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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

In terms of the 大地に眠る召喚獣:炎獣 極級:

That's probably your best bet for 2 stars. (Do NOT attempt 3 stars, your witch won't do enough damage) Focus on keeping your units alive since your healer is the most problematic area (On the other hand, you wont have to worry about 2 efreets if your Themis is high enough and use a healer to slow down the enemy)

That video is impressive o.o Those timings...

edit: welp, failed all my timings but scraped through with 1 star on Flame Beast Extreme and done with 32 and every map cleared. Time to see if I can get that 3 star from regular Flame Beast... And farm some more fairies from the Spring before the event ends.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

運命の岐路 = Crossroad of Destiny
岐路 極級 = Cross roads extreme

In terms of the 大地に眠る召喚獣:炎獣 極級:

That's probably your best bet for 2 stars. (Do NOT attempt 3 stars, your witch won't do enough damage) Focus on keeping your units alive since your healer is the most problematic area (On the other hand, you wont have to worry about 2 efreets if your Themis is high enough and use a healer to slow down the enemy)

大地に眠る召喚獣:岐路 極級:
This one has very high requirement in terms of your units. You won't scrape by with just one or 2 more units of high level. Also, there's no getting by with a 1/2 star due to the last rush. You must duel the lich some way or another.

Therefore the goal is somehow 2 star the last map, and then get 1 more star on the 1 star map.
And this is why training your units = important and should be higher priority than max all your event units.

Yeah I'll probably try something like that. I hope Maribelle can do the job of that HA there, doubt Rean has the defense.

I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have without the units I've trained, almost all of them were leveled specifically because they were needed for events. Of course now with Maribelle I have 2-3 options for about everything so I can focus on maxing levels now (Unless they throw another weird requirement event at us). I do need to CC Spica and a soldier too though after this event.

Ah it's so nice to finally bench Polka for a stronger healer. Iris beat her by like 50/10 already. 40/35 Polka = 316 healing power. 50/23 Iris = 349 healing power. RIP, my only non 50 cc unit. Oh I wonder if we'll ever get copies of the tutorial girl? I wonder if she might ever show up in an event or something.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

(Yes, the event tactician is useless, not even I have found a use for her yet despite using Shiho and Echidna regularly.)

Actually, (fully upgraded) Ren has a niche role of being useful time to time to those with not-so-stellar deck like me ( ._.)

Though I agree that not fully upgraded Ren does seem rather subpar.

Now that I have Maribelle, I can now field 15 seconds of badass tank that might be required later in some crazy event missions conjured up by sadistic level designers.

Also, after I CC Ren, I'm hoping she'd make already broken black units even more broken ( ._.) CC'd Ren shaves off about 8-10 seconds from black units' skill cooldown depending on unit.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Why I can't join to the game?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This below got a bit long. Hence I am using spoilers.
shaves off about 8-10 seconds from black units' skill cooldown depending on unit.
20%. So 40 sec cool down becomes 32 seconds. Considering 60% only needs to activate a skill once except Attack III or the like where the cool down is short enough that it doesn't matter. Also consider 90% of strategy doesn't need the cool down reduction and only needs wait time reduction, (since 8 second of cool down is pointless even for reinforce since the most important reinforce is your first one).

It's one of those where you literally need to plan your whole strategy around using the cool down time shave and that's just stupid. Say for example, one of the common strategy to 3 stars the Strong Oni Extreme is to use Karma's skill twice. You have more than enough time in between and Ren's passive isn't needed.

Actually, (fully upgraded) Ren has a niche role of being useful time to time to those with not-so-stellar deck like me ( ._.)
50CC Soma/Daniella will always do whatever job Ren does better except for the defense skill boost.
The defense boost itself is decent ... or should be if not for the fact that you have a long wait time (42 seconds for Lv5) to activate it.

90% of the time, your defense boost on the HA will do just as well. For 10% of the time where the extra defense is much appreciated, you might as well use witch/archer to focus it down + Intercepts for slowing down things like Black Oni.

Lv50CC50 Rean with skill level 4 = 426 Defense/507 Defense with Prince/709 Defense with Prince and Skill
With Ren's skill activated, you get 20% boost for 15 seconds, resulting in 850 Defense. +141 Defense gives you what? What's doing scratch damage is still going to do scratch damage, what's going to do > 1k damage is still going to do 850 damage. (Needless to say, what does 1791 damage is still going to do 1650 damage)

Compare that Alisa with skill level 4 = 378 Heal/449 Heal with Prince/629 Heal with Skill activated. The skill activation gives 180 heal, except this time it's for 24 seconds. And that's just a silver rarity unit.

Ren's key factors are cool down reduction/low cost dps/and aoe defense buff.
If she even does one of the above properly, she will be a decent unit, and if she does all of them properly, she might as well be black rarity. Unfortunately, NONE of them are done properly, 20% is useless (50% or higher is where it starts making a difference) dps is non-existent (any archer beats it with ease and that range ...) and the aoe defense buff ... 15 seconds for 20% for a level 5 skill, compare that with Level 5 Protection II's 100% for 60 seconds ... burst attack is beloved like Uzume, burst defense from the BM's skill is good enough

Again, I am someone who can use Yurina/Echidna/Shiho and their skill activation (note, most of the time Yurina's skill is useless) properly and finds them useful or even necessary. Yet I still cannot warrant an use for Ren without specifically using her in a map for the sake of trying to make her useful.

This goes for Roana as well by the way, but at least her passive can be abused when planned properly and the reward is well worth the effort. Like she shines during this event against the Black Oni when leveled to a high level and can tank 1 hit.

There's only 1 reason to use Ren, to scientifically make ridiculous numbers with Maribelle stacking.

Why I can't join to the game?
Read the FAQ on the first page. Timezone needs to be switched to JP.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Again, niche role for someone going up the ladder.

I don't have those shiny event plat/black units appearing every so often in videos. Neither do events wait until I level all my units; usually they come and go as I am in the middle of improving my deck. Do I need Ren when I have 50CCmax everything? hell no.

It might be result of suboptimal planning but there have been some instances where 20% def boost saving my sorry arse, hence my previous comment.

Edit: RE: cooldown recuction. It's just my speculation, no comments about it as I haven't experimented myself about its practicality
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Do I need Ren when I have 50CCmax everything? hell no.
There comes a time far off in the future where you have no gold unit left to level. *looks far away*
I do realize that before that point, you use what you have. However, prioritization is even important for you exactly because you don't have the time to level your units.

Ren works perfectly fine at the level you get her (Lv35) since you aren't depending on her for dps (and that HP/Def affection ...) and her skill is the only thing useful. Hence you should be spending your time to level other platinum units like the Maribelle from this Resurrection event instead. (Who, with max skill, is ranked as the top HA considering a lot of factors)

Seriously, you are sacrificing a Mage, a Healer, and a Witch for class-changing material and all that exp for what?
Lv50 833 HP (+83) 154 ATK 83 DEF (+40)
Lv70 1041 HP (+193) 223 ATK 135 DEF (+96)
+318 HP, +69 ATK, +108 DEF.
Note, above is just an opinion from a veteran. To avoid making mistakes I did in the past. Also, My Ren's at 5/5 skill, 9 cost non-cc level 35. I don't plan to use her due to my limited testing with her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

There's only 1 reason to use Ren, to scientifically make ridiculous numbers with Maribelle stacking.

In the name of science again and for ridiculous numbers (far below from the numbers with maxed Laila lvl/skill and Uzume skill). I realized Uzume skill stack with prince buff.(Uzume skill level 1 here)
Die goblin !!

Edit: i wonder if it's worth leveling Uzume
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

There comes a time far off in the future where you have no gold unit left to level. *looks far away*
I do realize that before that point, you use what you have. However, prioritization is even important for you exactly because you don't have the time to level your units.

Ren works perfectly fine at the level you get her (Lv35) since you aren't depending on her for dps (and that HP/Def affection ...) and her skill is the only thing useful. Hence you should be spending your time to level other platinum units like the Maribelle from this Resurrection event instead. (Who, with max skill, is ranked as the top HA considering a lot of factors)

Seriously, you are sacrificing a Mage, a Healer, and a Witch for class-changing material and all that exp for what?
Lv50 833 HP (+83) 154 ATK 83 DEF (+40)
Lv70 1041 HP (+193) 223 ATK 135 DEF (+96)
+318 HP, +69 ATK, +108 DEF.
Note, above is just an opinion from a veteran. To avoid making mistakes I did in the past. Also, My Ren's at 5/5 skill, 9 cost non-cc level 35. I don't plan to use her due to my limited testing with her.

This little argument was about the "niche role" of Ren that I was trying to define and defend, not my future plans or actions.

I appreciate your advice and efforts you put in to numbers to back it up but sometimes you just assume too much.

Edit: Just putting in here in case you are worried about a newb going astray:
My Ren is still staying at her default level (never bothered actually, just needed her skill to see my HA through in past), while Maribelle indeed is fully upgraded and 50CC'd.
From the event, now I have CC'd Maribelle, recently CC'd Bernice, non-CC'd but max cost reduced Rean and a spare Garrett for "Men's Battle" Challenges
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Edit: i wonder if it's worth leveling Uzume
It is, since Uzume's skill is burst damage for everyone, which is much appreciated when it comes to dps needed to kill bosses. Not to mention her melee stats is at Yurina's level in terms of attack (defense is lacking) and does well for a 2 block melee. 22 Cost is an issue though.

Following is meant to be sarcasm:
It's only 2775 damage when maxxed. Only about 6 times more damage than a Prince's attack that's all. *nods* Just enough (not really, over kill by 2k damage) to kill a Black Oni in 8 swipes assuming 20k HP.

From the event, now I have CC'd Maribelle, recently CC'd Bernice, non-CC'd but max cost reduced Rean and a spare Garrett for "Men's Battle" Challenges
Here I am with only Berenice until this Saturday :X never raised Rean since I wanted Maribelle. But I sure waited a long time for this 2nd chance. Maribelle's my first event unit, and I still have the guaranteed drop Maribelle, which is now maxxed.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just CC'd Maribelle, oh man she's awesome D: Should work nicely on the maps I need to clear tomorrow. Her skill at 4/5 lasts longer than I thought it would. 33 seconds doesn't seem like much in theory, but it's quite a while even with fast forward on. In some ways having it a bit shorter can be beneficial since it starts the cooldown quicker.

Best part is how she can one shot goblins with her skill on + Prince. It's pretty awesome to see her just tank and massacre the entire big goblin rush on Rural Gate for some reason lol. Even though she's difficult to use, can't not love her.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Could someone maybe explain how the spawns near Lich appearance work on Crossroads Extreme map? It seems that there are variations in how Lich spawns compared to accompanying skeletons. I assume one of them is on timer and other is connected to some armors dying?

I have lost so many effing gems just because not intercepting Lich is a wipe for me. I don't have a princess so I can't just kill the first skeleton (by the time it dies I start blocking the spear skeletons). Perhaps some good tips on unit intercepting? I know it will always block the leftmost unit in range. But the rang is hard to determine. I thought it was sprite shadow touching position ring, but it doesn't seem to work that way:<.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finished feeding my 11 copies of Mariebelle to herself: 50CC43 (Skill 4/5 -2 Cost). The last six copies didn't do anything, but I'm not unhappy with the results. Tried to test to see if she could solo Rural Gate, but she's unable to do it on her own (her max attack is 298, so it's not a matter of being underleveled). Though, she could do it with the Prince backing her up, so this doesn't necessarily mean Rin or Dina couldn't solo this map. So far, the only melee units I know that can solo Rural Gate are the ninja class units if they're set on the bridge (Hina and Saki need to be cost-reduced).

Speaking of Hina, "Strengthen Attack IV" 2/5 doesn't multiply her attack by "1.525". Instead it's "1.53". Iron said the skills are a geometric progression that rounds out at the hundredths digits, and I now think he's right. I have no idea why the wiki lists it as "1.525"; I checked the history and it was correctly listed as "1.53", so something odd is going on.

I checked the news history, and they cheapened the cost of the event buffs for both the Ren and Roana events about four days before the end of their respective events. It's past that, so I don't think they're going to cheapen the cost for this event. So consider whether or not the buffs would help you 2-3 star the last few maps; the healing buff made the black goblin archers considerably easier for me.

Speaking of which, did you look at the silver witch's right hand? I can't tell if that's the background, or if there's something wrong with her hand. It's been bugging me so much that I finally realised why Sorano looks familiar. I think Sorano is by the illustrator ( ). While Moritan isn't a high-tier illustrator, I like him better than most, so I'm going to be pleasantly surprised if my gut is correct.

I had an absolute bitch of a time catching that aura lich. I had to wait until the lich was at the edge of the unit placement spot before I dropped Lilia to 3-shot the skeleton before turning her wrath towards the infernal lich.

I agree about the hit-boxes being hard to determine. They really should high-light the enemy your unit is going to attack so it's less of a stupid guessing game. Right now, it's like playing some bullet curtain shooter without knowing the hit box of your ship or bullets (I generally used edited sprites for those games, so they have the hit-box displayed, which made it so it's completely my fault if I bumped into a bullet).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have no idea why the wiki lists it as "1.525"; I checked the history and it was correctly listed as "1.53", so something odd is going on
The description rounds to the tenth digit. The actual boost rounds to the hundredth digit.
破魔の炎 Lv4 has a 1.675x multiplier from the wiki and 1.7x multiplier from the description. In actual testing, the raw multiplier is 1.679x without Prince's buff and 1.682x with Prince's buff.

Raw: 421
Prince: 500 (If 1.19x -> 500.99)
Skill: 707 (If 1.7x -> 715.7, if x1.675x -> 705.2)
Skill+Prince: 841 (If 1.19x 1.7x -> 851.7, If 1.19x 1.675x -> 839.2)

Above confirms that 1.675x is closer to the actual value. And yes, raw stats does have decimals, which explains 707 versus 705 and 841 versus 839.
Test it out yourself for your Hina, since I don't have Attack IV.

千年戦争アイギス 大地に眠る召喚獣:炎獣 極級 金1 ☆2

It has come, the answer to all your prayers. (Don't worry about the cost +5 since he always have at least 5 free deployment points)

千年戦争アイギス 運命の岐路 極級☆2

This one goes into detail on how to duel the Lich *important
1) Unlikely to catch the Lich during it's attack motion
2) Use Calliope to slow down the Lich to guarantee the intercept
3) After the skeleton goes above the crossroad, intercept the lich and follow up
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for the tips on blocking the Lich. Eventually I gave up, bought the healing buff and brute-forced to one star by deploying all front units as soon as possible and firing cooldowns when Lich appeared. This (coupled with switching tank three times) bought me enough time to kill enough skeletons for one star. This maybe could have been refined to two star, but I figured I had better odds at 2 starring Fire Beasts extreme. That actually wasn't nearly as tough (especially since I already had the healing buff).

Truth be told perhaps I should have stopped at 29 stars. Those were appropriate for my level, and getting those additional 3 cost me ungodly amount of gems. It was quite fun however, and I am looking forward to more events like this one. I wonder if crossroads/fire beasts extreme are a taste of things to come or merely a one time wink to veteran players.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I got the heal buff too, figured finishing more missions was worth the cost. I one stared the final map, I could almost 3 star it but I don't think I should risk it, just going to 2 star it next attempt. Strategy Dragon posted worked long enough that I can retreat everybody and 2 star easily. Maribelle was overkill with the heal buff, she barely took damage at the start. Only thing stopping me from 3 star was that my sortie cost didn't allow me to use a rogue to slow the 2nd efreet, I could get around that with some trickery but it'd be risky, don't wanna waste more stamina on another 1 star lol.

I also super leveled my Themis to 51, I really like Themis (Best cgs ever~) and she helped a lot there, even if she's weak for a princess, she's still incredibly useful. My only melee that can be healed and do magic damage 24/7 afterall.

Oh btw, do the "Mission clear" rewards just mean we need to 1 star them, or 3 star them? I really hope it's 1 star, because then I just need to 1 star the 60/5 crossroads map, which could be possible with my team + heal buff now. Rainbow fairy would be worth the 5 crystal cost.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Guess works, cause it's fun to see how many points I get right and wrong:
1) Sorano's cost will be around 28 depending on cost reduction
2) Sorano is of Maribelle's caliber. As in black rarity level during skill activation and skill level will be important to how good she is.
3) Sorano is a ranged unit.
4) She will be a fire mage as the base. (but maybe single target magic damage?)
5) Sorano's skill is aoe increase (gigantic) or gives aoe and damage increase.
6) Sorano will NOT be another Ren in terms of usefulness/uselessness.
*thinks* Pulse, Merrice, Odette, I think I have too many fire mages. Here's hoping Sorano has a lower cost and is single target, with aoe skill activation.

It was quite fun however, and I am looking forward to more events like this one. I wonder if crossroads/fire beasts extreme are a taste of things to come or merely a one time wink to veteran players.
I agree, I had one hell of a time doing it. And here's hoping "taste of a things to come" when it comes to future trials. Though farm event won't be of this level in terms of difficulty.

(Please don't tell me it's a one time wink, cause I will cry)

Oh btw, do the "Mission clear" rewards just mean we need to 1 star them, or 3 star them?
1 star only, you are good.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

1 star only, you are good.


Followed (50-3 Fire Beast):

Worked perfectly until the archers decided they were going to target my healer instead of my HA, Echidna died so quick I didn't even notice since I was watching the middle/left side, so stupid x.x Got 3 stars 2nd try, weee.

Now just to 2 star 60/5 and 30 stars :D Because my sortie cost is higher than theirs (Takes me longer to put out 3rd healer to stall efreets), I have to let the 2nd efreet pass my Themis and drop my units perfectly at the right time so I can get enough kills without letting anybody die, pretty tricky x.x Guy in the video doesn't have to deal with an efreet running wild all over his units lol. Hopefully I can 2 star it next try, I was really close that time. Then I have a couple days to figure out how to 1 star that crossroads map for the rainbow fairy. Hope you're all doing well with it, this event has been really intense. Heal buff saved my ass.
Whoo I did it :D (3 stars 50/3 fire beast and 2 stars 60/5 fire beast) I've never been so happy to get 2 stars on a map before, lol. 30 stars goal get, there's hope I could get 1 more star from 60/5 crossroads to max her skill.

Guess works, cause it's fun to see how many points I get right and wrong:
I was thinking something like magic pirate by Petite's description: "A Platinum Summoner that can call forth summoned beasts with her skill, and has a strong attack magic that can attack far-away units." Imagine if she can make temporary melee monster summons to halt enemies *drools* (Would be far too OP unless she's worthless without skill activation lol). Anyways I'm excited to see how she works, her skill activation could mean so many different things. I hope she's a bit more widely viable than most event girls. Now that I read Petite's posted story translations, it does sound like her skill may give her aoe damage like efreets, I didn't know she captured one. Understanding the story sure helps.
Speaking of which, did you look at the silver witch's right hand? I can't tell if that's the background, or if there's something wrong with her hand. It's been bugging me so much that I finally realised why Sorano looks familiar.

Can't unsee x.X If you mean the pink witch/mage looking girl in the event image, it looks like her thumb is below her hand, even if her arm was rotated, her fingers/knuckles would be on the other side of the staff. I really hope that's fixed... Oh P.S: Really cool idea to link that nice post of yours in your sig Petite, saving me a bunch of trouble finding it. Of course the post itself is helpful too haha. I hadn't checked it in a while to notice the story translations as well, nice to see some of their personalities for once.

Had to spoiler and chop the hell out of this post, long post is long, sorry. I did read all your posts.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I've been playing Aegis for a while and I'm starting to CC units now. I just wanted to get some advice on who I should focus on next.

Danielle was cc50, Flouride cc30, Rean woman of Steel cc47 ( First cc, got impatient)

On a side note, I have an extra copy of the silver mage and gold healer available.


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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I've been playing Aegis for a while and I'm starting to CC units now. I just wanted to get some advice on who I should focus on next.

Danielle was cc50, Flouride cc30, Rean woman of Steel cc47 ( First cc, got impatient)

On a side note, I have an extra copy of the silver mage and gold healer available.

CC 2 witch is a must for most event.