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Ai (KakkaHousu)

Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Then you must continue to serve me and my friend, of course." He says, as if it were obvious. The archer rolls his eyes a little, though Yuki has fallen into a content sleep by now.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

With a quick look on the archer, Ai determines him being the straight guy of the group, the one with the most common sense. Seeing him a bit ashamed by the cheesy lines the leader goes on spouting, Ai feels sorry for the man, deciding to help him off the hook. She stands up, not caring about her nakedness. Holding her arms against her heart, she gives the knight a bright smile
"I shall not do evil again. This I swear to you, sir knight" she says, giving a small bow at the anonymous knight
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Good! Then we must be off, there are surely others to save!" The knight says, looking proud at Ai's reformation into a good person. The archer just gives her a small grin as she follows the knight off into the swamp.

A little while later, Spinalis and King return, after the two men are out of sight. Still no sign of the mage anymore, but Ai doesn't really care about him. Yuki wakes up after a little while longer, and after looking around to make sure the knight and his pals were gone, bursts into laughter at the absurdity of what just happened.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Giving the archer a nod and a handwave as he goes, Ai waits for the men to vanish from sight before turning back to her friends who just emerged from the surrounding forest. She goes over to them, giving both the slime and rope demon long hugs.
"Glad to see you both are okay. You took care of that evil mage?" she asks the monsters

After some waiting Yuki comes back to the awake world after the passionate tryst she had with the archer guy. Laughing along with Yuki, she too wonders what was that all about
"That man, he was silly and more than a bit corny. But... his heart was in the right place, and he was skilled." Ai says, wondering what misadventures he'll still end up doing.

"So, maybe we should head towards those plains?"
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai can tell both Spinalis and King enjoy the hugs she gives them, and gets the feeling back from them that the evil mage will no longer be a problem.

Yuki is able to settle down after a little bit. "Yeah...that was...I don't even know." She says, getting a grin as she thinks about the archer. "But his friend was quite good too...maybe we'll run into them again~"

Yuki gives a nod at the suggestion of heading for the plains.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Now that's agreed with, let's head onwards." Ai announces to the others. Spending some time collecting her belongings and dressing herself back to travel condition, she sets course for the plains, and maybe a place to settle in
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai and Yui travel to the plains, exiting the swamp before morning is over, entering into a shady forest for the afternoon. It's a nice walk, Ai and Yuki making small talk along the way as Spinalis and King follow them silently. Ai again finds herself lucky, no random encounters. Though she suspects that may just be the result of a large rope demon and slime following her.

Night starts to fall as they reach the plains. It's twilight out as they spot a small town in the distance, outlaying farms all around. Yuki suggests they may be able to get a comfy room if they had an Inn, suggesting they go to visit it.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

After a day of unevenful travel, the group come across a town as night falls. Listening to her companion's advice, Ai decides to enter town and get a room in the inn if at all possible, giving her monster buddies instructions to lurk in a hiding spot near the town
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Spinalis and King both head out looking for somewhere to hide, trying to look at nonthreatening as possible. Ai and Yuki head into town, finding the place friendly, even if they have the feeling something is off.

Ai easily finds the inn and tavern, and Tom the keep lets them have a room cheap for the night, considering he doesn't get too much business. The girls are treated to a nice, comfy room for the night, as Yuki starts to dress herself for the night, putting on a nightgown. She looks to Ai, playing with the harness still on her. "What do you think, should we have a bit of fun before going to sleep?" She says with a smirk.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Waving goodbye for her monster budies, Ai heads to town with Yuki

Despite the town feeling kind of ominous, the girls opt to stay in for the night. The cheap room is a good bonus, as the keeper doesn't seem to be getting much customers recently. As they are about to settle in for the night, Yuki prods Ai for a bit of fun.
"As much fun as it is, I wish to sleep peacefully tonight." Ai says to her still new friend. She pats Yuki on the shoulder
"No offense meant, I like you enough."
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Yuki nods, looking a little sad, but cheering up a tiny bit when her harness seems to adjust itself, reminding Ai of the time that she spent with the first couple of girls.

"That's fine, I understand. Please have a good evening...it seems that your friend will entertain me this evening~" Yuki says, a grin on her face as the rope around her nudges her gently to the bed.

Ai can't help but smile at the sight of Yuki enjoying the rope demon as she settles in for the night.

Yuki does her best to be quiet so Ai can sleep, which she does without much of a problem.


Ai was having a restful sleep, but she finds herself awake now, suddenly sitting up as she looks around, outside she can tell it's clearly night, probably the middle of it, but it's foggy, a thick fog has settled in around the town she can tell, and looking up she sees the full moon just barely through the thick fog.

Yuki is still sleeping peacefully.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"Heh he, enjoy your time together" Ai replies to the giggly Yuki as she settles down for the night.

Suddenly stirred up during the night, Ai finds herself unable to sleep. Staring at the fog outside, she feels a need to go look about. Grabbing her trusty blade, she silently opens the door, and sees if she can sneak out to investigate
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai grabs her blade, sneaking over to the door without disturbing Yuki, looking lovingly content, half strewn over the mattress, blanket only half covering her.

Opening the door, Ai takes a look outside, surprised to see a thick fog in the hallway, which starts to roll into the room the moment she opens the door...
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

"It's here?!" Ai thinks as the fog heads towards into the room. Braving the mist, she steps out into the hallway to investigate
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai steps out into the hallway, braving the fog, which feels thick and unnatural. The fog continues to roll into the bedroom as she tries to look around, unable to see much of anything in the hallway, Yuki snoring lightly now.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

As some of the mysterious mist rolls into the bedroom, Ai closes the door behind her, hoping nothing bad will happen with the mist in there. Carrying on, she sneaks down the stairs into the main area of the inn
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai starts to close the door, finding it very hard as the fog seems to resist her closing the door, but she manages after several moments, finally closing the door with a surge of effort.

She starts to move downstairs, when she hears Yuki starting to moan.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

After a bit of struggle with the door, Ai heads down the stairs, wondering about the mist's true nature. But she quickly stops as Yuki's moans reach her ears. Turning back, she attempts to head back into the room
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

Ai finds herself tripped as she returns to the upstairs hallway, as the fog sort of forms around her legs, almost like a length of rope or a tendril. She finds her breasts suddenly being massaged by the thick fog as she tries to get up off the floor, arousing her quickly as she finds her folds getting wet.
Re: Ai (KakkaHousu)

As Ai heads back up, a sudden pull on her legs trips her down on the stairs. She tries to get up, but the wispy tendril keeps pulling on her legs as some of it starts to knead and squeeze her breasts.
"Haa.. Oooooh... My weakness..." she gasps as the fondling instantly starts to arouse her. Still wanting to know about Yuki, she tries to escape and head forward