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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No emergency maintenance announce yet?

Fruit is that a no goddess protection/blessing?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anyone know the bonus for the Vampire hunter unit in this event ?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wonder if the vampire girl is a princess? She seems like she'll be another special unit type, nobody else uses one handed swords like that without a shield (but the prince). I sure hope they alter the blood costs, cause I have 10/250 x.X

No emergency maintenance announce yet?

Fruit is that a no goddess protection/blessing?

The video strategy? Should be, I don't see any blessings on them when they're in the character menu. I think they show up there as text in the bottom left corner. As I said, I overkilled it following that strategy perfectly since my fighters were higher than his and I have no blessings.

Anyone know the bonus for the Vampire hunter unit in this event ?

You mean: "Arrow of the timer - Attack power 1.5 times the Vampire Hunter - Activated from the beginning"?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If I read that katakana right it says vampire princess.
Karuma = Karma?

I wonder when if they'll make some princess+range(archer/pirate with def ignore)unit?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You can get 3-5 blood/run on the last event mission but well, it's a little inferno here.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

3 bloods can drop at a time from the 40/3 mission too, but boy is that painful. I was doing perfectly until about 30/63 kills in when the huge goblin rush comes. 1 stared it anyways. I haven't even seen a 3 star video for it yet.

Think I had: Valk, Prince, HA x2, Healer x2, Mage x2 up at that moment. My HA and mages were still busy with zombies when they showed up, so my mages were just like "Herp derp, lets let the goblins murder us instead of focusing them down first". I hope maybe I can find a way to remove the 2nd HA or Valk when the goblin rush happens for another healer/mage/witch.

How'd you guys manage it if you've 3 stared it?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Two 50CC'd mage at the west entry of the map and nuke them all (healer in back up off course)!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

After failing the first time, and a lot of retries (ended up with 51 blood vials) finally 3 starred last map, although not very stable.

I am done for this week and going to concentrate on 50CCing Shizuka. Shizuka using Masamune to cut down zombie and health leech (but not really) their gigantic hp bank is pure romance.

Nanaly as usual, solves all my problems. *grins*
Though I should probably level her from Lv30 to Lv50ish *fp*
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

3 bloods can drop at a time from the 40/3 mission too, but boy is that painful. I was doing perfectly until about 30/63 kills in when the huge goblin rush comes. 1 stared it anyways. I haven't even seen a 3 star video for it yet.
I based my strategy on this video with a lot of alterations:

I don't have Julius at a high level, so I just deployed my Soldier Phillis to catch two of the wolves before retreating her when she's done. Instead of Mariebelle, I used Berenice, who has a higher defence, so she's capable of tanking the remaining enemies so long as I deploy my Priestess the very next thing. Next, I deployed my Princess Lilia and Unicorn Knight Dahlia above and below the Prince, then deployed my Lord Witch Adelle above my Priestess, and finally deployed my Warlock Mehlis to the right of the Prince.

Later I retreated my sniper so I could deploy my regular lvl 30 mage Mehlis to the right of the Prince. Finally, when the goblin rush shows up, I retreat Adelle, and deploy Echidna. I think having both Echinda and a high level Priestess at the forefront is the best strategy since the enemies will focus on them first. I believe healers will prioritise healing themselves rather than juggling multiple units like what I think you're experiencing.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I noticed that they still haven't done anything about the blood... Just getting 250 in time will be a stretch.

I based my strategy on this video with a lot of alterations:

Got 61/63 using a modified version of that too (Skipped witch/soldiers at start for two archers, put out healers sooner, guarded corners with Valks/Ha, swapped Odette's position so she didn't die to the archers, etc, etc. I think I can get 3 stars with that if I level my team a bit. If my rogue didn't die (I was hoping she dodged the last strike or two but nope x.x, I woulda been 62/63 and I just barely let a wolf pass at the start. I think a few levels all around should do the trick (Though more for my rogue and 2nd HA)

Thanks for the idea~ Weird how putting the Prince in the middle works so much better than having him on a corner. I thought I needed two HA's down the final right lane to stop the rush, but a Valk and HA did okay (Though my HA died, that's because he's like level 13 :p) to stop them on the corners. This is the strategy that I wanted to see if it worked (Prince + HA on final lane), so good timing.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


The video you posted for the 30/2 map worked like a charm. Had to modify it a tad, but I can 3 star it. Haven't tried the next map yet.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


The video you posted for the 30/2 map worked like a charm. Had to modify it a tad, but I can 3 star it. Haven't tried the next map yet.

Congrats :D Glad it helped other people too, that guy made a wicked strategy for it.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I 2 starred the 40/2 map on the first try. I killed everything, just got to watch my guys health. Some more levels and I should be able to easily 3 star it.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I 2 starred the 40/2 map on the first try. I killed everything, just got to watch my guys health. Some more levels and I should be able to easily 3 star it.

Same, I was trying to record and wasn't paying as much attention to my 2nd HA as I should have. I have a video coming soon of my attempt, just gotta pay more attention or level Bernard a bit more for 3 star. It's a bit laggy though, I shoulda restarted my comp first and closed some stuff x.X I was so close~ Video is good enough to show how easily that strategy can 3 star though.

No blessing or rare units used really. I think we all have Echidna/Odette, but if not they can be replaced by CC'd healer and CC'd mage.

40/3 Nearly 3 star:

Just drop your bottom Heavy Armor before they die or level them more and that'll be enough for 3 star. I didn't notice that I already took out most the top guys so I didn't really need him anymore. Nice that I can just follow my own video next run, haha.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Nice video. I managed to 3 star it on my second try w/o having to retreat anyone from damage. Retreated Victoria (Plat CCed Archer) and Phyllis to replace with Odette and my HA. Easy peasy!

PS I need to learn how to video stuff one day lol.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I remember the days I cared about strategy. Now I just brute force everything orz now I know how Ashurmen feels. Though the # of black units I actually have is still 2 despite the # of premium gacha rolled. (If there's an event where I have to chose between fighting for the goddess or against the goddess, let's just change my nickname to クロダラア)

The one thing I loved about the video is that it has soma-chan~ and the second thing I loved about the video is that it has the spotlight on soma-chan!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Kind of disappointed with the event. I guess every once in a while they have to make it cost money to get most the rewards, oh well x.x I just hope I can get 250 in time, it looks like it will be difficult... Seems like the cost reduction was just rumored or declined. I'm sure they would have had a maintenance for it by now. I'd like to not get my hopes up for it. There still seems to be a lot of bug reports too.

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I thought they will fix the event thresholds since they are too high. Am I mistaken? 18/250 here, though if I really need to gather 250 just for the unit, I will probably stop as this one is really boring unlike past events. It's come down to the part where you enter a map, mechanically place units, then go afk till the map is over, rinse and repeat 6 times. zZz
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I pretty sure this was also answered but i ll ask again.
Do you guys have lags (not responding) from your browser?

I use Firefox and get all the time short lags with no responding
add block is disabled, i run jap clock and regional setting.

What are you using and does it lag?

PS: Got my first Gold Archer :D (Tiger/Leopard Clothed Girl)

Edit: I think they mean 25 not 250 like the other which is 1200 and schould be 120 if i understood that right.
Cause in this timeperiod it is almost impossible to get that much Blood
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah that's Firefox's problem, had the same one as you and switched to Chrome, never lagged ever again. It's a bit boring to switch to Chrome just for 1 game, but you can log just twice a day so it's fine I guess.