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Alduris: The Unveiling



Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Don't frazzle yourself out with making systems perfect. The important bit is the story (and the ero). I like the idea of simple spell and martial move customization. If any player makes something too powerful, you have the right as the GM to step in and scale it back. Whatever works and keeps the game paced nicely. Don't bog it down in maths.

Also: "contemplations" or "considerations" could have worked. ;)
Yeah, it started to really get out of hand... I guess I really like formulas, yeesh. I'll sort it out tomorrow morning when I'm less frazzled.

Also: Darn. I'm more frazzled than I thought.



Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Shiny!: You find it a little hard to concentrate on the important things when wealth is in sight. Lose 5% accuracy against targets when something valuable is in the area.

Center of Attention: You love when everyone is looking at you, and you love to give them reason to. Deal 10% less damage to targets that aren't attacking you, but gain 5% to dodge.
The first Fault strikes me as a little off (how, exactly, will you determine if something valuable is in the area -- enemies won't exactly be parading around their gold crowns or anything, heh), but could be workable. The second Fault is a little confusing to me. You gain 5% to dodge when attacking targets that aren't attacking you? If so, that works for me.

Help me clarify your Faults a little and I'll approve them.
For the first, I was figuring that determining whether something valuable was around would simply be part of the room. For example, if they were fighting in a room with a bunch of gold coins on the floor, or expensive jewelry laying about, then Emilia would be distracted. Perhaps it could just be changed to work similarly to KakkaHouso's Weak Willed and just give a flat decrease to mental resistance?

Hmm, I suppose I could have worded the second fault better. The 5% increase to dodge is supposed to be at all times, against all targets. Sort of the idea that she's a dancer and knows how to stay away from trouble. How about rewording it: "Deal 10% less damage to targets that aren't attacking you. Gain 5% to dodge."

I'd be happy to think up new faults if those don't sound workable. How about Thin-Skinned?


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Can I use other people's faults? If I can't really think of myself. Also we need a list of weapons and armors for figuring out derived abilities stats underneath SPECIALS.


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

TentanariX said:
Can I use other people's faults? If I can't really think of myself. Also we need a list of weapons and armors for figuring out derived abilities stats underneath SPECIALS.
Yes, you may. The armor and weapons examples are listed further down in this post.

For the first, I was figuring that determining whether something valuable was around would simply be part of the room. For example, if they were fighting in a room with a bunch of gold coins on the floor, or expensive jewelry laying about, then Emilia would be distracted. Perhaps it could just be changed to work similarly to KakkaHouso's Weak Willed and just give a flat decrease to mental resistance?

Hmm, I suppose I could have worded the second fault better. The 5% increase to dodge is supposed to be at all times, against all targets. Sort of the idea that she's a dancer and knows how to stay away from trouble. How about rewording it: "Deal 10% less damage to targets that aren't attacking you. Gain 5% to dodge."

I'd be happy to think up new faults if those don't sound workable. How about Thin-Skinned?
Yeah, okay, that works. Keep in mind, though, that dodge is going to be an internal statistic that you will probably never see (because I'm going to mess with it for each and every situation and enemy). APPROVED.

[highlight]All characters:[/highlight]
Choose one of the following types of weapons: Rename them and roleplay with them as you wish!
Damaged Dagger: 2 damage per AP, AGI +1
Damaged Blade: 3 damage per AP
Damaged Heavy Blade: 3 damage per AP, 5% reduction to accuracy, 5% increase to critical hit chance [Req. 3 STR]
Weathered Staff: 1 damage per AP, 15% chance to stun target for next round.
Weathered Bow: 2 damage per AP, medium range

Choose one of the following types of armor:
Clothing: 1 Damage Threshold, +3 to Speech, 5 Durability
Leather Armor: 2 Damage Threshold, 8 Durability
Metal Armor: 3 Damage Threshold -1 AP, 10 Durability

Spells and martial abilities will be made up by YOU. I don't have the necessary brain power to create a full spell-creation system, obviously, but I'll give you some guidelines. Close range spells will be more efficient and deal something like 1 damage for every 2 points of Mana invested. Medium range spells will deal something more like 1 damage for ever 3 points of Mana, and long range spells will deal something 1 damage for every 4 points of Mana. These are not requirements, but recommendations.

In my mind, martial abilities should increase some derived stat(s) at the cost of a little Mana and another derived stat, but you can do what you like with them.

If any power seems to strong, I may ask you to tone it down a bit. Obviously, high range and/or damage as well as multiple and/or powerful effects should cost more Mana. Fighter type characters will still use Mana to power their abilities.

You may make your weapon/armor whatever you want, provided that it has one of the above groups of stats.

Oh, and Tass? Your Mana should be 57.4, not 87.4, shouldn't it? I just noticed that as I was glancing over your character sheet.

[highlight]Game Start[/highlight]
One mile Northwest of Endren: Natalie
It was just her luck, Natalie decided. She had decided to venture into the forest just North of her house to restock her spell supplies on a clear, brisk morning. But not an hour later, the sky clouded over and a thunderstorm of all things began. What had happened to the clear skies?

Grunting irritably, Natalie began hurrying home, trying (and failing) to avoid getting soaking wet.

And that was when the trouble had started. Her house had appeared perfectly normal from the forest, but it was when she noticed the open door that she knew something was wrong. Opening the door, she found an absolute wreck. Every single piece of furniture she had owned was damaged beyond usage -- even the stove had been damaged, bent as though some gargantuan beast had rammed against it over and over again. The walls were cracked in numerous places and she could see the rain coming in through parts of the roof. In fact, the roof bore odd scorch marks, as though someone had been throwing fireballs around for fun.

Somewhat numb from shock and the cold, Natalie walked through what remained of the house, looking for anything left unbroken.
[Choose your weapon and armor and take one large meal and one large drink.]

When she later exited her house, she noticed her neighbors' houses appeared to be in even worse condition than her own. Looking around, she could find no traces of humans, alive or otherwise, anywhere.

Keith Dargen, the mayor of the nearby town of Endren would give her sanctuary for the time being. He was well-known for his generosity, and besides that he had hinted at a sexual interest in her the last time she had gone to town for supplies...

One mile Northeast of Endred: Catherine Redmond
When the thunderstorm had suddenly burst across the sky, Catherine had seen it as an ill omen. Living in a library partially hidden in the forest had guaranteed a certain amount of seclusion from human visitors, but it had definitely encouraged others.

Catherine, caught unaware by the sudden thunderstorm, had quickly closed her book and rushed home, attempting to shield the old book from any further damage and cursing her luck and lapse of awareness. Preoccupied as such, she did not notice the fire burning around her house until she almost stumbled upon it.

Her little library was aflame -- and so were the books! Pausing only a second, Catherine dashed in through the apparently smashed-in door and raced to save what she could from the fire.
[Choose your weapon and armor and take one large meal and one large drink.]

Despite her best efforts, Catherine had been unable to save much of anything, really. In fact, almost all of the bookshelves had already been aflame when she entered the building, and all she managed to save were some basic provisions.

Watching the library slowly burn to the ground was more than a little upsetting and so Catherine turned toward the nearest town of Endren, about a mile so to the Southwest. The mayor there had been very kind to her the last time she had seen him, offering to let her stay at his own house should she "need to spend some time amongst people."

One mile East and two miles South of Endren: Leita Jormont
Leita had woken to the drums of war and the militia's horn playing wildly. Springing out of bed, Leita had quickly donned her armor and grabbed her trusty weapon and sprinted out of her room, rushing toward the entrance hall. But she was met at the hall by her father and her older brother, both of whom had minor wounds. They were conversing quietly and solemnly and turned as one to face her.

Opening her mouth to question her father, Leita paused at his expression -- he seemed far more emotional than she had ever seen him.

"I am sorry, my child. The keep may fall to the invading forces, but I cannot and will not let you fall to their mercies."

Staring at him in confusion, Leita did nothing as he raised his hand -- adorned with a new ring, a simple band of a green metal, she noted -- and placed his hand gently on her head.

Suddenly, the world began to sway intensely. "Go to Endren, Leita. The mayor there is a kind man and owes me many favors." His voice grew hazy. Startled, Leita fell to her hands and knees, fighting the enchanted sleep as best she could. "He will provide you shelter, should we not make it. Leita, my dear... Our prayers go with you." And with that, Leita fell the darkness overcome her.

Coming to suddenly, Leita sat up with a most undignified yelp to find herself in the basement of the keep. Rushing to her feet, Leita attempted to open the door, only to realize that it was both locked and barricaded from the opposite side.

Scanning the room, she saw no way to breach the heavy door, nor anything else but a small amount of food and drink and, of course, her armor and weapon.
[Choose your weapon and armor and take one large meal and one large drink.]

The underground tunnel would take her straight under the river and to a place near Endren, she knew.

One mile Southwest of Endren: Kiriko
Early morning training was, Kiriko thought, probably the invention of masochists -- but smart masochists. Rising with the sun, Kiriko dressed quickly and set off into a secluded grove of trees within the grasslands to the West, where she had set up her basic training equipment. Practicing her skills and speed against training dummies for a few hours had gotten her heart pumping, but the sudden thunderstorm had felt like a sudden, irrational warning of danger. Quickly cleaning up her materials, Kiriko had raced back home. Reaching the outskirts of her small village, Kiriko knew something was wrong. Smoke rose lazily from several houses, and every single door was smashed in. Peaking in as she sped past, Kiriko saw broken furniture but little else.

It was when she reached her house that she found the only body left in the town. He was strewn across her door, as though he had been thrown there by a tornado. The doors of her home were cracked and coated with blood. The girl had not quite been of age, Kiriko surmised, and yet she was completely naked and bore signs of obvious trauma. Kiriko respectfully moved the girl to the side and entered her house. Not much had been left intact, but Kiriko had managed to find some sequestered supplies.
[Choose your weapon and armor and take one large meal and one large drink.]

The town of Endren was not far to the Northeast, Kiriko remembered. As far as she could tell, there was no one and nothing of interest left her for her, but the mayor of Endren had promised her small village his protection if they allied themselves with him -- and he had been exceedingly kind in his actions toward her in a chance encounter in a small restaurant. They had chatted for a short time when he mentioned inviting Kiriko to Endren as a sort of ambassador from her town to his, hoping, he admitted, that she would fall in love with Endren just as he did.

Keith Dargen was his name, she remembered. He sent regular patrols along the roads near his town. Perhaps he might have some clue as to what happened here.

One mile East of Endren: Emilia
Emilia had decided against sleeping that night. There was a going-away party for some men who had enlisted in the Elkwood Rangers, and their families had pooled some money together to fill the party with entertainers of all types. Emilia had been hired by an acquaintance of a friend and had, with her family's permission, gone to perform all night. Dancing, singing, dancing, telling a few jokes here and there, and more dancing had taken up all of her night and much of her early morning.

It seemed, though, that the people there had liked her well enough, and so she was paid a nice 30 gold for her services (though it was hinted she would have been paid more for other services) and sent on her way at the crack of dawn. More than a little tired, Emilia had headed Southwest, to home. Though the skies had seemed clear when she set off, Emilia finally arrived at her house drenched by a sudden thunderstorm. Opening the front door like normal, Emilia had expected to see her family having breakfast, but when she opened the front door she found something much less welcome. The entire interior of her house looked as though it had been through a hurricane. Numerous holes in the wall let quite a bit of the torrential rain outside in, and clothes and bits of food were everywhere. What little furniture there was had all been knocked over and heavily lacerated, though by what Emilia was not sure. However, dangling from a piece of string affixed to the ceiling was a note. Rushing to it, Emilia found the familiar handwriting of her parents.

"There's some sort of attack coming from the Kandrus Forest to the Southeast, according to a wounded patrol that made it back to town. We've been told to evacuate immediately. We're worrying ourselves sick about you, but the guards here won't let anyone stay. If you made it back in safely, head to Endren and talk to the mayor -- he should be able to tell you where we are. Please be careful -- the patrol gave us very little information about who had attacked them, but they seemed very worried. We've hidden some things to help you in the event you have trouble getting to Endren. They're buried by the place you avoid at all costs... You should know the place. Please, be safe."
[Choose your weapon and armor and take one large meal and one large drink. Also, you have 30 gold, but are a little tired. Your AP is temporarily reduced by 4.]
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Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

How do we calaculate derived stats? Resistance, Melee, Ranged and unarmed?


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 23, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

(Doh, how did I miss that we were supposed to keep the decimals.. >.<)

Seeing the fire, Catherine rushes through the smashed doors in a panic. It only takes a moment for her to realize trying to stop the fire was a completely lost cause. The floor, the bookshelves, the walls.. everything was burning. She grabs a small backpack sitting next to the door before stumbling back out into the rain. There was nothing she could do but watch as her home and livelihood slowly burnt to the ground, the thick stone masonry collapsing into a pile of burning rubble as its supports were devoured by the flames. She spent the better part of an hour sitting there wondering how somebody could do such a thing.

As the flames began to subside leaving only a smoldering ruin, she picks herself up and opens up the pack to sift through its contents. It takes her a moment to remember that it was for a trip into the nearby forest that she had planned to take the next day, containing a sandwich, some cheese, and a half bottle of wine. Strapped to the side was a worn shortbow and a quiver with a few arrows that she carried with her outside to scare off any unwanted attention. All the academy's students had to learn self defense with a weapon and archery didn't involve people hitting her with sticks, so she knew how to use it if she had to. Rummaging to the bottom, she finds what she was looking for. She pulls out a hooded cloak and quickly dons it over her soaked clothing.

"Standing here in the rain isn't going to do any good.. I should go back to town and see if the mayor has a bed that he can lend me. Maybe he even knows something about who did this. I can contact the academy and figure out what to do once I'm in town." Taking a long pause to look one last time at what used to be her home, she turns and begins the trek to Endren.

(Weathered Bow and Clothing for my weapon/armor choice. I'll write some spells in a bit, but it would be helpful to know about how much life your average baddie has and how you want the magic skill to factor into things. Also, should I mark that +3 to speech on the character sheet?)
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Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

I believe I got my character sheet done. Could some one please give it a look over and see if it's right?


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

How do we calaculate derived stats? Resistance, Melee, Ranged and unarmed?
The formulas are given on my example character sheet, and you pick a weapon and armor from my above post and factor that in. Unarmed damage (in the derived stats section) relies on your Unarmed skill and your Strength.

Twisted1 said:
All characters:
Choose one of the following types of weapons: Rename them and roleplay with them as you wish!
Damaged Dagger: 2 damage per AP, AGI +1
Damaged Blade: 3 damage per AP
Damaged Heavy Weapon: 3 damage per AP, 5% reduction to accuracy, 5% increase to critical hit chance [Req. 3 STR]
Weathered Staff: 1 damage per AP, 15% chance to stun target for next round.
Weathered Bow: 2 damage per AP, medium range

Choose one of the following types of armor:
Clothing: 1 Damage Threshold, +3 to Speech, 5 Durability
Leather Armor: 2 Damage Threshold, 8 Durability
Metal Armor: 3 Damage Threshold -1 AP, 10 Durability
EDIT: No need for double posting, I suppose.
Work In Progress
Character Sheet:

Name: Missing
Race: Human
Age: Missing

Strength: 2
Perception: 8
Endurance: 2
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 8
Luck: 7
Spirit: 2

Derived Stats
Action points: 5 + AGI = 13
Critical Chance: LUK% = 7
Damage Threshold: 2
Health: 20 + (END x 4) = 28
Mana: 20 + (SPI x 3) + INT = 34
Stamina: 100 + (END x 8) = 116
Physical Resistance: Damage Threshold + END = 2+2=4
Mental Resistance: Damage Threshold + (END/2) + (INT/2) = 2+1+4=7
Melee: (2) + (2) =4? If you are going with the dagger, this is correct but you will need to give yourself one AGI.
Ranged: (Weapon damage / [Points below req AGI + 1]) + (AGI/2) = Keep the formula here, in the event you end up using a ranged weapon (even temporarily).
Unarmed: (Unarmed skill/5) + (STR/2) = (4/5)+(2/2) = 1.8

Alchemy – Primary stat: Intelligence = 16
Barter – Primary stat: Charisma = 16
Destructive Magic – Primary stat: Spirit = 4
Dodge – Dual stats: Agility, Endurance = 10
Explosives – Primary stat: Perception = 16
Guns – Primary stat: Agility = 16
Lockpick – Primary stat: Perception = 16
Medicine – Primary stat: Intelligence = 16
Melee – Primary stat: Strength = 4
Regenerative Magic – Primary stat: Spirit = 4
Repair – Primary stat: Intelligence = 16
Sneak – Primary stat: Agility = 16
Speech – Primary stat: Charisma = 16
Survival – Primary stat: Endurance = 4
Unarmed – Dual stats: Strength, Endurance = 4

Will work on in time away from PC.
I went through and it seems like you have almost everything down. Look over it again for my changes. You still need: faults, specialization, physical description, basic personality description, home description, inventory.
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Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

(Reposting character with updated stats. By the way, which were you approving for my first fault, the original version, or the change I suggested? Also, I'm guessing the gun skill is going to apply to all ranged weapons, but do you plan on including guns too? I think Emilia would prefer some kind of old timey pistol to a bow)
Name: Emilia
Race: Human
Age: 22

Strength: 3 - 0.15 = 2.85
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 4 - 0.20 = 3.80
Agility: 8 + 1 = 9
Luck: 6
Spirit: 6 - 0.30 = 5.7

Derived Stats
Action points: 5 + AGI = 14
Critical Chance: LUK% = 6
Damage Threshold: Armor = 1
Health: 20 + (END x 4) = 40
Mana: 20 + (SPI x 3) + INT = 40.9
Stamina: 100 + (END x 8) = 132
Physical Resistance: Damage Threshold + END = 1 + 5 = 6
Mental Resistance: Damage Threshold + (END/2) + (INT/2) = 1 + 2.5 + 1.9 = 5.4 - 0.30 = 5.1
Melee: (Weapon damage / [Points below req STR + 1]) + (STR/2) = 3.43
Ranged: (Weapon damage / [Points below req AGI + 1]) + (AGI/2) =
Unarmed: (Unarmed Skilll/5) + (STR/2) = (8.64/5) + (2.85/2) = 3.16

Alchemy – Primary stat: Intelligence = (3.8*2) = 7.6
Barter – Primary stat: Charisma = (8*2) = 16 + 1.6 = 17.6
Destructive Magic – Primary stat: Spirit = (5.7*2) = 11.4
Dodge – Dual stats: Agility, Endurance = (9+5) = 14 + 1.4 = 15.4 + 0.77 = 16.17
Explosives – Primary stat: Perception = (5*2) = 10
Guns – Primary stat: Agility = (9*2) = 18 + 1.8 = 19.8
Lockpick – Primary stat: Perception = (5*2) = 10
Medicine – Primary stat: Intelligence = (3.8*2) = 7.6
Melee – Primary stat: Strength = (2.85*2) = 5.7
Regenerative Magic – Primary stat: Spirit = (5.7*2) = 11.4
Repair – Primary stat: Intelligence = (3.8*2) = 7.6
Sneak – Primary stat: Agility = (9*2) = 18 + 1.8 = 19.8
Speech – Primary stat: Charisma = (8*2) = 16 + 1.6 + 3 = 20.6
Survival – Primary stat: Endurance = (5*2) = 10 + 1 = 11
Unarmed – Dual stats: Strength, Endurance = (2.85+5) = 7.85 + 0.79 = 8.64

Specialization – Create One
Performer: Increase of 10% to charisma, agility, and endurance based skills, but a 5% decrease to strength, intelligence, and spirit.

Faults – Create At Least Two
Shiny!: You're very easily distracted, even when something important is happening. -5% to mental resistance
Thin-skinned: You've always had an aversion to pain, and now your paying for not learning to deal with it. Take 5% more damage from physical attacks.
Center of Attention: You love when everyone is looking at you, and you love to give them reason to. Deal 10% less damage to targets that aren't attacking you. Gain 5% to dodge.

Physical Description:
Whether it's due to lucky parentage or her preoccupation with her appearance, Emilia is generally considered a beautiful young lady. Light blonde hair falls gently down to her waist, and her big blue eyes shine with mischief. Her hourglass-figured body curves delightfully in all the right places, inspiring lust in men and envy in women. Her soft, light skin is nearly flawless, covering her large breasts, toned stomach, and wide hips with nary a blemish or scar to be seen.
Making a living as a singer, dancer, and acrobat, Emilia prefers light clothing, both for it being easy to move in, as well as often revealing. One of her favorite outfits is a red a blue silk shirt and skirt combo, though they are more revealing than a normal set of clothes. The shirt is tight, sleeveless, and ends high on her chest, showing off the very bottoms of her breasts, while the skirt is cut high up the thigh, to show off her legs when she moves. She likes to wear thin sheer gloves and stockings to complete the set, with soft shoes meant more to allow her to control her footing than protect her feet. She generally wears skimpy, patterned underwear, something that protects her modesty, but gives anyone lucky enough to see it a nice view.

sample pic:

Basic Personality Description:
At an early age, Emilia became enamored with the dancers and actresses that traveled in carnivals through her small town. Watching the crowds stare at them with wonder, she longed to receive the same kind of attention., mostly due to her large family. She practiced night and day so that she might someday be as graceful and beautiful as the performers she admired, often to the detriment of other, sometimes more practical, skills.
Along with the desire for attention that being in a large family brings, Emilia also soon learned the importance of money, using her burgeoning skills to coax coin from onlookers. The more she got, the more she loved getting it. Unfortunately, in addition to giving most of her money to help support her family, she was pretty bad at holding onto what she could keep, leading her to need more. Still, despite her lust for money, she never was able to move into the seedier acts, shying away from using her body for anything more than teasing.
Generally an easy-going, fun loving, girl, Emilia was never one for fighting. She ended up having an affinity for flashy things though, and took a liking to magic, though she never became as accomplished as some people she knew. Despite having seen some of the darker sides of humanity, she remains an optimist, and is trusting, which sometimes lands her in awkward situations. She is understandably narcissistic, though she tries not to be obnoxious or mean-spirited.

Home Description:
While not exactly poor, Emilia's large family had to stretch their earnings thin to hold on to their shabby house. Built on the outskirts of town, Emilia's family house is run down and falling apart, in contrast to how Emilia maintains her own appearance. The wooden walls lost their paint long ago, and any damage is sealed up with wooden boards. The inside is fairly simply. A front room which doubles as a dining room, a kitchen, and three bedrooms in the back. The rooms are split between the four boys, the six girls, and Emilia's parents. The decorations are spartan: a large bed in each bedroom and a few chests for Emilia and her siblings clothes. The front room has several chairs, and an old wobbly table to eat on, while the kitchen has only a counter and a cabinet for food. Out in the woods nearby is an outhouse, that Emilia does everything in her power to avoid.

Damaged Dagger: 2 damage per AP, AGI +1
Clothing: 1 Damage Threshold, +3 to Speech, 5 Durability
Waterskin (1 large drink)
Assorted fruit (1 large meal)
30 gold

Even with the torrential rain, Emilia had slowed down on her way back home, a smile on her face as she once again counted out the gold pieces jingling in the small bag she had been given. She had earned this money, entertaining the party goers and cavorting all night, all the while keeping herself just out of reach of the mens' continual advances. For a moment she feels jealous of the other girls who had made so much more gold than her, even though they were nowhere near as good dancers as she. The thought of how Lindzey had emerged from the backroom covered in more than sweat, though, tempers Emilia's envy. Still, maybe next time she would be a little more... adventurous, if the pay was right... though her checks light up with a flush as she considers it.

Her thoughts of lust and money are swept away when she opens the front door of her family home to find it in complete shambles. "Mom? Dad?" she calls, worry evident in her melodious voice. She runs through the house, growing more and more panicked as she finds nothing but hurried abandonment in each room. On the verge of hysteria, she sees the note, and rushes over to it.

"What? Attack?" she asks aloud after reading the note. 'But who could be attacking us? Those soldiers didn't seem worried of an attack at all last night!' she thinks, after a second grimly realizing that the soldiers had had other things on their minds. "Endren," she says, folding up the note and placing it within the the hem of her skimpy skirt. The town wasn't too far, and she had made the walk plenty of times before, but the news of the attack brings a sense of dread at traveling the whole way by herself. Her mind drifts back to the last words of the note and she rushes out of the house towards the woods.

One nice thing about the downpour is that it masks the stench of the large family's outhouse, though Emilia still covers her nose as she approaches it anyway. Right next to the smelly wooden shack, a shovel lies in the muddy ground right next to a rather obvious spot of disturbed dirt. Emilia smiles as she imagines her father grumbling while digging the hole her mother had no doubt insisted on hiding things to help her in. Though she is tired and has never been particularly strong, the adrenaline of the moment drives Emilia to quickly dig up the dirt, revealing a plain woolen sack. Upon opening it, she finds her mothers thick cloak, and her father's old knife. Emilia laughs to herself, before hugging the items left behind. Her mother, ever practical, had left her a cloak to keep her warm and dry on her way to Endren, and her father had left the blade that he had always told her when she was young drove away monsters.

No matter how they had annoyed her before, Emilia is eager to see her family now. Throwing on the cloak and strapping the dagger on the hem of her skirt, she rushes back to the house, woolen sack in tow. Although Endren isn't very far, it was still a good idea to take along something to eat, just in case. Rummaging through the kitchen, Emilia shoves a number of small berries and larger fruit into the sack, along with a waterskin before looking around the house one more time. Though the mess is considerable, she spots her favorite performing outfit, which she had left at home last night because she was afraid it might get dirty. It was very revealing, but it was dry, and she hurriedly throws off her soaking outfit before drying herself off with a nearby rag. She pulls the silken clothing on, giggling a bit as she imagined the looks she'd get dressed like this and staggering into town. As much as she loves her clothes, every moment that she spends here is more time away from the ones she loves. Besides, with the house as much of a mess as it is, she would be hard pressed to find any more matching pieces any time soon. Sighing as she looks down at her provocative dress, she pulls the cloak tighter around her and heads out the door. "I'll just buy some more clothes when I reach Endren," she says to herself, eager to be on her way, taking her first steps on her way to the nearby town.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Name: Natalie
Race: Human
Age: 24

Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 4 * 95% = 3.8
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 7 *105% = 7.4
Agility: 7 (8)
Luck: 4
Spirit: 10

Derived Stats
Action points: 5 + AGI = 12
Critical Chance: LUK% = 4%
Damage Threshold: Armor = 1
Health: 20 + (END x 4) = 35.2
Mana: 20 + (SPI x 3) + INT = 57.4
Stamina: 100 + (END x 8) = 130.4
Physical Resistance: Damage Threshold + END = 1 + 3.8 = 4.8
Mental Resistance: Damage Threshold + (END/2) + (INT/2) = 1 + 1.9 + 3.7 = 6.6
Melee: (Weapon damage / [Points below req STR + 1]) + (STR/2) = 2 + 2.5 = 4.5
Ranged: (Weapon damage / [Points below req AGI + 1]) + (AGI/2) = 3.5
Unarmed: (Unarmed skill/5) + (STR/2) = 1.8 + 2.5 = 4.3

Alchemy – Primary stat: Intelligence = [(14) + (0)] * (100%) = (14)
Barter – Primary stat: Charisma = [(6) + (0)] * (100%) = (6)
Destructive Magic – Primary stat: Spirit = [(20) + (0)] * (110%) = (22)
Dodge – Dual stats: Agility, Endurance = [(11) + (0)] * (100%) = (11) (12)
Explosives – Primary stat: Perception = [(10) + (0)] * (100%) = (10)
Guns – Primary stat: Agility = [(14) + (0)] * (85%) = (11.9) (13.6)
Lockpick – Primary stat: Perception = [(10) + (0)] * (100%) = (10)
Medicine – Primary stat: Intelligence = [(14) + (0)] * (100%) = (14)
Melee – Primary stat: Strength = [(10) + (0)] * (100%) = (10)
Regenerative Magic – Primary stat: Spirit = [(20) + (0)] * (100%) = (20)
Repair – Primary stat: Intelligence = [(14) + (0)] * (100%) = (14)
Sneak – Primary stat: Agility = [(14) + (0)] * (100%) = (14) (16)
Speech – Primary stat: Charisma = [(6) + (0) + (3)] * (100%) = (9)
Survival – Primary stat: Endurance = [(7.6) + (0)] * (100%) = (7.6)
Unarmed – Dual stats: Strength, Endurance = [(5 + 3.8) + (0)] * (100%) = (8.8)

Sorceress: 10% increase to destructive magic with a 5% increase to Intelligence but a 15% decrease to guns and a 5% decrease in Endurance.

Faults – Create At Least Two

Frightening Reputation: You have something of a bad repute, whether it be rumors that you like taking late night walks through the local cemetery, might have slept with someones husband, or are allegedly doing any number of other things that have earned the ire of the locals. -10% to Speech when attempting to get someone to trust you, but +5% when you attempt to intimidate someone. (Needs approval)
Sensitive: You happen to enjoy sex, even if your mind says you don't want to. +5% damage taken against sexual attacks.

Physical Description:
About 5 foot 5 inches tall, with incredibly pale skin and straight raven-black hair that falls to just past her shoulders. She is fairly thin, since most of the meat on her goes either to her D-cup breasts or to her ass. Her eyes are blue-gray, and her features would have been exceptionally beautiful if she'd taken better care of them.
Her standard garb includes black lace panties beneath a simple, tight skirt that reaches halfway down her thigh and a thin, almost see-through short sleeve shirt which barely hides a bra that matches her panties. On her feet, she wears thick woolen socks under her leather boots, the only part of her clothing for which she'd decided on practical function over style.

Basic Personality Description:
Being a novice practitioner of the dark arts, Natalie didn't have many achievements to speak of other than to get kicked out of a minor academy. She is headstrong and arrogant, and has a subconscious obsession with demons, such that she'd likely be fairly open to being manipulated by one if she ever met one. She's never put much value on words, so she's unlikely to keep any promise she's made unless it fulfills her own interests, and she's never done anything with an altruistic motive. As such, she finds it difficult to trust others, and tends to keep to herself unless she wants something that requires human contact. What's more, she's never been shy about her body, especially if she can use it to get something that she wants, so she's been fairly promiscuous for most of her adult life.

Home Description:
While she'd always envisioned grand ruins of castles or ancient magical keeps when she'd first been learning about magic, the reality of her career in black magic hadn't been quite so successful or glamorous up until now. To be frank, she lived in a hovel, with few material possessions that she didn't carry around with her. She lives in a small stone hut with only two rooms. In the main room, a handful of low quality quartz crystals and tools lie scattered on a table that sits in the center with a poorly built chair sitting next to it, and a small cot sitting in the corner farthest form the door. All in all, the room is at most twenty feet across and six feet tall. The second room is a kitchen, with a small iron wood burning stove with a chimney that reaches out of the roof of the hut, and a few door-less cupboards sitting along the opposite wall which contain her meager supplies of food and alchemical ingredients. Other than that, her home was bare, with a single glassless window covered by a creaky wooden shutter, and a single wooden door that she could barely open, since it had been constructed so poorly.
Her home is the farthest from the village center, and so a wooden stick with two buckets tied to it sits outside of her hut for carrying water, and a small outhouse sits thirty feet away, which she has to clean regularly by hand.

Damaged Dagger: 2 damage per AP, AGI +1
Clothing: 1 Damage Threshold, +3 to Speech, 5 Durability
1 Large Drink
1 Large Meal

Spells: (In progress)
Shadow Lance(Beam): Damage: x/1.6, Cost: x, Range: Long, Additional Effects: None.
At her command, a tendril of shadow appears in front of Natalie and streaks toward a designated target, bending itself around any obstacles before attempting to drive itself into the targets chest.

Burst of Flame(Radial): Damage: x/2.4, Cost: x, Range: Short, Additional Effects: None.
A leftover form her earlier magical training, Natalie summons a burst of flame around herself

Shocking Touch(Touch):

Agony Warp(Touch):

Unholy Scream(Radial):


Spread The Ashes(Distance Radial):

(Alright, normally I'm good at this kind of stuff, but I couldn't wrap my head around the spell system.)

Natalie grumbled all the way home, half thanking herself for wearing so little clothing since she wasn't as weighed down, and half cursing said fact since it meant she got cold quicker. And, not only was she soaking wet, but what few herbs she'd managed to collect had been ruined by the rain, making her trip utterly fruitless. She briefly considered creating a source of magical fire to warm herself, but quickly discounted that idea. Firstly, no one in town even knew that she was a witch, and she would happily keep it that way lest they decide to visit her with torches and weapons some night. And secondly, any magical fire she conjured would behave like natural fire once she created it, and so wouldn't last long in this downpour.

She paused as soon as she caught sight of her door hanging open. She knew she hadn't left that out, and had been careful to hide anything that might get her into trouble before she left, but who could want to break into her house? As far as she knew, everyone nearby thought she was just an herbalist that lived at the edge of town, selling some of her concoctions... And occasionally 'other' things, to make enough to feed herself. She'd certainly done all she could to reinforce that idea in them, as much as she would have loved to have eradicated the pathetic peasants. Who then? She remembered that one of her neighbors sons had just had his 17th birthday, and had been throwing discrete glances her way for years beforehand, so perhaps he'd decided to try and act on his poorly hidden desires? Regardless, she knew she'd never find out standing out here, and the cold was starting to make her extremely uncomfortable, so she started forward once more.

Creeping into her hovel, a dark scowl crossed her soaking features as she took in the devastation. Her table and chair were both destroyed beyond her ability to fix, and she knew that she didn't have enough money to get them repaired. Her cot had been torn apart, as had what little bedding she had, and all of the tools she'd left out had been destroyed save for a small knife she used for cutting roots, which she quickly picked up in case she had to defend herself. Even her stove had been destroyed, the solid iron bent and twisted as though by some massive creature. The cracks in the solid stone walls and the scorch marks on the ceiling only reinforced her suspicions. No peasant boy had done this. Something else was going on here, something far more dangerous.... And far more exciting!

Natalie quickly pulled off her soaking work clothes, a simply cloth outfit that looked utterly shabby and barely covered her, leaving herself naked in the cold hovel. She hadn't bothered to close the door, but didn't much care as she went over to the corner opposite her cot and spoke a few simple command words. A cracking sound confirmed that her hiding place was still functional and undamaged, so she pulled the stone out, along with what she'd left there in case of emergency. The revealing black outfit (OOC: see clothing description on my sheet) was dry and clean despite having been left in her hiding spot for months, and she smiled as she slipped it all on piece by piece. Even though she hadn't done much magic over the last few months, she was still comforted by it, the cloth a constant reminder of her success in escaping the academy with her head and magic intact. That done, she also quickly assembled a parcel of food from what looked like it wasn't too badly damaged and grabbed a small goatskin bag and filled it with rainwater. It would have to do, for now.

Exiting her home with a small pack containing her supplies and clenching the small dagger in her still damp hand, Natalie smiled as the rainwater began running off of her clothing, keeping her dry beneath it. It didn't protect her hair or the many parts of her that it left open to the air, but the lightly enchanted cloth was sufficiently water resistant to keep her a little more comfortable than if she'd been in her work outfit. The rainwater had also cleaned her up a little, which was refreshing, even though her black hair was still soaked and plastered to her head and neck.

She briefly glanced around, finding her neighbors homes in even worse shape than hers, causing a vindictive smile to spread across her face. Her expression became neutral as she quickly contemplated what she should do, however. She had to find out what was going on, and since there wasn't anyone around to ask, she figured that she had to go looking for something. Worst case scenario, she found out what had destroyed her home by running into it in the streets. Remembering that the mayor of the nearby town of Endran had expressed interest in her the few times she'd bothered to visit there, she figured she might as well head that way. At least she could stay on the paths, instead of tromping through the woods like she'd been earlier. Her path set, she turned and started heading away from the remains of the village she'd lived in and began heading down the road towards Endran.

(Hmmm.... That was better than I thought. I think I might have gotten my mojo back for a bit. Lots of fluff mostly, picked clothing and a damaged dagger, and start heading towards Endran.)
Last edited:


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Leita awoke with a yelp that immediately made her blush with embarrassment. Knights of Saint Lugh did not yelp like frightened scullery maids. Leita looked around to make sure she was alone and then stood up and dusted herself off.

It was dark, but a lone torch at the edge of a familiar tunnel let Leita know that she was deep in the Keep's basement, in the room designed for retreat in the event that the defenses should be overrun.


The word sparked a urge of panic in Leita's mind. "Father!" She rushed to the door that would lead up to the keep, but found it locked and barricaded. "No!" Leita shouted and banged on the door with her fist as though her meager display of force might possibly have been able to overcome the 6 solid inches of Master Carpenter Ulmond's reinforced oak.

The lady knight fought an internal battle to reign in her composure, and after a few moments was satisfied that she had regained some of her usual calm demeanor. "Stupid father! I can fight too!"

Her mind was torn between thoughts of anger at her Father's unwillingness to allow her the duty of defending her own home - and the horrible thought that she may never see him alive again.

She noticed her armor and an old training lance had been left for her, along with a wineskin and a sack of food. Grumbling, but seeing no alternative, she busied herself with donning the armor. It was heavy, but years of training in it had allowed her to make up for its sometimes restricting movement. The lance, which was a long shafted spear topped with a heavy, double edged blade, was well-used. It would do for now, but Leita made a mental note that she would need to find a replacement soon.

Hefting her spear in one hand, and looping the bag of rations and wineskin over he shoulder, Leita took one final, lingering look around at the stone foundations of her home before grabbing the torch from off its holder on the wall and cautiously making her way down the escape tunnel, towards the river, and beyond to Endren.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

I'm in a congress of three days. Because of that i will finish my character sheet and the introduction this Friday.


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

((OOC stuff for Quartz, TentanariX, and BlueSlime))
(Weathered Bow and Clothing for my weapon/armor choice. I'll write some spells in a bit, but it would be helpful to know about how much life your average baddie has and how you want the magic skill to factor into things. Also, should I mark that +3 to speech on the character sheet?)
Not sure how I missed your post earlier, but I don't see a response in my last post... Anyway, early beasts (no monsters just yet) will have about the same amount of life as one of you casters and early humanoids will have as much health as, again, one of you casters or as much health and your tank and will assume appropriate roles. You'll be facing beasts first, then humanoids. The Destructive/Regenerative Magic skills should directly increase your damage/cost ratio and should also be required for higher level spells. And yes, add the +3 Speech to your sheet.

@TentanariX, your character looks alright, but if you could help me come up with a roleplay way to strip her of her items but have her keep her armor and weapon, it would be much appreciated. I'm gonna try to get everyone on a (mostly) equal level of equipment.

@BlueSlime We'll keep your stances like that for now, and try to change them later if necessary.

0.5 miles East of Endren: Emilia
Walking down the empty streets in a nasty downpour was not particularly enjoyable -- especially when the sky seemed so incredibly dark -- but keeping her family in mind, Emilia hurried through.
[Perception: 5 + 18 = 23; critical success!]
Hearing what sounded like crows approaching in the distance, Emilia scanned her surroundings in surprise. Dashing across the street and climbing atop the remnants of a mostly-destroyed hovel, she sees a flock of obsidian-colored crows racing towards her from the East -- and though she can't believe her eyes, as she watches, half of the birds fly downward chasing what appeared to be a person, running through an adjoining street toward Emilia.

0.5 miles Northwest of Endren: Natalie
The sky was even darker than it had been previously, Natalie noted, and it made the path toward Endred a little hazardous. A wrecked cart of rugs laid on the side of the road, far away from any houses. Inspecting it, Natalie noticed a dozen coins laying atop one of the rugs near her.

[Perception: 5 + 10 = 15; success]
Pausing only momentarily -- it was free money, she reasoned, left by a fleeing villager -- she noticed another rug next to it move ever so slightly. Instantly, she seized her weapon, but as she did so she began to hear a quiet snuffling. Listening intently, she could make out a very soft, very gentle crying. A child, hidden under the rugs? But as she pondered exactly how to approach this situation (or, indeed, whether or not to approach it at all), the child threw the rugs and coins off of the cart and revealed itself to be a teenage blonde girl, rubbing one eye with her hand. Upon sighting her, the girl froze and then leaped toward her, babbling about her parents disappearing and telling her to stay hidden until she couldn't hear anything any more. Nothing she says makes a whole lot of sense, but Natalie could definitely be making out a lot of unhappiness at the cold and rain and something about Endred -- Endren, she surmised. Perhaps her parents were at Endren? But did she really even care? Moreover, a slave, especially a child, would go for a rather nice price -- and there were said to be rituals in which the sacrifice of a young girl would increase her powers... Though she supposed she would have to find the appropriate books at Endren. Then again, this girl was rather cute, with her sad, thin face and her shimmery blue eyes -- it was almost a shame to have to end her life or submit her to slavery. And her parents might offer some sort of reward, she supposed, though the girl was obviously of the lower class, and the gratitude of the town wouldn't be too terrible.

0.5 miles Southeast of Endren: Leita
Heart weary, Leita took the underground tunnel as far as it would go. It smelled faintly of mud and an unidentifiable musk, and Leita fought the urge to wrinkle her nose at it. It wasn't unpleasant, per say, but it was definitely odd. It made her feel a little squeamish, like something was fluttering in her belly. She paused when the tunnel ended suddenly. Looking up, she could see it ended in a sort of cellar door -- and the door was open. The smell had grown stronger, and Leita was vaguely concerned that something might be up there.

Climbing up, however, Leita found herself in a short, empty alley between two rows of houses. It looked as though this was, wonderfully enough, a sort of public set of outhouses -- though the torrential downpour effectively blocked most of the smell. Still, what she had smelled in the tunnel and what she now smelled were certainly not the same thing. Altogether, this was not an auspicious--
[Agility: 8+14 = 27; success!]
A shout rang out from an adjoining alleyway to her left, and as she turned to face it she saw two people, a young man and a rather well-endowed woman, running straight at her as they attempted to look behind themselves. As they crashed into Leita, she managed to throw them into the tunnel she had just climbed into. Hearing menacing growls approaching, Leita leapt into the tunnel herself and partially closed the doors behind her, leaving herself enough space to peak out at whatever had been chasing the couple. It was a couple of... dogs? They looked like a pair of common, underfed street dogs. They moved as one, sniffing carefully along the floor, side by side, heading toward Leita. If the dogs were really what this couple was fleeing, she thought as she glanced back at the panting couple behind her, perhaps there was more to this than met the eye? The dogs certainly looked hungry enough to attack humans, she supposed, though they looked rather weak. She looked back to see the couple laying there, panting as though they had sprinted the entire length of the alley. It didn't seem like they were going anywhere or saying anything yet.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

(Meant to write this yesterday, but got seriously drowsy and couldn't really do it)

"What's happened here? What unnatural forces attacked our little village?" thought Kiriko as she had a moment of silence to the dead girl in her house. "So young she was, such a pity."

Leaving the dead girl, Kiriko started scavenging whatever equipment she could find from the remains of her tiny home. Her favorite armor was still intact, as was a somewhat used katana. Kiriko stripped her training clothes and put on the skintight bodysuit she liked so much, along with the additional few metal plates on her chest arms and legs. After that she set her katana sheath behind her back and grabbed the remaining rice balls and water she had left. (gain used blade, leather armor, meal & drink)

As she walked out, Kiriko stopped outside the house. That little hut had been her home as long as she could remember. It was small and not terribly comfy, but it served it's purpose. Now she had to abandon it. Almost unintentionally, she bowed deeply to the house for the years of service it had given her

With nothing left in the village, Kiriko started making her way through the forest and towards the roads. "I should head towards the city. That Keith fellow mentioned alliance, and that could help me find out what here, and if any the other villagers still live"


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Keeping her head bowed and the cloak tight, Emilia does what she can to make the trip through the storm bearable, at least. The constant sound of raindrops striking the ground and her thick cloak drones on, while the empty streets provide nothing of interest to look at. It isn't long before Emilia starts to hum to herself while her mind drifts slightly to thoughts of new dances she might try. Her mental wanderings are only interrupted when the distinct calls of crows ring out.

For so many crows to be calling out at once, in the middle of a storm, there must be something they want nearby, and they probably meant food. Since crows normally scavenge from dead creatures, Emilia isn't quite thrilled to hear so many of them. It's only a curious desire to see if the rumors of attacks are true that leads the girl to climb up on top of a ramshackle hut to see what might have happened nearby.

What she sees makes no sense. Crows attacking a person? Why would they? But whoever they are attacking is obviously scared and in danger. Jumping down from the hut, Emilia runs towards the person, yelling "Get inside! Into one of the houses!" As she runs she points frantically at the disused huts on either side of them, intending to join the person in whichever house they duck into. Birds have a difficult time flying in tight spaces, so hopefully the small house will provide some kind of protection from the flock.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

Ugh, soggy nightsoil - disgusting. Leita thought as she emerged from the escape tunnel into the middle of a clump of outhouses and into the pouring rain. The gloomy weather matched her mood, but before she could start to get a better lay of the land, a shout had rang out, followed by the panting cries of the two villagers - peasants she assumed at first glance. The pair seemed to be at their wits' end, so desperate to escape whatever might be chasing them that they crashed right into Leita.

"W-wait!" Leita said before their bodies hurled into her armored figure. With a grunt she set her back foot into the muddy earth and pushed back, stopping the two in very short order. Kicking open the tunnel entrance, Leita took the two villagers' hands and turned, dragging them to the tunnel entrance's precipice. With as gentle a heave as she could, she deposited first the man, and then the woman into the tunnel, where they ingloriously rolled down the smelly earth to the darkness below. Unsure of what enemy she might be facing, Leita decided to hide at the tunnel entrance so that she might gain some element of surprise. However, it was the knight herself who was surprised, when two scrawny, albeit hungry looking dogs appeared around the corner, hunting in unison with their noses.

Was this all they were running from? Leita thought contemptuously as she looked down at the out of breath couple. Well, I must remember that peasants can't fight for themselves. That's why they need us knights.

She lingered a few moments longer, but it was clear the dogs weren't going away on their own. The animals' sense of smell would bring them to the tunnel eventually, if these dogs had a master, she didn't want the tunnel entrance discovered.

Gripping her spear tightly, Leita emerged from the tunnel and turned to face the dogs. She approached and made sure that they could see her. If they ran at her, she intended to strike at one fast and put him down quickly. Dogs like this could be nasty if they surrounded their prey.

((Engage and attack one of the dogs.))


Mystic Girl
Oct 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

0.5 Miles Southwest of Endren: Kiriko
Checking over her things once more, Kiriko nodded to herself and set off. The small village roads were eerie now that there were no signs of life. Kiriko's brisk pace quickly took her out of her small village toward Endren. Here, the ground grew hilly, which impeded Kiriko's movement and line of sight. The rain had already greatly hampered her vision and hearing, so she had to proceed carefully.

It was at the peak of one of the small hills that Kiriko happened upon the trap. Looking around, Kiriko saw a small copse of trees and a few bushes, but nothing to immediately raise concerns.
[Luck: 5+19=24; success]
It was mere happenstance that Kiriko had not stepped on it. The wind had shifted and blown a strong gust of rain into her face, and she had faltered in her next step -- and that was what saved her from the trap. Wiping her face, Kiriko glanced down and saw the small rune carved into the stone she had almost stepped upon -- it would have been nigh-invisible in this rain. Kiriko had no idea what it meant, but she sensed maliciousness from it.
[Perception: 5+18; success]
Looking around carefully, Kiriko caught a flash of something laying hidden in the bushes nearby. Approaching it carefully, she noticed with surprise that it was a small feminine coin purse. Inside rested five coins and a sizable ruby. Oddly enough, she couldn't find any trace whatsoever of the person who had dropped it, though it was feasible that the rain might have washed it away.
[Gain 5 gold, 1 Ruby]
This trap could cause trouble for future travelers, though, she knew. It was right in the middle of the path toward Endren, after all, and she still had no idea what it did. She supposed she could leave the trap be for now. Or maybe she could make some way to prevent other travelers from stepping on it? She could even trigger the trap herself by tossing a stone from far away, which should allow her to escape if things became too difficult.

0.25 miles East of Endren: Emilia
As Emilia ran toward the crows and their prey, she realized the figure was a tall man, clean-shaven with messy dark green hair. The man glanced up at her in a moment of complete incomprehension before racing up to her, grabbing her hand, and pulling her into a mostly-intact house, slamming the door shut behind him. Outside, Emilia could hear the crows' cries as they swarmed the house. The house itself was fairly empty, containing only two broken bookshelves, a small pile of rags that had likely been a cot, two windows, and two doors. The windows and doors faced toward the street, where she had come from, and away from the street to a sort of small alley behind the houses. Peaking out one of the glass windows, Emilia gasped as one of the birds flew straight at the window. Crashing against it with a crunch, the bird stayed there momentarily before flapping its wings and trying to peck its way through. The thing that had caught her attention, however, was the tiny, glowing red stone that appeared to be inset on its head, between and slightly above its eyes.

The man rests on his hands and knees trying to catch his breath. "The... They're not... normal... crows," he gasps, and stops speaking for a few seconds. Emilia notices the man is rather muscular but carries no visible weapon. He suddenly looks up at her, and she realizes his eyes match his hair color almost perfectly. "What's a pretty... girl like you," he wheezed, "doing out here? Haven'tcha heard there's a... demonic invasion going on?" He finally manages to stand up properly. "The name's Garen," he says, extending his hand toward her.

He seems to be taking the attack by the crows fairly well, but for the moment the two are stuck in the house. Emilia will have to either take on the crows or wait out their attack.

0.5 miles Southeast of Endren: Leita
The second Leita opened the cellar doors and slipped out, the dogs stopped and stared at her. They made no movement toward her, but their stares were rather intense. It was only once she fully exited the tunnel that she became aware of the subtle, red glow emanating from the fur on their foreheads. Leita could just make out small red bumps before they both suddenly raised their heads and howled in unison. Before Leita could stop them, however, they took off back the way they came... But Leita felt certain that things were about to get worse.

"An itty bitty peasant wandering the streets? Oooh, what do we have here?" wondered a nasal, high-pitched voice to her right. Out of one of the outhouses stepped what she could only describe as a jester -- but one as such she had never seen. The man was covered in what looked like a pale white skin paint. He wore red shoes with pointy tips that curled so much they almost formed a circle. His pants were a strange mishmash of a dark green plaid and a fiery orange that seemed to be constantly moving, regardless of whether or not the cloth rippled. He wore a fairly normal waistcoat, except that in the place of a tie he had a black flower. Over his hands, the jester wore thin white gloves with what looked like oversized buttons just behind the knuckles. Gazing at her, he giggled merrily. "A warrior!" he said. He had a strange way of talking -- he exaggerated the normal increases and decreases in pitch until everything he said sounded comical but almost musical. "A lady warrior! How do you do, my fine little warrior friend?" As he spoke, his hands flickered and twin ornate daggers appeared in his hands, though he certainly did not so much as point them in her direction. Instead, he began merrily juggling them, making one dagger after the other appear while the rest flew through the air.

"How do you do indeed? Heehee! And do you fancy a magic trick?" He asked, giggling madly all the while.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

"An itty bitty peasant wandering the streets? Oooh, what do we have here?" wondered a nasal, high-pitched voice to her right. Out of one of the outhouses stepped what she could only describe as a jester -- but one as such she had never seen. The man was covered in what looked like a pale white skin paint. He wore red shoes with pointy tips that curled so much they almost formed a circle. His pants were a strange mishmash of a dark green plaid and a fiery orange that seemed to be constantly moving, regardless of whether or not the cloth rippled. He wore a fairly normal waistcoat, except that in the place of a tie he had a black flower. Over his hands, the jester wore thin white gloves with what looked like oversized buttons just behind the knuckles. Gazing at her, he giggled merrily. "A warrior!" he said. He had a strange way of talking -- he exaggerated the normal increases and decreases in pitch until everything he said sounded comical but almost musical. "A lady warrior! How do you do, my fine little warrior friend?" As he spoke, his hands flickered and twin ornate daggers appeared in his hands, though he certainly did not so much as point them in her direction. Instead, he began merrily juggling them, making one dagger after the other appear while the rest flew through the air.

"How do you do indeed? Heehee! And do you fancy a magic trick?" He asked, giggling madly all the while.
The strange red glow in the dogs' eyes had been frightening, made all the more ominous by the clear intelligence they demonstrated in not immediately attacking an armed foe. Instead their warning howl went up, and with it, Leita had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Ooooh, What do we have here?" the nasal, sing-song voice appeared suddenly to her right, as out of the outhouse stepped quite possibly the stranges 'man' Leita had ever seen. His manner and appearance disturbed Leita, and instinctively she decided that she did not trust this individual.

Her feelings took on a sharper edge when he produced two knives from his sleeves. They looked sharp, and Leita brought the point of her spear up in a reactive position. Her body tensed.

"How do you do, indeed? Hee Hee! And do you fancy a magic trick?" the insane little man giggled.

Leita scanned her periphery to make certain the dogs had truly left and that all other momentary dangers were going to be produced by the mad jester in front of her. Satisfied that at this time, it was just her and the crazy performer, she twisted her spear and took a fighting stance. Her face became steely with determination.

"From your appearance, I can tell there's very little I'd fancy from you," Leita scowled. "As for how I am doing, that will depend very much on your intentions, little man. I want to know who you are and what is going on here. Why is this place under siege? Answer me, or prepare to taste my steel! I warn you, do not take me lightly."

Who was this knave to make jokes and magic tricks at a time like this? She felt certain this man was somehow connected to what was wrong with the dogs, this village, and with the attack on her keep. The thought that this man might know something about those attacking her father made her blood boil. She would have answers!


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 23, 2010
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Re: Alduris: The Unveiling

(I'm really quite confused as to what we're supposed to being doing spellwise. I made some basic stuff based off of (Read: copied) what tass was doing so I have something to put there. Also, are you waiting on something from me update wise?)

Mage's Fireworks(Beam): Damage: x/1.6, Cost: x, Range: Long, Additional Effects: None.
Several orbs of multicolored light appear around Catherine and shoot towards a single target, exploding violently on contact.

Electrical Storm(Radial): Damage: x/2.4, Cost: x, Range: Short, Additional Effects: None.
Catherine causes bursts of lightning to shoot out from every direction and strike nearby foes.