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Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)


Jungle Girl
Dec 29, 2012
Reputation score
Hey this is my First Choose Your Own Adventure story i hope you guys like it and have a little bit of fun :D also get other people to vote if you can :)

All characters will start in a village specific to them, so choose wisely, the continent that we are on is called Alara, a world where to the west is the ocean, to the east is forested jungle, to the north is mountains and frozen peaks, to the south is deserts and the vast middle is grassy plains populated by villages here and there, and a few bustling towns, where people from all four corners of Alara can gather and trade.

to start choose your character
Name: Alyssa
Race: Aasimar (Angel girl)
Age: 20
Hair: Blonde
Eye: Blue
Height: 5' 6''
Body shape: Thin, but Curvy
Bust: C Cups
Appearance: An Angelic woman complete with a halo. You have fair, pallid skin gives that gives you the look of glowing in the light. Your blonde mid-back length hair is loose and free. Your outfit is a white padded leather vest and a matching skirt with slits on the sides for more movement provides decent protection against weak attacks. you don't have wings yet so you cannot fly.
Main Objective: You are sent to kill a succubus by The King of The Gods himself!
Fighting Style: Weak at hand to hand fighting and swordplay, she prefers to keep her distance in a fight using precise spells and a short bow w/ various arrows.

Name: Victoria
Race: Human
Age: 25
Hair: Black
Eye: Brown
Height: 5' 9''
Body shape: Thin and fit
Bust: B Cups
Appearance: A taller, stronger woman with a beautiful physique. no where near the peak of her strength and endurance though. You're wearing heavier armor which slows you down a little but gives you good protection from average attacks.
Main Objective: Your drive for adventure is to be known as the best swords-woman in the land. You also seek the four swords of legend each has a special effect known only to the wielder.
Fighting Style: Shield and sword: fights both defensively and offensively equally. Weak at a distance

Name: Kristina
Race: Half-elf
Age: 42
Hair: Red
Eye: Green
Height: 5' 7''
Body shape: Supermodel-like
Bust: D Cups
Appearance: A woman of seduction and lust. This devilishly beautiful half-elf wears a tight fitting and quite revealing, crimson red sorceress robe.
Main Objective: Your goal in life is to become a powerful court sorceress for the Queen of Silverstorm City and pick up a few new spells along the way.
Fighting Style: Quick and powerful spells dispatch foes quickly, but you have a limited amount and must be able to speak and move freely to cast spells.

Name: Carol
Race: Elf
Age: 156
Hair: Brown
Eye: Green
Height: 5' 8''
Body shape: Average
Bust: A Cups
Appearance: A holy woman wearing tough, heavy armor to protect against all but the strongest attacks. A cleric of the sun goddess who specializes in healing and light. protects the weak and topples the oppressive you are a scion of good natured people.
Main Objective: Rid the world of demons, devils and fiends. Oh my!
Fighting Style: tank it out with heavy armor, a myriad of healing spells and your trusty morningstar. You could be overwhelmed if you aren't able to dispatch enemies fast enough though.

Level: 1
Hit Points (HP): [0/0]
Magic Points (MP): [0/0]
Arousal Points (AP): [0/0]
Experience (EXP): [0/200]
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Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

D, for a change
Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)


We don't get many ranged characters for these. Also having the character more likely to be punished for sex than rewarded for it gives an incentive to succeed than to fail intentionally is nice.
Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

(A), I'm a sucker for angels. :9

Speaking of angels, I ought to get back to my CYOA someday soon. I think that I had a dilemma with a tie, but can't remember as it's been a while. Will check it shortly and hopefully start back up later in the week, maybe sooner.
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Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

I vote C
Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

Coin flip for A or B
Result: A) Alyssa the Angel girl
Lets get this show on the road

you awake in your bedroom the sun smiles down on your small village of Silvertown. After you wash up a bit, you put on your white adventuring outfit given to you by The King of The Gods, today is the start of your quest to become a full angel and get your wings.

you grab your adventuring pack

and sling it over your shoulders, you also grab your bow and quiver, and toss it around your shoulder

You step out of your house viewing the rolling hills to one side and heavily forested land to the east. You've heard rumors of a woman who lives all alone in an abandoned tower to the east. Since you were told by God that the succubus is in the east you can be fairly sure that, that woman is probably the succubus, with all the information you needed you head toward the succubus' lair to the east. As you walk you see the hills fade into the horizon as you look upon the vast forest you must traverse with the large stone tower in sight you start walking through the thick vegetation. After a few hours you are met with a 3-way split in the road, one path leads up and around and goes into a cave, the other two lead to more forested areas, down one path you can hear something down the trail that does not sound like a human at all, at least it sounds far away...
all of them seem to lead to the tower but each gives you a much different approach to it.

Where do you go?

A. The path to the Cave.

B. Deeper into the forest but not toward the sounds.

C. I'm feeling lucky let's see what's behind that noise.

STATUS: You're gunna want to check this
Level: 1
Hit Points (HP): [12/12] when these hit zero you are knocked unconscious (-1 on all rolls for each 1/4 HP lost)
Magic Points (MP): [20/20] you can't cast spells if you don't have enough MP
Arousal Points (AP): [20/20] When these hit zero you are forced to an orgasm
STR (how strong you are): 10 (0 no bonus)
DEX (How quickly you can react and how efficient you are with ranged weapons): 16 (+3, to ranged attacks and to dodging)
CON (How tough and resilient you are):12 (+1, to save v. poison and non-lethal damage)
WIS (How easily you are manipulated by mind magic): 10 (0) No bonus
INT (Your book Smarts): 16 (+3 to all knowledge checks)
CHA (Overall appearance and how well you connect with people):18 (+4 to negotiation or fast talking)
Appearance: 5' 6'' with beautiful blonde hair wearing a stunning two piece protective leather vest and skirt
you look like a confident woman and a capable adventurer
Bio: An Angel on her way to earning her wings. You have been taught the basics of combat in the Angel Academy but were never particularly fond of fighting up close. However given a bow you were unmatched. Now is your chance to finally use those combat skills for your first real test..
A bedroll
A waterskin
A spellbook
5/days rations
2/ torches
flint and steel
50ft of rope
Weapons: Short bow W/ (20) regular arrows, (5) fire arrows, (3) ice arrows and (2) lightning arrows
Spells: magic missile (4 MP), Feather fall (3 MP), cure light wounds (5 MP)
Experience (EXP): [0/200]
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Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

I'll be using a d30 to determine combat and a d% for random encounters, if you want me to put in the rolls I can

B Into the forest avoiding the sounds

It's probably better to avoid conflict right now so you trek into the forest staying away from the noises you heard down the other path.

As you walk down the lush green path through the forest you can't help but feel like you are being watched. More than once you heard slithering behind you but every time you check there's nothing there. You stop to look at your surroundings and see a small alcove that you could probably hide in if something big was after you.

As you push through the forest you finally come upon the spire. A huge old stone tower with eww...what is that? An amorphous, green, blob sits...lays...whatever near the entrance to the tower. The blob is about the size of a large dog in length and width. Like there's no way around it if you want to get into that tower.

Quick Tip:
You remember reading about the ooze creatures called slimes at the Angel academy, They are resilient to arrows unless they are frozen but that's all you can remember for now.

What do you do?

A. Fight it up close

B. Shoot it with arrows (Specify which type of arrows, arrow stock in Status)


D. Other (Please specify)

STATUS: You're gunna want to check this
Level: 1
Hit Points (HP): [12/12] when these hit zero you are knocked unconscious (-1 on all rolls for each 1/4 HP lost)
Magic Points (MP): [20/20] you can't cast spells if you don't have enough MP
Arousal Points (AP): [20/20] When these hit zero you are forced to an orgasm
STR (how strong you are): 10 (0 no bonus)
DEX (How quickly you can react and how efficient you are with ranged weapons): 16 (+3, to ranged attacks and to dodging)
CON (How tough and resilient you are):12 (+1, to save v. poison and non-lethal damage)
WIS (How easily you are manipulated by mind magic): 10 (0) No bonus
INT (Your book Smarts): 16 (+3 to all knowledge checks)
CHA (Overall appearance and how well you connect with people):18 (+4 to negotiation or fast talking)
Appearance: 5' 6'' with beautiful blonde hair wearing a stunning two piece protective leather vest and skirt
you look like a confident woman and a capable adventurer
Bio: An Angel on her way to earning her wings. You have been taught the basics of combat in the Angel Academy but were never particularly fond of fighting up close. However given a bow you were unmatched. Now is your chance to finally use those combat skills for your first real test..
A bedroll
A waterskin
A spellbook
5/days rations
2/ torches
flint and steel
50ft of rope
Weapons: Short bow W/ (20) regular arrows, (5) fire arrows, (3) ice arrows and (2) lightning arrows
Spells: magic missile (4 MP), Feather fall (3 MP), cure light wounds (5 MP)
Experience (EXP): [0/200]

Enemy Status:
lvl 2 Slime guard
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Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

D: run away, RUN AWAY!

Or B, use ice arrows to freeze it then regular arrows.
Are arrows reclaimed when we defeat the enemy?
Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

Arrows have a 50% chance of breaking when they hit I roll D% dice result=1-50 not broken, dice result=51-100 broken

Arrows that have enchantments on them like fire, ice, lightning will use the enchantment when they hit and destroy the arrow in the process there may be places to buy, find or make elemental arrows further in the story

HP is recovered by 1/2 max when you sleep for the night
MP is completely restored when you sleep for the night

Every level you can learn a new spell or get a new feat, upon leveling up i will give you choices of spells and/or feats.
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Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

C. You take aim and fire

"Magic Missile"
you say aloud and point your open palm at the slimy creature.

It flies true and in a swirl of color and light, the twisting bolt hits the slime directly in the face or where the face should be catching it off guard, (and doing double damage) but now the slime turns to you and charges. It's gooey body squelching on the ground as it moves toward you quite quickly. you probably have enough time to get another good attack in before it is upon you though.

What do you do?

A. Keep firing those magic missiles

B. Shoot it with you arrows (specify which type of arrows)

C. This was a mistake RUN! (specify which direction)

D. Other (please specify)

STATUS: You're gunna want to check this
Level: 1
Hit Points (HP): [12/12] when these hit zero you are knocked unconscious (-1 on all rolls for each 1/4 HP lost)
Magic Points (MP): [16/20] you can't cast spells if you don't have enough MP
Arousal Points (AP): [20/20] When these hit zero you are forced to an orgasm
STR (how strong you are): 10 (0 no bonus)
DEX (How quickly you can react and how efficient you are with ranged weapons): 16 (+3, to ranged attacks and to dodging)
CON (How tough and resilient you are):12 (+1, to save v. poison and non-lethal damage)
WIS (How easily you are manipulated by mind magic): 10 (0) No bonus
INT (Your book Smarts): 16 (+3 to all knowledge checks)
CHA (Overall appearance and how well you connect with people):18 (+4 to negotiation or fast talking)
Appearance: 5' 6'' with beautiful blonde hair wearing a stunning two piece protective leather vest and skirt
you look like a confident woman and a capable adventurer
Bio: An Angel on her way to earning her wings. You have been taught the basics of combat in the Angel Academy but were never particularly fond of fighting up close. However given a bow you were unmatched. Now is your chance to finally use those combat skills for your first real test..
A bedroll
A waterskin
A spellbook
5/days rations
2/ torches
flint and steel
50ft of rope
Weapons: Short bow W/ (20) regular arrows, (5) fire arrows, (3) ice arrows and (2) lightning arrows
Spells: magic missile (4 MP), Feather fall (3 MP), cure light wounds (5 MP)
Experience (EXP): [0/200]

Enemy Status:
lvl 2 Slime guard
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Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

A, maybe
Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)

Well that attack was 3 x 2.... it would take three more blasts to kill the slime, we only have one more free attack...

C. Run away RUN AWAY!!!
Re: Adventures in Alara (First C.Y.O.A)


Ice Arrow and stop it in its track.