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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Jeff decided not to mention that often tentacles were destroyed if there was a chance, but he knew Mary was far to lewd to ever consider that. So it was that Mary picked up the squirming mass, and if tentacles could have looks, Alyssa would say it looked scared as it was picked up.

But Mary gently opened the chest and dropped it in, Alyssa watching as it faded into the darkness of the endless slime sea.

Closing the chest, Mary and Alyssa finally had a chance to look around the room, noting on the far end, opposite the entrance, was a small pile of gold it seemed, Mary commenting on how she now had the chance to really look, she noticed the slight magic that hung in the air, it seemed that the mine really was cursed!
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Huh. I didn't notice that gold there before. Weird. I guess we better take it with us and head deeper into the mine. Though, what do you mean by magic? What sort of curse do you think this mine is under?
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Just...a standard all purpose...curse." Mary said "I should be able to get rid of it with a little bit of time, should I do so?"

After Alyssa gives the very likely ok, she starts to work her magic a bit.

Jeff decides to speak up now. "Sorry I wasn't very helpful in the fight...but we won, I guess?" he meekly said.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Yeah, get rid of the curse. It can't be good. She sat on the ground, recovering from the whole bizarre experience, idly trying to flake the dried cum off her body. She smiled at Jeff, saying it's alright, Jeff. The monsters here are getting pretty tough. Besides, not everyone can be as badass as me she added, winking at him. She got up and walked over to him, giving him a hug intended to reassure him as Mary worked her magic (literally).
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"You're still naked, you know" he said in a mix of sheepish and coy tones as she hugged him. "But hopefully if Mary removes that curse, then we should be good.

In about a minutes time, Mary was finished, before conjuring up some clothes for her and Alyssa, and then a disc to hold their treasure and...toy.

"Ready then?" Mary asked the other two. Jeff gave a short not and looked at Alyssa.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

I know, but it's not like you haven't seen me naked before Alyssa replied with a coy smile as she disengaged from the hug. Alright guys, looks like we're ready to go. Farther down and farther in she said, walking towards the exit.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Err" Mary started. "I think we're done actually, I'm pretty sure there's not much else here." Jeff nodded

At this, Alyssa realized they were probably right, she hadn't quite noticed it before, but the whole mine seemed a right bit more cheerful since Mary had removed that curse. It wasn't quite so dark, and it seemed like it might actually be usable again if someone really wanted this place.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Huh. This little pile of gold was the whole treasure? That's sort of crummy. And what a small mine. Oh well, hopefully our house will be ready when we get back.
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"It's still quite a bit" Mary perks up, as Alyssa leads them up and out of the mine.

It's actually a fairly boring journey back to town. She finds out that yes, the house is finished, and another interesting tidbit that a new bathhouse has opened in town.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa was happy to be back in town, and especially happy that no one with nets had tried to abduct her on the way back. The house seemed welcoming and warm after their trip to the mine, and she happily piled her possessions into it. Of course, her possessions consisted of what was in her pack at the time; quite a lot of rope, a few nets, and her cloak, sword, and shield. She blushed at the ad-hoc assortment of bondage gear, and the mimic chest sitting in the corner of a backroom. I think I might be having way too much fun with this. Still, she had heard of a bathhouse has just opened, and she made the executive decision that the three of them should go there to celebrate their successful journey through the mine, as well as their new home.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Setting their stuff off, the party arrived at the bathhouse, since it was still new, there weren't many people there, in fact, they were the first costumers for the day. They learned it was in fact, mixed bathing, in outdoor hot springs, though there were smaller springs, so the party could get one all to themselves.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

This is a pretty awesome setup. It's nice that they have private little hot springs, we should get one. Unless Jeff is going to be too shy about it~ she said coyly, sticking her tongue out at him.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Wha-t?" He said, trying to hide his blush. "Not at all, see if I...mind." he said. "Sides, maybe we can just buy the room out, so we can have it for our use whenever we'd like, or something"

Mary thought this was a great idea, and went to check it out, turns out, they could! And it wouldn't even cost them that much. "What do you say Aly? Should we do it?"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

That sounds amazing. It'll be great to have our own personal hot springs, and besides, it'll probably save us money in the long run if we just buy a reservation now. Let's do it.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The group manages to get the room no problem, the bath owners happy to rent it to them. They enter the changing room before the bath itself, and Mary quickly changes and enters, Jeff wait for Alyssa.

As Alyssa enters she sees it's pretty lovely, a small board walk with an overhang before the bath itself, which was built into the ground to look natural, high walls surrounding it as it opens out to the sky above, Mary already bathing inside, happy to be clean again.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa was already loving this place as she eased herself into the hot springs, settling in beside Mary and putting her arm around the young mage's shoulders as she leaned back and looked up at the sky, then back to Jeff, still standing outside in his towel. Oh come on, get in here she said, giggling a bit at him as she relaxed, motioning that her other arm could use some shoulders to rest on...
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Jeff wasn't actually just standing around pointlessly, but he decided not to bother being embarrassed, considering what he'd done when he first met them, of course, remembering that was the real reason his face was red as he dropped the towel and got into the bath, sitting down next to Alyssa.

Of course, the steam was a bit too thick for them to really see much anyways. Mary relaxing and laying her head against Alyssa. "Why can't it always be like this?" she asked, content.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa pondered that for a moment. I guess it could be, if we wanted it to. We've got a lot of gold left, we could probably live off it for a while. And there's probably plenty of jobs in town that wouldn't involve going out and getting fucked. She began to gently rub Mary and Jeff's shoulders, considering what she wanted the game to be like from here.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary giggles and Jeff also finds himself chuckling at the idea. The bath warm and pleasant as the day lazily rolled by.

"Game Section Complete! View Epilogue? Y/N?"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa smiled as she realized that she had navigated to a good end for the game. On some level, though, she was sad that it was ending. She mentally selected "yes."