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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I don't know enough about the game, but she's a platinum unit, and Leanne is a silver one. So at some point, I think she will outscale the silver unit, though I don't know how scales and stuff work.

If she didn't have platinum stats, why would they make her a platinum?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

If she didn't have platinum stats, why would they make her a platinum?
鋼鉄の女レアン CC (Cost: 21~18) (+Affection 100%)
Lv50 1813 209 366+60
聖戦士マリーベル CC (Cost: 23~19) (+Affection 100%)
Lv70 2229 178+120 293+48

So you have at absolute maximum, Lv70 聖戦士マリーベル CC and Lv50 鋼鉄の女レアン CC:
聖戦士マリーベル 2229 HP > 鋼鉄の女レアン 1813 HP
聖戦士マリーベル 298 ATK > 鋼鉄の女レアン 209 ATK
聖戦士マリーベル 341 DEF > 鋼鉄の女レアン 426 DEF

416 Higher hp, 90 higher ATK, 85 lower DEF. 鋼鉄の女レアン has better status as a heavy armor. However, Maribelle has a 15 second wait, 29 second, double status skill, which stack with the Prince's own buff, resulting in a fricken ridiculous status like blow.
聖戦士マリーベル (with 聖なる覚醒 + 19% Prince Buff)
2229 HP, 729 ATK, 811 DEF

That's why she's a Platinum, and status rivals black unit.
Only problem is, at level 1, that's for 10 seconds with a 29 second cool down. She's likely to die off during the 29 second cd.
Lv5 on the other hand lasts 40 seconds, is a 13 second wait, 25 second cool down.

To get to Lv50CC on 鋼鉄の女レアン is 16000 for pre-CC, and 16000 post-CC.
To get to Lv50CC on 聖戦士マリーベル is 18666 for pre-CC and and 18666 post-CC. Then another 7000 to get her to lv60. No idea on how much to reach 70 though.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So if you want to level the skill at higher level, you need duplicates or you are screwed? This kinda sucks indeed...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Duplicate is the best for cost down, but you can use use the ultra rare Rainbow Fairy (1% drop on Friday event) to level up her skills.
Hence, you are right she's still a good unit. But is it worth the investment if you don't have her cost down/skill upped? In my opinion, that's a no. But the title holy knight is indeed suitable for her, 40 second goddess after all.

Mmm, I need a gold witch orz. Silver isn't cutting it anymore for that charisma 34 map.

Back to farming in Rural gate (it's all I do these days since I have given up on the event)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I hope this coming event is something that I and newer players can actually participate in.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I agree with you Fruit. In the mean time I am just doing the Rural Road? for gold, and the affection one that yields boquet, purple item, and silver fairies that you can only use ranged attackers on. My platium archer can solo it, but even still its easy. 450 gold, 30 exp, and affection items.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I agree, but the only thing I want to do right now is rural road until my charisma empties. "But it's in maintenance, but I want to grind, but it's in maintenance, but I want to grind ..."
Anyways, I failed the event, and wasted 3 early ccs (1 silver, 2 gold, the silver healer is what I really shouldn't have early cced though) taught me that I should have just grinded rural gate repeatedly and prepare for next event. Note to self, never early cc a gold male character, especially with reduced cost. (Since they are better off as feed :3)

Next event is Magic Crystal gathering. Hence you can do it even as a new player.

I agree with you Fruit. In the mean time I am just doing the Rural Road? for gold, and the affection one that yields boquet, purple item, and silver fairies that you can only use ranged attackers on
Silver Fairy: 低コストバトル : 1 Stamina
Gold Fairy: 巨大な敵 : 2 Stamina
Gold/Platinum Fairy: ファランクス : 3 Stamina

It's very cost inefficient to be running 対空バトル since it drains 2 stamina if you are going for silver fairies. But I guess it's ok for afk battle & gifts?
Please note that for silver fairy 低コストバトル is much more efficient since you start with 100 stamina and place them wherever you want and then afk.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You'll also want to do 王都に続く道 (Road that Continues to the Royal Capital) for experience like I said in my first post in this thread (if anyone is new to this thread, there's also a serial code in that post to get a gold healer).

Getting your Prince to lvl 28, and then lvl 64 for his new titles noticeably powers all of your units' attack and defence up as if they all gained a bunch of levels.

Unfortunately for me, I couldn't successfully three star the 3rd emergency mission. I came pretty close, but I didn't retreat one of my silver bandits in time, though the last time I tried before the maintenance, I did so well that I didn't have to retreat my priestess, or Princess Lilia. I really wished there were keyboard shortcuts for pausing, retreating, and using skills.

I'm not sure about the upcoming magic crystal gathering event being newbie friendly. The event before this one had these really stupid costs for crystals (the 2nd tier affection item) at 10 magic crystals, and gold fairies at 30 magic crystals. I only was able to three star the 2nd map for that event, and got 4 magic crystals for my trouble (you needed to pull a Monica from the rare/premium summoning, since she had double the chance of getting the specific monsters to drop magic crystals for that event, and then grind one of the later event maps).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Game is up.

1st stage is weird (10 charisma, 0 stamina): 6 fighter limit and there are flying units. I hate this map though, it's difficult to place things well (Archer will miss gargoyles if you put them in the top spot x.X). I put an archer in the bottom left most spot, 1 soldier/tank type at each fork with a healer in the middle spot, a duelist behind one, and my Prince in front of the house to stop them. Only the first gargoyle's got past because I didn't expect them to dodge my top archer. The enemies here hit really hard and you might need to retreat your main soldiers/tanks if you're around my level.

2nd map (15 charisma, 1 stamina): is almost easier than the first, just make sure you have plenty of fighters on the bottom because the final enemies all rush you at once down there. 3 guys with 6 total "stopping power" is good and a mage next to them. No archers or any ranged/flying enemies. Got a bouquet here as the 2nd slot reward so far.

Just be wary if you're around my level (level 15ish guys) of putting Phylis where my Prince is there, she'll die on the first enemies, even retreating her and placing another similar unit might not make it. You really need a strong duelist there, but then not much else difficult comes from the top.

3rd map (20 charisma, 1 stamina): is nuts at my current level. It's a typical: a tank at each fork near the exits, 2 healers, 2 mages, 2 duelists/tanks behind the main tanks type set up , but you need to be a lot stronger than I am when the big dragons come... My tanks couldn't survive them x.X I didn't see any ranged units for as far as I made it. It mixes very heavy units and spams quick units at you, so you need to get down a lot of units quickly but still be able to survive the dragons. It's pretty rough at lower levels.

Guess I'm farming 2nd map for now.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wish I understood what was going on in the event options. Ugh.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wish I understood what was going on in the event options. Ugh.
Do you mean the button on the bottom left of the button to select the new emergency mission maps, or the bottom right button?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

10 銀の聖霊
20 金の聖霊
70 白金の聖霊
80 黒の聖霊
60 癒し手アリサ
70 黒衣のサイラス

*Fish Eyes*
癒し手アリサ, a silver healer is 60, are you kidding me? D: (face into wall since I want to cost reduce her. But she's 30CCed so that's ruined.)

Otoh, 70 for 黒衣のサイラス is actually very good, you should aim for him if you don't have a gold mage. (Makes an excellent 30/40CC and remains useful through the game since you cannot have enough fire mage before 3)
Not excellent growth, but 1) No affection needed 2) Fire mage is vital in this game and gold growth > silver 3) An excellent candidate for 30CC yet remain useful despite that fact.
The reason is that, I have 30cced -> 20 黒衣のサイラス and still use him now. Despite the fact 見習い魔術師 メーリス broke the game with 50CC-> 20, you still need a second firemage.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Do you mean the button on the bottom left of the button to select the new emergency mission maps, or the bottom right button?

Both red buttons. And jeeze, barely beat the mission with the lizard mage. Now there is one that cost 60 points to attempt!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh noes Dragon mage are back !! Event of pain is here again :(
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You are full of upgraded units and you call it event of pain...Great, so we probably won't be able to do anything with our low level parties...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh you guys are talking about the scales and red crystal looking items, gotcha. I haven't found any of those crystals yet.

Ah I see, we check the "Ordeal" page to see what we need to do to acquire red crystals, then we use them to buy fighters from the unlocked Scale option on the bottom? and this was suppose to be an easy event for newer players? X.x

I just got a dragon warrior from the 2nd map, weeee. Bronze though so I probably won't be using it. It's cute though in a dragon/lizard kind of way.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Dragon mage
They cannot be that ba... ohhh those big dragon mages.

*looks at rural gates* I should just class-change from prince to farmer after all.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Both red buttons. And jeeze, barely beat the mission with the lizard mage. Now there is one that cost 60 points to attempt!

Bottom Left Button
Divine Protection of the Goddess (女神の加護)

You basicaly spend sacred crystals (sc) to power up your units.
Shield of the Goddess (女神の盾): Reduces physical damage by 30% (10sc)
Mystical Defence (神秘の護り): Reduces magical damage by 30% (10sc)
Swift Attack Formation (速攻陣形): Reduces deployment cost by 2 (10sc)
Eastern Blade (東方の刃): Sakuya and Hina attack power multiplied by 1.5 (*free*)
Blessed Mace (祝福の鎚矛): Heavy Armour/Battle Master attack attack power multiplied by 1.5 (7sc)
Gale Dagger (疾風の短剣): Rogue/Assassin attack power multiplied by 1.5 (7sc)
High Speed Healing (高速治癒): Healer/Priestess recovery power multiplied by 1.5 (3sc)
Bulk Purchase (まとめ買い): Purchase all of the above (35sc)

Bottom Right Button:
Trials (試練)
1: Clear 4 Missions.
2: Gain a total of 12 stars.
3: ???
4: ???
5: ???
6: ???
7: ???
8: ???
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Does anyone know how to beat that quest map with the slimes? They have a lot of defence, and they do a lot of damage, even my heavy knight can't handle them. Do they have any weakness?