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[WIP - Full] [Acid Style] 銑鉄の探索者 / Explorer of the Golden Planet (RJ204720)

EDIT: I managed to get my hands on version 1020 so I'm all good now.
Anyone got a version of the ActionEditor which is 1020 or higher? As my version is 930 and Loneranger69 used 1020 to do their edits which means my editor is unable to read the files now so I can't see what work they did to use to lessen my work load as I have started picking this up again now but are having to restart nearly completely due to the game updates since I last worked on this. As a result I've been forced to trash most of my work previously done and Loneranger69's work except for most of the BMP's files they changed which I had no idea how to do so many thanks to them for that.

Note before you guys celebrate that this is being worked on again....this is not yet certain as I've been hating that I haven't done this yet and been wanting to do so and my time has not been freed up 100% yet, so an update won't be for a while as a lot needs to be redone (even if copy and pasted from what I did before since I didn't know about the breakthrough Loneranger69 found) so I'm nearly completely restarting from ground zero and also may not have the time to even do so still.
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Alright so it's been.....not quite a year since my last post but due to a change or two I want to post instead of edit this update.

Firstly work has continued on the reboot translation and no it will not be on the newest version of the game that occurred January this year as it was just bug fixes and minor stuff....but also because @MendicantBias has put in a lot of time and effort into doing the translation while I had my free time come and go. The result? A lot of translation work has been done along with workarounds to well the text wrap problem that I had no idea how to fix, all due to them.

Now as a result of how this work has been done and that I'm not the only one doing the work and such my first post thing showing progress is invalid and when an release version is ready the entire post will be reworked. However this doesn't mean that progress can't be seen vaguely via the though don't expect it to make much sense past a few things.

Anyway, there is no plans to release an update except just before release of the final translation due to how the translation has progressed resulting in it not following player progression in the game itself and when that final translation may be on the table to be released? I have no idea but 2026 if your really wanting a date however it could be sooner as I personally feel that @MendicantBias is a Super Citizen from the work they've put in over the past year as they do other things as well. I'll leave it up to them as to how much they want to say about what they've done and such but again don't expect anything tangible to change how you play the game for ages yet.