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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wish the premium summon contained only the pictured cards I was hoping that's how it worked but it gave me that flying unicorn knight instead I think her name was stella. I guess it should be pretty useful at least since I dont have any melee units lvled up that can deal dmg or tank yet except Bernice and my prince is lvl 50 actually is a bit helpful
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

THE Prince of Tamamo

Who's also soon going to become THE Prince of Kaguya. (The guy ordered 20+ copies orz)

... do we call the above no life or do we respect their dedication? xD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah an event dancer, interesting. Could make Betty capable of one shotting gobbies on Rural. Their class ability does that passively so even if she's not maxed she could be useful.

Dammit would be nice if they fixed the archer targeting already. So tired of them ignoring enemies walking right into the end area for monsters that are 5+ seconds from it. It's not even like the path they chose to aim at was technically closer to the exit.

The targeting seems to use euclidean distance to the exit (just a straight line ignoring path shape). Reaaaaally easy to calculate and veeeeeeery lazy of them...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was going to say "It's normal that farming events are pretty easy" to the people saying this was disappointingly easy, but then I did the 55/7 map and I agree it's easy even among farm events.

Well don't look a gift horse in the mouth, rather spam a super easy map than a difficult one where I have to keep switching out my fighters and activating skills at the right moments. Got Khuri, Dancer and a plat fairy my first run on it, nice.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

True enough, FruitSmoothie. I will still farm that map occasionally, but it's at least a nice change of pace from other farm events for me. I don't have to put all the time into this event as I have for previous events.

Because of the news of AW helpers appearing again, I'm beginning to consider the units I want to awaken. Here are the options I am considering:

Iris - Need 1 healer, need affection (currently 75%)
Jelius - Need 2 HA, need affection (currently 71%)
Xena - Have units available, need affection (currently 30%), can get to 60 immediately during synthesis event (30CC30 copy ready)
Claire - Need 4 archers, 2 pirates

Other options that are low on the list:
Fran - Need 2 archers, need affection (currently 0%)
Xiao - Refer to Claire, need affection (currently 50%)
Maribelle - Refer to Jelius
Fedora - Refer to Iris
Mehlis - Have units available, need affection (currently 0%)
Momiji - Have everything

Last option:
Wait for princess AW and change my mind if it's good. If it is, then Iris AW + Princess AW.

Do note that I need to get everyone leveled up. I have 8 platinum armors and I'm willing to use it all entirely onto one unit. Out of all of these, it is possible to get Iris/Fedora or Momiji immediately. I really do want to AW Jelius and I can really see the difference in defense requirements after going up the tiers of difficulties for maps. I'm also considering getting both Iris and Fedora awakened if I can farm enough healers for both.

Anybody have opinions on what I should do?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

True enough, FruitSmoothie. I will still farm that map occasionally, but it's at least a nice change of pace from other farm events for me. I don't have to put all the time into this event as I have for previous events.

Because of the news of AW helpers appearing again, I'm beginning to consider the units I want to awaken. Here are the options I am considering:

Iris - Need 1 healer, need affection (currently 75%)
Jelius - Need 2 HA, need affection (currently 71%)
Xena - Have units available, need affection (currently 30%), can get to 60 immediately during synthesis event (30CC30 copy ready)
Claire - Need 4 archers, 2 pirates

Other options that are low on the list:
Fran - Need 2 archers, need affection (currently 0%)
Xiao - Refer to Claire, need affection (currently 50%)
Maribelle - Refer to Jelius
Fedora - Refer to Iris
Mehlis - Have units available, need affection (currently 0%)
Momiji - Have everything

Last option:
Wait for princess AW and change my mind if it's good. If it is, then Iris AW + Princess AW.

Do note that I need to get everyone leveled up. I have 8 platinum armors and I'm willing to use it all entirely onto one unit. Out of all of these, it is possible to get Iris/Fedora or Momiji immediately. I really do want to AW Jelius and I can really see the difference in defense requirements after going up the tiers of difficulties for maps. I'm also considering getting both Iris and Fedora awakened if I can farm enough healers for both.

Anybody have opinions on what I should do?

Go for a healer first. Their aw abilities are not thaaaat good but the extra stats are nice and the class ability helps on some events. Iris aw skill is better than I though now that we have a lot of desert and swamp maps. Fedora ability is good only if u already have her cost reduced. A gold healer for 16 cost is awesome.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Agreed on Iris, she's made plenty of special strategies possible, one of the best AW abilities I have really.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Now that you mention it, that is a good reason to get Iris awakened. It didn't cross my mind when I was making the previous post, but her AW skill should be amazing for swamps and deserts. That will definitely be helpful for the last 2 story mode desert maps and making the gold armor dailies simpler.

I will now aim for an AW Iris and CC60 Fedora so healing will never be an issue. I will worry about DPS and defense after.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

AW Iris is also my next choice. I have orbs and healers to aw her, but lack affection, fairy and mage. Stupid :) today I got 9 magic crystals TOTAL from 45/8 ~ done it 4 times counting before and after maint. That's Ridiculus.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I decided to quickly class-change Imelia and awaken Adelle, since I was running out of unit box space:

Witch Adelle was the very first platinum unit I summoned way back when I started this game (I summoned her before I summoned my first gold unit Iris). Combined with Imelia's awakened ability, Imelia is going to eventually have enough health to be able to endure 8 blasts from a lich.

Hopefully the 6 extra spaces for a total of 22 will be enough to hold me out until this event is over. Otherwise I'll have to start feeding my black fairies (13 in box) or rainbow fairies (15 in box). I suffer from elixir syndrome, but I want to have these things available in case I need a specific unit leveled up to do a hard map.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How to break Aegis:


That's with a level 17 dancer with level 1 skill level, lol. Khuri's level and skill aren't maxed either, still 646 x3 attack. I can see this being fun... Oh and Betty is nearly 1k attack at 1.3x skill. Man I gotta test Maribelle next :p (Just short of 1k attack and defense). Multipliers too strong.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That's insane. I wanted to see what was going on and it looks like she adds her stats to other units during her skill duration. I was confused by the description because it was ambiguous.

Just to put out some numbers with Claire:
379 base
451 w/Prince
656 w/Skill + Prince Aura
463 w/Dancer Aura + Prince Aura
767 w/Skill (0.4) + Dancer Skill (123 w/skill) + Dancer Aura (0.1?) + Prince Aura (0.19)

Closest calculation I've came up with that makes a little sense:
claire: lv44, 100, 3/5, 379 attack
waltz: lv30, 0, 4/10, 104 attack

451 (w/prince) + 136 (110% of waltz w/prince) + 180 (claire's skill) = 767

Basically, her aura gave 10% of her stats(? correct me if i'm wrong) to friendly units within range. Her skill changes the aura multiplier from 0.1 to her skill level's multiplier. i.e. 0.1 to 1.1 for 4/10. Of course this applies after prince aura.

I will have to test with other units before it all comes together.

Now with Sherry:

520 base
618 + 136 + 433 = 1188~
something is definitely throwing me off because both her stats don't match :(

yeah don't take this calculation seriously since there's a wide margin of error

Now it's tempting to get more copies of her during this event.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

it seems this event dancer is more attack oriented compared to the plat dancer i already have which seems more def oriented, which means for what small help they do, the dancer i had beforehand is pretty useless since a healer would probably be 5xs more helpful in place of the small def boost
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

暗黒舞踏会:闇の舞踏会 神級☆3

This shall become a new Meta~!
OP video editing skills ftw.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

暗黒舞踏会:闇の舞踏会 神級☆3

This shall become a new Meta~!
OP video editing skills ftw.

My experience with that particular strategy (after watching it once and then forgetting like half of it):

Alright, I got this, I got this
[Katie dies to red armor because I durdled and thought she could take a hit]
No no no I don't got this, I don't got this!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

33% drop rate on the Dancer so far on the final map, so gross x.x

Still 33%, Aegis pls. I don't need 50 million silver pirates. You can take them all from my drops on the final event map for the normal 50% drop rate on the dancer.

Oh P.S: Petite, you haven't updated your sig for this week's info.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Woot people talking about broken thing. count me in :)


Imelia is only level 41 here
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My experience with that particular strategy (after watching it once and then forgetting like half of it):

Alright, I got this, I got this
[Katie dies to red armor because I durdled and thought she could take a hit]
No no no I don't got this, I don't got this!

I had a similar experience, but I forgot about the red goblin mage :(

I was able to complete it with 1-star while having 1 life left. Thankfully I had a bunch of units added to the team just in case something bad happened. Now to form a strategy that fits my team.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I needed space and lack the healers to CC the new dancer, so I CC'd Fran, so worth it. Her CG is adorable. Also 752 x3 and 1.3x skill at level 11 with dancer (50) and strategist. I'm so happy that fast attack girls have a good boost now. Strategist and Prince just raising stats by a percentage didn't help them much, the dancer flat buff is so nice on them. That and she's so cheap to deploy she's actually really reliable (Strategist is expensive but can become pretty strong after AW too). I just love how ludicrous some of the character's stats can become now.

I'm completely wiped out on gifts for girls, that hasn't happened to me in like half a year. Goes to show that we haven't been getting much downtime to recover. Anybody else feel like the daily maps for gifts are a bit expensive in comparison to the other dailies? I never want to do them because of it, usually just farm the normal missions so I have a shot at fairies too.
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