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Alexis (Xivvix)

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Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis enters the hallway. She notices that there door is still there to her north, and the hallway that travels to the west.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1

Travel N/W/S
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Remembering the intersection she had passed to the west, Alexis heads back that way.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis heads back to the west into the hallway intersection. The hallway continues to the west as well as the north. Nothing else seems to be amiss.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1

Travel N/W/E
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Taking a deep breath as she looks around for anything that might attack her, Alexis cautiously makes her way to the north.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis makes her way to the north. Looking around, she can make out in the dark hallway that it continues to the North.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1

Travel N/S
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis continues north, keeping the metal rod ready to defend herself.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis continues down the dark, dirty hallway. She comes across an intersection of two hallways. The hallways appear to go on as far as she can see in every direction. There are more trash bags lining the walls.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1

Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

With a glance down each corridor, Alexis sighs. "Why couldn't they just mark which way to go?" Finally deciding that continuing towards where the note said the stairs were was probably better than exploring the side passages, she walks steadily north.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis comes to the end of the hallway. There is a door to her west as well as a door to her east. There is a large pile of trash bags lining the walls of the dark hallway. There is also a sign that reads "To B-4" on the door to her East.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1

Travel S/E/W
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Well at least the note wasn't lying," Alexis said with a laugh. Ignoring the trash bags and the door to west, she heads straight into the stairwell and starts making her way up.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis heads into the stairwell and cautiously makes her way upward. She gets about halfway up the staircase before she hears a loud clunk above her. Almost simultaneously, the same notices heard behind her. She spins around and sees that the door behind her has closed and locked. Nervous, she looks back up the stairs and sees a massive blob of green slime at the top of the stairs. The creature launches off of the stairs, landing on Alexis with a great force, knocking her onto her back.

(Crit hit)

Alexis DEF 2
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1
Slime HP: 5

Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

(oh this fight is not starting out well.)

Alexis gasps as the slime crashes into her. 'Oh crap, it found me!' Certain this was the same slime she had run from earlier, Alexis immediately begins to squirm underneath it. Panicking, she begins to flail around, hoping to knock the slime off her with the metal rod.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis' attack is highly random. In her panic, she luckily manages to hit the slime, though it stays firmly on Alexis' body, continuing to pin her to the ground.


Alexis DEF 2
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1
Slime HP: 4

Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

The feel of the metal rod clunking against the slim creature grounds Alexis, allowing her to calm down and concentrate. 'I wish I didn't have to concentrate on that!' she thinks to herself, gritting her teeth and gripping the metal rod. With the heavy slime planted on her stomach, Alexis knows she can't get away, so she brings the rod far off to her side and uses all her strength to smack it into the slime, hoping the impact would launch it away from her.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis again swings at the blob, a more focused attack this time. She manages to hit the blob again, knocking a large chunck off of her body. The remainder recreates off of her, allowing her to get on one knee quickly. She keeps her eyes locked onto the slime as it reforms itself.


Alexis DEF 2
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1
Slime HP: 3

Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

With the slime clinging to her, Alexis realizes she won't be able to stand with the extra weight. She thinks for a second, then grabs the metal rod in both hands and attempts to use it as a rolling pin to force the remaining slime down to the floor, while at the same time trying to put her other foot underneath her as well.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis attempts to pry the remaining slime off her leg. Before she is able to, however, the second blob that retreated lunges at her again and connects with her upper back between the shoulder blades, forcing her face down onto the floor.


Alexis DEF 2
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1
Slime HP: 3

Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

(woops, defense should be 1, I believe)

Alexis crashes to the floor with a gasp, the slime underneath splattering on impact. The sudden jolt surprises her and she only shakes her head as she realizes that her entire front is covered in slime, some even splashing up to her face, while a small bouncing bit of slime dances on her back. Spitting out the strange tasting gel, Alexis pushes herself onto all fours before reaching behind her to swat at the smaller blob.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

(Yeah you're right, sowwie)

Alexis tries to focus all her attention at her strike to the small blob on her back. She is almost completely covered in slime, but she manages to successfully swat at the slime on her legs, knocking a bit off of her again.


Alexis DEF 1
Alexis CONST: 3 + 1
Slime HP: 2

Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

With the slime knocked off her back, Alexis pushes herself back into a kneeling position before swinging the rod down at any bit of slime she sees.
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