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Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

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Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Allow me to (temporarily?) break the tie ^_^

Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

F) Explosions and bandaids ho!
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA


It's like watching a ping-pong match.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

I'll break the tie and change my vote from F to E.
Time to get that story started ^^
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Wouldn't it be better to simply go for the 2 main heroes combo instead?
I certainly wouldn't mind the idea of yon Femknight greatswording things to death while the Alchemist takes care of economics and bandage said knight together. '3'
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Wouldn't it be better to simply go for the 2 main heroes combo instead?
I certainly wouldn't mind the idea of yon Femknight greatswording things to death while the Alchemist takes care of economics and bandage said knight together. '3'

I'm okay with this.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

It might also be interesting to have them compete, sabotaging each other along the way, the people that voted for each character being in charge of that character's behavior ;)
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Wouldn't it be better to simply go for the 2 main heroes combo instead?
I certainly wouldn't mind the idea of yon Femknight greatswording things to death while the Alchemist takes care of economics and bandage said knight together. '3'

Ooooh! I vote for Dwarf and Necro Chick combo! G and C!
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

It might also be interesting to have them compete, sabotaging each other along the way, the people that voted for each character being in charge of that character's behavior ;)

That'd be an interesting CYOA. Maybe more suited to an RP style, but who knows?
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

I'd like to change my vote to E
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

Lore: The Elven Discord

In the old days, before the age of reason that introduced such technical ingenuities as gunpowder, alchemy concoctions, metallurgy and finally steam power, the elves we’re of one tribe, one voice. There were many clans, some fought with each other while other fared peacefully with their neighbours. The clans were different in culture, beliefs but the elves always stood united, especially when faced with an exterior danger.

But these days are long past gone. The technological advances of both dwarves and humans gave them an edge and transformed battlefields, industry and lives of ordinary men putting the whole world into a new perspective. The elves are undeniably wise, but are slow to change. The harsh wakeup call came in the form of marauders from the Kiren-Tasharek war. While none of these kingdoms exists today, the name of the mercenary brigade that was denied payment and ultimately deserted the war still causes both anger and sorrow in the elven hearts. The Redriver Runners they were called and up to that day, the unit didn’t particularly stand out from hundreds of other mercenary banners.

It all started with a small elven village. The mercenaries were angry, hungry and frustrated with the lack of payment; the morale was low and there were talks of another mutiny, this time inside the unit. The commander, Radabert Spinster, faced with a sudden and mortal dismissal ordered to take the nearby village to appease his men.

The exact details of “Runners Incursion” can be found in almost any modern history chronicle. Suffice to say, that what began as an attack on a peaceful village quickly escalated to a full blown onslaught of the southern elven lands. Four hundred men with five cannons over the time of four months pillaged the elven countryside and slayed approximately seven thousand elves, five thousands of them innocents. Ultimately they met their demise at the hands of the elven reinforcements, but the damage was done – the clans, witnessing at first hand the power of modern weaponry, were terrified.

Over the course of several years, an unusually short time for elves, many arguments were fought about this state of things. In the end, the elven tribe was divided by two beliefs: adapt to the ever-changing world and join the technological race, embrace the discoveries of modern science or continue the traditional ways, further strengthening the bond between elves and the nature, isolate and build up defences. Ultimately, one of the groups left their homeland – these elves, calling themselves “High elves”, started cities that used a combination of both magic and engineering artistry on an unheard scale before, blending the pure energies of Aether with the knowledge from their human and dwarven allies. And thus, the marble spires of Tor’Kiranoc, the High Elven capitol, were created. With time, the clans became Houses and the High Elven magic was similar to that used by humans – more arcane, scientific, using the energies of the Aether Vortex.

The group that left, simply called elves, did change as well. They turned their faces towards their ancestors, their tradition and their forests. They became even more attuned with nature and the spirits of forests. Slowly the small elven villages merged into powerful, multi-clan Enclaves. This “cities” housed several thousand elves and they were created with a perfect symbiosis with nature. Massive trees, up to two hundred feet in height, formed with the help of elven magicks, were the foundation of these city-states. Today, the elven military is the quickest, deadliest and utterly unforgiving commando force there is. Through the years there were several minor battles in the elven woods – none of the assailants left alive.

Huh. First lore written. I'm so proud of myself. Anyway, the character votes are closed.

Wouldn't it be better to simply go for the 2 main heroes combo instead?

A fine idea and probably something like this will exist in the future. But for now, the characters are alone... or with their companions.

It might also be interesting to have them compete, sabotaging each other along the way, the people that voted for each character being in charge of that character's behavior ;)

That'd be an interesting CYOA. Maybe more suited to an RP style, but who knows?

This two posts gave me an interesting idea. When (if?) this CYOA gets rolling a bit I might write about it more.

Ultimately I decide that most, if not all, of the character will participate (more or less) in the CYOA. Wait, hold you tomatoes!
Your votes gave the priority as well as how often given character will occur in the story. Sometimes (end of a chapter or a milestone of some kind) I plan to hold a poll in case you'd like to change the characters priority.

Anyway, the first update will be about Nathia Charden, the human warrior.
Nevertheless she has to start somewhere...and that as well is for you to decide dear players! (I'm awful, I know).

A. The road to Kriemhild
B. "Huffy Herbert" inn
C. Green Coast

As well as an additional vote - what kind of lore update would you like next:

1. The Engineers - Few words about dwarves
2. Technology in the world
3. The Southern Isles
4. [Something about the other minor races - ie. not elves, humans, dwarves]
5. The Nerrkari - Introduction
6. I don't care about lore, don't bother yourself.

Expect the beginning of the young knight's adventure in the upcoming... umm... days?
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Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA


Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

B, 1. Inn means quests (right?) and who can resist the power of DORFS?
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

B) Inns are good for rumours, booze, brawls and quest hooks fitting for warriors.
2) Knowing whether to expect SPESS MEHRENS with gatling lasers or neanderthals with sharpened rocks would help as well. Not to forget magic, guns and such.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

No one, that's who.

Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

C and 1.

Fuck inns, they're a complete cliché anyway.
Re: Adventure & intrigue, might & magic - Dorllanen's first swing at a CYOA

B As stated before, an inn is a good place to get news and requests. Plus it makes a good "base" for rest and trade

3 for the lore