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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


I wanna swap Kurisa's AW ability and skill with Kaguya.

For the sake of science
Kurisa's Stats:
806 ATK 524 DEF

Kurisa's Stats post 半月の覚醒
1047 ATK 704 DEF

Kurisa's Stats Post AW ability boosts
Aria 2%, Uzume 5%, Dalria 7%, Katie 2%, Len 5%, BIris 7%
1193 ATK 802 DEF

Kurisa's Stats Post Lv194 Prince Buff (21%)
1444 ATK 954 DEF

Kurisa's Stats during Skill Activation
4332 ATK 954 DEF

Kurisa's Theoretical Max Stats (No Skill)
Uzume (ATK x1.2)
BIris (DEF x2.0)
1732 ATK 1908 DEF

Money (DEF +1634)
Waltz (ATK +689)
2421 ATK 3542 DEF

Kurisa's Theoretical Max Stats (During Skill)
5885 ATK 3542 DEF
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The negative opinions about Princess Claudia are unfounded. Claudia is the most versatile duelist in the game; she deals TRUE damage 100% of the time with her skill activated. This makes her 2-3 times more effective per attack than Sherry, Kaguya, and Sybilla against 50%+ magic resistant enemies. Right now, the only available enemies with this kind of resistance are demons, but there are angels and black dragons, and Claudia is the only unit in the game that is effective against the latter due to its 900 defence that makes most physical duelists less effective than princesses, which is even more scary that it's going to get a major buff now that it can deflect ranged attacks.

Claudia's problem is that her defence is pathetic, so you can't easily use her against particularly powerful physical opponents like the demon lord (70% resist) on the 2nd Base Struggle map, but she's still super effective against the black demons (90% resist). The only reason I awakened Lilia before Claudia is because I'm personally more concerned about the golden wolves returning (these things rapidly deal 1430 damage per blow and have so much HP that it's difficult for even a small army of dps lord witches to take care of them).

@arisato minato: It comes inside the book the same as Tamamo's code came in the Tech Gian issue.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Bottom line, if you have a black princess, there's no point with kaguya. If you have Platinum princess except Claudia, she is a debatable unit whether she is worth it or not. If your princess is only Claudia, then nope, definitely go for the Kaguya...

well i guess i fit into the category of claudia being my only princess (despite my attempts with using 70-100 crystals during the princess boosted gatcha) and my claudia is pretty base with -0/+2 because during the time of the event i was at Kona, Hawaii for a family vacation with no internet (makes me sad since she's still my best ground dps and i like her art)
though if they continue the trend of bringing old events back, i wonder if i should go full out on kaguya or wait for anya
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My 5 cents to the Kaguya discussion. My only princesses are Claudia and Themis, so I don't know about the wonders of a black o gatcha plat princess but I think the higher the rarity and thus higher base stats, the more useful are this niche skills.
We know sapphire units are lame before aw but once u have raised her to about 600 attack, I think a short 3x skill is more useful that a long, quicker but weaker one. Having 1.5x attack won't let u kill something that u couldn't without using the skill 90% of the time, but a burst of 3x can wipe out that only Maou shadow or aura lich king.
The long wt is worrisome but at 16 cost shouldn't be a problem and actually, for 16 cost I would use her as a normal duelist in almost any map :p

Oh, and Kaguya an Anya can't be compared. One is 16 cost 1 block and the other 35 cost 2 block. Anya is more of a HA princess, really cool on her own but does not replace a normal duel princess.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My 5 cents to the Kaguya discussion. My only princesses are Claudia and Themis, so I don't know about the wonders of a black o gatcha plat princess but I think the higher the rarity and thus higher base stats, the more useful are this niche skills.
We know sapphire units are lame before aw but once u have raised her to about 600 attack, I think a short 3x skill is more useful that a long, quicker but weaker one. Having 1.5x attack won't let u kill something that u couldn't without using the skill 90% of the time, but a burst of 3x can wipe out that only Maou shadow or aura lich king.
The long wt is worrisome but at 16 cost shouldn't be a problem and actually, for 16 cost I would use her as a normal duelist in almost any map :p

Oh, and Kaguya an Anya can't be compared. One is 16 cost 1 block and the other 35 cost 2 block. Anya is more of a HA princess, really cool on her own but does not replace a normal duel princess.

Arguable, 1.5x attack doesn't mean it lasts the same length time, which is 15 seconds. 1.5x attacks normally last about 30-40 seconds.

Kaguya estimated damage output is about 2300-2400 with skill activated (I don't have her, so I don't have exact damage figures). but that only lasts for 15 seconds. B princess can do 1300 also with skill activated, and she lasts for 40 seconds. In short, both princess would end up doing the same job done. It just means Kaguya would kill faster in 15 seconds opposed to 30 seconds. (For the mathematically challenged, if you do 2400 damage for 15 seconds, it means you need to do 1200 damage for 30 seconds to do the same amount of damage)

If you are going to argue that 15 seconds is crucial, I have no idea why would that make a difference. If you can make Kaguya survive 15 seconds, then you can make a black princess survive 30 seconds. Infact black princess has better base stats (Ignoring damage) so they should live better.

Also B princess would be still a greater choice because her skill regen is much quicker so you can spam it for more fun, Kaguya including skill charge up, skill duration, and skill cooldown would end up with 40 + 15 + 70 = 125 seconds for the next round. In short, it's harder to use Kaguya more than once, because the 2nd time to use her for boss might miss the cooldown.

Don't get me wrong, the Sapphire princess is great, but if only she followed Tamamo's example with only 10 second start up and 20 second recharge for her skill, it would've been even better. The skill duration is limiting her awesomeness.

And also B princess can be used as a gank. Can't do that with kaguya because her skill takes far too long to charge up.

My expectation for this sapphire princess is actually disappointed, I can only place her a good Platinum (But no where near black) princess replacement. Tamamo is a Monk which has sub black ability (Way stronger than a platinum, but not quite a black unit). If you compare the two Sapphires, I had too high an expectation with Kaguya.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If you are going to argue that 15 seconds is crucial, I have no idea why would that make a difference. If you can make Kaguya survive 15 seconds, then you can make a black princess survive 30 seconds. Infact black princess has better base stats (Ignoring damage) so they should live better.

Of course is arguable, thats my point actually. But ending in 15 seconds is way better than 30. Chances are the big guy is not the only enemy on the map and your princess is not the only unit requiring healing and support. If only for 15 seconds u can activate a Shaman's or Bishop's skill to aid the healing, but they don't last long. U also accumulate less dmg so if your healers can't max out your princess hp, it is better to end quick.

I'm by no means saying Kaguya is better than a black princess, but I think she is in the same league. Indeed she can't gank with her skill but she costs 4 or 5 less which has other advantages.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I noticed that nobody else seems to be having this issue (or at least is willing to mention it), but...is the game running obscenely slow for anyone else?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

But you're assuming that everyone is going to get max level and 10/10 skill for Kaguya. That's the problem with these opinions. Most players will probably have around 1~3 skill and will take some time to get her awakened. Veterans and hoarders will likely be able to get into a usable state immediately. Other than using the happy fairy on Kaguya, how many people will actually have her maxed out?

In the end, if you like her then you'll be using her. If you're someone that is looking for something better, then she won't be replacing any of your princesses unless you've neglected them. I will still raise her when there's an opportunity to and like her niche as a cheap duelist to use against mini-bosses, but there are better options for me (Sherry for her AW passive and Olivia for her awesome stats)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I noticed that nobody else seems to be having this issue (or at least is willing to mention it), but...is the game running obscenely slow for anyone else?

Restart your computer, don't watch youtube while playing Aegis. Flash player doesn't like to multi task. Even if you use a retardedly fast computer, flash doesn't like to multi task much. (Because flash is a bitch, that's why). Oh and double check if your virus scanner isn't running in the background.

@TieSKey My opinion is that she's a Platinum unit at most. And for a player to be able afford to raise Kaguya to such heights, it means they are a decent player. I mean a real decent player. And therefore, you should have decent healers. And therefore, said situation should not occur.

Don't argue on this point. No sane mediocre player would prioritize in dumping approximately 200k+ exp (Raw exp says they need 90k exp, but the ratio is off because you would be using fairies, so you need to do a 8x to 3.35x conversion to see how much exp you are actually feeding) on a sapphire unit (relative niche unit) when their team is not sufficiently strong enough to begin with. (Said mediocre team would rely on Shaman and Bishops to keep their healing power high enough, veteran teams wouldn't do this, and shouldn't have to anyways)

The investment to max out Kaguya is worth almost two black units. The amount of rainbows and exp cans required. (You could use happy/blessed fairy otherwise, standard method would require that much exp) And her effectiveness isn't quite as black.

Ofcourse, all this crap I'm talking about is smack if you love her, by all means, go ahead with her, she still a decent Sapphire/Platinum unit. But I still stick with the fact a black princess would still triumph Kaguya in terms of cost (to raise her up) and usability (gank).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

But you're assuming that everyone is going to get max level and 10/10 skill for Kaguya. That's the problem with these opinions. Most players will probably have around 1~3 skill and will take some time to get her awakened. Veterans and hoarders will likely be able to get into a usable state immediately. Other than using the happy fairy on Kaguya, how many people will actually have her maxed out?

In the end, if you like her then you'll be using her. If you're someone that is looking for something better, then she won't be replacing any of your princesses unless you've neglected them. I will still raise her when there's an opportunity to and like her niche as a cheap duelist to use against mini-bosses, but there are better options for me (Sherry for her AW passive and Olivia for her awesome stats)

If u can't rise her then chances are u don't (and won't) have a black or gatcha plat princess so she is still your best bet.
That's the problem with these opinions (lol), most people do not have one of the other princesses so it isn't really worth comparing them because u can get Kaguya reliably at max cost reduction.
Getting rainbow fairies is not that difficult. I have 15 benched as a free player and never ever farmed for them.

If u have a lot of blacks, most of the best plats and all event units maxed out, then u are done, raising or even getting a new unit is just for completion and cuteness' sake :p

Edit for last updates:
I think there a lot of players with decent teams and resources that still don't want to roll gatcha like crazy to get a strong 16 cost unit but would be willing to spend the new fairy on a sapp. Her cost is really important, u can always get better units by paying more. We are already talking about extreme cases so 5 secs could mean stopping that black armor from slipping away in a rush.
Also, the need for shamans or bishops is not because u don't have enough strong healers but because the map won't let u spend a deploy slot or cost on an additional healer. Since the all ages release dificulty went down a BIG way but before that there was a lot of bitch maps where u couldn't spare a single slot.
Anyway, there's no need to come to a consent, this is just different opinions :p

Amen on flash bitchiness... really, it sucks... and the worst part is it used to work but at some point they f... up and now it consumes all your cpu no matter how fast it is.
That being said, I have to tell u that.... Aegis is not a flash game :p Most of it is just javascript and sprite animations.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Restart your computer, don't watch youtube while playing Aegis. Flash player doesn't like to multi task. Even if you use a retardedly fast computer, flash doesn't like to multi task much. (Because flash is a bitch, that's why). Oh and double check if your virus scanner isn't running in the background.

In other words it's a personal issue. Bummer. (Also Youtube uses HTML at this point, so...eh?)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In other words it's a personal issue. Bummer. (Also Youtube uses HTML at this point, so...eh?)

yeah, sometimes it happens to me if i use too much ram (16gb of ram is not enough for a chrome/firefox tab hoarder)
sometimes just closing the aegis tab and reopening a new one will help to reset the ram usage for the game as sometimes i noticed if i keep it open for too long, it starts to build up
with my tons to tabs but also fiber optics internet, just exiting chrome on a whole (Ctrl Shift Q) with the setting to reopen old session when launching chrome, and starting it back again, helps to effectively halve chrome's ram usage for me
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

yeah, sometimes it happens to me if i use too much ram (16gb of ram is not enough for a chrome/firefox tab hoarder)
sometimes just closing the aegis tab and reopening a new one will help to reset the ram usage for the game as sometimes i noticed if i keep it open for too long, it starts to build up
with my tons to tabs but also fiber optics internet, just exiting chrome on a whole (Ctrl Shift Q) with the setting to reopen old session when launching chrome, and starting it back again, helps to effectively halve chrome's ram usage for me

My problem is that the ingame is slow and runs at about a third of the usual speed, and the the menu hiccups when it's loading and animating my unit roster...after Chrome has been open for about thirty seconds.

Wonder if this means I need to upgrade my graphics driver.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My problem is that the ingame is slow and runs at about a third of the usual speed, and the the menu hiccups when it's loading and animating my unit roster...after Chrome has been open for about thirty seconds.

Wonder if this means I need to upgrade my graphics driver.

Doubt a graphics driver will solve this but you should be up to date anyway :p

Check the cpu usage when the game works slow. Aegis is a js program poorly done and will use 100% of one of your processor cores. If u have other programs already using a good share of all your cores or even worse, a lot of flash which also caps your cpu, then it will be slow as hell.

Youtube uses flash, u can have it switch to html but I'm not sure how :S
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My problem is that the ingame is slow and runs at about a third of the usual speed, and the the menu hiccups when it's loading and animating my unit roster...after Chrome has been open for about thirty seconds.

Wonder if this means I need to upgrade my graphics driver.

if other things run slow too maybe your computer is overheating?

also would someone mind telling me which of the dragon newt kings drops gadorasu seems I can actually beat this mission if I let most of them past and focus on killing the goblin archer mobs that keep coming. I thought those dragon newt kings would just rip apart any unit in their path which usually happens but Im not sure anymore maybe its actually the things that spawn around them. Berenice tanked a single dragon newt king alone quite easily but apparently it wasn't the one that drops gadorasu it only dropped one of those orbs to make the girls like me.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally rolled the sp gatcha for the event. Can't complain, at all :D:D:D

1 mischa
1 valery
1 male healer
1 male pirate
1 male rogue
1 calliope

1 male archer
1 Betty
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If you are going to argue that 15 seconds is crucial, I have no idea why would that make a difference. If you can make Kaguya survive 15 seconds, then you can make a black princess survive 30 seconds. Infact black princess has better base stats (Ignoring damage) so they should live better.
Defense skill wise, 30 second > 15 seconds as long as you can survive since most skills lasts that long anyways.

Attack skill wise, the above doesn't apply, 15 seconds is a lot easier to burst and support than 30 seconds for a lot of different reasons.

For example, using the above argument, if double shot lasts for 30 seconds than it's as good as quad shot for 15 seconds. Which obviously isn't the case. What's important about those skills are that it trivializes certain encounters/enemies within that short period of time which is exactly what black-tier units are suppose to do.

Aisha's another example, even if you double the skill period, it's not nearly as impressive with x1.5 when compared to the current x3.0. Really, the "everything dies" factor is what makes her the #1 broken unit. (Minerva comes second with her version of everything dies)

Shibira versus Kaguya wise, Shibira >> Kaguya. Pre-AW wise, Kaguya isn't use-able. Post-AW wise, Shibira's ranged attack during skill activation is like a magic fencer's skill without damage reduction and still instant kills. Not to mention max Shibira's attack is comparable to max Kurisa ... (802 versus 806) while Kaguya's raw attack is significantly lower.

Finally rolled the sp gatcha for the event. Can't complain, at all
Me neither, for a different reason.
Silver: 0, Gold or above:0, lots of iron and brone.

I am used to it.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

4I was so excited I will have my 3rd Princess* until I read this forum :( maybe I should start premium gacha ~____~.

*not counting Imelia who sold her royalness to become a bandit .______.