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Amarant: Unknown Path

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I'm disappointed that we fired. That felt more like it should have been left as a last resort type option if refusing the drink and 'giving it back' didn't work and they turned hostile. I'm not sure I'd call their behavior outright hostile, though. :/

That said, A, I guess. The gunfire will likely draw attention from anyone of their tribe that may be near eventually, but letting this one go will more than likely result in him returning with backup.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

That was uncharacteristically extreme of a reaction. With that said, now that we've killed a goblin for no apparent reason,

Edit: While it is more rational to kill the defenseless goblin, it doesn't feel right. So I'll change my vote to B for the sake of dissent.

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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


And are we still picking numbers? If so, I'l go with 89 again.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Even I wouldn't have fired that easily, still what is done, is done.

Now that we've shot one there mustn't be anyone to tell the tale. A so that he does not bring friends.

Oh, and please do end their suffering once we're done, we've got class after all.

Our number for the day: 15
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I apologize if the character's actions seemed "extreme", I guess I may have been in the action mindset. I had read gamefreak999's post:

I would say [B/]B[/B] then D by throwing the liquid at one of them and shooting the other.

... and thought I may take up someone's suggestion, as a bit of a bow to them. Also, because a third of everyone who voted did suggest shooting if they became hostile as a backup plan. I tried to foreshadow that not drinking would in fact make them hostile, and even take small steps in the latest post to explain the process of the character's actions... but in the end I realize it is still rather sudden.

Actually, I think I may have had it in the back of my mind that we were going too slow at this point and some of you may have wanted to move on in the story.

But... this is a learning experience: When we have situations like this I'll try and provide you as many steps and choices as may prove valuable. I realize now the folly of trying to simply end a negotiation so suddenly. I'll take this to heart for later events.

If there's ever an issue, please, always let me now as I do this for the enjoyment of the readers.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

No worries. :)

For me I think it was just the way you explained the goblins reacting sent doubts as to their actual intent (despite their obviously apparent intent) when you had the one show so much concern over the drink when we tossed it. It was just a moment of like, 'Wow, was this thing really something important to them?', etc. So that just made me wish we hadn't just fired so abruptly when it still seemed like a firm refusal might work, especially when the older one (the one we shot) didn't even seem to want to do it in the first place (or perhaps just didn't want to be the one to have to offer it, lol).
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

No worries. :)

For me I think it was just the way you explained the goblins reacting sent doubts as to their actual intent (despite their obviously apparent intent) when you had the one show so much concern over the drink when we tossed it. It was just a moment of like, 'Wow, was this thing really something important to them?', etc. So that just made me wish we hadn't just fired so abruptly when it still seemed like a firm refusal might work, especially when the older one (the one we shot) didn't even seem to want to do it in the first place (or perhaps just didn't want to be the one to have to offer it, lol).

Agreed. No complaints though. While definitely a surprise, I can't say that I'm all that butthurt about a bit of action :p
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A is for No surivorssssss!

The Number is: 33 again (do we know why we're choosing numbers at this point and I just missed the announcement, or is it a hidden affect in-game?)
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


A Take the shot.

You can’t let him live; where there’s one goblin there’s probably more and he can’t warn them.

You steady your breath and then pull the trigger. The shot echoes out, an intense burst of noise that spreads through the forest. Your eyes blink for a split-second at the shock but reopen just in time to see the goblin knocked down mid-stride. He lays there making no further attempt to escape. You let out a long breath and start to walk over to him.

Everything seems quieter now, the shock from the shot seemingly having a lasting effect on the environment around you. The crunch of the dead grass below your feet seems almost nonexistent as you take step after careful step towards the motionless green creature. You finally come to within a couple feet of him and stop. Your shot was perfect; he was probably dead before he even hit the ground. You look away from him, the blood pooling around his head and staining the grey ground around him. You turn back and walk to the other one, still aiming your gun just in case.

As you approach him you notice that he, too, has stopped moving. By the time you’re standing over him you realize he is gone as well; at his age the shock of a gunshot was probably too much. Looking over him you see that one hand is over his wound and the other holds the very potion he offered you. You then look to his eyes: they’re still open, a haunting lifeless quality to them. Mixed feelings well up inside you and you wonder if you were too hasty in your actions. Still, they threatened you. If you didn’t drink that they would have did you in first… right? “Whatever that container is it was very special to him…” Even though they are goblins you still have a bit of respect for them and reach down to close his eyes.

Now two lifeless goblin cadavers take up your campsite. Even so, you need to keep your mind on what’s ahead and focus on getting back to civilization. From the way the mist above is lit up you suspect that it’s already, or soon will be, dawn. It’s not bright out but you can still make out quite a bit of the surrounding area when the fog isn’t so heavy. Hopefully, by now, your clothes are dry enough to get dressed.

You walk back over to your things and hold your breath as you extend a hand out towards your clothes… and you let out that breath as you feel that they’re completely dry. You let out a bit of a nervous laugh, knowing you can get underway. After you put down your revolver, you pat yourself down to make sure you’re dry enough. Unfortunately your hair is still a little damp and hangs ahead your head giving you a bit of a messy look. Content with letting it dry naturally you reach up and start to remove your clothes from the line.

You put on each one in turn, starting with your undergarments. You slip the fine piece of silk up your legs until it comes to a comfortable rest over your sex. You temporarily remove your shirt and go about knotting the bra in front and then simply flipping it around as to make the task easier. One quick motion after another and you have replaced your stockings as well, two holes on either one around your shins. You then ravel up your skirt and step through, bringing it up and letting it fall once it reaches your hips. You then put your shirt back on and tuck it in, then hooking the back of the skirt together and giving a final tug to make sure it’s secure. The skirt may have a couple of holes in it from your encounter on the train but they’re small and don’t reveal too much.

You then bend down and reach for your boots and belt, slipping the former onto your feet and then looping the belt around your waist, tightening each of them so that they’re nice and snug. You put your revolver back into its rightful place and then grab your vest and fit it around your torso. You go to tie it but notice it’s a little tight. It seems the water must have shrunk the leather a bit. You try your best to tie it, giving it a little slack so you’re not constrained. You finish, but notice your bust is now somewhat enhanced by the article of clothing. You’ll leave it for now, as it doesn’t affect your movement, but it does make your breasts seem a bit more “voluptuous”.

With that done, you then remove your duster, setting it gently on a dry patch of the grass and go about untying the rope. It seems you may have put a little too much effort into tying it, having to put a quite a bit of thought into loosening the knot. After about a minute you finally have the thing free from the two trees and bundled together in your hand. You’re about to attach it back to your belt but remember the idea you had from earlier.

You reach into your sack, still lying by the trunk of the tree, and produce the metal hook. The hook, a treble with three prongs, has no use lying in your bag, but on your rope it could become quite handy in a pinch, allowing you to snag items from afar, grapple your way upwards if you have the strength, or even act as a makeshift weapon. You set down the rope and kneel down onto the grass, examining the hook; it appears that the eye is indeed large enough to accept the rope. You ‘re not sure how you do it but the way you tie the knot your motions come naturally to you, almost like your muscles remembered the motions.

You push the tip of the rope through the eye of the hook from the bottom up and then wrap the rope around itself and the steel three times. After that you push the other end through the eye again from the top down. You thin lay the slack along the shank of the hook again, this time coiling the slack of the rope with three more wraps. Once that is done you pull on the end of the bottom, getting rid of all the slack and tightening the whole knot. Finished, you stare at it a little bewildered. You’re not quite sure how you managed to tie it but it certainly came to you naturally. You stare at it a little longer, the term “egg-loop” coming to mind, before eventually shaking it from your mind and attaching the bundle to your belt with one of the loops.

You grab your bag and do one last inventory, making sure you have your tickets, the crystals, note, compass, lock-pick, brooch, your old boots, gloves, your bloodstained blouse, and what little gold you still have, before slinging it across your torso, the strap hugging your bosom. Having gathered everything together you take one last look around making sure you haven’t forgotten anything. Your eyes scan the area in which you hung up your clothes, making sure nothing’s left behind. You continue looking around and just as your satisfied nothing has been left behind your eyes come to rest on one of the goblins.

A pang of regret pops up for a moment, but you quickly dismiss it, reassuring yourself this was the best course of actions.

“They’re just goblins…” you mumble to yourself.

Still, you walk up to the body and look back to the potion he holds in his dead hand. ”Whatever this was he certainly didn’t want any harm coming to it”. You hesitantly bend down and retrieve the container from the goblin’s hand, pulling back quickly almost out of some morbid fear of the corpse.

You turn the vessel over in your hand: it’s still the same as before. Clay, bark shoved in the top, solidified drop of red liquid around the rim. You contemplate taking it with you; even if you don’t consume it you might at least be able to find some other use for it.

You turn to the direction of the river and the other goblin. Your original plan was to go down the river and try to find some way across, but now you have doubt forming at the back of your mind. Either way it seems to be the only logical way to go; you just dried everything and unless you can scale the cliff and make it back to the rail-line you’ll just get everything wet again.

Unless you can think of something else it seems to be the only course of action.

Decide whether or not to change your course of action.

Primary Vote:

A) Go down along the river as planned.
B) You have a different idea: (Explain)

X) Other.

Z) Minor Action. Available.

Secondary Vote:

Keep the potion?: Yes/No ?


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...


Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Blood Stained Blouse. Torn.
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds Six Rounds.
-Rounds: x3 (3 in Cylinder) -1

-Belt & Holster.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Empty
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black. Couple of tears, some making your legs visible.
-Shirt. Buttoned.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn.

-Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.
-Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
-”Quite the Bust”: Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy, but clean. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Small cut on right arm. Almost healed.
-Small cut on left cheek. Almost healed.
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Up the river we go

X. We are the player character and we horde objects to the point of insanity, of course take it, but try to keep it hidden. We don't want to be visually recognized as someone who killed these guys if we run into any friends of theirs.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

X Take the potion and search the two goblins for anything useful. Then go in the woods. Then use the compass to try and loop around the rest of the goblins and when it gets dark, climb a tree and use the rope to attach yourself to the tree so that you don't fall (That thing that the main character in Hunger Games did). After put one drop of that potion on her finger and lick it, to see what it is. Then she can get some rest afterwards.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

As a reminder: The general time-frame at the moment is around dawn.
Riding the train at night. Knocked out. Wake up as it's getting brighter.

Also, there isn't necessarily a giant goblin horde nearby... of course one never really knows.

I think I, at least, owe you guys a few hints and clarifications by now. =P

Also, as an EDIT: While I do realize going down the river seems like the only and obvious choice, I didn't want to simply launch us down the river without any input from you guys, instead, allowing you to confirm that this was our course of action.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

As a reminder: The general time-frame at the moment is around dawn.
Riding the train at night. Knocked out. Wake up as it's getting brighter.

Also, there isn't necessarily a giant goblin horde nearby... of course one never really knows.

I think I, at least, owe you guys a few hints and clarifications by now. =P

Oh, I assumed it was getting dark based on her earlier choices such as sleeping and guessed that it was in the afternoon or later. Although there's no GIANT goblin horde, any number of goblins now will be a huge threat because she is running out of ammo.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A, I guess. And don't take ye potion.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A. Do take.

Minor: Why not take a spear too? They're good for poking things.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A. Take it with us.

And indeed, do take a spear, too, since we lost the rapier earlier and have no other weapon besides the revolver (with limited ammo).
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Not really seeing an alternative, so A. Also, take the potion, it may be useful later.

Minor action: Take one of the goblin's spears.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Not really seeing an alternative, so A. Also, take the potion, it may be useful later.

Minor action: Take one of the goblin's spears.

Here here. Spears are good for keeping people at distance, so isn't a bad choice.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


A: Continue on.
Yes, take the potion.

Minor: Take one of the goblin spears.
Minor: Check the goblin's for anything else useful.

The goblins no longer need the potion and, even if you can’t discern its effect, you can at least trade it away for a bit of coin, that is, if you can make it out of the wilderness.

You give the stopper one last push to make sure its secure and then open up the pouch on your belt placing it next to your healing potion from earlier, latching the pouch shut once it’s snug.

You look back down to the goblin, his lifeless body now taking on a paler complexion, and see the spear which he had wielded against you not but ten minutes ago. You don’t have a weapon aside from your firearm and your ammunition isn’t going to replenish itself. You decide taking the spear, even one of goblin make, is better than continuing onward with just your revolver.

You walk around to the other side of the body and bend over, picking up the spear and examining it:

The shaft looks to be made of the same wood around you; almost completely black, it almost looks like tar. The spear itself is straight for the most part, only slightly crooked at a few points. The blade seems to be no more than a discarded dagger, jury-rigged onto the tip with some sort of leather wrapping. You hold it up straight and find it comes just to your shoulder. A shot-spear, but a spear none-the-less, and more importantly, a melee weapon. There isn’t really anyway to secure it properly, but you figure you’ll use it as a makeshift walking stick for as long as you have need of it.

Spear in hand you turn around and take step after step down the riverbank, lightly planting the spear ahead of you with each one. You pass the second goblin, now as pale as the other, and give him one last look. You notice the bag at his side and can't help but feel you should take a look inside. You approach the body and, even though you feel slightly bad for looting them as well as killing them, at the end of it all: You're alive and they aren't.

You pick it up, open it, and begin examining the contents, finding only a few items:

One is a waterskin, which from the smell of it, seems to contain some sort of alcoholic beverage like that of wine; another clay pot which, not only has a proper cork, but seems to be professionally made; a small knife that looks to be used for hunting and skinning animal; and, finally, a necklace.

The clay pot you found doesn't actually appear to be of goblin make, but instead seems to be professionally made. You turn it around and notice it looks more akin to what Scarper was displaying in his shop. You remove the top and sniff but find that there is no scent. You try to position it so that what little light there is will reveal what the liquid looks like, but find that it has no color, instead, appearing clear. From what you can discern it seems to be just water. With the bittersweet feeling of knowing what it is, but also knowing it isn't anything special, you put the cork back in and examine the necklace.

You hold up the necklace by the chain as it swings back and forth. The necklace itself is large enough that you could put it on simply by throwing it over your head and letting it drape down on your chest. The chain seems to be simple metal such as iron, nothing precious such as gold or silver. The pendant is also simple: made out of stone it's nothing more than a simple circle. Flat on each side one, a smaller circle on the front is inlaid with runes and very precise designs. You examine them more closely and find it hard to notice any specific pattern, the lines so fine and so intricate yet seemingly random.

As you stare at it you have the strange urge to put it on, finding yourself lifting it almost all the way above your head and ready to put it on. You shake your head, though, warding off whatever fit came over you, and lower the necklace back down. Not quite sure what happened to try to forget about it, bundling it up and stowing it away in your bag, along with the water-skin. You tuck the small knife between the folds where your belt overlaps with itself and put the container of water in your empty pouch. With that done you stand up and turn away towards the river.

+Goblin Spear
+Goblin Potion
+Small container of water
+Small Knife
+Goblin Necklace

You keep a steady pace as you walk along the river. You’ve long left the waterfall behind, now only the occasional sound of a wild bird calling out joins the constant din of the flowing river. You look out and enjoy the scenery, trying to take your mind off your journey:

The river is huge, spanning at least two hundred feet. You have to strain to see the other side through the heavy fog, the sight of trees lining the opposite shore barely visible. The water flows quite quickly. Some sections are littered with rocks, long made smooth from the constant flow. They churn the dark water, turning it white as it erupts out and over them

You continue on, the sound of your footfalls crunching the grass beneath your feet fading in and out as you continue onwards, alternating between calm and rapid sections of the water. With what little light there is passing through the thick veil of mist all around you, the scene is nothing more than shades of black and grey, the sickly green grass beneath your feet the only outlier in this dreary template.

You look to the left, towards the treeline, peering beyond the trees to see if anything else lurks in this wilderness. Between your footfalls and the river you can’t discern any sounds of danger sneaking through the underbrush. ”Perhaps the goblins were far from wherever they came from, and simply found me by chance”? you think to yourself, hoping you’re right. With as little light as there is your sight fails you just as much as your ears, neither being able to detect signs of trouble.

More time passes as you still have yet to find a way to cross. As you pass by more rapids you see many sections of rock that may offer some way across, but with your load and the water rushing over them they are much too precarious. Trees have fallen on each side, but unfortunately none of them span even half the distance, the river simply too wide. It seems you’ll have to wait until the river thins out or, hopefully, you find a bridge.

The journey goes on. At least two hours have gone by and your feet are starting to ache ever so slightly. You peer down the river and see nothing in the way of a crossing. You feel the need to distract your mind someway, somehow. You tuck the spear under your arm as you move along and reach over to your bag. You undo the latch and flip it open. You haven’t really thought about it much since you first read it, but the note you found when you first came is really the only hint you have as to your true identity.

You find the folded piece of parchment and close your bag. Miraculously, you find that it seems to have remained almost entirely unscathed, only a spot here and there created from your trip over the falls. You begin unfolding it and dissecting each sentence, hoping to figure something out, maybe even recovering a lost memory. You read it, your mind running rampant with questions with each set of words:

Dearest Jacqueline

I’m aware of my name. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard any mention of it elsewhere. It doesn’t mention my last name, though. If I had that I may really be able to investigate a bit, but the letter makes no mention of it.

Word of your deeds has already reached us here in Respeiro. You performed admirably and as always we praise you for your work.

“My deeds…?” You mutter to yourself. What exactly did I do?

What exactly did it entail? Was it a simple or complex task? Was I paid for it? How long did it take? Hopefully it wasn’t anything I’ll come to regret later. Also, who is “Us”? This letter is written by one individual, right? Maybe it’s from a group? Perhaps… my family…? Whoever they are, apparently they are happy with whatever I have accomplished.

Now, events have been moving faster than we had anticipated; please head to Respeiro once you receive this letter. This envelope contains four tickets: one from where you are now to Hangsmire, one from Hangsmire to Novo, Novo to Bayton, and then finally Bayton to Respeiro.

Well, while they let me know which cities I stopped at, they failed to mention where I began my journey. Where exactly was I and what did I do there? They mentioned “events have been moving faster than they had anticipated”: What are these events? Is it imperative I make it to them as fast as possible? Whatever the issue, they procured tickets for me and, knowing how expensive one was, they apparently had little issue paying for my trip to Respeiro. How did they exactly get each ticket? Did they stop at each city and buy them? Or is there some way to procure them all from one location?

Come prepared and be careful – those cities may be neutral but the citizenry aren’t necessarily so. Trust is a luxury you cannot afford. You know the rest and what needs to be done. Procure what you need using the money we have supplied you and make haste. And, of course, may fate favor you in the events to come.

I’m definitely glad they told me to come prepared. If not, my encounter on the train could have left me in a worse spot than I am in now. It also says that I “know the rest”, however. Hopefully, making my way there will suffice and I won’t need to obtain or do anything special. I think I have enough in the way of supplies to make my way to Bayton, but I also only have 3 bullets left and who knows how many more obstacles lie in this forest. I really hope their sentiments become true and fate does favor me.

As far as the post-script goes you’ve already figured that part out. Lord Wright, or whatever his name is, can take a ride in third class with some “unsavory individuals” of his own for all you care.

Done with the letter you put it away, folding it and sticking it back in your bag. Hopefully all the answers will be waiting for you in Respeiro. If not… you can only hope they return to you in due time. As you look up from latching the bag shut, however, a welcome sights greets you. There, just coming into view from the mist, is a stone formation of some sort. Impatient and longing for a way across the water, you start to run down the path, your items flung back and forth with each step.

Your vision locks onto the shape obscured by the mist and you drive your legs forward. Further and further you go, closing the distance between you and the structure. The edges of it become sharper, the shape darker now as the mist dissipates. You crunch the grass beneath your feet, slightly struggling as each powerful step sinks every so slightly into the moist soil. You come to within just a couple dozen feet of it and you can’t help but let out a nervous laugh as you that the structure before is, in fact, a bridge. You stop, putting your hands on your thighs, and catch your breath.

“Ha… haha… finally…” you laugh in between breaths. It may only be a bridge but after what you've gone through you'll take any victory you can get.

The stone bridge seems to span the entirety of the river, five separate arches making way for the water. The top of the bridge seems to be flat and not that elevated from the water itself. A series of stones has also been erected on each side as a sort of guard for pedestrians. It’s professionally crafted but looks like it hasn’t been taken care of in quite a long time. It’s not in any state of disrepair, but simply seems to be unused. As you stand up straight, though, you notice something peculiar.

Near the water, right where the bank and the abutment come together, is a mass of some sort. Mostly black, it sticks out of the water and seems to have been caught as it flowed downstream.

You take a few hesitant steps forward, the soft ground sinking slightly, and realize that the shape is a body of some sort. It appears to be male but you’re not sure. It has a black garb of some kind as well as black hair and you're not quite sure what if it's human of elf. It's not moving and appears waterlogged and the clothing appears to also be in pretty bad shape. You can’t see too much without getting closer, but the riverbank has gotten steeper to meet the bridge’s path. If you go down there you won’t be able to come back up quickly. If they’re still alive they may be a danger but they may also have some items you can make use of. You can either continue on your way or risk it…

You think about your decision...

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote:

A) Go down the river bank and investigate the body.
B) Ignore it and cross the bridge.

X) Other.

Z) Minor Action. Available.


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...


Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Blood Stained Blouse. Torn.
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect. +
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown.
-Small container of water. Professionally Made. +
-Goblin Necklace. Iron chain. Pendant adorned with runes. +
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine. +

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds Six Rounds.
-Rounds: x3 (3 in Cylinder)
-Goblin (short)Spear. 5' long. Wooden shaft with secured dagger as blade. +
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. +

-Belt & Holster. Knife tucked between belt folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Empty
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion. Goblin Potion.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black. Couple of tears, some making your legs visible.
-Shirt. Buttoned.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn.

- Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- ”Quite the Bust”: Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "..."

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy, but clean. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Small cut on right arm. Almost healed.
-Small cut on left cheek. Almost healed.
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

Also, since I still feel like I owe you guys a bit, here is a rough representation of sort of how misty the area is and the general light level:

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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

X: Tie one end of the rope to the nearest tree, or the bridge itself, and the other end to your waist. Then A.

Minor action: Say, "Whatever."