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A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 235/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Tori would find a sweet fruit liquid with in the goblet and by the way it tasted, she figured it was some sort of wine. She couldn't sense any sort of drugs in the liquid either and appeared to be safe to drink. The demoness gave a soft musical chuckle at the slime's words which sent the object of her rapt attention jiggling. "Sorry my dear, they do not have a name. Though I myself do. I am Æzieth." Her dark lips curling up into a small grin at her previous statement. "I find the best meals are ones who come to you willingly and eagerly. Wouldn't you agree? Cut down on all the pointless struggle so you can get right down to the good stuff quickly." Her hand sets her goblet aside as her dark eyes survey the now more visible unconscious witch.

"So do you have a name little red one? Or shall I simply keep calling you my dear?" Her smiling widening as she turned her attention to the slime. Her arms folding beneath her bosom and sending a quake through them as she relaxed back into her seat with very little concern of what Tori might try or do. Her tail gave the man's nose a flick and soon he crawled off away, leaving the demoness alone with Tori and the sleeping witch.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

The slime nods at the female demon's words or her head tracks the two mounds as they jiggle, a toss up really, "Yea but people always yell Monster! Or simply try to poke me with stuff. The ones that don't are usually the ones I already had sex with." remembering of Kairi the widow, "Oh and Dreyina but, she was a priestess of sex goddesses! She was tasty." Tori answers as she opens Maryanne's mouth and slowly tips the wine into her mouth massaging the woman's throat to get her to drink the wine. Tori seeing the demon eye up her buffet thins the shell even more, retracting completely from her face, raising the chest of the witch into prominence as well the breasts still pressed together hiding her core from view.

"Name is Tori Miss Æzieth. I enjoy sex and like breasts!" The slime happily answers wondering exactly how soft Æzieth's breasts were that her every movement was sending them rippling, she was tempted grope those magnificent marshmallows intent on feeling that jello like consistency herself, her libido checked by the calm power the demon was giving off and the fact she was already playing with her own set of breasts, her assault on Maryanne's breasts having never actually stopped.

"So how can I help you Miss Æzieth?" The slime blithely states, secure that at least the person in front of her wasn't going to hurt her, not to mention obviously not interested in having sex... yet. Tori begun to fall back to her more base instincts, as this wasn't a job for Tori but one for a Monster, while in front of a bigger predator like Æzieth.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 235/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Æzieth smiles as Tori introduces herself. "Yes, I have gathered as much by the way you play with your toy and how your gaze seems to be lingering much longer then it should upon my bosom." Though giving a small musical chuckle, it seemed the demoness did nod mind the slimes wandering gaze. Her hands met in front of her a moment and steepled together as she leaned back to observe the slime, wondering whether she should get the slime to help or not. Her bosom plumping up and threatening to pop out of her top from the movement and position of her arms. "Hm...."

After a moments thought her black lips turned up into a large grin. "I suppose you might be useful for the task I need to do." Her eyes looking over the slime a long moment, her attention on the slime herself and not what she was doing with her captive witch. "Yes, if you are as malleable as you seem to be I think you will be." Her arms crossed beneath her bosom as she continued to speak. "I am heading towards the tower of a cranky old wizard and his tower. He has a rather powerful item I wish procured. With you by my side his more mundane defenses should be easily by passable. So will you help me sneak in to his tower and help me rob him?"

After a moments thought she added a little bit more as if to warn the slime. "Though do be warned, it is a rather risky bit of business. So chances are you may need leave your pet behind. As amusing as it might be to try and see you try to squeeze her beneath a door, I know she wont fit." Seemed she had a bit of a sadist beneath the lovely red exterior.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

The slime merely grins at the Demoness's words, "Um well." Tori sort of indicates herself, "Not stealthy being a ruby color slime and besides never stole anything." the slime mutters something under her breath, "Cept virginity multiple..."

Still Tori peels herself off Maryanne, revealing her Core for the first time in a few days. Setting the Witch onto the floor gently and then smirks as she begins to strech and compact and do a reasonable impression of a tentacle monster, before she begins sinking into the ground her acids eating away at the dirt under her before returning to her original form, "I don't know about doors being any problems..." The Slime's core temporarily splitting into fourths then eighths then whole once again, "But can't do that too much makes me feel weird." She complains.

"That said what do I get from this? Besides you keeping Maryanne alive, please. She's a bit of a prude but, is a good fuck." She asks, looking between the woman and the demon, "So long as she lives I don't mind too much of what happens to her. Now Tori was leering at Æzieth "I'm sure you have methods of replacing her after this anyways." Tori wisely decided not to add how close she was to something, being so bloated in magic it felt like her shell of slime was somehow too small for her, she knew she was one or two feedings from something.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 235/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Æzieth chuckles softly and shakes her head at the slimes words. "I will not harm her, for that you have my word. However the wizard may not. She will be quite safe here whilst we leave and go to the tower. Though there is no promises we will not be while we are at the tower." She then leans forward with a fair bit of jiggle and began to wave her hands through the air as she casted a spell. An image began to form in the air before the slime, seeming to take shape with the demoness' motions. Soon a tower of smooth black stone took shape before her. The towers top was crowned with spikes and wicked and nasty little gargoyles. Two large stain glass windows on opposite walls of the top most room. At the base was a single sturdy oak door. The whole image was barely bigger then the slimes head. "And yes the windows have been warded and trapped against aerial visitors."

"That is the old man's home. I may be able to deal with magical traps and things, the warded door and it's rather mundane lock bar my progress. Which is where you come in." She smiles as she sets the tower to slowly turning for the slimes to take in the sight of the tower. "I protect you from any magical surprises and you squeeze through the door with a tendril or your whole self to unlock and open in from the other side. Fair enough? I doubt it will be the only door you will need to do it for." She then sat back with another small jiggle to see what the slime thought of the plan. "And if you are worried about being too bright red, I am sure we can dye you darker for a little while."
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori felt empty without someone inside herself, a yawning void opening up inside her, 'Same as any other day.' She thinks as she slinks away from Maryanne, "Looks easy enough so I just ooze through the door and pop it?" The slime asks half focused on the illusion and the Demoness's breasts. The black stone and gargoyles made the entire thing scream necromancer to her though, but the stained glass was definitely a wizard thing.

Listening to her proposal Tori couldn't help but feel as if she was getting the better deal out of this, "Thanks for the offer but, if I'm literally just a door lady then we can skip the dye thing." She replies not wanting to guess what they'd tell her not to eat, no doubt it would drive the slime to distraction. "So when are we hitting it Ezi?"
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 235/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

The demoness smiled and gave a small nod. "True, though I may need your help whilst we are inside for more locks, the old codger is a paranoid sort. As to leaving we can leave when you are ready." She then placed a couple fingers into her mouth past her dark lips and gave a sharp whistle, which seemed to get a deep growl from the woods. "No need to worry about your meal on wheels there, she will be kept safe for you." After a few moments a massive black wolf emerged from the woods and padding quietly over to the seated demoness, his glowing red eyes warily watching Tori and her makeshift skeleton. The large beast the size of a horse as it knelt down near Æzieth.

Æzieth gently cupped the large beast's muzzle and seemed to whisper something softly to him, which seemed to stop the wary look and seem to settle him. She then smiled and planted a kiss on his nose, not seeming to mind that it was wet and leaving a sheen on her lips. "Ariathus here will keep her safe and see that she is well looked after. Isn't that right?" The wolf gave his head a small bob as he sharp tooth maw opened up to spoke. "Of course my love. I will see to it."
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

"One or a few same thing." The slime replied smugly, having no sense of scale or ability to count past 10 and in rare cases 12, a baker's dozen would have drove Tori mad as the number didn't match the name.

She watches as the Demoness whistles and out pads a beast that looked like its mother might have been wishing she had been fucked by a giant. The black wolf being as tall as a horse, "Mmm and he talks." Tori wasn't above fucking beasts those having been her staple meal for much of her unenlightened life. To say she was Leering would have been a lie, the slime was past that already plotting on how to convince the Wolf to mount her. "I wouldn't mind being looked after by that big boy. Let's focus on the wizard thing first." As Tori was already forgetting what she needed to do in the presence of the two lovers?
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 235/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

The demoness smiles and nods once more, her hand combing through the wolf's fur a moment. "Alright. The sooner we get there the more time we will have." She stood fluidly and waved her hand, the makeshift throne vanishing back into the earth. She then set her goblet down and whispered something to the human who nodded and waffled off into the darkness. "I have had it found out he should be gone for most of the night. But that still wont mean his home his defenceless. Whether from traps or his own servants." She then turned her full attention back to Tori and began to sashay over towards her.

"Now you are in for bit of a treat my little ruby." The demoness drawing close to Tori, her hand reaching out to softly stroke the slime's cheek. A pleasant tingle running from the demoness' fingers into her fluid body. The slime's attention being drawn towards the now close soft globes of flesh still softly jiggling from the trip over towards Tori. "Though perhaps you might wish to tear your gaze away from me." The demoness smiling softly as she retrieved her hand from Tori. Once Tori finally manages to pry her sight from the soft curves of the demoness, she would find herself somewhere completely different.

The stood on a rocky incline, a small rock path climbing down and back into the forest before her. Turning around, Tori would have to look up despite the few dozen of feet between herself and the black stone of a tower. Though this close, it appeared to be made from a solid mass and rose up at least sixty feet above them. From where they stood, she could catch sight of the large window at the top and the crouching stone guardians at the top. Other then the door, there appeared to be no other windows or holes in the black stone. "This is as close as I could get us. I have never been inside. Plus likely has some sort of protection to prevent me from popping in."
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori couldn't help but move her eyes back to Æzieth as the demoness practically slithers out of her seat, and walks over to her. When she standing next to Tori the slime finds it hard to look anywhere else but those swaying orbs hanging right there near her. The hand startles her a bit as Tori usually doesn't 'feel' others, the flash of pleasure was a pleasant shock causing her to relax a bit more in her proximity.

When told to look around she focuses around her and notes that they were not anywhere near their previous position. "...What? When did this happen?" She questions looking around her as the Demoness tells her about the limitation of her transport to the objective.

"At least you got us nearby, would have sucked getting here on foot. Anything I should watch out for?" She asks as she approaches the tower dropping her low level enchantments for now not wanting to trigger any magic sucking traps or crazy wizard thing.

Unless it was something that would hinder the slime Tori simply tries enters the door by oozing around it.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 235/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Æzieth holds up a hand quickly once Tori starts to make her way towards the door. The demoness approaching the door a, her hands weaving symbols in the air which caused the door to shimmer. After a few moments of shimmering with violet energy, it faded back into the door. Weaving a few more symbols which seemed to bring about no other effects. "Alright, now it is safe for you to ooze on through. Might be best not to rush on ahead and touch things without me looking first."

Oozing through the door is quite easy for the slime and she even manages to get her core through as well. Inside the tower is light by float pale lights and illuminating a fairly lavish receiving room. The carpet is soft and quite plush and a deep shade of red with what looks like gold scroll work along the walls. In the center were half a dozen large soft couches with way too many cushions and a large table in the center of the group. Along the walls were painting of various nature scenes and a few scenic tapestries of a young robed man with a glowing staff. A staircase spiraling up the side of the wall and starting directly opposite of her.

As Tori coalesces on the other side she can hear the the foot falls of something walking above her and some sort of swishing sound. Seemed the tower was not as empty as the demoness had mentioned.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori nods as she agrees not to touch things, 'Unless they looked absolutely delicious.' With that she oozes around the door the soft loam of the woodland proving no obstacle to the slime.

Once inisde Tori immediately agrees with the wizard's design choice the opulent setting set on a tastefully red carpet, truly this wizard was a man of great taste. It's not long before the slime hears movement above her, putting the slime into a small pkckle, "Take care of the Help now or after I unbar this door?"

Tori checks the door to see the ease of which she could open it from this side, hopefully if wasn't some bastard of a castle gate and a halfling door requiring her to go off on a quest to find the levers to open the damn thing. She wasn't sure if the Help was going to survive if it was the case.

If she is able to, open the door.
Otherwise slime outside and ask her where the button/switch/lever is and if the Help inside the Tower is needed.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 235/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Fortunately for the slime the locks were quite simple to use and the bar across the door was easily lift out of the brackets barring it shut. and in moments she has the door opened up for the demoness to saunter right on in. Æzieth looks about with a large grin and gives the slime's head a small rub. "Good job." She then starts forward only to freeze when she hears the foot fall of the servant on the next floor.

She places a finger to her lips to urge for quiet while wandering towards the stairs to take a quick peek up. After a moment she stepped back and urged Tori to come towards her, and if Æzieth would lean in to whisper softly to her. "Could you be a dear and take a peek up there for me?" She then stepped back to allow the slime some room to work.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori preens under the praise, shutting up when told and moves to lean in a bit closer then needed really. Understanding Æzieth Tori flattens out and flows up the steps peeking over the lip of the stairs with a handful of slime. Trying to blend in with the red carpet as she looks for what is moving about the second floor.

Solid Snake Slime tries to make it up the stairs and spy undectected.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 235/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

19 vs 9
Stealth success

Æzieth does not seem to mind as the slime leans in close to the demoness while sneaking a peek at the next level. With a thin tendril oozing its way up, Tori manages to keep it out of sight whilst she takes in the room and its occupant. Much like the main floor, this room was also covered in soft red carpet. Though lining the walls and standing nearly to the ceiling like pillars in several spots in the center were tall dark wood book shelves. No shelf let vacant as all were filled with some sort of book or tome, or in some cases what looked like piles of haphazardly stacked scrolls.

Moving amidst the book shelves was a small three foot little creature who was nearly as dark as the stone walls. As it drifted closer to the stairs, with sweeping broom in its knobby hands. Tori can make out that it is some sort of little stone golem. Its pale blue eyes seeming to be fixated on patches of dust and dirt only it can seen as it pulls out a duster and goes to town on a shelf to get it sparling clean. It was up to Tori if she wanted to try and deal with the creature and impress the demoness or sneak past it.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori is able to peak over the stairwell into the, stately book room seeing her quarry, a small golem that seems intent on cleaning the shelves. She doesn't hesitate not bothering to wait in case there was others and charges across the room intending to grapple and pin the smaller humanoid.

Charge to the (Small Golem)
Grapple if within 10 Ft <Tentacles>
and I think if I win the Grapple Check I can do [Tonight You] as a Free Action?
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 227/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

39 vs 47
Grapple fail

Golem attacks back
Tori's dodge = 49
Golem's attack = 49 Glancing blow
8 Damage

For such a small creature it has a surprising bit of strength and smashed an arm through her goo enough for it to slip free of her grasp. Turning around, it's pale blue eye settling upon her with a soft angry sort of way. It glasped its fingers together with a grinding of stone before swing its fists towards Tori in an arc. Though it sailed a little short having misjudged the distance with its short arms, and only takes a small bit of red gel with it as its knuckles dig a small furrow through her belly.

Tori can hear the demoness scurrying up behind on the stairs. Her head soon sticking up to see what was causing the small commotion. In front of her Tori can get a better look at the creature before her. The golem is made of smooth black stone and has a small glowing blue heart in the center of its bare and flat chest. She can also see that any of her drugged fluid or her natural lust inducing attacks will have no effect on this little golem as it lack any sort of anatomy.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori was surprised when the tiny creature was able to escape her clutches not expecting honestly that it would be strong the fact the golem managed to hurt her ontop of everything was icing on the embarrassment cake.

"Stupid golem." She says heatedly as slime smooths over the recently punched area, "Let's see how tough you are!" Tori lashes out with her Chain, while trying to maneuver around the golem to stop it from potentially running away.
Tori tries to Move around the Golem to cut it off from going deeper into the room.
Tori Attacks using her Whip [One Handed] for PP damage due to Bound Spell [-1Whip EP Pool to cast (Vibrating Touch) at 30 Mind]
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 227/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Tori - 42
Golem - 28

Tori - 32 vs 28 hits
No damage, golem is immune to PP damage

Golem -30 vs 42 miss

The chain gives the golem a moments pause, enough of one for Tori to take that moment to strike with the chain. The chain smacks into the golems side, the spell coursing through its body, though having no effect on it. Given its artificial nature and its lack of any anatomy, it was very unlikely to change. The golem looks down at the chain that had hit its side a moment before shaking its head at the slime. It threw its fingers out towards Tori, the fingers suddenly shooting forward like tendrils, though aimed at skewering her rather then grabbing her. Though fortunately it is sent a little wide and misses.

Whilst the two tangled, the demoness began to slowly make her way around the duo. Making sure to stay out of range of both of their attacks.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

I figured it was also immune to PP but, Tori would have tried it anyways.

Tori manages to land her hit onto the body of the golem, the slime internally fist pumping as... 'Did it just shake it's hea- Oh my that's sharp!'

"Hey your not supposed to ingore that!"
Tori complains as she dodges the poorly aimed fingers? Tentacles? "Just go and break then you mean golem!" Tori lashes out with her chain aiming to hurt her opponent and keep the golem occupied as Æzieth makes her way around the two. The slime was more then a little annoyed that she forgot to ask if she could cast spells.

Attack with Chain again, for HP damage [One Handed]
- Move in the opposite direction of Æzieth to cover for her.