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Alexis (Xivvix)

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Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis leans back from kneeling, putting both feet under her but crouches close to the ground, looking for a blob to strike. she sees one scurrying away from her and swings, landing hard on the slime. Suddenly all the slime liquefies, sliding off of her, the walls, and the stairs. It flows into a drain near the low end of the stairwell. After a moment or two, she hears the door on the upper level open.

(Crit Hit)

Alexis DEF 1
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1
Slime HP: 0

Leave stairwell
Rest (No risk of encounter)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

With the slime appearing to have completely vanished, Alexis slumps against the wall, gasping for breath. After a few moments, she grips the rod and ascends towards the now open door at the top of the stairs.

(rest, then head up)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Fully rested, Alexis enters a hallway that reminds her of a hospital. The hallway is lined with pale green and white tiles. The hallway travels to her south. There is also a door to her West. She enters the hallway and the door behind her closes and locks, blocking her way back downward.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1
Slime HP: 0

Travel S/W
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis jumps as the door closes and locks behind her, but doesn't think much of it. 'Didn't want to go back down there anyway.' She peeks down the hall, eager to continue looking for a way out, then remembers the man from downstairs note. Maybe there was someone who was more likely to help her out on this floor and could tell her how to get out, instead of her just blindly walking down dark hallways. She enters the door to the west, keeping her eyes peeled for any more slime creatures.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis enters the room to her west and discovers that she is in adark storage closet. She looks around and sees that it is fully of medical supplies. There is a table in the middle of the room, shelves on the walls, and alarge cabinet in the back.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1

Travel E
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Maybe I can find some pants in here," Alexis says to herself, while rummaging through the shelves and cabinet.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis begins to search for a pair of pants, but her search is short lived. After only serching one or two shelves, she hears a mechanical sound behind her. She turns to see a robot that looks like a spider, about two feet tall standing behind her. It had many different instruments on it's top that she doesn't know what they do.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1
Spiderbot HP: 2

Flee E (67%)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

No longer trusting anything in this freaky place, Alexis rushes towards the strange mechanical spider with her weapon raised, ready to smash it to pieces.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

She strikes at the robot. In her haste, she fails to notice that the robot had a camera fixed to her, no doubt tracking her. The spiderbot shoots out a gripper arm and catches her upper arm dead in the air. The spiderbot holds the captured arm and pulls it downward, nearly dragging her to the ground as well.


Alexis DEF 3
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1
Spiderbot HP: 2

Flee E (67%)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Ah!" Alexis cries as she stumbles forward, almost falling in front of the strange machine. 'Well if I didn't know it was gonna attack me before, I sure know now.' Reacting quickly, she takes a step forward, both to steady herself, and to bring into range to make a swing at the robot.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis regains her balance, and swings again at the robot with her metal rod. This time she connects, knocking a large metal panel off of the side of the robot. She hears strange electronic noises before the creature falls to the ground. A red light next to the camera switches off.

(Crit Hit)

Alexis DEF 3
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1
Spiderbot HP: 0

Search the remains
Search the area
Travel E
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis stares in shock at the unmoving robot, amazed that she had defeated it so easily. Finally she smiles and brings the metal rod close to her chest. "Your my new best friend," she says. After a minute she remembers the note she had found on the technician. "Maybe this robot has something like that," she says as she begins searching for any hatches that might conceal anything.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

The girl searches through the wreckage hoping to find a hidden compartment. She thoroughly sifts through the trash, but all she comes across are torn circuit boards and scraps of metal. Dismayed, she scans the room, contemplating what to do next.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1

Search the area
Travel E
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

With a sigh, Alexis goes back to searching the room, hoping to find something to help her find her way around this place.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis searches the room, and comes across a black miniskirt. It's nota way out, but it is a bit more covering she thinks as she tries it on. It fits well, and content that she is fully clothed, makes her next move.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2

Search Again
Travel E
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

After her encounters with the men on the floor below and the slimes, Alexis wishes she had found something a little more form-fitting than a skirt, but it would have to do. She throws the skirt on and heads out into the hallway, ready to start looking for a way out of this maze.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis heads back out of the closet and into the hallway. She looks around and is happy that on one is in this portion of the floor.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2

Travel W/S
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

With a firm grip on the metal rod, Alexis slowly moves south through the hallway.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis travels to the south and quickly comes across a bend in the hallway. There is a door ot her south as the hallway continues to her West. She ponders what route to take, when she hears a man behind her ask her "What are you doing on this floor? This is restriced access only, do you have a pass?"

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2
Scientist HP: 4

Flee N/S/W (33%)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis jumps at the man's sudden question. Quickly turning around, she looks at the man for a second, the metal rod held firmly in her hand, before lowering it and saying, "Y-yeah, I've got a pass." She looks around, then asks the man, "I was told to head to the next floor up, could you tell me how to get there?"
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