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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Lafete - I have read through your list. Below are some quick comments:

- Not all soldiers have access to ‘ramp’.

- Rogue – gain instant death chance on basic attack upon AW.

- Bandit – gains 1.5x attack power against armored enemies upon AW.

- Valkyrie – For starting players, it is likely highest mdef unit they have access to for some time.

- Archer – gains 1.3x attack power against flying units upon AW.

- Witch – do they really prioritize flying units? Not sure about that, but can’t check atm. It is worth noting that witches are your primary armored enemy killers (unless you have strong princess). Upon AW they gain increased slow. On Jp version all witches received a -1 cost buff, which wasn’t on English version last time I checked, hence the differences between jp wiki stats and what you see in game.

- Mage – for long time there was a bug/feature of mages, that only the primary attack target received magical damage. The targets hit by aoe were dealt physical damage. Don’t know if this is fixed in English version.

- Healer – strange wording with ‘some’, so not sure if I understand the statement correctly. All priests upon AW remove status effects.

- Samurai – They are not great anti-rush units, due to high deployment cost.

- Ninjas, just as witches, received a cost reduction buff along the way (applies only pre-AW).

- Pirates – I would recommend a warning to new players that pirates in general suck. Their saving grace, in some cases, is skill.

- Avanger – I would argue the opposite - they are best when dealing with low health, high (but slow) attack.

- Rune Fencers – deal 50%/60%/70% or their attack in ranged attacks. But maybe this also doesn’t apply to English version yet. That patch came with reduction of basic stats and cost of fencers.

- Angel – ‘while having the ability to…’ ?

- Vampire Hunter – not sure they are recommended over archers, when you don’t need range. They are only effective against low def opponents (due to triple attack). It is worth noting, they work very well with buffers, like dancers.

- Bishop – description is incorrect. Bishops work like Shamans – they start healing upon skill activation, w/o any splash.

- Rearguard Tacticians – They also reduce skill cooldowns by 10/20/30%.

- Cannoneer – most importantly they deal AoE damage.

- Dragon Shaman – she also has lower aspd than healers, which sometimes is important.

- Druid – mimon rules same as Necromancer. Note the minion is ranged.


@SybillaISsoCUTE - 4 sta map is relatively easy, so we just breezed through it. Not sure you can do it w/o any CCed units though. You need at least two strong duelers I think. Kurissa is great, but you also need one on the other side. I quickly looked through strategy videos and while there are plenty silver-only ones, I havne't seen any w/o CCed units.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Unit Class Guide

Just some things.

(Saints) All saints halve the duration of bad status to all units within their range as an awaken passive (with Liane being the one that just cures them).

(Pirates)< cost more than archers.

(Dark Knight) Atm all dark knights also have skills that lower all enemies attacks to varying degrees, I doubt this is gonna change so I think it could be considered a class ability.

(Monk) As long a your not picking a enemy out of a crowd, low cost, High atk and Atk Spd make monks farely decent gankers.

(Summoner) Thanks to summoners and now druids the phrase "atks all in range" means just that so to avoid confusion later on you'll want to either differentiate only attacks some (or 1) enemy in range or specifically note that every enemy regardless of how many are there get hit.

(Dancer) It maybe worth noting dancers dont atk they just sit there.

(Druid) Just to clarify she attacks an enemy within her range and when she uses her skill her range increases and she makes a single atk to all enemies within it. The afore mentioned combo being immediately after she makes an attack you use her skill to attack right after which resets her cooldown so she attacks again immediatly after.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Petite :

Ouch, that seemed really bad. Thanks for the info!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'll update the original post. Thank you for the information/correcting mistake that happened during translation. In regards to Angels. It is correct that they can only attack/interact with enemy units while their skills are active right? Meaning while it is not they don't have the ability to attack or block? I'll just fix that up for clarification reasons.

Thank you for the information/corrections. In regards to Dancers it is noted. For damage type it has nothing listed. Normally this would be viewed as that they do not attack, but I can clarify if needed.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Lian's Event First Phase:
+1) Describes Lian's Skill, and her Class Perk.
-2) Didn't inform players of Lian's class, so everyone thought she was a Front Tactician like Uzume.
-3) Best farm map drops Samurai Sanosuke and Nothing Else.
-4) No presents for farming scrolls.
Total: -2 (-, FUCK YOU.)

Add to all that the fact that the unit itself was bad... really bad until the aw update were she got to the "decent" category :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Which unit would be the best to use a Time fairy on?
I don't have any premium black units but I have platinum units who are the backbone of my team:
*Note:All have been Awakened.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

well I got 3 platinum armors from the map already and Ive only used 2 crystals on stamina if that means anything. I think maybe the rate is 10%
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Managed to complete 5 event map ... now belinda event ... should I even go for it ? Maybe... I need some silvers (archers and some more extra HA) to AW some characters.

15 crystal left since I waste some of them (6 wasted) to got some space.
Lvl 142 with 136/160 storage capacity here :/

If I buy 30 one, I get second storage with 250 capacity right ?
Or I can't buy that soon and need to complete the first storage ?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Managed to complete 5 event map ... now belinda event ... should I even go for it ? Maybe... I need some silvers (archers and some more extra HA) to AW some characters.

15 crystal left since I waste some of them (6 wasted) to got some space.
Lvl 142 with 136/160 storage capacity here :/

If I buy 30 one, I get second storage with 250 capacity right ?
Or I can't buy that soon and need to complete the first storage ?

If u don't have any "premium" witch or maybe a full cost reduced and already AW Eliza, I would recommend farming Belinda. As we already stated every time she was revived, she is a very solid unit.

U need to max the regular unit box before being able to buy the barracks.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmmm... don't see Belinda maps under daily tab and it's already time?? :confused:

I see other ppl on Niconico have it there and doing it now, but for some reason I only have the orb dailies... am I missing something? :confused:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Petite, I wouldn't mind hearing here some explanation about mobs from game. Sometimes i know them (like Youkai) but mostly I don't. If you wouldn't mind then I will be thankful to hear what demon does what. (I think my English sucks today, I hope you can understand me...)

I didn't read your story translations YET. I will do it for sure when I finally start doing them. I had other priorities so new story missions were ignored...

@WiliamZero, you need to purchase all +4 slots before you will be able to buy 2nd barracks

BTW. Anyone here playing android app? I don't see Belinda map there ;( And I can't play all age on my Win 8, crap ==
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmmm... don't see Belinda maps under daily tab and it's already time?? :confused:

I see other ppl on Niconico have it there and doing it now, but for some reason I only have the orb dailies... am I missing something? :confused:

I just did a couple of them they should be up for everyone.

On a side note first run on the 2 maps i had the stamina for both gave me a silver unit. a Valerie which is much appreciated I hate how a CC valerie gains 5 unit cost. and a Eunice.

What exactly are the drops for the revival maps?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If u don't have any "premium" witch or maybe a full cost reduced and already AW Eliza, I would recommend farming Belinda. As we already stated every time she was revived, she is a very solid unit.

U need to max the regular unit box before being able to buy the barracks.

already have max cr Belinda already

@Anelia : Just how many :/
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Wiliam, I've got silver stamp this month because I bought em all :D now I wil, get another for buying 2nd barracks. That's two Joker Fairies :)

Anyway, my android version doesn't have Belinda event (maybe they fucked up and we will get some sorry present? I'd like that!) So I tried once more japan cookies (they didn't work last few times I tried), and here I am! With game working on my computer. Cool!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Also didn't see Belinda map on R18 version for some reason (I'm playing on PC).

Just tried DMM.com version and it was there though, phew.

BTW. Anyone here playing android app? I don't see Belinda map there ;( And I can't play all age on my Win 8, crap ==
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Wiliam, I've got silver stamp this month because I bought em all :D now I wil, get another for buying 2nd barracks. That's two Joker Fairies :)

Anyway, my android version doesn't have Belinda event (maybe they fucked up and we will get some sorry present? I'd like that!) So I tried once more japan cookies (they didn't work last few times I tried), and here I am! With game working on my computer. Cool!

Are u sure about the stamp card? u need to spend like 50 (I don't remember how many I spent this month) crystals to get it.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

event + buying barracks slot + 2 premium summons (I wanted Patra, heh...) = stamp card!
This month:
Gold rush + buying 2nd barracks = 2 stamp card!

@BlueMoon, Belinda event is supposed to be on all age and android (sometime before they were doing it all age only revivals), so it ks ok you can't find her on R18. Although I see nothing on my android. They fucked smth up...

Belinda drops:
1. Nothing
2. Nothing
3. Nothing
4. BRONZE archer
5. Nothing
6. Nothing
7. Nothing
8. Nothing
9. Nothing
10. Nothing

maybe they made drops even worse -___---"

My Belinda is -2/3, I am seriously thinking I can live with that.....
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah that explains it, I didn't realize it was all-age + android only :p

No drops here yet either, gonna go back to farming for event seals soon...

@BlueMoon, Belinda event is supposed to be on all age and android (sometime before they were doing it all age only revivals), so it ks ok you can't find her on R18. Although I see nothing on my android. They fucked smth up...

Belinda drops:
1. Nothing
2. Nothing
3. Nothing
4. BRONZE archer
5. Nothing

Aybe they made drops even worse -___---"
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well, last revival event for Belinda was 8% dropchance, yes?
I doubt they would have increased that.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My Belinda is -4/3, I am seriously thinkingI can live with that.....

Isn't Belinda only Cr-3 cap, not sure whats that -4 mean.
As for as much i want Belinda at least CR-2 i had to save stam / crystal for nagi :( this is the only way i can hit 700 seal (i'm glad i still havent done Belinda map at all free crystal ^o^)
Might spend 1 crystal for trying to get 1 xtra copy due to boosted drop rate, but thats all or if i fail nagi 700 seal i'm pretty sure i will cry more

Well, last revival event for Belinda was 8% dropchance, yes?
I doubt they would have increased that.
The reason we all believed the drop rate increased, is because petite mention it on the update note translation said belinda event drop is fixed and buffed
We all trusted him on his patch note translation hence why we believe the increase drop rate :D although how high its buffed thats another story (or maybe the 1 buffed is not belinda but other drop)
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