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Alyssa (Tiffanian)


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Alyssa Graham
Age: 20
Physical Description:

Mental Description: She will probably end up dressed in something fairly simple, with light armor over it.

Alyssa has always loved playing games, especially in fantasy settings, so she jumped at the chance to test out a virtual reality game like EGG. A quick glance over the options told her she may have gotten into far more than she bargained for initially...

Humans: Y 3
Male/Female: Y 4
Female/Female: Y 3
Pregnancy: Y 1
Birthing: Y 1
Non Consent Sex: Y 3
Slavery: Y 2
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 3

It was almost like a dream come true for Alyssa, being selected to test the newest and supposedly best VR tech there was. Stopping by to drop off her application, she was even more excited as she was informed that they had an open EGG right now available for testing.

She settled herself inside as it closed around her. The odd shaped device small, but not cramped, comfortable as it practically cradled her. Quickly filling out the first set of questions, she's presented with more options, including difficult and choice of starting level.

Easy is grayed out for some reason, but that wasn't about to stop Alyssa from having fun. And for all screens, a small little (?) pops up with more information.

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

Moving on to the next screen, she's presented a choice of starting levels, though they all seem somewhat fantasy oriented, there appears to be two game play modes, but it seems the first isn't quite ready for testing.

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)
Castle Labyrinth(?)
Mountain Fortress(?)
Swamp Dungeon(?)
And an odd fourth option, with a field to perhaps enter her own idea.
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa was so excited as she climbed into the EGG. This is so damn cool! she thought as she began to scroll through the options. Some of these are really weird, though... Non-consensual sex...? Just what kind of game is this? Pregnancy...? I guess I ought to check all the options, I am playtesting after all, and this is only a game she thought, entering the settings and quickly pushing them out of her mind. Normal Mode seems best for now, I don't know what the learning curve is on this thing yet. As for levels... I'd rather not get stuck in a maze, and a fortress sounds pretty intense. Swamp Dungeon it is. She entered her settings and waited for the machine to work its magic.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Finally pressing the last options, Alyssa watches as the entire inside of the machine fades to pitch darkness. She feels sort of weightless for a moment, and just as it might get scary, a flash of white light as she sees the world construct itself around her.

First she sees the terrain roll off in even direction, rough shapes, as block trees appear, then everything becomes detailed, colored, and seemingly real as it can be.

She finds herself standing on a small wooden walkway in a swampy area, sun low in the sky as it gets dark, hearing the sounds of creatures all around. The trees are somewhat think here, all large, weeping willows, choking out the sun.

She finds her outfit has changed a little, wearing a set of black thigh-high leggings now in addition to some fitting armor, enough to protect her without restricting her movement. She sees a sword in it's sheath at her side.

A moment of broken immersion when a screen pops up saying '"Game Start!" and she finds herself turning around, taking her first step in this world as she spots an entrance to an underground dungeon at the end of the wooden walkway.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Whoa, it all looks so real. She gently rubbed the tree nearest to her for a moment, in awe of just how much it really felt like a tree. Putting her amazement aside for a moment, she turned to focus on the entrance to the dungeon. Ominous looking, isn't it? She drew her sword and gave it a few swings to feel the weight of the thing, and then walked carefully along the wooden path toward the dungeon. Out of curiosity, what's my motivation here? What does my character want out of this dungeon? she thought, in the hope that the game would somehow respond to her. As she came up to the entrance, she took a deep breath and walked cautiously inside, sword raised.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Thinking about the levels goal seemed to set off some programming, as a window popped up.
"In Game Knowledge Base - Swamp Dungeon
The Swamp Dungeon is a defensive level where the player is exploring an oddly carved out underground facility in the swamp. Reasons for why the player might do this are varied, some day that great treasure lies at it's bottom, or perhaps there is a cult there that the player is looking to remove."
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Huh. The popups are a little weird, but I don't know how else they could do it. In any case, treasure awaits! Hopefully there isn't any grinding necessary. She walked onward into the dungeon, her sword at the ready.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa closed out window as she set off for the dungeon entrance, and adventure!

However...it seems adventure had already found her. Before she was quite sure what was going on, she found her left leg slightly entangled. Turning around, a look of fear evident on her face as she sees slimly, black, tentacles reaching out from the swamp around her, coming closer to her on the wooden platform. In fact...she already felt tired, like the one that was eating through her clothes...wait, eating through her clothes?

Looking down, she realized the slime was dissolving her clothes, as she was starting to feel tired.

Tentacles 3/3 HP
Aly 3/4 FP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Fuck, already? At least it doesn't seem too tough, but this is really weird. Why would they make a monster that dissolved my clothes? She slashed at the tentacles ensnaring her with her sword, hoping to cut them off her before she dealt with the main body of the creature, wherever that was.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

(13 vs 19)(Combat and such rolls are hidden with white text, allowing you to skip past them, but if you want to know how badly something failed, are there for reading)
Alyssa slashed at the tentacles entangling her feet, sadly though, the combination of being an utter novice, the fact she was a little scared what might happen if she failed, and just the sheer oddity of the situation caused her to simply miss.
(8 vs 1)
The tentacles proceeded along, and she found both her legs now entangled. As the slime started to eat away at her boots, oddly leaving her stockings intact.

Slime 3/3 HP
Aly 2/4 FP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Ahhh, this is what happens when you're a level 1. This is harder than it looks. I need the random number gods to be kind to me here. She continued to slash at the tentacles, hoping she could free herself and perhaps run.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

(18 vs 14)
Finally managing to get a grip on her sword, Alyssa managed to slash away the tentacles entangling her feet. The other tentacles backed away for a moment as they winced in pain...
(1 vs 14)
The tentacles attacked again, but Ayssa proved too fast for them now, deftly not being where they attacked a moment before they attacked her. She was starting to feel a little bit better, maybe she could win after all.

Tentacles 2/3 HP
Alyssa 2/4 FP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alright, here we go. This is more like it! This thing shouldn't be so bad. She lunged at the tentacles, confident in her ability to kill the monster now.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

(3 vs 1)(And lo, said the dice gods, and the dice were low.
Pressing her advantage while she had one, Alyssa took a step forward as she slash, nailing a solid hit on a few of the writhing members. There were still quite a few left, but she felt she could probably handle them...if they didn't get the drop on her somehow.
(14 vs 12)
Like that. A tentacle shot from the water, and faster than she could react, she was entangled at her stomach, the tentacle pulling her arms close in and dissolving her clothes. She felt tired, and knew she had to finish them off soon or she wouldn't have the strength to.

Tentacles 1/3 HP
Aly 1/4 FP
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa let out a surprised scream as the tentacle grabbed her, but settled down fairly quickly. Why am I so tired? I guess this game uses fatigue instead of HP. I had better finish this now. How dumb would I look if I got a game over without even getting into the dungeon? She slashed at the tentacle that held her waist, hoping for a little bit of luck with the game's random number generator.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

(2 vs 19, counter!)
Slyssa tries to slash at the tentacles grabbing her, but one of the tentacles grabs her wrist as she's pulling it back, surprising her! She drops the sword, where it sticks point down into the wooden dock.

Looking around, she can see more tentacles climbing out from below the dock, she felt as they pulled around her feet, dissolving her clothes except for her stockings entirely, as the combined forces of all the tentacles lifted her in the air...

Tentacles 1/3 (About to Rape)
Aly 0/4 FP (About to be raped.)
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Damn it, what the fuck? This... this is not good. I need to get out of here. But... I'm so tired, I don't think I can get away from this thing. Damn it. Her eyes grew wider when she realized that she was naked except for her stockings, and the realization of what exactly was happening hit her. She thrashed as hard as she could manage, desperately hoping to free herself. Help! Someone help me! Please...
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Sadlly, no one game for Alyssa, as she felt her panties pull down my the things. The rubbed themselves against her womanhood for a while, trying to get her nice and wet for when they entered. Others dissolved her clothes at her chest, coiling themselves tightly yet gently around her breasts, toying with them as the others toyed with her nethers.

The tentacles were oddly gentle for something only one thing on their mind. They ran themselves all over Alyssa, where the slime touched felt walm and she started to desire for release, her arms held above her and legs pulled far apart beneath her.

They toyed with her for a long while, so long that she climaxed before they even entered. The moment she deep, they entered deep inside her, both her pussy and ass. She gasped as the penetrated both holes at once, it wasn't as painful as she expected, but it was pleasure she had never encountered before, only heightened when a new one entered her mouth, almost throat fucking her.

The tentacles pounded hard and relentlessly, and Alyssa found herself coming to orgasm again, juices running all over the tentacles as they flowed down. The tentacles finally reached their peak, exploding their seed all inside of her, in all three holes.

They withdrew, finished, disappearing back under the water.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Oh god what are they doing. Stop that, STOP THAT! she thought as the tentacles toyed with her. But... really, this doesn't feel half bad. I expected that they would just have their way with me. She stood there, held up by the tentacles for what seemed like an eternity as they played with her, beginning to moan in pleasure. This... this is so embarrassing. I hope no one is watching this. Still, the thought that someone might be turned her on even more, and she felt her legs go weak as she spasmed in orgasm. She cried out as the tentacles penetrated her pussy and ass, and the thing used the opportunity to shove another tentacle down her throat. It hurt only briefly, and she was far too aroused to care. She felt herself building to another peak as the tentacles pounded her. Oh my god, I've never felt this good before. This... this is incredible. She sucked eagerly on the tentacle in her mouth as she tried feebly to thrust into the ones pounding her lower body. It didn't take long for her to orgasm again, her body going limp from the sheer pleasure of the experience. The tentacles seemed to start twitching, and began to pump an insane amount of cum into her holes. She tried to swallow all of the cum pouring into her mouth, but it was too much, and overflowed down her chin and onto her breasts. The creature, seemingly satisfied, disappeared into the murk.

Holy shit, that was amazing she thought, as she laid down on the wooden dock, copious amounts of cum leaked out of her pussy and ass. I think... I think I need to rest for a while.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa feel asleep, which, while practically naked and covered in cum, might usually be a bad idea, was lucky as she managed to wake up in the same spot, without be tied or anything else funny going on.

She still felt pretty tired, but had still managed to get something out of the experience. Feeling slightly reenergized, she spotted her pack nearby. She saw she had a few changed of clothes left and some rations.

(Excuse the lack of the in game window this time, but Alyssa has 10 FP worth of rations, during a rest, she can snack on rations to restore FP, she also has two changes of clothes, which would be explained in game as being any outfit she wanted.)

Aly 1/5 FP (Feeling quite good)
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa stretched as she awoke, and then surveyed her surroundings. On second thought this was probably really stupid of me. Go to sleep right where you just got raped by tentacles, why don't you? She tried to scrape the dried cum off of her chin and legs, but gave up after realizing that she would never be able to get it all off. I can't believe I enjoyed that as much as I did. I promise I'm not that much of a pervert, game! she thought, grinning sheepishly. I should probably eat something. That should recover me, I think. She ate enough food to restore the 4 FP she had lost and pondered the changes of clothes. They didn't seem to be actual clothes, only tokens of a sort, as if she could exchange them for something. Hey, game, how do these things work? she thought, walking over to her sword to retrieve it.