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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Have we got any information on the Event dark knights skills and stats yet?
Depending on her stats I may stop trying for the Black one.

Also in regards to Princess Sybillia is she worth AW if I already have an AW Elf Princess Oliver?
Oliver's bonuses are just too good -1 cost on all elves including herself is nice, she has been my clutch unit for a few event maps lately with her 100% to not give a shit VS Phys Melee,
Sybilla just gets a Rune Fencer style attack on skill use that has instant death, not a fan of %instant death already have enough RNG fights as is.

I always wanted Sybilla but I have had Oliver since forever and she has earned her place in my sortie with repeated clutch wins.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sybilla is just broken after awakening. Definitely worth it to awaken her because dealing 1.1k~1.4k ranged magical damage with a chance to instantly kill an enemy during her skill is overpowered. She trivializes a lot of missions and can make them not challenging at all. Olivia looks tame and normal for a black unit compared to Sybilla even if Olivia has great stats and is a powerful duelist.

I have AW Olivia as well and she's always going to be a part of my team, but whenever I see videos that involve AW Sybilla it makes me a little jealous. AW Olivia will always be one of my favorites though because her AW art seems a lot more professional compared to the art of other characters and she gains armor pieces instead of losing clothing or armor pieces. :D
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Aarkken: No spoilers for Elva. The reason we got spoilers for certain units like Imelia and Claudia was because the staff added them to the game's code; they were guest characters that had stats, but those things were missing stuff like their AW abilities and stand-up illustrations.

According to the story, Elva has a Frenzy Strike, so I'm almost thinking she may have something akin to Rush! for monks. I only did the map once, and had Immortal Queen Karma murder her (after High Princess Lilia failed to catch her and instead terminated her two escorts), so I don't really remember what she was like when her aura was unleashed.

Sybilla's skill also can increase her damage by 1.5x, and she turns into a support duelist after awakening which occupies a different role from a regular duelist. For example, you can have Olivia duel something and dump Sybilla to contribute even more damage (this is what I do with Chounin Hina, who has a 15% chance of dealing true damage, so she's extremely helpful for burning down bosses). AW Sybilla is inarguably the best unit to have for getting 3-stars on Tinies Versus Giants II due to her being able to cover 2-3 lanes. Sybilla also can make short work of the penultimate Memento map due to her being able to reach the liches and Lord of the Dead when they're outside of melee range.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Well time to farm those black fairies then...
My only problem now is I have nothing to sacrifice only 1 plat armour and maybe 3 female golds which are only good until the 29th I think.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Did you guys notice that girls in shop did changes every 4-5 weeks?

Janna: 02.10.2014-06.11.2014 -->5 weeks
Shidis: 06.11.2014 - 04.12.2014 --> 4 weeks
Spica: 04.12.2014 - 08.01.2015 --> 5 weeks
Janna: 08.01.2015 --> ?

I believe Janna will be removed during next week maintenance (5th of February). What do you guys think?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

yeh sounds like that should be exactly when if thats the only maintenance for early February looking at the past dates. what Im really concerned with is when saki and the samurai are getting removed I think I may have to just pass up janna again to save for saki and akane since I have that silver gunner anyway unless we have pretty decent amount of time before they're gone/ some new event map that drops magic crystals like hot cakes.

I wish I had woken up before the hana map changed again demon lurking in the sand sea was probably the closest thing to oasis exp food

which of the wednesday daily maps is the most efficient for affection items?

edit: nvm found it back a few pages gift from the sky high tier

this actually seems to be rather pathetic compared to phalanx 2 ran twice and all I got is flowers/ crystals only thing I let pass was one small goblin so I doubt that made much difference. this is a waste of charisma so I'm going back to spamming phalanx 2 for affection items
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah I did want to pick up at least one spare copy of Janna since I'd like a constant/solid 4th aoe'er, but I really don't have time either.

I imagine Saki and Akane will be around about as long as the normal shop girls.

Posting this again since it's becoming difficult to find:

Hana Map Location Spoiler:
22nd: Rural Gate; Road that Leads to the Capital
23rd: Civilian Rescue 1; Ruined City in the Desert
24th: Rural Gate Defence (田園の門防衛戦); Graveyard of Sorrow (哀しみの墓地)
25th: Civilian Rescue 2 (住民救出2); Return to the Ruined Capital (廃都への帰還)
26th: Civilian Rescue 3 (住民救出3); Lookout Tower (見張り塔)
27th: Mysterious Monster (謎の魔物); Monsters Lurking in the Sand Sea (砂海に潜む魔物)
28th: ; Battle at the Castle Gates (城門の戦い)
29th: Fort Battle (砦の戦い); 王城奪還 (Royal Castle Recapture)

Hana Spoilers:
Instant Death Multiplier: 0.1x
Drop Rate: 15%

Darn, I was hoping one of these would be Oasis or the Base Struggle 2nd. Oh, well...

Also, happy 420 pages everybody~
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

guess i have no other choice now, but to farm Nenya and Hana for now, then 30cc them except 1 copy, which i will 50cc later. I'm still in low levels, so this is all for this event for me.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Fruit, Petite added this to his maintenance info post a while ago. :) Everything is in his signature post.


guess i have no other choice now, but to farm Nenya and Hana for now, then 30cc them except 1 copy, which i will 50cc later. I'm still in low levels, so this is all for this event for me.

Why you want to 30CC? It's not worth it.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah, last I checked it wasn't there. Oh well, some people don't check it anyways.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

guess i have no other choice now, but to farm Nenya and Hana for now, then 30cc them except 1 copy, which i will 50cc later. I'm still in low levels, so this is all for this event for me.
Early 30CC won't improve your chances a lot if you want to clear event mission maps. If you're just starting the game, then you will, at most, obtain 1-star clears of the first and second mission. Every new player will always struggle during the first event they participated in unless it was actually catered/designed for low levels. When I think about it, I was only able to get 1-star for the first two maps in the first event I took part in. I was not able to clear any missions in the second event I was around for because ninjas were a terror for my low level team.

You should not 30CC Hana because that is a waste of resources. Hana requires at least 2 silver healers for class changing and those are valuable for new players.

This map requires a team average level of 1 for a 1-star clear.

The second map requires a team average of level 25 for a 1-star clear.

The third map requires a team average of level 50 for a 1-star clear.

This map requires a team average level of CC25 for a 1-star clear. The game developers are assuming that you've been doing 50CC, not 30CC. A team of 30CC won't have the same chances as a team of 50CC.

These are all estimates by the developers, but it's possible to clear them with teams that don't meet the average level. There are other factors that can contribute to being able to clear the mission such as unit stats, skills, and affection/approval. Just because you can get a team to 30CC25 doesn't mean you can clear the mission as easily as a team consisting of 50CC.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Do we just sign up for premium at Niconico and we get a code or do we need to watch the video?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

maybe hes trying to 30cc the copies before he feeds them? this shouldnt be neccessary for nenya or hana their skills stay the same after they cc

man after trying to 3 star that damn 50/5 map for so long I give up can't kill those stupid horse riders fast enough because I dont have pales skill at 4/5 fk this mission and fk pales. I guess all my failed attempts weren't a complete waste though the dark knight seems to drop platinum fairies pretty often and I used the 2 pales copies I got from it to cc odette instead of taking a chance with her skill. odette will be as strong as pales with her skill at all times eventually when Im able to get her close to lvl 70 and maxed affection.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Fed Hana 12 copies of herself for -2 Cost and 4/5 Skill (she's suffering from the same issue as Maribelle where I just can't seem to get a single 25% cost reduction).

On the bright side, I've been leveling everyone up with these iron/bronze units to the point that I got both Imelia and Janna to CC50, and thanks to doing base summoning for CC materials for a silver samurai, I summoned the Gold Rogue Betty. Yay~! Now to hope I get the 50% cost reduction on Betty after I farm some Gold Fairies.

You need a premium account, and on the page where you watch the video, there should be a page where you can apply for the serial code made available to premium members. I haven't registered, so I don't know if you can apply for it right now, or only by the day of the broadcast (I'm waiting until it's February 2nd to find out).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The time zone of the niconico account can make it confusing. Here is an example:
Set to -8 (PST)
Feb/06/2015 (FRI) Opens: 27:50 Starts: 28:00
Set to +9 (Tokyo time)
Feb/07/2015 (SAT) Opens: 20:50 Starts: 21:00

9 PM Tokyo time should be 4 AM PST if I am not wrong.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

which of the wednesday daily maps is the most efficient for affection items?

edit: nvm found it back a few pages gift from the sky high tier

this actually seems to be rather pathetic compared to phalanx 2 ran twice and all I got is flowers/ crystals only thing I let pass was one small goblin so I doubt that made much difference. this is a waste of charisma so I'm going back to spamming phalanx 2 for affection items

this is why we are doing wednesday daily instead of Phalanx 2:

Too bad I did not get full drop to show you but this must do

Ps. Managed to 100% affection Cornelia. I can upload h-scene if anyone is interested

@Petite, gz gz. Glad to hear I am not the only one spamming free gacha to get crap CC materials (so irritating when only bronze drops then, lol). For my more than half year playing I never get anything better than silver from free gacha
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

maybe after Ive recovered from the pathetic display it showed me I'll try again, but for now my brain wont let me waste my charisma there. I got just 3 items twice in a row some flowers and crystals so I guess it could of been my cache was making my drops bad.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

guess i have no other choice now, but to farm Nenya and Hana for now, then 30cc them except 1 copy, which i will 50cc later. I'm still in low levels, so this is all for this event for me.

lets not do that. as a fellow low level i can understand the frustration at not being able to do events due to your level. this is the first time i can 3 star the third level on an event.

lvl 30 cc means wasting 2 units for a quick boost on an unit. and should only be used to level a healer or something important for your team. the only real reason to do this is if you plan on awakening chloris and give her said Nyanya but even then it might take you a long time to do that......and even then she is not the best witch to awaken right away.

what you should focus on is raising a few silvers to a good level and use them as your main team and only replacing them when you get a good silver.

IE keep katie as your main soldier once you get her.
IE keep the gold archer instead of Soma (sadly Daniela is better than her D:)
IE keep berenice as your main HA replacing Rean.

my own tactic right now is to farm for the Silver units i dont own at the moment and use them on Missions.

From the current event i have

little by little youll make it to the net few missions
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

lvl 30 cc means wasting 2 units for a quick boost on an unit. and should only be used to level a healer or something important for your team. the only real reason to do this is if you plan on awakening chloris and give her said Nyanya but even then it might take you a long time to do that......and even then she is not the best witch to awaken right away.

Wtf not the healers! they are fcking crazy hard to get when you are low lvl (drops mostly from the hardest maps) and are needed as food crazy often! if you sucks during event stop doing out and focus on lvling your main team! you will do much better during next event. after new desert maps lvling your girl 30->50
will take just a while and won't fuck her up forever later.

CCd 30 your characters loses A LOT of stats and healers are core of your group. you should lvl properly at least them!

This game is cool letting you level whoever you like . you don't need to have crazy premium girls to win a map (there is one guy on nicovideo having group full of Ricca's ) but don't play like a noob lazy boy CCing them when they are half grown.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think it would help to have crazy premium girls just they arent really attainable 3% out of a 5 dollar gacha is kind of retarded unless your rich or drop your paycheck on this game which is also kind of retarded.

I guess it also depends on how you play if you just want to get units from events then that probably wouldn't require being so strong, but if you want to earn multiple copies or get a unit upgraded with all the cost reductions and skill ups like this current event then that gets kind of difficult since youd probably have to beat high or extreme tier missions. I feel like some of the high tier missions are just either you have crazy premium and awakened units or you have the bare minimum crappy silver unit that you have completely maxed out and cost reduced or you fail because its barely strong enough to beat the mission. Some of those silver unit strategy videos look so desperate withdrawing like 5 units in 2 seconds.

what so good about riccas? they only block 1 and have kind of a high cost and they can't be healed or something? I havent cced mine yet
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