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ACT [adsgamedev] MoonBase 69

Re: MoonBase 69

Doesn't even create an OgreLogfile.log in wine, let alone run :(

Wine gives the uselessly opaque error
err:module:attach_process_dlls "OgreMain.dll" failed to initialize, aborting
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"[...]\\MoonBase69\\MoonBase69.exe" failed, status e06d7363
Sorry, I do not know much about Wine. It seems that 'status e06d7363' would be something to look for to find the problem.
Re: MoonBase 69

so i guess its limited right now? only titfuck and blow with some minor lines for story? seems cool ill keep looking into it. what helped me was to run the game as admin, i had no issues.
Re: MoonBase 69

Yes, it is still early alpha. There are two quests that can be initiated (press 'Q' once they are to view the quest screen) but the have no real outcome and there is also another sex animation that becomes available if the girl with the blue hair is at her working place.
Re: MoonBase 69

The content sounds way too vanilla for my taste, but I went ahead and tested in the interest of helping out a fellow dev (and one who is using a full 3d engine at that, don't see too many attempting this). Ogre3d, sure I've heard of that before, but never looked into it.

Runs fine for me right out of the box. Constant, smooth 59.9 FPS at 1280x720 (D3D) and 4x AA, windowed. Walked all around the default area, triggered the existing sex animations, and checked out what dialogue there is. Everything seems to be functioning.

OS: Windows 7
CPU: Intel Q6600 (older quad core, if you aren't familiar, had to go back after a recent motherboard failure)
GPU: Nvidia GTX 750
Re: MoonBase 69


Ogre3d, sure I've heard of that before, but never looked into it.

Probably better that way. I can't really recommend using it, especially since UE4 and Unity are pretty much free nowadays.

I don't know what your kink is, you can always ask so I can consider adding. Unless it's scat or guro. And furry, because I do not want maintain several skeletons and I don't want to deal with fur. I do however want to add clothing like cat ears, pawn gloves and fake tails for some 'lite' variants.
Re: MoonBase 69

Sorry, I do not know much about Wine.
Solved: I had to NOT unpack DLLs.zip, and instead use winetricks to install vcrun2012.

25 FPS @ 1280x720 + 8, i3-4330, Intel HD4600 (OpenGL, Wine, fullscreen)
33 FPS @ 1280x720 + 0, same (windowed)
34 FPS @ 1280x720 + 0, same (fullscreen)
17 FPS @ 1920x1080 +0, same (fullscreen)

Other: I keep on forgetting which crewmember is which. Yes, I know there are only three, and they are conspicuously different hair and clothing colors...
Re: MoonBase 69

Thanks! Glad you got that working. I'll add the solution to the FAQ.

Performance isn't great, but not surprising considering the iGPU is pretty low end and running in Wine.

Since there is only one hair and clothing mesh, they're pretty much twins. I am currently creating more assets, this should help.
Re: MoonBase 69

Probably better that way. I can't really recommend using it, especially since UE4 and Unity are pretty much free nowadays.

I don't know what your kink is, you can always ask so I can consider adding. Unless it's scat or guro. And furry, because I do not want maintain several skeletons and I don't want to deal with fur. I do however want to add clothing like cat ears, pawn gloves and fake tails for some 'lite' variants.

You pretty much named the few fetishes I don't care for, so no complaints there. :p And I know how difficult it would be to attempt furry characters in a 3D engine (not to mention I don't like furry anyway).

As far as what kinks to add, I'd say go with whatever you like yourself at first, a lot easier to stay motivated that way. You can always add more later when you are more experienced and the process is faster for you. Being open to suggestions is a good sign though, I'll be keeping an eye on this for sure.

A few that I'd like to see and could work in your setting though:
(note when I say interspecies I mean with the female being human)
-Non-humanoid Interspecies (emphasis on non-humanoid)
-Reproduction is already a theme, so actual pregnancy would be a good fit. Might want to include an option to turn this off though, some people don't like this one. Including interspecies here as well. Cross-breeding with aliens could be interesting. Just have to introduce some reason why it works.
-On that note, could also go with oviposition.
-Futa. Could be a species of human-like aliens that are hermaphrodites. Same as above, may want an option to turn it off.
-Tentacles, would be hard to animate though, don't know how experienced you are.
Re: MoonBase 69

As far as what kinks to add, I'd say go with whatever you like yourself at first, a lot easier to stay motivated that way.

I don't really expect to enjoy the game myself, being the developer changes the experience. As long as it does not gross me out it's fine.

Having some sexual interactions with extraterrestrial life forms is obvious when colonizing a distant planet, however I do not have a good idea on how to integrate them into the game. Maybe an holding cell and the NPCs could be ordered to 'examine' the creatures inside.

Pregnancy would of course fit to the game idea, but I am worried about the implementation of the belly. It would probably cause a lot of clipping issues.

Futa will happen, although I do not know how much more content than adding a dick to a girl will be added. Depends on what is requested or whether someone is willing to create content himself.

This reminds me that I completely have forgotten to mention that the game is designed to be easily expandable.

[...] would be hard to animate though, don't know how experienced you are.
Essentially I did not have any experience. Which is a reason why I set up a patreon campaign. I can learn and practice these things, but I'd rather keep coding and pay someone else to do the things I am not so good at (yet). Animating a tentacle should be possible though, as long as you do not expect stuff like a spaghetti-stomach-bulge.
Re: MoonBase 69

... I didn't even think to try the Direct3D 9 interface, since with wine that involves translating the calls to OpenGL calls. But apparently it's substantially faster:

55 FPS @ 1280x720 + 0, same (Direct3D9, fullscreen)
36 FPS @ 1920x1080 + 0, same
25 FPS @ 1920x1080 + 8, same

It's a little bit glitchy, though.
Re: MoonBase 69

I don't really expect to enjoy the game myself, being the developer changes the experience. As long as it does not gross me out it's fine.

Having some sexual interactions with extraterrestrial life forms is obvious when colonizing a distant planet, however I do not have a good idea on how to integrate them into the game. Maybe an holding cell and the NPCs could be ordered to 'examine' the creatures inside.

Pregnancy would of course fit to the game idea, but I am worried about the implementation of the belly. It would probably cause a lot of clipping issues.

Futa will happen, although I do not know how much more content than adding a dick to a girl will be added. Depends on what is requested or whether someone is willing to create content himself.

Well, that puts my concerns about content to rest. Definitely more interested now. :) As for the belly, yeah it could cause issues with some animations, you could just disable certain animations when the character is in that state. Or give them a different (limited) animation set entirely. Unless you were talking about clipping through clothing, but that is solvable too.

This reminds me that I completely have forgotten to mention that the game is designed to be easily expandable.

This is interesting. In what way? What would be possible for 3rd parties to add? Meshes? Animations? (not familiar with this engine)

Essentially I did not have any experience. Which is a reason why I set up a patreon campaign. I can learn and practice these things, but I'd rather keep coding and pay someone else to do the things I am not so good at (yet). Animating a tentacle should be possible though, as long as you do not expect stuff like a spaghetti-stomach-bulge.

Well, if it gets to that point, I might be interested in helping. Depending on how busy I am with my own work, obviously. And yes, animating a tentacle is possible, it's just time consuming. Needs many points of articulation to look decent when it bends.
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Re: MoonBase 69

As a developer myself I'm curious, why choose a now decade old engine when things like Unity/Unreal are so readily available? Not a condescension mind you, I'm sure it made sense for some reason.
Is it just that old of a project? Ever considered porting your codebase? If what we're seeing is all of it, then it looks really early, I'd say you still have a chance to port to something modern now. Many of these features can be captured with some plugins straight out of the asset store.
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Re: MoonBase 69

It is also possible to disable the shadows in case you need more FPS (especially on machines with strong CPU but weak GPU).

In what way? What would be possible for 3rd parties to add? Meshes? Animations?
Many things such as the characters (name, schedule, initial stats and clothes, etc.), interaction objects, conversations, quests, clothing/items and whatever I forgot are parsed from XML files. Meshes can be created with e.g. blender and exported with blender2ogre. I will release the characters.blend that contains the meshes, skeleton and animations (I already released a now outdated version of this file) to allow the creation of clothes or additional animations (however I am nor sure yet how to keep all animations in a single .blend file).
Help is welcome, you can contact me once you have time and we'll see what you could do.

I started the project a few days or weeks before Unity and UE4 became 'free'. I thought about porting at some point but decided to stick with Ogre3D and do the next project in UE4. I do not really want to touch Unity. Ogre is old (but more like 3 than 10 years), but it has most of the features I need.
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Re: MoonBase 69

There isn't much in this game to comment on yet, although I will note that I didn't have any issue running it. I would recommend a camera control though so that you don't need to walk all the way down in order to see what is there.

I'm curious as to why you refuse to work with Unity though. It admit that I prefer UE4 due to it's superior lighting and easy to program blueprint system, but Unity 5 has a very simply animation and GUI system which for a porn game would be the main thing. From the provided build you only seem to have a few assets in place and limited coding. I would definitely suggest switching engine now before you invest too much into Ogre.

Enough talk about engine. Can I assume that in the final build you won't be able to simply walk up to someone and initiate sex straight away? I imagine that you would need to complete quests before those options became available.
Re: MoonBase 69

I'm curious as to why you refuse to work with Unity though. It admit that I prefer UE4 due to it's superior lighting and easy to program blueprint system, but Unity 5 has a very simply animation and GUI system which for a porn game would be the main thing.
I prefer coding over placing assets in an editor and managing behavior with checkboxes and scripts. And Monodevelop was not really my beer for the remaining coding part.

Can I assume that in the final build you won't be able to simply walk up to someone and initiate sex straight away? I imagine that you would need to complete quests before those options became available.
Most things will require some kind of condition to be accessible, can be quests, completed dialogs and/or a required level of a certain statistics. It is actually implemented but not documented.
After you speak to the doctor about BodyMorph a new request group becomes visible that allows you to change the skin color. Completing the doctors quest will raise the affection of the mechanical engineer and this will enable an option to change the waist size in this request group (although this has no effect, since the meshes recently changed and this broke some mechanics).
Re: MoonBase 69

Futa will happen, although I do not know how much more content than adding a dick to a girl will be added. Depends on what is requested or whether someone is willing to create content himself.

Wouldn't this be as easy as just allowing players to pick a female model for their commander and adding a dick to it?

Just saying.

Seeing the title makes me think of a porno version of Moonbase Alpha. And everyone has Microsoft Sam's voice when they talk.

This is what I thought of too, at first, and if it doesn't include this I will personally open Microsoft SAM to feed it the character's lines when they say things.
It has to be done

Game looks interesting, can't seem to download though, mega just has it 'queued' and then nothing happens
Re: MoonBase 69

Game runs fine for me.

Seems like a solid game concept, and the models are nice.

Of course you will have to get much better animations.
Re: MoonBase 69

Ogre is 10 years old, check the wiki. I've been working in gaming for about 15 years now. With Unity you can use any IDE you wish, I use VS2010. Don't think that a realtime 3D scenegraph editor is 'inferior' to your programming skills, a game is only as good as what you make it. It could be the most efficient and flexible code under the hood but if you can't tie it all together cohesively for a rich 3D experience you haven't achieved anything.

I'd love to make content for you but its content pipeline is too archaic and limiting. The benefit of the modern engines is that you could conceivably get assets from all over the content creation spectrum which you would want to do if you want your user base to help you create said content as you mentioned.

Person A could be a Blender nut, while Person B is dedicated to Maya. Meanwhile Person C on 3DS Max is doing something else.. but regardless, all of these can be imported naively effortlessly into Unity and I don't think Unreal is any different. Not to mention the cross platform deployment on either is more complete than that of Ogre. If its C++ you want to stick with go with Unreal, but if you want contributions from real people and prototype something quickly go with Unity.

I don't want to bash your efforts or anything but do back up your reasons with something more tangible.
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Re: MoonBase 69

Thanks for feedback everyone!

Wouldn't this be as easy as just allowing players to pick a female model for their commander and adding a dick to it?
The meshes and skeletons of male and female differ in terms of proportions and (bones) sizes, therefore the animations won't quite fit. It would be necessary to duplicate them and adjust one set.
[...] can't seem to download though, mega just has it 'queued' and then nothing happens
This is bad. What happens when you use the direct link to the file: ?

Ogre is 10 years old, check the wiki.
Unity also celebrates 10 years anniversary, but the more interesting question is how old is the release/iteration.
Person A could be a Blender nut, while Person B is dedicated to Maya. Meanwhile Person C on 3DS Max is doing something else.. but regardless, all of these can be imported naively effortlessly into Unity and I don't think Unreal is any different.
Using different 3D modeling software will be nasty anyways. Currently the mesh and skeleton of the body resides in a single .blend file. If someone wants to use 3ds Max or Maya these need to be imported. Suddenly there are multiple versions of this file for different programs that contain different meshes and animations, and it becomes more difficult to utilize the results of different creators. Importing them natively means to have large files that contain a lot of duplicate meshes and animations.