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Amarant: Unknown Path

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A, but carefully. Do a little bit of E along the way.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Now entering: Silent Hill
Population: You

Y: Examine the Inn.
A: Proceed toward the light, and possible food.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

E Check the other buildings then check the building with lights
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A&E. If the blacksmith looks promising, check it before carefully edging towards the supposed light, but don't come too close. They could be friendly, they could also be criminals/looters/undead/zealots/other.

Y: Inspect the blacksmith, if it's in reasonable condition it probably means anything left there will also be in reasonable condition, and we could certainly use something fancier than our "spear".

Note: Unless we end up in a fight with the unknown people, I suspect giving the town a good look for supplies can give some loot or insight what happened.
From the description Cevrik gave to us I deduct that the town was abandoned in a hurry, as to when is a bit conflicting: Buildings are showing signs of decay, but rotten fruits litter the pavement. The first one nods at years of abandonment(Or a natural disaster), the second one pokes more to several months at best.
If the town truly was left in a hurry, I'd suspect people left all but the easiest-to-grab valuables behind, which means we can easily score up a bit of gold, jewelry and trinkets from the town.

Note to cevrik: There's -nothing- to our northeast, especially no abandoned capital city.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A&E. If the blacksmith looks promising, check it before carefully edging towards the supposed light, but don't come too close. They could be friendly, they could also be criminals/looters/undead/zealots/other.

Y: Inspect the blacksmith, if it's in reasonable condition it probably means anything left there will also be in reasonable condition, and we could certainly use something fancier than our "spear".

Note: Unless we end up in a fight with the unknown people, I suspect giving the town a good look for supplies can give some loot or insight what happened.
From the description Cevrik gave to us I deduct that the town was abandoned in a hurry, as to when is a bit conflicting: Buildings are showing signs of decay, but rotten fruits litter the pavement. The first one nods at years of abandonment(Or a natural disaster), the second one pokes more to several months at best.
If the town truly was left in a hurry, I'd suspect people left all but the easiest-to-grab valuables behind, which means we can easily score up a bit of gold, jewelry and trinkets from the town.

Note to cevrik: There's -nothing- to our northeast, especially no abandoned capital city.

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

D Ghost town filled with mist with barefooted tracks leading off to a fire, drag marks on the ground? I think I've played this game before. Get the hell out of dodge and go back to following the river proper.

Z Open your pack and, if the amulet rests on top for some reason, try to resist its effects and chuck it. It's obviously magical and way too dangerous to keep around.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I apologize if this one feels a bit short. It's just meant to add a little more detail and give you guys some more time to decide... even though the vote was pretty one-sided.


A small glance at the Inn and the Blacksmith.

Also, while I did take inspiration for this from a couple sources it seems that I’m, apparently, making a lot of unintentional references to other pieces of media/literature. Even the name, apparently. I guess the “ghost town” set piece is a little overdone. =P

You decide it’s worth the risk and you’ll go take a look at the light source. However, a quick look at the inn and blacksmith may yield some supplies.

The inn, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to have any windows. Not too keen on the idea of going inside one of these abandoned buildings quite yet you take a few steps towards the blacksmith and peer inside.

It’s dark, what little light there is inside making out only shapes. You squint and try to see if you can make out anything. You think you can make out a large stone shape in the back; the forge from the looks of it. No light shines from it today, though. Many pairs of tongs and other miscellaneous tools line the wall, as well as a few hammers. You also can make out the shape of an anvil, which from the looks of it, has been fastened to a tree trunk in front of the forge. An assortment of barrels, most of them smashed, are over in the corner along with what looks to be extra bellows. Adjacent to these you can also see what appears to be a pile of scrap. Long slivers, as well as sheets of metal make up the heap, the pieces haphazardly throw together. Besides this you can also see a cabinet with a set of drawers on the opposite wall to your left. The room isn’t that big, but you think there may be another door somewhere inside leading further in, although, you can’t tell at the moment.

At the moment you stand on the porch of the building. If you had some way to make light you’d feel much more confident going inside, but you’d still be able to make out the most basic of shapes.

You glance back over to the light source and see that it still remains, an orange hue still emanating from beyond the veil of the mist. It’s still there, but you don’t know for how long it will stay.

At this point you could go and investigate it as you had already planned or you could try and scavenge some useful supplies from one of the nearby buildings. Your first choice would be then inn for food or the blacksmith to replace this shoddy goblin spear you have, but the other buildings may yield other supplies as well. Hardly anything has changed from your last choice but you thought you might as well think it over again.

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote:

A) Investigate the light to the east.
B) Scavenge for a new weapon in the blacksmith.
C) Search for food within the Inn
D) Head northwest back across the bridge, leaving the city behind.
E) Investigate one of the nearby buildings. (Which?)

X) Other.

Y) Examine: Examine a building nearby. Post, with or without your vote, and, once I receive the e-mail notification, I'll write up a paragraph or two of additional details to help you make a choice. This minor action will take up a small bit of time in the narrative's world but will not act as the main choice. This may be done before or with your primary vote, not after.

Z) Minor Action. Available.


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...


Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Blood Stained Blouse. Torn.
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown.
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Goblin Necklace. Golden chain. Pendant adorned with runes and a magnificent Ruby.
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds Six Rounds.
-Rounds: x3 (3 in Cylinder)
-Goblin (short)Spear. 5' long. Wooden shaft with secured dagger as blade.
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. Notched in belt.

-Belt & Holster. Knife tucked between belt folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Empty
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion. Goblin Potion.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black. Couple of tears, some making your legs visible.
-Shirt. Buttoned.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn.

- Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- ”Quite the Bust”: Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "..."
-Hungry: You find yourself a bit famished. You're not starving but you're not content either.

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy, but clean. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Small cut on right arm. Almost healed.
-Small cut on left cheek. Almost healed.
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Z Wear leather gloves to protect hands.

B Search for a blade weapon longer than a dagger. Also, search the scrap pile for anything useful (extra bullets, small shards of metal that can be thrown at eyes or on the ground as caltrops).
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Z Wear leather gloves to protect hands.

B Search for a blade weapon longer than a dagger. Also, search the scrap pile for anything useful (extra bullets, small shards of metal that can be thrown at eyes or on the ground as caltrops).

I concur.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Just as a notification: If no one else votes then the chapter I write in the next 24 hours will default to gear and gamefreak's vote.

Just posting in case anyone was caught off-guard by the quick, and rather short, post.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I thought the mini-update was just meant as filler.(It didn't add anything useful, did it?)
First search the blacksmith for supplies, we'll need a proper melee weapon and if said blacksmith had any ranged stock we'll loot that too. Oh, and valuables of course.
After that: Carefully approach the supposed people near the light source, but staying far enough away to avoid detection.

I assume we'll get another mini-update in which we'll get more info about the lightsource once we're finally somewhat closer, since making an informed guess about it right now is pretty much pointless.

In short: Loot the blacksmith, possbly move closer to the light source afterwards, then await more data.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I concur with Rose. And I too thought it was just filler since we've already voted with the same choices.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I thought the mini-update was just meant as filler.(It didn't add anything useful, did it?).

I was going to have it as such and just go ahead and post, but I wanted to err on the side of caution. Didn't want to chance just posting the next chapter and have anyone say, "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on a sec. We may want to change our vote now that you've added this."

Anyway, Next post will be up sometime tonight. I'll make another post so those who subscribe get the email and you guys won't have to enter the thread to find out if it's good to go.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


Check the Blacksmith for supplies, hopefully a weapon, and then investigate the light source.

Minor: Don your leather gloves for extra protection and search for bullets and scrap that can be used as an impromptu weapon.

Even if it is dark inside you decide that you may as well try and scavenge some supplies. The scrap pile looks promising and you might be able to find something better than your small skinning dagger in there. The cabinet also wouldn’t be such a bad idea to check, as well. You set your spear up outside so that it leans against the side of the wall, seeing as you need both your hands free and a small polearm won't be that effective in the dark anyway.

You’re about to step inside when you think about the dangers of digging through a pile of metal in the dark. You decide it’ll probably be best to put on your leather gloves from earlier as a safety precaution. After opening your bag and pulling the gloves on you cross the threshold of the door into the darkened structure.

Your feet glide across the floor carefully, pushing pieces of wood and other debris out of the way, slowly, but surely, making your way further inside. You feel somewhat intimidated; looking into the building was one thing but moving around in darkness is something else altogether. You try to ignore it and make your way over to the glints of light you know are the shards of metal. Fortunately, your eyes start to adjust, the rough shapes starting to take on a finer edge in the darkness. You eventually make it over to the scrap pile, fortunately managing to avoid tripping on anything along the way, and start to carefully sift through the pieces.

Your gloves offer enough protection that you can sift through the pile relatively quickly, but you are still limited to a rather slow pace as you don’t want the metal to cause too much noise. You deftly move your hands through the refuse, squinting as you hold up piece after piece seeing if it holds an edge or has a handle attached to it. As you comb through the amassment of metal you find a few unique pieces that have fell to the bottom: they look as though they’ve been mangled, perhaps even sheared used in some experiment. Whatever their origin, their contorted shapes leave them with sharp points sticking out at many different angles. You hold one up to examine it closer and an idea strikes you: Given their shape and their general twisted shape, they could act as a poor-man’s caltrop. Sure, they won’t be as effective as a perfectly crafted four point spike, but they can slow down an enemy in a pinch.

You pick up a few of them until you have a little more than a dozen and then put them in your empty pouch so you can use them at a moment’s notice. If you make use of them you can also recover them, if you’re able to go back for them.

+Shards of metal (Caltrops)

You go back to sifting through the heap of metal but find that there’s really nothing else of use, only a couple flimsy sheets and a few sheared strips. You stand up and make your way over to the cabinet, still taking care as you navigate the litter strewn about the ground.

As you reach it you see that some of the drawers actually lie strewn about the ground, empty, with only three still remaining in their wooden frames. You open the first one but are greeted with the sounds of broken glass. Hoping your luck will turn, you open the second drawer. This time, you hear something rolling across the bottom of the drawer. A glint of light catches off the brass cylinder and you sigh with a bit of relief as you realize you have found a piece of ammunition. You grab the round but notice that it’s slightly thicker than the ones your gun uses, longer too. It seems to be used for a different firearm. You can’t help but feel fate is mocking you. You pocket the round anyway and continue searching.

+Large round

You pull on the last drawer but are met with resistance. You take a firm grip of the handle and try to jostle the drawer open, but find it only comes out by a few inches. You squint as you look inside, trying to determine what the obstruction could be. You catch sight of something that seems to barely fit within the drawer, a part of it caught on the lip of the cabinet. It must be possible to open it, else they wouldn’t have been able to close it, you think to yourself. You reach your other hand in and try to shimmy the object around, turning it until it lies flat. It feels like a rod of some sort, solid but has a tiny bit of give on the outer edge, like leather. After a couple more seconds you finally manage to twist it and wrench the drawer open. You grab the object and lift it up and out of the drawer and are relieved when you discover that it is, in fact, a blade.

At first, you find it a bit weird how someone would store a weapon like this in a drawer, but you figure they had their reasons and go about examining the weapon. The blade itself is only about a foot long, a short-sword by the looks of it. The handle is bound in leather and has only enough space to be effectively wielded with one hand. You put your hand back into the drawer to see if there’s anything else and manage to grasp another piece of leather, soon finding that you now have the sheath to this weapon. Sure enough, the blade slides smoothly inside, and you tuck it under your arm as you continue to scavenge.


Unfortunately it seems the rest of the cabinet is empty… just like the rest of the blacksmith's shop. Sure, there are small chisel hammers, tongs, and calipers lying around but unless anything is buried under the coals within the forge, then there’s little else you’d possibly be interested in.

You make your way outside and secure the blade on the left side of your hip. It fits nicely and is easily drawn by either hand. Two more ways of fending off attackers acquired, you think about whether you really need the goblin spear anymore. You look over to the crooked object and see the dull dagger on the tip. With the blade you have now you see little point to having a makeshift weapon. Always one to err of the side of caution, though, you decide to pick it back up, keeping in mind how a weapon with some reach could come in handy.

You look over to where the orange light emanates from. It doesn’t seem to have moved, so you begin to think it’s a torch or fire-pit of some sort. Of course, any sort of fire probably means someone is nearby. Either way, you decide to err on the side of caution. You squat down slightly and proceed at a slow pace, hugging the left side of the road near the buildings as you make your way towards the light.

You keep low, setting one foot in front of the other as you move forward in a crouched stance. You try to make use of the porches and railing in front of each structure, hoping they will obscure your form from anyone who may be watching. The way you hold the goblin spear in both your hands makes you feel like a hunter in a way; stepping quietly through this wilderness, hunting your prey. The street itself was only about thirty-some feet wide, enough to allow quite a bit of traffic through. Closer and closer you creep forward, trying to keep your breath under control. You heartbeat starts to drum a bit faster, your anxiety building as you wonder what lies beyond the mist. Your steps are almost silent, only the small crunch of dirt or creak of wood heard over the ambiance of the town. The orange glow grows bigger and you can feel your almost there. You pass one more building and then dip into the alley to your left as you see the source.

There, on the opposite side of the street, on the railing to one of the porches of the houses, sits a brass lantern. It’s square in shape, with a cylindrical portion on the bottom, and the side closest to where you just came from has a circular hole cut into it to focus the light. The lantern may be the source of the light, but what really has your attention is the figure standing near the building…

It’s a man of some sort. Tall, but not bulky. His hair comes down to his shoulders and seems to be quite bedraggled. His skin also seems darker than one would expect, almost grey in a way. He’s facing away from you but, from where you are now, you can see that he only wears a simple, brown pair of pants.

Shifting your spear to your left hand, you instinctively move your other hand to your revolver's grip, ready to deal with him if he poses any danger. You’re a bit confused, though, as the man simply stands there, unmoving, only swaying ever so slightly from side to side. His arms hang by his side and his head is cocked to the side a bit. You take a look at his feet and see that they are bare. This must be the one responsible for those tracks from earlier, you note. You quickly remember, however, that there were to tracks… just before the subtle sound of breathing edges into your senses.

You try to whip around in time to face the threat but are shoved forward as a weight falls upon you, forcing you forward so that you’re lying flat on your stomach. Your spear is knocked from your grasp, lying only a few inches beyond your reach, and you can feel someone lying on top of you, but don’t have any other details besides the fact that they’re large, quite heavy, and one of their legs is on either side of your waist. You’ve just hit the ground, your arms out in front of you, and need to act fast before they gain anymore purchase on you. They don't have a hold of you yet and you don't want to offer them any chance and decide to act now. You don't know if the other individual has noticed anything yet but you don't waste any time, and...

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote: EDIT:You may choose more than 1... but as always: I cannot promise they'll work in tandem.

A) Try and push yourself up, attempting to at least get your legs under you.
B) See if you can at least flip yourself over, knowing you're better off facing your opponent.
C) Try to crawl forward, hoping to pull yourself free from the weight on top of you.
D) Try to reach one of your weapons to use against your opponent. (Which?)
E) Attempt to reach inside your bag/pouches and use another one of your items to help you. (Which?)
F) Struggle frantically hoping to shake off your assailant.
G) Lie there and try to avoid angering your assailant.
H) Scream for help!

X) Other.

Z) Minor Action. Available.


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...


Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Blood Stained Blouse. Torn.
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Goblin Necklace. Golden chain. Pendant adorned with runes and a magnificent Ruby.
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine.
-Large round. +

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds Six Rounds.
-Rounds: x3 (3 in Cylinder)
-Goblin (short)Spear. 5' long. Wooden shaft with secured dagger as blade.
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. Notched in belt.
-Short-sword +

-Belt & Holster. Knife tucked between belt folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops. Recoverable. +
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion. Goblin Potion.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black. Couple of tears, some making your legs visible.
-Shirt. Buttoned.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn.

- Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- ”Quite the Bust”: Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "..."
- Hungry: You find yourself a bit famished. You're not starving but you're not content either.

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy, but clean. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Small cut on right arm. Almost healed.
-Small cut on left cheek. Almost healed.
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Edit: What that guy beneath me said.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

D, B, and C Grab the small skinning knife from your belt and try stabbing the assailant as you try to flip yourself over, then try to crawl away a bit and stand. Be wary of the other man.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I just woke up when I read the last update, had to re-read it twice and still can't grasp how you managed to let events unfold as-is. I'd personally rather see another mini-update compared to how you let things unfold like this.(Maybe we wanted to equip the shortsword, search properly, leave the lightsource alone after finding the things for instance?)

I'll keep my thoughts of disappointment to myself though, and stick to what is written.

B&D: Try to get a line of fire and shoot him with the revolver if it hasn't spontaneously teleported into the bag, else try to stab him in the gut with the shortsword. If that too has spontaneously gone awol I suppose we can try to hit him with the bag itself and hope we hit something vital enough for us to get out and chop him up.(It IS a ghost town after all, got to stick to the theme.)
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

D, B, and C Grab the small skinning knife from your belt and try stabbing the assailant as you try to flip yourself over, then try to crawl away a bit and stand. Be wary of the other man.

This, plus a minor action: Grab a handful of dirt and throw it at them while you try to wiggle away. Hopefully it'll distract our assailant long enough to give us a better chance at getting our knife and poking them in any fleshy bits.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

This, plus a minor action: Grab a handful of dirt and throw it at them while you try to wiggle away. Hopefully it'll distract our assailant long enough to give us a better chance at getting our knife and poking them in any fleshy bits.


Unless they are zombies. They're probably zombies.