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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

its easier to get higher dmg with gold/platinums granted they cost more I think certain platinums can reach a similar silver units maxed affection/lvl stats with just a few affection and lvl 40~50 and then w/e you can finally awaken them they blow silvers out of the water. I prefer platinums mostly because getting silvers up to 100% affection is kind of a pain. I might as well use them if I dont have too many cost reduced silvers. I dont think it really even matters that I dont use a full team of cost reduced silvers Ive been failing to 3 star recently because of not having a specific unit cced or just not enough dmg

maybe that one little goblin I couldnt stop was supposed to drop a crystal I suppose that would at least be close to equaling the nearly guaranteed ruby from phalanx 2

well I didnt know the gold/platinums were 5x from the gacha until petite said it so I thought this might be a rare chance that I should actually spend a little on. my luck is something special I believe I spent 70 crystals this time first half was all silvers and still I haven't seen a platinum out of the gacha ever but it gave me another black onmyouji mikoto and Im happy to have one of those area healers now krull. would of been nice to get at least 1 platinum lady though.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maybe this Bandit king abducted some Princess we are going to rescue? :D

Having New Princess for 1 1mil users sounds reasonable

Haha, that would be an interesting twist on things. Or maybe its a tomboy type character so everyone just calls her a "king". Whatever it ends up being, I just hope its something useful I can add to my team, need all the help I can get XD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You don't need a team full of silvers. It's just that every time you fail, you shouldn't blame your units. Thinking about what would help make your team improve is better. If you need more damage, then level up units you believe will help you and try to max out their affection so they're at their potential. Replacing silver units with platinum units is fine. Adding more units along the way is fine, but if you keep repeating this then you'll slow down your progression. If you keep adding more and more platinum units, then you will need more and more affection items while needing more platinum fairies and platinum armors. If you want an awakened unit, then focus on it. There's a lot of things to do, but make sure it will help you for future events.

Someday you'll reach a point where you'll think, "I don't need this event girl," and just focus on making your team stronger. I'm at this point because I don't know what to do with some of the units I have. The dark knight that we're getting from this event? I have no idea what I'll do with her other than class changing her. After class changing her? I probably won't use her at all.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think it's common for some regions to give anybody the male equivalent of titles, "king, sir, etc", regardless of gender. So I don't think that's a big deal.

I meant that we got Claire in the Gold Rush just before Rita that came just before Xiao lol. But then we even got Fran next. 3 archers, 4 ranged fighters in a row. Not that we didn't need them after the dryspell of ranged attackers. We aren't exactly hungry for 1 block duelists though...

Also wow, I completed Hana:


1: -1 Cost, +1 Skill
2: -1 Cost
3: Nothing
4: -1 Cost
5: -1 Cost
6: +1 Skill
7: Nothing
8: -1 Cost
9: Nothing
10: Nothing
11: +1 Skill
12: Nothing
13: Nothing
14: Nothing
15: Nothing
16: Nothing
17: Nothing
18: +1 Skill

Cost Reduction: -5/-5, Skill: 5/5

Even have a spare copy that I have no idea what to do with. Pretty nuts, I didn't really plan on that, just been spending my spare charisma on the high cost versions of maps to farm food. I think she's my first ever 100% complete farm event girl. Too bad I won't have any healers to spare to CC her for months. I'd love to see her CC'd range now with max affection and skill (If anybody has her max skilled/affection and CC'd, screenshot her range for me please? I'm curious). Need a 4th healer first, then I have I think 2 awakenings that need multiple healers each, bleh.

I have one spare healer that I was going to save for CCing Christopher, but I also have a spare Iris copy I should probably feed before the synthesis event ends, blah. Aegis has become a silver unit collection game. I'd rather some silvers than new plats at this point, it's sad. I think I'll start spamming base gacha soon. Damn, no cost reduction or skill up on my Iris for that x.x
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh that's right, there was a gold rush event. I completely forgot about that. Grats on Hana! Mine is 4/5, -5 and I'm happy with it.

Anyway, marcus, I'm just replying this way because I don't really like it when people blame things. I do play a lot of team games and I would rather have people learn from their mistakes or learn about improving their playstyle instead of blaming anything and everything they can. In the end, it falls upon your choice. What you choose to do is your responsibility.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Conrad is known in-game as the Bandit King. Some Japanese players joke that if there was an American-version of Millennium War Aegis, that Conrad would be the Prince.

In any case, here's some Papa Conrad fan creations:


The only event that focused on a male character was Karma's event with Vincent being the main character and Karma being the reward, kind of like how Monica was the main character during the Touhou event, but the rewards were Akane and Saki.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

yay! one exam passed , one to go.

@marcus, while having only platinum units sooner or later you will have troubles with with early rush maps. according to your behavior I hope sooner :(
Hearing that you are not able to 3 star Wed daily is also disturbing while you are talking about need to AW your girls ....
Are you even able to do senior fairy rescue or Phalanx is your answer to everything...?

@Exkale, as I understood, dark knights / paladins have very high magic resistance with ability to tank quite well, this is why new girl may be useful .

@Fruit, Hz on Hana. Mine is 5/5 skill (my second girl total with maxed skill ) but resisting having her max cost reduced. Yesterday I noticed her event is going to be up for whole next week , so we have some more time
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Rolled another 100 crystals and got another black elf princess...damn it, hope it cost reduces.

Got 3 stars on all maps for this event hardest was the one with the fat super demon a guide someone posted helped me realise i suck just needed to ranged spam, an angel duelist and actually use the knights aura skill.

I hope the next event unit isn't another bandit I made the mistake of farming for max imellia from the last one and have never used her, bandits are another unit I dont have much use for.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Rolled another 100 crystals and got another black elf princess...damn it, hope it cost reduces.

Wow, Olivia is crazy good. If I could get her instead of Cornelia I would agree to this in less than a second D:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I will be waiting until I see her skill, AW ability, and stats before I make a decision. I have the option to awaken Jelius and have him gain +10 MR if I need it, but it's not necessary at the moment. It's kind of hard to consider her as an alternative tank when I already have Olivia as a tanky duelist with MR.

Olivia (AW99):
- 20 cost (-1 AW ability)
- 1 Block
- Very high magical damage
- Great defensive stats (522 Def + 30 MR)
- Average HP
- Skill grants 100% evasion (5/5)

Elva (CC??):
- 25 cost (-5)
- 2 Block
- Unknown capabilities
- Moderate MR stat (15?)

Maribelle (CC40):
- 20 cost (-4)
- 3 Block
- Low/Moderate stats (HP, Attack, Defense)
- Skill increases her durability and attack power

Jelius (CC70):
- 24 cost
- 3 Block
- Low attack power and high defense (457 Def)
- Very high HP

Elva might fill a gap, but I don't know when I'll ever need someone tanky with 2 block. She will be considered one day and I'll raise her up immediately if I do need a semi tanky blocker with high HP/attack.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow, Olivia is crazy good. If I could get her instead of Cornelia I would agree to this in less than a second D:

I love my oliva saved me many times with magic damage and 5/5 skill I think mine is 19 cost now with her AW.

Would trade the copy I just got for for cornholleo in a heartbeat though.

Trading/auction when? Charge a trading fee if you want agis.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Personally, I would prefer if they did something similar to Hitsuji Chronicles, and have it so you summon multiple units and get to choose the one you want to keep. That way, you'll have an increased chance of summoning the chance-up unit(s). The last console RPG I played had this sort of system with its character growth panels at the end of each mission, and that made things interesting since it kept multiple playthroughs from being the same while still preserving the element of choice.

I stopped doing premium summons after I got Betty during the Yurina event, and I'm going to hold out for as long as possible until they implement something like the above. So far, being prudent with my crystals has paid off since they have been making certain things much easier to obtain for less.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Premium summons is a trap, you usually won't ever get what you want, so you have to settle with what you get. Especially since it is very likely you will roll like say 10-20 times, and get all silvers. It crushes your soul, and you will feel more obligated to spend more money to hope to get better, and if you do, the trap is working.

I feel dark knights aren't exactly used for blocking in general like heavy armors, but to be a multi-purpose tank, to mainly block Heavy hitters of both damage types such as demons, onis or liches, not the little minions.

I also highly doubt they will change the premium summoning system, though one may dream. It is generating UnkoP money, even though it gave him that infamous name, but it works. It would be nice if it does change to some system like Hitsuji chronicles, but not likely.

Also, how good is Sherry and Rachel? I already have Claudia and Kaguya, and I don't think theres room for Rachel if I have Minerva in my team, but I guess I could remove Xiao in favour of Rachel, since Xiao is only ever used to help me farm Base struggle.

This is my map clearing team, in case you were wondering.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dark Knights are one of my favorite classes (Along with Monks). Love how the 2 block units function in this game. Since it's a guarantee to max clear event girls if your team is strong, it does worry me that Elva may not be as strong/useful as Yurina. We have the comparison of Miko vs Kagura for clear vs farm girls, and they both have their uses, so hopefully Elva will be solid. Then again, I'd give a nod to Charlotte over Horu since I don't like the Power Attack awakening on a Magic Fencer. It certainly makes her more specialized but I can see how they're still somewhat even. Just please don't give Power Attack to Elva >.>

Starting to feel like they won't bring Yurina back, so I'm happy to have a DK completed anywho. Dark Knights really need as much cost reduction as possible in my opinion, so my -3/-5 Yurina has always made me sad. Anyways I really like Elva's design as well. If she's strong it'll be difficult to decide on which to awaken first. Yurina has kind of been my dream project (Though Anya ruined that a bit).

Also this is a little silly, but I always have trouble deciding whether to capitalize class names like Dark Knight or skills. Sometimes it seems weird to do it and other times it seems weird not to. Like if you start a sentence with a class, it seems odd to type "Dark knight" to me, maybe I'm just weird. There aren't exactly grammar rules for it (That I learned anyways). I guess you could consider them like military titles? Something about it's okay as long as it's a proper noun in context, blah blah. I think I'm just going to start capitalizing them always for consistency.

In short: It looks sexier to capitalize class titles.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Premium summons is a trap, It crushes your soul
This is my map clearing team, in case you were wondering.

I can vouch for soul crushing.

I'll post my map clearing team as well, it's nice to see yours is pretty different to mine.

I intend to replace the gold healer with the platinum version I just got, when I AW her.
And replace one of those soldiers with another melee unit I was thinking a Dark Knight hence my obsession for the black one.

:Edit: How do I get my images to appear like yours bladeguy am I missing something really simple when attaching them to a post?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

:Edit: How do I get my images to appear like yours bladeguy am I missing something really simple when attaching them to a post?

You host them on an image site :p I recommend Cubeupload.com

My blind run team is:


Anya and Rikka are changed out frequently for any of: Karma, Yurina, Claudia usually depending on how I feel. I also try to play Memento for Calliope when it doesn't seem like the event will have rush maps. Her summons really help test new enemy units without risking loss of 3 star, love that. Claire is still pretty expensive too, so I switch between her and Daniela. Sometimes I take Odette off too since 2 mages is usually overkill, but it sure is nice to have her when you need her. Only 6 out of 15 being melee puts me at risk on maps without ranged slots, so I switch her out for another melee. Saki or Marie (If I can AW her) might take her place soon.

My 2nd tab is for special teams though, I usually make a unique team after watching videos if I'm worried about the difficulty of a map or any surprises. My 3rd tab is farming team (Both gold rogues and Monica) and my 4th tab is fairy daily since you need a lot of anti rush units.

It's weird to me that you guys have consistent "Clear teams" since there are so many different types of maps/challenges. I guess with teams like that you don't need to change things up very often. Blade's team seems like it'd have some trouble with rush maps. Aarkken's seems extremely solid though, with soldiers like that, who needs a ton of dedicated duelists?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh what is everyone's opinion on Viera vs Marie? I'm having trouble deciding which to work on since Marie's AW ability is pretty awesome. I haven't seen how much quicker Viera becomes after awakening so it's tough to decide. It doesn't help that Marie's stats aren't fully mapped out yet on the wiki, not sure why. I thought she'd be updated pretty quickly, seems a popular character.

My Marie is max cost reduced, Viera will only be -1. Well, at least sailors are fairly cheap to deploy either way so I don't think that's a huge concern. I've been letting sailors fly under my radar for a bit too long I think, I could really use one awakened soon. There are just so many units to focus on, but I think I should disregard them and acque massive aoes soon. I ignored them for so long because I was hoping Ricca would be going somewhere similar with an awakening, but that doesn't seem to be happening any time soon.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It depends on the unit. If their skill changes after class changing, then you will need to get the copy to 30CC before feeding it to the main copy. Strengthen Attack II -> Strengthen Attack III qualifies as a skill change and skill levels won't carry over after class changing. Silver units don't change skills after class changing. Most non-event gold/platinum/black units change after class changing. If you're not sure if it changes after class changing, then take a look at a wiki and check if it will change.

If their skill does not change, then it is not necessary to CC the copy. Hana's skill does not change after class changing. Most(?) event units will not change after class changing.


The wiki lists AW Viera's attack speed at 0.88 attacks a second (34 frames) while AW Marie's attack speed is 0.81 attacks a second (37 frames). Both attack rates are during their skill. If you can notice the difference between Claudia's attack and other princesses, then it should be similar. I would pick Viera if you want to be able to use her as a duelist in between her skill because of her higher defense and HP.

Honestly, you can't go wrong either way and even awakening both will be amazing. My Marie is doing at least 960 physical area damage (AW Sherry aura + Waltz's skill) during her skill. Mages and gunners have about 0.31 attacks a second. Having twice the attack rate makes them incredible with damage buffs.

As for why her stats aren't updated on the other wiki? I believe it has to do with her AW ability. Maintainers of wikis trying to be as accurate as possible will usually have a tighter restriction on edits and who knows what kind of discussion goes on there while trying to keep the integrity of the information.
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