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A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 172/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

The witch reacted in the very predictable reaction of any being, being wrapped up in slime by a rape happy monster. The startled witch began to shift and struggle as she felt the cool slime wrap about her limbs. immobilizing her completely. Though she appeared to be quite angry at being caught once more, she had very little choice in listening to what the slime said to her. She simply frowns and attempts to struggle to cover herself as she is divested of her clothing.

Glaring up at the slime after being given three choices to chose from. "How am I to know you will actually keep your word? Who is to say you wont simply do what you want regardless of what I pick?" The witch continued to struggle weakly within her gooey prison. The look on her face showing she didn't trust the rape happy slime encasing her now naked body.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

As Tori's core makes its home in the witch's bust controlling the witch's body to make her struggling fruitless she mulls over the Witch's answer and question, while trying her hardest not to simply fuck her feeling nice and full encompassing another person like this.

Tori mulled over how to answer, while pressing the witch's breast against one another and her core basking in the pleasant sensation of flesh. "You don't? I can't exactly say that I'll leave you alone nor promise that I won't leave you afterwards because you don't trust me. And I don't happen to have an ritual or some crazy magic that would help me keep my word. Mugh thinking hurts." Not that it did but, the slime found that things tend to choose very quickly when she does say it does.

Slime creeps up past her neck and engulfs her ears muting the background noise of the forest tentacles begin prodding her nethers as well as playing with her breasts, her core nestled in between them, 'I might break my promise anyway if she continues nagging.'

"If you don't trust me then I'll choose for you, I just happen to know where a shorn weed bush grows nearby, you'll come to love it." Tori begins writhing around her captive the pool of slime normally at her feet moving upwards thickening the shell of slime around the witch as she manipulates her like an marionette. The stronger slime forcing her body to get up and begin walking against her will, the powerful aphrodisiac native to her begins coating the witch's skin completely slathering every inch of her in the toxin, even as two rapidly hardening mounds begin to press and vibrate against her lower holes. Slime surges up slowly crawling to encase the witch's head completely in slime, it covers the back half of her head first before coming around to seal itself in her front. The sapphire chain which usually is wrapped around Tori's core is instead wrapped tight up the sorceress's left leg following her side until it again is wrapped around her upper left arm.

The witch if she has anything to say doesn't have long before her head is completely encased in slime or till the toxin begins working in earnest.
Despite the length the entire exchange happens very quickly actions happening as Tori talks/thinks. Maryanna can talk after her head is covered in slime just that no one but, Tori would hear her.

Maybe she doesn't panic Neh?
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 172/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

The witch glared at the slime as she tried a little more with little head way on freeing herself. Had she had a hand free she might have been able to escape with a wind spell or another trick. Though as Tori spoke, the toxin with in her body began to quickly effect the witch, her body reacting in some very obvious signs of arousal despite her best efforts to stop them.

After Tori had finished speaking, the witch seemed to resign herself to her soon to be rapey fate. "Fine.... Do what you want...." Though had she been about to say something else, it was swiftly cut off by the slime encasing her head. And like any mortal being submerged in a fluid, she begins to panic, an instinctive response to drowning in slime.

Sorry about the late reply, didn't know I was so far behind. I will try to improve my post rate.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

No problem it helped me I was in court recently it took up alot of my time, not to mention the current situation isn't conductive to writing.

:Tori only remembers as Maryanne begins panicking to make her slime permeable to air, allowing her meal to breathe, she lets the witch regain control of her body during her panic attack to speed up the process of her adjusting to being cocooned in slime. Snapping it away the moment she stops panicking. "My bad, forgot to let air through." the slime says as she brings both of them outside. The witch trapped inside her ruby body seemingly walking under her own accord, makes their way towards the Shorn Weed the slime had enjoyed the other day.

All the while she continues to idly pump more and more lust toxin into the witch the suit of slime keeping the poor dear on the edge of orgasming the entire way, no penetration occurring to give her respite from its knowledgeable touch of the slime, her body riding that high for the hours it takes Tori to find the plant. Tori taking particular pleasure in the way the witch begins breaking down as final release is denied to her time and time again, careful not to sip from her spirit taking in only that small overflow that happens naturally in humans.

Tori quickly moves up to the plant her own tendrils deflecting those of the Weed's and carefully aiming the pollen shooter away from herself as she sits all but straddling the stamen of the plant between Maryanne's thighs pressing against her aphrodisiac laden skin trapped between the Witch's amazing rack her hands holding the mighty tool and she freezes the movement of the witch as her slime engulfs the twitching plant she strokes the plant bringing it near boiling quickly, the witch's tired body which has been kept on edge since they left the cabin seeped in the Slime's aphrodisiacs proves no resistance against her as she moves them to mount the Shorn Weed.

A layer of slime covering the entirety of the plant cock to ensure Tori would be the one to drain the witch when she cums.

"Oh aren't you excited? Your first orgasm of your new life! You probably don't understand me right now but, its an monumental occasion. Now cum for me cow feed your new master all your delicious power." Tori whispers into Maryanne's ears as she lets the witch drop onto the Shorn Weed both sides cumming when she does. Maryanne's body shudders in ecstasy climaxes and orgasms rolling together her battered body unable to stop the long continuous orgasm the woman no doubt passing out from the enormous release her pussy is filled with plant jizz and seeds of which Tori happily absorbs in equal measure to Maryanne's magic. Gorging herself on the Witch the slime happily suckling away on her breasts when the orgasms subside, draining away the Shorn ejaculation each time it occurs crushing the seeds and eating those as well.

Only when it would be dangerous to continue drawing on the Witch does Tori stop. Expanding her slime to retake spherical shape bundling her new food source Tori moves to where she remembered the river was, it would be a waste of her invested time but, humans tended to frown upon imprisoning their species, unless they were those nice shady looking people she found in cloaks once having sex with that one lady. They were rudely interrupted by another man and didn't care that Tori began fucking him one even giving the slime a high five. Good times.

Drain Witch dry.
Search for the river, cause if she isn't thirsty I'm a Drider.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 207/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

It took a while for her to calm down once Tori began to let air begin to reach the captive witch with in her slime. Any arousal she may have had before was gone after her panicked struggle for survival and air. The witch resigned herself to her fate as the slime forced her to move outside and into the woods. Her breath beginning to turn to pants as the slime once more began to slowly effect her body and arousing her.

It took Tori a couple hours to find the shorn weed from the previous day. By the time they had reached the plant, despite Tori's best effort the witch had climaxed a couple times from the teasing and the witch's thighs rubbing together as she walked through the woods. Spying the shorn weed, the witch gave a very brief and ultimately futile struggle before resigning herself to the slime's plan.

Feeling the large girth of the plant soon filling her body, the witch has no choice but to settle in for the long ride. Which thanks to Tori's efforts in that matter, did not take very long. All too soon, the witch begins to convulse once more from the slime's teasing and exploring slime as well as the plant's rigid length. She quickly fell asleep as Tori drunk her fill of the woman's spirit, the plant quite happy thinking it had implanting seedlings into a real woman. Though who could say for sure if it really knew the difference.

It would only take her a few hours after that for her to find a quiet spot by the river.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Finding a relatively quiet spot took longer then she expected feeling bloated with her recent meal when Tori does find one she traps air inside her slime body making makeshift ballast ring around her "midsection" before dropping into the river. Hanging low in the water her passenger's weight dragging the slime low in the water, only thanks to the small ovals of air pockets in Tori's body stopping the slime from being completely submerged. Floating towards the middle of the river Tori lets the current take her, content to be on the 'road' once more.

Shifting her guest cum food around carefully Tori spits the Witch out "onto" her instead of inside her curled up slightly resting in a depression, less dense 'slime' almost water in its consistency fills the inside of the bowl constantly drugging Maryanne with low doses of her aphrodisiac and allowing the Slime's core to stay nestled in her wonderfully soft and large chest, Tori made changing the slime's shape into a bowl with an rather thick 'lip' around it floating downstream, extending paddles of slime occasionally to keep them in the center of the river. While she waited for the Witch to wake, it was nearly noon now.

Jump into River and off to Adventure! And seriously pissed Witches.

Also just imagine a large inner tube with a bottom, Maryanne's head and calfs down is resting on the tube and the rest of her are in the middle swimming in drugs. Yay Drugs!
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 207/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

The travel down the river was quite uneventful, going undisturbed for the better part of the day. It would be a while longer yet before the witch began to stir from her sleep. As the witch began to wake, the slime could hear a strangle rumbling and grumbling sound, and upon looking for the noise would discover it coming from her captive. Having been stewing in drugged fluids for most of the day, her captive had quite a healthy flush covering her skin and her nipples were like little stones against the slime.

Had the witch not been so drugged, she likely would have tried to escape, instead she only let out a single word before she began to moan from the drugged fluid and the slime nestling and playing with her heavy bosom. "Hungry......"Though unlike the slime herself, the human witch still needed actual food and water to survive, and if Tori wish to keep one as a pet, it would be a lesson she would need to learn soon.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

The day passes without much happening the slime making good time downriver to her next hunting ground.

Eventually the Witch does wake, near the end of the day moaning from the gentle treatment to her chest and her overall condition of being stewed in the Slime's aphrodisiac making her very docile. The first thing she does though is complain about food, "You human's sure are high maintenance." Tori begins as tube top of solid slime appears around Maryanne's chest connecting her to the slime boat as the aphrodisiac is drained.

"First water as you have been dripping in me all day you naughty thing." Tori taunts her captive on her current slime assisted state, reinforcing her dominance over the Witch and Maryanne's helpless state. While a hollow tentacle forms and makes it's way to the Witch's mouth forcing it's way inside if need be as it begins pumping slime filtered river water into her, laced as it was with aphrodisiacs Tori having abritarity decided to get Maryanne used to everything she is given tainted by them, not too much only equal to one or two glasses worth of water unless her captive demands more.

The slime in the meantime starts paddling for the right bank of the river, getting out after her meal ticket is watered once more reforming her suit of slime around the woman, carrying the witch inside of her puppeting her as she had earlier that day only this time she leaves Maryanne's mouth and ears uncovered. Though slime runs up the back of her head cradling it should Maryanne fall asleep or decide 'rest' inside the suit while Tori searches. Tori does occasionally tease her captive audience, though no where near as bad as she had earlier, during her search.

"Right food, uh berries and stuff are good right? I can probably get some eggs and boil them pretty easily. Ugh I wished I paid more attention to what Kairi was eating." The slime grouses as she begins to walk away from the riverside, she begins using her knowledge of herbalism to try finding edible plants and climbing the occasional tree to find bird nests in hopes of looting their eggs. Of course if there is an animal that doesn't run from the slime Tori would happily subdue it and ask her buffet how she would want her meat cooked.
Tori Searches for a meal in the fading light fit for Humans.
Tori also casts and maintains {B} [Buff] Strength Lesser and {W} [Utility] Gliding Winds for 2EP and 0EP Upkeep.

(Mind)20/6=3 (rounded down) 3*2+2(Focus in Body)+2(Physician)= 10 Body Points for 42 Body.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 205/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

It takes a little while but Tori managed to gather up some berries and a few roots and plants the witch woman could safely eat. She had found a couple nests, but sadly despite her spells, she still wound up accidentally knocking the nest down to cause the eggs to splat against the ground. She was still a little unused to moving with another person's body. The witch is quite happy to sate her hunger upon the berries and plant fibres the slime did manage to snag though.

With her captives most basic of needs satisfied, Tori was free to plan her next course of action. The witch a little grumpy, but resigned to her drugged and captive state. At least for now anyway.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

After working on feeding her pet sating her, for now her captive reminds, the slime doesn't have much of a plan except heading North and finding a town... Tori begins to massage and suckle on the Witch's breasts drawing out her magic as she ponders on what to do, listening to the squeaks of pleasure Maryanne makes as she does. "West and North? Darn that's on the other side of the river uh?" Tori says to herself as she wanders under the thick boughs of the jungle, walking Northwest back towards the river more North then West not caring to hit the river too soon.

She does cover the Witch's ears in her slime muffling the sounds of the forest around her, the slime begins to speak, "Your delicious as always Maryanne." the slime praises her pet, "Such thick sweet milk you have today, and I can feel you practically gushing in me from playing with your tits. Your getting off on this aren't you? Tori remembers from her first feeding of Maryanne that the Witch had gotten off from just being milked. "Your made for this to be held captive and turned into a mobile buffet, I wonder why you try fighting against me in the first place? Look at you now so docile and quiet you can't fight against your true nature can you?"

The slime keeps up the conversation till they reach the bank of the river, knowing soon Maryanne would need to sleep, as humans are apt to do at night. Tori spends some time searching for a good tree she could spend the night in offering some protection from being seen from the ground.
Drain Maryanne's EP through her breasts -that actually sounds weird-
Tori tries to break in her human! It'll probably be ineffective!
Find river again and find a tree to sleep in for the night for a drained Maryanne.
-Pay 0EP for continued use of Lesser Strength and Gliding Winds.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 245/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Tori's captive human could do very little but squirm and moan in captive bliss. The slime draining plenty of milk from her breast as they made it back to the wide river they had been floating along. All too soon they were off like a raft in the current as Tori brought her moaning prisoner to a few more orgasms along the way, just from the feeling of her milk being drained and a few more from the teasing touches to her heaving bosom.

As night began to fall, Tori climbed to shore onto some rockier terrain then the pleasant one they had for the better part of the day. Fortunately using Maryanne as a base for her slime made it a little easier to traverse over with all the little nooks and crannys Tori could slip into. Stepping closer to the silent wood, something felt off to Tori, and she could feel as if something was watching.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori felt uneasy as she approached the woods, "Its too quiet here, like I hunted here recently or something." The slime complaining into her captive's ear as they climbs the rocky banks of the stream. Checking that both her low-power enchantments are still running Tori begins spilling new slime from her core thickening the shell of slime surrounding Maryanne and unwinding her chain from the woman the sapphire chain clinking as it spills out of the ruby slime, its other end appearing to be held by the Witch's left hand.

Once Maryanne is completely encased once more in her gelatinous embrace Tori burns some of her stored and stolen magic to try to find her sudden sense of being watched, her slime lights up suddenly banishing the dark from around her as her already supernatural senses become even sharper.

"Who's there? Show yourself! Tori shouts into the night, mimicking somewhat poorly of Maryanne's voice.

Tori draws her Chain 1H and Enters Full Defense
-- Shapeshift Night Eyes, Glowing Skin, Keen Eyes/Ears/Nose 10EP
--- Search for hidden watcher.
---- Continue paying 0EP for Lesser Strength and Gliding Winds.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 235/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Perception 27 vs 39 = Fail

Despite Tori's precautions, she can see nothing in the woods surrounding her or hear a response back to her question. But she can still sense eyes upon her and her captive witch, and the sense of wrongness continued to swirl about the slime, till it felt as if it was circling her and making its away across the water. Had she had actual hair it would have been standing on end with the tightness in the air. But it left Tori with an option, should see go and see what hid in the darkness and seemed to be avoiding her, or turn her back to the thing that might be lurking and run back to the safety of the river behind her.

What ever she might decide, she seemed to have a few minutes at the moment as she seemed to be alone in silence, not even the wind was present to rustle the leaves this night. Though she did know her captive was tired and was unable to support her own weight currently and requiring the slime to support her.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori winks out, her glowing body suddenly not anymore her ears and sense of smell returning to their previous levels of unpowered ability, her eyes still glint in the dark staying at their empowered form, "Right then not friendly, no difference."

Tori begins moving the feeling of Maryanne inside her she then remembers, her slime flowing almost leaving her snack bar behind, concentrating on keeping the woman upright and moving will hinder her if it comes down to a fight. "It is dark you are attacked by a grue." Tori mutters, misquoting a half remembered saying, actively going into the forest searching for her Hunter. She begins playing with the Witch's breasts to work off some nervous energy.

Tori Enters Forest
Searches again
Pays Lesser Strength and Gliding Winds along with Night and Keen Eyes, if needed 4EP.

OOC:Not Draining Energy but, hey they are right there its the Witch's fault for not covering them right?
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 235/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

What ever was making her feel on edge was still lurking just beyond her sight, hiding in the deep woods. As she cautiously made her way deeper into the woods, the feeling began to surround her as if what ever was watching her was growing in number and circling about her. A soft distant growl emanating all about her. The witch made no noise as she slept unaware of the danger or the slime's absent minded teasing.

All to soon, a soft sound began to float through the air. The dirge soon reaching her and speaking of sorrow and loss in it's sorrowful notes. The growling faded as a soft voice rang out about her, almost sounding like a whisper right next to her head. "Come child. Take a brave step closer. You shan't need that weapon of yours." The voice sweet and melodic as it faded. As if in invitation a pale light could be seen just beyond the bushes before her.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

When, the voice eventually starts speaking the slime was on her wits ends, she was jumping at shadows trying to find her invisible watcher(s), the only visible sign of her agitation was the increasing ripples of disturbed slime making up her 'skin'.

"Stupid no good sneaky folks." Tori complains, each second feels as if she was observed by an another thing in the murky shadows. Her usual short temper worn past the breaking point, yet she had nothing to lash out at, she was about ready to start really pumping magic into her form and start tearing trees apart when the voice startled her.

The slime immediately starts crouching low her vision showing her every direction at once spell words on her lips as she snapped to the sudden appearance of light. Tori outright growled at the source of illumination, "Yea I'll just walk right in to the light as soon one of you shows yourself." The slime says in her normal voice all but, ready to fortify herself and run in the other direction. The monster was unsure what to do having never been put in shoes of absolute prey, it rankled her.

Stop paying All Augments
Except for Lesser Strength.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 235/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

The woods and the darkness showed no sign of changing, nor the soft red light coming from the break in the woods before her. "Ah, but I already am showing myself my dear. You but need to take several steps. I can promise no harm shall befall you as long as you are, pleasant." The voice still soft as it spoke softly through the darkness. A faint bit of mirth tinting the speaker's words. As the woman uttered the words, the darkness surround her sides and behind seemed to calm and the sensation of peering eyes faded. Though the woods were still eerily absent of normal forest sounds. Still did not stop her from now seeing a tiny bit of movement to her sides and behind her though, what ever creatures that were hiding making themselves known a tad so she knew she was still surrounded.

Should the wary slime step into the light she would step out into a small clearing. Though from the trees laying stacked up around the edges would reveal it had been made by some mighty beast. In the center lounging quite calmly on a rather ornate looking throne was a very beautiful red skinned demoness. Though given Tori's rather particular obsession, her attention is likely drawn to her large gold and leather clad bosom, which from appearances, was a little larger then her current captive. Her black painted lips curled into a smile. In one hand was a gold goblet and in the other was a floating red hellish flame, which was dancing with her fingers. Next to her throne was a naked pale man, a severing tray holding a pitcher of something on his back. The demoness' dark void like eyes watched Tori curiously. "Not to worry dear, my pets shan't harm you. For now."
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori was glad the voice made the feeling of being watched fade even if it made her note thay she was seriously outclassed in the term of numbers as shadows begin moving around her. Not that numbers exactly scared the slime having some dull memories of participation in a gangbang with Goblins or her mother?

'Whatever, I can handle them later.' She thinks as she straightens and her shell of slime settling as her chain is retracted into her body, curling up and around Maryanne's arm before making it wrap back around her waist. She enters the red light she couldn't help the thought.

'I wonder if she owns a brothel?'

She enters the clearing she notes that something extremely strong made the clearing, of course that's about as far as she gets when lays her eyes on the buxom demon her eyes tracing the contours of her chest, paying extra attention to where the red skin of the breasts are open to air. Before stopping before the woman she does manage to take note that she is the source of the red light and that a man is currently being used for a table?

Listening to her talk about pets Tori had a feeling the things following her was something more then just beasts or goblins.

Seeing as the demon wasn't going to take offense to her own pet Tori felt a whole lot better about the entire setup, her breasts might have affected the decision a bit. "Oh your absolutely delicious miss, also nice furniture oh do you..." Tori makes vague sweeping gesture with her arm towards the man. "Train him to do that? Humans are usually so rambunctious and free spirited."
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori: EP = 235/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

The demoness gives a small musical chuckle and nods as she set her goblet upon the tray. "Oh yes my dear. Though as you can see, my table quite enjoys his lot. I find pets who do not enjoy obeying your every little desire are quite dull." She smiles as gestures vaguely to the man, who if Tori were to look, was quite hard and leaking like a sieve. "So tell me my dear, what brings you to these woods? Surely it is not to acquire a pet of your own? Or just looking to get yourself a travelling morsel?" Her dark eyes seeming to watch her directly despite the lack of anything but black. She leans down a moment over the side of her throne like chair, her bosom squishing against the arm and threatening to pop out of her very small top. "Come join me for a drink."

After a moment she sits back up with a fair bit of wobbling flesh, a new goblet in hand. The dark blood crimson coloured flame floated up into the air above her as she poured a dark violet liquid into the cup. Her black painted lips curled up into large grin as she offered Tori to cup. Her eyes once more resuming to watch the slime with a bit of amused interest and rather obvious curiosity. Her table was quiet, of all sound but his breathing and the steady sound of his leaking.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Tori looks to confirm and indeed the man was clearly if not enjoying it was recieving pleasure from being there. At the Demoness's words she takes a pause to answer.

"A temporary buffet, I'll likely release her eventually, otherwise... something unpleasant happens, I really don't like competition. They also are meanies and try to steal things for themselves." The slime huffs remembering something, clearly she was speaking of those she turned into slimes.

Tori eyes the goblet, eventually as her host's tits stopped trying to escape confinement much to her personal ire, not really all that hyped about drinking flavored water, being a slime food didn't actually have a taste for her. The whole eyeless staring thing didn't get to Tori really as from mirrors she could do the same only without the endless feeling of falling into them if she focused too long. The slime accepts the offer and the goblet, unsure of what she should sit on and settles on making a chair of her own from her slime.

This naturally thinned the shell of slime around Maryanne, multiple tendrils of slime extend to take the second goblet from the still unnamed demoness more then one dip into the goblet to check if she could have Maryanne drink it. "I don't believe I have a name to go with your breasts?" Tori asks innocently.
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