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Alexis (Xivvix)

Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Tapping away at the screen, Melissa was confronted by a strange logo that looked like a cross between an ankh and a syringe... however, that cleared away quickly to reveal a screen on which several icons are seated. Finding one that looks like a plausible map, she notices a red flashing light to one side within a white, white square -- that must be her. A long arm branches out from the direction she'd come, and many more such arms branch out from this square as well. The square looks as though it has a couple of indentations -- and looking around, she sees that she's really on the middle level. Stairs lead up to catwalks and a second level above her, and a deep, flat-walled pit marks the center of this open space like an empty deep swimming pool...
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Okay so I'm here," Alexis said, pointing at the map and studying it, totally absorbed. Finally, she steps back from the terminal and shrugs, then looks around for the stairway up to the catwalks and the second level. Maybe from up there she'll be able to see better and figure out where to go. Plus, if the lab is underground, up sounds like the best way to go.
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Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Walking in that direction, Alexis discovered what looked like an empty armory rack... though there were still a couple of grenade-shaped items attached to the exposed grating here.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

(I just realized that we've been using the wrong name for the character *doi* :rolleyes:)

Alexis grabs the grenades and looks them over. "Well, better than nothing," she says as she hooks them onto her jeans. She continues up the stairs, looking around as she goes.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

((What?! XD Oh god, should I change things, or is this okay?))

Alexis found that the grate stairway made a great clanging noise as she moved across it, something that apparently wasn't to be taken for granted. A low-crawling creature crawled out from beneath one of the steps (Damn those staircases lacking risers!) and scampered up her leg, its three or four sets of legs pinching her slightly as it made a run for her crotch! She wasn't able to get too good of a look at it, but the thing looked like a cross between a scorpion from hell and some kind of resinous alien...
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

(haha, it's okay, I started it ;) )

With her attention focused on adjusting the grenades on the hem of her jeans, Alexis is taken by surprise by the skittering alien. "Holy-" is she is able to yell before the creature is running up her leg. She instinctively makes to step away, though it was on her before she could, and backs up against the wall, staring down at the creature. One hand still clutching a grenade, she swings it, trying to swat the creature off her.
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Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis swats at the creature, accidentally partially crushing it! Leaving a slimy trail of strange-coloured liquid, it still climbs closer, disappearing between her thighs to some most likely awful purpose.

Alexis: 0/6FP
Enemy: 2/3FP
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Guh," Alexis says, shaking her hand to try to fling some of the sticky liquid off. The pinching between her thighs however, convince her to pay more attention to the nearly dead creature. She only catches a glimpse of it as it disappears between her legs. "Hey! Get away from there!" she yells, reaching her free hand to her crotch as she gingerly feels around for the alien, wanting to toss it away from her. It looked like it had a stinger, and it was kinda icky after having been partially crushed, so Alexis wasn't particularly anxious to touch it.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis felt her hand brush up against the thing, and in a moment, something sharp and almost sweet feeling (though whether that was some kind of synaesthetic reaction and not a true one was hard to tell) pierce the flesh of her hand just as she managed to deliver a killing blow.

(Alexis' PP is now 0/6. You'll probably have to remind me on occasion, as I like to forget. XD)

The bug dropped away from her, landing on the stairs precariously... and then tipping off down to the main floor, out of immediate sight. That wasn't Alexis's biggest problem, however, as she felt something strange around the sting and, looking at her hand, noticed that it had swollen up just a little, an angry red circle around a single piercing. She could feel heat coursing through her veins, leaving her feeling a particular kind of itch needing scratching...

(Alexis' PP is now 1/6. It and her AP will rise by one alternatingly for each turn until she can find a cure.)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Ow, ow ow!" Alexis yelps, tossing the creature away and bringing her hand to her mouth. As she sucked on the wound she notices the sweet feeling runs to her tongue as well, causing her to give a slight moan, before she whips the hand away and stares at it, mystified. "Weird little thing," she says with a smile and a giggle, feeling a little... loose... all of a sudden. Going up the stairs seemed a little more fun than it did before as she begins to add a little hop to each step. "Wonder what I'll find up here?" she asks, breathily.

(PP 1/6, AP 1/5)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Bouncing up the steps, making a noisy clatter, Alexis felt like every step she took left her feeling just a little hotter... like wearing any clothes at all was too much of a burden. Not that she consciously thought that taking her clothing off was a good idea, but she never the less felt herself playing with the elastic band of her pants, tugging on it as if her hands had their own agenda. Speaking of which, the pain of the sting was already fading. That was a nice side effect!

Reaching the top of the stairs, Alexis wasn't ready for the wall of fur and flesh that greeted her, nearly bumping into the creature. Before she had time to react, the thing had wrapped its (his, definitely 'his' given that she could feel his naked body pressed against her!) arms around her and pulled her close.

Looking up, she noted that he was covered in places with sparse, striped orange fur, and his red, slitted eyes were locked on her as he grinned savagely down at her. He tossed her to the ground (away from the stairs, thankfully!) and stalked towards her, a low rumble coming from his chest. Looked human, mostly, and very horny to boot. Along with whatever else Alexis felt, there was a definite dampness along with her other reactions!

Alexis: PP 1/6, AP 1/5
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis hits the ground with an, "Oof." What started as simply rubbing her slightly sore backside turns to her petting her increasingly dampening crotch. 'Stupid jeans' she thinks, annoyed at the coarse fabric keeping her soft fingers at bay. Her eyes travel from the floor, up the creature's legs, lingering a while at his yummy looking cock, then finally past his muscly chest to it's face. "Bad kitty," she says with a smile, taking her time to push herself off the ground, though she keeps a hand between her legs the whole time. She slowly backs away, her knees a little stiff, as her eyes flick from the creature's face, to it's crotch, and around the room.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Even putting pressure against her jeans between her legs is sending little jolts of pleasure through her. The room around them looks like a simple platform, exiting onto several catwalks (har har har) and along the outside of the walls, leading perhaps to other hallways.

Alexis doesn't have a lot of time to process this, however, as the man lunges at her, grabbing her by the hair and jerking her off balance. She feels a painful tug as he brings her to her knees but doesn't allow her to collapse. Without a word, he holds her hair in one hand, his cock in the other, and licks his lips at her -- the instructions are simple enough!

Alexis: PP 2/6, AP 1/5
Enemy: AP 1/4
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis stares at the member in front of her, then looks up into the man's face with a grin. "I've never played a game like this before," she says, before leaning forward to kiss the head. She gave off a small moan, as her tongue darted forward lightly, before craning her neck and moving forward to lick the underside of his cock. She closed her eyes, running her tongue back and forth as her hand at her crotch worked feverishly to undo the button and zipper of her jeans. Her other hand snaked up to slip into her shirt, her fingers lightly running over one of her breasts.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis could hear the man making a noise much like purring as she got to work on him, which probably shouldn't have been all that surprising, given his appearance. More importantly, the way that she was able to touch herself and lap at his cock was only making the woman begin to feel all the more desperate for release. Her pants came unzipped easily enough, and with her hand in her shirt, she could feel even the slightest touch like fire. Whatever she'd been injected with was good!

The man... monster... whatever he was, seemed to be enjoying her lustful need nearly as much as Alexis was. While he still held her captive, he gave her a chance to gain some balance by allowing her to shift her weight on her knees and toes, though if she relented in playing with him, he growled in a tone far deeper and more menacing than a human might be able to produce. Seemed like it might wind up being a race, at this rate, to see if she got him off before she finished herself!

Alexis: PP 3/6, AP 2/5
Enemy: AP 2/4
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis uses the opportunity to slide her legs further apart, giving herself better access to her now thoroughly wet pussy. She also moved forward, bringing her face closer to his crotch. Switching from licking the underside of his cock to wrapping her lips around the head, she sucks gently while her tongue dances around the tip. After a few seconds, she slides forward slowly, lips dragging along his member and tongue teasing the underside, before she stops halfway and backs off, only to move forward again. Through it all, her fingers continue to caress her sensitive areas, one rubbing her clit, the other teasing her nipple, as she gives off a small sigh of pleasure.

'Why am I doing this?' a small part of her asks, 'I'm not normally like this. Was it the scorpion?' Despite questioning herself, she still can't stop pleasuring both herself and the tiger(?)-man.