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Tentacle God
Jul 14, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

Wishful thinking : We get 2+ scenes for Lola and Iris, a few quests each, the possibility to end the game with either/both and plenty of drool-inducing CGs.

Hard reality : Half-assed nothing for both, maybe 1 quest total, Lola can already stay in Genie's house, why improve there and Akabur going full shitstorm defense mode yet again because reasons he got pressured to release it early.

Choose 1 and hope it's the right one.


Tentacle God
Sep 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

Wishful thinking : We get 2+ scenes for Lola and Iris, a few quests each, the possibility to end the game with either/both and plenty of drool-inducing CGs.

Hard reality : Half-assed nothing for both, maybe 1 quest total, Lola can already stay in Genie's house, why improve there and Akabur going full shitstorm defense mode yet again because reasons he got pressured to release it early.

Choose 1 and hope it's the right one.
I see that a lot from devs/artists really close to their fans. They read comments (and comments are often by the most negative/pressing people) and they get depressed, so they either stop working or/and release their work as is. :(


Tentacle God
Jul 14, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

2 weeks later and still no video update :sadpanda:


Mystic Girl
Jan 6, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

2 weeks later and still no video update :sadpanda:
I don't know if your a patron or not, but he's released about 3-4 different video updates about progress and even gameplay concerning Iris. He even released a vid about different outfits that both Iris and Jasmine will wear in the Golden edition.


Tentacle God
Jul 14, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

No, i'm not on Patreon .................. Normally someone steals them and posts here :( Got denied my freebies


Grim Reaper
Mar 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

I don't know if your a patron or not, but he's released about 3-4 different video updates about progress and even gameplay concerning Iris. He even released a vid about different outfits that both Iris and Jasmine will wear in the Golden edition.
I've seen this outfit video. It doesn't show much, only that he's tinkering a little with dress up. Which is cool.

But, he does mention that he's hardly done anything with Lola. So, it means we have a long wait until something comes out. That's... if he doesn't just say fuck it and release things half-finished again (because people rushed him).

I can't say what his work rate is these days, but progress seems to be slow.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Akabur Games

I can't say what his work rate is these days, but progress seems to be slow.
Careful there. Saying even that might prompt him to say that people are rushing him.


Demon Girl
Jul 17, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

Well, he made two pictures in January. For a paycheck of $10,000, that seems a pretty steep hourly rate to me.


Grim Reaper
Oct 29, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

He hasn't shown Lola because he's been doing a ton with Iris. He showed a sequence where you train Iris, the different outfit options, and showed what looked to me like quite a bit of dialogue. You guys ever get curious you can always do what I do an donate a dollar just to see the activity feed and pull it before the month is up.


Demon Girl
Jul 17, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

You guys ever get curious you can always do what I do an donate a dollar just to see the activity feed and pull it before the month is up.
That feels a bit unethical. Though you might argue that it is also unethical to cash in a big paycheck from supporters who trust you to do a good job, and then not doing that job.

On the other hand, it looks like most of Akabur's supporters revere him even if he is spending his time on trying to write code (which he clearly is VERY inept at and which takes him an inordinate amount of time), writing big plans in notebooks (which he is not implementing for the most part), occasionally doodling a bit, taking art lessons, and ogling that Canadian art school.

I was one of his early supporters, but when I saw that the $100 I gave him in total, as part of his paycheck of on average $5000 per month in 2014, led to the half-assed result that is Witch Trainer, I decided to drop out. My conclusion was that the guy has talent in drawing and writing humorous scenes, but neither has the work ethic nor the programming and designing skills to pull off good products consistently. I am not paying him for existing, I am paying him to bring his art to higher levels. Witch Trainer only shows a downwards slope from Magic Shop and Princess Trainer. Evidently, Magic Shop and Princess Trainer were happy accidents. I have enough experience with life and people to realize that handing money to Akabur is NOT going to have the effect of improving his output.

Akabur now has plenty of income to bring a good programmer on board, and even to bring on board a good designer who can set up a game that is actually fun to play. But he flat-out refuses to do so, seemingly believing that he can do those jobs himself. The sad truth is that he probably does not want to spend some of his income on other people, even if it would improve his products enormously (seeing how much Dahr brought to Princess Trainer and then knowing that as payback, Akabur suggested that his supporters also send money to Dahr -- he should have brought the guy on board full time, splitting the income).

Anyway, people can spend their income in whichever way they like, and if they want to give money to Akabur for being alive, that is their prerogative. Or maybe some people actually think that Witch Trainer is a great game. In that case, good for them, because they will probably see more half-finished products with excruciatingly boring gameplay and very few drawings coming from Akabur's hands after long waiting times.

Maybe I am wrong. But seriously, how long should it take someone to create a "gold" version of a game that is already mostly finished, when he can spend all his time on it, without needing to worry about where his next meal is coming from? One month? Two months? I can tell you that I have experience with Ren'Py, with drawing, and with designing and coding games, and I daresay that two months should be plenty. But I bet you that we won't see the gold version of Princess Trainer for many months to come, and that when it arrives, it is still an unfinished product.

Hopefully I am sorely mistaken. If that is the case, I might start supporting Akabur again. But for now, I am not burning my money on something that I expect will be a disappointment.


Grim Reaper
Oct 29, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

That feels a bit unethical. Though you might argue that it is also unethical to cash in a big paycheck from supporters who trust you to do a good job, and then not doing that job.
I should have cut that sentence in two. I.E. "I donate a dollar to access the feed. You could always donate a dollar then pull". That's what I get for not being thorough and re-reading a post.

Really, he has so many supporters that I don't feel like I need to support much more than that. I don't see any actual content coming out in the coming months that would be beneficial for me to donate more than a dollar. If he was smaller, I would probably still be in the 10 or 15 tier (because I'm a glutton for punishment but a sucker for porn), but he's doing just fine. I can spread the wealth across the other 4 or 5 Patreons I'm supporting. Up the donation to a few others to get access to some higher tier rewards I've been tempted over.
It's like how artists and animators like Plague of Gripes only have a $1 donation tier and get along just fine because of the amount of fans they have. Akabur, like him, hate him, or indifferent, is up there now. While he is working on his projects continuously (really, he is), I don't see any tangible content in the near future. Maybe I'll up it again once it's closer to release because, as I've established, I'm dumb while the guy downstairs takes the reins of the Cranial Chariot, but right now my curiosity is worth just a dollar.

As big as his Patreon is and while I don't advocate the donating and pulling of donations, he clearly has supporters who provide the foundation for a large chunk of that 10K, even during the off season. I will, however, suggest it to those that are curious as an under the table option. It's there, take it or leave it. Yeah, if everyone were to do it the Patreon would die, but it's safe to say he has a safety net.

Honestly, I don't know why I invested in the first place. I didn't think PT was all that great to begin with and I've never read a single Harry Potter book and only watched one movie if "Wizard People, Dear Readers" counts. I thought there was potential, perhaps, but was also disappointed with WT. Would rather spend a dollar to sate my curiosity for potential porn than lose it in my seat cushions, I guess.


Demon Girl
Jul 17, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

Would rather spend a dollar to sate my curiosity for potential porn than lose it in my seat cushions, I guess.
That is valid and one way of thinking about it. But for me there's also the principle of the thing.

When Witch Trainer was released, I was disappointed in many ways. The game was very boring. The art in the game was minimal. The wait for this rushed and half-finished product had been nine months. And Akabur was being a huge ass about people criticizing his product.

Then he took a holiday of three weeks. After which he produced a total of two drawings in January. Safe in the knowledge that there were still about 1000 people who coughed up $10 a month even after him releasing the pretty mediocre game that is Witch Trainer.

So I see a guy who needs an overly long time to produce a bad game, after which he is doing even less work than before. It looks like the amount and quality of work that he does is inversely proportional to the size of his paycheck. Why would he do good work if people pay him for doing bad work?

So, out of principle I am not going to support him until he shows that getting money actually helps him creating good content. Even one dollar per month is too much if his work suffers from receiving cash. If he realizes that people pay him for producing quality content rather than for existing, he might improve his work.

Of course, the reality is that people DO pay him for existing. But I am not going to contribute to that.


Grim Reaper
Mar 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

I like your attitude in this, SHerring.

I think Akabur probably just got very burned out doing all the animations in WT. And when it came time to fill in details (create CGs to reward play), he couldn't do it. Whether that was because of time restraints (from him allocating time to the wrong areas), or because he just couldn't be fucked working on the game anymore.

I think the later, considering that he's already said that he has no intention of working on WT ever again.

But, you're right about his attitude about hiring help. He's already talked about hiring Dahr as a permanent helper some time ago. But has it happened? Did Dahr get fed up with his attitude and decide to make his own game because of it? I'm guessing he did. And, who knows, maybe Dahr's game will turn out to be fun.

I'm not that impressed with how he's rewarding the patrons these days though, with ideas of daily-life-of-a-struggling-rusky. It's boring. If he's doing art, why not explain that, explain what parts of PT:G he's actively working on (he sort of did that in the last video, but it was almost like he'd washed his hands of Iris training as well. So, maybe that'll be only half-finished.)

But, yeah, I wouldn't imagine the daily-life stuff is that interesting, unless it's accompanied by substantial works towards the game. I really don't like that he's not working night and day on... something to do with PT:G. But, the impression is he's not doing much of anything, or going about it poorly. Or, maybe he just wants to keep things as surprises. Who knows.

You can tell he had some pretty nice ideas for WT. But then just dropped them when the coding turned out to be above his head. A pity. A pity that he couldn't get help with that bit.

It's kind of interesting watching Akabur's behavior. His responses to the income coming in. And who knows, maybe he is burning the midnight oil in pursuit of fun game play. Or more CGs. Really... he could improve PT a lot more, if he wanted. More bedroom activities for Jasmine, etc. But, I don't think his revision encompasses much Jasmine play. So, we won't know where all the effort went until there's a release to play.

So, I just follow along with what's happening on his patreon page, tinker around with WT a little, and wait to see if the already-pretty-fun PT ends up more fun.

It's possible. And I hope it is. And, I don't really mind how long he takes. But, that's only because I'm not one of his patreon supporters. So, I can laugh if he blunders and whatnot.


Grim Reaper
Dec 27, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

Hm. This thread is sure going in a strange direction.
Usually, I'd expect a thread about a creator being about listing available works, where to get them, and which one is better suited for which preferences.

Instead, this thread lately seems to be people reinforcing each other in "this used to be good but I don't like it anymore and neither should you."
Now, I completely understand the sentiment - if you spent your hard-earned money on something, and got disappointed, it's completely natural to want to vent that frustration.
That said - do we all have to vent out here in relative public?

At this point, I don't care if objectively, WT is better or worse than PT.
All I'm saying is, can we please try to keep this thread relatively positive and optimistic?
The way I see it:
- Read his old comics if you want porny images with a little story
- Magic Shop if you want porny images with bits of story and interactivity
- Princess Trainer if you want story with some porny images
- Witch Trainer if you want mostly-text with very few images here and there.
Do we have a good reference around which of these are [publicly] available where?


Demon Girl
Jul 17, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

Instead, this thread lately seems to be people reinforcing each other in "this used to be good but I don't like it anymore and neither should you."
Now, I completely understand the sentiment - if you spent your hard-earned money on something, and got disappointed, it's completely natural to want to vent that frustration.
That said - do we all have to vent out here in relative public?
Well, I think a discussion about the quality of Akabur's work and on what we may expect from him is relevant for the thread, as long as it is done in a polite way.

BTW, I am not unhappy about having provided Akabur with some money. Magic Shop and Princess Trainer are both good games -- not great, but with a unique flavor that we do not see from anyone else -- and I think they are worth some reward.

I think that what I found most disappointing is not that Witch Trainer is a mediocre game -- it is Akabur's attitude about it. Had he said: "Look, I know that Witch Trainer did not turn out the way I hoped. Clearly I tried to take on too much. But I have learned some wise lessons, which I will apply to my next works", then I would have been happy to continue sending him money. But the way he responded to anyone who spouted a bit of criticism was very off-putting. That, combined with the fact that for weeks on end he did not bother to provide the people who supported him with any updates, was what made me lose my trust in his abilities to come up with something of the same level of quality as his earlier works.

But, as I said, I hope that Akabur will prove me wrong, and produce an excellent PT Gold within a reasonable amount of time, followed by another great game this year. I would be happy to start supporting him again if his output can convince me that he is worth it.


Tentacle God
Sep 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

I think that what I found most disappointing is not that Witch Trainer is a mediocre game -- it is Akabur's attitude about it. Had he said: "Look, I know that Witch Trainer did not turn out the way I hoped. Clearly I tried to take on too much. But I have learned some wise lessons, which I will apply to my next works", then I would have been happy to continue sending him money. But the way he responded to anyone who spouted a bit of criticism was very off-putting. That, combined with the fact that for weeks on end he did not bother to provide the people who supported him with any updates, was what made me lose my trust in his abilities to come up with something of the same level of quality as his earlier works.
Well, he still gets paid... He can pretty do his projects as a full time job.
But as long as there is no reaction by his paying fans, he can do whatever he wants. I don't want to sound negative here, but it really is simple as that: money feedback is a pretty efficient way to make someone move in the end.
I can't even blame him on that, this is simply a basic flaw of the patreon monthly payment system. And after all, people pay, so I can't really argue here. It's not my money, but theirs.

But, as I said, I hope that Akabur will prove me wrong, and produce an excellent PT Gold within a reasonable amount of time, followed by another great game this year. I would be happy to start supporting him again if his output can convince me that he is worth it.
I really hoped that he would do a Witch trainer as he intended to do in the beginning, with a lot more content. :(


Grim Reaper
Oct 29, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

On the subject of his pay and his vacation I do have to say that he did let people know he was going to take one ahead of time. In fact, I actually pulled my patronage when he said he was going on vacation. I, like many, offer their money to Patreon while they see content being created. His Patreon support actually grew over that period.

I'm not the biggest fan of his work, but I really do hope it gets better over time, so I invested in a possibility. I feel like I have been burned, though. He really is working at what seems like a hard pace right now. I get an email from Patreon nearly every other night from him with some sort of video or some post detailing what he is working on, PT Gold or otherwise.

People have their opinions and views of him, but to claim he isn't working at least now is to parade ignorance. Although, he REALLY should be a little more vocal about his endeavors to people who don't have Patreon access. They have every right to be cynical of him, but I really hope that he can continue to redeem himself because he really does seem like a charismatic, likable guy when he isn't making a full 180 and spitting acid at his supporters. In my opinion, he has a ways to go to completely win me over, and it's probably hopeless to ever completely redeem himself with everyone else. From his recent attitude it seems like he's trying. PT Gold being shit would be a 3rd strike, though. It takes a lot for me to stop being forgiving and condemn a person.

In the meantime, I can give vague updates about what he is working to anyone who is curious. I say vague because I think Patreon exclusive information is a right of the paying Patron and the Creator, regardless of who it is.
Last edited:


Tentacle Monster
Jun 17, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Akabur Games

haha... I wanted to defend him because he does post and comment almost erveryday (compared what I've heard the Breeding Season producer does), but now I think he's being a little of a goof.

He posted a new video. I didnt look through it all, but at the end, he complains that he lost 600 USD because of faulty/missing pledges... out of 10000USD!

As soon as he does complete PT, I will also stop pledging to him, as I consider that he has done the stuff I am interested in.