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RPG RPG Maker Localization [Acerola] President Yukino (English Localization on Steam)

People don't like buying censored games. Especially if the censored content was content they were looking forward to. It's a good thing people did find out before buying because requesting a refund on Steam after purchasing ends up costing the publisher more money due to chargebacks. It's not a matter of playing a whole new game. People wanted Yukino. What they got was Yukino English Edition without Shota. It's not the game they intended to pay for.

The main problem here isn't even really that the Steam version is censored. It's that the Mangagamer and JAST versions are censored to the same extent. Those versions had no reason to be at all, being on a fully functioning adult web store with lengthy history of all sorts of adult content. The other problems are in fact some of the responses I've seen on discord, Steam, and Twitter. Fans, consumers, people who bought the game are receiving comments from Kagura Games members making it seem like they're the ones at fault for wanting the original content as was intended in the first place. Those kinds of comments are not acceptable at all when you're trying to represent a company. Sinom in particular is very guilty of this on the Steam forums and twitter.

Ok, it's a bit of my fault only reading this forum and steam page store sale. I too always read the game i want to buy depending on their description in the sales page store only, I don't know if i was naive because i don't compare it to japanese one? I know cutting content are really hateful and i too don't like it but how do I suppose to know the lost content if i never play the japanese one? Why must the one playing the Japanese too must be attention seeker and can't let the one who don't know play it normally.

I've played some game from Xseed and NISA PS4 localisation game and I never compare it with the japanese one. I just read what the description and synopsis about the game itself... don't bother with the content in the japanese one. Am I wrong? I know there will be differences and because of that i said to play the game like it's a new game itself.

And goodness sake, what they cut was a shota scene not just a random content. Maybe they do cut it because of a reason or just a miscommunication. Shota and Loli are heavily illegal in many country as you don't know (not just steam regulation). If you guys just wait for them to discuss and react maybe a restoration patch will come shortly. What i read here in this forum is like you guys blame them for cutting a 'random' content purposely without any backing reason at all.
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Ok, it's a bit of my fault only reading this forum and steam page store sale. I too always read the game i want to buy depending on their description in the sales page store only, I don't know if i was naive because i don't compare it to japanese one? I know cutting content are really hateful and i too don't like it but how do I suppose to know the lost content if i never play the japanese one? Why must the one playing the Japanese too must be attention seeker and can't let the one who don't know play it normally.

I've played some game from Xseed and NISA PS4 localisation game and I never compare it with the japanese one. I just read what the description and synopsis about the game itself... don't bother with the content in the japanese one. Am I wrong? I know there will be differences and because of that i said to play the game like it's a new game itself.

If you're fine playing the localized product, that's great. Not everyone is. NISA is pretty notorious for censorship having up front informed users about censoring 4 games. It got so bad users had to ask NISA during every game release whether there would be any censorship.
Ok, it's a bit of my fault only reading this forum and steam page store sale. I too always read the game i want to buy depending on their description in the sales page store only, I don't know if i was naive because i don't compare it to japanese one? I know cutting content are really hateful and i too don't like it but how do I suppose to know the lost content if i never play the japanese one? Why must the one playing the Japanese too must be attention seeker and can't let the one who don't know play it normally.

I've played some game from Xseed and NISA PS4 localisation game and I never compare it with the japanese one. I just read what the description and synopsis about the game itself... don't bother with the content in the japanese one. Am I wrong? I know there will be differences and because of that i said to play the game like it's a new game itself.

And goodness sake, what they cut was a shota scene not just a random content. Maybe they do cut it because of a reason or just a miscommunication. Shota and Loli are heavily illegal in many country as you don't know (not just steam regulation). If you guys just wait for them to discuss and react maybe a restoration patch will come shortly. What i read here in this forum is like you guys blame them for cutting a 'random' content purposely without any backing reason at all.
Look if you are fine, go ahead thats your money , the people who bought the game day 1 to share support , not playing the leak to respect the publisher , and only to find out that the thing is censored and not as advertised."Play it as its own game" doesnt work when thats what its not its advertised to be , we didnt want to buy a rewrite, we want to buy a translation , we buy a thing meant to be a translation , we got a rewrite.

You wanted a bread , you bought a package called bread , and you get rice

This is never about the censorship , this is about their honesty whether they want to cut content or not , IF they are honest about it like NISA, their PR would have said when the game launched at the latest that the game is censored, were it described that its censored ? No , a third party have to find out the difference , and instead of directly admitting it , they made fuckton of excuse and censored even the community post.

thats the only thing they have made a free choice on, I also take offence to you basically calling us idiots for not knowing shota and loli is illegal
Look if you are fine, go ahead thats your money , the people who bought the game day 1 to share support , not playing the leak to respect the publisher , and only to find out that the thing is censored and not as advertised."Play it as its own game" doesnt work when thats what its not its advertised to be , we didnt want to buy a rewrite, we want to buy a translation , we buy a thing meant to be a translation , we got a rewrite.

You wanted a bread , you bought a package called bread , and you get rice

This is never about the censorship , this is about their honesty whether they want to cut content or not , IF they are honest about it like NISA, their PR would have said when the game launched at the latest that the game is censored, were it described that its censored ? No , a third party have to find out the difference , and instead of directly admitting it , they made fuckton of excuse and censored even the community post.

thats the only thing they have made a free choice on, I also take offence to you basically calling us idiots for not knowing shota and loli is illegal

Well if you look at that point then yeah it's translation team's fault (if they even has to cut community post and not explaining as simple as this, i don't know they are doing that ok)... And please I never say your an idiot for not knowing loli&shota is illegal or not, my whole family maybe didn't even know that and maybe you too. Sorry for assuming and please read my post as just a different perspective.

I see this riot a bit in different perspective because we as people have different logic, and my first logic is that it's fine to cut/change something that illegal because they have a right to change it too. I never see the publisher/developer complaining about it too.

And at first, when reading all the post. What i can see are people complaining without thinking why the shota scene are cut, And what I think," Of cource it's ok to cut that because it's illegal, why people can't accept as simple as that?". I don't know it's a big deal because I have played the Japanese one and neutral after finish playing this translation. So i can learn from yours that if they want to change something, even if its illegal, they must tell to their customer too. I can accept that. Sorry I'm new in this kind of thing.

In conclusion, I just think that all the one playing this are adult and can think for themselves without a need for explanatory why something illegal has to be cut without prior announcement. And i thought the team translation think the same as I am (maybe).
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In other word you come highhandedly commenting on this matter , without even reading the issue ? Good job
IF they are honest about it like NISA, their PR would have said when the game launched at the latest that the game is censored, were it described that its censored ? No , a third party have to find out the difference
To be fair, I see a about the censorship from Kagura Games that was posted in the Steam forums on Oct. 12, the same day as launch. However, it was not pinned.

Communication was not up to professional standards, but also not non-existent. Seems like there was an internal disagreement over messaging which eventually got straightened out. A public apology not just for the censorship, but also the handling of interactions with users on the matter, would be useful. Rumored suppression of dissent through moderation is a particular red flag that would inflame tensions VERY quickly. I spoke with a Kagura Games representative, and I sensed considerable confusion: the representative didn't seem to understand why decisions were made, how to discuss them, or fully grasp the larger context of the topic. This more or less confirmed to me that Kagura Games was caught flat-footed and was still trying to figure out how to respond.
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From what I could see only defamatory posts were deleted. Those were also against the Steam TOS.
Said post that you refer on was not from the dev , this is what I am saying about someone finding out rather than the dev themselves telling us , to me thats a red flag. Unless you are telling me that is a part of kagura games, that isnt tagged on steam

The communication were not just up to professional standard and can be classified as both insanely ludicrous and ignorant, not to mention maliciously passive aggresive.

if the PR were up to a professional standard, that post by chiakisan wouldnt be needed , or it would be the first thing we see.Truth to be told that is the only apologetic statement that doesnt have the tone "WE WERE RIGHT SEE" that I see from them
Said post that you refer on was not from the dev
Actually it was. Like I said, much confusion. Some of the confused messaging probably is genuinely a result of Steam policy, but I think part of it is Kagura Game's own confusion and unpreparedness on the matter. Arguments were also made to me that didn't make much sense, and I found myself explaining how these things actually work. In the end, I reached out to JAST USA myself to help resolve the situation.
Actually it was. Like I said, much confusion. Some of the confused messaging probably is genuinely a result of Steam policy, but I think part of it is Kagura Game's own confusion and unpreparedness on the matter. Arguments were also made to me that didn't make much sense, and I found myself explaining how these things actually work. In the end, I reached out to JAST USA myself to help resolve the situation.
So that person was from a kagura games staff, but he or she isnt tagged as such on steam

if you meant one by sinom , the information was made when it passed one day after , I was reffering to the post by scarlis thats posted even earlier than that of the dev
Hi everyone,

I'd just like to start off by apologizing. I think there were a lot of things that we could've done better. There were a lot of things that I could've done better.

This was an extremely difficult project for us because of the amount of uncertainty that was happening with Steam during the time of Yukino's development. We didn't know what was going on at the time. I don't think anyone did. So we chose the safest route. And I think one of the problems was that we weren't able to course correct in time by the time things were becoming more clear what was acceptable and what was not acceptable.

First of all, to provide some context, heading into Yukino's release, it was an extremely tough week for me and the company. The game got leaked about 4 - 5 days before the game was released. We had worked extremely hard on this game. Acerola had worked extremely hard on it too. I just felt bad for everyone involved. It was just really difficult seeing something that everyone had worked so hard on being out there before our launch, especially because our very livelihoods could be on the line. I can't say I was in a good mindset or able to get very much sleep during that week alone. I can't say I was all there.

In regards to why we didn't put out a statement in regards to what we removed, this was something that completely caught me off guard. You can call me an idiot. You can call me naive. That's okay and that's fair. But everything about this genuinely caught me by surprise. And I'm sorry for that. That's my fault. I'm going to own up to it.

I just want you guys to know that there was nothing devious about our intentions. I never started this to try to make a quick buck. It's just not in my nature. I've been a member here 7 years now because I loved talking about these games and sharing the excitement with every new release. I love this industry too much to purposely shit all over it.

We're still a new company. We released our first game 8 months ago. We're not even a year old. We're very much learning on the fly still, including myself. So I hope everyone can find it in their hearts to give us the benefit of the doubt. We know now and we're going to learn from this.

Please expect something towards the end of the week. We're going to make this right.

Thank you guys for your understanding.

Live and Learn. Don't let this define y'all just grow and develop from here. By the next release if done right, everyone will be back loving y'all again. But if you gotta take the sticks and stones until then, don't let the words hurt you.
hi mates, I found this floating around
(I hope this link will not get censored...)

you should install it on the Steam version of Yukino, already patched
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And I see the update on Mangagamer. All is forgiven on my end.
There's still some CG glitches that need a patch due to Yukino's eyes being removed in the shota scenes. That's all I've found so far tho.
hi mates, I found this floating around
(I hope this link will not get censored...)

you should install it on the Steam version of Yukino, already patched

I don't even have the game yet but thanks, better download it now and be safe right?
I wrote an article summing up the incident, along with links to the 2 patches needed to restore the cut content.


Staggered by fan backlash over its censorship of President Yukino, Kagura Games has partnered with JAST and MangaGamer to provide uncensored releases.
Quick question: can she lose her virginity to the boyfriend or only in the ntr events? (if they do it in the ending it doesn't count)