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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That error sounds like the same one Hybras is getting...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I can send a ticket in Japanese, but I don't want it to sound like I was some idiot trying to cheat the system and fucked up.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ninjas awaken and lose a lot of their defence and HP. For the Platinum Ninja Hina, it takes her until around AW60 before she rehabilitates her HP (AW30 for her attack). The only class that doesn't gain much from their AW levels are sailors; nearly everyone else benefits from their awakening stat-wise. Ninjas are highly dependent on their AT being as high as possible in the hopes that you can get them to kill certain monsters in one less hit (in Saki's case, she can reach the 467 barrier near AW99). This is even more important now that armoured enemies can deflect your shuriken.

Saki isn't going to be that useful to your party awakened compared to your Despia and Karma. The Gold Ninja Hien is actually more useful awakened since he has the Strengthen Attack III skill (659AT at AW80 Skill 4/5) unless you're in desperate need to throw yourself at the same map multiple times until Saki nets you a 5% assassination against a particular foe or foes (they really need to buff her now that they decided to give Sybilla a ranged 10% instant death attack).

I guess. Her AW stats are barely higher than her class changed stats, it's pretty sad. Honestly she's pretty underwhelming for a black unit, kind of low tier. I can't think of any blacks off the top of my head that are worse (Minus Anna, who at least has a practically free sortie cost to offset it), but I'm not too familiar with some of the newer ones. Well, that's to be expected. At least she gets an attack speed boost. Ninjas are already pretty awkward, so I guess I can't just blame her.

Of course they have their uses on snaking paths and special maps, just a little less useful overall in my opinion than most classes. Especially now that their shurikens can bounce.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

... What are these drop rates. Trying to get Healer/Mage from the 50/5 Event Map. 5 Runs so far and not a single drop of anything.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So... when is it a good idea to spend crystals? So far, I've always been using them willy nilly, on whims like oh i want to try and get some fairies from challenge quests, and then proceed to get none at all(same on fairiy rescue High tier).

Currently at 15 stamina, is it a good idea to farm magic crystals..? The drop rate seems pretty bad until a 1.5x drop event comes back, and even then, I have to wait a couple hours if i ever want to spam run the 8 stamina one.

Oh, and will there be a part 2 to the 1 million players celebration? the 一弾 on the banner makes me think there's more to it.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

... What are these drop rates. Trying to get Healer/Mage from the 50/5 Event Map. 5 Runs so far and not a single drop of anything.
Seems like drop increased for story missions
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I can send a ticket in Japanese, but I don't want it to sound like I was some idiot trying to cheat the system and fucked up.

Hybras was about to send a google-translated ticket for the same error. Maybe he will pop up here and tell you what his results were. However, he waited for weeks for this to go away by itself and it didn't.

So... when is it a good idea to spend crystals? So far, I've always been using them willy nilly, on whims like oh i want to try and get some fairies from challenge quests, and then proceed to get none at all(same on fairiy rescue High tier).

Currently at 15 stamina, is it a good idea to farm magic crystals..? The drop rate seems pretty bad until a 1.5x drop event comes back, and even then, I have to wait a couple hours if i ever want to spam run the 8 stamina one.

'Whenever I feel like' is a good moment to use crystals. The main thing is to use it on refills and not on silver summons. If you are a free player, you likely want to use them on event units you like, rather than something you can naturally wait for.

It can be a long time before 1.5x drop comes back, those are not too common. Farming the magic crystal map is indeed best at 16 stamina, but when I was at 15 I would run the map once, wait an hour, run it again, refill, repeat. It was not that horrible.

Nutaku Dev posted a vid of Aegis gameplay. Unlike the default font I like how icons were localized. It is also nice to see, that the port is in hands of someone who understands the game and plays it.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh gosh I just noticed Phylis' new sprite, she's so cute <3 Seems like all silvers are getting a high rez update, hope Daniela is next (Soma and Daniela are just a pallet swap like most other silvers were that got updates). Also, fuck you 60/6 fairy daily (gold fairy only each run x.x).

So... when is it a good idea to spend crystals? So far, I've always been using them willy nilly, on whims like oh i want to try and get some fairies from challenge quests, and then proceed to get none at all(same on fairiy rescue High tier).

Currently at 15 stamina, is it a good idea to farm magic crystals..? The drop rate seems pretty bad until a 1.5x drop event comes back, and even then, I have to wait a couple hours if i ever want to spam run the 8 stamina one.

Oh, and will there be a part 2 to the 1 million players celebration? the 一弾 on the banner makes me think there's more to it.

Short Answer is:

Use them on events, farming dailies or inventory expansions

Long Answer:

Premium gacha is a gamble and unless you're willing to spend enough for 10-20+ rolls (50-100 crystals), you're not likely to get anything great. As a free player, it's MUCH better to save your crystals for event units that are a guarantee. Occasionally we even get black units from events (See Saki currently and Karma/Anna/Anya previously). There are also a handful of event plat units as useful as premium summon plats (Belinda, Maribelle, Yurina, Odette, Spica, Monk Rinn, Rikka, etc, etc) even without considering cost.

The big events can take 20-30+ crystals to complete, so you always want to have quite a lot saved up for those. Gacha units may generally have better awakenings and be a bit better than event units of the same rarity, but they are also incredibly difficult to cost reduce and skill up (Less so on skill up now with rainbow fairies), and will usually be weaker than a -4/-5 cost reduced event unit for their cost at base cost. You can have a pretty incredible team as a free player by avoiding premium gacha.

I'd say if you really want to premium gacha, save it for when you have more than 30-40 crystals and don't need inventory expansions or want to farm the current event girl. 30 is a good buffer for events. That goes for free and paying players. I try to stay above 50 (59 right now as a free player). Might premium gacha soon but I'm enjoying seeing how high I can get and want to farm Saki and maybe Akane a bit which will be expensive.

Better to save your crystals for the daily quest usually than the usual missions. Fairy mission is good (Still a gamble), gold armor mission is great if you need gold and you occasionally get a plat armor worth 1k exp. Probably the most important though is farming Magic Crystals (Red Crystals), especially with Saki and Akane in the shop right now. You may want to save up your crystals until you have 16 stamina if you're close to that level though. You can get some of the best event plats from the shop too, if you don't have Spica, she's one you really shouldn't miss. The units from the shop are generally premium unit quality and the cost reduction on them is more reliable than gacha.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

what about certain premium summons bonuses would you not say itd be worth to save or buy crystals only for certain units like princesses or maybe ceria since shed make finding rainbow fairies easier forever?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

what about certain premium summons bonuses would you not say itd be worth to save or buy crystals only for certain units like princesses or maybe ceria since shed make finding rainbow fairies easier forever?

As a free player with limited Goddess Crystals? It won't help you much. Droprate from 5 gacha are:

Black 3.0%
Platinum 10.0%
Gold 37.0%
Silver 50.0%
Iron 0%

The chance up units don't increase those rates, they just increase your chance to get that unit over another similar rarity unit. So you still have 10% of platinum, and then you have to gamble between the dozens of plat units for the one that you want. Even if the drop rate of that particular platinum unit is improved by double over the others, that's still really shitty odds. I'm not sure if the chance up rate has ever been posted. I mean if you have the crystals and want a certain unit no matter what, you might as well save them for when their rate is increased.

Man, any time I gacha I get new units instead of copies of units, so annoying. No cost reduction gold/plats bug me so much. Probably biggest reason I avoid premium gacha x.x Had over 60 crystals from login today so I rolled it and got that new gold magic fencer chick. I might just use her as feed at this point.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was double-checking and comparing stats just now and I noticed Belinda's AW ability increases witch damage if she's in the team. Whenever I thought of Belinda, I always thought of her skill and not her AW ability. It looks like I will be working on awakening her first because that would help all of my witches and let me be able to make some attempts at clearing the Great Magical War challenge quest. If only I checked earlier because I would've threw all my platinum armors on her.

On a second look, AW Belinda and AW Eliza would be great together because Eliza would have a total of a 36% increase to her base damage (prince, Belinda AW, self AW) on normal maps. Under the effects of snow storm, that would make it a 46% increase. I will look forward to awakening both of them. :D
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Witches really aren't meant for dps, they're more useful for their slow. Their attack speed is just too slow and they already bypass defense, so altogether a bit of extra attack doesn't do much for them (In comparison to most physical fighters who need as much attack as possible).

I mean Eliza will be useful on snow maps and Belinda is very useful for her range extension, but I wouldn't say that their awakening abilities are very good. At least they aren't trash like a lot of event units.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Guys, try to remember to see if we can confirm this but I think the first run on every Hana map is a guaranteed drop.
I don't have the complete list but the last 3 maps gave me a copy on the first run and some of you said the same some days ago.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Guys, try to remember to see if we can confirm this but I think the first run on every Hana map is a guaranteed drop.
I don't have the complete list but the last 3 maps gave me a copy on the first run and some of you said the same some days ago.

There was not even one single map (I tried 9 different maps) dropping me Hana during first run. I felt lucky when once she dropped on 7th run (and same map)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

There was not even one single map dropping me Hana during first run. I felt lucky when once she dropped on 7th run (and same map)

Wow, that means my luck is at peak on this, or just a bug. I got her on the first run on 5 maps as far as I could remember.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Witches really aren't meant for dps, they're more useful for their slow. Their attack speed is just too slow and they already bypass defense, so altogether a bit of extra attack doesn't do much for them (In comparison to most physical fighters who need as much attack as possible).

I mean Eliza will be useful on snow maps and Belinda is very useful for her range extension, but I wouldn't say that their awakening abilities are very good. At least they aren't trash like a lot of event units.

Why would I not want to awaken a witch? Awakening Belinda will put me at the correct requirements for 2-star completion of Great Magical War. On top of that, the slow effect from a witch's attack is increased further after awakening. I've watched a video once comparing the difference between the slow effect of an Arch Witch and a Lord Witch, and the difference was noticeable.

Including Sherry's and Belinda's AW abilities, here are the attack powers of the witches I will be using:
50CC50 Nenya, 11 cost: 355 * 1.12 = 397 attack
50CC46 Eliza, 13 cost: 375 * 1.07 = 401 attack
AW1 Belinda, 14 cost: 390 * 1.07 = 417 attack

Both my Eliza and Belinda are currently 50CC40, but those are the numbers I will need to be at minimum if I want to have a good chance to complete the Great Magical War mission.

For me, Belinda and Eliza fills two specific roles depending on what I need for a mission. There are three roles I require from witches and they are: ranged support, single-target magical damage, and slow. Together, those two will fill in all 3 roles if I am in need of all 3 roles.

Belinda fills in the first and third role because she can slow down an enemy from a range further than other witches.
Eliza fills in the second and third role because she can potentially have over 1k damage with buffs. I calculated it and it nearly the same as Adelle and Figuneria.
Nenya fills in the third role and I still use her if I need a low cost witch.

As for the limits of magical damage, I understand quite well. I rely too much on princesses and they can barely scratch demons with high MR despite being able to reach up to 1.4k magical damage.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I didn't say that you shouldn't awaken them, just that their personal AW abilities aren't great. For most classes attack boosts like theirs would be amazing, but it's not so fabulous on witches is all I'm saying. The other two plat witches are much more fitting/useful (Attack speed up and 10% hp party boost) for witches. This is one thing I can talk about with complete confidence (About the only thing x.X), having a Desupia (Who is the queen of offensive witches). As fun as it is for her to reach 1500 damage, it only does so much.

On the upside, a bit more damage is better than 10 magic resist >.> At least their awaken abilities aren't useless. Witches are always a decent choice for awakenings just because of the increased slow effect as you've mentioned. Nothing wrong with that part of it.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

hmm yeah marnie looks alot better than hana just checked her out on the wiki I think I may have to keep a couple of copies of hana around incase I ever get Marnie
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The chance up units don't increase those rates, they just increase your chance to get that unit over another similar rarity unit. So you still have 10% of platinum, and then you have to gamble between the dozens of plat units for the one that you want. Even if the drop rate of that particular platinum unit is improved by double over the others, that's still really shitty odds. I'm not sure if the chance up rate has ever been posted.
I posted it a couple times here. It used to be 3x times more likely than their peers when the game first started, but it was changed to 5x at least several months ago.

A few events back, I calculated the chance of summoning a single chance-up black unit, which was a 1/3 chance if you roll a black, so ultimately a 1% chance of getting that specific unit.

To make things easier for you to do your own calculations. Here's the total number of summonable gold-black units:
Gold: 28 (19 female; 9 male)
Platinum: 33 (30 female; 3 male)
Black: 16

All of the gold-platinum female units have a 5x chance-up until the 29th, so calculating their actual chances may be a little trickier right now.

Yes, this is the first part to the 1,000,000 registered users event. I don't know what they have planned during the next maintenance (we're getting pretty close to Valentine's Day). The last time they had this kind of event, we had a Gold Rush and new Story Missions. We just did Gold Rush V, so I'm hoping for some new Story Mission maps.