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Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)


I would expect it to be uncensored, although I could be wrong.

I think that the previous references to an uncensored v1.0 was for a release to people who contributed/bought via the blog site. Currently you can only get v.0.85 from there.


The thing i would like to clear that, AA (Ver 1.0) isn't available to the people who have donated through paypal on my blog yet and instead it will available later. I am still sending (Ver 0.85) currently. The info is listed as above. I am sorry for the confusion caused that AA (Ver 1.0) isn't sent yet. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

dl site is cen with drm.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Ok thanks for the fast reply =) I dont realy mind if it is cencored, i liked the story from last 2 games and this is first 3d game series i have been in to.
Time to buy me some weekend joy.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I think the dlsite's rules is to make all 18+ games censored. So if u want uncensored buy from the blog but not dlsite.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

In version 0.85 SPOILER

Who is the teacher that We can ask about the password?
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

In version 0.85 SPOILER

Who is the teacher that We can ask about the password?

School Rep>100 and no ending event taken (Train Stage 5/Taro Stage 4...)

Than u get Password from director on morning check.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Incoming rant about piracy. But firstly, full disclosure: I have written some of the text for various scenes in this game, but have not received anything in return. It was entirely voluntary. I have also pre-ordered this game, so am one of the individuals waiting for the full release to be emailed out.

not to be a total cynic, but I'm pretty sure the reason preorder drm free copies aren't out yet is because the author doesn't trust is his audience and wants to wait until his dsite drm version hits whatever sales numbers that satisfy him first. This is like EA levels of scumbag. But I'm pretty sure that's not the case here.

Given that previous releases that he gave out to those who preordered were leaked online it isn't exactly a pointless exercise on his part. This is the game developer's primary job at the minute and given that this has taken the better part of a year to produce it is necessary to ensure that enough money is earned to cover living costs as well as turn a profit on the time invested in the production.

As someone who has pre-ordered the game I am slightly upset that we didn't receive the game at the same time as the commercial release. But when you look at it critically we received monthly updates via email. We have already gotten to play what I estimate to be 80% of the game before anyone else. Waiting a short period of time to guarantee that no one else shares the work and threatens the future of this small developer makes perfect sense.

What you have to realise is that a comparison to EA doesn't work. This developer doesn't operate a multi-million pound budget. The developer's games are advertised to a much smaller market share, they don't receive any console support. Unlike EA who can sustain the release of a bad game and live off cash reserves from hundreds of other titles, this developer is small time. Piracy hurts him disproportionately more than it does to a leviathan like EA.

and he is right...
we just need to hope that 1 of the 300+ people who got the game will upload their DRM free & uncensored version here so we can all enjoy it.

When a crime is committed you can't simply ignore the context. Stealing £20 from someone is bad. If they're a multi-millionaire they won't likely miss it though.

If you steal from a poor person though £20 can be a week's groceries.

Why should someone enjoy, for free, a game that the developer poured their sweat and blood into? A game that 300+ Patreons and others paid money in advance to help fund when they have contributed nothing.

For a game like Skyrim or a triple A title a leech is a nusiance, but the impacts are minor. When it comes to small time games leeches can destroy the company and prevent future games from being produced and kill off further investment in the industry.

in terms of patreon-maker trust, he's worse than Akabur...

Once again, trust has already been broken by some individuals leaking the game to those that hadn't paid. This threatens the future of this game developer from producing more games.
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Most of us are here at fault, he makes living with games he is making and ofc he can choose to put drm in it, but there is fault at him too i guess, why should i give a game 20$(its lots of money in my country) where it is just max 5 hours long. It's just absurd.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Most of us are here at fault, he makes living with games he is making and ofc he can choose to put drm in it, but there is fault at him too i guess, why should i give a game 20$(its lots of money in my country) where it is just max 5 hours long. It's just absurd.

While I disagree with piracy overall, Jewelss raises a good point.

Once again we have to take the context of the pirate into account. If $20 is a lot of money in your country, or you are poor yourself, then piracy is slightly more acceptable.

Unfortunately Dlsite doesn't operate like Steam and offer cheaper games in different regions.

Is Agent Alona only 5 hours long? I heard there were over 10 different endings to get. Five hours seems a bit of a short estimation considering there are that many possible conclusions.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Game is worth buying IMO

Has anyone figured out how to get any events with the black guy?
And what requirements is there in order for her to wear less and less while at home.

Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Incoming rant about piracy. But firstly, full disclosure: I have written some of the text for various scenes in this game, but have not received anything in return. It was entirely voluntary. I have also pre-ordered this game, so am one of the individuals waiting for the full release to be emailed out.

Given that previous releases that he gave out to those who preordered were leaked online it isn't exactly a pointless exercise on his part. This is the game developer's primary job at the minute and given that this has taken the better part of a year to produce it is necessary to ensure that enough money is earned to cover living costs as well as turn a profit on the time invested in the production.

As someone who has pre-ordered the game I am slightly upset that we didn't receive the game at the same time as the commercial release. But when you look at it critically we received monthly updates via email. We have already gotten to play what I estimate to be 80% of the game before anyone else. Waiting a short period of time to guarantee that no one else shares the work and threatens the future of this small developer makes perfect sense.

What you have to realise is that a comparison to EA doesn't work. This developer doesn't operate a multi-million pound budget. The developer's games are advertised to a much smaller market share, they don't receive any console support. Unlike EA who can sustain the release of a bad game and live off cash reserves from hundreds of other titles, this developer is small time. Piracy hurts him disproportionately more than it does to a leviathan like EA.

When a crime is committed you can't simply ignore the context. Stealing £20 from someone is bad. If they're a multi-millionaire they won't likely miss it though.

If you steal from a poor person though £20 can be a week's groceries.

Why should someone enjoy, for free, a game that the developer poured their sweat and blood into? A game that 300+ Patreons and others paid money in advance to help fund when they have contributed nothing.

For a game like Skyrim or a triple A title a leech is a nusiance, but the impacts are minor. When it comes to small time games leeches can destroy the company and prevent future games from being produced and kill off further investment in the industry.

Once again, trust has already been broken by some individuals leaking the game to those that hadn't paid. This threatens the future of this game developer from producing more games.

You sound literally butt hurt from getting dicked in the ass by the developer. I'm glad I don't preorder because that's what happens when you get dicked from a preorder.

piracy is piracy. As long as there are people there will be piracy. People also say the best things in life are free.

Whats the purpose of a game demo: the purpose of a game demo is to get people interested enough to buy your game. i think it worked.

i don't compare him to EA. i compare him to the dick moves EA( think battlefield 4 launch) does to its fanbase and EA isnt the only one around. Ubisoft on watchdogs and assassins creed unity. Sega with Aliens: colonial marines. Konami on silent hills. Capcom with resident evil. Its not okay to fuck over your fan-base.

And now i can add this guy launches game on dlsite but dicks over preorders who trusted him to get day 1 download that coincided with the retail release.

The game itself is alright just needs a damned skip scene option cause of so many goddamn restarts for ending flags and repetitive scenes for every freaking play-through. you know for when a person is scene and ending hunting.

But hey im just some random lurker who needs to makes more posts.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Game is worth buying IMO

Has anyone figured out how to get any events with the black guy?
And what requirements is there in order for her to wear less and less while at home.


You just have to advance the story to secretary part for no panties at home( im not sure if their is an alertness requirement since losing alertness is so dam easy), and i got one event with the black guy by not taking him on the school lab mission and losing to the guards. think taking him with you on school lab mission and losing might get you a game-over that leads to that certain guro scene.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

so far ive gotten 4 endings at school part
one for max scenes with school bullies, one maxing scenes with taro, one for maxing scenes on train, and one for getting school rep to max but not finding both the max evidence of drugs and the door to the lab. Im pretty sure theres an ending if i maxed out the principle scenes.

Secretary endings ive gotten are
losing to the guards in the club, maxing webcam scenes.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

1.0(thx it's the 0.85)
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

so far ive gotten 4 endings at school part
one for max scenes with school bullies, one maxing scenes with taro, one for maxing scenes on train, and one for getting school rep to max but not finding both the max evidence of drugs and the door to the lab. Im pretty sure theres an ending if i maxed out the principle scenes.

Secretary endings ive gotten are
losing to the guards in the club, maxing webcam scenes.

So if you don't find enough drug evidence before reaching max reputation, you'll get a Bad end?
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)


Well, I believe it appears to be the full version.
The only way to find out is to play it lol.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

So if you don't find enough drug evidence before reaching max reputation, you'll get a Bad end?

It's not exactly a bad ending but more like a vanilla ending that requires a painful restart. Restarts are so painful.
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