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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi guy, after advance, cost reduced will not change and skill level will not change too if skill name don't change, right? So should I reduce cost and level up skill before advance if the unit's skill name don't change?
That's correct.

As for feeding a unit copies of itself, it depends on the unit. If you're talking about someone like the platinum magic fencer Charlotte from this event, then yes. By all means, feed Charlotte to herself. If you mean someone like the silver witch Calliope or the silver archer Soma, then it depends on your situation. Silver archers are used in a lot of class-change recipes (the platinum and black archers require 3 silver archers). Also, a lot of the story mission maps need multiple witches, so 2 Calliopes are better than 1 Calliope that costs 9 to deploy.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I advise against 2 Calliopes though, since you can probably get a 2nd witch at a higher rarity so better stats.

Atm I have 5 different witches, 1 silver, 2 gold, and 2 plat witches, though some have no cost down or skill up so they are not as effective, but still.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

On the other hand we just had two witch rewarding events plus there is a witch in the Bitcash promotion (btw. anyone tried this? Is it hard to get it outside of Japan?). Therefore I wouldn't expect the higher rarity witches to be available in closest future. That is a very rough guess however.

Without access to better witches I used two Calliopes in many story missions. My 'main' one was eventually lvl 43 with cost reduced by 1. The other one was level 30 and I never needed to get her higher. Moreover, most low level strategies for Royal Castle Recapture mission require three witches (since you don't have enough DPS to kill fast red Gargs).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Witch in the Bitcash promotion (btw. anyone tried this? Is it hard to get it outside of Japan?).
You need a Bitcash account, which is defaulted at ST. You need to upgrade your account to EX, which requires purchasing a Bitcash EX card, which are available at convenience stores in Japan.

So, if you want to get a Bitcash EX card from outside Japan, you need to have someone else buy it for you. The cheapest would be if you had a friend in Japan, otherwise you'll have to get one from an auction website.

You can get bitcash EX cards for less than their listed price, but you need to find a seller that will deal with overseas customers. Look for "海外発送" (Ship Overseas), and check to see if it doesn't say "対応しません" (Won't correspond).

As you can see, the people on here will rip you off big time.

These people won't rip you off as badly as the Ebay Sellers; however, you need to pay them with Paypal, or a wire transfer. If you pay them with Paypal, you will have to send them a scan of your ID with your name and address (e.g. driver's licence). A lot of people who play Kancolle use these people, so they're not going to commit fraud or anything, but their language skills are pretty poor, so there might be problems if you need to communicate with them.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

-Black HA 50CC50 without any buff 441 Def
-Prince out 524 Def
-Prince out Tactician buff activated (5/5 skill) 629 Def
-Prince out Black healer Iris skill activated (2/5 skill 1.6 def bonus) 718 Def
-Prince out Black healer and tactician skill activated 862 Def
-Same results without prince
Well, there you have it. In the name of science and educated guess. Well done Ashurmen, on top of Laila maxxing, you now to have to get 4/5 skill for Black Healer as well.
PS, we know Maribelle is the best HA cost/performance, now we know exactly how broken that skill is when stacked
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

For people who need precise calculations for their team:

Final map Skeleton King attacks for 1200 damage, reduced by the new mdef parameter. If you have Yurina, she will take 1020 per cast (note however, that due to block 2 she might also catch swings from some skeletons), a Valk will take 1080 per cast. Dunno about the more broken units, but generic non-CCd healer will have around 250 attack (with prince buff) and CCd one will have around 450. You also need to factor off-healing rest of your team and possible cooldown rotation. If you are really pressed for healing throughput it might not be a terrible idea to go for 4 healers here.

Final map Charlotte swings for 680. If you have Roana (the dark elf, dunno how to read the name) she should be able to either solo her (with skill use) or drop her low enough to allow any other unit to finish her off. Ideally you want to do this outside of healer range, as those are occupied with healing skeleton king tank.

If you position your Roana on the rightmost spot she will get one swing of the ranged attack before Charlotte starts exchanging blows with her. The ranged attack hits for half the normal damage, though the damage is halved after defense is applied (so it is not a swing for 340 - your def, but (640-def)/2). I am providing so precise numbers here, because your Roana may be on the verge of tanking 4 melee shots instead of 3. This should happen slightly past 1500hp/345def, which is around lvl 30 with full affection and prince. If she is able to tank the fourth swing before using skill, she will solo Charlotte easily.

Skeleton King drops the priest unit, so if you are interested in Charlottes or mage girl, I think it is fine to farm this map even if you can't kill Skeleton King. Note however, that if your main goal is the mage, 5sta map is better for farming her.

I am using a strategy similar to Petite Soeur one, though I swapped places for tank and prince (initially placing Katie near the exit instead of '4a' and later replacing her with Lean). I don't have Karma, but as mentioned above I use Roana to kill Charlotte. I am using Yurina to tank the Skeleton King, but unfortunately my defense line eventually collapses so I was not yet able to three-star this map yet. The problem is I have only 1 CCd healer, so I need to either try a strategy with 4 healers or level my existing ones some more. Maybe I should also level Carry to tank Skeleton King instead of Yurina...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Which lv should i CC Soma, the first archer you got when playing Aegis ?

Her skiill seem does not scale well with her stats since it only increase her range, so i guess 30CCed Soma is acceptable ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Which lv should i CC Soma, the first archer you got when playing Aegis ?

Her skiill seem does not scale well with her stats since it only increase her range, so i guess 30CCed Soma is acceptable ?
For characters like Soma, it's entirely up to your preference when you class-change them. If you do an early class-change, that means you plan to retire that unit for a better one further down the road. An early class-change will help you win story missions and possibly farm certain event maps. The only time you might regret doing an early class-change for someone like her is if you don't get a better physical ranged unit in the future, and you have no choice but to raise her to 30CC50.

Soma's Attack Strength:
30CC50 (51):

40CC50 (68):

50CC50 (85):

Check out the for a sample of recorded stats for certain monsters. Just take note that their stats vary from map to map, so some red goblins from a specific map might be stronger than the red goblins from a different map.

Just to give my personal speculation, a 40CC50 Soma will be useful against the 1.2k HP enemies like wolves. Wolves run extremely quickly, so the less shots you have to fire at them, the better. Also, a 40CC50 Soma can deal 338 damage, so she can 3-shot 1k HP red goblins without the Prince deployed. So, I would recommend class-changing Soma at lvl 40 if you're unsure what the future may bring you.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Soma-chan is one of the units that needs to be 50CCed if you actually plan to use her in the future. However, if going by just numbers/skills Daniela is a better alternative since Snipers are lacking in damage.

If you 30CC, then don't bother with
1) Cost reduction/skill up
2) 30CC50 (30CC31 is good enough since you will swap her)

I have a 50CC50 min cost 4/5 skill Soma-chan. She fills the deployment cost gap for Nanaly. (9 cost versus 16 cost) and one of my regular/secondary members. 381 damage doesn't cut it for a sniper, you really need 400+ for consistent output due to what Petite mentioned: HP differs for bestiary according to maps.

Note: Due to the way exp works, you aren't losing anything for a 30CC31 Soma since she's worth 150 + 600 = 750 EXP (Same as level 1 gold male unit) when fed. If you need a sniper, that's the way to go.

Note 2: At end game, everything needs to be 50CCed, anything less than 50CCed will need to be tossed due to not fulfilling the potential and >Lv50 level limit for high rarity unit. (Effectively making the exp from Level 30->Level 50 from a noticeable gap to just a chunk of exp)

Note 3: Raw stats is vital, raw stats/deployment cost ratio is the core of the game, stats stacking using skills/Prince buff/etc is the key for high difficulty maps.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Although I can't really say I'm glad I 50CC'd my only mage type unit - Valerie. He's at 376 atk at 50CC24 and I think a 30CC30 would perform just as well. I got a level 26 one that has 304 atk, so he'd probably reach 334, effectively 3 shotting 1k hp enemies.

Maybe I need to level/beer my CC'd one until he reaches 400 atk? I don't know...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Although I can't really say I'm glad I 50CC'd my only mage type unit - Valerie. He's at 376 atk at 50CC24 and I think a 30CC30 would perform just as well. I got a level 26 one that has 304 atk, so he'd probably reach 334, effectively 3 shotting 1k hp enemies.

Maybe I need to level/beer my CC'd one until he reaches 400 atk? I don't know...
Valery's Attack Strength:
30CC50 (54.6):

40CC50 (72.8):

50CC50 (91):

Mages are kind of tricky, since the only time they're going to fire multiple times at an enemy without someone else also contributing damage would probably be against flocks of red/blue gargoyles and dragons if you don't have any witches, archers, etc. nearby. Just about everything else will also receive damage from your other units, so you will have to calculate for that as well.

I think it's a good thing that you 50CCed your Valery. Red gargoyles have 1k HP as their base, so 2-shotting them would be immensely helpful. Not just to 2-shot them, but to get rid of them if you have any archers nearby, so they won't waste as much of their time firing up at them.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maybe I need to level/beer my CC'd one until he reaches 400 atk? I don't know...
Valerie is male, non-platinum male units are lacking due to affection bonus > trust bonus. Platinum male units on the other hand are top tier, and in certain aspect considered the best available.

Valerie has maximum potential of 440 attack (AOE increase)
Pulse's 437 (Damage increase)
Merrice's 505 attack (Range increase)
He's usable and viable when no alternatives are available. I found very little need of AOE increases though.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Getting cost lowered and skill up on platinum is harder than on silver? I feed 8 of the event girl to the 1st i got and she only get skill +3 cost -2, i never got such bad success rate on my silver unit.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

All event units have low rates for skill growth and cost down.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Holy shit....
My unit box just crashed with a Calliope overflow exception :p

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My event is complete, since I only wanted Pulse. She's now officially at min cost and I officially have the most cost efficient fire mage in game.

On the other hand, this event unit is benched and most of her copies will be feed. I dislike the pretty cure art style and feel that she's out of place in Aegis. (Though the concept is decent, especially with skill activation)


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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi all.
When we cleared the last mission in current event, some dialogue messages of the enemy Lord's appear on the screen.
For those who are interested in them, I have made screenplay.

The lord of the dead:
Although, I had thought battle to be nothing more than boredom,
this fight with you was joy.

The lord of the dead:
Unfortunately, this body is going to ruin.
But calm down.

The lord of the dead:
My soul is immortal.
I'll revive again soon.

The lord of the dead:
Prince, who is a descendant of the hero,
I'm looking forward to seeing ya... nex...


Sorry, attached file doesn't work well.


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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My event run ended at map E-2. the mob on E-3 completely chewed through my defense with their first wave of HA and bone flincher :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Are u getting a 403 too?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yes can't play atm.