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Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Mary let out a small contented sigh as Alyssa pulled her closer, they were all still naked, but the body heat kept them warm. Mary sort of feigned sleep after Alyssa grabbed her while embracing her back, not quite wanting that to end yet.

Eventually the man woke up, and it took him a few moments to realize that yes, what just happened had not been a dream.

"Umm..." he starts, not quite wanting to ruin some mood. "...now what?"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Uhhh... well... Hello. I should, um, probably ask you your name. Alyssa rolled herself to a sitting position and waited for Mary to conjure up some clothes for her.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Huh, oh...right." the man starts, Mary pretending to fall back asleep so she has a reason to leave Alyssa naked for now. "Anyways, right, I'm Jeff" the man says.

"Err...you two?" he asked in return.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

I'm Alyssa, and she's Mary. We just got through this dungeon and are trying to get the treasure back to the outside. She pointed over at the piles of gold and things, still sitting on the floating magical disks.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Jeff gets a bit of a defeated look on his face when he sees the treasure. "Oh...so this place is already empty of treasure then?" He gives a small sigh

"Well, I should probably be on my way then, I guess." He gets up, looking for his clothes. Mary wakes up at this point and conjures everyone a new set. "Oh, thanks." he adds as he turns to leave.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Wait! If you help us get it out of here, we'll give you a cut.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Jeff turns back around, a hopeful look on his face. "Really? But I mean, the exit is only a few rooms away, isn't it?"

He gives a small shrug. "But alright, if you want me to join, I don't mind tagging along. What do you plan on doing after you get out?"
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Oh. I hadn't realized that. Still, there always seems to be more bandits and shit in our way, so maybe he'll get to save our asses before we get out of here. Uhh... I hadn't actually thought past getting the treasure. It's not like I had much of a reason for wanting it either. So I don't know, it depends. She started to walk towards the exit.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

"Well, I guess the best thing would be to get to a town and spend it probably. If this is your first big haul, it might be worth it to buy a building as a home base or something." Jeff starts, looking again at the treasure. "You certainly have enough for it I think."

"But I'll join you, I guess there's sure to be something in the swamp. I'm pretty new to this whole thing thought..."

(Jeff has joined the party, Jeff is a newbie, has 3 HP, and has a -1 to combat rolls)
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Hm. So that's where this game is going, huh? I was wondering why it didn't just eject me with a "Victory" message. That sounds like a decent plan to me. The three of them headed on out of the dungeon, treasure in tow.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

The party sets out from the dungeon. As they make their way through the swamp, nothing seems to bother them.

It's starting to get late and dark out when Alyssa spots just as a dot in the distance a town.

Though as they do, She notices long with the rest of the party a group of brigands emerging from the trees, as the they had entered a more forested terrain a while ago.

"Look at this, looks like we got a real catch. Look at all that treasure." The first one says.

"Aye, and the chicks be pretty good to, we're gonna have some fun."

Bandit I 2/2
Bandit II 6/6
Bandit III 5/5

Alyssa 7/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

I've had about enough of these bandits. She pulled the net out of her pack and indicated that perhaps Mary could use it to try and ensnare the strongest looking of the men. With that, she rushed at the weakest looking one, hoping to take him out first and thin their numbers. I swear, if I get caught in a net again...
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

6 vs 4 (A vs I)
6 vs 13 (M1 vs II)
9 vs 7 (M2 vs I)
1 vs 1 (J vs III)
19 vs 18 (II vs A)
17 vs 22 (III vs A)

A brawl breaks out as Alyssa runs towards the weakest guy, giving him a kick to the gut before cutting him with her sword. Mary animates the net and has it throw itself towards the largest man, but he simply grabs it and tosses it away. Mary manages to multi task, blasting the one Alyssa already hurt, as he crumples into a heap.

Jeff gets his training started off right by attacking the so far silent member of the gang, defeating his defense and giving him a nick in the side.

The large bandit manages his way over to Alyssa, giving her a gut punch before she notices the net entirely missed.

Bandit I 0/2
Bandit II 6/6
Bandit III 4/5

Alyssa 6/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Jeff 4/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Well, that went better than expected. She turned to slash at the bandit who'd just hit her, looking for vengeance.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

12 vs 19 (A vs II)
8 vs 2 (M vs II)
7 vs 1 (J vs III)
20 vs 22 (II vs A)
13 vs 1 (III vs J)

Turning to hit the man, Alyssa swings her sword, only striking air as the man had already moved. Mary manages to blast him just as he was about to strike Alyssa, but he had already missed as he was striking the wrong location. Alyssa grinned at her cloak.

Jeff managed to strike his bandit in combat again, before the brigand brought his mace down, striking Jeffery from the side and sending him stumbling.

Bandit I 0/2
Bandit II 5/6
Bandit III 3/5

Alyssa 6/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Jeff 3/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alright, maybe this is the part of the game where I start to become a badass. Then again, maybe not if I can't hit him. She attacked the bandit again, hoping this time to actually land the hit.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

8 vs 10 (A vs II)
13 vs 13 (A vs II)
7 vs 13 (J vs III)
12 vs 17 (II vs A)
10 vs 8 (III vs J)

Alyss and the big man trade missed blows again, as Mary launches another blast that lands dead on. Sensing he's not going to hit Alyssa anytime soon, he ponders going for the more dangerous one.

Jeff misses for the first time with his blow as his opponent lands another solid hit, even with his attempt to block.

Bandit I 0/2
Bandit II 4/6
Bandit III 3/5

Alyssa 6/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Jeff 2/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Alright, this isn't good. I can't hit this guy, and Jeff doesn't look like he's in good shape. Still, not much I can do besides keep trying. She attacked the bandit again, starting to get frustrated at her failure thus far.
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

11 vs 7 (A vs II)
14 vs 19 (M vs II)
8 vs 9 (J vs III)
12 vs 15 (II vs A)
15 vs 1 (III vs J)

Alyssa manages to get a hit as the man started to make for Mary, intending on dealing with the one who was actually bothering him. So he turned his attention back to Alyssa, failing his attack as she wasn't even there. Mary tried to blast him again, the blast wavering as she'd started to use a bit too much power, so she took a quick breath as she recharged.

Jeff was trading blows with the third brigand still, by which that means he was exporting zero and importing one more. Wait, why was he helping these two girls again?

Bandit I 0/2
Bandit II 3/6
Bandit III 3/5

Alyssa 6/7 0/5
Mary 6/6 0/6
Jeff 1/4
Re: Alyssa (Tiffanian)

Turn your back on me again, see what it gets you. She tried to press her advantage, hoping Jeff could hold out for a while longer.