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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for replies, Petite Soeur, tenshiryu and silence. My bank doesn't offer prepaid cards, but maybe I should just get one in other bank. I did find the 500 free points yesterday, though you only get them after you input your credit card data :<. Big problem is, that even if they send me an email 'sorry our DB has been hacked, pleas contact your bank asap' I will not understand it.


I don't know if any other beginners such as myself follow this thread, but I managed to 3-star second event map with my noob team of lvl 30 max.

There are four major goals to accomplish in this stage.
1) Kill initial three goblin archers, with as little resources as possible.
2) Nuke the sky rush.
3) Clean up the ground push after that
4) During all of this, take care of dark elves spawning out of central hut.

My prince alone, positioned in front of the hut, was enough to reach goal 4. We just need to make sure that elves spawning there do not kill any ranged unit positioned on the narrow peninsula.

It was important to realize, that to reach goal 3 you really only need a tank and a healer. Additional DPS or additional melee can help, but they are not crucial and if we want we can dedicate all our party space to reach goals 1 and 2. When you place your tank on the spot near the double ranged position in the bottom, and your healer on the left of the two ranged spots, the final archers only shoot at your tank. It is also possible to heal the tank from the narrow peninsula, but the healer can than die to dark elves coming out of the hut, especially to the mage. If you have spare melee units, it is beneficial to drop one on two goblin mages approaching near the end, as they can aoe your entire defense line near tank.

Goal 1 is a bit tricky. You need to kill the 3 archers before deploying any ranged units, or else even 1 goblin will rape your anti-air defense. I have used different combinations of Clave, Cecilly and Misha. You can drop the first unit slightly behind first two archers, so that it gets only 1 additional shot from the goblin it will not kill. On most attempts I was able to successfully use lvl 27 Cecily to do that, than use Clave to kill the second archer, and Cecily still could kill the final archer. This however, was a bit luck dependent, as she needed to get some dodge rolls. On final attempt I used Misha first, than Cecily. Note, that I also tried to use prince here, but he was getting really low (can't afford to loose him before air rush), and my Phillis was not enough to handle initial units alone anyway.

Goal 2 was the hardest to achieve, and if you only want to get past this stage to farm silver tank on map 3 can be omitted for easier 2star clear. I was able to achieve this goal using Lvl 30 Soma, Lvl 25 Daniela, Level 30 Calliope, Level 12 Calliope and Lvl 30 Valerie. Note, that to get the second witch I needed to clear the Armor of the Dead ( 亡者の鎧 ) story mission, which was an achievement on it's own. I made attempts without her, but archers do next to no damage to the dragons, and Roys always came too late (plus they don't have range from top left spot). I also needed to level my first Calliope to level 30, so that she could survive 2 shots from dragon.

Ok, so the strategy was as follows:

Drop Phillis on second spot from left, than drop prince in front of her (near the hut dark elves come from). Drop Misha behind two first archers, so that she kills 1 (third spot from right). Than drop Cecily on next spot to kill second one. Misha survives long enough to kill third archer. Recall Misha and Cecily (note, that if you think your first ranged won't survive the dragon you can wait until his attack animation starts on Cecily before recalling her, so that the ranged tanks 1 less shot).

The air rush starts. Put Daniela on middle peninsula and Soma on leftmost spot. Than 'strong' Calliope on narrow peninsula near hut, and weak Calliope to the right of the double spot in the bottom. Finally Valerie near weak Calliope. All ranged fire skills as soon as ready (all but Valerie managed to get powered-up hits). The way units are distributed here is centered around the fact that I had more trouble with killing top dragon. So stronger archer and stronger witch went there.

As soon as dragon dies recall all ranged units, but Valerie. Drop Lean near the double ranged spot, and your stronger healer there as well. If your comp is still dying here, recall Valerie as well and put healer on his spot instead (but for me it was fine that way). Drop a low level heavy armor to kill or damage two mages, and recall asap.

Team used: Lvl 20 Phillis, Lvl 28 Cecily, Lvl 28 Misha, Lvl 30 Lean, Lvl 30 Arise, Lvl 30 Soma, Lvl 25 Daniela, Lvl 30 Calliope, Lvl 12 Calliope, Lvl 30 Valerie, lvl 10 Lean (got her from last event, but I guess normal bronze armor will do).

Now to work on third stage. There is a vid on wiki of doing it with party full of 30's and 20's so it should be definitely doable (though the strat uses level 100 prince). The main difficulty should be killing the black ogres on north alley, but apparently lvl 30's can do it (hopefully they can with lower level prince as well). If anyone is interested in report, I will post it if I manage to succeed.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Now to work on third stage. There is a vid on wiki of doing it with party full of 30's and 20's so it should be definitely doable (though the strat uses level 100 prince). The main difficulty should be killing the black ogres on north alley, but apparently lvl 30's can do it (hopefully they can with lower level prince as well). If anyone is interested in report, I will post it if I manage to succeed.

With a couple of witches u can kill the ogres pretty easily. The main problem is get the timing right so the goblins don't slip through or kill a exposed witch.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

With a couple of witches u can kill the ogres pretty easily. The main problem is get the timing right so the goblins don't slip through or kill a exposed witch.

Yes, I think I will need to level my lvl 13 second Calliope a bit, while my stamina regens.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

LoL. I swear we are always on the same page, Fruit. I got him from my free today also. In addition, I'm leveling my Odette. She is only level 40 for me atm though.

Goodluck, it is sooooo worth the wait


Already 640 attack with Prince buff, hnggg. She's pretty tanky too for a ranged unit. Going to try the final story map with her in a bit. Okay maybe not, I just rewatched the video for it. Noppppe. I think I need another OP mage first.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

From the creators of the Gold Rush and Carrie-san Thinks So Too simulator, the rare and premium summoning simulator (with images):

Left button: 1 summon.
Middle button: 10,000 yen worth of summons.
Right button: summon until you get a black unit.

It feels fairly therapeutic. I spent 11,000 yen in the simulation to get the black Valkyrie Crissa, the platinum bandit Lyla, 9 silver, and 11 gold units. Hahaha.

EDIT: For maximum results, keep resetting until you get a variant where you spend 50,000+ yen for a black unit.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow it's people like that that make me feel silly. What a boss strategy. This guy beat the final 60/3 map for this part of the event with only a cc'd healer + 2 cc'd archers, a regular silver heavy armor, bronze soldier, and two weak un cc'd silver witches. I modified it a bit to add in Karma and Shiho to heal the left/top side after the dragon attack just to be safe. Sooooo easy it was stupid. I was watching it like "He isn't really going to clear this map with those." and surprise, he did XD

I really gotta work on breaking down maps like that. It's just so hard without firm data on enemy attack and HP.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It feels fairly therapeutic.
I feel ridiculously encouraged.

召喚数 神聖結晶 リアルマネー
198回 990 / 990個 90,000円
アイテム ドロップ率 期待値 実ドロップ
シルバー 050‰ 99個 111個
ゴールド 037‰ 73個 64個
プラチナ 010‰ 19個 14個
ブラック 003‰ 5個 9個

3x Black Witch, 2x Black Rogue, 1x Black Princess (Elven), 1x Black Archer, 1x Black Healer, 1x Black Pirate


  • Randomness.jpg
    101 KB · Views: 0
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Didn't notice that there was also a daily Friday fairy map simulator. If the odds for it are official, then based on 300 Stamina:

100 Trips (Without Seria)
Rainbow (2%): 2
Black (10%): 10
Platinum: (20%): 20
Gold (40%): 40
Silver (70%): 70

Rainbow (5%): 5 (With Seria)
Black (13%): 13
Platinum (23%): 23
Gold (43%): 43
Silver (73%): 73

150 Trips (Without Seria)
Rainbow (1%): 1.5
Black: (5%): 7.5
Platinum (10%): 15
Gold (25%): 37.5
Silver (50%): 75

Rainbow (4%): 6 (With Seria)
Black (8%): 12
Platinum (13%): 19.5
Gold (28%): 42
Silver (53%): 79.5
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Here are some stats comparison between the elf princess and black princess at the same level, knowing that the affinity bonuses are the same for both.


well i don't know if the growth bonus is the same for both; but the HP difference is really huge.

Edit: and i don't know the dark elf class, but if the silver elf soldier has the same amount of HP with a block value of 3...it will hurt.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


Edit: and i don't know the dark elf class, but if the silver elf soldier has the same amount of HP with a block value of 3...it will hurt.

Hard to judge without knowing her skill. Some fighters look weak at a glance but their skill buffs them to godliness.



Today is best day. Funny that just not having a grind event for once and giving me the chance to CC some of my fighters has made me happier in this game than most the events themselves in the past month or two. 2 50 CC'd fighters I desperately needed in one day. Next up is Pirate Monica. I still have 6/7 spare Calliope's too, lol. Went with Calliope first over Desupia and Shiho just so I could get a Lord Witch faster and because of her low cost. CC'ing Shiho and Desupia will make them high cost units, not great for witches...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hym, my ranged DPS team of Lvl 30 Soma, Lvl 30 Daniela, Lvls 32 and 21 Calliope, Lvl 32 Valerie and lvl 20 Bronze Mage just doesn't seem to be enough to get through third event stage with three stars.

My prince is level 56 so I can only use the +5% aura. Lvl 21 Calliope is not that much of a problem, she is used mostly to kill initial ogres and goblins on right side, and can do her job well enough. Team of Soma, strong Calliope, Valerie and Roy just can't kill black ogres (and before that black armor) fast enough.

The best thing I can do at this point, I believe, is to increase their affection for huge damage boosts. Soma is at 50%, but Daniela is at 0 and I am slowly working on Calliope.

Hence the question - which map is recommended to grab some affinity items? Is gathering bouquets on Low Cost Battle map the best (in terms of stamina efficiency) or should I work towards unlocking the 4 stamina quest for diamonds?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hence the question - which map is recommended to grab some affinity items? Is gathering bouquets on Low Cost Battle map the best (in terms of stamina efficiency) or should I work towards unlocking the 4 stamina quest for diamonds?

Low Cost Battle is the best overall. Though, you might want to 3-star later quest maps for their rubies if you can, since that's a guaranteed 3-4 affection.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hey guys, what's the best quest for plat fairies/stamina?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hey guys, what's the best quest for plat fairies/stamina?
Phalanx 2 and the Mid-tier Spirit Rescue map on Friday. Though, just to give you an idea of the difference between the two:

Phalanx 2
Trips: 10
Bouquets (70%): 7
Crystals (70%): 7
Rubies (40%x2): 8
Gold Fairies (30%): 3*
Platinum Fairies (20%): 2
Affection: 45-67

*You can only obtain a max of 5 drops. So if you get the bouquet, crystal, rubies, and plat fairy, you won't obtain the gold fairy. So, the map isn't as good as it looks.

Mid-tier Spirit Rescue:
Trips: 10
Rainbow (2%): 0.2*
Black (10%): 1*
Platinum: (20%): 2
Gold (40%): 4
Silver (70%): 7

*You can only obtain one of these per trip.

Farming Phalanx 2 has a noticeable effect of causing you to accumulate a vast sum of bronze Hectors from Rural Gate, so I generally dislike farming it compared to the mid-tier map, which has a fair chance of letting you accumulate a respectable sum of fairies, which is useful for farming events that give out bronze units.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Phalanx 2 and the Mid-tier Spirit Rescue map on Friday. Though, just to give you an idea of the difference between the two:

Phalanx 2
Trips: 10
Bouquets (70%): 7
Crystals (70%): 7
Rubies (40%x2): 8
Gold Fairies (30%): 3*
Platinum Fairies (20%): 2
Affection: 45-67

*You can only obtain a max of 5 drops. So if you get the bouquet, crystal, rubies, and plat fairy, you won't obtain the gold fairy. So, the map isn't as good as it looks.

Mid-tier Spirit Rescue:
Trips: 10
Rainbow (2%): 0.2*
Black (10%): 1*
Platinum: (20%): 2
Gold (40%): 4
Silver (70%): 7

*You can only obtain one of these per trip.

Farming Phalanx 2 has a noticeable effect of causing you to accumulate a vast sum of bronze Hectors from Rural Gate, so I generally dislike farming it compared to the mid-tier map, which has a fair chance of letting you accumulate a respectable sum of fairies, which is useful for farming events that give out bronze units.

Wow that was fast.
I do farm the friday's mission but since I've 3 stared the event maps I'll have some spare stamina until monday I guess.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for all the replies Petite Soeur, I hope you get the +rep messages when I don't want to clutter the thread without having anything more to add.

I have managed to three star third event mission. I needed to level my characters a bit to push that additional damage through. Still, characters were in their very early thirties, with only two of them with affection bonus (which is much more important than leveling at this point).

I used mostly the strategy from wiki. I swapped places between Soma and Daniela, as only the former had affection bonus (though due to their skills they should be positioned the way they are in the video). Unfortunately Daniela has too ugly character model for me to level her affection. Than, what helped in next step was switching places between Daniela and my weaker Calliope (lvl 22, no affection). Due to magic damage, she did better job at finishing off ogres, than lvl 30 Daniela. So the ranged position was left side Calliope top, Soma bottom, right side was Daniela right, Calliope left. Later on Roy and Valentine added as in video strat.

With that setup I was unable to kill three goblins that enter from left side right after orange ogres. I placed a melee (Clave, but could be anyone else) in front of top exit, and left him there in place of melee that is used in video strat to kill left archer. Soma and Calliope there can handle him no problem. Two red wolves that run top lane after archers head for bottom base, so even if one slips through here, he is slain by prince.

What is worth noting is that first wave of black ogres head to bottom base. Therefore I did not burn any cooldowns on them, as there was a plenty of time to kill them when they traverse the top-bottom path. This was very helpful, as one of the most difficult parts on this map was handling the double black armor. For long time I couldn't kill the first one before second one reached prince, so it would either reach base (if you are progressing here, this is best option, just aim for 2 star) or cut through my emergency blockers I need for last phase.

The three archers at the end are very dangerous. Not only you need to recall Roy but also drop something in their way, so that they don't slaughter your ranged dps. All of that while carefully microing your units delaying progress of black ogres on top lane (this tame they head to top base too). Fortunately, even something like lvl Lean HA is enough to kill the three archers, you don't need to drop your best tank there.

Note on blockers - Black Ogres have around 600 attack. Calculating in advance how many hits each blocker can take will help you great deal.

Final team used:
Prince lvl 59
Main dps: Soma lvl 35 (50% affection), Calliope lvl 36(50% affection), Calliope lvl 22, Daniela lvl 30 (recalled when first archers enter) Lvl 20 Roy, Lvl 33 Valerie.
Blockers: Lvl 23 Phillis, Lvl 21 Monteima, Lvl 28 Cecilly, lvl 36 Misha (way overkill for this task, I leveled her as I try to 3 star Battle of Castle Gate story mission at the same time), Lvl 20 Clave, Lvl 35 Lean, Lvl 26 Yurina, Lvl 9 Lean.
Healer: Lvl 33 Doreka.

PS. Why Bernard drop rate so low :<. 300 exp, do want!

PS2. Onwards to fourth map

PS2. Ok, so how do I collect the event reward for completing three maps?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

PS. Why Bernard drop rate so low :<. 300 exp, do want!

PS2. Onwards to fourth map

PS2. Ok, so how do I collect the event reward for completing three maps?
1 - It's probably 10% (current data for Valerie on the 4th map is 8%), so expect one copy of him every 10 trips. I also need to snag a couple copies of him later to class-change a silver dragonewt unit so I can feed it to my Ninja Hina to lvl her skill to 2/5.

2 - Congratulations on clearing the third map, and good luck on the 4th one. I saw some people complete it with a non-cc team, but it does require a lot of unit-switching at the bottom right entrance. I think the most dangerous things are the ogres and enemy ranged units, which is why having a high defence duelist like the Prince with a strong priestess and two snipers are really good units. As Fruitsmoothie noticed, two witches (lvl 10 and 30) are enough to deal with the fire dragon and red gargoyle threats on their own if the duelist, snipers, and priestess are strong enough to take care of the rest.

3 - You'll receive the silver elven soldier along with the platinum dark elf at the end of this event in your unit box.

By the way, your post finally made me notice that I kept incorrectly calling Clave by the name of Graves.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

1 - It's probably 10% (current data for Valerie on the 4th map is 8%), so expect one copy of him every 10 trips. I also need to snag a couple copies of him later to class-change a silver dragonewt unit so I can feed it to my Ninja Hina to lvl her skill to 2/5.

I wouldn't expect a drop around every 10 runs if the drop is 10%, 10% drop with 10 runs means you only have about a 65% chance of obtaining him (35% chance of not finding one), so it's still really crappy. You need 15 runs to get it to a more realistic 80% probability. Basically it's not worth farming if it's only a 10% drop, unless you have nothing better to do. Grabbing more fairies or red crystals would probably be better.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wouldn't expect a drop around every 10 runs if the drop is 10%, 10% drop with 10 runs means you only have about a 65% chance of obtaining him (35% chance of not finding one), so it's still really crappy. You need 15 runs to get it to a more realistic 80% probability. Basically it's not worth farming if it's only a 10% drop, unless you have nothing better to do. Grabbing more fairies or red crystals would probably be better.
I understood the word expect to mean that something is more likely in your favour. Basically, anything above 50%. That's what I mean by expect him around every 10 trips (Though, I think it's 7 trips before it starts going over 50%).