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Ai (KakkaHousu)

Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"It is... appreciated." The mist says to her. "And we are sorry...for last night."

Ai makes her way out of town, the people in town friendly enough, though Ai can tell there's a sort of relieved atmosphere regarding her leaving. It doesn't take too long to find King and Spinalis after they leave town, as light woods are nearby, the two hiding out of sight until Ai and Yuki came into view.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Can they already feel that I'm some sort of monster magnet...? This is starting to be upsetting.." Ai thinks as she looks at the relieved villagers.
"Do I need to seclude myself completely?" she continues, her head hanging down as she exits the village

As the three of them head back towards the spot where they separated, Ai adresses the cloak in an official manner
"Since you'll be with us now, I'll give you a name to call you by. Nebula." she says, looking down at the thin mist clinging to her.

Soon, the group is united once again. Ai goes along her customary round of hugs for the other monsters, before gathering them all together.
"We came here to look for a place to settle in, so we need to start looking for one." she goes on about her plan, looking at each of them in turn
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Nebula speaks to Ai softly as they leave, noticing her looks of worry as she leaves. "Do not worry about the villagers. They are merely wary of outsiders, a long time ago a traveler came and cursed this village...that is the reason we exist, and the reason we must attack every evening."

Spinalis and King both accept the hugs that Ai offers them, Yuki also offering a hug to the two creatures, Spinalis though looks like he has something to show Ai, sort of looking off in a different direction.
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Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"A curse... I think I need to check if I can do something about that.." Ai thinks as they ponder over things. Then, she notices the rope demon looking towards something
"Oh.. what is it Spinalis?" she wonders aloud, going for the direction where Spinalis is watching
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"There may be... though... I am unaware aside from... killing the one who cursed the village."

Spinalis nods as Ai questions it, leading the way for Ai until it motions to hold, moving forward slowly. Ai follows, peaking her head out from the underbrush to see a small camp. Ai can instantly tell that this is a group of salvers. Six men in total around the camp, and three girls tightly tied up in a cage, naked, various toys and things working on their bodies, a couple of the slavers watching with evil smiles.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Taking Nebula's words into consideration, Ai turns her attention towards the slaver camp. She is not delighted with the girl's freedom being taken from them. Turning towards her own group, she plans a surprise attack with them
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai turns to plan with the group, though she realizes the only ones she can actually converse with are Yuki and Nebula.

"Well, there's only six of them" Yuki starts. "And there's five of us...and I'd like to think we're quite powerful, perhaps we could jump out in ambush?"

Nebula forms itself as a cloud now, moving away from Ai to start being fog again, spreading out a little. "Perhaps... I could give us cover...fog can be quite unerving... especially right before one is attacked."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Let's go with that then. Should've thought about that myself..." Ai says to the others. Offering her naginata to Yuki once again, Ai brings forth her mistress whip.
"Okay, Nebula. Provide us with cover" Ai says to the mist surrounding her, readying herself to attack once the confusion begins
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Nebula replies in the affricative as the fog rolls out, quicker than might be expected by fog. Ai can see fog coming from other places, joining Nebula as it starts to surround the camp, running in and the camp. Ai can hear mutterings from the camp about the quick fog, they don't sound too confident.

It was the time to strike as Ai lept through the undergrowth into the camp area, quickly followed by Yuki, Spinalis and King.

25 vs 14 | 15 vs 20 | 6 vs 5 | 23 vs 15 | 17 vs 16

Ai's party appears on the battlefield, moving forward and attacking the unprepared slavers. They were on edge, but not prepared for attack. Ai manages to get a whip strike off on one man with little problem, Spinalis unable to land a hit however. King takes on a powerful looking man, who only ends up slammed by the slime due to the difficult seeing in the fog. Yuki manages to land a strike on another slaver, sending him reeling and too the ground. And Ai can see as Nebula screwed with others in the fog, practically making them attack themselves. One of them goes down from this.

Battle Block
Slaver 1 3/3
Slaver 2 3/3
Slaver 3 6/6
Slaver 4 6/6
Slaver 5 0/3
Slaver 1 0/1

Ai 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Yuki 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Spinalis 7/7 HP
King 8/8 HP
Nebula 4/4 HP
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai is quite pleased with how good her party manages to work together.
"Focus your attacks on the same opponent! Aim to reduce their numbers!" she shouts to her companions, attacking the nearest slaver with her whip
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

17 vs 13 | 19 vs 11 | 22 vs 5 crit | 21 vs 21 | 16 vs 11
5 vs 9 | 21 vs 23

Ai's party is like a well oiled battle machine. King hands a heavy hit on one of the slavers, Yuki finishing the man off as he tries to flee. Ai's whip lashes a man just long enough for Nebula to distract him with the fog, a force of it pushing him forward harshly into the attack of Spinalis. Two men go down, but the remaining two attack with tenacity. Both men attacking King, the most intimidating opponent on the battlefield right now. Although both of them are unable to get a solid attack on him at all as he moves out of the way, blending with the fog and making it hard to tell his exact location.

Battle Block
Slaver 1 0/3
Slaver 2 0/3
Slaver 3 6/6
Slaver 4 6/6
Slaver 5 0/3
Slaver 1 0/1

Ai 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Yuki 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Spinalis 7/7 HP
King 8/8 HP
Nebula 4/4 HP
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Well this is going well, for once..." Ai thinks as she goes for a whiplash at the nearest slaver. She still urges her companions to keep the focus on the same opponent
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

21 vs 4 crit | 18 vs 10 | 14 vs 9 | 20 vs 4 crit | 25 vs 12

Ai lands a telling gash on one of the men, sending him stumbling as Yuki also lands a deep gash in the man, leaving him open to the attacks of Spinalis and King, he quickly goes down, not even having stood a chance.

The remaining man, having just watch the battle, drops his weapon and throws himself on the ground, begging for mercy.

Battle Block
Slaver 3 0/6
Slaver 4 5/6 (Giving the fuck up)

Ai 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Yuki 6/6 FP 0/10 AP
Spinalis 7/7 HP
King 8/8 HP
Nebula 4/4 HP
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Still burning with hatred, Ai walks over to the begging man, lashing her whip around his throat. Kicking the man to the face, she stands over the him, pulling hard on both ends of the whip with murderous intention. As the man's life starts to fade out, Ai stares into his eyes with a sadistic glee.
"STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" she thinks as her sadistic side takes over. Barely stopping herself from killing the man, Ai backs down from him, the whip unrolling from his neck as she does so.
"Spinalis, keep him restrained" Ai says to the rope demon, before turning to the cage and the girls inside.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Spinalis starts to do as Ai orders. As she turns around, something seems off, and it seems as if the world cracks for a moment. Then again. Ai can tell somethings wrong as the world seems to break even more, colors going odd, everything becoming distorted. Eventually it goes to black.

A screen pops up.

"Error! Error! Please memorize the following string and present it to your testing advisor.


Shortly after Ai looks at the string, the box disappears to be replaced by a new one.

"We're kidding, this error has been logged, however the game is currently malfunctioned, we're afraid you'll be unable to leave until our techs are able to fix it. Some settings may have gotten changed, we urge you to check the settings page before you continue. If anything is not to your liking, it is probably best if you find a town and wait until this issue is resolved, we're quite sorry for this. -Development Team."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Huh?" Ai thinks as the world goes all derpy around her. "What is this...?"

She waits for the hassle to get worked out. Before long, there's a long number string in front of her. "Oh, really now.." she thinks, looking at the lenghty mess of numbers and letters before another window comes up. "What is wrong with these people, making a feint like that?"

With those thoughts, Ai goes on to check her settings again.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai loads up the setting page, and finds the new settings a little disturbing. Bondage and roughness seem to have been turned up quite high, and slavery was even turned on. She also felt a bit of fear at the checkbox that she hadn't seen before labeled 'Allow Companions'. She was a bit afraid as she found it unchecked. Monsters had also been increased, somehow. And Ai now saw that the difficult had been turned up to Insanity.

And scariest of all, the entire menu appeared to be grayed out, she couldn't change any of the settings.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Seeing the newly changed options in front of her, Ai was getting nervous. "For heaven's sake, what is this?" She wasn't too concerned with the increase in bondage or roughness, but some other things made her uneasy. Not being able to edit anything heightened that feeling even further.

"Guess I'll have to wait and see what happens..." she thinks, now separated from all her friends and left alone in the game.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

The world starts to fade back to normal, before it's interrupted, returning to the black void. A text box appears in front of Ai, but it's empty.

Only for a moment, however. Text appears in the box, almost as if it were being typed, or someone were speaking. "Hello."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai's return is cut short, turned into an empty textbox floating there in the darkness. The girl wonders if she should type something, but soon a generic greeting appears in the box. "Uh, hello?"