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Re: Akabur Games

Today was raining hardcore in my town and I'm still waiting for a confirmation for my job interview, so I'm stuck home drawing some more.

I made a trace (I always look at the screen then draw on the table) from Iris X Dahlia's scene which didn't make sense to me but still a sexy ass scene IMO.

And then I made a trace from a JAV I was watching and inserted Jasmine's face.

Enjoy it guys and let's pray my house don't have holes on the roof.


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Re: Akabur Games

I don't know why you are mocking Akabur.
sure he works kinda slow but look at this Patreon.... he states so many times that you should not expect anything and just donate if you want to support him!

Akabur delivers high quality products..... i rather enjoy 1 Akabur CG than 10000 of those piece of shit drawings (who are above average but miles away from the quality Akabur delivers).
I am not hating because i couldn't even deliver those drawings but you are getting something for free from Akabur and you keep on hating him for it.

The amount of salt this thread has reached rivals the overwatch reddit and is simply retarded.
Re: Akabur Games

We've covered that territory before, though. He added all that crap about Patreon being a tip jar and a replacement for the Russian welfare system after the backlash from Witch Trainer, when he was already at about 75% of his current level. And most of us disagree that that's the intended use of Patreon anyway. If donors should have no expectation of even a fractional, in-kind return on their investment, he should not have donor levels or funding levels that promise anything, and his page should be on fucking GoFundMe under the "Pure Begging" section.
Re: Akabur Games

We've covered that territory before, though. He added all that crap about Patreon being a tip jar and a replacement for the Russian welfare system after the backlash from Witch Trainer, when he was already at about 75% of his current level. And most of us disagree that that's the intended use of Patreon anyway. If donors should have no expectation of even a fractional, in-kind return on their investment, he should not have donor levels or funding levels that promise anything, and his page should be on fucking GoFundMe under the "Pure Begging" section.

How does it bother you? God you are so fucking salty.
Why don't you never visit his patreon and this thread again if it makes you so angry?

Sounds like you are jealous of his mon33z
Re: Akabur Games

Neither jealous nor angry. Well, not angry on the level you seem to think anyway. I was disappointed, like many others, after WT and his response to that disappointment rather put me off him. I just think an awful lot of people are being taken for a ride, and this thread is where we often talk about that in between sharing what little news there is.

I do think he's way overvalued, though. We'll see when the next game comes out.
Re: Akabur Games

Neither jealous nor angry. Well, not angry on the level you seem to think anyway. I was disappointed, like many others, after WT and his response to that disappointment rather put me off him. I just think an awful lot of people are being taken for a ride, and this thread is where we often talk about that in between sharing what little news there is.

I do think he's way overvalued, though. We'll see when the next game comes out.

So much salt. I can only hear "MIMIMIMIMIMIMI"
You are pathetic. Go cry somewhere else you griefer.
Gotta love Akabur for beeing such a great Artist and game designer. You retarded haters are the best proof out there that he managed to create something amazing.



Rofl just take a fucking look at your history. Your last 50 posts were all on Akabur and BHB LOL.
You are so pathetic you are only here in this forum to bash Akabur how pathetic is that??
Re: Akabur Games

So much salt. I can only hear "MIMIMIMIMIMIMI"
You are pathetic. Go cry somewhere else you griefer.
Gotta love Akabur for beeing such a great Artist and game designer. You retarded haters are the best proof out there that he managed to create something amazing.



Rofl just take a fucking look at your history. Your last 50 posts were all on Akabur and BHB LOL.
You are so pathetic you are only here in this forum to bash Akabur how pathetic is that??

Off topic:
You sound like you might be too much of a fan yourself. Some very uncalled for remarks there.

Maybe go out for a bit and take a breather?
Re: Akabur Games

Ronin89, dude you seem to be more mad about the people here who are dissapointed in Akabur than they seem to be dissapointed about him. Take it easy will you?
Re: Akabur Games

If only I could find the ignore button ........ Or maybe spam the report/abuse until some mod comes and bans him ....... Choices
Re: Akabur Games

The amount of salt this thread has reached rivals the overwatch reddit and is simply retarded.
Lol! Reddit is fine & normal by internet standards. If you want true salt, then go to tumblr XD
Re: Akabur Games

Ronin89, dude you seem to be more mad about the people here who are dissapointed in Akabur than they seem to be dissapointed about him. Take it easy will you?
He learned the slang meaning of "salty" from a neighbor's kid and had to find somewhere to use it and become it. Pity the position, "Lot's wife", was already taken.
Re: Akabur Games

He learned the slang meaning of "salty" from a neighbor's kid and had to find somewhere to use it and become it. Pity the position, "Lot's wife", was already taken.

A quick look at your profile reveals that you are also one of the Akabur hate squad. ;)
Get a life will ya?
Re: Akabur Games

A quick look at your profile reveals that you are also one of the Akabur hate squad. ;)
Get a life will ya?

Instead of resorting to name-calling and ad hominems, why not make some arguments for why you think the current trend in the thread is negative, and why you think the criticism leveled at Akabur is disproportionate or erroneous?
Re: Akabur Games

He learned the slang meaning of "salty" from a neighbor's kid and had to find somewhere to use it and become it. Pity the position, "Lot's wife", was already taken.

A quick look at your profile reveals that you are also one of the Akabur hate squad. ;)
Get a life will ya?

Damn loopy you got rekt, better start a new account and join the "Akabur is God" fan group ;):cool::D
Re: Akabur Games

Some arguments if you want them Crawdaddy

I really liked his last update to Witch trainer.... sure it was not much but i enjoyed it.
New clothing, new scenes, way better pacing and extras and Daphne scenes are also very good.

Sure it's not much and i really hope for much more but hell i donated to Akabur once and only like 20 dollars or so?
And i will not donate again until he releases something really awesome!
Donate as much as the content is worth to you or just be stingy, enjoy his games and don't give him anything! That's fine too!

You didn't like the progress and the updates?
I can totally understand it but why are you so hung up on it? Post your opinion once and be done with it.

That's as much as i will adress the content because it's fucking besides the point!

Look at this troll.... more smileys please you hero.

Damn loopy you got rekt, better start a new account and join the "Akabur is God" fan group ;):cool::D

You just shouldn't talk. The majority of your posts are also in this thread which is really sad.

My whole point is that you guys come to this forum to bash Akabur.... That's your main reason for beeing here. JUST WHY?? What do you gain by doing that?
Why are you doing it seriously i don't get it? If you hate Akabur so much, if you think he offers no interesting content and updates, why don't you just ignore him.

And if you seriously like Akabur and claim to only want the best for everyone then don't grief around here and write him an email to express your "valued" opinions because i fucking doubt he will read your messages here.

I constantly hear some sense of entitlement: "HE GETS 11600 Dollar per month and this month he only finished 1 sketch and 2 chibi drawings! HOW DARE HE WORK SOOOO SLOW???? HOW DARE HE NOT UPDATE HIS PATREON???? HOW DARE HE TAKE THAT MUCH MONEY AND OFFER NOTHING ON PATREON FOR HARDCORE SUBS????"

Let me copy his own text he wrote on his Patreon for you brain****ed griefers:

Now, please DON'T PLEDGE anything if you expect to get some "free stuff" of any kind in return. This is not kickstarter. My Patreon page is a tip-jar, please treat it as such.
Let me repeat this: PLEDGING WILL NOT GIVE YOU ACCESS TO ANY "FREE STUFF"! Pretty much all of my posts are public these days. I only make "Patron Only" posts when the said post contains "naughty bits", but even then it's usually just some screenshots and nothing more. All my games are a freeware these days (but I can't share them here for reasons. You can find them on my hentai-foundry profile ).
Now, for the last time, please, I'm begging you: ONLY SUPPORT ME FOR THE SAKE OF SUPPORTING ME personally and not in hopes of getting access to some mystical "patreon members content area", because there is just no such thing.

And one more, very important thing: please don't feel obligated to continuously support me with the same pledging amount "till the end of time". You must feel free to edit your pledge back and forth or even cancel it entirely if that is what you must do. I will never hold it against you. Ever!


It's a tip jar!
If you liked his games he offers you a way to give him some money as a reward.
He gets 11+k dollar every month because the majority of the people are excited about this artist and his games he managed to create.
They just support him and don't except some sort of release schedule or reward for donating like you do. They just play his games and enjoy them. I know it's unthinkable for you master griefers who know it all and exposed Akabur for what he truly is. You are heroes and the poor dumb people of the world and especially Akabur supporters must KNOW your valued opinions.

Your sense of entitlement is simply disgusting and i can only laugh about you constantly replying in this thread and lick each others tears off because you won't get a new content update soon.

Fine! That's your opinion, feel free to say it 1 time in this post and then SHUT THE HELL UP.

If you hate Akabur that's fine too. Post it 1 last time if you so desperately want to express your grief and then do the following:
Don't give him money through patreon (if you are even doing it which i strongly doubt) and simply never play his games again and most important of all: FUCK OFF this post so people who actually enjoy his games can discuss his games here.
It's not a platform to discuss the creator but the games he produces.

But deep down we all know why you are here..... You really LIKE him, Princess trainer blew your mind and you would love to play a more complete and upgraded version of it.... The problem is his speed is not to your liking and you are powerless to change it..... that's why you constantly (daily) come to this thread and whine and criticise him and say that person xxx or even yourself deserve more money because they work much harder........ I won't even mention the guys who produce their own games which no1 gives a shit about, push their own threads to the top without much interest from the community and bash the person they aspire to be themselves but will never reach because they simply lack the talent and the artistic sense of Akabur.

It's sad and really pathetic.
Move on.
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