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RPG [alicesoft] イブニクル / Evenicle

Re: [alicesoft]- Evenicle (イブニクル)

Rance 5D and VI were annonced in August and were released in December. It will probably take several months, but I think it will be released in 2017.
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Re: [alicesoft]- Evenicle (イブニクル)

Rance 5D and VI were annonced in August and were released in December. It will probably take several months, but I think it will be released in 2017.

Rance 5D and VI were already part of the way through their respective translations before being picked up by Mangagamer from what I remember. It might be released in 2017, but don't be surprised if it ends up being early 2018.
Re: [alicesoft]- Evenicle (イブニクル)

Rance 5D and VI were already part of the way through their respective translations before being picked up by Mangagamer from what I remember. It might be released in 2017, but don't be surprised if it ends up being early 2018.

Did the previously done translation was even used? I thought it was another translator who worked on the project, despite the whole TGM bullshit?
Re: [alicesoft]- Evenicle (イブニクル)

Did the previously done translation was even used? I thought it was another translator who worked on the project, despite the whole TGM bullshit?

Dunno about that, but I do know that both the fan translators who were working on the games were hired by Mangagamer. I've heard their patches were used to help speed up the process, but they probably went through some heavy edits.
Re: [alicesoft]- Evenicle (イブニクル)

so uh... that bottom left CG... that's not a penis is it?...
Re: [alicesoft]- Evenicle (イブニクル)

Yes, yes it is. That's the issue with removing censoring from Japanese games, oftentimes the artists don't put a lot of work or detail into genitalia because it gets censored anyway.
Re: [alicesoft]- Evenicle (イブニクル)

Rance 5D and VI were already part of the way through their respective translations before being picked up by Mangagamer from what I remember. It might be released in 2017, but don't be surprised if it ends up being early 2018.

I don't think it was more advanced than this:

Secret Project #2 Evenicle
Translation: 84%
Editing: 53%

From what I know they will end the translation in august and the editing by september, so at most I would say they will sell it in november.

No date announced, so I'm guessing they just started working on it...ahh man this is gonna take forever.

Just quoting so that you see my post.
Re: [alicesoft]- Evenicle (イブニクル)

Damn, missed that. I'm so hyped.
Re: [alicesoft]- Evenicle (イブニクル)

now it says the translations done and the editing at 63%, so will we see it in September or October already ?
Re: [alicesoft]- Evenicle (イブニクル)

No, after editing is done there will need to be time for testing/proofreading and other details, absolute earliest would be late October if they're really rushing, mid November/early December seems more likely, and it might even be later than that if they run into any serious issues during testing.
Re: [alicesoft]- Evenicle (イブニクル)

now it says the translations done and the editing at 63%, so will we see it in September or October already ?

I don't think so, Rance VI got announced with the translation done, and it still took months.

I'd bet on December, with preorders being offered 4-6 weeks prior.
Re: [alicesoft]- Evenicle (イブニクル)

I don't think so, Rance VI got announced with the translation done, and it still took months.

I'd bet on December, with preorders being offered 4-6 weeks prior.

interesting, didn't know that.
thanks !
Well, it took an entier year, but here it is:

Released the 28th June.
Did anyone already buy it ?
If so, want to share what it's like ?
(The Translation, your take on the gameplay, and so on)

Edit: There also appear to be the first uploads on the ususal cat site, but with A LOT of leechers right now.
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The gameplay is pretty generic (and the game is incredibly easy), but everything else is great. The CG are gorgeous, the translation is great, the setting is silly-funny. It's very nice for now. Let's see how long the game is, i have already unlocked 11% of CG in few hours :/
Reviving the thread, the game was translated and released today earlier, so, anyone made a working cheat table or something? haha, too lazy to grind again just to re-play it on english and at least see the story now...
Reviving the thread, the game was translated and released today earlier, so, anyone made a working cheat table or something? haha, too lazy to grind again just to re-play it on english and at least see the story now...
i dont think so.
btw, if the game doesn't have any kind of encrypted variable, just search the exact match of the value u want to change, and the job is done.
Yeah, i just checked if it worked, but CE can easily catch exp or gold, so you can easily overpower the game (which is already very easy even without that).
Partial PS3 controller support, some buttons do something but there are a lot of things you simply cannot do
Anyone knows if there's a fix4
Also, on max settings does this game really demand a lot? i get crashes here and there (and we all know this is not a, well, blownup graphics game)
i'm stuck at Camelots 2nd trial - "be nice to girls".
Every fight is against a flying one-eyed monster and a random girl monster next to it.

Do i need some special skill to capture girls or something ?