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Alena (kilki)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Character Name: Alena

Character Race: Elf

Character class: Sorceress

Starting Stats:

Strength: 15
Dexterity: 40
Vitality: 10
Energy: 45
Intelligence: 40

Starting Accuracy: 200
Starting Magical Accuracy: 200
Starting Evasion: 200
Freedom Rating: 150
Sexual Freedom Rating: 125
Magical Defense: 200
Speed Rating: 200

Starting HP: 20
Starting Mana: 180
Starting Sexual Stamina: 85

Special Skills:

Elemental Shot - This spell hits for 200 elemental damage if it hits. Mana Cost - 0. Choice of Fire, Lightning or Cold. Magical Attack.

Energy Blast - This spell deals shadow damage, and hits for 250 Damage. Mana Cost - 0. Shadow damage has no immunity and cannot be reduced. This spell can't crit hit. Magical Attack.

Elemental Punishment - This spell hits for 300 elemental damage. Mana Cost - 50. Choice of Fire, Lightning or Cold. Magical Attack.

Elemental Annihilation - This spell hits for 400 elemental damage. Mana Cost - 100. Choice of Fire, Lightning or Cold. Magical Attack.

Class Specific Skills:

Deflection Shield - This shield allows the Sorceress to block 75% of incoming sexual pleasure suffered when she is raped. The shield will continue to protect her until it has absorbed a total of 400 pleasure. Once it fails, the Sorceress will need to get free from grapples for a full turn of combat before the shield can be re-applied. It gains 20 points of extra blocking power per character level.

Staying Frosty - When the Sorceress is raped to an orgasm, she has a small chance of unleashing a frigid blast of energy onto her rapist, causing it to suffer cold damage. She will deal 200 cold damage to her rapist, and cause it to be unable to move for a turn. However, if her attacker was immune to cold damage, or a boss monster she's in for a hot surprise.

Class Specific Perks: Takes 10 less pleasure from being stuffed by MALE cocks, and +10 to rolls. (Only for that attack). Tentacles do not count.

Class Specific Weaknesses: -10 to all rolls vs. a Succubus, and takes 10 extra pleasure from dick suckings by a succubus.

Racial Notes:

Being an elf, she takes 10 less pleasure AND has +20 to her rolls when fighting Male Ogres or Male Balaur.

Elves - Elves are strong against Ogre and Balaur Rape but weak against Female Demonic Rape. +10 to all rolls against Ogre and Balaur Rape, -10 to all Female Demon Rape. Elves are more fertile than humans, so they require 1 less point on the dice roll to become pregnant, or impregnate their attackers, regardless of what attacked them.

Orientation: MAGE Class

Available Weapon: N/A

Apperance: Unlike most elves, Alena possesses red hair, a flicker of freckles, green eyes and a curved smile as if she knows something you don’t. Her body is slim but curvy, and her chest sports two full firm D-cup breasts. All these things combined leave no doubt that one of her ancestors must have had their share of fun with a human. Actually the only thing that makes people sure of her elvish heritage is her pointy ears, without those she could just be the average human village girl. Most people if asked would not describe her as “Stunning” or “Breathtaking” but most certainly sexy. In that girl next door kind of way.

Alena woke to the sensation that she was falling. Barely managing to catch herself, she realized she had fallen out of what seemed to be a cryo-pod, and that she was 100% nude. As that realization sank in, she heard a strange noise, and then a voice spoke to her over an unseen intercom.

"Welcome my lovely Alena to the Planet of Pleasure. As you may have guessed by the name, you'll be getting the chance to have lots of sex here, and I do hope you'll enjoy yourself. You'll make excellent entertainment I'm sure. Oh, you didn't know? You're here to provide entertainment to me, I will watch as you struggle to find your way back home, trying so hard to avoid getting raped and corrupted. Never fear though my love, if you are corrupted then you'll be with me for all eternity, and you'll never long for pleasure again. I'm quite sure your body is perfectly suited to being a mother, and you'll make a perfect breeder some day. But before we can have that kind of fun, you need to prove you are truly worthy of my seed. Once the door opens, the game will begin, and you will have the chance to experience pleasure you never thought possible. This will be so fun, especially for you since you get to feel all the hot little sexual things that my friends can do to you. Try not to go down too quickly my dear, at least get past the first Succubus that will be waiting to suck you off, HAHAHA!"

Suddenly a door opened in the corner of the room, and Alena could feel fresh air blowing in. It seemed she had no choice but to play this sick game, and hope she wouldn't get horribly, horribly raped.

((Only option is to move on at this point.))


Jungle Girl
Jul 24, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Alena (kilki)

Confused by the rude awakening she looked around only to realize that she was completely naked. As a voice spoke from somewhere in the darkness, a wave of shame took her, and without thought she covered herself up twisting and turning trying to see the owner of the voice. It didn’t take long for her to realize there was no one there and it must be some sort of system or magic, and with a sigh of relief she calmed her pose and listened. The words spoken were not at all what her usual vocabulary entailed, from the rough words she found herself both completely disgusted but also in a weird way strangely curious. As the speech ended and the door opened she walked forward mindful of what the voice had told her, and simultaneously trying hard to remember offensive incantations taught to her by her old mentor. Alas she might need them.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Alena (kilki)

Alena made her way outside, and what she saw probably wasn't even close to what she would expect. The grass here was blood red, and the sky was an almost maroon color as well. There were green, black and yellow trees in the only direction that looked like it had anything alive, and she could only guess it was a small forest or something similar. The biggest shock though was probably the sexy black haired woman who suddenly appeared in front of her, also completely nude, yet strangely Alena could almost see through her.

"Hello, my name is Cassidy. My duty is to guide you the best that I can through this place, in the hopes you can survive. The creatures you will undoubtedly encounter are lustful beasts who will stop at nothing to sexually corrupt you. Don't let that happen. I'm limited in how I can help you, but I will do my best. As you progress through this place, I will appear to you, guiding you as best as I can. When the time is right, I will see you again. Farewell for now, and good luck."

Before Alena could reply to her, the woman vanished, almost like she'd never been there. Who was she, and why was she here? Was she a prisoner too who could only help her, but needed help herself? Was she being forced to do things against her will by whoever Alena's captor was? She hadn't seemed like she was lying, and in fact she almost seemed ... tired and worried. Alena might have the sudden wonder if this Cassidy had run afoul of their captor, and if the poor woman had been raped by ... him, she guessed from the way it spoke about filling her with his seed.


1: Move On.

2: Stay and Gaze at the surroundings (chance of being attacked.)


Jungle Girl
Jul 24, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Alena (kilki)

He.. wh.. .. Every time Alena opened her mouth to talk, she was abruptly interrupted by the mysterious black haired woman and when she finally saw her chance to get a word in, she disappeared as abruptly as she had appeared in front of her. How rude she said, not really taking the woman’s message to heart. But some words did stick with her however, words like “Lustful beasts” and “Sexually corrupt”
She moves onwards as she pondered what she meant by this.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Alena (kilki)

Alena moved on, coming across a small wooded area. She could see tracks on the ground, but the place was empty, for now.


1: Proceed into the Forest!

2: Stay a Turn and think this through (chance of being attacked).


Jungle Girl
Jul 24, 2013
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Re: Alena (kilki)

The thought of whatever creature those tracks belonged to made Alena shiver, but there was no going back now. She entered the forest on tip toes trying as best she could to go a different direction than the tracks.

(move on cautiously)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Alena (kilki)

Moving on into the forest Alena hadn't gone far when ...

Level 3 Humanoid Plant: Accuracy: 180. Evasion: 160. Capture: 160. Sexual Attack: 180. Magical Defense: 100. Speed: 160. Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 40. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire.

Level 1 Humanoid Plant: Accuracy: 180. Evasion: 160. Capture: 160. Sexual Attack: 180. Magical Defense: 100. Speed: 160. Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 40. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire.

Initiative Rolls:

Humanoid Plant Level 3: 160+459=619 (3rd)
Humanoid Plant Level 1: 160+606=766 (2nd)
Alena: 200+717=917. (1st)

... Alena heard a rustling sound to her right! Turning she saw two figures heading towards her. Before she could say anything though, she realized that while they walked on two legs, these things were some kind of cross between a Man and a Plant! Their many tentacles waved about in her direction, and she got the immediate gut sensation that they wanted to rape her.


1: Attack one of them (Specify which)

2: Try to run away!


Jungle Girl
Jul 24, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Alena (kilki)

The humanoid plants did not look friendly at all, luckily her quick reflexes allowed her to attack first.
Without another thought she prepared a fire Elemental Annihilation to be targeted at the biggest of the two. Hoping that the smaller one might flinch from seeing such a powerful attack hit it's ally

(Use Elemental Annihilation (fire) on the lvl 3 humanoid plant)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alena (kilki)

Attack Roll:

Alena: 200+570=770 vs. Humanoid Plant Level 3: 100+272=372 (HIT!)

Alena blasts the hell out of the plant, losing 100 MP, but flash frying the plant and killing it instantly!

Grapple Attempt:

Humanoid Plant: 180+695=875 vs. Alena: 200+764=964. (MISS!)

Alena had time to dodge the plant as it seemed unfazed by the death of it's partner, plant vines whipping past her as it tried, and failed, to get them on her.


1: Attack the other one!

2: OK enough, time to run (Lose chance at loot).


Jungle Girl
Jul 24, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Alena (kilki)

Everything went as planned. Alena thought as she dodged out of the plants tentacle attack. Now it’s your turn she mumbled under her breath as she powered another fire attack

Use Elemental shot (fire)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alena (kilki)

Regen: Alena regens 18 Mana and has 98 MP now.

Attack Roll:

Alena: 200+644=844 vs. Humanoid Plant Level 3: 100+834=934 (MISS!)

Alena misses with her spell!

Grapple Attempt:

Humanoid Plant: 180+279=459 vs. Alena: 200+158=358. (GRABBED!)

This time the creature managed to fake her out, feinting one direction, forcing her to commit to dodging one way, then changing course on a dime. Before she could realize her mistake, surprisingly fleshy and strong vines had ensnared her limbs, and they were already prodding at her entry ways.


1: Try to get free!

2: Experience a round of plant rape!


Jungle Girl
Jul 24, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Alena (kilki)

Thinking she had outsmarted her opponent she dodged right, but was fooled by the plant and caught. She was quickly swept up by the tentacles and was fully entangled in their grasp. A mixture of panic and excitement took ahold of her as she struggled to get away.

Maybe the excitement came from remembering a phrase she heard the naked woman from earlier utter “Sexually corruption”. Or it could just be the sexual caresses and prodding the plant was doing to her. Either way, signs were beginning to show of her arousal, her nipples and clit were hardening and moisture were beginning to form on her womanhood

But struggle she did (keep on struggling)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alena (kilki)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Alena: 150+278=428 vs. Humanoid Plant: 160+601=761 (FAIL!)

Alena can't break free from it's embrace!

Penetration Attempt:

Humanoid Plant: 180+790=970 vs. Alena: 125+150=275 (GOTCHA!)

Pleasure Roll:

Humanoid Plant: 180+690=870 vs. Alena: 125+300=425 (PLEASURE!)

Alena struggled, but to no avail as the creature easily positioned her, and then with a fluid series of motions, thrust it's vines into her pussy and ass. As she screamed in surprise, one stuffed into her mouth, while others began massaging at her already erect nipples and breasts. Then the thrusting began, threatening to dominate her already. The pleasure was intense, far beyond what she'd have expected for something like this, and Alena suffered 40 pleasure. Her shield took a lot of it for her, and she actually only felt 10, leaving her with 75 stamina. She also gains 100 KP from the sex and the penetration. Already Alena's body was beginning to tremble as the plant vines raped her, and she knew without her shield she'd be raped to an orgasm quickly. As it was, she had a few more chances to escape without having one, but once that shield failed, she was in major trouble.

Adjusted Stats:

Alena: Stamina: 75. KP: 100/10,000 for the fight. Shield: 370/400 remains.

Plant: Stamina: 110.


1: Keep Trying to get away!

2: Give in and let it rape you to an orgasm.