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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

the helper help a lot if u use it well. use that flying ability to make all units pass though her/or put 1 strong unit in front of her if u dun want to use her to tank.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My luck is reaching rock bottom in Aegis. Took 31 runs to get Katie, and now I'm on my 18th for Julian and still don't got him (he makes great food for my AW Aria, so I wouldn't want to miss him); also, not even a single platinum armor after 13 runs of the monday daily. =/
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Valkyrie orb hates me. 8 runs, wonder how many dropped?

(But I have 3 useless Pegasus Knight Orbs! Wanna trade anyone? ==)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The leftmost drop for todays aw daily is the Sailor orb? I can't get it to drop....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

The leftmost drop for todays aw daily is the Sailor orb? I can't get it to drop....
Today is Wednesday, so you're only going to get:
Soldier Chief, Assassin, High Shaman, High Bishop, and Captain Orbs.

The map with the Sailor Chief Orbs is on Thursday.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Today is Wednesday, so you're only going to get:
Soldier Chief, Assassin, High Shaman, High Bishop, and Captain Orbs.

The map with the Sailor Chief Orbs is on Thursday.

Oh so the soldier one is what I'm missing. Well I have one from that previous event that dropped it on other maps. It's not like I'll be aw Aria and Katie right after each other so I can focus on the time fairy.

Any news on the incoming maintenance?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I decided to throw the rest of my Sacred Crystals into the Premium Roll and got three Plats, yay.

Anyone got any advice on which one to focus on?
would probably make Katie moot I assume.

seems to have a fairly useful ability.

I have no idea about.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I decided to throw the rest of my Sacred Crystals into the Premium Roll and got three Plats, yay.

Anyone got any advice on which one to focus on?
would probably make Katie moot I assume.

seems to have a fairly useful ability.

I have no idea about.

The plat soldier won't be better than a cost reduced (-1) Katie unless u really max her out to lvl 90 or something :p I mean, the skill and cost is more important than the combat capabilities once u reach certain survivability lvl.

Uzume is nice but if u have Shuura they are pretty much the same.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That feeling when I nearly had a chance to complete this map:

I was able to get this far thanks to Fran getting 100% affection. She started at 0% today and I decided to use it all on her. That 120 attack made a huge difference. All that's left is to get Mehlis' affection up from 0 affection. Not one mage of mine has affection and it would help a lot during the final wave :(

Switched one of the melee units for Waltz and it improved somehow

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Never coming back here again! Just two story missions to go, but I'll wait until I get a couple awakened units before I attempt it.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Maintenance on November 27th between 10:00~15:00:
-New Event Begins.*
-Emergency Mission "Anna's Great Adventure" Latter Maps Added.
-More Fixes for Certain Functions for the Anniversary.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.
-Certain Units' Sprites and Stand-up Illustrations Added.
-Otsu Appli 3 Sacred Crystal Present.

*This is peculiar. We're already doing an event, but they're going to start a new one? Unless this is an error (not the first time it has happened).

Well, in any case, it looks like there's not going to be a 3x synthesis bonus, so I guess I'll quickly marathon the last story mission, so I can feed all of these gold fairies from Tuesday to Sailor Chief Maria (she's currently 50CC48, and I want to awaken her soonish since Sailor Elites are awesome).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I decided to throw the rest of my Sacred Crystals into the Premium Roll and got three Plats, yay.

Anyone got any advice on which one to focus on?
would probably make Katie moot I assume.

seems to have a fairly useful ability.

I have no idea about.

Sasha is the strongest mage in the game, Uzume once she is awakened and have a lv4/5 skill have the best utulity in the game, that's a 10sec god mode she give you where all your unit can reach 1000++ power easy, any boss melt like butter.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

any boss melt like butter.


Lucifer, you tempt me to present error cat and error musume ._.

But yes, Uzume is a very good draw as a platinum. Arguably #1 along with Sherry and BIris in terms of AW ability.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Maintenance on November 27th between 10:00~15:00:
-New Event Begins.*
-Emergency Mission "Anna's Great Adventure" Latter Maps Added.
-More Fixes for Certain Functions for the Anniversary.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Units Changed.
-Certain Units' Sprites and Stand-up Illustrations Added.
-Otsu Appli 3 Sacred Crystal Present.

*This is peculiar. We're already doing an event, but they're going to start a new one? Unless this is an error (not the first time it has happened).

Maybe they are adding event similar to previous large zerg rush with SP gacha rolls?

Btw, how is your Anna event guys? I am done with it since yesterday, and have all drops except Soma.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I decided to throw the rest of my Sacred Crystals into the Premium Roll and got three Plats, yay.

Anyone got any advice on which one to focus on?
would probably make Katie moot I assume.

seems to have a fairly useful ability.

I have no idea about.

I mostly have to agree with what has been said above. You should get -1 cost Katie from current event and for Reinforcement soldier every point of sortie counts. Sasha maybe is nice, though it has been really long time since a strong mage was needed for any event map. Even on the roper god-tier map mobs were running in circles long enough for even silver noob to kill them.

But Uzume ... damn, I jelly. Shuuka doesnt' even come close, main reason being AW ability. 5% attack for entire party, for only having her in your deck... That is like whole party ~15 levels up...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Managed to get all drops, except Soma, because I'm too lazy to farm that. Took around 50-70 runs in total to do all of them, most of the runs were spent on the time fairy and Katie(around 30-40 on fairy, 5-10 on katie, rest on yurian).

Is Sasha really that amazing? Her skill seems unreliable, really short, and a long downtime.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Whoa, I just noticed that AW gunners get +20 range Oo. That is quite big and they now have the same rage as pirates or Mehilis with skill level 1. Even with recent indirect nerf to Gunners and a bit unimpressive AW ability for Janna (unreliable for low ASPD unit) slinging AoE damage from such a range should be handy a lot of times (see all strats using Mehilis skill...)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

+20 range to not pierce through defenses like mages :p

Katie AW~ I like her battle portrait.


Extra survivability and damage on a unit that I use on every map, why not. Soldiers have a deceptively quick attack speed. She's going to mess up my defense calculations though lol. That and there's less reason to use my strategist as first placed unit until I AW her.

Not sure who to focus on next... Probably Claudia or Themis though I don't really need them. Maybe I should do Shidisu instead to have two AW healers, she could use the survivability too. Would love to do Monk as well (If only her AW art was good), so many options. Reminds me that Spica still hasn't received AW art :(
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have also AW'd Katie! Yay Katie! a solid first choice for AW. a nice core unit for most people who makes all your other units slightly better. Next I'll prolly be working on getting NoodleBowl up to snuff and AW'ing my archers, Clair and Xiao. Have the parts to AW my Blacks (Kuraisa and TankLoli) But their levels are nowhere near ready for that.

Yay guys! Im AW'ing things! Moving on up in the world, I am!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just spent 100 red crystals so I can AW Iris. Nice to have that healing effect and it healing everyone on the map was unexpected (or I'm just imagining things). I thought it was for the range of the healer, but I'll have to check things out later.

I recently saw a video showing off AW Olivia and I noticed that her AW ability that reduces cost works even when she is not deployed. That is a lot better and makes elven units cheaper to deploy without actually having to deploy Olivia first. Having Olivia makes me want to get Shidis even though I'm down to 5 red crystals.

On a similar subject, I'm wondering if it applies to other units with certain AW abilities as well such as Kyuteri, Monica, Roberto, and that one bandit.

vvv If that's the case, then I should be leaving some of those units as sortie members even if I'm not deploying them. It's a marginal boost to the drop chance, but I'll take what I can get even if it still boils down to luck.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Grats on AWings :) Iris's AW ability is one of my favorites, so useful.

Most passive AW boosts work even if the unit hasn't been deployed yet. I actually don't know of any off the top of my head that need the unit to be on the field for their AW passive boost to work.