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Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA


C 2, rather than talk to boring peoples, lets find some interesting fauna ;)

A sound strategy, we need to find out about these things sooner or later
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Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

B 2

For the side quests!
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

C 2, rather than talk to boring peoples, lets find some interesting fauna ;)
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

C5 adventure Awaits in the boundless expanse
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA


I'll leave it up to you to decide what lore you want to post.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

B 7 votes: (NorthernCross, Dracador, Aurani, GargantuaBlarg, Kln, Genius700, xgkf)
C 5 votes: (Hentaispider, aguy, censuur, Bloodshifter, Minerve)

1 3 votes: (Dracador, GargantuaBlarg, Hentaispider)
2 5 votes: (NorthernCross, Aurani, aguy, Genius700, censuur)
3 1 vote: (Kln)
5 2 votes: (Bloodshifter, Minerve)

Votes are probably locked in, you'll meet Nathia in the "Huffy Herbert" inn. The next lore update will be about technology.

Expect something written soon ^^


While I appreciate giving me the freedom, your votes about lore is something akin to feedback (not the direct one though, but it gives me hints how you folks think, what you find interesting etc.) so please, feel free to vote the first thing comes your mind ^^.
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Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

The story of Nathia Charden
Chapter I

-Hey sweet girl! Would you be so kind and bring me an’ me fellows another round? A bearded old man patted the passing barmaid on her bottom. She turned around and threatened him with her finger.

- Sure Wulfie. The usual for you lads? – asked the middle aged woman with a motherly smile.

- Aye! – answered her choir of men’s voices. The woman smiled once more and just when she was about to leave…

- Hey! – One of the men, somewhat short and skinny for a mercenary, stood up and took his hood off. – There’s a woman here as well!

- Sorry lassie must’ve missed ya. – The barmaid looked half confused, half amused. – Must’ve been that armor yer wearing and company yer sitting, so... Whatcha’ laughing at, ya’old fool?

The barmaid turned once again towards the bearded fellow she called Wulfie, this time with an angry frown on her face. The man smiled jovially and answered:

- Well if you must know, this brash little lassie just won her bet. Three rounds of drinks, without anyone noticing her bosom.

Indeed, the girl was laughing with some other men sitting by the table and a few pieces of copper coins just changed the owner.

- Basically she provoked them into this bet, because pretending to be a man isn’t that hard with her physique…

- Hey, what’s that supposed to mean! – The girl diverted her attention towards the bearded man. He laughed in response and continued:

- …and even a blind goat should’ve realize that simple fact before betting half of its pay, am I right Kjell?

- Yeah, yeah… Don’t rub it in.

- So, what’s yer story Wulfie? It’s rare to see a fair missy in steel and leather. – The barmaid asked, glancing at the girl. When the young female removed her hood and loosened the mantle, the older woman thought she’s quite pleasing to the eye. A cute face, with that young innocent look. Sandy blond hair, even though they were cut short, looked good on her, giving her a bit of a rebellious appeal.

- Huh. Just don’t say that if you meet some elven lass – He chuckled. - She was one of the folks that applied for work when Sviege was looking for new guards for his caravan after we lost a few men. As you can see, she managed to convince him she was up to it… and well, I can’t say a bad word about her. My men teased her at first, but that was resolved pretty quick. By the way, how’s your eye Per?

- Go fuck a goat Wulfer. – replied the man in question. His shaggy beard, as well as cuts and bruises on his face gave him an intimidating look, but he sported a half-smile towards the old man.

- Where was I? Ah, I can’t say a bad word about her. She’s handy with a blade, more than some of my guys, and the shield she carries with her is not for looks only.

- Huh, you don’t say… - The old woman looked once more at the girl, with curiosity in her eyes. – Strange lass, if ye ask me. A proper woman should wear an apron, not armor. But who am I to judge this strange southern ways, right Wulfie? – she sported a smile towards the bearded fellow and turned towards the girl:

- So what will it be *lassie*?

- Don’t worry girl – Wulfer interjected – Since we’re finally at our destination in more or less one piece, this one night I’m paying.
The prompted girl paused for a while, deliberating her choices. At the moment she would fancy…

A. A glass of warm milk. What? It’s almost bedtime…
B. Mead, it is cold outside.
C. Spirits, it *is* cold outside
D. Beer! Dark or light, whatever you have the best!

Some choices will be more... well, epic, than others... some won't. In this case I decided to divide my update in half, in order to add some fluff - because there's never enough fluff, right? - and to post something already. Of course even the choice of beverage is meaningful at some level, creating for example an opportunity to mold character's preferences (and how he/she is perceived by others). Nevertheless if these kind of little details irritate you, I'll try to decrease them to minimum. I'll write something that can pretend to be a character sheet when the sun stops melting my surroundings and me with it...
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

C :p
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

A. I prefer women not to be drooling words and falling over themselves, and my depraved mind can imagine milk being a euphemism.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

B Mead; Mead is the brew of the Vikings it brings the best out of anyone drink it the gods gave mead to be drunk by all their warriors including shield maidens and valkyrie. Aren't we a brave and noble warrior?

*not an excuse to get drunk at all o_O*
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

B Mead as well.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

While A would be incredibly cute, I cannot help make a character that likes a glass of warm milk before bedtime. It would be cruel. Therefore, C - get some proper drink down 'er!
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

D Beer! XD
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

B Drink of the dorfs! Oh wait the dorf lost...

Fuck it, B anyway
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

A! Milk makes the bones stronger! Besides, mead, bear beer is not needed at the moment. So why get herself drunk? Besides drinking milk before bedtime drives away nightmares.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

While A would be incredibly cute, I cannot help make a character that likes a glass of warm milk before bedtime. It would be cruel. Therefore, C - get some proper drink down 'er!

Unfortunately, I would enjoy creating a cute character that would like a warm glass of milk before bed.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Heretical Dorf-loving teetotaler here. How disgusting is milk with mead? I totally vote that.

Mead otherwise.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA
