an assault that sails forth to wrap around your ankles, calves, and thighs. They, like the one before, now all tug in unison, dragging you towards their thrashing brethren.

As they pull, they manage to further enlarge the holes in your stockings. Their texture is unnaturally smooth, the oily feeling of them on your bare thighs eliciting familiar, yet somewhat remote feelings throughout your body. It takes all your willpower to ignore them and you try your best to focus on the task at hand. You know this is now or never, banking all you have on this act, and letting go of your sword to bring the now free hand up to remove the cork from this holy flask. You dislodge the stopper, an audible pop resounding from it. The wraith begins to lean down and over you now, the tendrils from its open jaw hanging above you now. This is it you think, and with your feet naught but inches from the base of the creature, you bring your arm up in an arc, spewing forth the contents of the container.

It hangs in the air for a moment, the liquid catching the light from the glowing cylinder at your belt. A lustrous crescent of what looked to be molten silver cascading through the air and towards your foe. It doused the wraith, the bottom connecting first and then drop by drop the rest of the arc seeped into the fabric. Nothing happened. Nothing, save for the faint sound of hissing underneath the cloak. Your heart sank. You don’t know what you expected but… something, anything better than this, but definitely not what you’re seeing now. You could see the silver splotches as they marked a thick, vertical trail, but they seem to do nothing. Not ready to give up, you reach over towards your sword, but are surprised as another source of light appears. You look up and notice that it comes from underneath the Wraith’s cloak.

Beams of light pour forth through the layers of clothing draped over the hideous form as well as a crackling, like that of fire. You are caught completely off guard but notice now that the tendrils around your legs have loosened, instead retreating back to their source and darting towards the drenched surface. You waste no time and immediately stand, running into the passage and putting a few more feet between you and your foe before turning. What you see is breathtaking:

Light bursts forth from the enemy and you watch as the entire mass convulses, the towering form writhing back and forth. The tentacles on the outside attempt to rip and tear at the cloak that covers it but whenever one touches the section you marked, it seems to disintegrate, small flames lapping at their surface and entire sections falling away like pieces of ash. A hissing far more intense than what you heard from the coffin fills the passageway and you can’t help but take a step back, still wary, watching the scene unfold. Eventually, you hear the sound of tearing cloth and see large sections of tentacles burst forth from the cloak, some of them alight with smoldering rings of orange and white. Sections of the cloak come away, the fabric completely untouched by the flames, all the damage done solely by the fiend’s attempts to rid itself of the soaked material. A rancid odor of burnt flesh fills the air and you bring your hand up to your nose, offended by the smell. The creature flings its mantle away, the material gliding away to land a few feet from you, the cloth now reduced to a series of rags, silver streaks still shimmering along its length.

As you look back up at it, the creature itself seems to be a lot more corporeal than the wraith you once thought it to be, the appendages all connecting to a central mass. A myriad of smaller, shorter tendrils seem to connect to the “bottom” of the mass and seem to be its main way of moving around. The slightly larger ones, however, seem to cover the rest of the mass’s surface, a few of them still intertwining with the skull from before, a few of the black coils now pouring through the eye-sockets. All of them, big or small, keep swerving back and forth, only small parts of the central mass visible for short periods of time.

You thought you’d stand there and watch as your foe succumbed to the fire, but it seems that now it has only revealed the horror underneath, although now severely weakened and a good portion of its tentacles burnt.

What does it take to KILL this thing? you ask yourself, knowing you’re out of holy water, Beatrice only having supplied you with one vial.

You draw your revolver now, holding both it and the sword at the ready; you’re unsure as to whether or not you should try to finish it off or run, but at this point you’re ready for anything.

Retconn from post-entry voting:
---=== This section has been changed due to a retcon action, and has been retroactively added to apply that change. ===---

At first, you consider leaving right away, but are curious as to why it holds onto the skull. You can’t explain it, but perhaps shooting it in what may pass for its face may be worthwhile You’re about to line up your shot but notice the cloth it used to carry with it, the silver stains of the holy water still visible; It might come in handy as a repellant of some sort. You grab the cloth, slinging it over your shoulder. You notice the material is disturbingly smooth, yet is still quite thick, its overall weight a small burden as you secure it.

The wraith’s cloak in your possession, you raise your revolver and pull the hammer back, taking careful aim. You pull the trigger, the shot’s volume vastly enhanced by the stone corridor, but unfortunately, the thrashing of the beast provides for a difficult target and you miss the shot, the sound of the bullet impacting off the stone resonating through the chamber. You aim again and take another shot… and hit, but only wounding another tentacle. A huff of frustration leaves through your nostrils, the fiend’s movement making this simple task much more difficult than it should be.

This is it you tell yourself, anymore and I’ll have to give it up.

You cock back the hammer and take aim one last time… … and hit! The skull shatters, the shards of bone scattering across the ground and the groups of tentacles that passed through it fall to the ground. At first, they simply lay there, a stark contrast to the movement of the rest. Then, as if they had just realized what had happened, half of the mass stretches outward groping and sweeping across the ground. The rest of the burned mass continues to flail around however. You had already begun to back away when you heard another noise resound from the back of the chamber. You surmise it is the stray ghoul from earlier and decide to leave, cloak wrapped across your chest from shoulder to hip, a portion of it acting like a shawl across your shoulders.

You don’t know how effective it was, but shooting the skull did seem to make it more agitated. Whether or not it’ll be a problem later is still a mystery.

Even if this thing isn’t dead yet, you have to run, and with that, you make haste down the passage back to the black door… Hoping it won’t follow and will simply stay here, licking its wounds.

You head down the passage, looking down at the state of your clothes. You can’t help but let out a small chuckle… Too much more of this and I’ll be naked by the time I get out of here you mumble under your breath. Considering all the holes, rips, and tears, you’re thankful to be leaving the cold of the side corridor behind.

Having made your way back down the passage you finally arrive back at the same black door where you and Beatrice split up… one of the two massive slabs of stone now ajar. You want to believe that it was she who opened the door, but still, you’re worried about her heading the passage first… and alone. Although, the alternative to that, is even more unsettling.

You look down the other passage; the one Beatrice left down earlier, and are met with a rather curious sight: Around the corner is a faint, orange glow. It flickers slightly, like that of a flame, a sight that was not present when you were last here.

You don’t know if Beatrice has gone through or not, but you’ll need to decide if you should head further in or investigate the passage she left for earlier. You already have an inkling of where you think you’ll go, though…

You think about your decision…

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote:

A) Head through the black doors.
B) Head down the side passage Beatrice went down earlier.

Secondary Vote:

Stay in side passage? Took care of anything/did anything before you left?

X) Other

Z) Minor Action. Available


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...

STATS: Jacqueline

Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown. Covered in blood.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Sealing Wax. Can be used to fuse or seal objects together.
-Dark Green Potion. Highly negative effect.
-Teal Potion. "Isn't Harmful".
-Black Potion. Unknown effect
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine.
-Empty Vial. Fragile.
-Three burning rods. Can be lit on fire to produce light. One is lit.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds six Rounds.
-Rounds: x12 (3 in Cylinder)
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. In belt.
-Short-sword. Has Scabbard. Fastened to left hip.
-Rifle. Bolt Action. Holds one round. Slung across left shoulder.
-Rounds: x1
-Dagger. 9 in. Blade.

-Belt & Holster. Secured on right hip. Knife between buckle folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops. Recoverable. Sealing Wax.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion, Goblin Potion, Vial of Holy Water, Dark Green Potion, Teal Potion, Black Potion.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve. Back covered in Dirt. Blood-stained along the arms and shoulders.
-Skirt. Ends just above the knees. Black.
-Shirt. Buttoned. Large tear above left breast, slightly revealing bra beneath.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Wraith's Cloak. Slung and tied across chest. Acting as shawl. Portions drenched in holy water.
-Leather Vambraces. Covers the forearms.
-Sturdy Leather Gloves.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Heavily torn.

- Recovering Amnesiac: You have lost your memory but are becoming more knowledgeable about the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- "Quite the Bust": Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "....."
- Ghoul Anatomy I: "The head is key: destroying it is the only effective way to stop them." -Beatrice

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy, dirtied. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.
-Arms are lightly bruised, making the tops of your forearms somewhat sensitive. Swelling has died down significantly.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

STATS: Beatrice Status Unknown

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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I think seeing whether or not shooting the wraith in whatever it has left that passes for a face hurts it might be worthwhile. Then B.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I agree with Tassadar, and will add that I think Jacqueline should take the cloth that still has streaks of the holy water on it. It might come in handy as a repellant of some sort if grabbed, if of course there's still enough left to be used.

Other than that... I choose A.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I'll need another vote, just one for either A or B, before I'm able to enter the next entry. Just giving you a heads up as any time to write I may have will be short-lived come this Friday.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


Wait, I thought they were both black doors? Sorry, just so much happened in this story that I had to backtrack. So we know nothing about the other door.
I guess, let's help our companion and hope that we can stick with her this time and maybe we can come back when we have her help.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Oh, no no no...! I apologize so much for the lack of clarity, but it is a "Double-door." One "set" of doors, but two doors that open the same passage. I didn't realize I was that vague but, yet again, pardon my lack of clarity.

Anyway, now that the tie is broken, you can expect to see the next update before Saturday morning, at the latest.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


B: Check out the side passage Beatrice left down earlier.

Also, The retcon having to deal with the wraith has been added to the spoiler in the previous post.

Beatrice did head down that way earlier and even if the door is open it wasn’t necessarily she who opened it. You decide it would be worthwhile to head down this passage, even if only to see what the source of this orange glow is. With revolver and sword in hand you set out down the passage.

The journey down the corridor is rather uneventful, the trip to the corner of the corridor quick and painless. The stonework is as similar as it is to any other portion of this place and you can’t really see any visual distinction. You do, however, notice that the air is starting to become much, much warmer. It isn’t a simple matter of the cold dissipating, but the air actually taking on a quality of warmth to it. You’re slightly confused at first but the pieces start to fit into place as you near the edge of the hall and begin to hear the sounds of roaring fire. You quiet your footfalls, trying not to warn anyone of your presence, but you find it hard as you begin to become overwhelmed by smoke. You cough a bit, and find yourself having to crouch to avoid the vile air. You actually catch a familiar scent – a recent one – in the air. At first you have trouble placing it but find that it is close to before, when the wraith was set ablaze: the smell of burning flesh. You’re a bit anxious now, fearing what may have happened to Beatrice.

You reach the corner and can hear the sound of a massive fire from around the corner. The walls are painted orange with the light from whatever fire is there but you can see its intensity the highest near the ceiling. About to turn the corner, you take in a few, fresh breaths and then round the corner.

Before you is a large pit, the edges of which extend out from wall to wall and inside are the roaring flames you were hearing earlier.

“Beatrice!” you call out, running towards the pit. Thoughts of whether she fell in or not burst forth in your mind.

Your concern for her caused a momentary lapse in judgment as you find yourself coughing, having to remind yourself to stay crouched. Even then, you keep an arm over your mouth and your eyes nearly closed at the smoke and intense heat.

What happened here!? you wonder, Surely Beatrice didn’t succumb to this.

No… She fired her gun! I heard it! And that was after I saw her just pass this corner…

You don’t know what happened here but are almost sure that she didn’t die in this.

You peer over the edge, into the pit, and scan the base of the pit. It looks to be roughly six feet deep, with no signs of handholds or lips allowing for easy escape. You cough some more but continue to look, straining against the stinging warmth to see what, if anything, lies below. Finally, after a few second of staring in vain, you notice piles of… you don’t know. At first you thought it was the floor itself, but it seems like a pile of… flesh litters the bottom; charred remains of something, or many somethings acting as the fuel for this inferno. A long look, but you’re unsure if anything resembling a human lies among the cinders. You start to cough again, the smoke starting to overwhelm you and you crouch even lower to avoid the smog.

You try to look over to the other side in an attempt to gain any more clues but find only more stonework obscured by the intoxicating air. Another coughing fit and you know you can’t stay here any longer if you don’t want any long lasting effects. As you turn around, however, you notice a shape of white against the wall. It’s small, but it appears to be some piece of cloth. You don’t have any more time to examine and simply grab it as you rush back to the corner.

You sit with your back to the wall, your body just about having recovered from the last few bits of smoke. A few final breaths and you can start to feel yourself feeling better. You stare up at the ceiling with your weapons lying at your side, simply resting for the moment. You take the time to simply sit there and cool down, having decided to sit down back near the black door. You sit against the opposite wall, not only watching the small gap in the door but also keeping an eye out to see if any of the previous foes from earlier are making their way out of the other corridor.

Finally, once you had felt as though you had fully recovered you tip your head back forward, holding a hand up to your forehead. The texture of the leather glove against it is oddly refreshing but you’re still feeling a little overwhelmed. You don’t know for sure if Beatrice survived or not, but you’re willing to bet that she opened that door and is now inside. Your eyes still closed you shake your head a little, the stress of this whole adventure starting to get to you. Strangely enough, you can’t help but smile.

Stupid bitch... you think, If I ever see her again I’m going to hit her, her guild and all be damned..

You dip your face into your hands and let out a long deep breath before looking back up, letting your arms rest on your knees as you sit there.

You look back at the black slabs leading farther into this place and then over towards the stairs. You could leave now, but you really don’t know if you should. Whatever the case, you decide to finally take a look at the item you recovered from nearby the pit.

You reach over and pick it up, turning it over and to one side and then the other, trying to figure out what the red stains on it are. It’s all wrinkled and is in a very poor state, with a couple of tears and what you’ve now discovered to be a blood stain on it. Your mind goes back to Beatrice, hoping she didn’t wound herself in some way. You realize, though, that the stain is old, having been on there for a while. You then start to think you’ve seen this before, and not in a sense of before you lost your memory, but as something you’ve had recently, you just can’t-

And that is when it hits you, when you realize that the garment you hold was the one you gave Beatrice to wrap the medallion in. Then, naught but a single second later... do you hear a single shot ring out from beyond the door.

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote:

I’m just going to assume we want to head further in… yes? If you have any objections, please, let me know.

Pending Choice:Head Further in

X) Other

Z) Minor Action. Available


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...

STATS: Jacqueline

Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown. Covered in blood.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Sealing Wax. Can be used to fuse or seal objects together.
-Dark Green Potion. Highly negative effect.
-Teal Potion. "Isn't Harmful".
-Black Potion. Unknown effect
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine.
-Empty Vial. Fragile.
-Three burning rods. Can be lit on fire to produce light. One is lit.
- Blood Stained Blouse. Torn. Had necklace inside it.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds six Rounds.
-Rounds: x12 (3 in Cylinder)
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. In belt.
-Short-sword. Has Scabbard. Fastened to left hip.
-Rifle. Bolt Action. Holds one round. Slung across left shoulder.
-Rounds: x1
-Dagger. 9 in. Blade.

-Belt & Holster. Secured on right hip. Knife between buckle folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops. Recoverable. Sealing Wax.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion, Goblin Potion, Vial of Holy Water, Dark Green Potion, Teal Potion, Black Potion.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve. Back covered in Dirt. Blood-stained along the arms and shoulders.
-Skirt. Ends just above the knees. Black.
-Shirt. Buttoned. Large tear above left breast, slightly revealing bra beneath.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Wraith's Cloak. Slung and tied across chest. Acting as shawl. Portions drenched in holy water.
-Leather Vambraces. Covers the forearms.
-Sturdy Leather Gloves.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Heavily torn.

- Recovering Amnesiac: You have lost your memory but are becoming more knowledgeable about the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- "Quite the Bust": Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "....."
- Ghoul Anatomy I: "The head is key: destroying it is the only effective way to stop them." -Beatrice

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy, dirtied. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.
-Arms are lightly bruised, making the tops of your forearms somewhat sensitive. Swelling has died down significantly.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

STATS: Beatrice Status Unknown

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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

No objections.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I haven't forgotten, I was merely set back.

I've got no objections, but if she survives I vote for punching her for this idiocy.