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Alyssa (Tiffanian)



RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary merely blushes as Aly tells her how great it was. "M-m-maybe...we can do it again...some other time?" He asks, her voice now mixing meek and coy.

But heading off into the dungeon, the two girls start to find their way through the dungeon. They find themselves feeling warm, right down there, as they enter the next room, and they find they've all of a sudden stepped in goop without realizing it, the goop forming up around them.

Big Slime: 6/6 HP
Aly 6/6 FP 1/5 AP
Mary 5/5 FP 1/5 AP

(Mary received a +1 bonus to AP from the tentacles!)


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa grinned sheepishly at Mary's suggestion that they should try it again sometime. Unfortunately, the thought distracted her more than she should have allowed it to, and she didn't realize that she was actually walking in a puddle of goop. Oh damn it, not another slime... She lashed out at it, trying to cut it away from her feet.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

2+1 vs 16
Her first cut failing miserably, Alysssa wonders if this tentacle is going to be their next source of fun. She's right next to Mary...so maybe it'd let them have fun too...
9+2 vs 14
Mary attempts to blast the slime away from her, the slime just forming to absorb the blast, it looks like it might be time again already, she wasn't quite ready though...
5 vs 15+2 | 8 vs 11+2
The slime attempts to engulf the both of them, failing as they managed to beat it back with sword and spell.

They both felt a lot warmer now though, and it didn't seem to be from the slime, something must have been in the air...

Big Slime: 6/6 HP
Aly 6/6 FP 2/5 AP
Mary 5/5 FP 2/5 AP


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Damn, you'd think I would have gotten better at this... She couldn't help but feel aroused, and couldn't quite figure out why. It certainly wasn't the slime, that much was for sure. Mary, I think we should try to get out of here, there's something in the air I think she said, seemingly disregarding her own advice for the moment as she slashed at the slime.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

8-1 vs 1
Manging to get a good cut off on the slime, Alyssa cuts herself free. She continues to feel warm, but by now has spotted a small flower in the corner of the room, a massive number of spores hanging around it.
18 vs 16
Trying a different type of spell now, a slashing spell, Mary manges to get the slime off of her while doing damage to it, and some of her clothes. She has a lewd grin on her face as she's getting more excited.
20 vs 1+4 | 15 vs 8
The slime surges upwards, almost completely engulfing Alyssa, even her cloak not quite helping her as she's knocked to the the ground and overran. Mary has a similar problem.

Big Slime: 4/6 HP
Aly 4/6 FP 3/5 AP
Mary 4/5 FP 3/5 AP


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

D... damn it, that flower over there is... making us... EEEP! she screams as she's nearly completely engulfed by the slime. She was already quite aroused, as she felt herself grow moist beneath her slowly dissolving clothes. She almost decided not to fight back... But she remembered the last time she had encountered one of these, and the memory was all she needed. She shuddered and tried desperately to escape, hoping to run and destroy the flower if she got free.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

4 vs 2
Managing to somehow drag herself out of the slime, Alyssa runs over and smashes on the flower, hard, multiple times, muttering "Diediediediediediedie"
3-1 vs 12
Mary tries her magic again, failing to do anything to the slime...and resisting the effects of the slime trying to make her more horny, not that this girl needed any help, a lewd grin spread across her face already, silently wishing she might lose again.
12 vs 1+3
The slime covers Alyssa again, dragging her back to the center near Mary, not wanting to let it's prey escape.
10 vs 12-1
The slime tries to overrun Mary again, but her spells keep her safe again, for now.

Big Slime: 4/6 HP
Aly 3/6 FP 3/5 AP
Mary 4/5 FP 3/5 AP


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Not sure how I pulled that off Alyssa thought, having successfully escaped the slime and crushed the flower. Unfortunately, she wasn't paying much attention to the slime anymore, and it took advantage by washing over her and dragging her over to Mary. I don't know if I'm comfortable with this game... I want to let it win so badly... I have to beat this thing quick. She tried her best to slash at the slime and free herself, hoping Mary could at least control her urges enough to fight back. After all, they could always continue where the slime left off after it was gone...


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

3-2 vs 18
Alyssa tries to attack the slime again, engulfed as she is. But she barely as a chance, as the slime takes her sword from her and slams her body into the ground, knocking the wind out of her, as punishment for trying to fight back. She knows it might not be long before the slime wins...thinking it might not be so nice if she's next to Mary.
6-1 vs 1
Mary isn't about to give up though, not yet, even though..."Don't worry Aly, I'll get you out! ...I think...maybe.." Blasting hte slime again.
8 vs 14+2 | 13 vs 12-1
The slime tries to flip Alyssa over, but she still manages to have enough strength to resist the slime, but Mary finds herself almost entirely engooped again, she falls over, landing on her rump. The thought of what he slime a bit too much as she wets herself in anticipation.

Big Slime: 3/6 HP
Aly 2/6 FP 4/5 AP
Mary 3/5 FP 4/5 AP


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa gasped for breath briefly, stunned by the slime's attack. I almost want to lose more than I want to win... she thought as she watched Mary get bowled over. But... She thrashed from side to side, trying to break free of the slime and get to her sword. Of course, it was almost surely futile, as she could tell that not only was she very aroused, she was also getting quite tired.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

3-3 vs 16
Alyssa wasn't have a very fun time, the struggling only causing the slime to again punish her, as she felt a light shock go through her body. She managed to avoid the rush of arousal it brought
15-2 vs 15
Mary tried her magic again, failing terribly, as the slime just took her book away from her.
19 vs 7+2 | 9 vs 12-2
The slime continues to work for it's captives, Alyssa feeling another shock as she let go of her sword, she didn't have the energy to fight anymore, Mary was still up, but who knew for how long.

Big Slime: 3/6 HP
Aly 0/6 FP 4/5 AP
Mary 3/5 FP 4/5 AP


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa let out a scream of pain as she felt electricity surge through her body. This must not be a normal slime... Damn it. She tried feebly to crawl toward her sword again, but couldn't muster the energy to get very far. Afraid that further attempts at resistance would only cause the slime to shock her again, she laid perfectly still and waited either for it to begin having its way with her, or for Mary to somehow pull through and beat it.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary tried to grab her book, managing to grab it and was just about to blast it again, when part of it jumped off and landed on her face, muffling her, causing her to fall backwards again into the slime.
3 vs 12-2
Mary still fought hard though, tearing the slime off her as she hurried to get out of the slime before it could do anything. She was tired, and aroused, but she wanted to save her friend!

Big Slime: 3/6 HP
Aly 0/6 FP 4/5 AP
Mary 2/5 FP 4/5 AP

10-2 vs 17
Trying again to damage the creature Mary is far to aroused to properly use her magic, the slime covering her too much, she can't help but wear a lewd face.
12 vs 20-2
Yet somehow, even in this situation, the slime can't quite get full control over her, even if she wants it, she's going to make the slime work for it.
12-2 vs 9
She managed to blast the slime with her magic again, getting free for just a second...
9 vs 1-2
But just as second, as the slime covers her again, dragging her back towards the center, near Alyssa...resisting the waves of arousal washing overhere

Big Slime: 2/6 HP
Aly 0/6 FP 4/5 AP
Mary 1/5 FP 4/5 AP

15-2 vs 1
Mary manages to get away again with her slashing magic, her clothes barely covering her now between that and the slime, of course, Alyssa was totally naked, but too tired to do anything...it seems the slime was waiting to catch Mary first...
20 vs 11-2
And it does, finally, catch Mary. Overwhelmed entirely as she's dragged under the slime towards Alyssa, they're facing each other, and Alyssa can see that even though she knows what's about to happen, she's glad Aly is there to share it...

Big Slime: 1/6 HP
Aly 0/6 FP 4/5 AP
Mary 0/5 FP 4/5 AP
Last edited:


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa watched idly from the floor as Mary fought valiantly against the slime. Terrible as it was, she was starting to fervently hope that she lost. That Mary held out so long and almost defeated the thing made her feel guilty for thinking that way, but she almost breathes a sigh of relief when Mary is dragged next to her. She tried to reach out for the young mage's hand as she waited for the slime to begin its assault on the two of them in earnest, hoping it would be a more pleasant experience than the last time they found themselves in this situation.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The slime finished dissolving all of their clothes, both of them left naked. Alyssa just managed to reach forward, the slime letting her move a little. Mary too, as they both held hands as the slimes started on them.

It went up the ceiling like last time. A minor shock going through them both, but it wasn't painful and only served to arouse the two as they both came to an early climax. Then the slime decided to enter, it was gentler than the first one, in a way, it didn't enter so hard or so large, but that didn't stop it from deeply entering all three holes. It moves them around, placing them upside down, forcing them close to each other so their breasts were touching. They found their hands moving towards each others womanhood, as the slime let them kiss passionately. Their hands reaching their destinations, and they started to finger each other, kissing deeply as the slime fucked them both in the ass.

They were pulled apart as the slime formed a tendril to throat fuck both of them, letting them continue with their hands below as another tendril entered them. The slime came inside both of them, pouring it deeply inside them and filling them both up.

It had been bliss for them both, as it deposited them on the floor, they were tired, though not sore.
Waking up later, Alyssa found Mary was hugging her from behind, still sleeping.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alyssa was able to maneuver herself forward and to the side just enough within the slime to clasp hands with Mary, hoping that this indicated that the thing would be at least a little more gentle than the two they had been raped by earlier. She began to worry, her bad memories flooding back as the thing slowly oozed up the wall and onto the ceiling, tightly holding Mary's hands as she looked for some reassurance. The slime took a few brief moments to settle into its spot on the ceiling, and then began to let a long, sustained electric shock run through itself. Unlike the shock Alyssa had felt when she was fighting it, however, this was an exceptionally low voltage, and for some reason it felt really good. She and Mary came together, their cries of ecstasy muffled as if they were underwater in the slime. It relented briefly as they recovered, staring at each other lustfully in anticipation of what was to come.

The slime slowly pushed its tendrils into all three of their holes, going in quite deep and pausing to allow them to adjust to the size of the hard slime now inside them. Finally it began to fuck them gently, but not too much so. This continued a surprisingly short amount of time before the slime pulled out of their mouths and pussies, positioning them such that they were pushed tightly together. Alyssa silently thanked it as she and Mary shared a passionate kiss. She moaned lewdly as the young mage began enthusiastically to finger her, and she tried her best to return the favor as the slime continued to fuck the both of them in the ass. In time it pulled them gently apart, resuming its fucking of their throats and pussies, steadily speeding up until they could feel it twitch inside of them. It released an extraordinary amount of cum into them, filling them nearly completely, their stomachs bulging slightly from the sheer volume of spunk inside them. The sensation was too much, and they cried out in orgasm together.

Satisfied, the slime slowly oozed down along the wall and back to the floor, where it deposited them and left. The two lay there, exhausted from the sheer bliss of the experience, cum oozing onto the floor. Alyssa scooted over to Mary, who happily embraced her, the two cuddling until they feel asleep.


Whoa... that was amazing. Alyssa awoke still cuddled up in Mary's arms, and decided that she was perfectly content to lay there until the girl woke up. Am I... Do I have... feelings for an AI...? The thought startled her, and her heart began to race. What is this game doing to me? I can't go more than two rooms without having sex, and now I might... I might have a crush on some pixels with a pre-programmed personality! What the fuck is wrong with me? Still...


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

A little while later, Mary woke up. Before Alyssa could even mention anything, Mary pushed her down and started to kiss her. She broke after a while. "...Do you think I should learn how to summon one of those?"

Alyssa gains Trait: Sword Expertise 2
Mary gains Trait: Magic 3.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mmmm, maybe you should. Alyssa got up and waited for Mary to use her magic to make her a change of clothes, or not, and then shouldered her pack and picked up her sword, for some strange reason confident that she would be more effective with it in the future. If she so chose. She then continued on, further into the dungeon.


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary conjured a new set of clothes for them both. "Hey, wait up!" She called out as Alyssa started to set off. "We're not even going to rest for a little while?"

They wander through the dungeon for a while, not finding much, trying to find their way deeper.

Eventually they come across a room with a chest in it.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Wow, I was so distracted I didn't even realize I was tired... I'm losing my mind. She opened the chest, and after getting that out of the way she ate enough rations to restore 2 FP, and gave Mary enough rations to do the same. Alright, you're right. We should probably rest for a while now.