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VN/TEXT NTR Loli Shota Ryona [Alice Soft] Sengoku Rance / 戦国ランス

Re: Sengoku Rance

Kentaro is awesome because he is the only character besides Rance that can reach lvl 99 (I think there are only one or two other characters that can even get to lvl 70) and can essentially be used as a stand-in or even a second Rance.
Re: Sengoku Rance

well, sure, I mean, gameplay-wise, kentaro's amazing, because, like you said, he goes to 99, and with nikkou, he's probably the hero of his own story, but outside of gameplay, his personality just grates on my nerves so frickin' much!
hmm, so he has to be a demon for that to happen? thanks, i'll remember that. looks like i'll have to do another true route, then. no monkey killing for me!
Re: Sengoku Rance

question! is there a point to the sex-change temple in morocco? 'cause the only option i'm getting is to turn rance into a girl, and that automatically gives a game over. am I just missing somebody that I can turn into a girl?
Re: Sengoku Rance

question! is there a point to the sex-change temple in morocco? 'cause the only option i'm getting is to turn rance into a girl, and that automatically gives a game over. am I just missing somebody that I can turn into a girl?

You should be able to turn generic male officers into female ones in order to clear them. Chances are you lack said generic male officers.
Re: Sengoku Rance

ah. it's for generics. that explains a lot. man, this site just makes me feel dumber and dumber every time I post a question!
Re: Sengoku Rance

Didn´t get Takaeda and one eyed house this time too....
Ok it was way to hard to meddle with takeda units with over 4000 troops.

The one eyed house i dont really get....the wiki says i need to defeat masamune but it seems i cant beat one of his female commanders, otherwise they disapear after the H scene.

And after i got the house beaten with no interaction, they start being in other countires to fight me? There i can finaly capture them?

I that right or is it still another way to do this?

This time i got 166 points, i think youl need aout 220 to take all things in a new game.
Re: Sengoku Rance

which commander was it? you need to beat their unit and win the battle, too. Orime needs you to have a ninja in the battle. suzume works just fine. and nogiku, the cyclops, needs you to have recruited Kazemaru, and have Hibachi as a Sub-commander. they don't need to be in the battle, though, which makes me very happy. Noir doesn't need any special stuff, just beat her unit and win the battle, and the same with Omachi, though she doesn't have an HCG, which pisses me off to no end.
keep in mind, though, that despite the fact that each one gets an HCG, it's still a commander capture like normal, so probability is still in effect. if you do stuff that boosts your capture rate, like having guys with Defeated Warrior Hunt, it'll boost your chances. I found that two DWHs in the battle worked splendidly.
and I don't know about them disappearing after the HCG, but if your prison is full, they might just be booted to the street, so make sure that that's been cleared out so that there's room.
then, once youve got them all together, they tell you masamune's weakness, and then he can only heal himself once, which makes his battle WAY easier.
yay! I know something that somebody else didn't!
Re: Sengoku Rance

Ok, I haven't played this game for a while, but I decided to go back to it. But now I got a weird problem.

When I'm checking stats and names and everything, it says "Your required to have [PQ] negotiation points." And all the numbers and names are funny like this

^ 2904

What the hell?

And all the number stats are sometimes replaced with letters?? Apparently RO means 30??

And I forgot how to send my characters to do their own missions. I'm starting to remember why I stopped, I look pretty fucked.

Edit: Yeah I'm fucked, starting a new game. Apparently being a nice guy in this game backfires on you. Guess I'll have to be a dick and make sure every country I beat is like.. raped. Instead of surrender

And the sooner this is fixed, the better. I don't know how much RWOOO gold is.
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Re: Sengoku Rance

yeah, that's something with the patch. I think they said that there were some things that they couldn't translate right without making the whole thing crash, so they left some parts of it in Gibberish. though, here's a quick rule of thumb for numbers. 0 is 0, P is one, Q is 2, R is three, and so on all the way down to X, which is nine. so, you need 12 negotiation points, and you have 38000 gold. though, I don't know why your gold reads as numbers, because mine works just fine.
also, you make them all surrender? boy, what the hell do you think you're doing? you conquer them! you make those countries your bitches! not only do you get to do all the fun stuff like the purple events since you own them directly, but you get their national power added to yours, which means more gold, and their leaders get tossed in jail, which gives you the chance to recruit the good ones! not to mention the fact that if you conquer each country, you get an HCG, which is always awesome. another good thing is that if you leave them as your vassal states, they have the chance to rebel against you, and that's never good. you need as many buffer states as you can get when the demon army shows up. so make those countries your bitches! it'll help you in the long run!
yay! I knew another thing somebody else didn't know! I'm feeling smartical again!
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Re: Sengoku Rance

It might be my Japanese unicode, but I get numbers showing up properly.

As a note, making someone surrender also adds their nation power to use, IIRC. Still not worth doing unless you desperately need less active wars (being attacked too many times in a turn to hold ground)

And only a few vassals ever rebel, which are specific clans when specific things happens. The only one I can think of off the top is the Tokugawa when you go to war with the Takeda.
Re: Sengoku Rance

you need as many buffer states as you can get when the demon army shows up. so make those countries your bitches! it'll help you in the long run!
yay! I knew another thing somebody else didn't know! I'm feeling smartical again!

I don't know, guess I figured by being a nice guy in the modern day world karma would repay me and I'd have better things for me in the future. You, do good and be rewarded?

But this obviously isn't that type of game. Using morals will only make it impossible to win. <_<

I did negotiate with the bear dude, but it's because when that big orange 3 man army starts to raid, I won't have to deal with those silly bastards at the same time. They actually got strong when I left them unattended to during my last game.
Re: Sengoku Rance

The only good way to beat takaeda (Orange country) are the battle permition sets (last items 90-95?) for charakter with 1000 units or more.

Otherwise i wount be possible in 100 rounds at a lvl 3-5 difficult.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Hey guys, Just thought i would contribute i found a realy good turn by turn walkthrough which i found extremely helpful.
I played this game a while back and got right near the end but got stuck with the demon army when they withdraw back to the bottom left hand corner of the map. I couldn't be bothered to start again but now that i have left it some time I decided to give it another go and this time thanks to this walkthrough I seem to be doing pretty damn well.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Change your computer location to Japan that will fix the display number in game.
Say, can Baba Shouen (Tekeda general) join Shimazu family? I'm trying to get the takeda bonus and only shimazu house remain. It took me 80 turns and still can't find that fucker :mad:

To Jackpot : I've tried that walkthrough 3 times before, believe me it's impossible to follow.
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Re: Sengoku Rance

Change your computer location to Japan that will fix the display number in game

Ok thanks, that did it. Odd though, I thought the whole point of getting this in english was that I wouldn't have to put it in Jap settings. Guess I'll just run it through Applocale
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Re: Sengoku Rance

Geez, it's like i didn't say that a few posts ago...
Re: Sengoku Rance

Looked at the walkthrough, but didn't say anything about enemies and weaknesses. I figured this might be like Advanced Wars, so I'm thinking "Are ninjas weak to monks?" Kinda stuff. If this has already been said, just let me know which post. This thread is LOOOOONG to read through.
Re: Sengoku Rance

HAHA! Making the emo kid surrender his country let me get his Nuhe girl! Being nice DOES pay off... with hot chicks!.... *sigh* if only in real life.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Looked at the walkthrough, but didn't say anything about enemies and weaknesses. I figured this might be like Advanced Wars, so I'm thinking "Are ninjas weak to monks?" Kinda stuff. If this has already been said, just let me know which post. This thread is LOOOOONG to read through.

Eh, there's no really any set weakness as such. Each type has its own purpose, and as a result some are particularly good at countering others, but there's no set weaknesses. For more info, see
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Re: Sengoku Rance

HAHA! Making the emo kid surrender his country let me get his Nuhe girl! Being nice DOES pay off... with hot chicks!.... *sigh* if only in real life.

AND! I think I found the BEST walkthrough for this game.

if somebody already posted, my bad.
