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Re: Akabur Games

@HentaiWriter: I'm not sure I would say he is causing people to stop using Patreon. Akabur continues to gain supporters, and he DID release a game. Since many of the supporters remained, and he gained new ones, Witch Trainer must have met the majority of his supporters' standards. Really, that seems like the point. I personally wanted to see more, and others seem to share my viewpoint, but the general vibe on his Patreon is that Witch Trainer was a job well done.

Well, I was going more off of what people were saying in the topic as of recent where he's basically like "yeah i've been working on this project for like months and here's what you get, barely anything of an update and I'm not going to work on it anymore, deal with it".

That type of mentality when people have been giving you $12,000 a month is just bonkers and HAS to be turning people off of Patreon.

I mean hell, we just broke $5,000 and I feel awful that we don't have the upgraded demo out, despite us having actual legitimate reasons why we don't have it out yet that aren't laziness (our programmer got basically shafted by a tax-evading landlord that held his stuff for a week without letting him have access to it, an electrical outage, two sicknesses, and so forth all hitting Cheshire back to back, but thankfully all that bad stuff's past now).

I dunno, I just couldn't live with myself if people were giving me tons of money and I was just sitting around not getting much work done, and I definitely wouldn't pledge to anyone with that kind of work ethic either, but more than anything else, if pledging to him was my first experience with Patreon, I likely would never use it again.

(I pledged $400 back when my financial situation was a lot, lot better about three years ago to a Kickstarter project; the project's owners vanished with thousands upon thousands of dollars, never even came close to finishing the project, and block anyone questioning what they did with the money. I haven't used Kickstarter since solely because of that bad experience.)
Re: Akabur Games

Does anyone have an example of any Patreon account dwindling? Whether creators put out great content or nothing at all, their accounts seem to have gone up every time I visit them. Even if people are dropping or becoming disillusioned with Patreon, knowledge of it might be spreading to new populations faster than that can happen.

I'm not convinced Akabur doesn't know exactly what he's doing. It's clearly working for him. I know, I know, Hanlon's Razor, but I'm going to keep entertaining the possibility.
Re: Akabur Games

@loopy: When I started pledging to Akabur last August, he was bringing in somewhere around $4,000. In December, when Witch Trainer was released (or was it late November?). It was above $10,000. People argued that Akabur would lose patrons due to Witch Trainer (which he probably did), but more joined than left. I personally dropped to $1 until he warrants more support.

Just wanted to clarify that. He has been bringing in a sizable chunk of change for almost a year now.
His totals shot up fast in the run up to release, and immediately following it. I was working from October/November numbers which were in the $4,000-$6,000+ range, but I don't remember exact figures. By the time the game released in December, he was listed at more than $8,000, and within a couple weeks of release it was over $10,000. Since that number shoots up before anybody actually pays around the beginning of the next month, I'm being conservative about what he might have actually taken in during his development time period. He's definitely been making over $10,000/month for this entire year so far, and even before that he wasn't making chump change.
Re: Akabur Games

His totals shot up fast in the run up to release, and immediately following it. I was working from October/November numbers which were in the $4,000-$6,000+ range, but I don't remember exact figures. By the time the game released in December, he was listed at more than $8,000, and within a couple weeks of release it was over $10,000. Since that number shoots up before anybody actually pays around the beginning of the next month, I'm being conservative about what he might have actually taken in during his development time period. He's definitely been making over $10,000/month for this entire year so far, and even before that he wasn't making chump change.

Honestly, he might be a bit wonky, discipline wise, but I truly hope he gets to fulfill his dream of going to VanArts one day.
Re: Akabur Games

notice me senpai
Re: Akabur Games

Honestly, he might be a bit wonky, discipline wise, but I truly hope he gets to fulfill his dream of going to VanArts one day.

www[dot]vanarts[dot]com/admissions/tuition Here is the prices for the VanArts educations. I don't know wich one he realy want, but the most biggest price is ~36k CAD. If he can put down 8k every month he has the money for it now (48-56k $) The classes starts at sept, so he will have money to not have to work until he finish his studies (if patreon stop paying for him). *after he start the scool

But I think, if he start this we won't see anything from him until next year end...
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Re: Akabur Games

He can't quit PT Gold mid-way and go to arts class, even if he said he'd do it since last year ....... The internet would implode upon itself with all the nerd-rage and death-threats, Patreon would probably file for bankruptcy, Russia would devolve into another cold-war mentality and all hopes of banging Lola would burn in an HDD bonfire of pure hatred towards Akabur.
Re: Akabur Games

www[dot]vanarts[dot]com/admissions/tuition Here is the prices for the VanArts educations. I don't know wich one he realy want, but the most biggest price is ~36k CAD. If he can put down 8k every month he has the money for it now (48-56k $) The classes starts at sept, so he will have money to not have to work until he finish his studies (if patreon stop paying for him). *after he start the scool

But I think, if he start this we won't see anything from him until next year end...

Personally i think he will finish "PT: Gold" and then we won't hear anything from him again. He'll take his money and start Van Arts, get a valid qualification and do something else other than making games with it. This is what i can see happening :(. Or if he does go back to making games it won't be for a couple of years until he has finished his course. This is only my opinion though.
Re: Akabur Games

I dont see him stoping making hentai, doesnt make sense. Hes pulling 100+k a year doing maybe 10 hours work a week. All hé does is walk around and draw a pic every now and than and than do some coding. Sweet gig if you ask me.
Re: Akabur Games

Yeah, read his Patreon page back a few weeks. He might take a hiatus for a while, but some of his supporters would cheerfully continue to toss him money all through it, in return for nothing but an opportunity to continue rimming him. All he has to do is generate enough to keep them hanging on, and he'll always have a Patreon income. Once he announces another game, his take would probably climb slowly back to ridiculous levels.

Honestly, he might be a bit wonky, discipline wise, but I truly hope he gets to fulfill his dream of going to VanArts one day.
I think it'd be nice too. Everybody should get a chance to live their dreams.

Although, once PT:G comes out, I think we'll know for certain whether he's getting his chance by taking advantage of others or not.

Edit: Latest update.

Akabur said:
Should be a good month.

Wait a second, my previous post is dated July 4th?
Any US celebrations references aside, that's like 12 days ago... Almost 2 weeks... Almost half a month? What the hell?
I honestly have no idea how this keeps happening... Life just flies by in a supersonic speed... Crap.
Better make another post before I blink and it's Christmas already.

Alright, just a brief recap of the past several days.

I'm done with working on "BHB" for now. Smersh has everything he needs (art-wise) for the next release and rumor has it the release is about to happen any moment...

Also I spent yesterday replying to every which one of the emails and messages I had in my inbox. That is something I wanted to do for months now, and that is exactly how long some of the people had to wait for their reply (months) and I feel bad for taking so long with some of the messages, but at least I finally did it. I replied to EVERYONE! It literally took me whole day, but I did it!

I am back to working on Lola's events now. Almost done with them actually. After that I will be finally getting to Azalea...

I plan to make another post shortly (In a couple of days, I swear! You believe me, right? Right? Crap...) and discuss and share some minor things... maybe... Probably... *Sigh*...

Anyway, second release of BHB is on the way, and I am being told that "Iris Quest" demo is about to hit the streets so this should be a good month.
I could swear he said he was basically done with Lola in an earlier post. I remember because it defied the "four months per girl" estimate that Iris left us with. Oh well.
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Re: Akabur Games

The Russians have released their version 1.5 of WT - not translated yet, though.
Re: Akabur Games

Khan says it's on github, but I found it on pornolab

Thanks, i just had a little read-up. Still i couldn't find any mentioning of a translation. Is it happening?
Re: Akabur Games

Changelog-through-Google translate says new clothes for Hermione, new/expanded events with Daphne, new items/scrolls/calendar .... Probably not much new since 1.4
Re: Akabur Games

Thanks, i just had a little read-up. Still i couldn't find any mentioning of a translation. Is it happening?

Apparently they have found some translators, so they will be releasing a version where you can change between Russian, English, German, French and Chinese(!) with a click of your mouse
Re: Akabur Games

Almost double-post, but what do you do with the github ? There's no .exe only folders and files they changed :/
Re: Akabur Games

I've gotten lost on github before, so I stick to pornolab :D

Can't download on pornolab, can't register with hotmail for torrents, can't speak russian to know wtf I'm doing, can't understand Google-translate ....
Re: Akabur Games

Can't download on pornolab, can't register with hotmail for torrents, can't speak russian to know wtf I'm doing, can't understand Google-translate ....

Give this one a try: