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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

sweet platinum armor guess I'll have the one I need to class change charlotte after I get the completion for that map. its so hard for me to find platinum fairies I pretty much only class change platinum units if I have a armor to get from 40-50

@Aarkken yeah that sounds pretty bad no cost down with 5 copies but the skill up sounds about right its supposed to be 50% chance until like lvl 5 or something for units with 10 skill lvls right? so that would be 2.5 lvls for 5 copies basically 2 or 3 lvls. I think I might try to get only maribelles skill up whenever I can manage to kill that golem since I want the platinum armors too and getting her skill maxed seems alot easier than one of those units with 10 skill lvls.

Btw does someone know the chance of platinum armor drops in the marribelle map? I think its the only one Petite hasn't posted
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Got the completion reward for all of the available Gold Rush maps. Yay.

Also that new unit on the gold rush banner all the way right, is it going to be from the last map and do we have any info on it? The unit that is.
They have been consistent with the ordering (unlike previous Gold Rushes where they seemed like they followed a pattern and then changed it midway), so I would think so.

The new unit is a Gold Fallen Angel and her name is Eln, Ern, Erne, Elun, Erun, or Elune (still haven't figured out which of these fits her the best). She has the same skill as all of the other angels, and her awakened ability allows everyone to regenerate HP so long as her skill is inactive.


AW80 Stats:
2275HP 777AT 436DF 15%mresist (17 max cost reduction)

Lost Santa:
Bronze Fairy: 70; Black Fairy: 5; Calliope: 10; Belinda: 12

Large Kite's Shadow:
Wine: 7; Magic Crystal I: 90; Millennium Wine: 6; Azami: 8

Dark Invasion:
Bouquet: 75; Crystal 19; Valery: 15; Odette: 7

Forbidden Giant Rock Soldier:
Russel: 90; Lean: 8; Platinum Armour 12.5; Maribelle: 11

Rampaging Ancient Weapon (based on 300 trips):
Silver Fairy 60: ; Gold Fairy: 14; Black Fairy: 7; Ricca: 6

Avenger's Memory:
Bronze Fairy: 55; Ruby: 10; Millennium Wine: 8; Ada: 9

New Year's Eve Battle:
Leo: 85; Platinum Fairy: 15; Black Fairy: 8; Charlotte: 13

Princess's Hatsumoude:
Bouquet: 80; Diamond: 10; Sanosuke: 7; Shiho: 12
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So the gold angel is sophie light (the black angel)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How bout that new silver monk in the new map? CC'd and min cost = 8 cost with Rush. Both a good unit and skill up fodder! :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So basically that gold angel is better than Chloe because of her derp AW ability, le sigh. If there's one unit I wish would get their AW ability reworked, it's Chloe. Even Shidisu's is more reliable.

Chloe's AW ability could actually get your teammates killed. Dodge just enough to survive an encounter on a difficult map, you run it again with the same setup and aren't as lucky and your troops die instead. Until dodge chance is like 30-40% or higher, it's just a liability. Even at those ranges it's probably only reliable on HAs or tanky units. 6% is so weak it's laughable x.x The only time I could see it being helpful is MAYBE on a no healing map or something you're just trying to 1-2 star, where you need any sustainability you can find. I doubt it'd be reliable enough to save you though.

Chloe, why is your awaken ability so fail? :( Let's just try to count her magic resist as an awaken ability...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

alright I failed this high tier spirit map twice I need to quit I really dont like that white wolf zerg rush it forces you to either have heavily cost reduced 2-3 block units or crappy silver and bronze soldiers that you got to max lvl and I think my drops are fked up again I barely 1 stared it but got only 1 gold fairy nothing else and then I switched to the middle tier and got no silver fairy just 1 black nothing else, silver fairies drop rate should be over 100% now right?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The maintenance for the 1.5x bonus is going to start in 3 hours (10:00~15:00).

Chloe's AW Ability isn't good by itself, but it will stack with all other forms of damage nullification. Rogues and Monks get 50% evasion, and Sasha gives almost everyone 50% evasion with her skill (though it's not added, so rogues and monks won't evade 100%). Ninjas get 30-60% depending on their skill tier (I-IV). Olivia gets 80-100% versus physical attacks, and Chizuru gets 60-80% versus ranged attacks. Maribelle gets 10% versus all damage along with Dina who gets 20%. Then there's the 10-50% everyone gets if their defence is higher than their opponent's ranged attack, and the characters that can buff your defence (e.g. Iris), or lower the opponents' attack (Yurina).

If you are relying on any of the above to activate a certain number of times, then Chloe's ability will increase your odds for success. The only thing I'm curious about is if it's a lone 6% that activates, or if it's added to something else (i.e. changing it so Maribelle is 16% nullification, rather than 10%, then 6% nullification).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

6% is so weak it's laughable x.x

Personally, I never want to find myself in a situation where I'd have to rely on luck to clear maps (except maybe challenge maps where I don't care about 3 star :p). Most of end game Aegis is rerunning the same map over and over, so when you use units with chance abilities, you have to consider the worst case scenario where said abilities don't occur. I mean, is it going to cost you the whole run? Are you going to leak a unit with good drops? For you to activate a skill? (Lose gold from 1 or 2 starring? *gasp*)

The way I see it, those abilities are just a nice addition, but by no means necessary. If I had to rely on them to say, 3 star a god-tier for the rainbow fairy, I'd strive to be able to do it without, but that's just me.

Still, AW increases base stats by a decent amount; Chloe does gain almost 100 attack for one.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The way to win in this game is to ensure you have enough power, enough healing power, defense, and attack. Don't rely too much on "bogus" factors like dodge or instant kill. Those factors are what I would like to say, "oh hey, it processed! I can finish this map faster than intended." Rather than "oh shit, it didn't proc! I'm doomed!" kind of situation.

Obviously this is for more seasoned players, I wouldn't quite as the same for players that are still below lv 100 ( your prince level). If you are in the situation where you have a SHOT at doing a 3 star for a certain map, then you should try giving assassination or dodge a fair chance. How do you know you have a shot at doing 3 stars? Well, you ended up leaking one or two units with low health, or something similar to that issue. Leaking a boss or two with almost full health does NOT count anywhere close to having a chance at 3 starring a map.

And as always, if you are below lv 100 prince, and for some odd reason, you happen to have Minerva (Black Pirate), well then, you should always give her a shot, and hope for the best (that is if her skill triggers). Minerva always breaks the game, no matter what situation, so always worth trying a gamble to see if you can 3 star it with her, but you should always keep in mind, if Minerva doesn't carry you the 3 star, you have to steel your nerves to handle the loss of stamina/charisma involved.

@marcus oh hey, if you happen to have Tamamo in your roster, you should try using her for Higher tier fairy daily, she does wonders in that map. Do keep in mind you need to raise her level quite a fair bit to make her any useful. Also try using Anna with the prince for that map, remember to set prince title to "defense" so he can block two wolves at one go. The prince can block two units AS LONG AS ANNA IS IN THE ROSTER, you DO NOT HAVE TO DEPLOY ANNA for her ability to work! (don't tell me you don't have Anna...)

Also another little fact about Higher tier fairy. Don't be scared from the rush of wolves. What you need to be concerned with is the WOLVES that have COLOUR to them, any WOLF that is NOT white should not be leaked. If you leak white wolves, don't sweat it. It's not a big deal. And this map has two major wolf rushes, it's the huge rush of wolves AT the start of the map and the END of the map, the main issue I see is surviving the initial rush. And luckily for you, the rush is pure white wolves, so if you leak one or two, well, fuck that, who cares. You don't lose anything except you can't 3 star it. But you know what? the upcoming 2x daily drop event makes it worth the hassle. In this map, high damage witches and archers are best. I do not recommend using vampire hunters in this map, vampire hunters cannot one shot k.o. coloured wolves, and their ASPD is crap. However, despite i say I dont' recommend it, you should still try it out if you have a high level vampire hunter somewhere. It might work out for you, but personally I don't like it for this case. (pirates are terribad for this map except for Minerva, but minerva is a class of her own and can't be compared to the plebians)

Hope this helps and you get to catch them all (the wolves).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Chance skills are more useful than u think in a lot of situations. My point is, you can't trust on a single and timely activation but the overall effect can be exploited reliably.
A rogue or monk dodges at least 1 attack during a rush of 5 goblins (pretty likely) and that means 1 less heal which is then used on your duelist tanking a lich.
Or two rogues fighting a chain of 20 enemies and insta killing at least 1 means you 3 star it or save deploying an interceptor, (again, pretty likely)
Or when your healers can't max out the health of a unit tanking a boss, it will eventually die, but a unit capable of dodging is likely to do so at least 1 and allow the healers to max it's hp.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Evasion is as good as the heals (and maybe stats) backing it up. If a rogue loses half their health from one attack and it takes more than 2 heals to stay safe (depending on enemy attack speed) then it's not good to rely on evasion. Rogues and monks will fall off as you progress through the maps if they are really underleveled (which is likely for new players trying to balance out the levels of their units) for the map difficulty. I found Gina more reliable to use ever since she did not take too much chip damage from fodder enemies and having the heals that can keep her stable against stronger enemies.

Even 90% evasion with Olivia is still risky to use. I've learned my lesson when I tried to make her tank the golem and she always got hit from his second attack. It was always his second attack that killed her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah I didn't know how it worked with rogue/monk evasion, I didn't think it just added on like that. Well if that's the case I can ease up on my criticism for Chloe a bit.

It's still specialized for if you're only attempting 1-2 star which annoys me, I don't like to plan to fail. For units without their own dodge/immunity to damage chance it's still crap after all. I doubt I'll ever have a reason to AW her (Other than her looks~) still when I have much more reliable strategies.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update on January 2nd:
-Omake When You Purchase Sacred Crystals Ends.
-Daily Mission 1.5x Drop Bonus Begins.
+Excluding Revival and Awakening Orb Maps.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I need so many plat fairies. Let's do this~


This is how you start the 1.5x drop event~ Gold, black and plat next run.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I need so many plat fairies. Let's do this~


This is how you start the 1.5x drop event~

nice xD

i myself have already gotten a gold, plat and rainbow fairy (can only farm first level)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update on January 2nd:
-Omake When You Purchase Sacred Crystals Ends.
-Daily Mission 1.5x Drop Bonus Begins.
+Excluding Revival and Awakening Orb Maps.

Shiiiiiiit didn't realise the Sacred Crystal thing ended this maint... Oh well it only gives a few extra.

Also fairies here I come.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Huh was using a US VPN to buy crystals and it's trying to redirect me to Nutuku for the new version of Aigis.

If I hadn't spent a fortune in money and time I might switch but as of this point im in too deep.

I also heard the lewd aspects of that version aren't the same?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Huh was using a US VPN to buy crystals and it's trying to redirect me to Nutuku for the new version of Aigis.

If I hadn't spent a fortune in money and time I might switch but as of this point im in too deep.

I also heard the lewd aspects of that version aren't the same?

the main problem is the whole loli thing.

the game will keep most characters the same.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You lose some censors for new censors lol. Apparently most girls will be uncensored, but the lolish characters will most likely be doomed.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Fuck me I need to get rid of my card to stop spending money on this game jesus.

Dropped $200 on crystals to try and get that black Tactician for that Platnium bonus.

Silvers, silvers fucking everywhere. Four copies of that stupid plat ninja that has chance up at the moment, another Zenobia that reduced her to 12 cost, Another copy of nanally, Iris.

Oh shit whats this another black could it be?

No fuck you have the other Black Tactician the ranged turtle loli.

I just don't fucking learn.

I should just buy shares in DMM or Agis might be cheaper in the long run.

:Edit: Wait I was just looking at the wiki and can't find anything that says the new Black Tactician increases drop rates on Platnium units at all did I just imagine that or what?
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